Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-28 Thread MrStan

Eric Seaberg;313698 Wrote: 
> It was really dependent on the gap in the poles of the record head. 
> Smaller gap gave you more hi-freq.  It really varied from
> machine-to-machine and manufacturer-to-manufacturer.  I was happy just
> to get 22k out of the A800, but the roll-off was quite drastic above
> that.
> And the S/N of this model was 7-10dB better than most anything else on
> the market, approaching 72dB in some cases (16-track/2-inch head stack)
> because the first pre-amp stage was literally inches below the heads.  
> The studio I built back in '83 still has that machine.  I've offered to
> buy it from them but they won't sell it.

Many studio multi-track machines employed pre-distotion circuits in
their recording chains. The idea was that the type of distortion
produced by magnetic tape was entirely predictable therefore an
anti-signal could be generated at record time and the recording process
would cancel this out and the distortion was reduced considerably.
Easily by a factor of in excess of 10 times. Since this type of
distortion isn't actually that audiable, most engineers actually
aligned the machines to a higher recording level restoring some of the
recording distortion but improving the overall signal to noise ratio.
This process was also used on the Nagra portable 1/4 inch machines and
these machines could achieve noise figures in the 60 - 70 db range
while keeping the distortion below 0.5%.

The only problem was that the distortion was predictable for a given
batch of tape stock. This meant that the machines distortion circuitry
had to be realigned for each new batch of tape and this wasn't an easy
setup. Not too bad in a studio but I was responsible for keeping over a
100 of these machines on the road and when a new batch of tapes was
delivered to stores, life could get hectic. Especially in the mid 70's
when the dreeded tape oxide shed happened. Something went wrong with
the glue that stuck the oxide to the tape and the oxide was literaly
stripped off by the heads and it clogged up the gaps. Nothing for it
but to reject the whole batch of tape which was hundreds of rolls and
change it which meant re-aligning all those machines again. This tape
binding glue was used by a number of companies and many tape masters
from that period have lost their high frequency sparkle and sound quite
dull. When they are re-mastered onto CD you can easily hear the
difference if you compare them to the old vinyl recordings. Digitally
re-mastered doesn't always mean better! I wonder sometimes why they
don't return to the vinyl masters and process out the noise.

Actually the recording process is more complex than usually assumed
and the high frequency response is only dependent upon the head gap
width during playback. Something very strange happens when you record
and most recording heads have actually got quite a wide gap as this
inversly effects the linearity or distortion of the record head. If
it's narrow you can't generate enough magnetic field to fully magnetise
the tape without overloading the head.

The recording actually appears to take place slightly outside of the
head gap area and as far as I could detect the high frequency response
was dependent upon the straightness of the trailing edge of the
recording gap. If you put the gap under a microscope and imagine two
lines bordering the trailing edge of the gap the distance between these
lines appeared to determine the high frequency response and not the gap
itself. The position of the recording relative to the gap appeared to
be dependent on the recording bias applied. As the edge of a head was
likely to be straighter than the gap itself, most recordings were
actually much better than the resultant playback therefore old
recordings often sounded better when played on a new machine as head
technology improved. We had many recordings made on old EMI machines
and they sounded a lot beeter when replayed on a Studer. Although you
measured a roll off on the machine around 22k the recording was
probably a lot better. I made a recording on a semi-pro machine which
rolled off around 15k at 7.5 inches but playing it back on the test
tape making machine (which just happened to be a modified Studer)
producd a result that was actually pretty flat up to 20k and that was
about the limit of the Studer playback.

If you have a machine with a combined recording head then it looks
like it is impossible to have a head doing both jobs but in fact a
second gap was made in the rear of the head and as far as the recording
was concerned it appeared to use the total of the two gaps giving it
good linearity whereas for playback it depended on only the front gap
although the back gap did provide a little loss in sensitivity.

Analogue alignment was so much more challenging than digital and
producing the alignment tapes to align the machines in the first place
was a real challenge. How do you align a machine to make an alignment
tape if you haven't made an alignment t

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-28 Thread MrStan

Eric Seaberg;313567 Wrote: 
> BTW, Dolby 'A' or 'SR', which was designed for professional use, is
> TOTALLY inaudible when setup properly.  Dolby 'B', the consumer
> 'cassette' noise reduction scheme, is VERY audible because the
> record/playback levels were never matched for proper compansion.  The
> 'other' system you may have been thinking of was DBX, which didn't have
> the 'level-setting' requirements that Dolby did.

