[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-15 Thread jpak

Thanks guys I appreciate all those comments.


M-Audio Audiophile USB (digital out) -> Lavry DA10 dac -> Pass Aleph 30
poweramp -> AKG K1000 "headphones"
-all Kimber OFC copper-

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-15 Thread Andrew L . Weekes

> All the schurter filters have frequency response plots in their data
> sheets.

But those plots are all made with a Line Impedance Stabilisation
Network (LISN) in place, the real-world plots are nothing like that and
open to the 'unknown complex impedence' that the mains in your
particular neighbourhood presents ;)

Data sheets are only there to present the product in the best possible

The main thing for mains cables in my experience is to minimise the
impedance as far as is possible, any attempts to create a 'filter' are
pointless and far better handled by the devices you mention above (not
that I like them at all, since they actually raise mains Z and appear
electrically across the mains to all other items on the mains feed).


Andrew L. Weekes

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-15 Thread mazurek

Please, if anyone is actually considering investing in a power cable,
look at the actual commercial line filters at mouser.com.  For example,
I use a schurter power entry line filter in my new amps, it has an LRC
filter to attenuate high frequencies.  All the schurter filters have
frequency response plots in their data sheets.  Seems like a much
better use of money than shooting in the dark buying a fancy cable that
has either an unknown complex impedence as its mechanism, or no
mechanism for working at all.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-15 Thread PhilNYC

Ben Diss;146234 Wrote: 
> The Transporter/Dodson/Blue Circle combo was 99.4 compared to the
> SB2/Lavry. 
> -Ben

I'll make a quick comment; personal preference plays a huge factor
here.  IMHO, I had (have) a *strong* preference to the system using a
preamp over running directly to the amp.  This was the case for me
running the Transporter's analog out to the preamp over both the
Transporter and SB2/Lavry direct to the amp.  But when we went directly
to the amp, Ben's first comment was "I like this much better".

The bottom line for me in this "shootout" was that in all the setups we
listened to, there wasn't a single setup that sounded "out of place". 
To my ears, the SB2's analog out was the only one that didn't "keep
pace" with the level of quality/sophistication of the other setups, but
it was still very enjoyable.  As a transport, the SB2 also did lag a
little, but not by much.

I was very impressed by the Lavry...a little more analytical-sounding
than I prefer, but I could easily live with it in my reference system.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-15 Thread 325xi

Ben Diss;145961 Wrote: 
> Let me speak to the specific differences I heard between the Transporter
> connected directly to the amp and the SB2/Lavry (w/high-end power cable)
> connected to the same amp with the same XLR cables.
> - It's really, really, really close.  If you don't have a super good
> environment and a very revealing system, I doubt you could A/B it in a
> short listening session.
> - Transporter had lightly wider soundstage with instruments a bit more
> precisely placed.  If I closed my eyes and tried to imagine exactly
> where an instrument was in front of me it was a narrower space with the
> Transporter, but only slightly.
> - Transporter resolved very high frequencies a tiny bit better. 
> Background cymbals were more recognizable, for example.
> - Strong notes sustain better with the Transporter.  A bass drum hit
> with the same authority on both, but tended to trail off quicker with
> the Lavry.
> Overall, the Transporter is a tiny bit warmer to the Lavry's tiny bit
> more analytic nature.  If given the choice between the two for the same
> cost, there is no question I would take the Transporter.
> From a value comparison ($1300 vs. $2000) it's a tough call if it's
> worth the price difference on sound alone.  For me, the additional
> features of the Transporter are well worth the upgrade price.  I had
> only hoped that it would at least be as good as the Lavry and it
> certainly met that criteria so I'll be getting one.
> -Ben

Too bad the comparison was so brief. More information, preferable with
different people and setups required to evaluate what's going on in
There are enough posts here and there describe that such subtle and
sometimes not that subtle changes may be caused by actually more jitter
or noise allied on specific frequencies, shaping psychoacoustic model of
the system towards what person thinks is "better". (I by no means claim
this is the case here, but theoretically this is possible; I just feel
we still don't have enough information to make an informed decision).



simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3 >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >> ... or will it be

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-14 Thread jhm731

Ben Diss;146234 Wrote: 
> jhm731-  We didn't directly compare the DAC3 with the Transporter,
> however we did compare the DAC3 with the Lavry.  It wasn't exhaustive,
> just a quick comparison since we had both units in the same room.  I
> can tell you that I would choose the Lavry over the DAC3, but without a
> more thorough listen I hesitate to try and remember the details that
> went in to my decision. Keep in mind that on a scale of 0-100, if the
> Lavry is a 99, then the DAC3 is a 98.999.
> The Transporter/Dodson/Blue Circle combo was 99.4 compared to the
> SB2/Lavry. 
> -Ben

Thanks for the feedback.  Still interested in how the Transporter's DAC
compares to DA-218.

