Re: Burnt Camel Club

2009-09-23 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Tim,

Tim Bowden wrote:

Volume isn't always quality.  There are some lists around where a
significant portion of the volume is the blind leading the blind.  The
rest is experts trying to clean up the mess.  Here the emphasis seems to
be a little more on not making a mess in the first place (ie,
discouraging less than helpful answers).  Both approaches have their
place.  FWIW, as a perl newbie I'm happy with the way things are done

Yes, but that probably depends on whether or not you're on the receiving 
end of what Ian's talking about.  Once you have been, and maybe after 
once or twice, then you might be less happy...

As for volume, yes...volume doesn't equal quality; but I think that also 
depends on what does "volume" mean -- number of postings or number of 
people (or perhaps even number of characters/bytes :-) )...


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Re: How to provide editor environment on

2009-09-23 Thread Harry Putnam

Harry wrote:
> In shell scripting, at least with bash, taking input from user is done
> with `read line' but you can say 'read -e line' and the input is
> suddenly done with bash completion.. and I think a few other niceties.
> Is there something similar in perl?

Chas O. answered
 Take a look at [Term::Readline][1], [Term::Readline::GNU][2], and
>>> I'm sad to say after installing Term::ReadLine::Gnu and looking at the
>>> the 1014 lines of perldoc Term::ReadLine::Gnu..
>> snip

[...] snipped nifty code.

> Haa... yes of course a much smarter approach thanks..

I'm integrating this new stuff into my homeboy script.  In that usage
I really want to write to a final target file with a certain format.


any more content from the for the target file

So there is a `keyword' line followed by a formatted date line.
Followed by any other commentary, followed by a `&&' delimiter on a
line by itself.

The target file is a very basic data base where I keep snippets of info
I want to be able to find later.  The file is thousands of lines long
so not something I want load.

Another homeboy script does a few different kinds of search functions
on this flat file db and spits out the hits along with the whole keywords
and date entry.

Below I've included a test script where I try to integrate your
suggestions and a version of your code that I've seriously meddled

This is an edited down version of what would really go in the main

I added the file extension only because I'll be using emacs as the
invoked editor and that extension will make emacs set a few handy
things that are useful in a plain text message, like line wrapping 
and abbrev completions.  

I tinkered around trying to use the notation you used in your example
on file opening:
( `open my $fh, "<", $tmpfile' ) 

but stumbled with it and finally reverted to something I'm used to.
Mainly to get this posted and have a chance to hear any other advice
you might have.

But on that notation point, when using a variable to represent the FH,
like in the notation you showed, how do you later refer to it in a
print statement when you want to direct the print to the FH? Like:

   print FH "something\n";

= * = * = * =
Here is a test script trying to integrate what you've shown but aim it
at an intended target.  And format the input somewhat.  Using the
first line of input as the `Keywords' line.

It works in my tests and will be a welcome improvement in that much
used script... but wondering if there are better ways to accomplish 
the goal?


use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;

my $ext = '.txt';

#this is the safest way to get a temporary filename
my $tmpfile = do {
   my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
   close $fh;

$tmpfile = $tmpfile . $ext;

my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || "/usr/bin/vim";

system($editor, $tmpfile) == 0
   or die "error occured while trying to run editor\n";

my @contents;
or die "could not open $tmpfile: $!\n";

## Where editor content is really headed
my $ActualTarget = './misc-snp';
or die "Can't open $ActualTarget : $!";

my $paddedds = '';
  if($. == 1){
print ACTUAL_TARGET "Keywords: $_";
  if($. == 2){
print ACTUAL_TARGET " [Keydate:" . PaddedDateStr() . "]\n$_";
$paddedds = "TRUE";
  print ACTUAL_TARGET $_;
## If the padded date string didn't get printed yet, do so now.
print ACTUAL_TARGET " [Keydate:" . PaddedDateStr() . "]\n";
## Close the entry with double ampersands on a line by themselves.
print ACTUAL_TARGET  "&&\n";

unlink $tmpfile
   or die "could not delete <$tmpfile>: $!";

sub PaddedDateStr {
  my ($mon,$mday,$year,$hour,$min,$sec,$wday) = 
  $year -= 100;  
  $mon  += 1;
  my $PaddedDateStr = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d%s%02d%02d%02d%s%d", $mon,
  return $PaddedDateStr;

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Automating for the SNMPv3 query and trap

2009-09-23 Thread Rachit Gupta
HI All,
I want to write perl script to automate SNMPv3 query and traps. Is there any
module that can be use for the same? Also what are the different functions
for the query / MIB file compilation and traps?