Sorry Eric, I'm with Pat here. There hasn't been a Dolby NR recording
of a Female choir that I haven't heard the Dolby pumping in and out on
the trebles producing a kind of modulation over the voices. I used to
think it was the microphones until one day I had the opportunity to do
a recording myself with and without Dolby A. Switch off the Dolby and
the effect disappeared. It's very slight but audiable and the same
effect is there but much more exagerated with Dolby B. If you really
want to hear it try Dolby C. 
Actually you can measure it. Effectively the Dolby adjusts the high
frequency response of the recording and playback according to the
content of the recording. If there are no treble sounds present then
you can turn down the frequency response of the recording chain to
loose the noise, as soon as high frequency appears you restore the
equalisation using the recorded sound to mask the noise. Unfortunately
the spectrum of the noise doesn't exactly match the spectrum of the
material and with some material it appears to cause some type of
intermodulation which is audiable. Put a frequency analyser on the
output and it is possible to just see it. 
The only advantage of Dolby A was to split the audio spectrum into 3
bands and deal with each band seperately which made it essential to
align the equipment properly before recording. But is was still
annoying once you noticed it was there.
Fortunately this particular problem disappeared when we entered the
era of digital mastering.
Strangely enough I have heard a similar effect happen during
demonstrations of "Audio Watermarking." This time it seemed to produce
an extra "edginess" to the Brass instruments. Enough to be able to do a
blind test as long as there was some brass content in the recording.
That was a few years ago, they may have fixed it by now as I haven't
heard it on any broadcasts.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-20 Thread Eric Seaberg

pfarrell;313570 Wrote: 
> OK, so I was off a bit on the high end. Did you measure the fall off
> over 25kHz? I assume it kept falling off at 6 or maybe 12 dB/octave

It was really dependent on the gap in the poles of the record head. 
Smaller gap gave you more hi-freq.  It really varied from
machine-to-machine and manufacturer-to-manufacturer.  I was happy just
to get 22k out of the A800, but the roll-off was quite drastic above

And the S/N of this model was 7-10dB better than most anything else on
the market, approaching 72dB in some cases (16-track/2-inch head stack)
because the first pre-amp stage was literally inches below the heads.  

The studio I built back in '83 still has that machine.  I've offered to
buy it from them but they won't sell it.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-20 Thread Rodney_Gold

You will always find De-correlated noise far less obtrusive.
Its much like taking a pic of a blue sky and seeing red clumps , they
are obtrusive , if you spread the red clumps evenly in the blue sky ,
the sky will look more purplish but it wont be anywhere as noticeable
as the red clumps.
I dont think the loudness wars or compression will ever dissapear
,apart from the radio station reason ,  the loudness thing is cos most
ppl have really lousy hifi's compared to us audiophiles and they need a
high average level and anything more than a handful of DB's dynamic
range will make loud distort and soft too soft for a decent average
level , same goes for compression , imagine the 1810 with cannons if
the peak level at 0 dbfs is the loudest canon shot , the rest would be
20 or more DB down from the average level will be recorded at
-20dbfs and would lose resolution.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-20 Thread cliveb

Eric Seaberg;313567 Wrote: 
> Most of the time we didn't use Dolby Noise Reduction on the multi-track
> tape since the console had dynamic automation.  This allowed us to turn
> tracks off, or volume down, when nothing was playing on that track. 
> With some 'smart' mixing, you could all but lose the tape hiss.
Eric, thanks for these insights from someone in the business. As
someone who *isn't* in the business, I may have misunderstood what
you're saying here, but it sounds like you're saying that during
mixdown you tended to fade out tracks during the times when there was
no signal present.

As a music *consumer*, I think I detect some consequences of that which
I personally feel are undesirable. As an example, take the track
"Private Investigations" from Dire Straits' "Love Over Gold". (My
understanding is that this album was recorded at 30ips without noise
reduction). During the introduction, there is a nice low background
hiss level, except that when a pair of isolated piano chords are
played, the hiss level increases very noticably. I presume this may be
because they were doing precisely what you describe: only fading in the
piano track when it was playing something. The effect wasn't that
noticable on vinyl, but as soon as it was released on CD it became
painfully obvious. 