PS- I have a feeling if the Lavry's SMPS was upgraded, the SB/Lavry
combo would outperform the Transporter.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-14 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Appreciate if you could tell us the difference between the following
two setups -

-Transporter -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Dodson DA-218 DAC

Re: power cables. They do make a difference. But I am not sure you need
to spend that much money on them. Per my learning, the order of
importance in this dept -
1. Dedicated line
2. Hospital Grade wall outlet
3. Connectors on the power cable
4. Different kinds of power cable geoemetry (NOte, I have split a power
cable into #3 and #4)
5. Power conditioning
That the connectors are important is easily demonstrated when you clean
contacts with a contact cleaner and plug them back in. The connections
all have to be really tight and clean.
For eg. My main amplification is a Panasonic XR55 (poor man'


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-14 Thread Ben Diss

One thing Phil did in our demo session was to introduce me to Snake Oil
priced power cables.  I have always been a sceptic that anything beyond
a shielded cable of the proper gauge was a waste.  I also believe in the
placebo effect, so I almost don't even trust my own observation on this,
but when we switched to the big buck cable on the Lavry, the sound came
a step closer to the Transporter (with the exception of the decay).

This sucks for me because it's opened up a whole big can of worms that
I'd rather have just avoided.


Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-14 Thread Ben Diss

jhm731-  We didn't directly compare the DAC3 with the Transporter,
however we did compare the DAC3 with the Lavry.  It wasn't exhaustive,
just a quick comparison since we had both units in the same room.  I
can tell you that I would choose the Lavry over the DAC3, but without a
more thorough listen I hesitate to try and remember the details that
went in to my decision. Keep in mind that on a scale of 0-100, if the
Lavry is a 99, then the DAC3 is a 98.999.

The Transporter/Dodson/Blue Circle combo was 99.4 compared to the


Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-14 Thread jhm731

PhilNYC;145834 Wrote: 
> Ok, so Ben just left after about 2 hours of comparisons.  I'll outline
> what we listened to, then let Ben make the first comments about what we
> heard.
> We did two sets of comparisons:
> 1: Using the Blue Circle BC3000mkII preamp, we listened to:
> -Transporter -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
> -SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
> -Oracle CD1000 -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
> -Transporter analog out
> -SB2 analog out
> 2: Running directly into the Blue Circle BC206 amp, we listened to:
> -Transporter analog out
> -SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Lavry D10
> -SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Bel Canto DAC3
> We also swapped power cords on the Lavry, trying both a generic
> shielded power cord as well as an Audience powerChord.  The Audience
> powerChord was also used on the Bel Canto DAC3.
> Ben is the one who spent the majority of time in the listening
> seat/sweetspot, so his comments will likely mean more than mine.

Can you provide some feedback on how the Transporter's DAC compares to
DA-218 & DAC3?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread bludragon

Given that the transporter has a word clock out, one could add an
external box to 'filter' jitter and electical noise, and also expand
the number of inputs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread 95bcwh

What about your thought on these setup as mentioned by Phil?

1: Using the Blue Circle BC3000mkII preamp, we listened to:
-Transporter -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-Oracle CD1000 -> Dodson DA-218 DAC



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread 325xi

highdudgeon;146040 Wrote: 
> These are good points.  There has always been an argument for separates
> in audio for just this reason.  In the high end, it is almost taken for
> granted, for instance, that we separate line states and amplifiers. 
> With a SB3 and Lavry you do have the advantage of being able to handle
> more or different kinds of digital signals.  If you pipe through some
> potentially jittery component in the way -- say, an EQ unit -- the
> Lavry will handle it. Again, in my experience, everything sounds the
> same through the lavry.
> The bit about decay in the review interests me a great deal.
Yep. I'm afraid Transporter wasn't really designed to compete with best
outboard DACs out there. It appears to be very refined source component,
with digital inputs as added value. I might be wrong though, as Sean
posted somewhere that they can add some input jitter reducing scheme on
software layer. Well, it would be interesting to hear more about that...


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3 >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >> ... or will it be

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread highdudgeon

These are good points.  There has always been an argument for separates
in audio for just this reason.  In the high end, it is almost taken for
granted, for instance, that we separate line states and amplifiers. 
With a SB3 and Lavry you do have the advantage of being able to handle
more or different kinds of digital signals.  If you pipe through some
potentially jittery component in the way -- say, an EQ unit -- the
Lavry will handle it. Again, in my experience, everything sounds the
same through the lavry.

