Displaced fend for themselves to survive                                  
    The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta, Klaten, Jakarta                             
    Tired, hungry and increasingly impatient about the long overdue arrival   
    of relief, some earthquake survivors are doing whatever is necessary to   
    rebound from Saturday's disaster in Yogyakarta and Central Java.          
    Some infants are surviving on drinks of diluted palm sugar after milk ran 
    out. A few people are thinking of building huts, but are too weak from    
    their injuries and hunger to get started.                                 
    Some have taken to stopping passing aid trucks and helping themselves to  
    With the number of homeless reaching an estimated 650,000 people,         
    according to a provincial official, the continuing efforts to improve     
    distribution of aid made some inroads Wednesday. An estimated 5,800       
    people were killed.                                                       
    Yogyakarta Governor Sultan Hamengku Buwono X apologized for the holding   
    up of aid trucks and said all vehicles must now be escorted by security   
    Yadi, a resident from the worst-hit area of coastal Bantul regency,       
    admitted to stopping the trucks, but said they only took "enough to eat   
    ... many are still going hungry".                                         

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