My feeling is that this variable background noise level is pretty
intrusive: worse than just leaving a higher but consistent level of
hiss throughout. Any comments?


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-19 Thread Pat Farrell
Eric Seaberg wrote:
> Gothca there, Pat.  I had a 2" Studer A800 24-track and consistently
> measured its response at ±2dB 42Hz-23kHz. It would be about -6dB @
> 25kHz. 

OK, so I was off a bit on the high end. Did you measure the fall off
over 25kHz? I assume it kept falling off at 6 or maybe 12 dB/octave

> The reason for the weird low-end @ 42Hz was due to the AES
> curve for 30-inches-per-second tape speed. Vinyl wasn't real keen on a
> lot of activity below 50Hz, so the AES (Audio Engineering Society)
> decided to roll it off slowly below that.

You had to, or the needle would literally jump out of the groove.

And the mastering folks would EQ it again at least per the RIAA specs.
Often they'd do more.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-19 Thread Eric Seaberg

pfarrell;311377 Wrote: 
> None of the 2" machine had much frequency response above 20kHz. Most
> didn't have any, but it hard to generalize. Most used Dolby or
> something like it, long before Dolby became popular in the mass
> market.
> If the tracking was done on a typical Struder 2" machine with Dolby,
> there isn't much pure signal about the 20kHz that red book can cover.
> And Dolby processing is audible if you pay attention and have good
> gear.

Gothca there, Pat.  I had a 2" Studer A800 24-track and consistently
measured its response at ±2dB 42Hz-23kHz. It would be about -6dB @
25kHz.  The reason for the weird low-end @ 42Hz was due to the AES
curve for 30-inches-per-second tape speed. Vinyl wasn't real keen on a
lot of activity below 50Hz, so the AES (Audio Engineering Society)
decided to roll it off slowly below that.

Most of the time we didn't use Dolby Noise Reduction on the multi-track
tape since the console had dynamic automation.  This allowed us to turn
tracks off, or volume down, when nothing was playing on that track. 
With some 'smart' mixing, you could all but lose the tape hiss.  Also,
at 30IPS the octave of the tape hiss 'shifted' upwards in the spectrum
as opposed to 15IPS, making it not so obvious to hear.  We would use
Dolby SR on our 1/2" 2-track mixdown masters since you didn't have the
option of 'losing the hiss with a fade-out' like you did on the

I did a LOT of vinyl (lacquer) mastering in the late 70s and early 80s.
It was an INCREDIBLE time for the music industry back then.

- sorry for the extended history lesson, guys.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-19 Thread sfraser

pfarrell;310902 Wrote: 
> darrenyeats wrote:
> > Music companies should focus on mastering all their music better
> rather
> > than putting effort into quality only for the unadmirable reason of
> > pushing unnecessary DRM-ridden new formats.
> But that would be hard. The PHB at the labels would have to tell the 
> Mastering Engineer: "Make it sound as great as you can, screw loudness
> wars" And the Mastering Engineer would say "Thank you, thank you" and
> do so.
> But it will never happen until all the labels replace their idiot 
> lawyers/bosses
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

Amen to that!


2 Chan. System
SB3->Benchmark DAC-1-> Bryston(BP-25,3B)->PMC TB2
Home Theater System
SB2-> Bryston(SP1,4B,4B,2B,2B)-> PSB Stratus Goldi
Basement System
SB2-> Parasound Preamp (carver M1.0t) ->Klipsch La Scala's
Bedroom System
SB2-> Sony BoomBox
Rear Deck/Patio
Duet-> Yamaha Reciever-> PSB Mini's,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-14 Thread jt25741

I think everything is converted to basically single bit DSDish quasi
Delta-Sigma format by the AKM and just about any other non-R2R ladder
based DAC on the market these days.   This seems to be the modern
approach.   D/A conversion of such 1 bit non PCM streams has some
linearity advantages over the older and sometimes preferred approaches
of the earlier DACs (venerable BB PCM1704 and other much more expensive
chips).There are trade-offs as well.  Numerous posts have been on
this subject to learn much more.   So when we listen to PCM sources
through most modern chips, we are really listening through a streaming
quai 1-bit conversion anyways through the SB and TP.


