Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-08 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Videodrome;247681 Wrote: 
> That receiver has been quite the buzz in the home theater forums.  The
> fact is supports the new codecs (especially DTS HD MA) makes it very
> tempting.  Provided the Onkyo's preamp section is decent for 2-channel,
> and if it has pre outs, you could add a finesse two channel amp for your
> mains and have a pretty sweet dual purpose system.

Hi Videodrome,
Did the Behringer SRC2496 make a difference with your SB3 ? I have
Bolder digital mods and a modded linear PSU. 
I have already ordered the Behringer mainly for use with my
computer/quite listening (headphones). But wondering whether it would
still make a difference with my SB3. I can also try feeding upsampled
output to my Panny, which can accept upto 24bit/96Khz I think.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-08 Thread Videodrome

That receiver has been quite the buzz in the home theater forums.  The
fact is supports the new codecs (especially DTS HD MA) makes it very
tempting.  Provided the Onkyo's preamp section is decent for 2-channel,
and if it has pre outs, you could add a finesse two channel amp for your
mains and have a pretty sweet dual purpose system.


Two-channel System:
SB3 -> Behringer SRC2496 -> Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cartridge -> Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-07 Thread jmourik

Recently I've been thinking that something like an Onkyo 805 ( ) with
it's Burr Brown dacs would be as good as getting an external dac. For a
bit over $700 currently on it's quite a steal. And it would
give me the option of using HD audio in the future if they ever start
selling that. It has hdmi v1.3 and all the fancy stuff. Plus all the
bass management of the receiver will be usable too. I can't use that on
my current receiver when I use the external (analog) input.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-05 Thread tricka

With respect to all the posters everyone's point of view is correct in
it's own way.
I would suggest that the overall syngery between the components is more
important than the one link in the chain.
$$$ cost doesn't necessarily predicate the level of performance and you
should listen with your ears not your prejudice: just because something
costs more doesn't necessaily mean it will sound good in your system.
Nothing wrong at all with the SB3 > Melody SP7 > Onix Ref-1 combo. In
fact very nice. With the Melody's 45 watts per channel you should be
getting decent soundstaging and imaging from the Ref 1's. Mind you
compared to OB speakers any small bookshelf will struggle for
The SB3 is "veiled" in stock form and the Ignuz plug-in makes a huge
difference to be sure. I had a SB3, tried all sorts of Dac's with it
and concluded that while it you could difintely improve it's sound by
an external DAC, it began to look expensive when the costs of the mods
(digital), cables, DAC and discrete linear psu were factored in. Plus
the buying and selling and time involved.
I think you are on the right track addressing room acoustics as a
relatively inexpensive way to upgrade your system.  May I suggest that
get a quality SMPS, untreat your reflective walls to brighten up your
room abit, pay attention to where your standmounts are, save your money
and upgrade to a Transporter (about $1500 on Audiogon) which saves all
the mucking around searching for improvement. If I didn't have need of
a one box solution for video/audio then I certainly would have a
Transporter in preference to the modded SB3/External Dac/PSU path that
everyone seems to go for.
Lastly Pro Audio or at least "Prosumer" audio does work remarkably well
for a fraction of the price of "hi fi". I figure if it's good enough to
master from it certainly should be good enough to play back with. At
least so it has been for me.
Best wishes


Lynx 2
Custom Shiuy SEP 2.5 watt
B200 OB/ Custom Sub (450 watt plate)
MAC cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-04 Thread Pat Farrell
smarco wrote:
> I don't think I have audiophile ears, but I'm able to distinguish $2-3k
> amps or speakers from $500-$1k ones. So when audiophiles say there is a
> "huge" difference, I assume "ok, there may be a slightly audible
> difference. :)

Give that man a cigar.

> Zhaolu seems to provide slightly clearer details and better imaging.
> But, what makes a strickly fair comparison difficult is the difference
> in their analog output levels.

Louder signals means louder music, which always, *always* sounds better 
to humans.

To test, you first have to equalize sound levels. Get at least a radio 
shack sound meter.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-12-04 Thread smarco

I don't think I have audiophile ears, but I'm able to distinguish $2-3k
amps or speakers from $500-$1k ones. So when audiophiles say there is a
"huge" difference, I assume "ok, there may be a slightly audible
difference. :)

I recently got a Zhaolu D3, and tried A-B comparison with the internal
DAC of my SB3. (SB3-glass toslink-Zhaolu D3-MAC ultra silver RCA
interlink vs. SB3-blue jeans RCA interlink / both to my integrated tube
amp and Triangle Comete speakers)

Zhaolu seems to provide slightly clearer details and better imaging.
But, what makes a strickly fair comparison difficult is the difference
in their analog output levels. The output vrms of Zhaolu D3 seems
higher than SB3 (2.1 vrms). The analog output level of Musiland MD-10
is 3 vrms and certainly higher than SB3. It may bring some illusion. I
think Zhaolu D3 or Musiland MD-10 may be a better idea than a $250
cable to improve the sound quality of SB3, but the actual improvement
seems to be subtle.

