Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread ErikM

Damn I think I'll just chuck my fancy wires and just rewire with some
lamp cord and them freebie cables that came in the box... Hey Opie sure
you ain't related to Julian Hirsh?? He could never hear any differences
either, lol


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread opaqueice

mmg_fan;11 Wrote: 
> It seems that the general consensus is that solid state components
> definitely DO benefit from a warm-up AND break-in/burnin time. This  is
> something that is measureable.

There is no such consensus.  

Suppose such a thing were true.  In order to make an audible
difference, the changes would have to be relatively large - in general,
we can measure changes in the electrical characterstics of a circuit
with far greater precision than we can hear the results of such changes
in an audio chain.  Countless physics experiments rely on incredibly
precise measurements.  All those experiments use electrical equipment,
much of which is constructed in the lab using (good quality, naturally)
off the shelf components.  Such things as miniscule static charges, tiny
little breaths of air, slight vibrations caused by distant traffic or
someone walking three corridors away can affect the resuls of these
experiments and must be dealt with. We're talking about *incredibly*
tiny effects here.  These experiments are often conducted in a hard
vacuum and cooled to a few miliKelvin above absolute zero, because
otherwise disturbances in the air and thermal noise would drown out the

And yet I have never once heard of anyone in such an experiment having
a problem with changing electrical characterisitcs of a capacitor over
time (I'll ask some of my colleagues, just to be sure). How odd -
audiophiles must really have golden ears to be able to detect an effect
so small it can't be measured in state of the art experiments.  I guess
those audiophiles had better seal their equipment in a vacuum chamber,
because they must be disturbed by tiny air currents too.  Exactly how
they're going to hear anything in a liquid-helium cooled vacuum is a
bit of a conundrum... anyone sense a business opportunity?

ErikM Wrote: 
> So when I put in a new set of speakers cables and they sound bright,
> grainey and lack bass, but after playing music through them for X hours
> and they don't sound that way anymore it's a placebo effect??



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread ErikM

So when I put in a new set of speakers cables and they sound bright,
grainey and lack bass, but after playing music through them for X hours
and they don't sound that way anymore it's a placebo effect??  Because
if the system still sounded like crap I'd return the cables... I only
ask beause when I installed Cardas Golden reference speaker cables they
sounded bright grainey and lacked bass.. after about 100 hours they
don't sound that way, or rather the system doesn't sound that way... So
I'm hearing things??  I guess this is an argument that can't be won.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread mmg_fan

It seems that the general consensus is that solid state components
definitely DO benefit from a warm-up AND break-in/burnin time. This  is
something that is measureable.

As for speaker cables, from what i've read, the general consensus is
that any perceived diffrence in quality after a break-in time is
primarily placebo and/or simply due to your ears adapting to the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread jmourik

So do all their amps sound the same before and/or after burn-in? 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-19 Thread ErikM

Here's a thought. Why is it that every audio designer/engineer that I've
ever spoken to or read comments from has commented that their gear needs
to burn/break in to sound it's best? These are guys like William Johnson
( Audio Research), Dan D'Aagostino ( Krell), Charley Hansen ( Ayre),
etc.. These are guys who build some of the very best sounding gear on
the market. I'll even go out on a limb to say that I'd tend to believe
their ears and experience over what a bunch of armchair quarterbacks
who most likley have never built or designed an audio component from
scratch let alone some of the most highly regarded compenents of the
last 30 years think. Just my $.02 worth


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread P Floding

tomjtx;188473 Wrote: 
> At least we haven't (yet) suffered May Belt hopping on this forum and
> pushing her husbands ideas.
> On the stereophile forum she has gone on and on with her obfuscating
> arguments designed to conceal the snake oil.
> Spare us that here please.
> They are some serious loony tunes :-)

I wouldn't mind the Belts coming over here. I might even change my
signature to _promote_ ABX if that happens!

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread tomjtx

At least we haven't (yet) suffered May Belt hopping on this forum and
pushing her husbands ideas.

On the stereophile forum she has gone on and on with her obfuscating
arguments designed to conceal the snake oil.

Spare us that here please.