Please suggest

Rachit Gupta

Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan R Harris

>> "BRH" == Bryan R Harris  writes:
>   BRH> Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian,
> but
>   BRH> this code:
>   BRH>   print "big-endian: ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)),
> "\n";
>   BRH>   print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)),
> "\n";
>   BRH> prints:
>   BRH>   big-endian: e626c5221d0aa9c0
>   BRH>   little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c
> note that those are the same bytes but each byte is printed with
> different ordering for the hex digits.
> the docs say this:
>h   A hex string (low nybble first).
>H   A hex string (high nybble first).
> and a nybble (or nibble) is a single hex digit of 4 bits and there are
> two in a byte. the h vs H only changes the nibble order in a byte. this
> has nothing to do with endian issues which are a byte ordering thing.
> pack doesn't have a direct way to deal with endians with floats. you can
> just use reverse on the byte string to control that. that is what i do
> in Sort::Maker for this. did you look at that module yet? as i keep
> saying it does exactly what you are trying to do so you can learn from it.

Ah, this is the key I was missing!  Thanks.  Now I'm getting this:

value:  -3205.0569059
  big-endian: c0 a9 0a 1d 22 c5 26 e6
  little-endian:  e6 26 c5 22 1d 0a a9 c0

I'm not sure whether I have my endians switched, but I'm putting my chances
of being right here at a little better than 50%.  =)  (Actually, I see your
$IS_BIG_ENDIAN check at the beginning of Sort::Maker, and borrowing that, I
think my chances are much better now that I got it right.)

As for looking at Sort::Maker, I have to admit I was a little scared at
first.  It's not obvious to me why you'd need to be packing doubles for a
sort routine, and I feared I'd get lost in the code...  That said, I found
the reverse part and it looked easy, so that's what I needed.

I think I'm good.  Thanks again to all.  Hope this makes good list-archives

- Bryan

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Re: best way to get number of elements in list value

2009-09-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 19:16, Mike McClain  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 05:09:26AM -0400, Shawn H Corey wrote:
>> Roman Makurin wrote:
>> >Hi All!
>> >
>> >right now im doing it in following way:
>> >$size = @{[func_that_return_list_value]};
>> >
>> >is there any best way to do it ?
>> >
>> See `perldoc -f scalar`
> I read the perldoc on scaler and then tried every combination
> I could think of:
> perl -le ' sub farr{ return qw( k l m ); }
> $a = @{[farr]};
> $b = scalar farr;
> $c = scalar (farr);
> $d = scalar [farr];
> $e = scalar @{farr};
> $f = scalar @{[farr]};
> $g = () = farr;
> print "\n\$a = $a, \$b = $b, \$c = $c, \$d = $d, \$e = $e, \$f = $f, \$g = 
> $g";'
> $a = 3, $b = m, $c = m, $d = ARRAY(0x814f8e4), $e = 0, $f = 3, $g = 3
> Unless there is a syntax I've missed, only a, f & g give the desired answer.
> To my thinking a is clearly preferable to f but the winner has to be g.
> =()= is much more legible than @{[]}, less prone to mistyping.
> Thank you Paul Johnson for bringing this to my attention.
> The original question was what's 'best'.
> Does anyone know of a case where one of these expressions would fail?

Both the a and g cases only work because the assignment provides
scalar context.  Failure to recognize this may cause you to write

my %h = (
a => @{[farr]},
g => () = farr,

which results in either an error (if farr returns an even number), or
worse, a very odd hash:

my %h = (
  'a' => 'k',
  'l' => 'm',
  'g' => undef

The solution is to force scalar context with scalar:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

sub farr { return qw/k l m/ }

my %h = (
a => scalar @{[farr]},
g => scalar(() = farr),

print Dumper \%h;

Of course, the best solution is to make farr context aware with the
poorly named [wantarray][1]:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

sub farr {
my @a = qw/k l m/;
return wantarray ? @a : scalar @a;

my @list  = farr;
my $count = farr;

print "[...@list] has $count items\n";

my %h = (
h => scalar farr,

print Dumper \%h;

[1] :

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: best way to get number of elements in list value

2009-09-23 Thread Mike McClain
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 05:09:26AM -0400, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> Roman Makurin wrote:
> >Hi All!
> >
> >right now im doing it in following way:
> >$size = @{[func_that_return_list_value]};
> >
> >is there any best way to do it ? 
> >
> See `perldoc -f scalar`

I read the perldoc on scaler and then tried every combination 
I could think of:

perl -le ' sub farr{ return qw( k l m ); }
$a = @{[farr]};
$b = scalar farr;
$c = scalar (farr);
$d = scalar [farr];
$e = scalar @{farr};
$f = scalar @{[farr]};
$g = () = farr;
print "\n\$a = $a, \$b = $b, \$c = $c, \$d = $d, \$e = $e, \$f = $f, \$g = $g";'

$a = 3, $b = m, $c = m, $d = ARRAY(0x814f8e4), $e = 0, $f = 3, $g = 3

Unless there is a syntax I've missed, only a, f & g give the desired answer.
To my thinking a is clearly preferable to f but the winner has to be g.
=()= is much more legible than @{[]}, less prone to mistyping.