BTW, does anybody know what's the analog output level of Zhaolu D3?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-25 Thread opaqueice

You could also just download inguz's plugin and use that to turn up the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-24 Thread tyler_durden

In the old days, when amps had tone controls, people used to just turn
up the treble a little to get more "life" in the music.  Now they spend
several hundred dollars on DACs and interconnect cables (like dumb and
dumber) in feeble attempts to get the same effect.

Get yourself a 70s-80s vintage amp that has tone controls from your
local garage sale.  It shouldn't cost more than $10-20, depending on
its condition. Lift the treble slightly (turn the treble knob just a
little clockwise).  Enjoy your music once again.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-18 Thread zanash

A different dac will give a different sound not necessarily better...but
lets hope that a more expensive dac  has a better performance.  A better
dac psu will give you more of what the dac does with out too much change
in charactor ..for me better cables are the icing on the cake again
these should allow more of the dac sound through rather than change its
charactor. If a cables changing the sound then its not doing its job in
my opinion !


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-18 Thread Mark Lanctot

SoftwireEngineer;243255 Wrote: 
> The stock SB3 has some jitter which really shows up in the listening.

Huh?  Most tests show the jitter as fairly low.  Do you have scope

> One should also try a better supply or power conditioner or better
> interconnects before adding more components to the chain.

Well if you're saying that a better power supply, power conditioning or
interconnects would improve things more than a different DAC maybe we
don't need to see scope images at all.  :-P

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-16 Thread SoftwireEngineer

The stock SB3 has some jitter which really shows up in the listening. I
would describe the sound as 'soft' and 'blurred' (although like
everything in audiophila is relative). Atleast, when compared to my
Philips 963sa. I sent it in for digital mods to and
this improved to a great extent. So unless, you have jitter reduction
built into the DAC, you are not getting the maximum performance. 
Maybe this softness is what makes people desire a 'brighter' sound.   
One should also try a better supply or power conditioner or better
interconnects before adding more components to the chain.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-13 Thread Acme

In my case I use a Zhaolu D3 with great results.

The opAmp in mine were not Lt-1057 but Lt-1028.  The 1028 are single
type opAmp.  I replaced them with BurrBrown opa627 with greater results

And I am waiting to receive Burson 'discrete components'  module that
will replace the opa627 ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-12 Thread bearotti

You want to "brighten" your sound and move the soundstage "in front" of
your speakersthis goes against every "audiophile" stands for IMO. 
If you want to simply brighen your sound try a set of Nordost Blue
Heaven interconnects...right around $120 a pair...these will brighten
your sound.  If you want bright sound in general, change to a pair of
b&w speakers...these are for DAC's, I have never found one
that was "Bright" but I have owned nearly a dozen at this point, and
none of them was less than $600, so maybe there are some but I have
never owned one.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-12 Thread slwiser

westernboy;240238 Wrote: 
> Hi cgull (clever name, btw).  In response to your original post, I can
> recommend the Beresford TC-7510 external DAC, providing it has the
> 'Class A' output mod.  At around 140 UK pound sterling, it was better
> than the modded Channel Islands VDA-1 I tried previously and (from
> memory) about as revealing as a Benchmark 1.  I can't comment on the
> Inguz plugin as I don't have a server with enough horsepower to run it,
> but I can say that room treatments (at least the DIY absorption panels
> I've installed so far) make a HUGE improvement to the sound quality.

