[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-04-04 Thread F-100

Here is the latest pics of my DYI Power-One power supply. So far, it
sound very nice.

|Filename: power2.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1164|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-04-01 Thread F-100

I have the same model as yours (HB5-3/OVP-A). From what I've gathered
here, some came with the varistor and some doesn't. 

I went to Fry's Electronic today and pick up an aluminum chassis since
you had made fun of my previous chassis. It was a prototype :-).
Anyway, thanks so much for your help. I'll post some pics of my
finished product soon.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-04-01 Thread Jetlag

F-100 Wrote: 
> FYI, I flunked out of Circuit 101 in my college years and changed my
> major from EE to CS so I'm no expert here :-)QUOTE]
> I can tell!  ;)
> You have it wired to +S (sensing) and -OUT, that is not correct!  The
> "S" lugs are for voltage sensing NOT supply power.  To get supply
> voltage out for your SB, wires should be on +OUT and -OUT.  Although
> technically since you did not remove the jumpers between the sensing
> and supply lugs it will work, it is just that the power goes across the
> jumper than into your soldered-on wire.
> I removed the jumper and ran 4 wires out to the plug.  This way the
> voltage is sensed right when it goes into the SB and I can set the PSU
> to maintain 5V right at the plug.
> p.s.  mine did not have a varistor on the transformer as yours does,
> you must have a different model.  
> EXPERTS:  It has been some time since I last studied circuits, what is
> the advantage/disadvantage of having a varistor mounted there?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-04-01 Thread basil815

Simon Wrote: 
> I've just bought one for $2.50 from cascadesurplus via ebay, those
> interested and willing to wait can get them sent to the UK for as
> little as $9.70.
> Just got mine - only took just over a week to arrive! Only problem is,
> haven't a clue how to wire it - anyone got a wiring diagram. 240 Volts
> required.
> Cheers


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-31 Thread F-100

Here are couple pics of my DIY power-one power supply. FYI, I flunked
out of Circuit 101 in my college years and changed my major from EE to
CS so I'm no expert with building power supply here. But thanks to
Jetlag's posts, I was able to gather enough information to give it a
shot. BTW, I'm using an old external SCSI hard drive case that I found
in my junk box for my test case.

However, I have one question. Do you remove the jumper between the
(-out) and (-s),(+s) and (+out)? 

|Filename: ps2.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1142|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-31 Thread Jetlag

Thanks.  As you can read from my earlier posts I was using the PowerOne
and it was working quite nicely, I just had not been able to find a
case that I liked.  We also do not have a FRY's here in Denver which
means I have to be sure to order the correct one.

I dug my PS out of a box when I hooked up my SB2 today, still putting
out a perfect 5.0VDC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-30 Thread jabberwockie

my wife threw away the reciept so I dont know what the part number is.
I am going to be making a few more in a couple of weeks so I will be
going down to get a some more.  I will let you know then.


Jetlag Wrote: 
> Sorry, no time to post.  Sold my house and moved, most of my tools and
> toys are still in boxes.  Will be some time before I have my workshop
> set up again.
> Excellent job on the PSU jabberwockie!  
> Is that a Context Engineering box?  The 6016H-85B?
> Also, you must be the guy who bought all of the remaining PSU's from
> Cascade, no?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-30 Thread mortod

No - I bought the last one, and I haven't even got a SB yet ! As I'm in
the UK I went for the $9 surface postage option so it probably won't
get to me for 6 months, but still much cheaper than Farnell in the UK
at £27, ~$40.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-29 Thread Jetlag

Sorry, no time to post.  Sold my house and moved, most of my tools and
toys are still in boxes.  Will be some time before I have my workshop
set up again.

Excellent job on the PSU jabberwockie!  

Is that a Context Engineering box?  The 6016H-85B?

Also, you must be the guy who bought all of the remaining PSU's from
Cascade, no?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-29 Thread Skunk

jabberwockie Wrote: 
> Thanks for the input everyone.  I think I wll go back and put in a fuse.
> Makes good sense.  The Power-one chassis is bolted to the case and the
> green ground wire is in turn bolted to the Power-one.  I think this
> should suffice..no?  

I'm thinking no. Again, I'm not certified or even experienced, but: It
seems to me that if someone were holding it with moist hands- that
persons body would be quicker to ground than a path including the outer
enclosure-->the screw post-->the PS frame--> ring terminal conntection
and ground wire-->then finally back out the ground on the IEC and into
your receptacle. 

I've seen people recommend sanding down the finish of the case where
the ring terminal attaches for better conduction, so I'm thinking a
bolt might not be the lowest impedance path available. As noted, the
fuse isn't going to reduce the shock hazard- so proper grounding
techniques are pretty much the only defense you've got. 

Unfortunately you can't take my word for it (I've been proven not so
bright a few times here) and will have to do research on these things
before you can legally/morally sell them for profit. I would humbly
suggest starting here: http://sound.westhost.com/psu-wiring.htm :

On the fuse issue, there are IEC inlets with an integral fuse inside.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-29 Thread Khuli

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> Actually, the fuse is there to prevent death and injury - either from
> the direct effects of electricity, or from a resulting fire.

Technically fuses are there to protect the cable, not the electric item
(though it does that too). Indirectly this can prevent fires by
preventing the cables from overheating, but they are absolutely NOT
there to prevent electric shocks, as the current needed to kill you is
in the order of 100 times smaller than a typical household appliance is
fused for



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-29 Thread F-100

I'll be your first customer if you don't charge $1000 for your labor and
parts. :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-29 Thread jabberwockie

Skunk Wrote: 
> I'm not an electrical tech so ideally one would chime in, but there is a
> fuse recommendation on the back of the PS (.5a IIRC). I just used an
> inline fuse holder from RS, with a slo-blo fuse to avoid annoyance
> tripping. It did cost more than the salvaged Power One though :-).
> Cheap peace of mind, because otherwise I would be wondering if surge
> protection would keep mains wires from melting (?).
> Since we're talking safety, I also wonder if the best place to ground
> the mains is on the PS frame. I thought the idea was to provide the
> shortest path from the outer enclosure to ground, in case someone
> happens to be holding it when it shorts.
> I'm very open to a lesson on these things, because I've only gathered
> bits from googling 'diy power supply' and reading the Power One
> datasheet. One of the silly things I read was that fire insurance
> policies can be voided by the use of non-UL techniques/approval. I
> can't vouch for the truthfullness of that, just something in the back
> of my head.

Thanks for the input everyone.  I think I wll go back and put in a
fuse.  Makes good sense.  The Power-one chassis is bolted to the case
and the green ground wire is in turn bolted to the Power-one.  I think
this should suffice..no?  After I make the fuse mod I will be all set
to start selling these things!  Start placing your orders now..baby!!