The bit about decay in the review interests me a great deal.

325xi;146027 Wrote: 
> Sounds good... Assuming close qulaity levels, my major concern is
> versatility. Paying less for Lavry combo, I can reuse Lavry if for some
> reason SB goes out of use. The best thing about Lavry is not just how it
> sounds, but also how it behaves in less then ideal conditions, with
> different sources, with different level of jitter. Being studio
> product, it's designed to do well virtually everywhere. 
> Transporter would be a dream if it can handle digital input as good as
> Lavry does. Well, I don't know, but from some posts here I've got an
> impression that Tranporter has little, if any, incoming jitter
> processing with all the effort dedicated to preventing jitter
> generation from inside Tansporter, while Lavry has three thoroughly
> designed modes for different conditions. I really want to hear that I'm
> wrong.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread highdudgeon

Excellent and level-headed review.  Thanks, Ben.  This is one of the
smartest bits of audio reviewing I've read in this or almost any

Ben Diss;145961 Wrote: 
> Let me speak to the specific differences I heard between the Transporter
> connected directly to the amp and the SB2/Lavry (w/high-end power cable)
> connected to the same amp with the same XLR cables.
> - It's really, really, really close.  If you don't have a super good
> environment and a very revealing system, I doubt you could A/B it in a
> short listening session.
> - Transporter had lightly wider soundstage with instruments a bit more
> precisely placed.  If I closed my eyes and tried to imagine exactly
> where an instrument was in front of me it was a narrower space with the
> Transporter, but only slightly.
> - Transporter resolved very high frequencies a tiny bit better. 
> Background cymbals were more recognizable, for example.
> - Strong notes sustain better with the Transporter.  A bass drum hit
> with the same authority on both, but tended to trail off quicker with
> the Lavry.
> Overall, the Transporter is a tiny bit warmer to the Lavry's tiny bit
> more analytic nature.  If given the choice between the two for the same
> cost, there is no question I would take the Transporter.
> From a value comparison ($1300 vs. $2000) it's a tough call if it's
> worth the price difference on sound alone.  For me, the additional
> features of the Transporter are well worth the upgrade price.  I had
> only hoped that it would at least be as good as the Lavry and it
> certainly met that criteria so I'll be getting one.
> -Ben


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread 325xi

Sounds good... Assuming close qulaity levels, my major concern is
versatility. Paying less for Lavry combo, I can reuse Lavry if for some
reason SB goes out of use. The best thing about Lavry is not just how it
sounds, but rather how it behaves in less then ideal conditions, with
different sources, with different level of jitter. Being studio
product, it's designed to do well virtually everywhere. 
Transporter would be a dream if it can handle digital input as good as
Lavry does. Well, I don't know, but from some posts here I've got an
impression that Tranporter has little, if any, incoming jitter
processing with all the effort dedicated to preventing jitter
generation from inside Tansporter, while Lavry has three thoroughly
designed modes for different conditions. I really want to hear that I'm


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3 >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >> ... or will it be

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread Ben Diss

Let me speak to the specific differences I heard between the Transporter
connected directly to the amp and the SB2/Lavry (w/high-end power cable)
connected to the same amp with the same XLR cables.

- It's really, really, really close.  If you don't have a super good
environment and a very revealing system, I doubt you could A/B it in a
short listening session.

- Transporter had lightly wider soundstage with instruments a bit more
precisely placed.  If I closed my eyes and tried to imagine exactly
where an instrument was in front of me it was a narrower space with the
Transporter, but only slightly.

- Transporter resolved very high frequencies a tiny bit better. 
Background cymbals were more recognizable, for example.

- Strong notes sustain better with the Transporter.  A bass drum hit
with the same authority on both, but tended to trail off quicker with
the Lavry.

Overall, the Transporter is a tiny bit warmer to the Lavry's tiny bit
more analytic nature.  If given the choice between the two for the same
cost, there is no question I would take the Transporter.

>From a value comparison ($1300 vs. $2000) it's a tough call if it's
worth the price difference on sound alone.  For me, the additional
features of the Transporter are well worth the upgrade price.  I had
only hoped that it would at least be as good as the Lavry and it
certainly met that criteria so I'll be getting one.