I agree that the Beresford TC-7510 Mk6/3 is a very competitive unit
with very adequate sound even out of its headphone amp.  I am sending
it's signel into my Berning micro-ZOTL for my headphones.  I am using
the SB3 with FLAC files and optical output to the 7510.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-11 Thread zanash

the three benchmark dac1 I've heard have been rather poor compared with
the behringer deq 2496 [used as dac only] the src 2496. I agree the
dac1 sounded thin and bright to the point of unlistenable in the system
it was being used in ...this does illistrate that it was showing up the
dvd player that was being used as a transport ...when we slotted in my
quad 99cdp the dac1 did respond with a more listenable performance but
was not a patch on the 99cdp as player and dac.  I've said before my
friend sold the dac1 and bought an src ...saving £600 and got better
sounding music to boot.

there are any number of small cheap dac available ..though there is a
reliability question about some ie the lite dac ah  of which I've had
two both died after about 6 months use [but they were only £30 each ]
so I've not lost a great deal.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-11 Thread morris_minor

I've just got my SB3 and am having good results feeding into a Sonifex
Redbox DAC1 (£435)

Sonifex make broadcast equipment and one enterprising audio dealer got
the company to make a more domestically acceptable version by lopping
off the rack mount.

Here's a link to Sonifex:

and to the page from the dealer's site (split from it's frameset):

The dealer makes comparison with units costing to £3,500; I can't
really vouch for this, but Stuart - the guy I dealt with - said the RB
DAC1 gave the Benchmark DAC1 a good run for its money, and at half the
price I gave it a go on an approvals basis. I kept it!!

I read somewhere that if the SB3 had been made by an audio manufacturer
they'd have tripled the price for it. I'm sure the reverse applies and
the pro-audio broadcast market is pretty demanding and wouldn't like
being ripped off by inflated prices.

Anyway - this may help . . .

My first post to the forum BTW. Lot's of good stuff here :o)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-11 Thread cybervision_

I currently own a Beresford DAC and I am running it with SB3/Creek
Destiny and Monitor Audio GS20s... It sounds terrific, but I can`t help
thinking that there may be more to extract on the source-side og the
amp. Which DAC would you recommend?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-09 Thread dwc

This guy makes great DACs on the "cheap."  I have two of his older


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-06 Thread Videodrome

russelk;240026 Wrote: 
> I disagree with the statement that the speaekers will contribute about
> 95% of the system character. During my last upgrade I kept my speakers
> (Quad 12L) but replaced the source and amplification (Linn > Creek) -
> the change in sound was staggering. Speaking for myself at least, the
> speakers did not contribute anywhere near 95% of the sonic character of
> my system.
> I have stated in a previous post that I don't think much of the SB3's
> analog output - I don't know if it's the DAC that's the limiting
> factor, or the supporting components. The bottom line is that it's
> bettered quite easily by a mid-range cd player. Of course one must take
> into account that the SB3 does cost a great deal less than a mid-range
> cd player, so it's unfair to expect that kind of performance.
> cgull, I would definitely recommend that you try an external DAC. I
> know exactly what you mean when you say the SB3 sounds dull and flat.
> Unfortunately I am not familiar with the DACs that you have listed. I'm
> using a cheap moodlabs Concept DAC at the moment, and I'm not really
> satisfied with the performance gains. Yes it does sound better than the
> SB3's analog out, but not by a great margin. I'm going to be auditioning
> a Benchmark DAC1 in a few months - it is quite expensive but I'm hoping
> the gains will be worthwhile.

If your 12Ls are anything like my 11Ls, they are very revealing of
anything upstream of them.  So like you, I was able to immediately
discern the improvement an upgraded DAC made to my Squeezebox.

On that point: cgull, if you're looking at the Zhalous, take a gander
at the Musiland DACs like the MD10.  I bought mine from Pacfic Valve
and Electric.  I'm using the aforementioned Behringer SRC 2496 to
upsample the stream to the MD-10 and running it at 88zHz / 24 bit.  All
told, the whole combo' set me back about $430 and I've been a very happy
camper.  Just got back from visting my brother who has a purebred Linn
Ikemi and I much prefer my humble German / Chinese mutt.

To russellk's point, the Benchmark has been consistently described as
"bright" in the many reviews and shootouts I have read.  A less
pejorative term would be "analytical."  

Not my cup o' tea, but if that's what you're after, there are usually
several for sale at any given time on Audiogon (used) for $700 -$800.