Thanks again.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-28 Thread j . wales

I have been following this post and I very tempted to give it a try -  I
have noticed the sound degradation at higher volumes - so I wanted to
figure out the best simple solution 

The power supply upgrade seems to the consensus?  The question is - can
I do it.  I have never, never even attempted anything of the sort, but I
am intrigued - Is this really "moderately easy" for a complete novice or
is it "moderatetly easy" for someone with skills - 

I am being honest - I am probably the biggest novice there is.  All
thoughts welcome - I really do want to get SB3 to sound as good at 35
as it does at 21.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-28 Thread Patrick Dixon

tomsi42 Wrote: 
> In many (most?) countries it is illegal to connect that powersupply 
> without a fuse. The reason for the fuse is to protect your PSU as much
> as anything else.
> Tom
Actually, the fuse is there to prevent death and injury - either from
the direct effects of electricity, or from a resulting fire.

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-28 Thread tomsi42

jabberwockie Wrote: 
> Didnt Fuse it it..Its plugged into to some pretty high end Power
> Protection and it has a simple surge varistor.  I suppose if something
> happens in between the Power-one circuitry and the SB..it could be
> nasty but I just didnt see the need.  Maybe I'm wrong.
> Patrick

In many (most?) countries it is illegal to connect that powersupply 
without a fuse. The reason for the fuse is to protect your PSU as much
as anything else.



SqueezeBox2, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-27 Thread Skunk

jabberwockie Wrote: 
> Didnt Fuse it it..Its plugged into to some pretty high end Power
> Protection and it has a simple surge varistor.  I suppose if something
> happens in between the Power-one circuitry and the SB..it could be
> nasty but I just didnt see the need.  Maybe I'm wrong.
> Patrick
I'm not an electrical tech so ideally one would chime in, but there is
a fuse recommendation on the back of the PS (.5a IIRC). I just used an
inline fuse holder from RS, with a slo-blo fuse to avoid annoyance
tripping. It did cost more than the salvaged Power One though :-).
Cheap peace of mind, because otherwise I would be wondering if surge
protection would keep mains wires from melting (?).

Since we're talking safety, I also wonder if the best place to ground
the mains is on the PS frame. I thought the idea was to provide the
shortest path from the outer enclosure to ground, in case someone
happens to be holding it when it shorts.

I'm very open to a lesson on these things, because I've only gathered
bits from googling 'diy power supply' and reading the Power One
datasheet. One of the silly things I read was that fire insurance
policies can be voided by the use of non-UL techniques/approval. I
can't vouch for the truthfullness of that, just something in the back
of my head.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-27 Thread jabberwockie

Skunk Wrote: 
> Did you hide a fuse in there somewhere?
Didnt Fuse it it..Its plugged into to some pretty hihg end Power
Protection.  I suppose if something happens in between the Power-one
circuitry and the SB..it could be nasty but I just didnt see the need. 
Maybe I'm wrong.



jabberwockie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4742
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-27 Thread Miller, Jeffrey Scott

Quoting dwc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

1. I see the yellow circular (capacitor?) still soldered in place
between pins 1 and 2 on the input side.  What purpose does it serve?

It's a varistor, for surge protection. Mine came with one too, but I 
removed it for better or worse.

The case does look great, BTW.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-27 Thread dwc

Case looks great Jabberwockie!

Quick question
1. I see the yellow circular (capacitor?) still soldered in place
between pins 1 and 2 on the input side.  What purpose does it serve?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread Skunk

jabberwockie Wrote: 
> Here is a pic of the inside.

Did you hide a fuse in there somewhere?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread crooner

Looks like the perfect fit. The braid wrap really dressed up the cord,


Squeezebox 3 with Power One Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC60 tube DAC
Pioneer SX-1980
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature
Vandersteen 2W

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread jabberwockie

Here is a pic of the inside.

--The cord is just wrapped with "braid wrapping' found at your local

crooner Wrote: 
> Beautiful!!! How about a shot of the innards?
> I have a fry's nearby. Perhaps I should copy yours!!! :-)
> Where did you get the braided cable and connector? Would love to
> upgrade mine!

|Filename: insidesm.JPG |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1115|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread crooner

Beautiful!!! How about a shot of the innards?

I have a fry's nearby. Perhaps I should copy yours!!! :-)

Where did you get the braided cable and connector? Would love to
upgrade mine!

jabberwockie Wrote: 
> Hello all,
> Never been much of a poster to these things but I am a somewhat new
> owner of the SB V3 and have been following this thread a bit. 
> Intrigued by some of the recent posts, I purchased a Power-One from
> Cascade Surplus and made my own enclosure.. Added a LED light and
> receptacle in the back for pluging/unplugging.  Kind of matches my
> Sunfire stuff now.  As others have mentioned, this power 'upgrade' has
> added deeper extension in the low end of my music.  I have been
> listening to all HDCD recordings in lossless pcm format and this
> squezebox and new power supply are very impressive. Almost time to sell
> my California Audio Labs CD player! Let me know what you think of my
> handy work.


Squeezebox 3 with Power One Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC60 tube DAC
Pioneer SX-1980
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature
Vandersteen 2W

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread jabberwockie

Thanks for looking.
Got the box from Fry's electronics.  Did all the cut-outs and drillings
with a drummel.



jabberwockie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4742
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread Robin Bowes
jabberwockie wrote:
> Hello all,
> Never been much of a poster to these things but I am a somewhat new
> owner of the SB V3 and have been following this thread a bit. 
> Intrigued by some of the recent posts, I purchased a Power-One from
> Cascade Surplus and made my own enclosure.. Added a LED light and
> receptacle in the back for pluging/unplugging.  Kind of matches my
> Sunfire stuff now.  As others have mentioned, this power 'upgrade' has
> added deeper extension in the low end of my music.  I have been
> listening to all HDCD recordings in lossless pcm format and this
> squezebox and new power supply are very impressive. Almost time to sell
> my California Audio Labs CD player! Let me know what you think of my
> handy work.

Nice looking box. Where did you get it from?


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-26 Thread jabberwockie

Hello all,
Never been much of a poster to these things but I am a somewhat new
owner of the SB V3 and have been following this thread a bit. 
Intrigued by some of the recent posts, I purchased a Power-One from
Cascade Surplus and made my own enclosure.. Added a LED light and
receptacle in the back for pluging/unplugging.  Kind of matches my
Sunfire stuff now.  As others have mentioned, this power 'upgrade' has
added deeper extension in the low end of my music.  I have been
listening to all HDCD recordings in lossless pcm format and this
squezebox and new power supply are very impressive. Almost time to sell
my California Audio Labs CD player! Let me know what you think of my
handy work.

|Filename: frntsm.JPG   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1113|


jabberwockie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4742
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-24 Thread rupped

rcb Wrote: 
> You're absolutely right my fault - i was typing fast and 
> botched it completely: I had *meant* to write:
> 4.37 -- 4.70 voltage range *not* 1.4x.
> My guess was that because the Allied unit I got
> was low by over 10% from the spec of 5.0V,
> this led to the flickering when it powered
> the SB3.  I hope that a replacement unit 
> will provide a full-fledged 5.0V  (I measured
> the switching PSU that came with the SB3,
> and it was putting out 5.13-5.08 V, consistently.