They are some serious loony tunes :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread Skunk

jmourik;188448 Wrote: 
> But wouldn't that be the same problem as bringing out a new model? You
> just ordered the sb3, and a month later the new and improved sb4
> appears. Bummer...
> Or they could launch a SB3 Cryo, for $325?

I think you fell into Tyler's tongue-in-cheek trap. 

OTOH either that link was poorly written, or I'm not very good at
comprehension. The hypothetical manufacturing scenario was well thought
out, but I failed to make the connection.

The last paragraph* doesn't seem to fit with the rest, but having read
it a few times I'm not really sure what the intent was...
* " If members of the audio industry had been seriously interested in
investigating the freezing technique further after Robert Harley's
article, perhaps now, some 10 years later, more people than Peter
Belt would have had to come to the conclusion that the beneficial
effect of freezing has nothing to do with `affecting the audio
signal' - that there is something else `going on'. This realisation
only comes about when one realises that freezing something which
could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be associated with the
audio system and yet one can obtain a similar beneficial effect on
the `sound' !!! "

I would hope that by 'going on' s/he means psychological expectation,
but who knows?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread tyler_durden

jmourik;188448 Wrote: 
> But wouldn't that be the same problem as bringing out a new model? You
> just ordered the sb3, and a month later the new and improved sb4
> appears. Bummer...
> Or they could launch a SB3 Cryo, for $325?
> Dunno...

No, that would be different.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread jmourik

tyler_durden;188442 Wrote: 
> Read this to find out why Slimdevices doesn't freeze SB3 components
> before assembly or whole SB3s before shipping them

But wouldn't that be the same problem as bringing out a new model? You
just ordered the sb3, and a month later the new and improved sb4
appears. Bummer...
Or they could launch a SB3 Cryo, for $325?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread tyler_durden

Read this to find out why Slimdevices doesn't freeze SB3 components
before assembly or whole SB3s before shipping them:

Any comments, Sean?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread P Floding

Here is some more fun:

Even Schrödinger's Cat gets involved in this one!

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-17 Thread P Floding

Wilfred;188382 Wrote: 
> Most people aren't scientists, and thus usually don't understand what it
> is.  The main goal of science is do build a model of an observed
> phenomenon that can be used to predict its behavior under different
> conditions.  Also, when someone bemoans the ignorance of 'science', it
> is often because they are reading stupidified reports by journalists. 
> Burn-in and, another favorite, cryogenics, are real physical phenomena
> abused by the hucksters and their ignorant marks.  For some truly wacky
> nonsense, check out this raving lunatic:

For more fun one might go directly to the horse's mouth:

Here is a free tip from this site:

"Align the slots in all screw heads so that the slots are parallel to
the earth's surface. ALL screws - screws fastening light switches to
the wall, screws fastening AC power sockets to the wall, screws
fastening shelves to the wall etc. Listen to some music for a short
time and then move any of the screw slots away from being parallel to
the earth's surface and see if you can listen to the same music with
the same pleasure !!"

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread jmourik

tyler_durden;188372 Wrote: 
> For more interesting info about how religion has had its influence on
> American society, read this:
> TD

Interesting article TD! Thanks...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread Wilfred

Most people aren't scientists, and thus usually don't understand what it
is.  The main goal of science is do build a model of an observed
phenomenon that can be used to predict its behavior under different
conditions.  Also, when someone bemoans the ignorance of 'science', it
is often because they are reading stupidified reports by journalists. 
Burn-in and, another favorite, cryogenics, are real physical phenomena
abused by the hucksters and their ignorant marks.  For some truly wacky
nonsense, check out this raving lunatic:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread Jitterbug

I too have a natural scepticism about device and theories of this type.

However, I also see that while science has done a good job of
explaining the more obvious phenomenon in this world, its success has
meant that we have effective reinvented the world we perceive from the
coarse building block science affords us. Such reduction to coarseness
and rejection of subtlety and the unexplained hinders future scientific
progress. The father of classical physics was also an enthusiastic
alchemist and that did stop him formulating laws to explain planetary
motion or inventing calculus. There is much that is readily observable
that science can not explain and no honest scientist would deny that.

