Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-12 Thread Grenamc

darrenyeats;317708 Wrote: 
> Michael,
> You are absolutely right about SNR decreasing. The only thing I would
> add is that this factor is the only thing to worry about. Bits don't
> come into it. The reason is that by the time any bits are lost they are
> lost at the small end, and that is buried deep in the noise floor. There
> is no way to tell whether the bit was 1 or 0 just before it is lost, so
> you don't notice losing it. So lost bits are never the issue with an
> SB3 or TP. However, your point about SNR is the issue.
> A TP can play a decent range of volumes without the SNR dipping below
> 96db (the SNR of 16 bits). You don't need any more SNR than that to
> play red book in all its glory. IMO for red book on a TP a preamp will
> result in more distortion overall and at best divert funds from
> valuable areas to an unnecessary (in SQ terms) piece of equipment. So,
> you are completely right to wait on buying the pre until you have other
> sources that make it necessary...the only point I would make is that
> multiple sources is the _only_ reason you would invest in a pre playing
> red book on a TP.
> Darren

Thanks for the info.  It's good to know that my rationale on the issue
has been solid.  I will continue to await a turntable and
Universal/SACD player before I spring for a Preamp.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-09 Thread Pat Farrell
Rodney_Gold wrote:
> The inhertent noise floor of any electronic component is around 120 db ,
> ie round 21 "bits" so 24 bit SN ratios (144db) are rubbish. IE there is
> no hifi component that can give you a snr of 144db , 120db is prolly
> all thats achievable by even the best component.

Perhaps with the best components with the best power on the best day.
100dB is a lot more realistic.

> The SB/TP is a sort of computer - these do have glitches and its pretty
> easy for it to send a 0dbfs signal to your amp 

I would not say "pretty easy" but the SB/TP are more than "sort of" a
computer, they are computers. They are programmable devices. That is why
there are occasional firmware upgrades. And as all computers, there is a
chance that they will send WFO signal to downstream stuff. I've never
had it happen in 5+ years and many different Slim devices, but the
probability is not zero, so I agree that its not prudent to have a setup
that will blow up amps, speakers, and the house when the occasional bug
causes the 0dB signal (usually white noise) down the wires.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-09 Thread Rodney_Gold

The inhertent noise floor of any electronic component is around 120 db ,
ie round 21 "bits" so 24 bit SN ratios (144db) are rubbish. IE there is
no hifi component that can give you a snr of 144db , 120db is prolly
all thats achievable by even the best component.
Ostensibly , if you really believe upsampling to 24 bits and
attenuating the signal is not harmful to it , then the 96 db mark would
be at 2/3rds full volume assuming the attenuation scaling is linear.
However do not believe that upsampling to 24 bits will allow you a
1/3rd attenuation with no harm to the signal. IE you are being told
that -48db (6 db per bit) will be totally non destructive and only
after that will you hear the effects of digital attenuation. If you
beleive digital attn is totally non destructive , go run your Digital
signal thru a 12/18 db Attenution and then run it back thru a 12/18db
gain in the "24 bit" processor and see if the signal you get is the
same as the original..

The SB/TP is a sort of computer - these do have glitches and its pretty
easy for it to send a 0dbfs signal to your amp - thats gonna do
something to your speakers ! 
So either use a pre or inline attn.
I dont really worry about it that much as my speakers are DSP actives
and have protective circuitry for such an eventuality.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-09 Thread vantagesc

darrenyeats;317708 Wrote: 
> A TP can play a decent range of volumes without the SNR dipping below
> 96db (the SNR of 16 bits). You don't need any more SNR than that to
> play red book in all its glory. IMO for red book on a TP a preamp will
> result in more distortion overall and at best divert funds from
> valuable areas to an unnecessary (in SQ terms) piece of equipment. So,
> you are completely right to wait on buying the pre until you have other
> sources that make it necessary...the only point I would make is that
> multiple sources is the _only_ reason you would invest in a pre playing
> red book on a TP.
> Darren

Is there a volume level on the Transporter that corresponds to this
96db SNR?  Not sure if my question is overly simplifying the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-09 Thread vincentyan

Thanks a lot for the advice.  This is one of my perplexed questions
about high-end audio equipment: what exactly a pre-amp does other than
source switching and volume control (assuming line level amplification
is not needed in my system)?  If I have a decent source equipment such
as the Transporter or a good CD player with volume control, do I still
need the pre-amp?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-06 Thread darrenyeats

You are absolutely right about SNR decreasing. The only thing I would
add is that this factor is the only thing to worry about. Bits don't
come into it. The reason is that by the time any bits are lost they are
lost at the small end, and that is buried deep in the noise floor. There
is no way to tell whether the bit was 1 or 0 just before it is lost, so
you don't notice losing it. So lost bits are never the issue with an
SB3 or TP. However, your point about SNR is the issue.

A TP can play a decent range of volumes without the SNR dipping below
96db (the SNR of 16 bits). You don't need any more SNR than that to
play red book in all its glory. IMO for red book on a TP a preamp will
result in more distortion overall and at best divert funds from
valuable areas to an unnecessary (in SQ terms) piece of equipment. So,
you are completely right to wait on buying the pre until you have other
sources that make it necessary...the only point I would make is that
multiple sources is the _only_ reason you would invest in a pre playing
red book on a TP.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-07-05 Thread Grenamc


Whereas you certainly can connect a TP (modded or stock) direct to your
amplifier, understand in so doing you will decrease your Signal:Noise
ratio at any point below 100% volume.  You also lower bits from 24 bit
at anything below 100%, which is not an issue with Redbook 16bit files
above about 65% or so, but you still are attenuating the excellent S:N
ratio of the TP even at 90% volume.  All that being said, I have my TP
direct wired for now and I am still amazed at how good it is.  I can
only imagine how much better it could be run through a good preamp. 
Since, like you, the TP is my only source at the moment, I am not going
to get a preamp until I have a nice turntable or SACD/UD player with
great analog out, or maybe until I have both.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-06-29 Thread vincentyan


I came to this forum not long ago and enjoyed your writing very much. 
One question: have you tried to connect your modded TP to a power
amplifier directly?  Correct me if I am wrong: I don't have other
source equipment, so I don't need a pre-amp with the TP, the TP's
volume control is well built



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-31 Thread HalleysComet

eiret;307320 Wrote: 
> I have read that musicians use different acoustic guitars for different
> songs. Its still an acoustic guitar.
> I have read that some professional studio engineers use different
> speakers(monitors) for different songs. Its still speakers(monitors)

Good point!  I like different music played thru different systems

I designed and scratch-built a SE system for my bedroom, restored
vintage 1950's tube stuff for my living room, and use modern solid
state in my music room.  Each gives a different presentation, none of
which is invalid, I think.  A lot of that is the different speakers
(single driver vs. dynamic vs. planar) in the different systems.  What
is remarkable, I suppose, is that at least my feeble brain is convinced
by the illusion of real music in each case.  

The Transporter certainly is an asset in any of these systems, but they
seem to showcase different strengths in each context.  And altho I've
offended the gods by (horrors) modding it, and even worse throwing away
perfectly good money "fixin' something that don't need fixin'" the
result has been pleasing to my audiophile sensibilities.  For me this
is Fun!   

Back to "truth vs. beauty." I don't know if modifying my Transporter
has anything to do with objective "truth" if there is such a thing with
recorded sound.  I'm no believer that measurements can capture fidelity
(even tho I make my living doing measurement).  Music is such a complex
time-domain phenomenon, that the vast majority of measurements used as
standards of fidelity fall short of the mark.  I don't know of anyone
who has predictably reproduced real-life sonic holography.  

As for those who say that measurements prove a modded unit will be
inferior to the original, I'm going to maintain that the measurements
are flawed, even more than the (subjectively) experienced outcome.  To
quote Brian Beezely: 
"A measurement can be a cardinal measurement that yields a value, such
as total harmonic distortion. It may also be an ordinal measurement
that yields an ordering (this amplifier sounds more distorted than
one). One is objective and the other subjective, but both are
measurements. In principle, both can be made to any degree of
repeatability by suitable experimental design.

One value of a measurement, cardinal or ordinal, is that it defines
what you're talking about. Once people agree on a measurement
procedure, they can independently investigate something knowing
they're all dealing with the same thing. In fact, for vague or
ethereal phenomena, the measurement itself can serve as a definition.