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII (Cullen L3) -> Cardas Golden
Reference XLR -> Sim Audio P-5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim
Audio W-5 -> Cardas Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low->
Magnepan 3.6R

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-13 Thread Wombat

Reads like promotional stuff, not more. 
For example the fact DSD uses 4x the amount of data than CD. Nothing
special i think, PCM 24/96 does also.


Transporter -> Avantgarde based monoblocks -> self-made speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-13 Thread siriuslycold

DCtoDaylight;311525 Wrote: 
> They're not making much money, which is why it's in the death spiral,
> but it was Sony's hope that they would make the kind of money CD's
> earned them
> Interesting idea that DSD was invented as an archival format.  Both
> your links seem to originate from the same source (or one copied from
> the other), it would be interesting to find what that original source
> was, probably a Sony press release.
> Cheers,  Dave


there is a Sony/Philips *Introduction to SACD* document in PDF format


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-13 Thread DCtoDaylight

They're not making much money, which is why it's in the death spiral,
but it was Sony's hope that they would make the kind of money CD's
earned them

Interesting idea that DSD was invented as an archival format.  Both
your links seem to originate from the same source (or one copied from
the other), it would be interesting to find what that original source
was, probably a Sony press release.

Cheers,  Dave


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread siriuslycold

DCtoDaylight;311340 Wrote: 
> a good system for protecting copywrites, and preventing piracy.  Not to
> mention selling unique recording & playback gear, with the associated
> royalties

they're not making that much money on this, compared to redbook CD
sales and now downloads. it's also an expensive medium to work in

DCtoDaylight;311340 Wrote: 
> Can you point out any links or sources to support this?

"Audioholics" Wrote: 
> The potential for abuse further down the line is a real possibility and
> a very questionable practice to many of us with extensive analog
> backgrounds. SACD uses an entirely different way of moving data through
> the digital domain, which Sony has called DSD. This was invented by Sony
> as an archival format because just about any of the present sampling
> rates used can be ãmovedä out of DSD and into a PCM format.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread pfarrell

atrocity;311245 Wrote: 
> It's too bad most (all?) of the hybrid SACDs from old analog masters
> (Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd) contain DSD to PCM conversions
> on their redbook CD layer.  

RedBook is PCM. To get PCM, you have to convert it. Whether or not
there was anything there to being with.

Old masters were typically either 2" 24 track or 1/2" stereo. The terms
get misused a bunch. The tracking tapes were nearly always 2" 24 track,
unless you go back to pre-Sargent Peppers days. (Some of the early
Beatles stuff was recorded in mono.). The 24 tracks are then mixed down
to stereo and put on two track 1/2" tapes sent to the mastering
engineer. For Vinyl, mastering was an art. So the mater tape in was
really the 'mix down' tape, and the output of the mastering engineer
was stereo sent to the pressing plant.

None of the 2" machine had much frequency response above 20kHz. Most
didn't have any, but it hard to generalize. Most used Dolby or
something like it, long before Dolby became popular in the mass

If the tracking was done on a typical Struder 2" machine with Dolby,
there isn't much pure signal about the 20kHz that red book can cover.
And Dolby processing is audible if you pay attention and have good



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread DCtoDaylight

siriuslycold;311257 Wrote: 
> historically, the development of DSD was originally intended as an
> archival format that could easily be converted to PCM

I've never heard this claim before, and frankly, it doesn't make a lot
of sense to me.  PCM is a much easier format to work with.  DSD seems
to be developed with the intent to make it as difficult as possible to
archive, copy and otherwise use.  In other words, a good system for
protecting copywrites, and preventing piracy.  Not to mention selling
unique recording & playback gear, with the associated royalties

Can you point out any links or sources to support this?


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread siriuslycold

atrocity;311245 Wrote: 
> It's too bad most (all?) of the hybrid SACDs from old analog masters
> (Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd) contain DSD to PCM conversions
> on their redbook CD layer.  It might have been useful/instructive to
> master each layer in its respective realm.

historically, the development of DSD was originally intended as an
archival format that could easily be converted to PCM; so its use in
analog -> DSD (so called archive) -> PCM on redbook was as intended and
I guess on those discs were supposed to "demo" the process

atrocity;311245 Wrote: 
> Confession: I love SACD because I love surround sound.  

ditto!! ;D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread atrocity

pfarrell;311021 Wrote: 
> I have never seen a serious attempt to compare high-wide PCM with DSD.
> Lots of comparisons of redbook to SACD, but that's not fair, its apples
> to oranges.