I know nothing of Jim Hagermans break-in devices, but as a previous
customer of one of his more prosaic kits, echo Gary's comment that he
is one of the good guys in diy audio. Certainly, his promotion of this
device gives me cause to ponder.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread tyler_durden

Yes, this is America's great shame.

The lunatics are running the assylum.

For more interesting info about how religion has had its influence on
American society, read this:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread jmourik

opaqueice;188065 Wrote: 
> It never ceases to amaze me that some audiophiles regard the opinions of
> untrained people, people with a direct financial interest in the
> subject, as more credible than those of disinterested professional
> scientists that do full-time research on it.
Why? Well, actually it amazes me too, and whenever I go through these
threads it always reminds me of this:
People like to believe in myths.

Of course, when my new dac60 arrives I'll have it play continuously for
at least a week :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-16 Thread AndyC_772

haunyack;188075 Wrote: 
> "Unfortunately, because insulation stores and releases energy, it is
> also a “dielectric.” In a cable application, all released energy is
> distortion. The misnomer “break-in” is often used...

Actually some of this is real science. A cable is made up of two
conductors separated by an insulator, and therefore has capacitance.
Dielectric absorption is real, and so is capacitance change with
applied voltage. I've seen caps that reduce in value by 50% with just
5v applied across them - the effect is not always small. So, I can
believe that at frequencies where the effect of a few pF is
significant, applying a DC bias might indeed change the characteristics
of the cable.

Whether it makes any difference at audio frequencies is highly
debatable, though. But what really makes me laugh is the idea that the
effect is somehow persistent. It's not; discharge a capacitor to remove
the dc bias from it again and it's back to its original state almost

All this would be a lot more plausible too if the dc bias were actually
between the conductors that carry the signal. It isn't...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread GaryB

opaqueice;188187 Wrote: 
> With some experience it starts to get easier to know when you can trust
> your perception and when not.

Gee, you mean you don't always need A/B testing???

You're starting to sound just like me 8-} . . . 

Maybe now you'll believing me . . .



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread azinck3

ErikM;188184 Wrote: 
> Wow! So if I hear a difference its not real? You mean I did hear a
> difference, but really I just thought I heard it, so all these years
> when I bought better speakers, and electronics,which I thought sounded
> better I wasn't really hearing better sound I just thought I was? WOW,
> you mean that those first generation CD players which I thought sounded
> like S--T really sounded great. Boy do I feel stupid. I think I'll dump
> my Proac speakers for a Bose Wave radio

You're the one who brought up the comparison to "flat earth theory".

This isn't about CD players.  This isn't about saying that there's no
difference between anything.  We're talking about whether or not
burn-in makes a difference in cables/electronics.

So here's the deal: no one can force anyone to believe something. 
There are some here who claim to be able to hear certain differences. 
Others of us (myself included) have been unable to hear such

So that leaves us to assess the facts to evaluate the claims being
made.  Outside of anecdotal claims of being able to hear differences
the facts are decidedly *against* those who claim to be able to hear
the supposed effects of burn-in (yet there are a host of psychological
theories that would explain what burn-in advocates are hearing).  So
for those of us who remain skeptics, understand where we're coming
from.  For me, the existence of burn-in effects is about as likely as
the existence of UFOs from outer space.  Possible?  maybe, but highly
unlikely, and ultimately unproven despite many claims of sightings.

And let's be clear:  there are loads of other effects in play.  I'll
wager that moving any piece of furniture in your listening room even an
inch would have more affect on the sound than any possible cable burn-in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread opaqueice

ErikM;188184 Wrote: 
> Wow! So if I hear a difference its not real? You mean I did hear a
> difference, but really I just thought I heard it, so all these years
> when I bought better speakers, and electronics,which I thought sounded
> better I wasn't really hearing better sound I just thought I was? WOW,
> you mean that those first generation CD players which I thought sounded
> like S--T really sounded great. Boy do I feel stupid. I think I'll dump
> my Proac speakers for a Bose Wave radio

With some experience it starts to get easier to know when you can trust
your perception and when not.  If you're actually interested, try a
computer based ABX program (like foobar2000 with the ABXY plugin), and
see whether you can tell 320 kb/s MP3 from lossless, say.  Once you
start to recognize how often you can be wrong, and how easy it is to
fool yourself into thinking you hear a difference when you don't, you
may become a bit better at judging when to trust yourself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread ErikM

