Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-05-24 Thread Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot;203872 Wrote: 
> I'm visiting tomorrow.  The receptionist was pretty enthusiastic about a
> tour and told me to just drop in.
> They're only about 3 km from my afternoon appointment, a good way to
> spend an hour or so in the morning.
> I may not be allowed to take pictures inside but I will take a photo of
> the exterior of the building at least!
> Now...I just hope I am not sorely tempted by B-stock because I don't
> have the budget for it at the moment.  :-)

Complete write-up and photos at

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-05-22 Thread Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot;197543 Wrote: 
> I wonder if they allow factory tours.  I've been in town twice on
> business.

I'm visiting tomorrow.  The receptionist was pretty enthusiastic about
a tour and told me to just drop in.

They're only about 3 km from my afternoon appointment, a good way to
spend an hour or so in the morning.

I may not be allowed to take pictures inside but I will take a photo of
the exterior of the building at least!

Now...I just hope I am not sorely tempted by B-stock because I don't
have the budget for it at the moment.  :-)

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-28 Thread nuhi

I see that maybe you misunderstood me, I too said it's missing some
speed and woofer freedom. Uptight would be the word.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-28 Thread Andyoz

The way the second hand hifi market is, you can have some real fun
experimenting with speakers in the sub £1000 price bracket.

I never found the bass on my OB1's fast, just slow and "lumpy".  Part
of it was down to the room, but any speaker design that attempts to get
such low freq. extension with small woofers is going to exhibit this
trait to some degree.  It's down to physics unfortunately.

If you want "real" bass from PMC, I'd suggest their new EB1's


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-28 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen, it is Audio Research SP16, dynamic, forward and bassy.
I agree on cables but once you tasted it no way back, I mean on
difference possibility, that PS cable isn't so special.

Andyoz, when the bass kicks it's great, very deep and strong, as I see
it OB1 is neutral as 4B and that could work with certain upstream
components even with badly recorded music.
I don't have to tell you how realistic this sounds with audiophile
If I am to say what's missing, it's speed, I want it more flabby and
jumpy :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-28 Thread Andyoz

I really don't think the OB1's will ever give you the sound you're
after.  Just unscrew one of the OB1 6.25" woofers and hold it in your
hand...that will give you an idea of how far off the mark they are.  By
the sounds of it, the woofers on those things must be hitting their
"stops" at the levels you are running.

I don't know what you paid for them, but if you bought them second hand
you wil get your money back.

You have a good neutral amp now.  Don't be afraid to experiment with
three ways with larger woofers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Yup, sterile sound at low volumes about sums it up. At high volumes it's
very different for me.

Cable I already hate myself for getting this far into this
audiophile world. I think if I started comparing cables it's time to
jump off Brighton pier! However, if it's not too expensive I may have a
punt just to convince myself cable can make no difference to the
sound... :-) ...   groan...

I'm more interested in this valve pre-amp. What is it?
I have a pair of old Quad IIs and when I fixed them up to the Arcs
(which is no way could they drive properly) I was immediately
gobsmacked by the voluptuousness of the sound (this with big slow synth

Maybe I should just have done with it and copy Adam Slim's ultimate
timbre valve set up.. :-)
or stick with the radio.



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen, don't know about the distorsions, never heard any but then
again I'm never even near the max.

About the sterile sound, if I may call it like that...I have the the
exact issue (and taste in music) and it took me some time to figure out
it's Bryston+PMC studio sound by swapping cords and preamps. I'm
sticking with my tube preamp, that's the only thing helping it to some

Btw adding PS Audio Statement SC power cord to the Transporter made it
sound dark with deeper bass, so you might try that too.
But then it's missing some speed so see what is more important to you.

Heh funny is that I'm blaming my room too while in the other room with
the same conditions some plain pc speakers are more fun to listen to
Live and learn...
first I wanted precision and strong bass, now I want it all muffled so
that it's more musical.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Nope, no switches.

I'm now really confused. I think the 4B might be too powerful for the
OB1s, in that the OB1s appear to distort if I play a loud track at full
volume the Bryston red clipping leds do not come on so I presume it
is not the Bryston amp clipping.
If this is the case, the OB1s are being driven beyond their full
potential by the 4B and the Transporter combo I guess.
I've just looked at the Bryston spec for unbalanced/balanced.

