Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread opaqueice

eiret;276341 Wrote: 
> I am not an expert. Amateur/fun.
> I can picture to my self that there is no problem connecting
> Transporter or DAC1 USB directly to active speakers. In addition they
> will have a function like preamps, dont they? 
> Since you can have two computers, cd player etc connected and switch
> between them with a knob or in Transporters case a remote.

seanadams;276509 Wrote: 
> Wrong. NEVER do this. You need attenuators. This is both for sound
> quality and safety reasons - search this forum or more info on
> attenuators.

eiret;276589 Wrote: 
> Thank you for clarify that. I was dam sure about my statement.

The DAC1 has an analogue volume control, so I don't see why there's any
problem sending it directly into active speakers (although I'd verify
that with Benchmark just in case I'm wrong).

Transporter on the other hand needs attenuation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Oh and by the way, decent attenuators will NOT affect sound quality in
ANY way - they are simply a resistor network.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread eiret

Thank you for clarify that. I was dam sure about my statement.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread seanadams

eiret;276341 Wrote: 
> I can picture to my self that there is no problem connecting Transporter
> or DAC1 USB directly to active speakers. In addition they will have a
> function like preamps, dont they? 

Wrong. NEVER do this. You need attenuators. This is both for sound
quality and safety reasons - search this forum or more info on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread Skunk

It's not just the white noise of death phenomenon you have to worry
about though. The volume is not only digital, but controlled by some
pretty complex software. E.g. there was a bug where the Controller
would shoot up to max volume after a certain sequence of events. Loud
music isn't as bad as white noise, but something like this is always a
possibility too:

MeSue;273330 Wrote: 
> Yesterday we had a lot of power flickering off and on throughout the
> day, but by the time I went to use the Squeezebox, I had forgotten and
> the Squeezebox worked fine. Until about 10 minutes into the music, that
> is! At that point the Squeezebox made an ear-drum piercing loud screech,
> and I about had heart failure. By the time I gathered my wits about me
> and looked at the screen, it showed a gob of lit pixels repeatedly
> scrolling from right to left. Never seen anything like that before.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread Mark Lanctot

Rodney_Gold;276360 Wrote: 
> Perhaps a plugin can be written or something can be put in software to
> preset a volume when the transporter/sb  powers up , like set a default
> start volume where it could NEVER output at full vol if something goes
> wrong.

The problem was, the "white noise of death" was caused by a rare
software glitch.  No software attenuation corrected it.

Hardware attenuation was the only guarantee.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread darrenyeats

Rodney_Gold;276288 Wrote: 
> I find the EQ plugin a pain , cos it doesnt change stuff instantly and
> it applys so me sort of attenuation if you use it.
Inguz has automatic gain adjustment but, in case it gets it wrong, a
gain parameter can be tweaked to make the gain optimal.

(But I agree this doesn't help so much if you are switching EQ settings
all the time.)


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread darrenyeats

You can buy balanced attenuators which will solve the problem.

One of the posters, CliveB I think, runs his Transporter directly into
SCM100s with no pre between. I think it's a good idea.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread Rodney_Gold

The balanced outputs arent attenuable , the ATC's use balanced inputs. I
see there is a Preamp vol setting , but one would have to either set
this low to avoid potential damage , but then this would be applying
attenuation in the digital domain , or set it low and then reset it to
full when listening to minimise the attn. the ATC speakers go VERY loud
, meant to do so , Im not sure whether there is protection in the
speaker itself.
A workaround would be to use the Analog rca's with selectable attn for
output and then use a rca to balanced plug for the leads to the speaker
if you wanted to avoid damage and use minimal digital attn. Perhaps a
plugin can be written or something can be put in software to preset a
volume when the transporter/sb  powers up , like set a default start
volume where it could NEVER output at full vol if something goes wrong.
My Z-sys ALWAYS starts at -40db when booting or after a power outage
In my case im using the analog outputs for a headphone amp so cant use
em for the ATC's  , but Im not sure whether using analog attenuated +
rca to canon adaptors is a better solution than using balanced to
balanced with more digital attn , I'm not sure whether the adaptor
compromises anything sonically , if it doesnt thats the way to go.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread eiret

I am not an expert. Amateur/fun.