Wow! So if I hear a difference its not real? You mean I did hear a
difference, but really I just thought I heard it, so all these years
when I bought better speakers, and electronics,which I thought sounded
better I wasn't really hearing better sound I just thought I was? WOW,
you mean that those first generation CD players which I thought sounded
like S--T really sounded great. Boy do I feel stupid. I think I'll dump
my Proac speakers for a Bose Wave radio

opaqueice;188148 Wrote: 
> Challenging, yeah - like admitting that something you thought you heard
> might not be real.  Actually, personally I find that pretty easy, but
> evidently there are some people that can't admit it even in the face of
> overwhelming evidence.  Kind of like people that didn't want to admit
> that the earth was round, huh?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread opaqueice

ErikM;188131 Wrote: 
> Certainly unhooking and rehooking will slightly clean the connections..
> but that would make things sound better asumming that ones contacts are
> that dirty or corroded. Of course if you did try what I suggest (maybe
> clean the contacts first) and heard a diference what would you do??
> Would you even admit you heard a difference? For some having ones
> beliefs challenged can be , well challenging.

Challenging, yeah - like admitting that something you thought you heard
might not be real.  Actually, personally I find that pretty easy, but
evidently there are some people that can't admit it even in the face of
overwhelming evidence.  Kind of like people that didn't want to admit
that the earth was round, huh?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread P Floding

ErikM;188131 Wrote: 
> Certainly unhooking and rehooking will slightly clean the connections..
> but that would make things sound better asumming that ones contacts are
> that dirty or corroded. Of course if you did try what I suggest (maybe
> clean the contacts first) and heard a diference what would you do??
> Would you even admit you heard a difference? For some having ones
> beliefs challenged can be , well challenging.

I don't belong to those who say cable affecting sound is impossible.
Not even "burn in". But I think it is incorrect to jump to conclusions
as to what exactly has affected the sound. (And I always keep in mind
that it is easy to imagin things. Very easy.)

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread ErikM

Certainly unhooking and rehooking will slightly clean the connections..
but that would make things sound better asumming that ones contacts are
that dirty or corroded. Of course if you did try what I suggest (maybe
clean the contacts first) and heard a diference what would you do??
Would you even admit you heard a difference? For some having ones
beliefs challenged can be , well challenging.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread tyler_durden

ErikM;188119 Wrote: 
> Here's a simple test that anyone can try. ...snip...
> What you'll most likley hear is that your system now sounds brighter,
> less good, less as it sounded before. This effect will pass in a few
> hours to as much a day, and your system will sound as before. The
> question, if you hear this phenomenon, is why?  I have an idea but
> before I present my conclusions maybe one of those who don't believe
> material changes effect the sonics of audio electronics will have a go.
> Unless one is afraid of finding out the world maybe isn't flat :-)

You oughta quit smoking that stuff; clearly it is NOT good for you.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread Deaf Cat

ErikM;188119 Wrote: 
> What you'll most likley hear is that your system now sounds brighter,
> less good, less as it sounded before. This effect will pass in a few
> hours to as much a day, and your system will sound as before. The
> question, if you hear this phenomenon, is why?  I have an idea but
> before I present my conclusions maybe one of those who don't believe
> material changes effect the sonics of audio electronics will have a go.
> Unless one is afraid of finding out the world maybe isn't flat :-)

I remember when I first tried the cable I ended up with, plugged it in
and thought ahhh at last a cable that I like in every area of sound
repro.  Then took note of the guy who sent it to me - he advised plug
it in, let it play for a few hours then listen - Why I asked - Just to
let it settle into the system you have, was the reply.

