Re: [balita-anda] ASI untuk campuran makanan bayi - some recipes

2004-03-31 Terurut Topik YANDI
Mbak Dewi, thx banget... aku tuh selalu lupa mau nanya ke milist BA.
Tahu begini ASI-ku gak  usah dibuang2 ya :-( Dulu waktu 5 atau 6 
bulan pertama ASI-ku suka  dibuang2 karena Cacha nyusu-nya gak kuat2 
banget, payudara-ku sdh bengkak, ASI yg lama blm abis, terpaksa deh 
dibuang, lagian aku gak PeDe kalo ngasih ASI sudh lebih 1 hari walaupun 
msk freezer.  . Kalo sekarang sih mompa ASI cukup banget buat pagi sampe 

Thx a lot.


Kristianti Dewi Joris wrote:

Moms, Dads,

sekedar share aja karena ada yang tanya. Kalau ada yang tidak berkenan 
mohon maaf dan di delete aja.



Purchase the grains - rice, oatmeal, barley, bulgur, wheat etc.. and 
grind in your food processor, blender or coffee grinder until you have 
a fine powder consistency.   Use Brown Rice instead of White; it's 
more nutritious!

Rice Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. rice powder (brown rice ground in blender or food processor)
2. 1 cup water
3. Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the rice powder while 
stirring constantly.
4. Simmer covered for 10 minutes, mix in formula or breast milk and 
fruits if desired
5. Serve warm.

Barley Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. ground barley (barley ground in blender or food processor)
2. 1 cup water
3. Bring liquid to a boil. Add the barley and simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and add fruits if desired
5. Serve warm
TIP: Use a wire whisk for stirring and cooking your grain cereals. 
This will make for little to no lumpiness in the cereals and possibly 
cut out the need to further puree.

You can change the texture of the ground grains as baby grows and does 
not need fine smooth foods. Cook the grains as shown.Use Regular 
Rolled Oats instead of Quick Cook!

Oatmeal Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. of ground oats (do NOT use instant or Quick Cook), ground in 
blender or food processor
2. 3/4 c. water
3. Bring water to a boil. Add oats and simmer covered for 5 minutes.
4. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and add fruits if desired
5. Serve warm

Mixed Cereal*
1. 1 tbsp. ground oats
2. 1 tbsp. ground rice
3. 1 tbsp. ground barley
4. 1 c. water
5. Bring water to a boil and add grains. Stir with wire whisk.
6. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
7. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and add fruits if desired
8. Serve warm.
Remember:  Baby Food creations are endless and are limited only by 
your baby's age and stage and food allergies (if any). Blend together 
whatever fruit, veggie and meat combo you please. Make sure that baby 
has had each ingredient individually first before blending your 


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[balita-anda] ASI untuk campuran makanan bayi - some recipes

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Kristianti Dewi Joris

Moms, Dads,
sekedar share aja karena ada yang tanya. Kalau
ada yang tidak berkenan mohon maaf dan di delete aja.
Purchase the grains - rice, oatmeal, barley, bulgur,
wheat etc.. and grind in your food processor, blender or coffee grinder
until you have a fine powder consistency.   Use Brown Rice instead
of White; it's more nutritious!
Rice Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. rice powder (brown rice ground in blender
or food processor)
2. 1 cup water
3. Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the
rice powder while stirring constantly.
4. Simmer covered for 10 minutes, mix in formula
or breast milk and fruits if desired
5. Serve warm.
Barley Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. ground barley (barley ground in blender
or food processor)
2. 1 cup water
3. Bring liquid to a boil. Add the barley and
simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and
add fruits if desired
5. Serve warm
TIP: Use a wire whisk for stirring and
cooking your grain cereals. This will make for little to no lumpiness in
the cereals and possibly cut out the need to further puree.
You can change the texture of the ground grains
as baby grows and does not need fine smooth foods. Cook the grains as shown.Use
Regular Rolled Oats instead of Quick Cook!
Oatmeal Cereal*
1. 1/4 c. of ground oats (do NOT use instant
or Quick Cook), ground in blender or food processor
2. 3/4 c. water
3. Bring water to a boil. Add oats and simmer
covered for 5 minutes.
4. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and
add fruits if desired
5. Serve warm
Mixed Cereal*
1. 1 tbsp. ground oats
2. 1 tbsp. ground rice
3. 1 tbsp. ground barley
4. 1 c. water
5. Bring water to a boil and add grains. Stir
with wire whisk.
6. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
7. Mix in formula or breast milk or juice and
add fruits if desired
8. Serve warm.
Remember:  Baby Food creations are
endless and are limited only by your baby's age and stage and food allergies
(if any). Blend together whatever fruit, veggie and meat combo you please.
Make sure that baby has had each ingredient individually first before blending
your creations.
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