It looks like you get 6db more welly by using the balanced outs.
However the inputs figures look like this is negated... but I have to
say I am getting very lost here.

>From the 4B ST spec sheet:

# 29dB (unbalanced)
# 23dB (balanced)

Input sensitivity (balanced):
# 2 Volts in = 100 watts at 8 ohms
# 3.0 Volts in = 250 watts into 8 ohms
# 5.6 Volts in = 800W into 8 ohms Bridged

Input sensitivity (unbalanced):
# 1 Volt in = 100 Watts at 8 ohms
# 1.5 Volts in = 250 watts into 8 ohms
# 2.8 Volts in = 800W into 8 Ohms Bridged

Input Impedance
# 50 Kohms unbalanced
# 20 Kohms balanced

Power Output:
# 250 watts per channel into 8 ohms
# 400 watts per channel into 4 ohms
# 800 watts, bridged into 8 ohms

The OB1 spec says:

# 6 ohms nominal

Recommended Amp power
# Up to 300W

It's just struck me that I'm talking mainly about the bass distorting.
Maybe that's the key.


So far, the Bryston compared to the Naim it's really a bit too
early to be certain and I'll need to add some caveats:

My room is bad... large rectangular with speakers at one end. hard wood
parque flooring. Not too many soft furnishings.

The NAIM amp was not powerful enough to drive the OB1s and clipped
before the OB1s had really kicked in.


The Bryston imaging/sounstage is much more defined.

The sound is more anodyne. It' more exact but has less excitement than
the NAIM. It's not as in-yer-face. The Naim amp seemed to project the
music out of the speakers into the room more. It was more vivid.

Voices (Choral.. Arvo Part stuff, or Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard
ensemble), well recorded classsical.. come across really well. However,
the background sound of the recording equipment is much more noticeable
than ever before. This is odd and I find it extremely annoying.

The sound is all very clean generally.

Although the Transporter is by far the best of all the network
player/Dac combos I've tried so far (amounts to only four) it is still
thinner, has less weight and is less punchy than my Naim CDX. I think
the OB1s and my damn room sort of exaggerate this and I am left with a
sound that is thinner than I want and seems to lack mid bass and enoigh
punch/welly. Saying that, the Bryston gives me more punch with the OB1s
than the Naim did. But this does not come close the the punch and welly
provided by the CDX/Naim amp/Shahinian Arc combo.

I've done virtually all my playing around at volume. When I've turned
the volume down to background listening levels the sound has become
flat, dull, thin, colourless, uninteresting and a waste of time. The
Arcs/Naim set up sounded infinitely more likeable and listenable at low

My main love is a certain type of electronic music which really needs a
much more prominent mid bass than I've got at the moment currently
the very low bass comes through really nicely though.

I'm looking forward to trying the Naim pre-amp on the Bryston/OB1 set
up.. and especially to adding the CDX to this.

Last caveat: further listening could entirely alter the opinion above.



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s.  or not
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread Andyoz

Does the 4B ST have 1V/2V "gain" switches on the rear panel.

The SST does and with my SB3, I have to set it to the 'lower gain'
setting of 2V and I still feel I am getting a very high level out of
it.  If I set it to the 'higher gain' setting of 1V I would be worried
about blowing something.  ust curious if the ST has these switches?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen, thought that you might experience that, it will not go to
it's full potential without a preamp, simply not enough gain.
And those PMC speakers are hard to drive as it is.

Borrow some preamp at a friend or a shop.
Paring source and amp without a preamp is a lottery.
What about the sound compared to Naim? Maybe too early to comment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-27 Thread ModelCitizen

mcBaby02;197869 Wrote: 
> Check out if there is any short circuit.
Cheers. I've been meaning to post back. I had prepared box, letter, ra,
etc to post the amp back, went downstairs to amp with the box, saw I'd
forgottent ot turn the amp off so tried playing some music with the
Transporter... and it worked!

Nothing had changed since the night before so I am expecting it to
happen again but meanwhile I've just been listening to it.

nuhi... definitely not as loud as I expected a 300w amp to be.



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

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SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-26 Thread Phil Leigh

ModelCitizen;197629 Wrote: 
> Gawd, don't you just love the men on this forum. If they can't kill off
> a thread with an agument about jitter, abxing or somesuch they try your
> car!
> MC

Tee hee...
The car is an easy one!