Without a good definition, communication about a phenomenon can be
unreliable and difficult. Individuals may know exactly what they mean
by an undefined term, but for others the meaning may be different. A
clearly defined measurement procedure can prevent such

Definitions can change, and they can multiply. Measurement may reveal
unexpected complexity. For example, IEEE 185-1975, the tuner testing
standard, defines at least three measurements of sensitivity. The
vague notion of "signal pulling power" turns out to be not so simple."

I don't think we have the consistently agreed-upon measurements yet to
adequately describe the magic part of music.  Not that it isn't
possible.  But if they exist, they aren't commonly understood in a way
that allows non-scientists to consistently communicate about them.  Nor
does the current state of audio measurement art allow different
scientists to reliably achieve the same effect in reproducing musical

Beauty, on the other hand is, and should be subjective.  After
modifying my Transporter, Beauty is certainly accomplished, at least
for me. But then again, I suppose because beauty is such a subjective
phenomenon, I shouldn't be surprised that other folks might object to
such a subjective claim.  After all, who am I to criticize someone
else's concept of beauty?  Unqualified, fer sure!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-31 Thread eiret

I have read that musicians use different acoustic guitars for different
songs. Its still an acoustic guitar.

I have read that some professional studio engineers use different
speakers(monitors) for different songs. Its still speakers(monitors)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-31 Thread iPhone

HalleysComet;307302 Wrote: 
> I was the OP, so I appreciate that you took the post as it was intended.
> I think the Transporter is a great piece of gear, but I too was taken
> aback by the strength of the emotions this perspective generated. 
> Pretty much cured me from posting on this forum.
> Anyway, thanks!

Hey HC,

Stay with the Forum and give it a chance. Just remember which section
that this was posted in "Audiophile". Look at the header description
for the main section. I believe Sean changed it after all the speaker
cable bally-hoo.

People feel that their life, baby, and world are being attacked when
somebody says something less then super about equipment they feel for.
So emotions trend to turn high and hot. Hand in there.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3

Home Office: 
SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-31 Thread HalleysComet

tricka;285116 Wrote: 
> H
> doesn't it matter more about synergy in components and personal
> listening tastes? I've found that you really can't say something is
> "better or not", just that it suits your system as you like to hear it.
> I'm fascinated at the emotion this stirs up! Personally I thought the
> original post wasn't that "ra ra" - I read it and took it for what it
> is: a personal perspective. 
> I have different amp's for different music - my favourite 6CLC Spud amp
> for colour eg female vocals, jazz - and a Bryston 100 SST for large
> scale orchestral. The Transporter (stock) sounds to my middle aged ears
> just fine with both - different but fine.
> Less is more eh??

I was the OP, so I appreciate that you took the post as it was
intended.  I think the Transporter is a great piece of gear, but I too
was taken aback by the strength of the emotions this perspective
generated.  Pretty much cured me from posting on this forum.

Anyway, thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-01 Thread tomjtx

95bcwh;297763 Wrote: 
> ShockinglyI'm not new to these forums, I just left for a while, but
> I'm shocked to come back and found that people here still wasting their
> time arguing with Tom.
> you know that he has hearing deficiency?
> Have a nice day!

Sorry , 95, I have my ears tested annually, they are fine, being a
professional musician makes that important.

Sorry to see that you, OTOH, are still as intellectually deficient  as


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-01 Thread 95bcwh

darrenyeats;284632 Wrote: 
> For those new to these forums...Tom's irony is beyond comparo.

ShockinglyI'm not new to these forums, I just left for a while, but
I'm shocked to come back and found that people here still wasting their
time arguing with Tom. you know that he has hearing deficiency?

Have a nice day!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-29 Thread tricka

haraldo;285123 Wrote: 
> Hmmm..
> I would be a bit worried if some equipment worked with some music and
> some equipment worked with other kinds of music.
> b.t.w. I love your opera house :-D

Oh I don't know...I think that tube tonal colour doesn't suit all
styles of music. I like my orchestral straight up, my female vocal
coloured and my dance/trip hop straight up as well. 

I'm not sure that you can have it all without compromise somewhere.
Most of my hi fi friends have a few different rigs and mix and match
depending on what they are after. One has a 6CLC tube like mine
(actually the same - he built mine!!), a cheaper CD player and a pair
of Jamo's for casual listening and the full exepnsive CD player, ML
Ribbons/ NAD S200 Pre/ dual mono's for serious listening to orchestra.

I also have a set of Hornshoppe Horns that I love for what they
do...and I adore a great set of monitors eg  your Duntech's ...but
forget about driving them with a flea watt tube - and it's associated
tonal warmth.

Thank you - we think it is lovely as well!
Best Wishes


Bryston SST 100 / 6CLC Spud
Hawthorne SSI Duet OB (Reckhorn for Auggies)
MAC cables (power/IC's/ speaker)
Furutech Power conditioner
Headphone adapter for 6 CLC Sud and AKG 701's

"A Spoonful of Slow..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-29 Thread haraldo

tricka;285116 Wrote: 
> H
> doesn't it matter more about synergy in components and personal
> listening tastes? I've found that you really can't say something is
> "better or not", just that it suits your system as you like to hear it.
> I'm fascinated at the emotion this stirs up! Personally I thought the
> original post wasn't that "ra ra" - I read it and took it for what it
> is: a personal perspective. 
> I have different amp's for different music - my favourite 6CLC Spud amp
> for colour eg female vocals, jazz - and a Bryston 100 SST for large
> scale orchestral. The Transporter (stock) sounds to my middle aged ears
> just fine with both - different but fine.
> Less is more eh??

I would be a bit worried if some equipment worked with some music and
some equipment worked with other kinds of music.
Guess I'm a bit in the same situation myself... I've got a pair of
Duntech PCL-15's (made in Australia of course) that's about the best
speakers I have heard at any price when it comes to presenting small
scale music with female vocals... Listen to the closest thing to crazy
with Katie Melua and you will possibly have tears in your eyes... Try
heavy rock and everything falls apart
I guess we should try to aim for rig's that work with all kinds of
music with all our equipment.

...or should we? I wouldn't really mind switching speakers every now
and then, perhaps if I used an active crossover with my Duntech's they
would work heaps better because the issue with them is that they don't
tolerate deep bass at high power levels...

If we can dig into what's the issue with our equipment and find an
affordable way to resolve... That's a significant step ahead

b.t.w. I love your opera house :-D


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
KAV400xi -> Meadowlark Kestrel2 / Duntech PCL-15
Everything is difficult before it's easy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-29 Thread tricka

doesn't it matter more about synergy in components and personal
listening tastes? I've found that you really can't say something is
"better or not", just that it suits your system. 
I'm fascinated at the emotion this stirs up! Persoanlly I thought the
original post wasn't that "ra ra" - I read it and took it for what it
Persoanlly I have different amp's for different music - my favourite
6CLC Spud amp for colour eg femal vocals, jazz - and a Bryston 100 SST
for large scale orchestral. The Transpoter (stock) sounds to my middle
aged ears just fine with both - different but fine.
Less is more eh??


Lynx 2
Custom Shiuy SEP 2.5 watt
B200 OB/ Custom Sub (450 watt plate)
MAC cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread haraldo

tomjtx;284897 Wrote: 
> I can't sit still , a moving target is harder to hit.

There's been an olympic event...
"Shooting on running targets"
In Norwegian we call this: Shooting on running boar

Perhaps quite ok to describe audiophiles.


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
KAV400xi -> Meadowlark Kestrel2 / Duntech PCL-15
Everything is difficult before it's easy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread tomjtx

darrenyeats;284774 Wrote: 
> I've given up trying to change the minds of audiophiles. There's only
> one alternative left.
> Darren
> PS: Sorry about your wall.
> PPS: It would help if you sat still just for one darned minute!

I can't sit still , a moving target is harder to hit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread NoFlyZone

I'm so confused..

I thought the ceiling texture worked best to diffuse bullet backwaves?

Anyone here live in the SF Bay Area? I'd love to audition that wooly
Modright TP and the tizzy stock TP side by side. I have a slightly
modded SB3 with the Welbourne PS. 

I added a nice DIY VH Audio power cord last night to that linear P.S.
only because it was a temporary spare and thinking it would probably
make no difference to the sound of my SB3 but what the hell.. 