When I got my Elpac, it would not run the SB2. Plugged it in, no
display or sound. I measured the voltage, and got very similar to what
you did (4.4V). Being the dedicated tinkerer that I am NOT, I tried
percussive maintenance. I smacked the unit against my palm pretty darn
hard. It them measured 5.1V and has worked fine ever since. Doesn't say
too much about quality control.


SB2 (Elpac PS) fed wifi on Flac and SN > ESB Link DAC III > Audible
Illusions M3A > Sunfire Stereo Sig > Martin Logan SL3

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-03-24 Thread F-100

Care to update us on the late progress of your power supply. BTW, I
was lucky enough to buy the last power-one module from Cascade Surplus
Electronic yesterday. Tony said that someone had bought all the
remaining power supply from his inventory.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-02-03 Thread Jetlag

I have been absolutley swamped, to many irons in the fire as it were. 
Yes, I boxed it in a plain aluminum box I found cheap at a local used
electronics place and it is working great.  I will post more when I
have time, just to busy at the moment.


Jetlag's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1012
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-02-03 Thread dwc

Jetlag Wrote: 
> That is the PSU that I am using.
> I'm really having a difficult time finding an enclosure.  The only one
> I found thus far is from RatShack and it is plastic.
> Any ideas?

Hey Jetlag,
Have you boxed your PS yet?  I just received an aluminum box (2
actually) from parts express today that I'm going to use.  Not pretty,
but should suffice.


looks a little better than the one in the photo as the one in the photo
is a smaller one.



dwc's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1892
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-18 Thread Phil Leigh

squeezeme Wrote: 
> Have you considered a cyrus DAC or upgrading with Redwine Audio or
> Boulder at around £150. I have not upgraded yet but will soon so can
> not comment on quality, but from reviews they are good.
> Paul

Cyrus + PSX is good, as is MF X-DACv3+PSU - after that you're into
dCs/Chord territory

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-17 Thread squeezeme

enca Wrote: 
> Paul,
> I think I have the same Copland setup as you CDA266/CSA28 and have just
> got a SB3 for Christmas running on B&W CDM 7SE speakers.  Out of the box
> running via the phono outs it's clearly not as good as the CSA28. I
> currently have the digital output running through my aging Denon
> AVR3300 and back into the Copland which is an improvement but still
> some way off.  It clearly has potential though.
> I'd love to get this sounding at least as good as the CSA28.  I'm
> thinking of having a bash at Heuers power supply and adding a DAC. 
> DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
> for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based in
> the UK).
> Cheers
> Neil.

Have you considered a cyrus DAC or upgrading with Redwine Audio or
Boulder at around £150. I have not upgraded yet but will soon so can
not comment on quality, but from reviews they are good.


squeezeme's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1106
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread themite

ups, pls excuse the double post.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread themite

enca Wrote: 
> Paul,
> I think I have the same Copland setup as you CDA266/CSA28 and have just
> got a SB3 for Christmas running on B&W CDM 7SE speakers.  Out of the box
> running via the phono outs it's clearly not as good as the CSA28. I
> currently have the digital output running through my aging Denon
> AVR3300 and back into the Copland which is an improvement but still
> some way off.  It clearly has potential though.
> I'd love to get this sounding at least as good as the CSA28.  I'm
> thinking of having a bash at Heuers power supply and adding a DAC. 
> DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
> for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based in
> the UK).
> Cheers
> Neil.

Hi Neil,

As the Squeezebox3 premisses are clinical albait a little on the flat
side, u dont wan´t an upsamling dac because that could possibly add up
for listening fatigue because of oversharp soundprojection.
It has been sugested a optimal combination could be an oversampling dac
with possibly tubes to soften and give liquidity with their specific
rolloff. I wouldn´t use and upsampling dac with the squeezebox.
I have 2 sugestions wich booth represent musicality and dynamics and
liquidity in a very convincing and involving way.

LiteAudio dac-38 (Chinese company with HongKong office)using 4
BurrBrown PCM1704K. 8x oversampling with soft roll off.
Uses same dac chips as used in wadia or krell reference cd for ultra
budget price 450$!. 
It is said to almost equal to discrete dac PRISM sound da-2.

LiteAudio dac-60 or dac-72 with tubes, BB pcm1704K and BB pcm1702 chips
These could possibly be and even better choice then the dac-38 by the
nature of balancing up the squeezebox3´s clinical sounding presentation
via the digital out.
There is only 1 reservation and that is with the LiteAudio dac-38.
It´s seems it has RFI and disturbs the Tuner in a hifi chain. But if u
use no tuner it´s a no matter.

Well these would be my bets having done some research after reading
people impressions with the Benchmark-1 DAC.
I havent bought any of these yet so all is specilation but based on me
doing some serious digging. I am planning to order the  dac-38 however
but not going to use it with the squeezebox though as i ended up
returning mine during the eval period as i am not intersted in modding
a finished product.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread themite

enca Wrote: 
> Paul,
> I think I have the same Copland setup as you CDA266/CSA28 and have just
> got a SB3 for Christmas running on B&W CDM 7SE speakers.  Out of the box
> running via the phono outs it's clearly not as good as the CSA28. I
> currently have the digital output running through my aging Denon
> AVR3300 and back into the Copland which is an improvement but still
> some way off.  It clearly has potential though.
> I'd love to get this sounding at least as good as the CSA28.  I'm
> thinking of having a bash at Heuers power supply and adding a DAC. 
> DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
> for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based in
> the UK).
> Cheers
> Neil.

Hi Neil,

As the Squeezebox3 premisses are clinical albait a little on the flat
side, u dont wan´t an upsamling dac because that could possibly add up
for listening fatigue because of oversharp soundprojection.
It has been sugested a optimal combination could be an oversampling dac
with possibly tubes to soften and give liquidity with their specific
rolloff. I wouldn´t use and upsampling dac with the squeezebox.
I have 2 sugestions wich booth represent musicality and dynamics and
liquidity in a very convincing and involving way.

LiteAudio dac-38 (Chinese company with HongKong office)using 4
BurrBrown PCM1704K. 8x oversampling with soft roll off.
Uses same dac chips as used in wadia or krell reference cd for ultra
budget price 450$!. 
It is said to almost equal to discrete dac PRISM sound da-2.

LiteAudio dac-60 or dac-72 with tubes, BB pcm1704K and BB pcm1702 chips
These could possibly be and even better choice then the dac-38 by the
nature of balancing up the squeezebox3´s clinical sounding presentation
via the digital out.