Ben Diss

Ben Diss's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4289
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread highdudgeon

Like I said, I should hope the Gold was more resolving.  Eight or nine
times the cost.  Yep, it had better be something special.  I find it
out that you consider the Lavry "smearing," though.  Audio
professionals and even high-profile reviewers I know consider it state
of the art and perfectly revealing.  In an absolute sense.  Still,
there is always a matter of taste.  I personally prefer it to the
Benchmark, but some people prefer the Benchmark.  Potatoes, Potaatoes.

Alas, modding something by one's self is beyond most people.  The
Monica sounds kind of cool, though.  Is there a market place somewhere
for DIY projects like this?  From your comments, I'd be interesting in
getting my paws on one to check outl.

Jenks;145923 Wrote: 
> Lots of expensive parts were involved so it was not cheap cheap, I think
> about USD400 plus the SB2.  A lot went into the power supplies and black
> gates everywhere.  Black Gates work very well with NOS DACs - better
> than Auricaps.
> I couldn't call the DA10 close to the Gold in my system, but obviously
> such subjective ratings are subjective. My system involves Nuforce amps
> too, but through Jena SCs and Verity Parsifals.  I have owned the Blue
> about two years, the Black about three months and had the Gold on loan
> for 6 weeks.  The Black is on loan to a friend who also finds it a
> little too lacking in immediacy in his system.  It is a fantastic
> value, no doubt of that, clearly better value than the Blue.  But I do
> prefer my Monica2, and the Gold was clearly more resolving and notes
> started and stopped with much less smear and more naturally.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread Jenks

Lots of expensive parts were involved so it was not cheap cheap, I think
about USD400 plus the SB2.  A lot went into the power supplies and black
gates everywhere.  Black Gates work very well with NOS DACs - better
than Auricaps.

I couldn't call the DA10 close to the Gold in my system, but obviously
such subjective ratings are subjective. My system involves Nuforce amps
too, but through Jena SCs and Verity Parsifals.  I have owned the Blue
about two years, the Black about three months and had the Gold on loan
for 6 weeks.  The Black is on loan to a friend who also finds it a
little too lacking in immediacy in his system.  It is a fantastic
value, no doubt of that, clearly better value than the Blue.  But I do
prefer my Monica2, and the Gold was clearly more resolving and notes
started and stopped with much less smear and more naturally.


Jenks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3413
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread jhm731

Jenks;145838 Wrote: 
> The Lavry DA10 will sound a bit soft in many systems and is a house
> sound. Having owned both that and a Lavry Blue I wouldn't consider them
> very similar except for that house sound.  And to suggest the DA10 comes
> close to the Lavry Gold is not remotely like my experience of them -
> more like wishful thinking.
> The Lavry DA10 will definitely improve a standard SB3 in a good system,
> but the better route is to open up the SB3 and do some tweaks.  I have
> ripped the guts out of a SB2, modded the board a little, stuffed it in
> a box with a Monica2 DAC board and stuffed a transformer and linear
> supplies in there too and can't wait to hear if the Transporter can
> match it - some very pricey CDPs I have tried haven't.
> All of that is fitted in a 1U height, half rack width aluminium box
> with a depth of 14 inches.  From a front view it is no bigger than a
> SB2.

Great info.

Your DIY SB2/Monica2 DAC combo sounds very interesting.

How much did this project cost?


jhm731's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread highdudgeon

I've had a Lavry Blue and now own a DA10 -- I have had experience with
both products for quite some time.  I've not only heard the DA10
compared favorably with the Gold, but I've heard both in the same
system.  Of course it was different.  For $8,000 more, it had better be
different.  But, it was subtle and nuanced and not night and day.  The
Gold is really a product intended for a flawless system, which would
include a room, etc., for deep and most often corporate pockets, and
for a
budget.  FWIW, this is pretty much what I've heard from everybody
familiar with these products.  The DA10 is a damned good unit for the

Jenks;145838 Wrote: 
> The Lavry DA10 will sound a bit soft in many systems and is a house
> sound. Having owned both that and a Lavry Blue I wouldn't consider them
> very similar except for that house sound.  And to suggest the DA10 comes
> close to the Lavry Gold is not remotely like my experience of them -
> more like wishful thinking.
> The Lavry DA10 will definitely improve a standard SB3 in a good system,
> but the better route is to open up the SB3 and do some tweaks.  I have
> ripped the guts out of a SB2, modded the board a little, stuffed it in
> a box with a Monica2 DAC board and stuffed a transformer and linear
> supplies in there too and can't wait to hear if the Transporter can
> match it - some very pricey CDPs I have tried haven't.
> All of that is fitted in a 1U height, half rack width aluminium box
> with a depth of 14 inches.  From a front view it is no bigger than a
> SB2.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread Jenks

The Lavry DA10 will sound a bit soft in many systems and is a house
sound. Having owned both that and a Lavry Blue I wouldn't consider them
very similar except for that house sound.  And to suggest the DA10 comes
close to the Lavry Gold is not remotely like my experience of them -
more like wishful thinking.

