Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;377937 Wrote: 
> I've noticed a recent trend of repeated claims for FLAC vs WAV
> streaming. I think it really is about time we nailed this once and for
> all. Streaming WAV is not an option for me since the high-res
> transcoding breaks (at least I think it does - not sure with the recent
> changes in this space).

Yes Hi-Res does break using wav. At least with the current released
version it does. The firmware inside the squeezebox does not know how
to decode wav files beyond 16/44.1 or 16/48.

Maybe it's the noisy XP PC vs a silent NAS is the difference he's
hearing :)

I tested very extensively by recording the digital feeds going to my
active digital speakers with a S/PDIF recorder. I could recapture the
original stream and diff it and it was 100% the same. Also recorded DTS
and then played it back through. This was all with flac.

Only thing not measured is jitter differences. Which is hard to believe
would change between clocking out from the decoded buffers in the SB3
which OS is running on the server.

If OP DAC is that sensitive maybe he should think about getting a
better one.


XP > Cat5 > Transporter > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000, DSP5500HC,
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian G91 > DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread jmourik

Vincent;378117 Wrote: 
> ...this might indicate that the two differs in the amount of input
> jitter they generate.
This then would also be applicable to different cables? For example, at
MusicDirect they are selling this digital cable with their ipod dock
packages: (Black Knight, $99).
I'm using the Blue Jeans digital cable ( ). That one
is around $14. I don't see why one would be better than the other,
unless there's something going on with jitter and such...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread Vincent

itz;377810 Wrote: 
> At the risk of being declared the fool on the hill, I have some
> questions/statements.
> To my ears in my rigg (with external dac):
> 1. Squeezecenter on Nas (Synology 107+128) sounds a lot better than on
> puter with XP.
> 2. Flac's streamed as wav sounds better then native streaming.
> 3. Squeezecenter 7.3.1 sounds wierd compaired with 7.2.1.
> 4. SPDIF sound better then Toslink.
> Help me, please, I really don't believe in this kind of shit but to my
> ears it makes a huge difference.
> Probably I'm imagining the whole thing or have a psykotic disease or
> something but it's driving me mad as I can't find any way to explain it
> to my self.
> And by the way, a happy new year to all of you out there.
> Cheers / Stefan

1, very dark, streaming is streaming except if we look at point 2.
Are you 180% sure that the settings of SC on XP and NAS are 100%

2 This claim I know from another forum (
The explanation is that WAV being straight 16/44.1 PCM audio, requires
less processing power than decoding any other format. A lot of sound
cards are very sensitive to EMI/RFI/ PSU ripples. So if processing
power increases, sound quality drops.
Can’t say I ever noticed this my self.

4 As far as I know, Toslink is SPDIF over optical.
Bit unclear to me what you have compared but different implementations
(coax/optical) might sound different. If this is about feeding SPDIF in
two different ways to a external DAC, this might indicate that the two
differs in the amount of input jitter they generate. Alternatively the
ability of the DAC to reject input jitter is insufficient.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread Vincent

dlhamby;377847 Wrote: 
> Sample jitter is interesting. From my introduction to digital signal
> processing in college, jitter (non-uniform sampling in geek speak)
> introduces noise in the reconstructed audio. A classmate did his
> masters thesis on the subject deriving the effects of nonuniform
> sampling. My recollection is that he concluded that the noise was
> Gaussian for the sample jitter distribution that he examined. This
> would show up as a raised noise floor in the playback. It would be hard
> to notice a tiny amount of jitter on most program material.

There is some evidence that sample jitter might induce side bands too,
they might become audible
But it remains a complex phenomenon.
The little bit (to obvious pun intended) I understand about it can be
found here:

Placebo: yep, spend a fortune on it, a proper ABX (like opaqueice
pointed out) testing will protect you (and your wallet) against it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;377937 Wrote: 
> I've noticed a recent trend of repeated claims for FLAC vs WAV
> streaming. I think it really is about time we nailed this once and for
> all. Streaming WAV is not an option for me since the high-res
> transcoding breaks (at least I think it does - not sure with the recent
> changes in this space).

All my cd's are flac, it was a good while ago I played with streaming
flac and wav, and settled on the one which does not allow fast forward
or rewind from the remote, pretty sure its wav, simply to my ears it
was worth loosing the ff frw functions compared with the better
sounding music coming out.

Happy New Year !


Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

I've noticed a recent trend of repeated claims for FLAC vs WAV
streaming. I think it really is about time we nailed this once and for
all. Streaming WAV is not an option for me since the high-res
transcoding breaks (at least I think it does - not sure with the recent
changes in this space).

If it WAS the case that there was a difference it could ONLY be in the
jitter/noise arena. We know the bitstreams are perfect in either case.
If there was a difference it could be important to understand the
mechanics because it could be a specific example of a more general case
that would be applicable to the SB family of devices as a whole.

I'm keeping an open mind even though my personal tests show no
discernible difference. This could be because something in my system
mitigates against or obscures the problem.

I can't do tests until the weekend as I'm away from home. I'd be
interested to see what others think in the meantime.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods)- Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters,
Kimber & Chord cables
Outdoors: Boombox+Creative Sub (If I remember to turn it on...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread opaqueice

itz;377908 Wrote: 
> On the otherhand I can assure you that I really can hear the difference
> in the posted statements. May it be my brain that play tricks on me or
> not.

Hi itz, it's -very- easy to find out.  

Have a friend flip a coin - heads is flac as wav, tails is native
streaming for example.  Then you guess which it is, friend flips again
and repeats.  Ideally the friend is in a different room, recording
his/her sequence on a piece of paper while you record your guesses.  If
you have to be in the same room, no talking, or even looking at each
other if possible.

