Re: [balita-anda] cyto megalo virus (CMV)

2000-06-09 Terurut Topik Arif Mujahidin

Mbak Sisie Yura yang baik ...

Pertama-tama saya turut bersedih atas penderitaan Kirana dan berdo'a semoga Tuhan akan 
memberi kesembuhan bagi putri ibu dan memberi kekuatan kepada ibu dalam menghadapi 
ujian ini.
Keinginan saya untuk mengetahui virus CMV didasari atas hasil tes IgG istri saya yang 
positif pada saat kehamilannya memasuki Trimester kedua.
Kemudian saya mencoba mencari informasi dari beberapa website di Internet (dalam 
maupun luar negeri) mengenai virus CMV ini. Dari informasi yang saya dapatkan -- saya 
juga bukan dokter... hanya seorang suami yang concern kepada istri dan anak -- saya 
mendapatkan keterangan bahwa virus CMV ini pada mulanya ditemukan di Amerika dan Eropa 
serta ditularkan biasanya melalui transplantasi organ.Namun sejalan dengan 
perkembangan... virus ini juga bisa ditularkan melalui cairan kelamin dan juga darah.
Virus CMV ini menyerang berbagai organ (ginjal, jantung bahkan otak)... dan sedihnya 
belum ada obatnya.
Bayi yang terkena virus CMV ini akan mengalami berbagai kelemahan (pada akhirnya 
kegagalan) organ ... termasuk kasus Hydrocephalus/macrocephalus (kepala membesar 
melebihi ukuran normal.
Jeleknya lagi... pengaruh dari serangan virus CMV ini kadan-kadang tidak langsung 
terlihat ... seperti kasus Kirana mungkin. Akibatnya ... yang sering disarankan dokter 
adalah lebih pada pencegahan yaitu melalui rajin cuci tangan kalau habis -- maaf -- 
nyebokin anak orang lain. Jika yang terserang orang dewasa yang dalam kondisi sehat... 
maka tubuh bisa 'bertahan'... tapi bagi orang sakit dan bayi... virus ini bisa menjadi 
sumber penderitaan.
Menurut penelitian, dari 10 bayi yang ibunya terkena serangan cmv waktu masih dalam 
kandungan... hanya 1 yang menunjukkan gejala terkena CMV. Dan jika terkena... 
sedihnya belum ada obatnya... apalagi bayi... yg immune systemnya belum kuat.
Waktu istri saya hamil dulu... oleh dokter diberi obat antivirus (yang menurut 
literatur yg saya baca, sebenarnya juga kurang efektif). Namun hingga saat ini anak 
saya usia 5 bulan... tidak menunjukkan tanda2 seperti yang dialami Kirana... mekipun 
dengan adanya kasus Kirana ini... saya sangat sedih dan jadi deg-degan.
Saya hanya berharap dan berdo'a ibu sekeluarga tetap Tabah dan jangan lupa obat segala 
obat adalah Do'a serta atas kuasa Tuhan setiap penyakit pasti ada obatnya.
Jika ibu beragama Islam... tolong baca do'a ini La haula wa la kuwwata illa billah, la 
marja'u wa la manja'u illa ilalloh (100 kali sehari selama 100 hari jangan putus dan 
jangan putus pula sholatnya). Do'a ini dari Alqur'an dan saya memperolehnya dari orang 
yang shaleh.
Akhirnya sekali lagi kami sekeluarga berdo'a semoga Kirana cepat sembuh. "Berdo'alah 
padaKu... niscaya Aku kabulkan" (Al Qur'an).