A few hours later, listened again and it was even betterI don't
know how, but I bought it :D and an amazed at how good it sounds each
time it goes on :D, 

.maybe I should get that salesman guy to suggest my car has an
extra 500bhp and pay him £400 :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread P Floding

ErikM;188119 Wrote: 
> Here's a simple test that anyone can try. It validates what Hagerman is
> saying, to an extent. Asumming that one has a decent system and can
> hear differences say between speakers ( we can all agree that speakers
> sound different)listen to your system for a few minutes. Then remove
> the interconnect between say amp preamp or better yet the interconnect
> between SB and preamp or CD player and preamp ( you get the idea) now
> take that cable and loosely wrap it around your hand doesn't have to be
> tight just coil it up,say 4"-6" diameter coils. This test assumes that
> the cable in it's normal position is extended to it full lenght between
> components. Now uncoil the cable and put it back on the system, and
> What you'll most likley hear is that your system now sounds brighter,
> less good, less as it sounded before. This effect will pass in a few
> hours to as much a day, and your system will sound as before. The
> question, if you hear this phenomenon, is why?  I have an idea but
> before I present my conclusions maybe one of those who don't believe
> material changes effect the sonics of audio electronics will have a go.
> Unless one is afraid of finding out the world maybe isn't flat :-)

Unfortunately, whenever you remove and reattach cables (interconnect or
power) you affect the surfaces of the connection. Usually you get an
improvement simply by removing and reattaching things. Does your system
sound a bit tired? Try removing and reattaching all cables.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread opaqueice

ErikM;188119 Wrote: 
> What you'll most likley hear is that your system now sounds brighter,
> less good, less as it sounded before. This effect will pass in a few
> hours to as much a day, and your system will sound as before. The
> question, if you hear this phenomenon, is why?  I have an idea but
> before I present my conclusions maybe one of those who don't believe
> material changes effect the sonics of audio electronics will have a go.
> Unless one is afraid of finding out the world maybe isn't flat :-)

Could you hear this difference in a blind test?  If not, or if you
haven't tried it, it means nothing.  Please don't take that personally
- if I or anyone else tried the same not-blind experiment and heard a
difference, it would also mean nothing.  Expectations are very
powerful.  And incidentally, the experiment you describe here has
nothing to do with what is normally called cable burn-in, where the
cable is left stationary and some electrical signal is sent along it. 
The effect you're talking about, if it existed, could result from
something as simple as improving the electrical contact the cable makes
with the amp from detaching and re-attaching it - nothing to do with

I love this flat-earth thing - it's so deliciously ironic that audio
subjectivists see themselves as the scientific rationalists in this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread ErikM

Here's a simple test that anyone can try. It validates what Hagerman is
saying, to an extent. Asumming that one has a decent system and can
hear differences say between speakers ( we can all agree that speakers
sound different)listen to your system for a few minutes. Then remove
the interconnect between say amp preamp or better yet the interconnect
between SB and preamp or CD player and preamp ( you get the idea) now
take that cable and loosely wrap it around your hand doesn't have to be
tight just coil it up,say 4"-6" diameter coils. This test assumes that
the cable in it's normal position is extended to it full lenght between
components. Now uncoil the cable and put it back on the system, and

What you'll most likley hear is that your system now sounds brighter,
less good, less as it sounded before. This effect will pass in a few
hours to as much a day, and your system will sound as before. The
question, if you hear this phenomenon, is why?  I have an idea but
before I present my conclusions maybe one of those who don't believe
material changes effect the sonics of audio electronics will have a go.
Unless one is afraid of finding out the world maybe isn't flat :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread slimkid

hi mmg_fan,

I just noticed you got MG12, rather than MMGs. So, how do you like them
with Yolida? Can you tell there are tubes in the path (as opposed to
some SS amp of the similar level)? Is Yolida capable of driving MGs?

Back to the topic. Can you, with your equipment, tell the difference
between any different brand speaker cables, regardless of broken in or



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread haunyack

AndyC_772;187999 Wrote: 
> Have you actually read the FAQ? He quite openly admits to having
> absolutely no clue what 'break-in' might actually be doing to the
> cable, or what the effect (if any) is on its measurable parameters.
> Instead he writes a load of fluff like "It is needed to "format" and
> clean up or "wash" the materials in the cable".
> This is not something that would be written by an expert. It's
> meaningless.
> Even if there were some change going on in the cable, who is to say
> it's always advantageous? I'm honestly quite surprised that nobody has
> yet suggested that a cable has a finite life after which it should be
> replaced. The components in your hi-fi - capacitors, especially -
> certainly do have a finite lifetime, during which they're steadily
> degrading.
> Sure, unplug a cable, stick it on some useless gadget for a few hours
> and put it back. You'll have cleaned some oxide or other crud from the
> contacts and given your ears a rest, so I'm not surprised it sounds
> slightly better.