There is only 1 reservation and that is with the LiteAudio dac-38.
It´s seems it has RFI and disturbs the Tuner in a hifi chain. But if u
use no tuner it´s a no matter.

Well these would be my bets having done some research after reading
people impressions with the Benchmark-1 DAC.
I havent bought any of these yet so all is speculation but based on me
doing some serious digging. I am planning to order the  dac-38 however
but not going to use it with the squeezebox though as i ended up
returning mine during the eval period as i am not intersted in modding
a finished product even if its only bying a new PSU KIT.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Jetlag

OK, a couple of quick pics before I have to get some other stuff done. 

Desoldered the existing wire harness, cleaned up the contacts and
soldered jumpers from 1-2, and 3-4.

Then, temporarily clamped the mains onto 1 and 4, and got a very steady
5.06 VDC.  This should work well once it is done.

|Filename: HB5-3_OVP-A_c_lo.JPG |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=626|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Jetlag

They are silent.  

This project will be on hold until I can find a decent enclosure that
will fit.  Will not have another chance to work on this until Sunday or
Monday at the earliest.  Hammond made a couple of really nice aluminum
ones, but just a bit to small unless I remove all of the components
from the base.  I need one with I.D. of (minimum) 4" x 5" x 2.5",
prefer something aluminum and somewhat stylish since this not be out of


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread dwc

Heuer Wrote: 
> This one is pretty damn close:
> http://www.cascadesurplus.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/99/products_id/856
> in the US and a lot cheaper!

Allright, I have two on order now.  Hopefully I can put them together. 
Jetlag, I'm going to follow your lead on configuration, so if you make
any tweaks from here on out please keep me updated.

I should have confirmed before ordering, but these are pretty quiet,



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Skunk

Jetlag Wrote: 
> I'm really having a difficult time finding an enclosure.  
> Any ideas?

here are metal ones from allied electronics:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Jetlag

That is the PSU that I am using.

I'm really having a difficult time finding an enclosure.  The only one
I found thus far is from RatShack and it is plastic.

Any ideas?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Heuer

This one is pretty damn close:
in the US and a lot cheaper!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread dwc

Is there a US equivalent for the PS that Heuer used?
(That RS site looks to be UK)


(getting tired of the hum from my Hosfelt supply)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread ron thigpen

Heuer wrote:

Photos of the completed unit will be much appreciated here to inspire
others. Glad you managed to get the job done at the right price.

Quick question: Has anyone had a chance to do any listening comparisons 
between the Cascade-sourced PSU and the Elpac unit?

The Elpac costs a bit more, but is plug-and-play.

The Cascade-sourced unit is cheap but needs tinkering and a case to get 
it going.

I have the Elpacs but would consider replacing it for at least one of my 
players (SB2) if there was an audible difference.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Heuer

The best thing to do would be to put a 250ma slo-blo fuse on the mains
side. The SB3 will draw around 1 amp so you should put in a 2 amp fuse
if you are going to fuse the DC side. No need to do both - personally I
would go with the mains fuse.

Also keep the 5v output lead as short as possible otherwise you will
need to use the load sensing facility but as squeezeme points out it
may be a challenge to get four wires into that plug!

Photos of the completed unit will be much appreciated here to inspire
others. Glad you managed to get the job done at the right price.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread squeezeme

Jetlag Wrote: 
> Follow-up number 2:
> I just quickly soldered a jumper across those pins and checked the
> voltage across +OUT to -OUT, a rock-steady 5.04VDC!  WOOHOO!
> Now, to go find an enclosure locally that looks even cooler than
> Heuer's.  ;-)
> Oh, and did I fail to mention that I only paid $2.95 USD for this PSU!

There is no need to boast now is there;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Jetlag

Follow-up number 2:

I just quickly soldered a jumper across those pins and checked the
voltage across +OUT to -OUT, a rock-steady 5.04VDC!  WOOHOO!

Now, to go find an enclosure locally that looks even cooler than
Heuer's.  ;-)

Oh, and did I fail to mention that I only paid $2.95 USD for this PSU!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Jetlag

A follow-up,

I just found some instructions, they said for operation at 120V to
jumper pins 1&3, and also pins 2&4, apply AC at 4&1 (as I already was),
and fuse at .5A.

I will do some soldering and let you know how the voltages change. 
Gotta run to Radio Shack to get some stuff.

One last question, don't both the SB2 and SB3 draw a bit more than .5A?
Should I fuse it a bit higher?  How much?

Thanks again!  :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread squeezeme

Heuer Wrote: 
> Just discovered the PSU I used has voltage sensing. Not an issue for me
> as my power lead is only about 12" long but worth knowing if you need
> to run a metre or more. 
> To activate you need to cut the links on the connector posts and run a
> four wire cable to the SB3 plug. Each pair is connected to the relevant
> connector post and away you go.

Would be pretty damn tricky soldering 4 wires into  the adapter though!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Heuer

Just discovered the PSU I used has voltage sensing. Not an issue for me
as my power lead is only about 12" long but worth knowing if you need
to run a metre or more. 

To activate you need to cut the links on the connector posts and run a
four wire cable to the SB3 plug. Each pair is connected to the relevant
connector post and away you go.


Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread JackOfAll

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> I'm considering buying a batch of these units and re-selling in the UK

PM me if you decide to do this. I'd be interested in two.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread hkfind

Simon Wrote: 
> HKFind, which tube DAC do you have?
> Simon

My tube DAC make of twin tda1541 chip and 6922 in output stage. All
resistor are matched in 0.1%, cap are matched in 1% and use cheap
r-core transformer, silver printed PCB and silver tube socket and AC
filement for tube tage.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread CardinalFang

enca Wrote: 
> I'd love to get this sounding at least as good as the CSA28.  I'm
> thinking of having a bash at Heuers power supply and adding a DAC. 
> DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
> for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based in
> the UK).