-Original Message-
From: Raesianty Yura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 09, 2000 4:33 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] cyto megalo virus (CMV)

Pak Arif yang baik,

Saya Sisie, orangtua dari Kirana, usia 3 bl.  Dari hasil TORCH test positive CMV  
Total = 1:100.  Sejak Selasa kemarin Kirana dirawat di RSCM karena diare kronis dan 
sulit bernafas.  Sebetulnya ini diare kedua, yang pertama pada usia 2 bl. dan 
berlangsung selama hampir 1 bl. tapi setelah ganti susu sembuh.  Sebelum diare pertama 
juga pernah colic.  Sampai sekarang diarenya belum sembuh dan sekarang juga menderita 
Hepatitis.  Bisakah tolong beri gambaran pada saya apa sebenarnya yang sedang terjadi 
pada tubuh Kirana dan bagaimana hari depannya?  Sebagai informasi, Kirana lahir 
premature (33 minggu) dengan partus spontan, dan pada usia 1 minggu sempat di opname 
selama 7 hari karena Bilirubinnya tinggi = 18.
Sebelum dan sesudahnya, terima kasih.
Sisie Yura.

[balita-anda] cyto megalo virus (CMV)

2000-04-06 Terurut Topik Arif Mujahidin

 What Is CMV?

CMV is short for cytomegalovirus, a herpes virus. It is a virus which most o
ften causes illness in the retina of the eyes or the
intestines (gut) in people with HIV. But CMV infects your whole body, and
can also cause illness in your lungs, throat, brain,
kidneys, gall bladder, liver and other organs. CMV of the eyes is called CMV
retinitis. It is the disease which most often causes
people with AIDS to go blind. CMV of the colon is called CMV colitis.

   What Are the Signs of CMV?

People with CMV retinitis have blurry vision, unusual changes in eyesight or
see small moving spots called floaters. You may
also feel as if a shade is drawn over your eyes. People with CMV colitis
might have diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss,
fevers, loss of appetite, or trouble swallowing. CMV can also cause painful
neuropathy (tingling in the hands or feet), or
jaundice (turning yellow). If you have any of these signs, you should see
your doctor right away -- early diagnosis is important.

 Can CMV Be Prevented?

There are no drugs that can prevent illness from CMV. Although some people
take Acyclovir (Zovirax), to prevent CMV
illness, studies have shown that it does not work. Other drugs are being
studied in clinical trials to prevent CMV illness.

Most people already have CMV virus in their body, but it does not make them
sick, even if they are HIV-infected. Most
people who do develop illness from CMV have a very low t-cell count. Your
doctor can perform a blood test to see if you
have been exposed to CMV.

  Can CMV Be Treated?

There are two standard treatments for CMV disease -- gancyclovir and
foscarnet. Neither of these drugs will cure CMV, but
they can stop CMV from getting worse. Both drugs require a daily infusion,
meaning that the drug has to be given in the vein
every day for about 2 - 4 hours. People who get CMV treatment usually have a
tube called a catheter inserted in their chest
(called a Hickman catheter) or their arm (called a PICC line) that makes it
easier to give the infusion. The catheter must be
bandaged and kept clean and dry. Because the drugs only slow down the
illness, treatment must continue for the rest of your
life and you must see your doctor regularly to make certain that the CMV
illness is not getting worse. Very often these drugs
will not work well or will have toxic side effects that make you sick.
Doctors will then increase the dose and/or switch to the
other drug. Some doctors use both drugs in combination. Some studies have
shown foscarnet to be more effective than
gancyclovir, but it can also have more toxic side effects and it requires a
more lengthy, daily infusion. There are medicines,
which might be better and easier to take, that are being tested in clinical
trials now.

 What Are the Side Effects of the CMV Treatments?

The most common side effect from gancyclovir is neutropenia (low white blood
cells). It is usually reversible if you stop taking
the drug. Neutropenia can also be treated with G-CSF (Neupogen) and/or
GM-CSF, both drugs that are given by injection.
AZT can also cause neutropenia, so if taking both AZT and gancyclovir, close
monitoring of your white blood cell count is very
important. Other gancyclovir side effects: anemia, fever, rash, abnormal
liver functions. Foscarnet can cause serious kidney
damage and nausea and skin ulcerations. Both drugs require careful
monitoring. Another very difficult side effect of both drugs
is the possibility of developing infections from the catheter. It is very
important to keep the catheter clean and dry and to change
the bandage that covers it regularly. Infections from the catheter can be
very dangerous and should be treated immediately by
your doctor.

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