Now I have to go home and AB these power cords some more because we
must have smoked something last night - and I don't mean electronics!
We could not believe how much change occurred with that cable. I have
to get home and reaudition this change - or find that roach.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread darrenyeats

I've given up trying to change the minds of audiophiles. There's only
one alternative left.
PS: Sorry about your wall.
PPS: It would help if you sat still just for one darned minute!


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread haraldo

tomjtx;284644 Wrote: 
> I've heard the silkaflex has good room treatment acustics as well.
> Did you DBT before and after bullet hole fix?

Yas, I did DBT, and I compared Sikaflex and some brands of Acrylic
glue, you seem to get slightly better midrange dynamics with Sikaflex,
and a bit less treble glare which is why I prefer this as my main
tweak now...


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
KAV400xi -> Meadowlark Kestrel2 / Duntech PCL-15
Everything is difficult before it's easy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread tomjtx

haraldo;284638 Wrote: 
> I normally use Sikaflex adhesive and a dirt cheap Black&Decker heating
> gun to fix the holes when we have snipers in our area

I've heard the silkaflex has good room treatment acustics as well.
Did you DBT before and after bullet hole fix?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread haraldo

tomjtx;284558 Wrote: 
> BTW, does anyone know a good drywall/painter guy to fill the bullet
> holes in my walls?

I normally use Sikaflex adhesive and a dirt cheap Black&Decker heating
gun to fix the holes when we have snipers in our area


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
KAV400xi -> Meadowlark Kestrel2 / Duntech PCL-15
Everything is difficult before it's easy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-28 Thread darrenyeats

For those new to these forums...Tom's irony is beyond comparo.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-27 Thread tomjtx

Jeez , everybody is being so nice...that's no fun :-)
Let's have some flames

are you guys a bunch of obama's , rising above?

Let's have some hillary action, outrageous claims and flames.

OK, I'll start. Anything with tubes suck...wait, I
like tubes.

OK, ted b your speakers , amps, cables and your hearing must suck. That
is the only explanation for the tizziness you heard with the TP. :-) 

Bosnian sniper fire sounds more realistic on the stock TP than the MW
TP. The tubes take away the sense of danger Hill must have felt dodging
that imaginary fire.

I know this because I have ab'd the 2 TP's against actual gunfire. the
stock TP has much more ballistic punch than that wimpy tube MW stuff. 

BTW, does anyone know a good drywall/painter guy to fill the bullet
holes in my walls?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-27 Thread mr_bill

I would agree on the stock sound - very transparent and revealing but
the highs aren't 'tizzy,' just accurate and I have a very resolving
system.  Tizzy sounds like the stock unit would have a problem or be

Thanks for your post Ted.  Good to hear your thoughts.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-27 Thread ted_b

mr_bill;284492 Wrote: 
> I would agree on the stock sound - very transparent and revealing but
> the highs aren't 'tizzy,' just accurate and I have a very resolving
> system.  Tizzy sounds like the stock unit would have a problem or be
> inaccurate.
> Thanks for your post Ted.  Good to hear your thoughts.
> Bill

My stock unit wasn't broken.  The highs were too bright in my system. 
I'm glad they were fine in yours.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-27 Thread ted_b

Thanks for the kudos.  And yes, you guys are correct about the
"comparo."  :)   I did not have both products in my room at the same
time.  In fact they were at least a month apart, and my memory is
what we're we talking about?

Seriously, the stock sound was pretty evident, and not that difficult
to remember.  The detail and resolution was jaw-dropping, just that the
sound was over the top in my room, and the persepctive was wayyy too
forward and quite a bit tizzy on top.  This is not blame on the TP.  It
was built for a price point.  The Modwright mods are ridiculously
comprehensive (take a look at earlier before and after pix) and put
much better parts in the important areas of the signal path.  No duh! 
If Logitech were to build a $4k TP they would have likely spent the
money there too.  Just as they did in the stock TP over the SB3 or
Duet.  No one is debating that the stock TP sounds "different" than the
stock SB3.

The sound differences weren't difficult to distinguish, even after 30+
days.  I know my system.  I like the Modwright TP sound; it is "better"
for my system.  As always, YMMV, mainly because your road may be way
different than mine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread haunyack

tomjtx;284132 Wrote: 
> Alas, I cannot take credit, that is a word oft used on head-fi.
> Do not go gentle into the night
> rage against the dying of the light
> do a comparo blind without sight

Sorry 'bout the hijack y'all.

head-fi, this newbie will check that out.
I'm yet to explore that world of internal soundstage.

Still, in my mind comparo := tomjtx

Happy doodles!
Anyone know who coined THAT term?
snarlydwarf might.



Transporter | B&K 200.2 | Vandersteen 3A Signature
C.G. Conn New York Wonder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread tomjtx

haunyack;284129 Wrote: 
> Ah yes ;-)
> Thought you may have coined a new buzz word.
> When I hear the term "comparo" again, I will attribute it to tomjtx.
> .

Alas, I cannot take credit, that is a word oft used on head-fi.

Do not go gentle into the night
rage against the dying of the light
do a comparo blind without sight


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread haunyack

tomjtx;284128 Wrote: 
> LOL..I apologize for mangling the Queen's english in the service
> of internet expediency.

Ah yes ;-)
Thought you may have coined a new buzz word.
When I hear the term "comparo" again, I will attribute it to tomjtx.



Transporter | B&K 200.2 | Vandersteen 3A Signature
C.G. Conn New York Wonder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread tomjtx

haunyack;284127 Wrote: 
> comparo.
> Jeez, I just cannot...hmm
> 'spose we'll see that term in the Oxford soon?
>   _?
> .

LOL..I apologize for mangling the Queen's english in the
service of internet expediency.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread haunyack

tomjtx;284122 Wrote: 
> ... comparo between the two.
> a realtime comparo...
> ...ted did a direct comparo...

Jeez, I just cannot...hmm   _?



Transporter | B&K 200.2 | Vandersteen 3A Signature
C.G. Conn New York Wonder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread tomjtx

rajacat;284051 Wrote: 
> Yes, but  ted b had his TP modded and he has had listening time with a
> stock unit. From his posts he seems to be a well seasoned audiophile
> with a realistic attitude towards sound quality so I respect his
> opinion more than yours because he has had time with a stock and modded
> TP. To claim that the stock unit can't be improved in any way is a
> little too idealistic IMO. I think that most stock audio gear can be
> changed, for better or worse, just like a stock car can be modified for
> better performance. Perhaps you should open your mind and not be so
> dogmatic.
> -Roy
> -Roy

You respect ted B's opinion more than mine? I shall smite you from here
to the ends of the earth!  :-)

I agree with you re ted. 
The problem is that I don't think he did a direct comparo between the

Aural memory is very fleeting and unless you can do a realtime comparo
the results are suspect. I include myself in that as well. I don't
think ted did a direct comparo but I hope he will correct me if I am

Regardless, "better" is a subjective evaluation and , as such, I don't
concern myself with other's  subjective valuations. They are ultimately
irrelevant. One needs to please one's ears only in the final analysis.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

xand1x;284050 Wrote: 
> x2. Srajan's review would have been more credible if he compared it to a
> stock transporter in all fairness. I highly doubt financial constraint
> was a limiting factor either =\

I agree. Srajan should have had a stock TP on hand as a reference.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

Phil Leigh;284056 Wrote: 
> You clearly can't distinguish "improved" from "different"...
> What is the problem here? Sticking some valves across the o/p is going
> to make it sound different for sure...and some people will prefer that
> sound which is fine. But it is not "better" in any absolute sense -
> just different.

It's hard to speak in absolutes since we all react differently to sound
by virtue of our unique hearing tools i.e shape of ear canals etc., etc.
So really there is nothing to argue about! ha, ha   Maybe you could
argue if change can be affected through the addition of tubes,
different caps or whatever...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread xand1x

tomjtx;284044 Wrote: 
> Sorry harmonic, wrong again. I am an agnostic :-)
> Don't believe it till I hear it.
> Unless you pay me enough money to change my
> mindno.wait..that's a reviewer :-)

x2. Srajan's review would have been more credible if he compared it to
a stock transporter in all fairness. I highly doubt financial
constraint was a limiting factor either =\


Linksys WRT54G --> Slim Devices Transporter (Black) --> First Watt F1
--> AKG K1000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;284042 Wrote: 
> Hi Raj, long time no see :-)
> Exactly. I don't have an opinion on the MW TP as to whether or not it
> sounds as good as the TP.
> Modwright put out good product so I suspect it is possible they didn't
> make it worse spec wise.
> I suspect, since it has tubes, it sounds different.
> For me to establish a preference I would have to ab them sighted and
> blind .
> Most the MW TP owners have not made a direct comparo and I do take
> issue with their claims of sonic superiority.
> Preference is another matter and is subjective.