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-26 Thread ModelCitizen

Phil Leigh;197597 Wrote: 
> Well...that says it all really:
> 1) Audi - good but not great
> 2) TT - Oh dear
> So you have paid over the odds (unless you bought used)
> welcome to he world of audiophilia :0)
Gawd, don't you just love the men on this forum. If they can't kill off
a thread with an agument about jitter, abxing or somesuch they try your



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s.  or not
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Phil Leigh

Andyoz;197592 Wrote: 
> Well, you do drive an Audi TT !!

Well...that says it all really:
1) Audi - good but not great
2) TT - Oh dear
So you have paid over the odds (unless you bought used)
welcome to he world of audiophilia :0)

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Andyoz

ModelCitizen;197567 Wrote: 
> Is this another reference to my driving skills?
> MC

Well, you do drive an Audi TT !!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Andyoz;197477 Wrote: 
> At least it's a Bryston so the guarrantee will last longer than you
> will.
Is this another reference to my driving skills?


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s.  or not
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen;197545 Wrote: 
> I can't see any reason to use a pre-amp as the Transporter has one and
> received wisdom is that using the built in Transporter stuff should be
> better than using yet another device (pre-amp). However, I shall be a
> little annoyed if the Transporter does not drive the ST properly and
> the sound is harsh and non-dynamic or the volume is not there.

It wasn't harsh sounding but it was more flat than it was with the
preamp. Now this could be due to the fact that I use tube preamp and
not used to all-solid-state, I'll let you know in 2 days how does a
Bryston preamp sounds compared to no preamp if you're interested.
Volume was there, and since you listen to it loudly it will be dynamic
as well.

But to me it's the "pop" issue alone that makes preamp a must.
If you read my first post while I had some issues with the network the
Transporter reset itself and I heard a loud pop out of the speakers,
the pop is actually same as playing something at max if there is no
preamp. It can be devastating to the speakers and your ears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

ModelCitizen;197547 Wrote: 
> I can't imagine that will be too interesting. It's probably one
> (underemployed) guy and a bench.
> MC

I don't know, the company is obviously enthusiastic about their
product.  Whether they welcome interested people in is another matter

I've been on lots of factory tours (and worked in lots of production
facilities as well) and they're always interesting.  This one would be
extra-interesting because it regards a product I'm interested in.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Mark Lanctot;197543 Wrote: 
> I wonder if they allow factory tours.  I've been in town twice on
> business.
I can't imagine that will be too interesting. It's probably one
(underemployed) guy and a bench.


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

ModelCitizen;197470 Wrote: 
> I'm talking to Andy Wilson at Bryston and sending it back (to Luton).

So they have local service facilities?

I wonder if they allow factory tours.  I've been in town twice on

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Robin Bowes;197541 Wrote: 
> How many trees did you hit on the way??? :)
> R.
The trees were all very stationary that night. :-)


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Robin Bowes
ModelCitizen wrote:
> The Bryston's appear to be built like brick out houses. They are
> incredibly solid and heavy. The damage could have been caused whilst I
> was driving from Pease Pottage to Barcombe but as the amp was in it's
> box in the boot of my TT and I did not drive across fields I doubt it.

How many trees did you hit on the way??? :)


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen;197532 Wrote: 
> nuhli... do I understand you correctly?... do you run a Bryston 4B ST
> (or SST) into OB1s with a Transporter? If so, can you get the volume
> extremely loud indeed?
> I want extreme volume.

Yes you did, can you imagine that, completely the same except that I
usually use the preamp.

When I connected it without the preamp it was too loud for my taste
even at the -14dB on the Transporter, jumper set at 0dB. But it's a
small room so I understand if you needed max volume.

It only got more dynamic as it was louder, thus I concluded that it
does need a preamp, at least for this combo.

If you want it extra-loud and above all more dynamic I recommend  an
active preamp trial then maybe you won't have to crank it up so much,
it does make a big difference.

Here is some info on the subject:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

The Bryston's appear to be built like brick out houses. They are
incredibly solid and heavy. The damage could have been caused whilst I
was driving from Pease Pottage to Barcombe but as the amp was in it's
box in the boot of my TT and I did not drive across fields I doubt it.

I really do think it's all a coincidence but we shall see what Bryston
say. They are interested in the problem and interested in the
Transporter as they have asked me for details of the unit.