Do ten trials if you have the patience.  If there's really a "huge"
difference, you'll get all ten right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread itz

Sorry guys, stupid thing to post this thread as I should have understood
how it would come through. 

Can only blame it on a slight drunkeness yesterday.

On the otherhand I can assure you that I really can hear the difference
in the posted statements. May it be my brain that play tricks on me or

But, an apology to those that might have been offended and an assurance
of if being a troll it's totaly ethnic and not by free will:)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread adamslim

darrenyeats;377848 Wrote: 
> Hi Stefan,
> Firstly you're brand new to this forum and secondly you've got a
> shopping list of statements to kick off a big argument. Whether you
> realise it or not, people are going to think that combination means
> you're a troll.
> Darren

It's proper 'Happy New Year' trolling though, don'cha think? :) 
Quality first post, I reckon :D


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread Themis

Yeah ! Happy new year to you, too, Stephan. ;)
(giving troll lessons for free)


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread darrenyeats

itz;377810 Wrote: 
> At the risk of being declared the fool on the hill, I have some
> questions/statements.
> To my ears in my rigg (with external dac):
> 1. Squeezecenter on Nas (Synology 107+128) sounds a lot better than on
> puter with XP.
> 2. Flac's streamed as wav sounds better then native streaming.
> 3. Squeezecenter 7.3.1 sounds wierd compaired with 7.2.1.
> 4. SPDIF sound better then Toslink.
> Help me, please, I really don't believe in this kind of shit but to my
> ears it makes a huge difference.
> Probably I'm imagining the whole thing or have a psykotic disease or
> something but it's driving me mad as I can't find any way to explain it
> to my self.
> And by the way, a happy new year to all of you out there.
> Cheers / Stefan
Firstly you're brand new to this forum and secondly you've got a
shopping list of statements to kick off a big argument. Whether you
realise it or not, people are going to think that combination means
you're a troll.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread dlhamby

What did you do for controls, Stefan? Unless you controlled for level
and experienced all of this double blind, it is likely that you are
experiencing placebo effect on some of these, particularly those
changes where the squeezebox or transporter is doing the final retiming
and conversion. 

Bits are bits. If you keep the Squeezebox fed and are feeding it the
same format, it should not care where the bits came from. After all,
the BBC makes it all the way to you from the UK with a second of
latency and maybe 0.1 second of latency jitter. Squeezecenter can
buffer it and spool it to Squeezebox which has yet another jitter
buffer. Squeezebox reconstructs and retimes the sample stream. All the
jitter in the world (well until the buffer runs dry :) never reaches
your ear, just that introduced by the Squeezebox itself.

With this understanding, moving your music library from an internal
disk to a NAS should have no effect on the sound coming out of the
Squeezebox or Transporter. Some of the other changes such as SPDIF to
TOSLink may. SPDIF is notorious for its jitter. But again, we are
filling a buffer and regenerating the timing. I can see a difference
resulting if the jitter is so bad that a bit is lost every now and
again. This would cause actual errors or dropouts in the sample

The way around this is to use "forward error correction" by using
Hamming coding or one of the newer forward error correcting techniques
like those used in disk drives. Even if a bit is lost every now and
again, the bit-stream can be recovered. I don't really know the details
of SPDIF, only that it dates back to the beginnings of digital audio
production equipment and is obsolescent.

Bit jitter should not have a big effect on playback as long as all of
the bits can be recovered correctly off the SPDIF waveform. The bit
stream can always be buffered and retimed. The last device to buffer
and retime the bit stream determines the pitch accuracy and sample
jitter. What happens along the way is not seen unless the pipeline goes

Sample jitter is interesting. From my introduction to digital signal
processing in college, jitter (non-uniform sampling in geek speak)
introduces noise in the reconstructed audio. A classmate did his
masters thesis on the subject deriving the effects of nonuniform
sampling. My recollection is that he concluded that the noise was
Gaussian for the sample jitter distribution that he examined. This
would show up as a raised noise floor in the playback. It would be hard
to notice a tiny amount of jitter on most program material.

FLAC and Apple Lossless do give you back the original bits. Folks have
verified this. I ripped an CD to one of each, loaded into Audacity, and
played the tracks. I couldn't hear a difference. There can be a
difference if you are not normalizing the levels or you are using
different play back level management schemes. These can cause the
levels to differ enough to fool you.

I demonstrated placebo effect to myself some years ago. I bought some
Nordost cables (the modest ones) to replace some way too long monster
cable that came with my trusty DQ-10's in the early days of Monster.
The difference was dramatic after the change. The next day, things were
back to normal. I expected a change and, by Jove, I heard one. I'm not
so quick to form opinions about a change after that experience.

Interestingly, the woofer surrounds failed and I never noticed. I had a
local pro audio shop renew the surrounds and the DQ-10s are still going
strong at 30 years young. It has been 13 years so I've forgotten what
prompted me to take the front panels off to look.

My rig: SB3, Conrad Johnson PV-1, Gas Ampzilla, Dhalquist DQ-10s. 
Computer audio: Presonus 1394 and Monsoon Audio planar desktop


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread itz

At the risk of being declared the fool on the hill, I have some

To my ears in my rigg (with external dac):

1. Squeezecenter on Nas (Synology 107+128) sounds a lot better than on
puter with XP.

2. Flac's streamed as wav sounds better then native streaming.

3. Squeezecenter 7.3.1 sounds wierd compaired with 7.2.1.

4. SPDIF sound better then Toslink.

Help me, please, I really don't believe in this kind of shit but to my
ears it makes a huge difference.

Probably I'm imagining the whole thing or have a psykotic disease or
something but it's driving me mad as I can't find any way to explain it
to my self.

And by the way, a happy new year to all of you out there.

Cheers / Stefan


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