[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-03 Thread Ron F .

Using the 6.5.0 release, my SB3 has a volume range of 100 now, instead
of the original 40. I presume that to mean that each step represents
0.5 dB change in volume. Assuming I have the volume control effecting
the digital output... if I wish to reduce the volume from a maximum of
100 so that in effect I have shifted each data sample by one bit to the
left, then I need to reduce the volume by 6 dB, which means I set the
volume to 88?

What does the SB3 or Transporter do if I wish to reduce the volume by 9
dB? This is in essentially doing a bit shift of 1.5 bits? Does it then
shift alternate samples by 1 bit, and the remaining by 2 bits?

Just wondering.

Ron F.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-03 Thread Phil Leigh

That's a shame as the x-psu sounds a lot better (at least in my system
it does) than the standard wall warts...
I wonder what might be wrong with it...
At least I wasn't able to reproduce your findings - so mine must be
working fine :o)

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-03 Thread omega

Hi, Everyone !

I Have found out what the problem was! 

To my Dac and Tube bufferstage i have an external powersupply "X-PSU

I Unplugged the "X-PSU" and plugged in the orginal powersupplys that
came with the X-dac v3 and X-10 v3...

Viola ! Wow  Now i can´t hear any difference between 80%-100%
Volume setting ! :-)

The "X-PSU v3" must be broken and cannot deliver enuff power?

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-02 Thread jhm731

Reducing the digital output on the SB3(6.5)from 100 down to 95
helps deal with these poor recordings and stops the TacT's input
indicator from flashing. Reducing the digital level down to 80 does not
make the music sound more open.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-02 Thread Phil Leigh

Well - interesting results so far...

(SB3-TACT 2.2-Altmann JISCO+UPCI-MF X-DAC v3+PSU, MF X-10 Tube buffer,
Chord Signature interconnects)

Firstly, I set the TACT peak indicator to 0dB to see what was going on
with a few CD's. First up was the 1st Killers Album (Hot Fuss) - I took
a wild guess this was going to be heavily limited and certainly the 0dB
light is blinking on quite a lot. Then I checked Steely Dan, Everything
Must Go and the remastered 1st Dire Straits album - I was slightly
surprised that the light would come on occasionally with these - seems
to be snare drum hits that are doing this (I haven't had time to
visually inspect the WAV's).

Anyway the next step was to change the "Digital Output is Fixed
setting. Then I lowered the volume from 40 to 39 (I'm running 6.3.1
btw). The 0dB light now never comes on - which is what I'd expect,
since I've just taken away the "16th bit" that would get the level up
to 0dB (yes I know I'm simplifying).

Fortunately my pre-amp lets me increment the level in 1dB "clicks" on
the remote so I can easily make up the lost gain.

Several tracks later I'm starting I'm not sure I can reliably hear a

So I tried lowering the digital volume to 36 (from 40) - I'm not sure
quite how this relates to Mat's "80%" setting...anyway, more make-up
gain later and I'm now starting to hear the impact of lowering the
effective SNR (I'm adding quite a lot of gain in the pre-amp by

I think I'm going to set the level at 39/40 and live with that for a
while before coming to any conclusions. If there is anything to hear as
a result it will be coming from the DAC not having to handle 0dB

I'm sure there used to be a school of thought that there shouldn't be
anything at 0dB on a CD (I've always kept to a peak of -0.5dB)

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-02 Thread Skunk

omega;166478 Wrote: 
> I prefer the 80%-90% volume setting because the music sounds more open
> and less harsh treble. (More "tube like" sound) 
> About the "Fidelity Recordings" that are properly mastered, I prefer
> the reduced volume setting on them to.
> But mabye my mind is playing with me?
> What volume setting do you prefer? 80% 100% etc?

I prefer 100/100 on quality recordings hands down every time, but it's
blind faith rather than abx results. I don't think the Sb is adding any
faults, just amplifying poor recording techniques. 

Mostly I use an external zhaolu(?) 1.3 DAC, and I'm not sure how the
digital outs would relate to those analog out graphs I linked to. I'm
guessing the effects are similar though.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-02 Thread omega

Skunk, About the channel separation iam not sure, But i have done some
more testing today.
I prefer the 80%-90% volume setting because the music sounds more open
and less harsh treble. (More "tube like" sound) 
About the "Fidelity Recordings" that are properly mastered, I prefer
the reduced volume setting on them to.
But mabye my mind is playing with me?

What volume setting do you prefer? 80% 100% etc?

I Think some of the "Effect" can be explained by the "Neilson_Lund
And some of other thinks like OP amps / Dac having more headroom? 

About the "Ideal Waveform" Squeezebox Volume setting test, is that from
the SB3 Analog outputs?

Newbuyer, I have only done some quick testing with the Analog output
from the SB3.
To make thinks clearer, i Compared my external dac to SB3 to find out
if something was wrong with my Dac.
But i emediatly heard that my dac sounded better than SB3 internal
I havent done so much testing regarding volume settings from the SB3
analog outputs.
But as you wrote to compare the SB3 analogs, and your DAC, each at 80%
is the right thing to do.

I highly recommend Squeezebox! is extremely easy to use and  sounds
very good from the analog outputs.
And if you want to go further with a external DAC or "The Transporter"
then you have true HI-END ! :-)

Best regards!

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread NewBuyer

omega;166274 Wrote: 
> ...Have even tried the analog outputs from SB3 but my Dac sounds much
> better at 100% volume...

Hi omega, I'm confused by this above quote... Shouldn't you be
comparing the SB3 analogs, and your DAC, each at 80% (not DAC at 100%)
- as you were advising?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Thanks Kim...I'll check this out tomorrow!