"Unfortunately, because insulation stores and releases energy, it is
also a “dielectric.” In a cable application, all released energy is
distortion. The misnomer “break-in” is often used to describe the
pronounced improvement in performance as the dielectric adapts to a
charged state as the cable is used. Whenever a cable does not have a
charge on it, it is re-adapting to an uncharged state; it is becoming
new again. By maintaining a 72 volt dielectric-bias, far above the
voltage of delicate audio signals, the DBS system provides considerably
better transparency and dynamics than is possible even from a cable in
continuous use. It takes a couple of weeks for the DBS system to reach
maximum performance. Since DBS battery packs are attached when
Kilimanjaro cables are first terminated, Kilimanjaro will be
approaching or at peak performance by the time it is installed in your
system. Since there is no “load” on the two standard hardware-store
batteries, they will last for years. A test button and LED allow for
occasional verification of battery performance."

All that and more for only $3999.00



RWA SB3 > Bryston BP20 > B&K r200.2 > Vandersteen 3A Signature

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread opaqueice

GaryB;188040 Wrote: 
> TD,
> You do have a way of creating a strawman and then knocking it down.  I
> recommended Hagerman's site because he admits he doesn't know why
> burn-in works scientifically but does offer his own empirical findings.
> He also has built some relatively affordable burn-in accelerators and
> they seem to sell well.  I find this market acceptance an indicator of
> reasonable value given his very low key approach to advertising and his
> willingness to share openly his engineering.

What empirical findings?  I don't see anything on that page other than
some gibberish about materials and a whole bunch of unsubstantiated
claims.  All this from a guy that makes his living *selling a burn-in
product*.  At least the tobacco industry studies showing smoking is
good for you presented some fraudulent pseudo-scientific data - this
guy hasn't even bothered to go that far.

It never ceases to amaze me that some audiophiles regard the opinions
of untrained people, people with a direct financial interest in the
subject, as more credible than those of disinterested professional
scientists that do full-time research on it.  It's as if there's some
vast conspiracy of scientists working feverishly to hide the truth
about great audio, while a few brave Promethean dealers selling $1000
wires forge ahead expanding the frontiers of human knowledge


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread P Floding

tyler_durden;188062 Wrote: 
> What engineering?
> The guy simply recognizes that there are a number if insecure
> in-duh-viduals out there with disposable income to throw away on junk,
> so he provides the junk.
> Here's an old saying that may help you through the rest of your audio
> life: "if there ain't no numbers, there ain't no engineering".
> TD

I don't agree with your portrayal of these kind of people. Some people
simply have a vivid imagination and are able to convince themselves
that their theories are almost certainly true. You most probably find
them amongst the self-taught engineering types. It doesn't make them
devious scammers, even though it might look like that in the eyes of
people with a different disposition.

The problem is that we all need mental models of the world, and
sometimes this model can become all too real. It happens to the
sceptics too.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread tyler_durden

GaryB;188040 Wrote: 
> TD,
> I recommended Hagerman's site because he admits he doesn't know why
> burn-in works scientifically but does offer his own empirical findings.
> He also has built some relatively affordable burn-in accelerators and
> they seem to sell well.  I find this market acceptance an indicator of
> reasonable value given his very low key approach to advertising and his
> willingness to share openly his engineering.
> ---Gary

What engineering?

The guy simply recognizes that there are a number if insecure
in-duh-viduals out there with disposable income to throw away on junk,
so he provides the junk.

Here's an old saying that may help you through the rest of your audio
life: "if there ain't no numbers, there ain't no engineering".



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread AndyC_772

Thing is, though, he's not just saying "I can't justify the effects of
cable 'burn-in' scientifically, but people claim to be able to hear a
difference, so I believe there is a genuine effect on the properties of
the cable and I have a product which I believe may stimulate and
accelerate the process".