The Lavry DA10 will definitely improve a standard SB3 in a good system,
but the better route is to open up the SB3 and do some tweaks.  I have
ripped the guts out of a SB2, modded the board a little, stuffed it in
a box with a Monica2 DAC board and stuffed a transformer and linear
supplies in there too and can't wait to hear if the Transporter can
match it - some very pricey CDPs I have tried haven't.

All of that is fitted in a 1U height, half rack width aluminium box
with a depth of 14 inches.  From a front view it is no bigger than a


Jenks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3413
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread PhilNYC

Ok, so Ben just left after about 2 hours of comparisons.  I'll outline
what we listened to, then let Ben make the first comments about what we

We did two sets of comparisons:

1: Using the Blue Circle BC3000mkII preamp, we listened to:
-Transporter -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-Oracle CD1000 -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-Transporter analog out
-SB2 analog out

2: Running directly into the Blue Circle BC206 amp, we listened to:
-Transporter analog out
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Lavry D10
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Bel Canto DAC3

We also swapped power cords on the Lavry, trying both a generic
shielded power cord as well as an Audience powerChord.  The Audience
powerChord was also used on the Bel Canto DAC3.

Ben is the one who spent the majority of time in the listening
seat/sweetspot, so his comments will likely mean more than mine.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread PhilNYC

highdudgeon;145761 Wrote: 
> Those are all very good cables (my ranting aside, I do own a set of
> Audience AU24s and I have had numerous expensive cables before coming
> to my senses.
> 1.  I trust  your honesty and integrity.  Even though it won't be
> scientific, I'm sure you will be fair.  It's too bad you don't have a
> balanced system...but just use adapters and it should be fine.  Okay? 
> Use the SAME preamp and just put adapters on the AU24s, say, for the
> Lavry.

What we might try to do is to run both into the amp without a preamp at

> 2.  The Blue Circle and Bel Canto -- Really???  I've always been a fan
> of Bel Canto gear.  I loved my Bel Canto Pre22.  Can you say more?

I probably should have said "or as good a match, for that matter". 
Using a Blue Circle preamp with a Bel Canto amp is actually a
surprisingly excellent match...but I've generally found that pre+amp
staying in the same brand is usually a better match...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread highdudgeon

Those are all very good cables (my ranting aside, I do own a set of
Audience AU24s and I have had numerous expensive cables before coming
to my senses.

1.  I trust  your honesty and integrity.  Even though it won't be
scientific, I'm sure you will be fair.  It's too bad you don't have a
balanced system...but just use adapters and it should be fine.  Okay? 
Use the SAME preamp and just put adapters on the AU24s, say, for the

2.  The Blue Circle and Bel Canto -- Really???  I've always been a fan
of Bel Canto gear.  I loved my Bel Canto Pre22.  Can you say more?

PhilNYC;145727 Wrote: 
> At this point, Ben will be the only other person here.  One thing to
> consider:  This comparison will not be very scientific, because
> unfortunately there will be a number of variables in this test that
> will not make the comparisons "even"...the biggest variable being that
> I generally run single-ended cables throughout my system, and the Lavry
> only has XLR/balanced outs, so we will be making a number of compromises
> with regards to how each component (Transporter, Lavry, etc) will be put
> in the system.  My best preamp (Blue Circle BC3000mkII GZpz) only has
> single-ended inputs, but I do have another preamp (Bel Canto Pre3) that
> we can use...the Pre3 is not nearly as resolving (or a good match, for
> that matter) with my best amp (a Blue Circle BC206).  And the only
> balanced cable I own is an Audience Au24, whereas the rest of my system
> uses Acoustic Zen Absolute RCA cables.
> Anyways, I think we'll be able to achieve something with this
> comparison...getting a sense of the "ballpark" in which each component
> plays...with no definitive "better" or "worse" given the other
> variables at play.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread PhilNYC

highdudgeon;145672 Wrote: 
> Hopefully Phil will have more that one person over, hopefully they can
> do some blind testing, etc.  This stuff is, in the end, subjective --
> remember, subjective doesn't mean that something is better in an
> absolute sense, it just means you you LIKE it more; it is fair to like
> something that is not as absolutely high in performance as something
> else and I think people get this confused -- but the reports should be
> interesting.