I think you mean the CDA266? Anyway, it's getting a lot closer with the
XDacV3 and upgarded PSU, but you can add a tube stage and power supply
to the XDac to improve it further. Once you do that though, you're
getting close to the price of a NuVista Dac, which is supposed to be
excellent. The XDac seems to be one of the favourites at the moment,
not sure of the popularity of others in the UK, although I guess you
could scan eBay for Meridian Dacs.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread gandt

I would certainly talk to Patrick Dixon  (posts here a lot) he is uk
based and has specifically developed an audiophile SB which adds  both
a sizable linear power supply (in a separate box) and modifications to
the digital out. I have one running into a TACT system and no longer
use my cd player. I haven't said a lot about it here because I wanted
to live with it for a decent amount of time before making a judgement
and I get a bit tired of people raving about their systems (the
disappointed rarely post!) but i can certainly say its the best sound
I've ever had and opens out the sound significantly.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread Simon

HKFind, which tube DAC do you have?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread hkfind

I am using SB3 with external DIY tube DAC, the sound is details and warm
already (Hi-end sound as I think). Any suggestion for modifcation? I may
want to change the psu and pls inform me where to buy the psu on the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread squeezeme

Heuer Wrote: 
> Squeezeme
> Good it has worked for you as well - I was beginning to wonder if it
> was just me alone and my ears! Oddly (and I am not given to believing
> these things) the sound has got even better over the last couple of
> weeks. Burn in?
> Maybe shows not at PSU's are equal?
> Regards
> David

David, I noticed the difference straight away, but after an hour or so
it was still improving, even the wife agreed.
I have only tested the analog out and was considering sending the SB2
away for upgrade but i may not bother now (but probably will in the
I had looked in RS before for a ready made psu but all i considered
were not available and nearly gave up until i saw you your parts list.

Thanks again


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread ezkcdude

enca Wrote: 
> DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
> for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based
> in the UK).

The two that seem to come up the most here are Benchmark DAC1 and the
new Lavry DA10, both of which remove jitter by re-clocking (or so I'm


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread Heuer

Good it has worked for you as well - I was beginning to wonder if it was
just me alone and my ears! Oddly (and I am not given to believing these
things) the sound has got even better over the last couple of weeks.
Burn in?

Maybe shows not at PSU's are equal?




Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread enca

CardinalFang Wrote: 
> I usd the same unit in a rehoused SB2 and found the improvements to be
> significant too. I use my SB with a Muscial Fidelity XDac V3 and it's
> damn close to my Copland CD Player. I also used short, thick mains
> cable and made sure the PSU sense leads were attached to the SB circuit
> board.
> It's the top unit in this picture:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/41384712/in/dateposted/
> Paul


I think I have the same Copland setup as you CDA266/CSA28 and have just
got a SB3 for Christmas running on B&W CDM 7SE speakers.  Out of the box
running via the phono outs it's clearly not as good as the CSA28. I
currently have the digital output running through my aging Denon
AVR3300 and back into the Copland which is an improvement but still
some way off.  It clearly has potential though.

I'd love to get this sounding at least as good as the CSA28.  I'm
thinking of having a bash at Heuers power supply and adding a DAC. 
DACs are a new area for me do you, or anyone else, have any suggestions
for something that would be suitable at up to the £1k mark (I'm based in
the UK).



enca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3218
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread squeezeme

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Simon said the following on 04/01/2006 08:32:
> > Heuer Wrote: 
> > 
> >>The PSU referred to is indeed a ready built unit, including
> >>transformer, that only requires leads and a box (for safety
> reasons).
> >>The product number on the RS Components site is: 173-1604 (HSB open
> >>frame linear PSU,5V 15W). The site does not allow me to paste a
> direct
> >>link so just enter the number into their search function - it is the
> >>first on the list. Drill in further and you can get pdf copies of
> the
> >>spec sheet, wiring instructions and product brochure.
> >>
> >>This one seems to be almost exactly the same:
> >>http://www.cascadesurplus.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/99/products_id/856
> >>but at a fraction of the cost and in the US!
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > I've just bought one for $2.50 from cascadesurplus via ebay, those
> > interested and willing to wait can get them sent to the UK for as
> > little as $9.70.  Postage rates quoted to me are: 
> > Global Express Mail $33.75 
> > Global Priority Mail $22.00 
> > Airmail Letter Post $19.10 
> > Surface Letter Post $9.70 
> > which means a unit can be yours for around £7.20 albeit somewhat
> slow
> > to arrive.
> I'm considering buying a batch of these units and re-selling in the
> UK.
> How much interest would there be to buy one of tehse from me in the
> UK?
> R.
> -- 
> http://robinbowes.com
> If a man speaks in a forest,
> and his wife's not there,
> is he still wrong?

I have just been listening to my new psu as stated by Heuer (saved me
alot of time searching through RS catalogs) and the difference is
definatly better  all round, tighter bass and more defined mid and
treble without the harshness.
Thanks Heuer your a star!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread mauidan

DitherMan Wrote: 
> My approach to replacing the switched-mode power supply with a linear
> one would be (haven't done it yet) to provide a wideband regulator,
> remote sense (so that the voltage being controlled is the one reaching
> the SB3 power connector allowing a longer cable and not being concerned
> with voltage drop), and possibly a capacitor upgrade in the SB3 itself.
> Not especially keen to void the warranty, so may just make do with the
> first two.
> However, to my ears, there's not a lot wrong with the SB3 as it stands.

The linear listed at:


has remote sensing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread DitherMan

Pure output current is not the whole story. The power supply should
offer a low source impedance at the frequency of operation - there's no
point being able to supply lots of amps at DC if the source impedance
increases rapidly with frequency. You only have to look at the
schematic of an Audio Research or Naim amplifier to find that as much
goes into the power supply as the amplifier itself. In effect, you use
a wideband amplifier to supply DC to the load.

With more basic power supplies, you can go some of the way by simply
decoupling the supply line to ground with one or more electrolytics,
bypassed with one or more polypropylene and ceramic capacitors which
behave better than electrolytics at higher frequencies. The electronics
effectively sees the decoupling capacitors as a low impedance shunt to
ground from the power lines.

For an SB3, a DC current of 3A is plenty and I daresay it already has
the decoupling I mentioned.

My approach to replacing the switched-mode power supply with a linear
one would be (haven't done it yet) to provide a wideband regulator,
remote sense (so that the voltage being controlled is the one reaching
the SB3 power connector allowing a longer cable and not being concerned
with voltage drop), and possibly a capacitor upgrade in the SB3 itself.
Not especially keen to void the warranty, so may just make do with the
first two.

However, to my ears, there's not a lot wrong with the SB3 as it stands.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread GaryB

Jetlag Wrote: 
> GaryB,
> For those of us not quite as "electronically inclined" as yourself,
> would you by any chance have the time to provide a bit more detailed
> instructions and/or possibly some photos of the mods you performed?  I
> would like to give this a try, but would need a bit more guidance.
> Thanks!
I'll see what I can do.  