Yes, but  ted b had his TP modded and he has had listening time with a
stock unit. From his posts he seems to be a well seasoned audiophile
with a realistic attitude towards sound quality so I respect his
opinion more than yours because he has had time with a stock and modded
TP. To claim that the stock unit can't be improved in any way is a
little to idealistic IMO. I think that most stock audio gear can be
changed, for better or worse, just like a stock car can be modified for
better performance. Perhaps you should open your mind and don't be so




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread tomjtx

harmonic;284033 Wrote: 
> He is a  pure breed   stock Transporter fundamentalist, i have seen his
> posts  on other forums   also , no point  in  arguing with
> fundamentalists.

Sorry harmonic, wrong again. I am an agnostic :-)

Don't believe it till I hear it.

Unless you pay me enough money to change my
mindno.wait..that's a reviewer :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread tomjtx

rajacat;284015 Wrote: 
> Sand amps have their colorations too! Every amp that I've owned had it's
> own flavor. Actually, you can just change a cap or two in most good amps
> and there will probably be a slightly different sound quality. If sand
> amps don't color the sound they should all sound the same, eh?
> -Roy 
> BTW how can you judge the Modwright TP if you've never auditioned one
> and performed a supervised blind A/B?

Hi Raj, long time no see :-)
Exactly. I don't have an opinion on the MW TP as to whether or not it
sounds as good as the TP.

Modwright put out good product so I suspect it is possible they didn't
make it worse spec wise.

I suspect, since it has tubes, it sounds different.

For me to establish a preference I would have to ab them sighted and
blind .

Most the MW TP owners have not made a direct comparo and I do take
issue with their claims of sonic superiority.
Preference is another matter and is subjective.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread harmonic

rajacat;284015 Wrote: 
> Sand amps have their colorations too! Every amp that I've owned had it's
> own flavor. Actually, you can just change a cap or two in most good amps
> and there will probably be a slightly different sound quality. If sand
> amps don't color the sound they should all sound the same, eh?
> -Roy 
> BTW how can you judge the Modwright TP if you've never auditioned one
> and performed a supervised blind A/B?

He is a  pure breed   stock Transporter fundamentalist, i have seen his
posts  on other forums   also , no point  in  arguing with


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread ted_b

Back in the old days we would flavor our recordings with tone controls. 
Nowadays we do it with amps, cables and modifications.  

What I and others have said about the Modwright Transporter should not
be taken as "the stock one sucks" but instead "the Transporter is such
a great device and proves that Slim Devices/Logitech is wa ahead of
the competition."  I'd never attempt to throw sand, glass and money at a
Sonos or Klimax system in an effort to create a different sounding

The Modwright Transporter, in my well-treated room, with my fairly high
resolution system, to my ears, is significantly more musical, revealing
and enjoyable than the stock Transporter I owned for some time.  My
comments can be seen in the 6Moons review, but simply enough: it's
clearly a synergy thing.  If you believe your stock Transporter's
unique sound combines well with the rest of your system, then so be it.
Don't make a change.  Just go buy more cd's and rip them.  In my
system, the Modwright version was much more organic sounding, yet even
more dynamic (huge power supply probably helps here a LOT) had a much
larger truer soundstage, and the air around each instrument was
noticeably better and clearer.  I won't attribute all of this to Dan's
Transporter mods.  Some of it is magic...the magic of those tumblers
falling into place...not too sweet, not too sour.  My Tesla cables, my
Soundstring cables, my Modwright preamp, the tubes I've chosen, the
McCormack DNA-500 amp, the room treatments (large use of Realtrap bass
traps, first reflection RFZ's and diffusors) all enter into this
recipe.  But the stock Transporter, in my system, was too analytical
and cold for my tastes, and would not have allowed me to make the
flavor changes required...IMHO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;283628 Wrote: 
> Now now ,Adam, of course there was a point. I don't respect loony tune
> reviewers like srajean, Kaey and others of their ilk.
> I do respect your taste in music a great deal , however.
> So I'm not all bad :-)
> I do have to go away soon tonight. A swedish classical guitarist is in
> town and we are performing informally at my favorite cafe tonight.
> I need to go practice so we can have "truth in music" modwright style.
> Hey, if I hang some tubes on my classical guitar will it sound better?
> I need to ask Srajean.
> Disclaimer: I have a tube headphone amp and a classic Macitosh amp and
> I love them both.

Sand amps have their colorations too! Every amp that I've owned had
it's own flavor. Actually, you can just change a cap or two in most
good amps and there will probably be a slightly different sound
quality. If sand amps don't color the sound they should all sound the
same, eh?


BTW how can you judge the Modwright TP if you've never auditioned one
and performed a supervised blind A/B?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread mr_bill

rydenfan;283865 Wrote: 
> How were you blown off? this was Danny Kaey's response to you:
> "howdy... I won't be reviewing the stock TP per-se; I'll spend most of
> the time in the Truth TP domain - I feel it eclipses the former by a
> considerable margin as to devote an entire review to it when the Truth
> TP is so much more..."

I was referring to my post to Srajaen earlier - not Danny.

If I would have known that you are analyzing my posts, I would have
clarified that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rydenfan

mr_bill;283857 Wrote: 
> I posted on the Audiocircle forum on the Transporter thread asking the
> reviewers for the comparison to the stock Transporter, but that was
> blown off.
> In my mind - what's the point of just reviewing the modded Transporter
> without coomparing to the stock unit?  Maybe the stock unit is better,
> the same or .worse!
> Now that is the comparison we need to read about.

How were you blown off? this was Danny Kaey's response to you:

"howdy... I won't be reviewing the stock TP per-se; I'll spend most of
the time in the Truth TP domain - I feel it eclipses the former by a
considerable margin as to devote an entire review to it when the Truth
TP is so much more..."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread mr_bill

I posted on the Audiocircle forum on the Transporter thread asking the
reviewers for the comparison to the stock Transporter, but that was
blown off.

In my mind - what's the point of just reviewing the modded Transporter
without coomparing to the stock unit?  Maybe the stock unit is better,
the same or .worse!

Now that is the comparison we need to read about.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread tomjtx

Shredder;283613 Wrote: 
> Disappointing review, I agree. As I have said before, I have heard both
> the stock and the Mod and while both are great, prefer the Modwright.
> Definitely worth a listen for anyone who has interest.I think the
> 6Moons review is not very valuable without a comparision to the stock
> model. As with all magazine rviews, it must be taken with a grain of
> salt.

How about a mountain of salt?  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread tomjtx

adamslim;283564 Wrote: 
> Cheers, interesting to see.  I have almost written off the Linn stuff
> completely because of the quality of SqueezeCenter; this is probably
> the only digital upgrade I could make.
> Tom, there was no point to your post.  Go away. :)

Now now ,Adam, of course there was a point. I don't respect loony tune
reviewers like srajean, Kaey and others of their ilk.

I do respect your taste in music a great deal , however.
So I'm not all bad :-)

I do have to go away soon tonight. A swedish classical guitarist is in
town and we are performing informally at my favorite cafe tonight.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread tomjtx

rydenfan;283612 Wrote: 
> Tom you truly never cease to amaze me. You get upset if somebody posts
> about the Modwright in any thread. So the only place I have discussed
> it is here, and yet you still bash. What is your problem?
> Here is something just for you! This is a quote from Danny Kaey who is
> the US editor for The Inner Ear and the Senior Assistant Editor for
> Positive Feedback Online. the quote is in reference to if his review of
> the Modwright Transporter will also include the stock Transporter (which
> he has had before)
> "howdy... I won't be reviewing the stock TP per-se; I'll spend most of
> the time in the Truth TP domain - I feel it eclipses the former by a
> considerable margin as to devote an entire review to it when the Truth
> TP is so much more..."

rydenfan, I'm not the least bit upset.

I also don't care about Kaey's opinion either. He is just another self
appointed audio expert .
I trust my ears a lot more than any audio reviewer. And I am not afraid
to compare things blind.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread haraldo

tomjtx;283622 Wrote: 
> Srajean's refusal to compare a stock TP and his implied dismissal of
> the stock as not worth his time is the sort of audiophile snobbery that
> has no place in a serious reviewer. Unfortunately most reviewers are
> like that.

