[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-25 Thread seanadams

NealG Wrote: 
> Hm big :)
> Sean have you listened subjectivley yet?  What do you hear?

Yes, it sounds great, but I honestly don't feel qualified to talk about
subjective differences - I'd be hard pressed to tell the different
between 320K MP3 and lossless PCM, so I rely on my equipment and on
feedback from those with better stereos and better ears. Possibly too
much time spent listening the my Honda's 2KW sound system as a
teenager. :)

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-25 Thread seanadams

Andrew L. Weekes Wrote: 
> Out of curiosity, where is the jitter measurement being made, is it
> demodulated at the analogue output?
> Just based on my quick calc's, in a 20k bandwidth, 3.5ns would equate
> with only 67dB dynamic range, which I'm sure isn't the case, 1nS would
> only be around 78dB.
> I wonder if the analyser's jitter is also wrapped up in that
> measurement somehow?
> Are you having fun learning the new toy anyway :-)
> Andy.

That's a pk-pk measurement and really says nothing about the
distribution or the spectrum of the jitter. I'm only considering it
useful as a rough relative measure for quickly comparing different

The dscope manual describes in not much detail what the hardware is
doing (page 155):


You can see the demodulated jitter content in the audio band in the FFT
view - it is basically flat, and you can see the level drop slightly
with the linear PS. I don't have a lot of time at the moment to do more
tests but when I have more data I will post it.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-24 Thread Patrick Dixon

I think he's just got to go out and buy some audiophile amps and
speakers ... and some wanky wire to connect them all up ;) ;)

Patrick Dixon

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-23 Thread NealG

Hm big :)

Sean have you listened subjectivley yet?  What do you hear?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-23 Thread Andrew L . Weekes

Out of curiosity, where is the jitter measurement being made, is it
demodulated at the analogue output?

Just based on my quick calc's, in a 20k bandwidth, 3.5ns would equate
with only 67dB dynamic range, which I'm sure isn't the case, 1nS would
only be around 78dB.

I wonder if the analyser's jitter is also wrapped up in that
measurement somehow?

Are you having fun learning the new toy anyway :-)


Andrew L. Weekes
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-22 Thread Tom Alves

Yannzola Wrote: 
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries?The following might be a wild 
> guess but there again it might be
rellevant.  Yannzola, you know my view that I prefer my SB2 to my old
CDS2.  I had the whole of my mains supply to the hi-fi upgraded by RKR
himself.  (For those who don't know of Roy and his mains wizardry he
can be found on the Pink Fish forum)  I have long pondered whether my
findings have been as they have becasue of the levelling affect of
decent power supply.  I was (one of) the first to try the   SB1 with
one of Andy Weekes PSUs and am convinced that a clean steady supply of
current is essential to get the most from the SB especially if you use
the internal DAC.  So maybe a pure DC supply might be the edge that
you're looking for.

I'll be interested to hear how people get on.  And if ever any of these
mods make it into SB3 I'll be buying that as well.

Tom Alves
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-22 Thread seanadams

Yannzola Wrote: 
> Sean,
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
> curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU
> mod.
> y.

I tried a battery on the internal supply - did not measure any change
for this test.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Vinnie R .

Yannzola Wrote: 
> Sean,
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
> curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU
> mod.
> y.

Yes, I am using a 12V SLA battery.  A LT1086CT-5 5V regulator is used
for the 5V that feeds the SB2's main voltage input.  I am also feeding
the 12V off the battery directly into the SB2, as a replacement for the
14V internal switching supply that feeds the critical 5V and 3.3V
internal regs that power the DAC, SPDIF, etc.  I have plenty to post
about all of this soon, but for now let me say that the improvement is
amazing!  I have modded the analog output stage as well, and the
results are telling me that an external dac is not needed now! :-)

Slim Devices certainly has a nice product here (at an affordable
price), but it can be taken to a whole new level of performance with
mods, which I am planning to offer soon.  Now, back to listening for

Vinnie R.

Vinnie Rossi
Red Wine Audio, Inc.
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Yannzola

Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Michel Fombellida

Hi all,

My tweaked SB2 is on its way back to me from the tweaker.

He added an external linear PS, as far as I know at the moment (but
I'll know more as soon as I get it) this PS made with high quality
components generates a new 5V to replace the orginal one, plus another
5V and a 9V all generated and regulated independantly. They feed
directly some different components inside the SB2 (they have been
decoupled from the original source). 

Then he also added a transformer on the S/PDIF output (Lundhal
transformer) and 2 word clock inputs (one at 11.2896Mhz and one at
12.288Mhz) to be fed from an external clock. They replace completely
the internal crystals.

More info when I have it back. As I have a second SB2 I should be able
to compare the two.


Michel Fombellida
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread seanadams

I tried a whole bunch of things including

- disabling 12.2880 osc (yes it's okay to do this - 32/48Khz will just
not work)
- reclocking s/pdif with a discrete flip-flop
- dedicating a linear regulator to the oscillator
- moving the s/pdif signal off of the 74hcu04
- using external 5v linear supply

Will have more detailed measurements later, but basically the easiest
tweak (changing PS) seems to account for the vast majority of the
improvement. below 1ns we are approaching the lower bound of what I can
measure - SB2's output actually measures lower jitter than the reference
signal generated by the analyzer.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Triode


Interesting - I take this as official sanction to discuss SB2 mods on
this forum...

I'm most interested in spdif output mods and would be interested in
what you have been considering.  Experience moding my CD transport has
lead me to the conclusion that jitter does matter and the psu for at
least the clock is critical...  [at least into a DAC with minimal
jitter reduction]

Quick question: other than not playing 48K sampled stuff, would
removing the 12MHz clock cause any issues [does any logic rely on it

On my CD transport I also found benefit reclocking the spdif line with
a flipflop just before the output buffer.  Is the output of your Xilinx
clocked anyway to avoid any benefit of this?


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