At this point, Ben will be the only other person here.  One thing to
consider:  This comparison will not be very scientific, because
unfortunately there will be a number of variables in this test that
will not make the comparisons "even"...the biggest variable being that
I generally run single-ended cables throughout my system, and the Lavry
only has XLR/balanced outs, so we will be making a number of compromises
with regards to how each component (Transporter, Lavry, etc) will be put
in the system.  My best preamp (Blue Circle BC3000mkII GZpz) only has
single-ended inputs, but I do have another preamp (Bel Canto Pre3) that
we can use...the Pre3 is not nearly as resolving (or a good match, for
that matter) with my best amp (a Blue Circle BC206).  And the only
balanced cable I own is an Audience Au24, whereas the rest of my system
uses Acoustic Zen Absolute RCA cables.

Anyways, I think we'll be able to achieve something with this
comparison...getting a sense of the "ballpark" in which each component
plays...with no definitive "better" or "worse" given the other
variables at play.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

PhilNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=837
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread highdudgeon

his has been discussed to death, but allow me to repeat a few points:

1.  It is a professional audio product.  It is NOT an audiophile
product.  That is the say, the primary market for the device is the
professional recording community and not the audiophile community.  The
Lavry DA10 is a simplified half-rack version -- and slightly updated --
of the Lavry Blue, which has been an industry reference.

The "high end" market is a luxury market and components are almost
invariably overpriced.  They are aesthetically pleasing (mostly), they
have brand recognition, etc.  You pay premiums for these things.

The professional market is geared at, well, professionals who actually
use these components to make the recordings you listen to at home. 
There are few, if any, aesthetic considerations.  Look at the Lavry and
look at most rack components.  (Benchmark did a good job, incidentally,
in their attempt to bridge the gap)  Notice that Lavry isn't really
even sold through high end dealers -- almost all sales are direct or
through professional audio equipment providers.  Mastering studio
engineer work on professional, not personal, budgets, and they pay for
quality, not status.  Hence, prices tend to be lower.  

Notice that the Lavry DA10 has been compared to the Audio Prism DAC
($9,000) and very favorably, as in extremely close to, the Lavry 924

Notice, too, the the Lavry is a buffering and de-jittering DAC and one
of the very few to function in this way.  In theory, the transport
should not matter.  The device buffers the incoming stream, re-clocks,
and moves along.  From my personal experience, everything coming
through the Lavry -- a high end CD player, a mid-fi CD/DVD player, a
SB3 -- all sound exactly the same, even regardless of cable.  This is
why the device is the current darling of mastering studio engineers. 
Note bene: these are people who make their living perfecting recordings
and I think we can take it for granted that they know more about audio
than 95% of audiophiles.

2.  The SB3 has a very low price point.  However, as noted, written,
and discussed, the JA stereophile review found that the SB3, used as a
transport into a Levison DAC was virtually indistinguishable from a
Ayre universal player ($6k) as a transport.  That's a 20x price
difference in the comparison.  AND, the Levison doesn't even have the
functionality of the Lavry. (For that matter, I would expect both the
Benchmark and the Lavry to be better all-around devices.  There's a
reason why pros use these devices and, by and large, not audiophile

3.  You are right: the Lavry and SB3 with analog outs are two different
beasts.  However, the experience will make you realize just how good a
SB3 really is.  Personally, for a person on a more limited budget, the
difference in cost is better spent on speakers.

4.  Lavry and DCS.  I have it on fairly good authority that they are
very close indeed, and that the Lavry, and even Benchmark, have a bit
of a leg up -- if only because of financial considerations together
with extraordinarily close performance that is perhaps only different a
bit in flavor (subjective preference here) and not in terms of absolute

5.  I expect the Transporter will fair very well indeed.  Sean e al
have put a great deal of time and energy into good research and design.
Mine is on order so I cannot speak from personal experience.  However,
those who DO have one seem very impressed.  Look at his measurements (I
know) -- the device is easily in Benchmark category, which means it is
very close to a Lavry.  And it has a lot more functionality.

I would like to see the following comparisions: SB3 vs. SB3/Lavry; SB3
vs. Transporter; Transporter vs. SB3/Lavry; Transporter vs.
Transporter/Lavry (this one would be interesting indeed!)