Andy... Bryston have been perfect to deal with. They answered my query
about whether the amp had ever been returned for repairs before within
an hour (by email) and gave me tips and a speculative diagnosis over
the phone. They suggested I return it and immediately supplied me with
a returns number. I think they are genuinely interested in the problem.
I don't think they see one of their amps go phut very often.

nuhli... do I understand you correctly?... do you run a Bryston 4B ST
(or SST) into OB1s with a Transporter? If so, can you get the volume
extremely loud indeed?

I want extreme volume.



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Andyoz

haha...AWOL is a bit of a strong term come to think of it.

I think Bryston are the best.  I even read a story of someone with a
really old Bryston that was purcahsed when they 'only' offered a 5 year
guarrantee.  When they announced the 20 year guarrantee policy, they
applied it retrospecively to his amp when he had a problem with it in
the 18 year or something like that.  How's that for confidence in their
own products.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

Andyoz;197486 Wrote: 
> I didn't say there was anything wrong with Bryston...probably why I OWN
> ONE!

:) ok pardon my English, searched on the net for the AWOL explanation.
It's just I'm kinda jumpy because I don't want that my thread provokes
some bad vibe on any of these products, this is all just a big


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Andyoz

nuhi;197483 Wrote: 
> Andyoz, there is nothing wrong with Bryston, his model is the older one,
> it could have gotten damaged during transport.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with Bryston...probably why I OWN


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen;197470 Wrote: 
> nuhi... I have not had this set up before. This was the very first time
> I plugged the Transporter into the Bryston. I only got the Bryston last
> night. Prior to this I'd seen/heard it working driving the rear
> speakers of an incredibly ott system.

Aaa true I was remembering your OB1 with Transporter in the combo, we
share that too, weird how similar paths are taken, must be some kind of
marketing angle that suits us.

Anyway keep us updated.

Andyoz, there is nothing wrong with Bryston, his model is the older
one, it could have gotten damaged during transport.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Andyoz

Oh bugger, so the Bryston has gone AWOL.  Maybe it had a hard time in
transit.  I really can't believe you're luck after all the time you
spent looking for one!!

At least it's a Bryston so the guarrantee will last longer than you
will.  How have Bryston been to deal with?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Andyoz

Oh bugger, so the Bryston has gone AWOL.  Maybe it have had a hard time
in transit.  I really can't believe you're luck after all the time you
spent looking for one!!

At least it's a Bryston so the guarrantee will last longer than you
will.  How have Bryston been to deal with?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

I'm talking to Andy Wilson at Bryston and sending it back (to Luton).
The things is over 20 kilos though!

I think I must just have been unlucky. The Transporter in NAIM power
amp worked fine for ages. I think the Bryston blowing 5 seconds after I
plugged the Transporter into it must just be a pure coincidence.
However, I will get an analysis from Bryston.

Skunk. I've tried the Bryston with an SB3 and my NAIM pre-amp with NAIM
CDX with the same results.

nuhi... I have not had this set up before. This was the very first time
I plugged the Transporter into the Bryston. I only got the Bryston last
night. Prior to this I'd seen/heard it working driving the rear
speakers of an incredibly ott system.


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

ModelCitizen;197402 Wrote: 
> One channel dead and the other very reduced volume.
> Quite a big problem. :-(
> MC

If you weren't driving the amp into clipping and what not then simply
take it on the warranty for the repair. And while you're at it ask them
why did it die and let us know so that others can be careful.
Find exact Transporter output impedance and capacitance and then talk
to the Bryston (James Tanner).

But you had that combo for a long time, I've been reading your posts
before buying Transporter to see how it goes, weird that this happened
now, I guess you didn't crank it up fully before.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread Skunk

ModelCitizen;197402 Wrote: 
> One channel dead and the other very reduced volume.
> Quite a big problem. :-(
> MC

Have you tried/could you try a cd player or other source going into the
Bryston, to make sure it works as expected? 

Was the amp working properly in another setup before trying it with the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

One channel dead and the other very reduced volume.
Quite a big problem. :-(


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread nuhi

Well it worked fine for me if you don't count that heating up which was
from the amp in the first place.

What's the problem?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Is anyone using a Tranporter directly into a Bryston 4B ST or SST
successfully via unbalanced outputs? My 4B ST appears to have developed
a problem just after connecting the Transporter and ramping the volume



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread seanadams

nuhi;196497 Wrote: 
> So the only logical conclusion is that it was due to the proximity to
> the power amplifier when moved one shelf below.