Which is why I almost don't read Stereophile anymore, even If I still
have a subscription

Looking at Michael Fremer's review list is a shocker, when did he ever
review a turntable that costs less than $25.000


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread tomjtx

haraldo;283601 Wrote: 
> I think everybody should be allowed to post their opinions, we don't
> always have to agree :-)
> I think the negative remarks on the Music Vault was weird, to say the
> least, in such a review.

I think everyone should be allowed to post their opinion as well.
That is what I was doing.
I don't pay much attention to reviewers anymore. For me , they are a
waste of time. 

Srajean's refusal to compare a stock TP and his implied dismissal of
the stock as not worth his time is the sort of audiophile snobbery that
has no place in a serious reviewer. Unfortunately most reviewers are
like that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread Shredder

Disappointing review, I agree. As I have said before, I have heard both
the stock and the Mod and while both are great, prefer the Modwright.
Definitely worth a listen for anyone who has interest.I think the
6Moons review is not very valuable without a comparision to the stock
model. As with all magazine rviews, it must be taken with a grain of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread rydenfan

Tom you truly never cease to amaze me. You get upset if somebody posts
about the Modwright in any thread. So the only place I have discussed
it is here, and yet you still bash. What is your problem?

Here is something just for you! This is a quote from Danny Kaey who is
the US editor for The Inner Ear and the Senior Assistant Editor for
Positive Feedback Online. the quote is in reference to if his review of
the Modwright Transporter will also include the stock Transporter (which
he has had before)

"howdy... I won't be reviewing the stock TP per-se; I'll spend most of
the time in the Truth TP domain - I feel it eclipses the former by a
considerable margin as to devote an entire review to it when the Truth
TP is so much more..."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread haraldo

tomjtx;283423 Wrote: 
> Who cares?
> That reviewer also saw no point in comparing or even listening to a
> stock TP. The reviewer couldn't be bothered to listen to a stock
> component. 
> Why give credence to such a biased reviewer?
> If Srajean did a DBT comparo of the Mod TP , the Esoteric and a stock
> TP I would bet a lot of money he couldn't tell the difference.
> Of course he is likely too afraid to do that since it would destroy the
> (undeserved) credibility he thinks he has as a reviewer.
> 6Moons represents everything that is wrong about hi end audio.
> His knowledge of streaming audio is laughable. He was also pushing the
> rip off 1,000.00 Music Vault.
> Until he admitted he couldn't get it to work.
> That mag is for the unthinking insecure audiophile that needs a
> reviewer's praise to feel validated about wasting money.
> Well. sorry to hold back, when I have more time, I'll tell you how I
> really feel :-)

I think everybody should be allowed to post their opinions, we don't
always have to agree :-)
I think the negative remarks on the Music Vault was weird, to say the
least, in such a review.


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread Phil Leigh

Actually I agree with Tom (some). It would have been more interesting to
compare a stock TP vs modded vs whatever...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread adamslim

rydenfan;283380 Wrote: 
> For anyone that is interested 6moons just reviewed the Modwright
> transporter and favorably compared it to a $30,000 Esoteric player.
> Needless to say it was awarded a 6moons award.

Cheers, interesting to see.  I have almost written off the Linn stuff
completely because of the quality of SqueezeCenter; this is probably
the only digital upgrade I could make.

Tom, there was no point to your post.  Go away. :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread tomjtx

rydenfan;283380 Wrote: 
> For anyone that is interested 6moons just reviewed the Modwright
> transporter and favorably compared it to a $30,000 Esoteric player.
> Needless to say it was awarded a 6moons award. Here is the review:

Who cares?
That mag also saw no point in comparing or even listening to a stock
TP. The reviewer couldn't be bothered to listen to a stock component. 
Why give credence to such a biased reviewer?
They represent everything that is wrong about hi end audio.

His knowledge of streaming audio is laughable. He was also pushing the
rip off 1,000.00 Music Vault.

Until he admitted he couldn't get it to work.

That mag is for the unthinking insecure audiophile that needs a
reviewer's praise to feel validated about wasting money.

Well. sorry to hold back, when I have more time, I'll tell you how I
really feel :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread rydenfan

For anyone that is interested 6moons just reviewed the Modwright
transporter and favorably compared it to a $30,000 Esoteric player.
Needless to say it was awarded a 6moons award. Here is the review:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-12 Thread haraldo

Lefatshe;278634 Wrote: 
> the audiophile goal:  faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the
> live concert.

I really enjoy that description :-))


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-11 Thread Lefatshe

Thanks Frank for describing your equipment with the ModWright
Transporter.  In my short experience with audiophile equipment the
associated equipment, the room and the wires all matter.  I'm glad your
ears love it.  The audiophile who sold me my Transporter (thanks Karl)
highly recommended Dan's work, especially if it becomes the center of
my system.

HalleysComet;267932 Wrote: 
> My music room has electrostats (some early Roger Sanders Eros), with
> his Innersound amplifiers.  Probably not too different than your ML's,
> I would guess.  I use a passive transformer-based preamp there.  This
> system is brutally revealing, but whole-cloth honest.  Mostly I listen
> to vinyl in this system.  I have a nice Teres-based record deck, which
> is my primary source, via a K&K phono preamp.  
> In my living room I have Magneplanar 1.6qr speakers which are actively
> bi-amped via a pair of heavily modified Harmon Kardon Citation
> amplifiers, basically 130 watts per channel (one amp channel per
> speaker driver).  The Maggies are inherently sweeter sounding than the
> Eros, but lower resolution than the electrostats, although MUCH more
> capable of detail retreival than they were stock.  
> This is the system for which I purchased the Transporter, but I like it
> so well, I think it will end up living in my music room, where I do my
> serious listening.  For the living room, it's shared space.  I'll
> probably spring for a Duet, and run it through my (ModWright-modified!)
> DAC.

I've done a lot of A/B listening through the un-modded Transporter. 
I've tried feeding the DAC with a Rotel and a Pioneer Elite CD player. 
Switched the interconnects and powercords to the Transporter, and from
it.  (Yes, DarrenYeats, this thread could be all be about wires!)  And
I've compared the Transporter's DAC to the DAC's in each CDP mentioned
above and a Polyfusion Audio DAC.  I've even fed the Transporter into a
Mapleshade Magic amp (hybrid tubes/ss stages) and noted the introduction
of the tubes into the signal path!  All great.  It depends on what your
ears like.

Frank, your writing describes beautifully the audiophile goal: 
faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the live concert. 


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Fanless Zalman TNN 300 PC->Transporter->Kimber silver->Rotel
Rx-1052->Mapleshade wires->Gallo Reference 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-18 Thread Phil Leigh

twylie;270617 Wrote: 
> I'm 39 and have no problem hearing the mosquito or other tones in the
> 17-18k range.  Guess I'm fortunate, but this high end stuff would be
> less expensive for me if my ears rolled off at 15k.  :-)

Then you are certainly incredibly lucky...and have almost certainly
never seen Deep Purple in concert in the 70's! :o)

Mostly what's up there is harmonics from cymbals and other percussion

Most people seem to prefer to have a slight roll-off in their room
above 15k anyway. Given that frequencies that high need quite a bit of
energy to travel very far from your speaker that's not  a bad thing.
Try sticking your head near a tweeter and then move it away slowy -
amazing how quickly it gets a lot quieter...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-18 Thread twylie

Phil Leigh;270306 Wrote: 
> The mosquito works at 17.4khz...if you can hear that and are over 25,
> you have bat ears.
> There are CD's with stuff on up there - but you aren't going to miss it
> too much IMHO.

I'm 39 and have no problem hearing the mosquito or other tones in the
17-18k range.  Guess I'm fortunate, but this high end stuff would be
less expensive for me if my ears rolled off at 15k.  :-)


Thecus N5200 -> transporter -> Krell KRC2 -> nuforce 8b -> Sonus Faber
Concertos / Audio Physic Sparks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread Timothy Stockman

Patrick Dixon;270438 Wrote: 
> It's a good point.  I guess it indicates that 48KHz, 96KHz and up audio
> is more about how good or bad the pre-ADC filters in the recording
> process are, rather than anything in the replay chain.  After all, if
> we can't even hear 17KHz, there's not much point in worrying about
> reproducing 24KHz - we just need to stop it from aliasing with the
> 'audible' range lower down.
IMHO, this is mostly true, which is why 192 KHz is at the bottom of my
wish list.  Without going into specifics, let me say that there seem to
be obvious, though often not really annoying, flaws in many of my 96 KHz
and 192 KHz files, such as noise and peak overs.  Seems to me that at
24-bit resolution, there is absolutely no reason either of these
problems ever need to occur, and if they're going to the trouble to
release a recording in 96 KHz or 192 KHz format, it seems to me they'd
also go to the trouble to ensure the noise floor of their transfer
equipment is below the analog tape noise of the master and there are no
clipped peaks...

