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Treating small cuts 

* Wash the cut with soap and water using a soft, clean cloth, diaper, or sterile gauze 
pad. Don't use iodine, Mercurochrome, or any other antiseptic as they can irritate 
baby's tender skin. If there's a possiblity that dirt or glass may be embedded in a 
cut, or you can't tell if you've gotten a cut completely clean because your child is 
too frightened or in too much pain to let you examine it, take him to your 
pediatrician or the emergency room. The doctor can use a local anesthetic to numb the 
area before cleaning it. 
* Remove any specks of dirt, gravel, or glass. 
* Hold a clean, sterile gauze pad against the abrasion to stop any bleeding. (Don't 
use cotton balls because they can stick to the wound.) 
* When the bleeding stops, cover the wound with a sterile, non-stick bandage that has 
a pad large enough to protect the cut and the skin around it. 
Treating large cuts 
* Wash the cut with soap and water using a soft, clean cloth, diaper, or sterile gauze 
pad. Don't use iodine, Mercurochrome, or any other antiseptic as they can irritate 
baby's tender skin. 
* Apply pressure to try to stop the bleeding by holding a clean diaper, washcloth, 
sterile gauze pad, or sanitary pad firmly against the wound. 
* Elevate the wounded body part, if possible. 
* If the bleeding stops, cover the wound with a sterile, non-stick adhesive bandage. A 
cut on the face or hands may require stitches so that it heals with less of a scar. 
Call your child's doctor for guidance. 
* If the bleeding doesn't stop within 15 minutes, take your baby to the closest 
emergency room. 
General tips for treating cuts 
* If you're not certain that your child has had a tetanus <<...>>  shot, call your 
pediatrician to confirm that he has had one and that it's up-to-date. At his 2-month 
checkup, your child should have received his first DPT vaccine <<...>>  immunizing him 
against diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The vaccine is given in five doses, with 
the last one given at around 18 months of age. 
* Watch for signs of infection, including redness, heat, swelling, tenderness, and 
pus. Call your pediatrician if you notice any of these or other complications. 
* If the wound looks deep or gaping, bring your child to the emergency room 
immediately because it may require stitches.

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