Re: [balita-anda] Tanda di pipi

2000-11-20 Terurut Topik mamanya Dafi

mama Winda,
Yang seperti itu masuk dalam kategori birthmark (tanda
lahir), sebagian bisa hilang (seperti tanda biru pada
bagian bokong), tetapi ada juga yang tidak bisa
hilang, bahkan ada yang semakin mengembang. Mungkin
rekans lain bisa memberi info dokter kulit?
Berikut saya kutipkan artikelnya

Mamanya Dafi

Birthmarks are color or texture changes present on an
infant's skin at birth. Although it's a good idea to
show them to your health care provider at your next
routine visit, most of these birthmarks are harmless
and cause no pain and some eventually will go away on
their own. In the following paragraphs, we will
discuss what the most common birthmarks look like and
what treatment, if any, they require. 

Salmon patches, angel kisses & stork bites

It's very common for a baby to be born with a red
patch of veins known as a salmon patch. These patches
also go by other names according to where they appear:
if on the face, they're sometimes called angel kisses
if on the nape of the neck, stork bites.
Salmon patches don't need to be treated-the ones on
the face almost always go away. Stork bites, if they
don't go away, are eventually covered up by hair. As
with any
mark or birthmark, show your health care provider at
your next visit if your baby has a salmon patch. 

Hemangioma or strawberries

These somewhat common birthmarks may be present at
birth or may show up in the first few weeks. Sometimes
looking like a strawberry, a hemangioma is an excess
growth of blood vessels--a description that sounds
serious but is rarely anything to worry about.
Treatment is usually not necessary. If you see
something that looks like a hemangioma, show your
health care provider at your next visit. 

Port wine stains

These uncommon birthmarks (occurring in three out of a
thousand infants) usually appear on the face or neck
as a large, flat,irregularly shaped red area,
enlarging and becoming a darker reddish-blue as a
person grows older. They are caused by a surplus of
blood vessels under the skin. As with any birthmarks,
point out to your health care provider any red patch
that may be a port wine stain. Your provider can keep
you informed on whatever steps may be necessary. 

Moles or "nevi"

Some babies are born with birthmarks that are dark,
tan, brown or black. These baby moles, also called
"nevi," are increased pigment cells within the skin
and don't usually require any treatment. As with any
mark or birthmark, show your health care provider at
your next visit. 

Cafe au lait spots

These flat, brown birthmarks are called cafe au lait
spots because they are the color of coffee with milk.
Most grow as the infant grows but seldom present any
problem. Nevertheless, show your health care provider
at your next visit if you think your baby has a cafe
au lait spot. 

Mongolian Spots

These flat, blue/black spots sometimes look like
bruises and often show up on a baby's lower back or
bottom. Especially common in dark-skinned babies,
these marks usually go away over time. At your next
visit, show your health care provider any marks or
you've noticed on your baby. 

--- Netty Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Rekan Netters,
> Anak saya perempuan (14 bulan) mempunyai tanda
> berwarna biru di pipi sebelah
> kiri.
> Tanda ini ada sejak lahir, warna birunya seperti
> kita habis kejedut. Hampir
> setiap orang yang melihat pasti bertanya "habis
> jatuh ya ?". Yang saya
> khawatirkan, tanda itu akan semakin jelas sejalan
> dengan bertambahnya umur
> anak saya. Dan khawatirnya juga akan membuat dia
> minder setelah besar nanti.
> Tolong dong.. kalau ada yang tahu, apakah tanda
> itu bisa dihilangkan?
> Kalau harus ke dokter kulit, yang bagus dimana ya?
> Terima kasih sebelumnya.
> Syalam,
> Mama Winda

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[balita-anda] Tanda di pipi

2000-11-19 Terurut Topik Netty Mariani

Dear Rekan Netters,

Anak saya perempuan (14 bulan) mempunyai tanda berwarna biru di pipi sebelah
Tanda ini ada sejak lahir, warna birunya seperti kita habis kejedut. Hampir
setiap orang yang melihat pasti bertanya "habis jatuh ya ?". Yang saya
khawatirkan, tanda itu akan semakin jelas sejalan dengan bertambahnya umur
anak saya. Dan khawatirnya juga akan membuat dia minder setelah besar nanti.
Tolong dong.. kalau ada yang tahu, apakah tanda itu bisa dihilangkan?
Kalau harus ke dokter kulit, yang bagus dimana ya?

Terima kasih sebelumnya.

Mama Winda

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