I can picture to my self that there is no problem connecting
Transporter or DAC1 USB directly to active speakers. In addition they
will have a function like preamps, dont they? 
Since you can have two computers, cd player etc connected and switch
between them with a knob or in Transporters case a remote.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread adamslim

highfi;276294 Wrote: 
> I understand the Transporter can produce a high level noise which can
> damage the ATC's (or ears) if used without a preamp?

There was a bug some time ago, IIRC on the SB not the TP, that could
result in a full-level white noise signal being sent out.  If your
speakers can't handle it, this could cause damage.  AFAIK no-one
suffered damage and it was fixed.

But the TP has built-in attenuators, which you can select internally. 
You should use these to make sure that 0dB on the TP is the loudest you
want it to play; your normal listening level will then be say -10dB,
which you alter using the digital volume control.  This system means
that the TP spewing out noise at 0dB won't break your speakers, and
also you are doing the least digital attenuation, to avoid its
(alleged) negative effects.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread Rodney_Gold

I dunno bout the high level noise thing at all? Dispensing with a pre
should be ok, Currently im using the TACT in bypass mode as a pre ,
also digital domain attenuation prolly also colours the signal
Im not sure what volume level the transporter defaults to on startup or
if you can modify it.The tact defaults to a low non damaging setting and
rembembers whatever you set it at. If its full signal from the
transporter then you might damage the ATC's ?? Im pretty new to the
transporter only having got it about 3 weeks ago and havent fidded that
much with settings 
If you compare the cost of a transporter to your ATCS , it's peanuts
and if you add in the other stuff it can do , it's a real good buy even
as an alternative front end to a cdp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread highfi

Rodney_Gold;276288 Wrote: 
> The transporter is ideal for the ATC's cos it has the balanced outputs
> and a better DAC than the SB. ...
> The only caveat I can think of is that the ATC's are particularily
> revealing speakers and the transporter and it's inbuilt dac DAC are
> also no holds barred accurate . so the pairing,  if you aint using
> a Pre that is "musical" , will show off bad recordings etc warts and
> all.

Many thanks for your detailed reply. Isn't it possible to use the
Transporter straight to the ATC's (without a preamp)? Would you prefer
to introduce a preamp in order to make the sound more musical? And a
second thing: I understand the Transporter can produce a high level
noise which can damage the ATC's (or ears) if used without a preamp?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-06 Thread Rodney_Gold

The transporter is ideal for the ATC's cos it has the balanced outputs
and a better DAC than the SB. It is a huge amount more expensive tho ,
but for what it can do it's worth it.

The only caveat I can think of is that the ATC's are particularily
revealing speakers and the transporter and it's inbuilt dac DAC are
also no holds barred accurate . so the pairing,  if you aint using
a Pre that is "musical" , will show off bad recordings etc warts and
If you buy the SB , then you need an offboard dac and a pre cos it only
has RCA analog and digital out,  You would then use the SB in digital
only mode. That will become as expensive as the Transporter.

ATC themselves have some upgrades available , I spoke to em about 3-4
months ago about my SCM 50's which are old models, they reckon my mids
can be upgraded , tho yours might be the upgraded models , but they
also said they have a new tweeter in the works which will apply to all
models , I still have the old tweeter and am thinking of upgrading to
either the new model or the SEAS millennium they used on the newer