Or that was just a coincidence, and the problem was caused by some
other variable which changed around the same time. If you suspect that
the heat from the amplifier was causing the problem, you can easily
test that by putting a fan in front of it and seeing if the problem
goes away.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread nuhi

seanadams;196494 Wrote: 
> Transporter is not a power amplifier, it generates only a tiny little
> signal at its output. There is nothing about the "load" on the output
> or the volume level that will change its temperature. Really, forget
> about it - the problem is somewhere else!

Ok, ok, I hope I didn't annoy you.

So the only logical conclusion is that it was due to the proximity to
the power amplifier when moved one shelf below.

Thank you for your help, case closed, paranoia shut down.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread seanadams

nuhi;196484 Wrote: 
> Wasn't using any attenuation because it wasn't needed. Read the
> directtoamp guide and it seemed fine. I used it carefully, first
> lowered the volume (can -15dB warm it up?) then turned on the amp.

Transporter is not a power amplifier, it generates only a tiny little
signal at its output. There is nothing about the "load" on the output
or the volume level that will change its temperature. Really, forget
about it - the problem is somewhere else!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread nuhi

seanadams;196480 Wrote: 
> There is nothing you could connect it to that will make it get hot. Is
> there reasonable ventilation? It's not right on top of a hot amp is it?
> At any rate, the electronics are quite tolerant of high temperatures,
> and I doubt your disconnects have anything to do with that. It is
> almost certainly a wireless network or server problem.
> Also, you did set the attenuation jumpers right?

It is wired connection and it was always fine. But maybe I should have
reset it, seems like it has some issue if you unplug the LAN cable then
return it, with fixed IP. Also could be due to my Windows so lets not go

About the heat. It is on the shelf, every component on it's own. Maybe
it was due to the fact that usually it is on the top, nothing above it,
and when I tried it directly to the amp I have put it to the preamp
position instead of preamp, one step below, then it had upper shelf
above it, but still kinda stretched theory because it was playing only
for 10-15min and preamp works fine being there.

Anyway I'm glad to hear from you that it could not be the issue due to
the amp interaction.

Wasn't using any attenuation because it wasn't needed. Read the
directtoamp guide and it seemed fine. I used it carefully, first
lowered the volume (can -15dB warm it up?) then turned on the amp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread seanadams

There is nothing you could connect it to that will make it get hot. Is
there reasonable ventilation? It's not right on top of a hot amp is it?
At any rate, the electronics are quite tolerant of high temperatures,
and I doubt your disconnects have anything to do with that. It is
almost certainly a wireless network or server problem.

Also, you did set the attenuation jumpers right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread nuhi

cliveb;196474 Wrote: 
> Do you know the input impedance of the amp? It strikes me that it would
> have to be *very* low to cause this sort of problem. My own Transporter
> is connected directly to power amps which have an input impedance of
> only 10kOhm, which is pretty low these days, but it doesn't get warm.
> I'd be inclined to believe it's more likely to be a short circuit
> somewhere. How did you connect the TP to the amp?

They say 50k Ohms for the single ended which I used. Seems kinda big,
shouldn't be the problem.

Heh short circuit, I don't think so, I'm not playing with such an
expensive equipment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread cliveb

nuhi;196467 Wrote: 
> Why no one warns about this, seems to me that the impedance of the amp
> was too small thus stressing the Transporter...or is it something else?
Do you know the input impedance of the amp? It strikes me that it would
have to be *very* low to cause this sort of problem. My own Transporter
is connected directly to power amps which have an input impedance of
only 10kOhm, which is pretty low these days, but it doesn't get warm.

I'd be inclined to believe it's more likely to be a short circuit
somewhere. How did you connect the TP to the amp?


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Directly to amp, stresses the Transporter?

2007-04-20 Thread nuhi


today I had a close call with the Transporter. Connected it directly to
the amp (Bryston 4BSST) because of all the hype.

Sounds nice, little more detail, less dynamic than with the preamp but
after a while it started to disconnect from the server.
Then a loud pop while reconnecting...even though the audio is "Always
On", hm.

Now that wasn't the most important issue. The bigger problem was that
the Transporter was very warm, and that was probably the cause of the
So now I quickly returned the preamp and all is fine, almost cold to
the touch.

Why no one warns about this, seems to me that the impedance of the amp
was too small thus stressing the Transporter...or is it something else?


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