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread krochat

Phil Leigh;166340 Wrote: 
> So where does the TACT level control fit in? - I assumed it was before
> the AD1896..are you saying it is after?
> Also what exactly is the level sensing measuring - I'd assume it was
> the level on the way out of the unit (so you could see if the RC was
> creating clipping by boosting. I gather from what you are saying it is
> the level on the way in - is that right?

The RCS level control is implemented somewhere in the digital
processing section, which is after the up-conversion to 96kHz.

I think the clip indicator (red light) refers to the input signal, not
the output. If you have a S2150 amp following the RCS, you will see
that its clip light is not synchronized with the RCS's so whatever's
coming out of the RCS isn't what's being measured by the RCS clip



SB3 (+linear) -> Big Ben -> TacT RCS 2.2X -> 2xS2150 -> Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Skunk

omega;166274 Wrote: 
> The Sound is more open and wider, Better channel separation, 

I fully trust that it sounds better in your system, the trouble comes
when trying to understand how channel separation can be better when
stereo crosstalk is louder. [settings 30/20 on the following equate to
75/50 currently:

Those graphs seem to enforce one of the conclusions in the Neilson_Lund
paper* : "An alternative is to to reduce the digital level in the
playback environment prior to digital to analog conversion...
The price for this constructional measure is a reduced signal-to-noise
ratio in the D-to-A conversion circuit."

* http://www.tcelectronic.com/media/nielsen_lund_2003_overload.pdf

Which leads to my question: Does a Mobile Fidelity or other properly
mastered album (Buena Vista Social Club is a good example that's listed
in table1 of the above reference) sound better on your system with the
reduced volume setting?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

krochat;166334 Wrote: 
> You might think so, but you're not. The RCS has an AD1896 asychronous
> rate converter on the input that conceptually does a D-to-A-to-D on the
> input signal to upconvert it to 96kHz for internal processing. You need
> to reduce the digital level in the SB3 before it gets to the RCS input
> to prevent digital overload in the AD1896 conversion process.
> Regards,
> Kim

Ummm - interesting. So where does the TACT level control fit in? - I
assumed it was before the AD1896..are you saying it is after? 
Also what exactly is the level sensing measuring - I'd assume it was
the level on the way out of the unit (so you could see if the RC was
creating clipping by boosting. I gather from what you are saying it is
the level on the way in - is that right?

Obviously I need to do more research!

...I'll report back after some major playing about with levels.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread omega

everyone Reading this thread please try at your system and post your
comments / Results.

Best Regards !

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread krochat

Phil Leigh;166320 Wrote: 
> However, I also remembered that I have the "max level" on the TACT set
> to -6.9dB...so I'm already doing the "90%" thing in the digital domain
> before the DAC.

You might think so, but you're not. The RCS has an AD1896 asychronous
rate converter on the input that conceptually does a D-to-A-to-D on the
input signal to upconvert it to 96kHz for internal processing. You need
to reduce the digital level in the SB3 before it gets to the RCS input
to prevent digital overload in the AD1896 conversion process.



SB3 (+linear) -> Big Ben -> TacT RCS 2.2X -> 2xS2150 -> Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

OK I'll experiment!

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread omega

Hi Igain!

I just tried 90% this i quite good to, But the "Magic" comes at 80%!! 
Phil be sure to try 70%-100% (80% is best for me)
I hear the improvment/Effect easiest att good recordings with "Room /
Reverb in the recording" just played Vangelis the "city" Wow! 

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Sorry - I remembered you have to set the level detection threshold
(doh!). Mins is set to -95dB so it acts as a "music is present"

However, I also remembered that I have the "max level" on the TACT set
to -6.9dB...so I'm already doing the "90%" thing in the digital domain
before the DAC.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

Whoo! - I have an RCS2.2X as well...how do you set up the clipping

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread krochat

omega;166305 Wrote: 
> How are your digital volume setting?

My SB3 with the 0-100 volume scale is set to 90.

My TacT RCS has a red light on the front panel that can be set to flash
on digital zero on the input (i.e., clipping or near clipping). I just
turned down the SB3 until that light quit flashing on a highly
compressed pop album (Lina - Stranger on Earth).



SB3 (+linear) -> Big Ben -> TacT RCS 2.2X -> 2xS2150 -> Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread Phil Leigh

I'm going to try this (lowering the digital level by a small amount)
later as it requires quite a complex comparative listening session.
Having read the paper, one of the issues is how the DAC handles signals
at 0dB - regardless of they got to be on the CD. Obviously what is on
the CD is fixed, but I can see how it might help to give (the analogue
parts of) the DAC a dB or so of headroom.
I also have the X-DAc v3 and X10 so it should be interesting...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread omega

Tanks for the link/replay Kim!

But if "Digital Clipping" is the problem, then must this happen in my
dac because of to hot signal? 

Because if the signal is Clipped in the mastering there´s nothing i can
do about it. (The distortion is already there)

But i have found this 80% effect on all my music and most of it is
before "The loudness War"

maybe my dac in not "Clipping" but just sound better with more

How are your digital volume setting?

Best Regards
/Mats :-)


omega's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9336
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume "Problem" Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread krochat

omega;166274 Wrote: 
> Is my Dac broken or something else wrong? 

Probably nothing is wrong. Try it at 90% and see if it still sounds
good. If it does, you've probably discovered one of the dirty little
secrets of digital sound processing - digital overload, as explained


We're fortunate that the SB3 has digital output attenuation. As you
discovered, the folks using CD players have no way of fixing this



SB3 (+linear) -> Big Ben -> TacT RCS 2.2X -> 2xS2150 -> Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

krochat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6579
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