I find the ATC to perform best at really high levels and despite being
biggish speakers , their sound is very "small" in terms of the all
enveloping sound of my meridians.
One of the reasons I bought the transporter is that it now has a
"foldback" facilitiy , ie it can use its own digital out into its dac
and thus I can connect my TACT room correction unit in the mix and
correct the speakers. 
The SB andf the Transporter can use an EQ plugin that is pretty much
user configurable , so you can tune to taste , however I find the EQ
plugin a pain , cos it doesnt change stuff instantly and it applys so
me sort of attenuation if you use it. I have a Z-sys RDP-1 parametric
digital eq that I use with my meridian speakers (the main set)
As to what sounds better  well the sound of the ATC's compared to
meridians is so totally different its impossible to say , the ATC's
shine on well recorded music and the bass is far tighter than the
meridians , I find the ATC's "forward" in the mids but very nice in the
treble , the meridians bass in my setup is much deeper but a little
looser , the midrange is just wonderful , but treble is a little
recessed. The meridians give a "big" type sound compared to ATC's, the
ATCs are more focussed. Very nice for vocals etc , but orchestral is
too narrow.
However it's really difficult for me to state anything categorically in
terms of how the speakers sound , they are all in very different places
and give me good sound for where they are.
I can state this categorically tho , the transporter is a no brainer
buy for you. It will replace any front end you have with a sort of
"straight wire with gain" type. On my headphone system , im slightly
less enthusaistic about the Transporter , I was using a Jolida valve
CDP into a Valve based headphone amp , the Musical fidelity X-cans V3
with Siemens CCa's and I also used a SET hp amp. Phones are Senheissers
hd600's and 650's. I find the transporter less musical than the Jolida ,
the transporter does everything right and as a front end has more detail
etc in that setup , but the jolida's sound was more involving , but
thats my personal preference.
Tho only gripe I REALLY have is the schlep of ripping a 2000+ cd
collection to disc. Im up to 270 now!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-06 Thread mgraves

In recent years I've developed a preference for active powered audio
monitors. I own several sets, and am planning to buy another coupe of

In my home office I have a pair of Behringer B2031As with matching
B2029A subwoofers. This setup is very inexpensive for the level of

I also have some Alesis M1-520s which are smaller and very affordable.

Next I'm going to try the Wharfedale Pro 8.2 Active's.  These come
highly recommended by some people I respect on the sursound mailing
list. When you're assembling a 16 channel surround listening
environment powered monitors bring a whole new level of practicality.

My plan is to combine several sets of powered monitors with several
SB3s to create a wireless distributed whole house audio system. I'm
about a third of the way though. I'm just starting to document the
process on my blog at



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-06 Thread eiret

Quad 12L Active
Quad amplifier and the optioon of xlr input. I use only Squeezebox-rca
in(cheap) Play jazz very good, acoutsic,blues,ordinary rock good. Eva
Cassidy-Imagine-10.Danny Boy very good.

Heavy Metal and Classic not that good. At least they play Metallica
St.Anger good. You can hear the strange after sound tone in one of the
ordinary drums like Pooggood production.
$1500 in Sweeden, but in USA or Great Britain +- $1000
Ok speakers, but you need Transporter, Dac1, Quad CDP etc to get the
best of them. Then, the system will be expensive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-06 Thread sand

Regarding speakers, I think you must listen yourself!

Today I bought my second pair of Audioengine 5's (for the kitchen).
I think they are great value, good sound, great looks and they look
nice next to the all-black SB3.

There is some noise from them when they are turned on and the SB is
off, but it is VERY low, it has to be completely silent in the room and
I must have my ear less than an inch from the speaker to be able to hear
it. I always turn the speakers off when I'm not going to use them for a

I do have another setup with passive speakers in the 'media-room' also,
but the AE5's are the ones I use the most.


Two Squeezebox 3
Seagate ES 500GB
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-06 Thread highfi

Rodney_Gold;275503 Wrote: 
> and a set of ATC scm 50a Actives from it's balanced analog outputs

Since I own a pair of ATC SCM 100 active and am considering a
squeezebox or transporter, could you please give us some more
information on the performance you get with your ATC speakers and what
your upgrade options might be? Apart from their flexibility, do the
Meridian sound better?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-05 Thread Rodney_Gold

I actually run 3 simultaneous systems off a transporter and one off a
I have gone both active and "passive".
2 of the systems are digital active , ie take a digital input. A set of
meridian DSP 5500's as the main system off the SB3 with a z-sys RDP-1
digital parametric between the 2 units. 
The transporter runs a valve headphone amp thru its analog outputs , a
smaler set of meridan dsp 5000's from its digital output and a set of
ATC scm 50a Actives from it's balanced analog outputs.
I bought the smaller Meridians for real cheap , about $1500 and they
are active as well as having their own digital crossovers and dacs
buillt in. The big thing about them is the fact that you can alter the
sonics to taste using them. They also have settings for compensation if
used near boundary walls or corners. They will also bypass the SB's dac
and use its digital output , you could use the analog outpputs for a
headphone setup or something else.