Thank you Paul Johnson for bringing this to my attention.

The original question was what's 'best'.
Does anyone know of a case where one of these expressions would fail?

Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
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Re: Burnt Camel Club

2009-09-23 Thread Mike McClain
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 08:55:32AM -0500, Ian wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Randal L. Schwartz
> wrote:
> >
> > Yup.  I care when it might harm others.  Otherwise, I tend not to
> > talk... plenty of other people here to give answers.  I only doublecheck
> > answers anymore.
> >
> Yes, that is why this list gets 5 emails on average per day and other
> comparable language lists gets 40.
> Keep it up and the hollier-than-though's will have the list to themselves
> eventually.

Don't kid your self as long as there are people like me who are
trying to get a handle on Perl, this list will stay active.
One of the best math teachers I had in high school was a birch and 
hadn't changed since she taught my ma. Mom and I both learned math
from her though.

> Ian

Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 15:53, Bob McConnell  wrote:
> OK, that I can understand. However, I don't see where that was expressed
> or implied in the original query. Are you assuming that every current
> architecture and Perl implementation uses that format to store double
> precision numbers? Is that a safe assumption?
> Bob McConnell

No, it is not safe to assume that the value you get from pack will
work on another platform.  The pack function claims that "d" creates a
native-floating point number as a string of bytes.  This means you are
dependent on the native implementations of floating point numbers
being the same between systems.  However, a quick sample of OS X 10.5
(x86), a variety of Linuxes (x86), Win32 (x86), and FreeBsd (x86)
shows that it works across a wide swath of what one generally works
with.  The Power PC machine machine I have access to (running OS X)
works if you reverse the bytes.

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Shawn H Corey

Bryan R Harris wrote:

Bryan R Harris wrote:

I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).

Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?

$ perl -le'print unpack "H*", pack "d", -3205.0569059'

Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian, but
this code:

  print "big-endian: ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
  print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";


  big-endian: e626c5221d0aa9c0
  little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c

... when I expected the little endian to look more like:

  c0 a9 0a 1d 22 c5 26 e6   (spacing for readability)

Did I do it wrong (i.e. is "h*" the wrong string?), or am I confused on how
big vs. little endian works?

Thanks again for the help!!  This list is terrific!

From `perldoc -f pack`:

Real numbers (floats and doubles) are in the native machine format only; 
due to the multiplicity of floating formats around, and the lack of a 
standard "network" representation, no facility for interchange has been 
made.  This means that packed floating point data written on one machine 
may not be readable on another - even if both use IEEE floating point 
arithmetic (as the endian-ness of the memory representation is not part 
of the IEEE spec).  See also perlport.

Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,

Programming is as much about organization and communication
as it is about coding.

I like Perl; it's the only language where you can bless your

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "JWK" == John W Krahn  writes:

  JWK> AFAIK floating point numbers don't have endianness (but I may be wrong.)
  JWK> (Besides, in the above example, endianness would be on the pack('d')
  JWK> side of the equation.)

floats are no different than integers in that you must select the
ordering of their bytes when stored in ram. this is done naturally at
the machine level but if you want to control endianess with floats in
perl you need to use reverse at some point.


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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread John W. Krahn

Bryan R Harris wrote:

John W. Krahn wrote:

Bryan R Harris wrote:

I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).

Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?

$ perl -le'print unpack "H*", pack "d", -3205.0569059'

Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian, but
this code:

  print "big-endian: ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
  print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";


  big-endian: e626c5221d0aa9c0
  little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c

... when I expected the little endian to look more like:

  c0 a9 0a 1d 22 c5 26 e6   (spacing for readability)

Did I do it wrong (i.e. is "h*" the wrong string?), or am I confused on how
big vs. little endian works?

The difference between 'h' and 'H' has nothing to do with endianness:

perldoc -f pack
[ SNIP ]
   h   A hex string (low nybble first).
   H   A hex string (high nybble first).

A nybble is half of a byte so the only thing exchanged is the order of 
each byte's two halves.