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread ted_b

CardinalFang;270295 Wrote: 
> Well to be fair, you kind of set yourself up for it be saying how much
> better your TP is than those of other posters on this forum. However
> true that is, it's bound to annoy.

???  I never said such a thing.  I entered this thread very late, and I
said I personally like my Modwright TP sound, in my room, with my
system, better than the stock TP sound in same environ.  I said YMMV
(your mileage may vary).  I never would imply that my toys are better
than yours.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread haraldo

Even though it's claimed that what happens above 20KHz is of no
interest, we still can hear the effects of what happens above 20KHz,
this may be as phase shifts, for instance...
A brick wall analog filter at 22KHz is definitely audible.

Why is it so that adding a murata supertweeter that goes to 100KHz may
have a significant effect on the treble

I certainly don't know I just know that there's much we don't


Suse Linux / SC7 -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell KAV400xi ->
Meadowlark Kestrel2
Everything is difficult before it's easy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread Patrick Dixon

It's a good point.  I guess it indicates that 48KHz, 96KHz and up audio
is more about how good or bad the pre-ADC filters in the recording
process are, rather than anything in the replay chain.  After all, if
we can't even hear 17KHz, there's not much point in worrying about
reproducing 24KHz - we just need to stop it from aliasing with the
'audible' range lower down.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread CardinalFang

Phil Leigh;270306 Wrote: 
> There are CD's with stuff on up there - but you aren't going to miss it
> too much IMHO.

I guess my point was that we ought to recognise that our ears are
significantly degraded by age, loud concerts, iPods etc., so we
shouldn't get too wound up about accuracy when in all likelihood we  
need boosted frequencies to actually hear everything in the first

Meh. Just trying to present an alternate point of view, I suppose the
sides are drawn up already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread Phil Leigh

The mosquito works at 17.4khz...if you can hear that and are over 25,
you have bat ears.

There are CD's with stuff on up there - but you aren't going to miss it
too much IMHO.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread Patrick Dixon

CardinalFang;270295 Wrote: 
> when I'm only hearing a fraction of what's on the CD.
I'd rather hear a fraction, than a fraction of a fraction.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread CardinalFang

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
> The vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
> thread is embarrassing.

Well to be fair, you kind of set yourself up for it be saying how much
better your TP is than those of other posters on this forum. However
true that is, it's bound to annoy.

I'm definitely in the skeptical camp, most of the claims made by
modders are pseudo-science and easily disproved, but what the heck,
it's your money. For me, it's similar to whether something is a more
accurate recording as opposed to being a more emotional experience. I
love my old punk records, but are they well recorded? Nope. Put a big
smile on my face? Yep. I'm sure it's the same for modded gear. It's
almost definitely a step back in accuracy, but it feels more like
music, or perhaps it's just apart of this hobby and doesn't need

One reminder for me of keeping it real was the recent outcry about
"mosquito" sound machines in the UK, designed to keep teenagers from
forming gangs around shopping centres. Apparently only the under-25
hear a painful noise, the rest of us can't hear a thing. So much for my
ability to judge the tonal accuracy of a system when I'm only hearing a
fraction of what's on the CD.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-16 Thread JJZolx

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
> The vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
> thread is embarrassing.

Don't be embarassed.  It's par for the course around here.  In the
future I'd recommend just not posting in this forum and let them start
ragging on each other when they find themselves with nothing else to



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-16 Thread tomjtx

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
> I am Dan's first Modwright TP customer and have had it for months now. 
> It is the best digital front-end I've ever heard, and I've heard many. 
> I like it, in my system, in my well-treated room, quite a bit more than
> the stock TP, a wonderful invention if I say so. 
> I've posted pics and comments on another thread quite awhile ago.  The
> vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
> thread is embarrassing.
> Thanks to Sean and Slim Devices/Logitech for inventing this wonderful
> product, along with the software to complement it.  The support Sean
> and team have shown me is first rate.  Thanks to Dan Wright for
> changing the sound to work better and synergize in my room, with my
> equipment.  The power supply, sophisticated tube rectifier and analog
> stage, and subsequent 24/96 tube dac capabilities are music to my ears.

Vile criticism ?  Isn't that being a bit extreme ?  After all I think
the MW TP would make an excellent hand warmer with all those tubes 
next to me on the couch while I listen to a REAL TP through my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-16 Thread tomjtx

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
> I am Dan's first Modwright TP customer and have had it for months now. 
> It is the best digital front-end I've ever heard, and I've heard many. 
> I like it, in my system, in my well-treated room, quite a bit more than
> the stock TP, a wonderful invention if I say so. 
> I've posted pics and comments on another thread quite awhile ago.  The
> vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
> thread is embarrassing.
> Thanks to Sean and Slim Devices/Logitech for inventing this wonderful
> product, along with the software to complement it.  The support Sean
> and team have shown me is first rate.  Thanks to Dan Wright for
> changing the sound to work better and synergize in my room, with my
> equipment.  The power supply, sophisticated tube rectifier and analog
> stage, and subsequent 24/96 tube dac capabilities are music to my ears.

Vile criticism ?  Isn't that being a bit


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-16 Thread HalleysComet

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
> I am Dan's first Modwright TP customer and have had it for months now. 
> It is the best digital front-end I've ever heard, and I've heard many. 
> I like it, in my system, in my well-treated room, quite a bit more than
> the stock TP, a wonderful invention if I say so. 
> I've posted pics and comments on another thread quite awhile ago.  The
> vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
> thread is embarrassing.
> Thanks to Sean and Slim Devices/Logitech for inventing this wonderful
> product, along with the software to complement it.  The support Sean
> and team have shown me is first rate.  Thanks to Dan Wright for
> changing the sound to work better and synergize in my room, with my
> equipment.  The power supply, sophisticated tube rectifier and analog
> stage, and subsequent 24/96 tube dac capabilities are music to my ears.

Hey Ted,
I appreciate your sharing your experience.  In fact, your posts were a
big part of my initial interest in doing the upgrade with Dan.  I
certainly consider it money well spent!  I just wanted to say a
personal "thank you!" since you helped me discover the best digital
sound I've yet heard in my home.

I'm just now listening to my ModWright Logitech Transporter...  I heard
Lyle Lovett in concert Thursday night, and listening to his latest CD
and comparing to the (admittedly flawed) auditory memory of that night
is revelatory.  I'm reliving it, and lovin' it!




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-16 Thread ted_b

I am Dan's first Modwright TP customer and have had it for months now. 
It is the best digital front-end I've ever heard, and I've heard many. 
I like it, in my system, in my well-treated room, quite a bit more than
the stock TP, a wonderful invention if I say so. 

I've posted pics and comments on another thread quite awhile ago.  The
vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
thread is embarrassing.