I don't know what your budget is but if it's at all near that , you
could consider them. They will work in a smallish room and give
exceptional bass. Active speakers for nearfield that I've heard and
liked ar Genelec and Mackie pro monitors.
I suppose what you get is dependant on how anal an audiophile you are ,
if I were running an "active" system from an SB I would be using an
outboard dac , a decent pre and actives , still a lot of boxes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-05 Thread adamslim

Squeeze Me;275284 Wrote: 
> Just oe question, what exactly do you mean when you say it is
> straightforward to mess up an active system. Surely you just plug in
> your source (Squeezebox) and are good to go?

Sorry I meant from a design perspective - just because you have the
theoretical improvements that going active could bring does not mean
that any improvement will be achieved in practice.

>From a user perspective, whatever you get should all just work, active
or passive.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-04 Thread Squeeze Me

adamslim;275210 Wrote: 
> Secondly, it is easy to argue for the theoretical advantage of active
> speakers, but it is quite straightforward to mess up a simple active
> system, so it really all depends on the specific system.

Just oe question, what exactly do you mean when you say it is
straightforward to mess up an active system. Surely you just plug in
your source (Squeezebox) and are good to go?

Squeeze Me

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-04 Thread Squeeze Me

Thanks for the response, very useful.

I can't say I will never want to upgrade, but I am certainly thinking
of the long term, something I can keep and like for a long time.

Squeeze Me

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-04 Thread adamslim

Is this a destination or a path?  If you want something that is neat and
you'll leave it for many years, go for the active setup.  If, however,
you anticipate upgrading every couple of years, then passive gives you
more options.

Secondly, it is easy to argue for the theoretical advantage of active
speakers, but it is quite straightforward to mess up a simple active
system, so it really all depends on the specific system.

Thirdly, speakers are a very personal choice, so ignore anything anyone
tells you, as they'll normally just be recommending what they use.

Fourthly, if you can get something for a decent price then what's to
lose?  You can flog it on ebay if you don't like it, and it costs you
little or nothing.  Best way to get going IMO.

With reference to my third rule, I use Wharfedale 9.1s in my computer
system and they're fine, good value.  You pick three other
manufacturers below that which are not favourites for me.  Wharfedales
are decent value and easy to move on when you come to upgrade, what's
not to like?  Get the credit card out and start listening to some
tunes! :)

Oh and I've heard nothing but good things about that amp.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-04 Thread Squeeze Me

Hello all, my first post so please go easy on me!

I have had my Squeezebox for many moons now but am looking to change my
hi-fi setup. Having read the posts on this forum the idea of having
active speakers with no amp appeals to me (simply because it means the
hi-fi setup is neater with less kit), but I also want good quality for
my money. Also, I can get a Cambridge Audio Azur 640 amp at a good
price so that is something for me to consider. (Please don’t suggest a
different amp, it is this one or nothing, thanks).

I guess a big part of this question is, at the price level I am at, are
active speakers going to match the quality of passive plus amp. And the
other question then is which speakers to people recommend the most
(taking cost into consideration).

I have been doing some searching and have listed my considerations in
total cost order (taking into account amp and hi-fi stand) from low to
high. Any comments are appreciated.

Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 Pro Active Speakers.
These are the same company as Quad, right? So are these are

Audioengine 5 Active Speakers.
Spoken about a lot on these forums. What is the quality like? Do
they really buzz when not in use?

Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 Passive speakers.
Will these plus amp be better than 8.2 Active? Front firing bass
port is useful as they will be fairly close to a wall.

Monitor Audio BR2 Passive speakers.
Slightly more expensive than 9.1’s, worth it?

Kef Q1 passive speakers.
Again, slightly more expensive than 9.1’s.

Quad 11L Active Speakers.
Spoken about on these forums. Are they worth the extra outlay? Are
they considerably better than the 8.2’s?

My room is about 12’ square, speakers fairly close to the rear wall but
away from the sides.

Squeeze Me

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