It's too bad most (all?) of the hybrid SACDs from old analog masters
(Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd) contain DSD to PCM conversions
on their redbook CD layer.  It might have been useful/instructive to
master each layer in its respective realm.

Confession: I love SACD because I love surround sound.  But for normal
stereo, I've never been particularly blown away by SACD.  I remember
getting several of the Rolling Stones titles when they first
appeared...I popped in "Let it Bleed" and was amazed at how great it
sounded...then switched to the redbook layer and thought it sounded
just as good.  Even fully *expecting* the SACD to sound dramatically
better, it just didn't to my ears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-12 Thread The Seventh Taylor

BigTony;310697 Wrote: 
> There is always an option to upgrade my CD to SACD, which I might do if
> SACD keep rolling, but its a difficult time to decide if the format is
> dead/stalled

That depends largely on what genres of music you're into. If you're
into pop/rock it's looking grim. If you're into classical music, don't
think twice and hop. SACD is alive and kicking in the classical scene.
For the last three years, the number of releases per month has remained
very constant at an average 60-70 titles per month, now well exceeding
5,000 -- more than one can aspire to collect.

For more discussion about SACD (and BD for music) on PS3 you may want
to check '' (

The Seventh Taylor

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread siriuslycold

It'd be interesting to see who is using the dff files and how (the
plugin that converts to PCM is a bit of a waste of time - I mean, just
download hirez PCM in the first place and save a conversion step)

Burning the dff files to disc is not an option either - afaik, there is
no PC drive that supports reading SACD much less a write capability..
(in fact, lets ask 2L)

The way I see it, a few things need to happen - 
1. a computer sound card with HDMI ('like this one'
2. that supports DSD output via HDMI (not mentioned)
3. a receiver that decodes DSD via HDMI (a few available) or 
3. HDMI input and DSD decoder in the Transporter

but it doesn't look likely to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread Pat Farrell
DCtoDaylight wrote:
> lost the ability to compare them to native PCM.  What's needed is a way
> to listen to them in their native DSD format, by burning them to an
> SACD DVD disc for example.  Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any easy
> way to do this

Sony didn't want this. While a lot of SACDs were recorded with PCM 
(sometimes even high + wide), the design decisions that Sony made were 
to make all of the digital recording investment that studios had made 
into ProTools, ADC, etc. be obsolete. To sing the SACD song, you were 
supposed to get all new digital gear, all new software.

Some studios did convert. But most (all?) sessions were either recorded 
PCM or recorded DSD. So if the masters are one or the other, there is 
really no way to compare them without some conversion.

If you tried to track the session with both PCM and DSD, there is no way 
you could be sure that the levels, phase, etc were all identical.

In practice, a lot of SACD and DVD-D releases were not really high-wide 
PCM, there were a lot done on 48kHz ADAT.

I have never seen a serious attempt to compare high-wide PCM with DSD. 
Lots of comparisons of redbook to SACD, but that's not fair, its apples 
to oranges.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread DCtoDaylight

Wombat;311011 Wrote: 
> They also offer "dff" DSD files. 

My bad!  Didn't notice the .dff's between the .wav's...   
Unfortunately, for most of us, those files really aren't much use.  If
we need to transcode them to PCM in order to listen to them, then we've
lost the ability to compare them to native PCM.  What's needed is a way
to listen to them in their native DSD format, by burning them to an
SACD DVD disc for example.  Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any easy
way to do this



Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread Wombat

DCtoDaylight;311003 Wrote: 
> Unless I'm misreading something, the downloads aren't DSD, they're PCM,
> but sourced from an SACD original release.  The downloads are all
> .wav, or .flac, or.wma, which are all PCM formats.
> Dave

They also offer "dff" DSD files. There is even a plugin for Windows
Media Player to listen these at your PC. It converts to PCM then.