Thanks to Sean and Slim Devices/Logitech for inventing this wonderful
product, along with the software to complement it.  The support Sean
and team have shown me is first rate.  Thanks to Dan Wright for
changing the sound to work better and synergize in my room, with my
equipment.  The power supply, sophisticated tube rectifier and analog
stage, and subsequent 24/96 tube dac capabilities are music to my ears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-14 Thread rydenfan

I placed my order with Dan yesterday. I will post my impressions once it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread alekz

Timothy Stockman;268234 Wrote: 
> Does MW make any attempt to quamtify the improvement they make?
> . . .
> Anyway, what does MW specify is the improvement?
Actually, they do not claim anything. But you can find what the other
people say. This thread is a good start. Also, you can have a look at
Dan's forum:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread alekz

About the measurements:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread Timothy Stockman

It would be interesting to see some MEASURED performance of various
Transporter modifications.  Before I get the usual chorus of
"measurements don't count, sound does", let me point out that
measurements DO clearly count, because the ear and brain are apparently
registering a difference.  It seems to me that the problem becomes
finding the correct measurement which shows what the difference is. 
Does MW make any attempt to quamtify the improvement they make?  In the
end, the Transporter, whether it is stock, MW or something else puts out
a waveform.  Seems to me that, since the input is digital, one can know
exactly what the output  should look like.  The difficulty is finding
measuring devices with sufficient precision; I would think even a stock
Transporter would push many measuring devices to the limit.  But,
hearing has limits also and many measurements (not all) are far more
precise than humam hearing  Anyway, what does MW specify is the

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread alekz

HalleysComet;267932 Wrote: 
> Hope this helps!
Thanks Frank. I still have some concerns (apart from how it would sound
in my system ;-):

o- if there's space for both Maui and ModWright mods
o- if ModWright mods are reversible
o- vibration damping (mostly tubes)
o- the length of the wires going to the XLR and RCA connectors
(something like 25cm, 1/4 of the TS - preamp interconnect)

I wish a TS had a more serviceable and less ringy case ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread HalleysComet

Pat Farrell;267868 Wrote: 
> Shredder wrote:[color=blue]
> > Glad you like it. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can listen to, and
> like anything, and its fine by me. Its your ears and your money.
> All the arguing about circuits and parts is hot air.

Ah, a breath of fresh air!  As usual (perusing your past posts) you
bring a terrific common-sense perspective to the discussion.

I admired the Transporter in its original form, but not enough for it
to be worth $2,000 to me.  But in it's revised form it's worth $3,600
to me (what I paid).  I like it so well, I think it's worthwhile for
others to audition it.

Hopefully some folks will find this useful, or at least provocative



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;268032 Wrote: 
> What evidence do you have for that?
> That's not how he describes them on his website.  Of course, what he
> says doesn't make any sense at all, so that's not saying much.

opaqueice is a physicist so he speaks with some authority  when he says
the bybee claims are nonsensical :-)

There are  threads debunking bybees "science" and his bio on several

Search here, AA and AC and you should find a good deal of info.

Bybee is one of the worst of the snake oil purveyors IMO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-11 Thread opaqueice

HalleysComet;267843 Wrote: 
> Jack Bybee was able to develop a successful solution to allow sonar
> listeners to more reliably detect enemy submarines, using technology he
> developed that was kept classified by the US Navy for a number of years.

What evidence do you have for that?

> Well, the so-called Bybee Purifiers may or may not do anything for your
> system.  Where they seem to matter is where you have very high
> bandwidth amplification, where high-frequency harmonics have the
> potential to impact the sonic spectrum.  Digital circuitry in
> particular provides a certain level of nastiness that good design can
> mitigate, but the Bybee parts in the right application can provide a
> perceptible improvement.

That's not how he describes them on his website.  Of course, what he
says doesn't make any sense at all, so that's not saying much.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

alekz;267853 Wrote: 
> Let's get back to the subject. I have a couple of questions to those
> who have heard both the stock and modded Transporter.
> o- Frank, you mentioned that the stock TS sounds(-ed) more detailed.
> Could you please elaborate? Do you hear less details now? Are they
> masked by the noise floor? 
> o- Any differences in the sound stage? E.g. sources placement, the air
> between them, depth/width, etc.
> o- Did the stock TS sound brighter than the modded one? Did you notice
> any sibilance?
> o- Can you compare the dynamics? 
> o- Frank, what does the rest of your system look like?
> o- Can anybody with a digital camera make some photos of the internals
> of their modded by Dan TS?
> I have an Anthony's modded Transporter. This is what I noticed:
> o- Extremely detailed, revealing, cold and analytical. Probably too
> revealing and analytical (like the rest of my system). Too often it
> shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
> o- A bit on the bright side. Hot records will sound stingingly HOT.
> Sibilants are a bit exaggerated.
> o- Good dynamics and very low noise floor. You can clearly hear the
> sound decays. 
> o- Pinpoint sound staging. 
> o- It never sounds messy even during complex passages.
> o- The images are thin with not enough "meat" and body. (ML Ascent
> feature?)
> So, I'm wondering if I can get the best out of two worlds and let my
> Anthony modded TS be modified by Dan. Also, it's recommended to pair
> Logans with tubes. 
> Alex Peychev's mods (though it sounds very interesting) are a no-go for
> me since his design is non-balanced and I have a fully balanced system.

Great to hear from another Transporter owner who's trying to make it
even better ;-)

Unfortunately, as Dylan Thomas remarked, "We share the barrier of a
common language."  I think I would have used the same descriptions you
used for your modded player to describe the original.  So I'm not sure
I can answer your questions.  

I think the main change for me compared to my three weeks with the
original Transporter is that the new one is more holographic or solidly
"real" sounding.  So before I would notice the detail and say "Holy Cow!
I've never heard that before, cool!"

Now I'm listening to Yo-yo Ma playing Dvorak's Cello Concerto, and I'm
just swept away.  I swear I can recognize Jacqueline du Pre's Strad in
Yo-yo's hands.  So I would say the detail is definitely there, but
that's not what I find myself listening to.

My sister is a flute player.  Before she moved to Paris, she used to
play for the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and was a sub for the NY
Metropolitan Opera.  I sat in on a concert she played of the 4th
Brandenberg.  Today I was listening to the Marlboro Festival Orchestra
playing the Brandenberg via the Transporter, and again, I had the
feeling that I was right there, hearing the right tone of the silver
flute, the wood of the violin bodies, and the occasional scrape of
bows.  It's the "there-ness" that I treasure, and that I felt was
missing in my original experience with the Transporter.

I'm not sure I can break it down into your language, but I'll try.  
* There's no noise.  I can crank it up full, don't hear any tube rush
or other noise.  
* Brightness?  H'mmm.  The stock unit maybe was a little brighter?  It
was certainly -- I don't know -- edgier? sounding, perhaps, but that
sounds too negative.  It wasn't in any way BAD sounding.  Maybe a
little more "in your face" like you were seated too close to the
musicians?  I kept hoping it would break in and settle down, so there
was a certain edge about it that I didn't enjoy.
A caveat about brightness: an my hearing isn't so fantastic anymore on
high frequencies.  So I tend to prefer equipment that's brighter than
others like, probably because bright doesn't bother me.  So it wasn't
brightness, that's wrong word.  Sorry, I'm struggling to find words for
* Dynamics I can't talk to.  I listened to some large scale orchestral
stuff on the original Transporter and it was breathtaking.  I haven't
really compared the ModWright yet on that source material.  I wouldn't
expect it to be different, and I wouldn't trust my ability to tell the
difference anyway.

I'm not sure how relevant my system info will be.  Everyone's is so
idiosyncratic, it's hard to make generalizations.  And I've actually
got 4 systems in the house, so it's not even that simple.  I've
listened to the MW Transporter in two of my systems, so far.  My
impressions are a composite of those two systems.

My music room has electrostats (some early Roger Sanders Eros), with
his Innersound amplifiers.  Probably not too different than your ML's,
I would guess.  I use a passive transformer-based preamp there.  This
system is brutally revealing, but whole-cloth honest.  Mostly I listen
to vinyl in this system.  I have a nice Teres-based record deck, which
is my primary source, via a K&K phono preamp.  

In my living room I have Magneplanar 1.6qr 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread darrenyeats

What if this whole conversation was about some speaker wire?

Poster 1 "Wow, company X's modification of Logitech's speaker wire has
totally transformed the sound! Everything's become so real!!!"

Poster 2 "If a mod on a speaker wire makes that much difference, and
the original speaker wire pretty much doesn't add any distortion, that
means the modded speaker wire is distorted."

Poster 1 "Whatever. You haven't heard the mod so what are you talking
about. I know it sounds better."

I believe that the end result of every system is not perfect. In the
majority of cases even the most basic aspect of frequency response is
not very neutral. Personally I correct for this with room treatments
and DSP. Even so, there are clearly many other aspects to sound such
dynamic range, noise, harmonic distortion and no doubt others known and
others yet to be discovered, and every set up lacks in some aspects in
terms of the end result the listener hears.

This means that adding a component which distorts the signal always has
a possibility of making the end result better. Some distortions cancel
each other out - e.g. DSP is really in fact a intended
to counteract "bad distortions" in the end sound.

The point is this - I don't think a digital source is an appropriate
place to design distortions even if the result happens to be good for
some set ups. I like my sources, volume controls, cables etc to be as
neutral and transparent as possible.