AFAIK floating point numbers don't have endianness (but I may be wrong.)
(Besides, in the above example, endianness would be on the pack('d') 
side of the equation.)

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.   -- Damian Conway

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "BRH" == Bryan R Harris  writes:

  BRH> Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian, but
  BRH> this code:

  BRH>   print "big-endian: ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
  BRH>   print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";

  BRH> prints:

  BRH>   big-endian: e626c5221d0aa9c0
  BRH>   little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c

note that those are the same bytes but each byte is printed with
different ordering for the hex digits.

the docs say this:

   h   A hex string (low nybble first).
   H   A hex string (high nybble first).

and a nybble (or nibble) is a single hex digit of 4 bits and there are
two in a byte. the h vs H only changes the nibble order in a byte. this
has nothing to do with endian issues which are a byte ordering thing.

pack doesn't have a direct way to deal with endians with floats. you can
just use reverse on the byte string to control that. that is what i do
in Sort::Maker for this. did you look at that module yet? as i keep
saying it does exactly what you are trying to do so you can learn from it.


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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 17:00, Bryan R Harris
>> Bryan R Harris wrote:
>>> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
>>> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
>>> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
>>> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
>> $ perl -le'print unpack "H*", pack "d", -3205.0569059'
>> e626c5221d0aa9c0
> Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian, but
> this code:
>  print "big-endian:     ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
>  print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
> prints:
>  big-endian:     e626c5221d0aa9c0
>  little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c
> ... when I expected the little endian to look more like:
>  c0 a9 0a 1d 22 c5 26 e6   (spacing for readability)
> Did I do it wrong (i.e. is "h*" the wrong string?), or am I confused on how
> big vs. little endian works?

"h*" and "H*" have nothing to do with endianness.  From the docs:

   h   A hex string (low nybble first).
   H   A hex string (high nybble first).

Endianness occurs at the byte level, not the nybble level.

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan R Harris

> Bryan R Harris wrote:
>> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
>> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
>> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
>> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
> $ perl -le'print unpack "H*", pack "d", -3205.0569059'
> e626c5221d0aa9c0

Maybe this is just my own ignorance on big-endian vs. little endian, but
this code:

  print "big-endian: ", unpack("H*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";
  print "little-endian:  ", unpack("h*", pack("d", -3205.0569059)), "\n";


  big-endian: e626c5221d0aa9c0
  little-endian:  6e625c22d1a09a0c

... when I expected the little endian to look more like:

  c0 a9 0a 1d 22 c5 26 e6   (spacing for readability)

Did I do it wrong (i.e. is "h*" the wrong string?), or am I confused on how
big vs. little endian works?

Thanks again for the help!!  This list is terrific!

- Bryan

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:

  BM> OK, that I can understand. However, I don't see where that was
  BM> expressed or implied in the original query. Are you assuming that
  BM> every current architecture and Perl implementation uses that
  BM> format to store double precision numbers? Is that a safe
  BM> assumption?

ieee float format is about the only way anyone does floats today. but
pack actually doesn't even care about the float format. it just copies
the internal float to a place where it can be accessed as a string of
bytes (the string slot in the scalar). you can take any byte string you
want and unpack back into the float slot. the only restriction is the
size and that is usually 8 bytes (a double which is perl's standard
float size). pack supports single precision (4 bytes) as well as long
doubles if your machine supports them.

as for whether this is what the OP wanted, note that he since posted
that he is reading perlpacktut for his answers. someone else already
posted the pack format needed but i wanted him to rtfm and learn more
about pack.


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RE: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bob McConnell
From: Bryan R Harris

>> From: Uri Guttman
 "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
>>>   BM> From: Bryan R Harris
> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
>> 00 2a
>>>   BM> bc 93
> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
>>>   BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
>>> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
>>> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
>>> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.
>> That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059
>> also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and
>> not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just
>> for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
>> way to do that?
> The 8 bytes is an IEEE 754-2008 formatted number -- see here for an
> explanation:
> It's not just a simple hex of a decimal...  You've got an exponent and
> sign encoded in there too.

OK, that I can understand. However, I don't see where that was expressed
or implied in the original query. Are you assuming that every current
architecture and Perl implementation uses that format to store double
precision numbers? Is that a safe assumption?

Bob McConnell

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 15:32, Bob McConnell  wrote:
> From: Uri Guttman
>>> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
>>   BM> From: Bryan R Harris
>>   >>
>>   >> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
>>   >> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
> 00 2a
>>   BM> bc 93
>>   >> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
>>   >>
>>   >> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
>>   BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
>> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
>> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
>> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.
> That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059 is
> also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and is
> not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just asked
> for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
> way to do that?