Transporter -> Avantgarde based monoblocks -> self-made speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread DCtoDaylight

siriuslycold;311002 Wrote: 
> that's interesting. There is someone doing DSD downlaods, so perhaps
> someone with a Transporter can try this out 

Unless I'm misreading something, the downloads aren't DSD, they're PCM,
but sourced from an SACD original release.  The downloads are all
.wav, or .flac, or.wma, which are all PCM formats.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread siriuslycold

seanadams;310820 Wrote: 
> Factoid: The DAC in Transporter actually supports SACD. However, because
> there is no easy way to rip an SACD, and there essentially no SACD
> material that you can obtain that isn't on an SACD disc, it's not a
> very useful capability to have. As such we never added the software
> support to handle SACD data.

that's interesting. There is someone doing DSD downlaods, so perhaps
someone with a Transporter can try this out


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread Pat Farrell
darrenyeats wrote:
> Music companies should focus on mastering all their music better rather
> than putting effort into quality only for the unadmirable reason of
> pushing unnecessary DRM-ridden new formats.

But that would be hard. The PHB at the labels would have to tell the 
Mastering Engineer: "Make it sound as great as you can, screw loudness 
wars" And the Mastering Engineer would say "Thank you, thank you" and do so.

But it will never happen until all the labels replace their idiot 

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread darrenyeats

When you hear the SACD sounding better it makes it easy to conclude that
SACD is a better quality format than red book. In fact no such
conclusion can be arrived at. Sean said it all when he explained that
SACDs and their CD equivalent are mastered differently in many cases.

Music companies should focus on mastering all their music better rather
than putting effort into quality only for the unadmirable reason of
pushing unnecessary DRM-ridden new formats.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread gregeas

I would not waste money on buying a dedicated machine to play DVD-A or
SACD disks. I can't remember the last time an album has come out in
either format that I wanted to own. It's been probably two years. If
you are into classical you may have more options, but I'm not. 

However, there is reportedly an easy way to rip two-channel 24/96 DVD-A
files and play them back on the Transporter. This could be a good
solution for enjoying hi-res music until downloadable hi-res files or
Blu-ray music disks become available.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread ralphpnj

iPhone;310868 Wrote: 
> Hey Tony. Comparing Apples to Oranges, it just can't be done. SACD is
> its own thing and that is probably why it is dead. Sony who created it
> is not even supporting it anymore. I would not make a switch to SACD
> because it would be just like going out and buying a HD DVD player
> instead of Blu-Ray. The SACD format is dead and in 10 years we will
> probably not even be able to buy Red Book CDs.
> Now on the Transporter front there are some things to think about. Sure
> one can use and SB3 with a $1000 DAC and save $700 over a Transporter,
> BUT the SB3 will not play HD Digital Files unless they are down
> converted so why even go there. The future of Music is going to be
> files. Not CDs or SACDs, but files in some type of format. Most here
> are hoping it will be some HD format. If that ends up happening, the
> SB3 with the DAC will most likely then be out dated.
> If it were me, I would keep listening to the SB3 and start saving money
> for a Transporter or whatever future Slim Devices product might come our
> way to play HD FLAC files.

That's what I meant to say but iPhone has done it much more clearly.
iPhone, you hit the nail regarding the future of music, however, one
could just as easily say "media" instead of "music" and still be


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

'' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread iPhone

BigTony;310697 Wrote: 
> Another reason for thinking about the Transporter is 24 bit flacs, which
> I am sure will become more common in the future (I want to think of this
> purchase as a 10 year plan, that way its £10 a month - and thats really
> nothing! - the  price of a DVD).
> Being in the UK its not easy to even find a Transporter to listen to,
> never mind bring it home and try it out for a week (but if anyone would
> lend me their's while they are on holiday perhaps :-) ), so it is an
> expensive purchase which has to go mainly on reccomendation.
> Does anyone out there have much listening experience of SACD and a
> Transporter? There is always an option to upgrade my CD to SACD, which
> I might do if SACD keep rolling, but its a difficult time to decide if
> the format is dead/stalled - Bluray Audio anyone?
> Many thanks for all your help and comments.
> Cheers
> BT

Hey Tony. Comparing Apples to Oranges, it just can't be done. SACD is
its own thing and that is probably why it is dead. Sony who created it
is not even supporting it anymore. I would not make a switch to SACD
because it would be just like going out and buying a HD DVD player
instead of Blu-Ray. The SACD format is dead and in 10 years we will
probably not even be able to buy Red Book CDs.

Now on the Transporter front there are some things to think about. Sure
one can use and SB3 with a $1000 DAC and save $700 over a Transporter,
BUT the SB3 will not play HD Digital Files unless they are down
converted so why even go there. The future of Music is going to be
files. Not CDs or SACDs, but files in some type of format. Most here
are hoping it will be some HD format. If that ends up happening, the
SB3 with the DAC will most likely then be out dated.