Instead, there's total hogwash about 'formatting' and 'washing'
materials. We are told that a signal of a level which is safe for the
fine wire in a cartridge will somehow succeed in "forming the materials
after a chaotic manufacturing experience" - even if that cable will then
be used to carry mains power.

Even if break-in is indeed a real, physical process which does change
the electrical characteristics of the cable, Hagerman is doing himself
and the industry no favours by promoting his product with such
unscientific babble.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread GaryB

tyler_durden;187978 Wrote: 
> The guy is selling a $500 cable break-in device so his opinion is more
> "informed"?  

You do have a way of creating a strawman and then knocking it down.  I
recommended Hagerman's site because he admits he doesn't know why
burn-in works scientifically but does offer his own empirical findings.
He also has built some relatively affordable burn-in accelerators and
they seem to sell well.  I find this market acceptance an indicator of
reasonable value given his very low key approach to advertising and his
willingness to share openly his engineering.

Hagerman is one of the good guys in audio and offers some of the most
reasonable priced gear to audiophiles out there.  Using his Frykleaner
as an example, he prices it at different levels with different finishes
so its available to a wider audience.  Using the Frykleaner as an
example, one can get it as follows:

--- If you want a fancier case and heavier duty outputs so one can burn
in multiple cables then you have the Frykleaner Gold at $500

--- Or if that's too much one can buy the standard Frykleaner assembled
for $175

--- Or if that's too much one can buy the circuit board and build it
oneself for $39

--- Or if that's too much one can download the sound clip for free 

I think claims that he's milking audiophiles are really missing the



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread tyler_durden

Deaf Cat;188017 Wrote: 
> God knows how it works, I've not got a clue, but would be intrested to
> know how, if it can be explained in terms that I understand - (simple)
> :)

Here how it is explained in terms of what you understand: your
desire/expectation that it will sound better after "burn-in" causes you
to think that it does.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread Deaf Cat

mmg_fan;187955 Wrote: 
> I'm auditioning some anti-cable interconnects and speaker cables on my
> system (Magnepan MG12's, Jolida hybrid amp) and though a bit bright
> sounding, overall I am quite pleased.
> But the literature accompanying them suggests a minimum of 200 and up
> to 500 hours of 'break-in' time.
> Can someone help or at least offer their opinion?

Do you have shop demo cables, or new out of the box cables to try ?

>From listening to the change in sound that I heard when burning in my
IC, the new and part way burnt in sound, is different to the end, fully
burnt in sound.

So in future I will always try and get hold of a demo cable that has
had plenty of hours use already, let it settle in for an hour or two
(system playing, not listening to it), then sit down, and then decide
if I like it.

The cable I bought needed approx 500hrs burn in, did not believe it to
start with, but it did sound different to the demo cable I had
borrowed.  I seem to remember it went through stages and at one point I
was going to take it back to the shop, as it sounded thin bright and
scritchy.  After a few more days it filled out bass came back, and it
smoothed out lovely :) - To the sound I bought it for.

So I'd say make sure it is fully burnt in before you decide to purchase
it, or not.

God knows how it works, I've not got a clue, but would be intrested to
know how, if it can be explained in terms that I understand - (simple)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread P Floding

GaryB;187975 Wrote: 
> For another and perhaps better informed opinion, take a look at the
> following FAQ written by Jim Hagerman of Hagtech.  He's a very good
> engineer and makes quality audio products and kits at reasonable
> prices.  The FAQ is here:
> And Jim's Frykleaner product for helping accelerate burn in is here:
> I have no connection with Hagerman or Hagtech.
> ---Gary

Unfortunately the "scientific explanation" contained no real science.
Better then to admit to not knowing what is going on.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-15 Thread AndyC_772

GaryB;187975 Wrote: 
> For another and perhaps better informed opinion, take a look at the
> following FAQ written by Jim Hagerman of Hagtech.  He's a very good
> engineer and makes quality audio products and kits at reasonable
> prices.  The FAQ is here:

Have you actually read the FAQ? He quite openly admits to having
absolutely no clue what 'break-in' might actually be doing to the
cable, or what the effect (if any) is on its measurable parameters.
Instead he writes a load of fluff like "It is needed to "format" and
clean up or "wash" the materials in the cable".