Two-channel System:
SB3 -> Behringer SRC2496 -> Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cartridge -> Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-06 Thread zanash

westernboy;240238 Wrote: 
> Hi cgull (clever name, btw).  In response to your original post, I can
> recommend the Beresford TC-7510 external DAC, providing it has the
> 'Class A' output mod.  At around 140 UK pound sterling, it was better
> than the modded Channel Islands VDA-1 I tried previously and (from
> memory) about as revealing as a Benchmark 1.  I can't comment on the
> Inguz plugin as I don't have a server with enough horsepower to run it,
> but I can say that room treatments (at least the DIY absorption panels
> I've installed so far) make a HUGE improvement to the sound quality.

yes the beresford is a good dac on a budget but when I had one
compared to the modded behringer src2496 it came of second best by
quite a wide margin  thats before you add in all the extras that the
src gives you.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-05 Thread steve34

I don't own an sb3 as yet but use the software version for time being
across pc network 

I use 'dac-in the box' between my dvd player(recorder) and amp. I first
read about the dac on the headfi forums and decided to buy one due to
the budget price & positive comments on the forums. There's a newer
version called super pro dac 707, see website 

Also use a Canare lv61s stereo analogue cable in the same setup without
dac and enjoy as much as when using the dac. 
My setup: dvd as source, chord carnival silver spkr wire,cambridge
audio 540a amp, mission m30i speakers. Also worth taking some note of
room acoustics and speaker postioning etc



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread swhite58

I have the Zhaolu D3.0.  For me it's an enormous improvement over the
SB3 internal DAC.  



Clark Connect Linux file server->SB3->Zhaolu D3 DAC->NAD C320BEE->Polk
Monitor 4.5 speakers/Sennheiser headphones

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread westernboy

cgull;240224 Wrote: 
> Bitrate is great. I have a bunch of 24/48000 flacs to test with.
> I just installed the Inguz EQ plugin and it vastly improved sound.
> Gonna look into the room correction stuff now. This may temporarily
> cure my upgradeitis. Still on the fence for a dac.

Hi cgull (clever name, btw).  In response to your original post, I can
recommend the Beresford TC-7510 external DAC, providing it has the
'Class A' output mod.  At around 140 UK pound sterling, it was better
than the modded Channel Islands VAC-1 I tried previously and (from
memory) about as revealing as a Benchmark 1.  I can't comment on the
Inguz plugin as I don't have a server with enough horsepower to run it,
but I can say that room treatments (at least the DIY absorption panels
I've installed so far) make a HUGE improvement to the sound quality.


"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted."

— Albert Einstein

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread cgull

cliveb;240105 Wrote: 
> OK, fair enough. You've done a comparison and decided you prefer the
> sound of the Toshiba DVD player to the SB3. But before spending any
> money, be sure to check that you're not accidentally bitrate limiting
> the feed to the SB3, and also make sure your comparison of DVD player
> to SB3 is level matched.

Bitrate is great. I have a bunch of 24/48000 flacs to test with.

I just installed the Inguz EQ plugin and it vastly improved sound.
Gonna look into the room correction stuff now. This may temporarily
cure my upgradeitis. Still on the fence for a dac.



SB3 > Melody SP7 > Onix Ref-1

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread USAudio

I've tried a couple high-quality DAC's and was shocked at the level of
improvement over the SB3's analog outputs.  This might be over your
budget but I've been very pleased with the $599 CIAudio VDA-2:


SB3 > CIAudio VDA-2/VAC-1 > CIAudio PLC-1 > CIAudio D-200 > Revel
Concerta F12 + SVS SB12-Plus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread cliveb

cgull;240075 Wrote: 
> Last night I did a test of a Toshiba SD4700/standard cd vs SB3/flac. The
> Toshiba sounded significantly better, no question about it. So I know
> that my amp/speaks are capable of producing a sound that is good to my
> ears. This is whats leading me down the DAC path.
OK, fair enough. You've done a comparison and decided you prefer the
sound of the Toshiba DVD player to the SB3. But before spending any
money, be sure to check that you're not accidentally bitrate limiting
the feed to the SB3, and also make sure your comparison of DVD player
to SB3 is level matched.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread cgull

cliveb;240019 Wrote: 
> Belief can send you down all sorts of blind alleys. What actual evidence
> do you have that the SB3's DAC is the limiting factor? The DAC in the
> SB3 is actually pretty damn good.
> An obvious point to make is that your speakers will be contributing
> about 95% of the overall system character. Apart from that, unless your
> system is really high-end, chances are that the preamp is the electronic
> component most responsible for any shortcomings.
> Can you tell us what rest of your system is? That way we'd have a
> better chance of making more informed comments.

I have a Melody SP-7 Tube Amp (
driving a pair of Onix Reference 1 Monitor's.

Last night I did a test of a Toshiba SD4700/standard cd vs SB3/flac.
The Toshiba sounded significantly better, no question about it. So I
know that my amp/speaks are capable of producing a sound that is good
to my ears. This is whats leading me down the DAC path.