By the way, I've been browsing around on ebay and notice there are lots
of nice industrial 5v supplies available for not much money.  I just
bought a used HP 5v 8A supply and will report back on how that sounds. 
The same seller is also selling some 5v 30A (!!) supplies for very good
prices.  They even have sense capability which allows the power supply
regulation to adjust for the voltage drop of the wires.  Take a look



GaryB's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3169
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread Robin Bowes
Simon said the following on 04/01/2006 08:32:
> Heuer Wrote: 
>>The PSU referred to is indeed a ready built unit, including
>>transformer, that only requires leads and a box (for safety reasons).
>>The product number on the RS Components site is: 173-1604 (HSB open
>>frame linear PSU,5V 15W). The site does not allow me to paste a direct
>>link so just enter the number into their search function - it is the
>>first on the list. Drill in further and you can get pdf copies of the
>>spec sheet, wiring instructions and product brochure.
>>This one seems to be almost exactly the same:
>>but at a fraction of the cost and in the US!
> I've just bought one for $2.50 from cascadesurplus via ebay, those
> interested and willing to wait can get them sent to the UK for as
> little as $9.70.  Postage rates quoted to me are: 
> Global Express Mail $33.75 
> Global Priority Mail $22.00 
> Airmail Letter Post $19.10 
> Surface Letter Post $9.70 
> which means a unit can be yours for around £7.20 albeit somewhat slow
> to arrive.

I'm considering buying a batch of these units and re-selling in the UK.

How much interest would there be to buy one of tehse from me in the UK?


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread Jetlag


For those of us not quite as "electronically inclined" as yourself,
would you by any chance have the time to provide a bit more detailed
instructions and/or possibly some photos of the mods you performed?  I
would like to give this a try, but would need a bit more guidance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread GaryB

mauidan Wrote: 
> You should have tried the SC947-02.

I presume you are saying this because of the greater bandwidth of the
SC947-02 compared to the SC916-01.  Do you have any hands on experience
comparing the two?

I opted for the SC916-01 because I've had good experience using it in
other DAC projects and because the greater bandwidth didn't seem an
issue since I'm only using it for 44khz spdif.  Also, I didn't want to
bother with soldering to the small SMD leads of the SC947-02.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread CardinalFang

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> Paul - are you using the MF PSU for the X-DAC? (your setup is similar to
> mine)
> Phil
No, I've heard it makes quite an improvement, but by then you might as
well buy a NuVista DAC, which is exactly what someone I know did. He
sold his X-Dac on eBay and bought a NuVista DAC and says it is miles

One of my friends used to work at dCS and offered to get me an Elgar
one time for a vastly reduced price, sadly I didn't have the money, but
I'm really kicking myself now for that as he doesn't work there anymore!
That would have been an amazing combination with the SB.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-04 Thread Simon

Heuer Wrote: 
> The PSU referred to is indeed a ready built unit, including
> transformer, that only requires leads and a box (for safety reasons).
> The product number on the RS Components site is: 173-1604 (HSB open
> frame linear PSU,5V 15W). The site does not allow me to paste a direct
> link so just enter the number into their search function - it is the
> first on the list. Drill in further and you can get pdf copies of the
> spec sheet, wiring instructions and product brochure.
> This one seems to be almost exactly the same:
> http://www.cascadesurplus.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/99/products_id/856
> but at a fraction of the cost and in the US!

I've just bought one for $2.50 from cascadesurplus via ebay, those
interested and willing to wait can get them sent to the UK for as
little as $9.70.  Postage rates quoted to me are: 
Global Express Mail $33.75 
Global Priority Mail $22.00 
Airmail Letter Post $19.10 
Surface Letter Post $9.70 
which means a unit can be yours for around £7.20 albeit somewhat slow
to arrive.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread mauidan

GaryB Wrote: 
> I posted this over on the Audiocircles forum yesterday but thought it
> might also be of interest to this group.  I hope its not violating any
> rules to repeat it here.
> We also added a transformer output using Scientific Conversions
> SC916-01 1:1 shielded digital transformers.
> ---Gary

You should have tried the SC947-02.


mauidan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1679
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread ezkcdude

GaryB Wrote: 
> The addition of the transformer along with the removal of the two
> inductors made the biggest improvement in the SPDIF.  Adding the
> transformer alone was not as big an improvement.  
> The linear supply improved things across the board but didn't change
> the pecking order of which digital output sounded better - toslink or
> SPDIF.  
> Regarding the Benchmark DAC - I don't have access to one so I can't
> compare.  I do have a few other DACs at home and I can report on how
> they compare down the road although I won't have time for a week or
> two.
> ---Gary

I don't understand why the toslink and spdif sound different if they're
both going through the monarchy jitter box. If the monarchy actually
does remove jitter, shouldn't both signals end up sounding the same?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread GaryB

JackOfAll Wrote: 
> What made the biggest improvement to the spdif output - the transformer
> isolation mod or the linear power supply? Could you try a listening
> test from spdif with and without the linear supply?
The addition of the transformer along with the removal of the two
inductors made the biggest improvement in the SPDIF.  Adding the
transformer alone was not as big an improvement.  
The linear supply improved things across the board but didn't change
the pecking order of which digital output sounded better - toslink or

Regarding the Benchmark DAC - I don't have access to one so I can't
compare.  I do have a few other DACs at home and I can report on how
they compare down the road although I won't have time for a week or


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread JackOfAll

GaryB Wrote: 
> At the finish the best sound came from the analog outputs with the
> SPDIF a small but noticeable distance behind followed by the TOSLINK
> even further back.

What made the biggest improvement to the spdif output - the transformer
isolation mod or the linear power supply? Could you try a listening test
from spdif with and without the linear supply?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread Heuer

Davey Wrote: 
> How'd you measure that?
> Davey.

I put a digital voltmeter across the plug to the SB3 (running) and used
the voltage adjustment in the PSU to get (in my case) a constant 5.08v
with everything running at operating temperature.

It was a post from Slimdevices CEO Sean who suggested lead length can
affect voltage. Not a problem of course if the PSU is adjustable as you
can set the output V to be correct regardless of lead length.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread Phil Leigh

Paul - are you using the MF PSU for the X-DAC? (your setup is similar to

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread CardinalFang

Heuer Wrote: 
> Please bear in mind the same results may not apply to other makes of
> PSU, just this Lambda unit. RS Components will supply overseas:
> http://www.rs-export.com/cgi-bin/bv/home/Home.jsp?cacheID=gxnetscape
I usd the same unit in a rehoused SB2 and found the improvements to be
significant too. I use my SB with a Muscial Fidelity XDac V3 and it's
damn close to my Copland CD Player. I also used short, thick mains
cable and made sure the PSU sense leads were attached to the SB circuit

It's the top unit in this picture:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/41384712/in/dateposted/



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread prz

I just measured with a digital universal meter without load (shows about
8V), when you use 1m instead of about 0.5m cable, you see the voltage
dropping off significatnly (about 0.5V or more) which indicates
non-neglectible load on the supply.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread konut

GaryB-- Can you get access to a Benchmark DAC-1? That comparo to the
analog  out would be most interesting!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread GaryB

I posted this over on the Audiocircles forum yesterday but thought it
might also be of interest to this group.  I hope its not violating any
rules to repeat it here.