325xi;145596 Wrote: 
> I think the correct way to evaluate products is to compare them in their
> approximate price ranges. 
> I don't know how can we really compare SB3 DAC vs. highly sophisticated
> Lavry. Transporter seems to be better match. 
> I also don't know if I would compare Lavry to some no-compromise
> products such as dCS or EMM stuff for the same reason - different
> league, different compromises, different initial design requirements.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread opaqueice

325xi;145599 Wrote: 
> Because any such comparison is highly subjective. Some sound may appeal
> to your taste but not to be really better. So we want to keep as much
> as possible potentially influencing factors out of the picture. 

Like price, you mean?

You've made a series of arguments for the opposite of what you wanted
to show.  Comparisons are hard, yeah and the "influencing factor" of
knowing one product is more expensive than another will affect what we
perceive.  And that's exactly why we need to do a proper blind
comparison - it's the only way to know whether the more expensive
product really is better.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread tomjtx

325xi;145599 Wrote: 
> Because any such comparison is highly subjective. Some sound may appeal
> to your taste but not to be really better. So we want to keep as much
> as possible potentially influencing factors out of the picture. 
> If you compare Toyota to Ferrari and prefer Toyota because of more
> comfortable raid, will it make Toyota really superior car overall? What
> it really does is confuses those who aren't well familiar with both to
> understand the "basic assumptions" such as "everybody knows what each
> car is, but all I care is to go shopping, so..."
> Or take the cameras: little plain soapbox camera may give or almost the
> same picture quality as a semi-pro SLR under perfect conditions. But the
> conclusion that they are mutually replaceable is wrong, because the
> result valid only for specific conditions.
> If one doesn't hear much difference between hi-end low-end DACs, it may
> mean that they indeed don't really differ, but it also can mean the test
> condition don't allow to hear difference, or that the person is unable
> to hear it due to today's headache, or sound of better quality setup
> just doesn't appeal to the listener, etc. So what such a comparison
> worth?

You sound like a dealer that's afraid he will lose money with bargain
priced gear.
In hi-end audio there is often little correlation between price and
The only thing important is how it sounds, unless you want to pay a lot
extra for a certain look.but this has nothing to do with the
sound of a unit.
To automatically rule out comparisons between units in different price
ranges is absurd in the extreme.


tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread adamslim

325xi;145599 Wrote: 
> Because any such comparison is highly subjective.

But isn't that the point?

I think it's a valid question.  If a listening test based around a
high-resolution system found little or no difference between, say, a
modded SB3 and a full dcS setup, then the value of the dcS must be
questioned.  If, however, it did, but there was no audible difference
based on a mid-range system, then that would again be a useful result:
the SB3 might be good enough for all but the very best amp-speaker

I think that this point is missed in many reviews.  In general,
reviewers either try everything in their reference system, and then are
disparaging of mid-price kit as it isn't quite as good as $10k+ kit, or
they try it in 'matching'-priced systems, and then you can't judge what
kit genuinely punches above its weight.

The difference between digital sources is not as clear as the
difference between a sports car and a family estate.  There is little
or no functionality difference - it play music, that's all (subject to
CD vs network, I suppose) - so your Ferrari/Toyota analogy is a bit
disingenuous.  The sound is what matters for both products.


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread 325xi

dlite;145598 Wrote: 
> Why to compare the value for money? There are many products out
> there that are very expensive with no better design or parts than low
> to mid range products. Many products live on reputations gained many
> years ago and they do not live up to that reputation. 
> Granted you are not comparing apples with apples, but a plate of hot
> chips can often be enjoyed as much if not more than a Lobster/seafood
> platter.

Because any such comparison is highly subjective. Some sound may appeal
to your taste but not to be really better. So we want to keep as much as
possible potentially influencing factors out of the picture. 
If you compare Toyota to Ferrari and prefer Toyota because of more
comfortable raid, will it make Toyota really superior car overall? What
it really does is confuses those who aren't well familiar with both to
understand the "basic assumptions" such as "everybody knows what each
car is, but all I care is to go shopping, so..."


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3 >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >> ... or will it be

325xi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5661
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread dlite

Why to compare the value for money? There are many products out
there that are very expensive with no better design or parts than low
to mid range products. Many products live on reputations gained many
years ago and they do not live up to that reputation. 

Granted you are not comparing apples with apples, but a plate of hot
chips can often be enjoyed as much if not more than a Lobster/seafood


dlite's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4885
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-12 Thread 325xi

I think the correct way to evaluate products is to compare them in their
approximate price ranges. 

I don't know how can we really compare SB3 DAC vs. highly sophisticated
Lavry. Transporter seems to be better match. 

I also don't know if I would compare Lavry to some no-compromise
products such as dCS or EMM stuff for the same reason - different
league, different compromises, different initial design requirements.