This is not something that would be written by an expert. It's

Even if there were some change going on in the cable, who is to say
it's always advantageous? I'm honestly quite surprised that nobody has
yet suggested that a cable has a finite life after which it should be
replaced. The components in your hi-fi - capacitors, especially -
certainly do have a finite lifetime, during which they're steadily

Sure, unplug a cable, stick it on some useless gadget for a few hours
and put it back. You'll have cleaned some oxide or other crud from the
contacts and given your ears a rest, so I'm not surprised it sounds
slightly better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread SuperQ

GaryB;187965 Wrote: 
> Well we don't want to make this too easy for you, so we'll offer
> multiple choices and see if you can guess the right answer.
> Break-in is:
> ---Gary

Another one I saw on the forms is:

* The time period you need to get over buyer's remorse, so you are less
likely to return an item to a manufacturer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread tyler_durden

GaryB;187975 Wrote: 
> For another and perhaps better informed opinion, take a look at the
> following FAQ written by Jim Hagerman of Hagtech.  He's a very good
> engineer and makes quality audio products and kits at reasonable
> prices.  The FAQ is here:
> I have no connection with Hagerman or Hagtech.
> ---Gary

Interesting logic.  

The guy is selling a break-in device so his opinion is more "informed"?
In case anyone thinks there may be someone trying to make a fast buck
you comfort us with the knowledge the YOU have no connection with the
guy selling the product.  I guess that makes it all OK, then!

I think there are about 6 different logic errors buried in there...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread GaryB

opaqueice;187969 Wrote: 
> My (informed) opinion is that break-in for cables is non-existent.

For another and perhaps better informed opinion, take a look at the
following FAQ written by Jim Hagerman of Hagtech.  He's a very good
engineer and makes quality audio products and kits at reasonable
prices.  The FAQ is here:

And Jim's Frykleaner product for helping accelerate burn in is here:

I have no connection with Hagerman or Hagtech.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread opaqueice

mmg_fan;187955 Wrote: 
> Ok
> Yes, I have done a search and read this thread;
> But it still doesn't answer the question.

And you think this one will?

My (informed) opinion is that break-in for cables is non-existent. 
Electronics do "break-in", but in the opposite way most audiophiles
seem to believe - they degrade gradually, and then tend to break (cease
functioning!) suddenly.  Speaker cones do break-in, at least in the
sense that their characteristics change to some extent over time,
particularly when brand new.  How significant that is, or why it should
constitute any improvement in sound, is unclear.

This is one of those cases where, to explain a fact (that many people
believe in this and think they hear it in uncontrolled tests) there is
an extremely implausible and complicated explanation available
(esoteric and unknown physics), and a very plausible and simple one
which is known to be true in many similar situations (psychology). 
Take your choice.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread Skunk

mmg_fan;187955 Wrote: 
> I'm auditioning some anti-cable interconnects and speaker cables on my
> system (Magnepan MG12's, Jolida hybrid amp) and though a bit bright
> sounding, overall I am quite pleased.
> But the literature accompanying them suggests a minimum of 200 and up
> to 500 hours of 'break-in' time.
> Can someone help or at least offer their opinion?

This is a piece of magnet wire, not an electronic circuit. I say run
the other way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: What exactly is break or burn in time?

2007-03-14 Thread GaryB

mmg_fan;187955 Wrote: 
> Is 'burn' or 'break-in' time when it comes to electronics/speaker cables
> simply a psycho-acoustic phenomena or does something physical actually
> happen to make the sound 'better'?

Well we don't want to make this too easy for you, so we'll offer
multiple choices and see if you can guess the right answer.

Break-in is:

1)A real effect although the physical explanations aren't well

2)A real effect associated with actual physical phenomena such as
stabilization of dielectrics in capacitors and linearization of contact
resistance as current passes through barriers.

3)A clever marketing ploy meant to separate naive audiophiles from
their hard earned money.

4)Mass delusion - pass the Koolaid.

5)Undetectable in double blind testing and thus nonexistent no matter
how many people say they hear it.

6)None of the above.



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