I think speakers and rooms are where you can really mix to taste,
because this is where so many compromises have to made anyway due to
the physics of it.

However, components where only an electric signal exists should just
sound as if they are not there. Playing your system at 100% volume
should sound the same as playing your system without the preamp, for
example. If your system sounds magically better WITH the preamp, it
could be it is correcting some "bad distortion" in the setup but it
doesn't mean it is a "better" preamp in some absolute sense.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread crooner

tomjtx;267841 Wrote: 
> X2, I didn't realize modwright was into that bybee nonsense.

Yeah, what a disappointment!!


Customized dual chassis "Super Squeezebox"
EAD DSP-7000 Series III DAC with HDCD and mods.
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Marantz 10B tube FM tuner
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
> I auditioned the maiu mod and ab'd it directly with my stock
> transporter.
What was the rest of the system? Was it the 1st Anthony's iteration
with the analogue stage not touched?

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
> The best thing I could say is he didn't make the modded TP sound
> worse.

Good ;-) And that proves that Sean not quite correct saying that any
modification will make TP sound worse.

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
> What a total waste of money, IMO.
I still think it's a very system dependent.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread tomjtx

I auditioned the maiu mod and ab'd it directly with my stock

There was no differance that could be identified by me or 2 other
listeners, a recording engineer and a high end dealer.

The best thing I could say is he didn't make the modded TP sound

What a total waste of money, IMO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
> alekz wrote:
> >  Too often it
> > shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
> Isn't this a curse of any accurate audiophile system?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Accurate (but unlistenable) vs
"distorted" (but rather enjoyable) dilemma. 
The better the system the worse some records sound. But would you 
prefer to part with some good but almost demolished by sound engineers

I wish I could switch between the mods and choose whatever sounds
subjectively better or according to my current mood.

I have only one solution for that - my car audio ;-) 

Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
> alekz wrote:[color=blue]
> Out of tune, loudness wars, clipping, etc. I had such grand memories of
> that as a good album, the CD is unlistenable.
And that brings us to this thread:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Pat Farrell
alekz wrote:
>  Too often it
> shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.

Isn't this a curse of any accurate audiophile system?
Whatever you do, don't play CSN&Y's Four Way Street CD. It is terrible. 
Out of tune, loudness wars, clipping, etc. I had such grand memories of 
that as a good album, the CD is unlistenable.

I don't blame my transporter for it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Pat Farrell
Shredder wrote:
> I chose the MW TP direct into my amps over the other options, ie nice
> Dac into nice pre, TP into nice pre, great Dac w/no pre.
> Give it a listen. I suspect most will like it. If not, you will be able
> to make an educated judgment.

Glad you like it. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can listen to, and 
like anything, and its fine by me. Its your ears and your money.

All the arguing about circuits and parts is hot air.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread GuyDebord

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
> While I respect your point of view, I disagree with one of your key
> premises.
> Dissatisfaction with the state-of-the-art, and the willingness to
> explore alternatives is central to progress in sound reproduction
> technology.  Most of the leading lights in this industry started their
> careers with soldering irons in their hands and a spark of an idea in
> their heads.  For instance, firms such as Conrad Johnson and Acoustic
> Research have their roots firmly in the foundation of modding other
> designer's work. 
> Frank

thanks for your response. however, i think we have to different ideas
of what innovations is. The TP's innovation is not so much on its
analogue stage than in its digital circuitry, interface and software
working in unison with the whole device. Now, i dont understand how can
you call innovation a simple change in the output circuitry. To me this
is parasitizing, not innovation.


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration,
REL Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, ASR MiniBasis
SQ preamp, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: SlimDevices
Transporter, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. POWER: Isotek
MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30 MKII
(Transporter), van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & van den Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

Frank (aka HalleysComet), I see no reason why you have to defend your
choice. If it sounds better (for you), than it's the way to go (for
you). Period.

I second rydenfan here. That reminds me a couple of real interviews I
heard:"I have't read the book, but it's bad, I will not read it and I
recommend you not to read it too". Don't make yourself look ridiculous
(at least).

Let's get back to the subject. I have a couple of questions to those
who have heard both the stock and modded Transporter.

o- Frank, you mentioned that the stock TS sounds(-ed) more detailed.
Could you please elaborate? Do you hear less details now? Are they
masked by the noise floor? 
o- Any differences in the sound stage? E.g. sources placement, the air
between them, depth/width, etc.
o- Did the stock TS sound brighter than the modded one? Did you notice
any sibilance?
o- Can you compare the dynamics? 
o- Frank, what does the rest of your system look like?
o- Can anybody with a digital camera make some photos of the internals
of their modded by Dan TS?

I have an Anthony's modded Transporter. This is what I noticed:

o- Extremely detailed, revealing, cold and analytical. Probably too
revealing and analytical (like the rest of my system). Too often it
shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
o- A bit on the bright side. Hot records will sound stingingly HOT.
Sibilants are a bit exaggerated.
o- Good dynamics and very low noise floor. You can clearly hear the
sound decays. 
o- Pinpoint sound staging. 
o- It never sounds messy even during complex passages.
o- The images are thin with not enough "meat" and body. (ML Ascent

So, I'm wondering if I can get the best out of two worlds and let my
Anthony modded TS be modified by Dan. Also, it's recommended to pair
Logans with tubes. 

Alex Peychev's mods (though it sounds very interesting) are a no-go for
me since his design is non-balanced and I have a fully balanced system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

opaqueice;267827 Wrote: 
> Really?  So much for ModWright, then.

Yeah, I know.  But really...

Jack Bybee was able to develop a successful solution to allow sonar
listeners to more reliably detect enemy submarines, using technology he
developed that was kept classified by the US Navy for a number of years.
So what do you do to monetize this technology when you go to the
private sector?  

Well, the so-called Bybee Purifiers may or may not do anything for your
system.  Where they seem to matter is where you have very high bandwidth
amplification, where high-frequency harmonics have the potential to
impact the sonic spectrum.  Digital circuitry in particular provides a
certain level of nastiness that good design can mitigate, but the Bybee
parts in the right application can provide a perceptible improvement.

My electrostatic speakers turn out to be good high-frequency receivers.
They in turn feed back some of this into my power amps -- or they used
to.  I perceived this as a certain slight veiled muddiness in the
sound.  I tried various approaches, such as ferrite clamps (deadened
the sound) or sobel filters, but the Bybees seem to do the best job.  

On the other hand, they don't make a hill of difference in my living
room system where I have vintage tube amplification & dynamic speaker




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;267827 Wrote: 
> Really?  So much for ModWright, then.

X2, I didn't realize modwright was into that bybee nonsense.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread opaqueice

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
>  Dan was one of the first to accept and utilize the work of Jack Bybee,
> to deal with the effects of HF interference in high bandwidth audio
> circuits. 

Really?  So much for ModWright, then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

rydenfan;267776 Wrote: 
> I am sure I will be flamed for my beliefs, but I have to say I do find
> it very interesting that everybody who "KNOWS" that either the
> Modwright Transporter is a waste of money or that the same thing could
> be achieved in another way has never heard one. Yet everybody who has
> indeed listened seems to have universal praise for the piece. In the
> end should not some emphasis be placed on how this piece sounds?

Those of us who have purchased it and are enjoying it are deluded fools
who are too easily parted with our money.  Wiser heads need to cool down
our ardor and point out that we're only listening to our delusions,
fueled by self-fulfilling perceptions of improvement.  Besides, who do
these modders think they are anyway defiling what it took years of the
finest engineers talent to develop?

  I'm lovin' it!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

Timothy Stockman;267790 Wrote: 
> OK, what is "non-standard" about his analog stage?  Does he use a
> non-standard circuit topology?  What is unique in his circuit?

I don't have access to a circuit diagram, but from what I can see, and
have read, the stage is optimized for class A operation of the 6N1P
triodes he uses, and transformer coupled without caps in the direct
signal path.  The tube rectifier is a 5U4 type that apparently uses
some clever (? unspecified?) rectification twists, including bespoke
capacitors (teflon/foil in oil capacitors that Dan has made for him)
which are said to account for some of the sound quality.  At some point
I'll dig into it and see if I can figure out the circuit, but right now
I'm having too much fun listening!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Timothy Stockman

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
> The analog stage in his Transporter modification is hardly "extremely
> standard"
OK, what is "non-standard" about his analog stage?  Does he use a
non-standard circuit topology?  What is unique in his circuit?

Timothy Stockman

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