SB3 > Melody SP7 > Onix Ref-1

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread russelk

cliveb;240019 Wrote: 
> Belief can send you down all sorts of blind alleys. What actual evidence
> do you have that the SB3's DAC is the limiting factor? The DAC in the
> SB3 is actually pretty damn good.
> An obvious point to make is that your speakers will be contributing
> about 95% of the overall system character. Apart from that, unless your
> system is really high-end, chances are that the preamp is the electronic
> component most responsible for any shortcomings.

I disagree with the statement that the speaekers will contribute about
95% of the system character. During my last upgrade I kept my speakers
(Quad 12L) but replaced the source and amplification (Linn > Creek) -
the change in sound was staggering. Speaking for myself at least, the
speakers did not contribute anywhere near 95% of the sonic character of
my system.

I have stated in a previous post that I don't think much of the SB3's
analog output - I don't know if it's the DAC that's the limiting
factor, or the supporting components. The bottom line is that it's
bettered quite easily by a mid-range cd player. Of course one must take
into account that the SB3 does cost a great deal less than a mid-range
cd player, so it's unfair to expect that kind of performance.

cgull, I would definitely recommend that you try an external DAC. I
know exactly what you mean when you say the SB3 sounds dull and flat.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with the DACs that you have listed. I'm
using a cheap moodlabs Concept DAC at the moment, and I'm not really
satisfied with the performance gains. Yes it does sound better than the
SB3's analog out, but not by a great margin. I'm going to be auditioning
a Benchmark DAC1 in a few months - it is quite expensive but I'm hoping
the gains will be worthwhile.


SB3 --> Moodlab Concept DAC --> Creek Evo amp --> Quad 12L speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-04 Thread cliveb

cgull;239877 Wrote: 
> I am looking to add an external DAC as I believe the internal DAC is the
> weakest link in my audio chain.
Belief can send you down all sorts of blind alleys. What actual
evidence do you have that the SB3's DAC is the limiting factor? The DAC
in the SB3 is actually pretty damn good.

An obvious point to make is that your speakers will be contributing
about 95% of the overall system character. Apart from that, unless your
system is really high-end, chances are that the preamp is the electronic
component most responsible for any shortcomings.

Can you tell us what rest of your system is? That way we'd have a
better chance of making more informed comments.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-03 Thread zanash

try the behringer src 2496.its cheap £80ish  has loads of facilities
and at the price very difficult to get a better sounding  dacit can
be modded with a small amount of effort to live with dacs in the £600


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-03 Thread amcluesent

>I think what I mean by brightness is that the SB3 sounds a bit muted
(even flat) to me<

Have you considered the Ignuz plug-in?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-03 Thread cgull

JJZolx;239906 Wrote: 
> If you want to increase the brightness then get something really
> inexpensive, no tubes in the output stage, and preferably 10 or more
> years old.  That was a prominent quality of early DACs and a quality
> that *all* modern DACs strive to avoid.  Most people generally don't
> like brightness in a source component, as it leads to listening fatigue
> (when it can be tolerated at all).
> I'd also consider looking elsewhere in improving your system.  It
> sounds like you know that it's missing something, but maybe you can't
> put your finger on it.  Maybe you want more detail (not the same as
> brightness) or less warmth in the midrange or more punchiness in the
> bass.  If you really want to tip up the top end, the surest way is
> through different speakers.

Thanks for the feedback. I think what I mean by brightness is that the
SB3 sounds a bit muted (even flat) to me. I am not looking to introduce
any artificial attributes to the sound. Perhaps it is more detail and
slightly less warmth then.

I absolutely love the speaks and amp so am not gong to make a change



SB3 > Melody SP7 > Onix Ref-1

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-03 Thread JJZolx

If you want to increase the brightness then get something really
inexpensive, no tubes in the output stage, and preferably 10 or more
years old.  That was a prominent quality of early DACs and a quality
that *all* modern DACs strive to avoid.  Most people generally don't
like brightness in a source component, as it leads to listening fatigue
(when it can be tolerated at all).

I'd also consider looking elsewhere in improving your system.  It
sounds like you know that it's missing something, but maybe you can't
put your finger on it.  Maybe you want more detail (not the same as
brightness) or less warmth in the midrange or more punchiness in the
bass.  If you really want to tip up the top end, the surest way is
through different speakers.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which "budget constrained" DAC for SB3?

2007-11-03 Thread cgull

I am looking to add an external DAC as I believe the internal DAC is the
weakest link in my audio chain. I am hoping to increase the brightness
and move the sound stage out. 