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions: sb3 >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >> ... or will it be

325xi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5661
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-08 Thread dlite

I sell the Lavry and Slim Devices products, normally run the Lavry off
the stock Squeezebox 3's digital outputs. The Lavry DA10 overall is a
superior DAC, but the Squeezebox 3 does have a bit more of that "im
there" feeling although lacking in detail and clarity against the

As for the Transporter, still not arrived here in Australia yet, should
be this week. Can't wait..Hope i don't wet my pants in the excitement
when it arrives. :-) 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-07 Thread PhilNYC

Ben Diss;144216 Wrote: 
> Phil-  I've been neglectful of my email lately, sorry.  What's this
> coming week look like for you?  Maybe Wed or Thurs evening?

Hey Ben!  Thursday evening works well for me...let's plan something...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

PhilNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=837
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-07 Thread Ben Diss

Phil-  I've been neglectful of my email lately, sorry.  What's this
coming week look like for you?  Maybe Wed or Thurs evening?

Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-07 Thread tomjtx

PhilNYC;143717 Wrote: 
> This question seems to pop up a lot.  I'm really curious about this
> Lavry DAC.  Anyone in the NY/Northern NJ area have one who can come by
> and bring it?  I've got a Transporter and would love to do a
> comparison...

hope you beat the rest of us to a review...my friend wont have
his for at least another 2 weeks


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-07 Thread tomjtx

highdudgeon;144188 Wrote: 
> Alas, no.  I have a Transporter on order -- it's a couple weeks out.  I
> have a stock SB3 and a Lavry DA10.  The differences more mostly subtle,
> I think, but imaging is somewhat improved.  The Transporter is simply
> more attractive: one box, great aesthetics, increased functionality,
> and the sound has got to be as good or better than what I have now.   I
> look forward to a good comparison.

So do I.it is one good looking unit


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-07 Thread highdudgeon

Alas, no.  I have a Transporter on order -- it's a couple weeks out.  I
have a stock SB3 and a Lavry DA10.  The differences more mostly subtle,
I think, but imaging is somewhat improved.  The Transporter is simply
more attractive: one box, great aesthetics, increased functionality,
and the sound has got to be as good or better than what I have now.   I
look forward to a good comparison.

tomjtx;143946 Wrote: 
> that's a good review, thanks for the post.
> I have a dealer friend who carries the transporter. At some point he
> will bring one over and we will compare it with the Lavry and the SB
> and lavry>Transporter etc. 
> I have Watt/Puppies and Jeff Rowland amplification so the system is
> reasonably neutral and revealing.(or at least seems that way to me)
> My SB has a Bolder modded elpac but no other mods.
> My friend just became an SD dealer so I think he is still 2 or more
> weeks away from getting a transporter.
> I will be happy to share my impressions although I would hasten to add
> they are subjective and someone else may have a different experience.
> I was hoping someone would post some initial impressions. I know there
> are some who have the transporter and the lavry who have made very
> insightful posts on other topics (hint hint, highdudgeon?) :-)


highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-06 Thread tomjtx

TCM;143814 Wrote: 
> Here's a "DAC Showdown: AQVOX USB 2 D/A vs. Benchmark DAC1 vs. Lavry
> Black DA10" from Head-Fi.
> http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=161032&highlight=lavry+benchmark

that's a good review, thanks for the post.

I have a dealer friend who carries the transporter. At some point he
will bring one over and we will compare it with the Lavry and the SB
and lavry>Transporter etc. 
I have Watt/Puppies and Jeff Rowland amplification so the system is
reasonably neutral and revealing.(or at least seems that way to me)

My SB has a Bolder modded elpac but no other mods.
My friend just became an SD dealer so I think he is still 2 or more
weeks away from getting a transporter.
I will be happy to share my impressions although I would hasten to add
they are subjective and someone else may have a different experience.

I was hoping someone would post some initial impressions. I know there
are some who have the transporter and the lavry who have made very
insightful posts on other topics (hint hint, highdudgeon?) :-)


tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-06 Thread TCM

Here's a "DAC Showdown: AQVOX USB 2 D/A vs. Benchmark DAC1 vs. Lavry
Black DA10" from Head-Fi.




TCM's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=702
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-06 Thread PhilNYC

This question seems to pop up a lot.  I'm really curious about this
Lavry DAC.  Anyone in the NY/Northern NJ area have one who can come by
and bring it?  I've got a Transporter and would love to do a


Sonic Spirits Inc.

PhilNYC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=837
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28369

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