Over the holidays my brother-in-law and I bought several squeezebox 3s
and went about modifying them in a some what systematic fashion. We
would make changes to a unit and when that sounded better than the
stock unit then that become the reference and we evaluated future
changes against the best sounding one. The version that we settled on
as sounding best was as follows:

1)Power supply upgrade - just replace the stock wall wart with a
surplus regulated 5v supply. The one we used was surplus from some SGI
equipment and was rated at 1A. Opening it up showed it to have a hefty
transformer and a nicely regulated output.

2)Digital output upgrade. We replaced the stock output RCA with a 75
ohm BNC connector. The one we used was made by Amp and sourced from
Digikey - their part number A24598-ND.
We also changed the wiring to the output jack. If you trace the wiring,
you see that there are 2 inductors in the output path, L8 and L9. We
removed these and took the digital output directly from the resistor
voltage divider further upstream. I don't have the unit in front of me
but I believe the resistor numbers are R55 and R56 - 107 ohms and
We also added a transformer output using Scientific Conversions
SC916-01 1:1 shielded digital transformers.

3)DAC upgrade - We changed the stock PCM1748 to a PCM1748KE and found
the higher grade DAC chip to be a significant improvement.

4)Analog ouput - We removed the output op amp entirely and removed
associated output caps from this op amp and from the PCM1748. The
signal was taken directly from the PCM1748KE chip. Blackgate 4.7uf N
50v capacitors were used for the output. These were mounted directly at
the RCA output jacks and then wires were run back to the DAC output. It
was important to remove the unused op amp. I'm not sure if the reduced
power draw of the op amp helped the DAC power or if the op amp was
picking up noise and amplifying it but things sounded cleaner with the
op amp gone.

Another change we evaluated but did not like was replacing the power
supply caps on the DAC chip with Black Gate 47uf 16v Std caps. We found
the sound degraded compared to the stock surface mount caps and switched
them back in.

When we started we found the best sound came from the Toslink output
going to a Monarchy DIP dejitter box to a highly tweaked ART DIO.
Preamp was a Manley tube preamp and the power amps were either homebrew
211 amps, homebrew UCD400 amps, or Nuforce Ref 8s.
The SPDIF out was the next best sound and the analog output was a
distant 3rd.
At the finish the best sound came from the analog outputs with the
SPDIF a small but noticeable distance behind followed by the TOSLINK
even further back.



GaryB's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3169
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-02 Thread Davey

prz Wrote: 
> One trick: keep the 5V cable part short, I have my @ 50cm and measuring
> the source I saw that 1m puts significantly more load on the power
> supply already.

How'd you measure that?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-02 Thread Heuer

Agree on the short 5v cable - I used two core mains (pain to solder into
the plug) and kept the length to 12". Worth the trouble though.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-02 Thread prz

Just put my SB3 on a linear power supply here in Switzerland. It's a
2.0Amp <2ppm supply and subjectively listening (too lazy to compare
objectively to the original supply, had it going for 2-3 weeks though)
to it, I would say, it's a clear improvement albeit not breath-taking.
The top is more detailed (but became a tad bright as well) and sound
stage is definitely better (larger & more air around sound sources).
Very musical now.

One trick: keep the 5V cable part short, I have my @ 50cm and measuring
the source I saw that 1m puts significantly more load on the power
supply already.

cross-posted with the 'replace the wart' thread here.


prz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2826
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-28 Thread Heuer


The PSU referred to is indeed a ready built unit, including
transformer, that only requires leads and a box (for safety reasons).
The product number on the RS Components site is: 173-1604 (HSB open
frame linear PSU,5V 15W). The site does not allow me to paste a direct
link so just enter the number into their search function - it is the
first on the list. Drill in further and you can get pdf copies of the
spec sheet, wiring instructions and product brochure.

This one seems to be almost exactly the same:
but at a fraction of the cost and in the US!

Not sure if I would recommend chopping the stock supply lead though,
just in case you want to swap back!




Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-28 Thread PHames

The power supply that the URL above points to is an unpackeged kit.  It
would appear to need a transformer and an enclosure as well.  My
suggestion would be to use something like an Acopian 5EB100 power
supply, if this is the way that you really want to go.  Here is the
link to the Acopian page that describes them

This unit is a plastic box with screw terminals.  You would need to cut
off the cord from the existing "wall wart", connect the wires WITH THE
CORRECT POLARITY on the output terminals, buy a power cord and connect
it to the input terminals.  Be careful, if you reverse the output
wires, bad things can happen.  Also, you can have exposed 120 volts on
the input terminals.  This is probably not a modifiation for the faint
of heart.



PHames's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3046
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-28 Thread Skunk

Heuer Wrote: 
> So in summary this particular PSU probably makes more of a difference
> if you are using the internal DAC's. 
> David

VERY nice comparison. I enjoyed your review style- sans chocolaty
adjectives, and appreciate the time you took. Valuable information.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-26 Thread Heuer

I found a window of opportunity to run a test using the SB3 phono
outputs. I know what I like so do not expect any flowery hi-fi
comments! For comparison purposes I used SB3 wall wart vs my PSU on
digital out and phono out. Then I compared the internal DAC's to my
external one. Phono cables were some Chord Silver Siren's. External DAC
was Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete connected by Chord digital cable.

First up was the SB3 supply with phono connection. Bit of a shock
having spent the last week listening to my current setup as the sound
was thin with lack of low end and a jarring sharp overall sound.
Sounded like a budget CD player. OK if I was in the next room but not
for me if I was sitting in front of the speakers.

Next I connected my PSU (for which I claim no design credit - off the
shelf RS item that had the right provenance) and there was indeed an
immediate improvement. Bass was back, separation was excellent, good
frequency range with no 'nails on glass' sound and I actually found
myself listening to the music and forgetting why I was there.
Remarkable change.

Finally I went with the new PSU and digital outs to the DAX. The sound
was better than the phonos but not $8,000 worth. For serious listening
(and bear in mind it is a legacy device used for CD) I doubt it could
be bettered and is the one I will stay with. Almost as good as my Theta
CD player (but way off vinyl, but that's another story!). Tried the SB3
supply just to remind myself and the sound dropped to somewhere around
the 'phono with my PSU' mark.

So in summary this particular PSU probably makes more of a difference
if you are using the internal DAC's. They are obviously well designed
and stand comparison to an external DAC. If you want to improve your
SB3 this is a worthwhile upgrade and more cost effective than buying an
external DAC.

Please bear in mind the same results may not apply to other makes of
PSU, just this Lambda unit. RS Components will supply overseas:




Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-25 Thread Music Machine

"I judge a product by the initial results"

You should also consider the initial cost.  When you look at what this
product does for you it is a rare bargain.  Wifey loved it right out of
the box.  She used to ask me to put on music but now she helps herself. 
Even suggested getting another SB.

The stock PS is just fine for equipment in this price range.  High
quality power supplies are quite expensive.  The expense is only
justified if you want to push performance and have equipment that
allows you to realize the gain.  