I am not going to spend allot of $$ bc I would rather re-invest more
frequently as chip technology advances and costs less. So here are the
ones I am currently considering. Which is the best choice considering
cost and sound quality relative to internal SB3 DAC?

DAC707 SuperPro (~$100 shipped)


  The DAC707 Super Pro might be small, but it plays very well with the big 
boys. This scrappy little four-ounce DAC puts out a big, dynamic and detailed 
sound. Immediately tagged as a giant-killer when first introduced on the Asian 
market not too long ago, it compares to DACs selling for many times the price.
  The Super Pro supports up to 24bit/96KHz and uses the CS8416 for the receiver 
ship and the highly resolving,24-192kHz, CS-4398 for the D/A chip. Dual 
LT1364Cs are used for analog output. The unit has optical TOSLINK and RCA 
coaxial digital outputs. Analog output is via standard RCA plugs.
  The DAC Super Pro comes with  external power supply, but for and ultra-quiet 
background and even more revealing detail,  we suggest a battery power supply.
  * D/A Receiver chip CS-8416,
  * D/A converter chip, CS-4398 (24-192KHZ )
  * Dual LT1364C OPAMPS for analog output circuit
  * Optical digital input
  * Coaxial Digital Input
  * Standard RCA analog output plugs
  It comes with everything you'll need to get up and running, including:
  * Universal Power Supply
  * Optical Cable
  * Digital coaxial cable

Zhaolu D2.5C (~$210 shipped)


  Zhaolu (pronounced "chow-loo") DACs have developed a dedicated following 
around the world for audiophile performance at a very reasonable price. In 
keeping with this reputation, the Zhaolu DAC 2.5 delivers new levels of 
engineering refinement and sonic improvement. 
  On the heels of the highly successful D2 model, the 2.5 boasts a number of 
major design upgrades, including independent operational modules for power, 
digital processing and analog processing, and a headphone amp section. For 
lower distortion and noise, each module is a separate circuit board connected 
with quality cables, plugs and sockets.
  At Audiomagus, we always say, "stay grounded in the sound!" Listening to the 
D2.5 is a pleasure: it delivers excellent imaging with a spacious and open 
soundstage. The CS4398 brings a natural tonality and great detail. If you are a 
headphone lover, the D2.5 also features an excellent headphone amp module. (For 
ultimate performance and fidelity, a Discrete Headphone Amplifier Module is 
available as an upgrade for $50) .
  The D2.5C includes an optical cable
  DAC Chip: Cirrus Logic CS4398 24-bit/192 kHz with advanced multi-bit 
Delta-Sigma architecture
  OP Amps (for DAC output sections): Linear Technology LT1057 precision 
high-speed dual Op Amp
  OP Amps (for Headphone Amp): Burr Brown OPA2604
  Optical (Digital) Input
  Coaxial (Digital) Input
  Non-Balanced (RCA) Analog Output
  Toslink Digital Input
  Digital input switching 
  RCA analog output
  RCA analog output from headphone amplifier (volume controlled)
  RCA analog input to headphone amplifier
  Volume control (headphone)
  Mute on zero signal input
  6.3mm Headphone Signal Output
  Independent headphone amplifier (supports different headphone impedance)
  Power-on delay and Power-off protection
  Easy to upgrade and very mod-friendly (change op amps to suit your taste)
  Audiophile-grade parts and components
  Separate power supply to analog and digital circuits
  High quality double-sided printed circuit board (PCB) 
  S/N Ratio:120dB
  THD:  102dB
  Dynamic Range:117dB
  Frequence Response:   20Hz-22kHz (±0.5dB)
  Power 110v/60Hz  ±110% (can be converted to 220)
  Dimensions9.4" x  11.8" x 2.16" (239mm x 300mm 55mm)
  Weight5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)

Zhaolu DAC D3.0 (~$270 shipped)


  Audiomagus offers a specially upgraded version of the D3, including:
  * ELNA BP capacitors installed in the power supply and analog section
  * Linear Technologies LT-1057 replaces the BurrBrown OPA604 Op-Amps
  The case deisgn is the same as the D2.5. On the front panel you'll find 
digital input selections, power switch and setting options. Users can specify 
startup priority for digital audio input and D3 decoders will automatically 
choose the preset input. The rear panel now features high quality chassis 
mounted RCA sockets for input, and four digital inputs.
  * 2 RCA Coaxial Inputs
  * 1 Optical TOSLink
  * 1 TG-Link high-speed buffer input 
  With the D3, Zhaolu has stayed with independent modules for each section of 
the DAC. N