If it were me, I would keep listening to the SB3 and start saving money
for a Transporter or whatever future Slim Devices product might come our
way to play HD FLAC files.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread seanadams

Factoid: The DAC in Transporter actually supports SACD. However, because
there is no easy way to rip an SACD, and there essentially no SACD
material that you can obtain that isn't on an SACD disc, it's not a
very useful capability to have. As such we never added the software
support to handle SACD data.

Side by side comparisons of PCM and SACD are very difficult to do for a
lot of reasons, not the least of which is that most SACD material out
there is actually derived from a higher resolution PCM file to begin
with. It's difficult to make a meaningful comparison even playing them
through the same DAC, much less two completely different systems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread ralphpnj


There are several issues with your post:

1) I find it hard to believe that you can't find a very decent external
DAC for well under the price of a new Transporter.

2) While the Transporter's internal DAC is quite good, on normal red
book audio, i.e. 16 bit/44.1 kHz, it doesn't match the sound of an
SACD. High resolution files, 24bit/48kHz or in the case of the
Transporter up to 24bit/96kHz, also sound "better" than red book

3) Unfortunately, SACD is slowly dying at very quiet death. On the
other hand, I'm hopeful that more and more high resolution audio files
will become available for purchase (mostly via direct downloads), in
which case having a Transporter handy to play these files would be very

To summarize - SACDs usually sound better (the sound is very dependent
on the SACD player) than the Transporter playing red book audio files.
High resolution audio files also sound better than red book audio
files. While the Transporter is a big step up from a SqueezeBox, since
you already have a SqueezeBox I would spend a little more time
researching external DACs before I purchased a Transporter. Of course,
if you do end up getting a Transporter you can always use the
SqueezeBox in another room.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread Rodney_Gold

In terms of performance , the transporter does not outperform a SACD
recording with the same normal 16/44 file. In fact , in my opionin ,
the transporter does not outperform some CDP's playing a CD.
In the digital domain , there seems to be no difference between a
Transporter and a Dedicated transports output or your SB3 , but in the
Analog domain , I and some others have found the Transporters Dac to be
less than ideal for our tastes. I feel it is over analytical and lacks
in low bassbut yours and other's mileage may vary in this regard

I would rather stick with your SB3 and audition a few DAC's. I dont
beleive you should make the $2k jump just for the transporters DAC and
strongly reccomend you audition one before taking the chance.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Transporter outperform SACD (2ch)?

2008-06-11 Thread BigTony

I've been mucking about with SACD for a few days and I must say I'm very
impressed - and this has been achieved using a PS3 and an Onkyo 805 amp
via HDMI. In 5.1 the sound can be very rich and full, but not all music
is suitable for 5.1 (unlike War of the Worlds for example, which sounds
like it was made for 5.1.). However, even in 2ch mode the sound is
mighty impressive, I played Richard and Linda Thompson Shoot out the
Lights in both CD (via my SB3 and Beresford DAC) and SACD via PS3 and
the PS3 wins.
I have been listening to my hifi alot due to illness, and I can't help
but think that it might be time to upgrade from the SB3. I have thought
about better DAC, but by the time I've added a decent DAC I've spent
almost as much as a Transporter (in a wierd illogical way).

So, the 1,000,000 $ question (while a million $ is still worth
something) - will the Transporter match SACD audio? I don't mind the
having to play SACD or LP's, as they always have the feel of 'Sunday
Best' but for 95% of my listening I just want to stream from my NAS.

Another reason for thinking about the Transporter is 24 bit flacs,
which I am sure will become more common in the future (I want to think
of this purchase as a 10 year plan, that way its £10 a month - and
thats really nothing! - the  price of a DVD).

Being in the UK its not easy to even find a Transporter to listen to,
never mind bring it home and try it out for a week (but if anyone would
lend me their's while they are on holiday perhaps :-) ), so it is an
expensive purchase which has to go mainly on reccomendation.

Does anyone out there have much listening experience of SACD and a
Transporter? There is always an option to upgrade my CD to SACD, which
I might do if SACD keep rolling, but its a difficult time to decide if
the format is dead/stalled - Bluray Audio anyone?

Many thanks for all your help and comments.




We're Only In It For The Music!

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