[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Amp? solution for my squeezebox2

2005-10-02 Thread x94blair3

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to insinuate there would be anything wrong with
spending crazy amounts of cash :-)

I can see how it came out wrong.

Anyway, I'll explore the other options as well.  I appreciate
everyone's feedback.



audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: optimal sound level squeezebox2?

2005-09-30 Thread x94blair3

Thank you.  I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me.  I'll
tinker with my receiver and the SB2 and see if I can find the right

I suppose sometimes it's not as complicated as science, sometimes it
just comes down to what sounds good!


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Amp? solution for my squeezebox2

2005-09-30 Thread x94blair3

Thanks for the links.  I can't imagine modding one of these myself, but
then again I can't imagine paying $265 for what was once a $30 piece of
electronics.  Not that it wouldn't be better, it obviously would.

Not to over simplify, but it appears the electronics of this box is
what makes it sound so good, but the rest is junk?  Anyone use the same
electronics and bundle it in a $100-200 range?  If not, perhaps that
pre-modded option is worth considering.



audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: optimal sound level squeezebox2?

2005-09-30 Thread x94blair3

usualsuspects Wrote: 
> I take it from your original post that you are using the volume control
> in your receiver, and not the SB? You might take a look at this thread:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=16209 for a good
> discussion of SB output voltage issues.

Let me address this question (since I can follow it).  Originally I had
my SB2 set at max (40 I think it is?) and I had my receiver down pretty
low (in the evening when I'm sleeping)..it sounded awful.  I've now
scaled back the SB2 volume to "20" and of course had to up my receiver
volume to make it sound as loud.  Now it sounds better.

>From what I can tell it appears this is because the SB2 is putting too
much "power" (probably wrong term) at vol. 40 for my receiver so then
the sound is distorted?

If this is correct, is there any sort of mathematical formula to figure
out what volume on the SB2 my receiver would be happiest with?  Or maybe
it doesn't work that way.  If not I guess I can just set my SB2 to
whatever volume and crank up the receiver accordingly.

I appreciate everyone's efforts...always happy to learn.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: optimal sound level squeezebox2?

2005-09-30 Thread x94blair3

Thanks for the feedback.  Let me see if I'm understanding correctly. 
(I'm only too lazy to TRY and learn..when it's happening accidentally,
I actually enjoy it).

In my head (at 11:32 last night), I was thinking perhaps my SB2 at full
volume was distorting it's own music output.

But if I'm understanding you correctly...it's more likely that my cheap
HT receiver is being fed too much power by the SB2 and it's distorting
the output?  In other words, it's really my HT receivers fault?

Oh God..if that's the case, it's no wonder you people upgrade every 3
weeks.  I can live with the SB2 lower and my receiver higher for a
while, but no way I can handle that long term...

And thus it begins.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] optimal sound level squeezebox2?

2005-09-29 Thread x94blair3

This might sound crazy...but...here goes.

I noticed tonight that my a couple of albums in my "sleeping playlist"
sounded like garbage.  It's hard to describe exactly...sort of warbly? 

At the time I was listening to an album from Itunes.  I made a mental
note to rip the quality of their mp3's (and lack of support for
lossless) in my blog in the morning and moved on to the next album. 
This one was an mp3 album also but from another site.  It sounded
"better" but maybe not really.

Soo...I moved on to albums I have ripped in flac.  And it was
noticeably better but still "off".  At this point it's driving me
insane.  And I suddenly think, could it be the volume level I have the
squeezebox set to?  Sure enough I have it maxed out, so I lowered it to
20 and upped my stereo volume to compensate.  

Now even the garbage from itunes sounds "better" although it's
painfully obvious that I need to replace the albums with true lossless

I don't confess to know much about electronics, or even the hardcore
side of being an audiophile.  I love music, I have a crapload of it,
and in time I'd like to feel that I've got quality bang for my buck
equipment and speakers and plenty of money left over to buy more music.
I'll never touch the level of expertise or interest that you guys

Is it possible the the maxed volume setting on the SB2 wss contributing
to the problem or am I just losing it at 11:32PM?  If that is the case,
any tips on how to maximize my listening pleasure?

Sorry if this is misinformed or way off the wall...


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amp? solution for my squeezebox2

2005-09-29 Thread x94blair3

I'm planning to move my squeezebox to the bedroom (with plans to run my
new HTPC as it's own player within my entertainment center).  I was
looking for some sort of inexpensive solution and stumbled across


I was planning to pair this with a couple of bookshelf
speakers...possibly Axiom Audio M2i's.  Does this seem like a good
solution?  What are others doing?  Is there something that'll offer as
good or better quality in this same price range.

at $280 for a pair of M2i's + $30 for a T-amp it's a $300 solution...


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