I bought a cheapo surplus linear supply and noticed improvement in
exactly the areas you mentioned "Undefined low end, way to laid back
middle and unfocused top." Basically, lacked any refinement in an
audiophile sense.  It's not like oh, now I'm completely satisfied, but
it shows enough potential with the surplus PS that I've ordered a Red
Wine modded SB3 and if that works out will be looking for a well
designed PS to replace the surplus linear.

You may never be satisfied with the sound for critical listening, I
don't know, but just the convenience makes this product a worthwhile
purchase for anyone that has a stereo and a network.  

IMO, YMMV, etc.

Music Machine

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-25 Thread themite

Heuer Wrote: 
> Not tried the analogue outs but I easily can. I will have a play over
> the next couple of days and report back.

I also want to thank u for finding a ps for us european users.
I am eagerly awaiting your judgement on the possible (hopefully)
improvement in sonical character of internal dac when used in
conjunction with your recomended psu kit.

The sound from the stock sb(internal dac)/ps combination was a
Undefined low end, way to laid back middle and unfocused top. 
The best way to describe my feeling after 20 hours of hopefull
playing-in time, is that the initial feeling of "washed out" sound will
just not clear up.
I stand puzzled why such a revolutionizing product with such potential
could possibly be in a lose all or win all situation by such a
shortcoming.   Why must the
enduser take the risk in having to obtaine a comparably costly ps to
possibly get the best from the squeezebox, controlled and open sound
that obviosly lies hidden in the designs potential with just a solid
power supply.

I just doesnt make sence to me even if it´s big volume
discount,universal compatability,environmental and profit margins,
using a sub par switching power supply with HF noise.

I judge a product by the initial results and not by what can possibly
(hopefully) be achived with a simple tweak.
It´s really confusing for the end user not getting the full potential
I hope i dont come across cynical its just that i am in a situation of
do i return it or invest in a linear power supply with the right kind
of juice.
(Musical fidelity-B&W Nautilus user)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread Heuer

Not tried the analogue outs but I easily can. I will have a play over
the next couple of days and report back.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread Chris OH

JohnnyLightOn Wrote: 
> Thank you Heuer (and everyone) for trying this stuff out and posting the
> components and your experience!  Very helpful!

Likewise from me.

David, can I ask if you have tried the analogue outputs?  I dont have
or plan to purchase a DAC as the SB2 is in a second system, I simply
want to reign in the trebble a little as I find it a bit spitty.

I guess you are in the UK, where are you?


Chris OH

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread JohnnyLightOn

Thank you Heuer (and everyone) for trying this stuff out and posting the
components and your experience!  Very helpful!


JohnnyLightOn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=28
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread Hiroyuki Hamada


I was looking forward to your report for the past a few days.  You  
probably will get even better sound in a couple of days as the parts  
settles.  Great!  I'll get to my unit as soon as the parts arrives.   


On Dec 21, 2005, at 12:06 PM, Heuer wrote:

Well that didn't take long!

Immediate improvements in all areas. Bass extension, treble,
soundstage, the lot. Wife gave it a "very good", "sounds a lot better"
and "leave it on". Now sounds as good as the CD player (Theta) and
recovered the lost top end which made the music softer. Others have
commented here already about it and I agree.

Bottom line - this was a well spent £60 plus a couple of assembly
hours. Works for me. Highly recommended.

All parts sourced from RS Components -

Lambda PSU module (120v/240v) - 173-1604
Case -  232-926
DC power connector - 486-634
Fuse 250ma slo-blow - 125-6204
Fuse holder - 359-5949
IEC socket - 488-191
Various spacers, wire, nuts and bolts - to hand

Don't shoot the messenger!



audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread Heuer

Well that didn't take long!

Immediate improvements in all areas. Bass extension, treble,
soundstage, the lot. Wife gave it a "very good", "sounds a lot better"
and "leave it on". Now sounds as good as the CD player (Theta) and
recovered the lost top end which made the music softer. Others have
commented here already about it and I agree. 

Bottom line - this was a well spent £60 plus a couple of assembly
hours. Works for me. Highly recommended.

All parts sourced from RS Components -

Lambda PSU module (120v/240v) - 173-1604
Case -  232-926
DC power connector - 486-634
Fuse 250ma slo-blow - 125-6204
Fuse holder - 359-5949
IEC socket - 488-191
Various spacers, wire, nuts and bolts - to hand

Don't shoot the messenger!




Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-21 Thread Heuer

Unit now assembled and tested to give exactly 5v at the output plug.
Testing starts this evening.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-20 Thread bludragon

M3Rocket Wrote: 
> Don't forget the wireless ethernet card--that could consume more power
> than the regular wired network model as well...

I tried this, and while there wasn't much in it, I think using an
optical lead wired sounded slightly better than wireless.  Slightly
being on the limits of perceptibility.

Tried the same experiment with coax (actually UTP) and either my ears
had faded, or there was no difference.

I was using a linear psu for all this - have yet to discover if this
makes a difference or not!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-19 Thread seanadams

rcb Wrote: 
> You're absolutely right my fault - i was typing fast and 
> botched it completely: I had *meant* to write:
> 4.37 -- 4.70 voltage range *not* 1.4x.
> My guess was that because the Allied unit I got
> was low by over 10% from the spec of 5.0V,
> this led to the flickering when it powered
> the SB3.  I hope that a replacement unit 
> will provide a full-fledged 5.0V  (I measured
> the switching PSU that came with the SB3,
> and it was putting out 5.13-5.08 V, consistently.

You really need to get +/- 0.1V. There is something wrong your power
supply if it's off by 10%.

Under/over-voltage shouldn't hurt SB2/3, but it may function
erratically. I can tell you for sure that the display and analog stage
will not function correctly below 4.6V, and below 4.9 is questionable. 
If you're going to use an aftermarket supply try to get it dead-on 5.0.
Linear supplies are usually easy to calibrate - measure at SB3, not the
output. A shorter, heavier cable may help too.


seanadams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-19 Thread M3Rocket

Don't forget the wireless ethernet card--that could consume more power
than the regular wired network model as well...


M3Rocket's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2652
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18491

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-19 Thread ezkcdude

Well, I hope you can test the digital output. I'm very interested to
hear (pun intended) the outcome.


ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18491

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-19 Thread Heuer

Rest of my PSU parts arrive tomorrow so I should have a working linear
supply by Thursday. I will then do a comparison but in the interest of
fairness I will use my resident 'Golden Ears' - my wife. No interest in
technology but she does have the ears of a bat. I can put her in front
of a system, tweak it and get an instant answer which tends to be in
the categories of "better", "worse", "can I go now"!


Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18491

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-19 Thread ezkcdude

I'm still not sure the board has reached a consensus. Does anyone think
the linear power supply makes a difference for the digital output?


ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18491

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