Because sprintf "%16x", .5 returns "" and you can't
recover .5 from that.  On the other hand you can say:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $n= -3205.0569059;
my $packed   = pack "d", $n;
my $hex  = unpack "H*", $packed;
my $unpacked = unpack "d", pack "H*", $hex;
"n= $n\n",
"packed   = $packed\n",
"hex  = $hex\n",
"unpacked = $unpacked\n";

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: How to provide editor environment on

2009-09-23 Thread Harry Putnam
"Chas. Owens"  writes:

> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 23:10, Harry Putnam  wrote:
>> "Chas. Owens"  writes:
 How big of a chore would it be to include code into the script that
 creates some kind of editor like environment and allows bash style

 I'm a very low level perl coder.. and will need pointers to some clues
 about how to get this done, and incorporated into my scripts.

 In shell scripting, at least with bash, taking input from user is done
 with `read line' but you can say 'read -e line' and the input is
 suddenly done with bash completion.. and I think a few other niceties.

 Is there something similar in perl?
>>> snip
>>> Take a look at [Term::Readline][1], [Term::Readline::GNU][2], and
>>> [Term::Readline::Perl][3].
>> I'm sad to say after installing Term::ReadLine::Gnu and looking at the
>> the 1014 lines of perldoc Term::ReadLine::Gnu..
> snip

Haa... yes of course a much smarter approach thanks..

I guess there would be serious portability problems on any of the
windows os's though.  Thankfully I don't use this script there.

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "BRH" == Bryan R Harris  writes:

  >> From: Uri Guttman
   "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
  BM> From: Bryan R Harris
  > I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
  > ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
  >> 00 2a
  BM> bc 93
  > d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
  > Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
  BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
  >>> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
  >>> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
  >>> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.
  >> That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059 is
  >> also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and is
  >> not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just asked
  >> for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
  >> way to do that?

  BRH> The 8 bytes is an IEEE 754-2008 formatted number -- see here for an
  BRH> explanation:


  BRH> It's not just a simple hex of a decimal...  You've got an exponent and a
  BRH> sign encoded in there too.

  BRH> I'm still reading the perlpacktut, but I'm hoping it'll get me to that.

pack will do it. as i said, i am doing that very thing in
Sort::Maker. it packs floats into strings for using in a string
comparison for sorting.



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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:

  BM> From: Uri Guttman
  >>> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
  BM> From: Bryan R Harris
  >> >> 
  >> >> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
  >> >> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
  BM> 00 2a
  BM> bc 93
  >> >> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
  >> >> 
  >> >> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
  BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
  >> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
  >> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
  >> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.

  BM> That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059 is
  BM> also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and is
  BM> not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just asked
  BM> for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
  BM> way to do that?

he said number. perl will automatically convert a string number to a
float. but he wants access to the bytes in that float (hence his
mentioning of endian). perl can store a float, integer or string in a
scalar. but the float can only be used as a number, you can't get at its
bytes. pack solves that problem.


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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan R Harris

> From: Uri Guttman
>>> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
>>   BM> From: Bryan R Harris
 I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
 ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
> 00 2a
>>   BM> bc 93
 d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
 Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
>>   BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
>> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
>> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
>> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.
> That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059 is
> also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and is
> not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just asked
> for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
> way to do that?

The 8 bytes is an IEEE 754-2008 formatted number -- see here for an

It's not just a simple hex of a decimal...  You've got an exponent and a
sign encoded in there too.

I'm still reading the perlpacktut, but I'm hoping it'll get me to that.

- Bryan

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RE: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bob McConnell
From: Uri Guttman

>> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:
>   BM> From: Bryan R Harris
>   >> 
>   >> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
>   >> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52
00 2a
>   BM> bc 93
>   >> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
>   >> 
>   >> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
>   BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.
> that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
> which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
> pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.

That statement just confuses me. His initial value of -3205.0569059 is
also text. It is the human readable representation of the number, and is
not anything like what it looks like inside the computer. He just asked
for a different format for that text. Why is sprintf not a reasonable
way to do that?

Bob McConnell

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread John W. Krahn

Bryan R Harris wrote:

I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).

Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?

$ perl -le'print unpack "H*", pack "d", -3205.0569059'

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.   -- Damian Conway

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan R Harris

>> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
>> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a
> bc 93
>> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
>> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?
> The sprintf() family is your friend.

I see %x (unsigned integer, in hexadecimal) and %f (floating-point number,
in fixed decimal notation), but nothing about doubles, endianness, etc.

I checked both my perl bookshelf and perldoc on this so far with no luck...

- Bryan

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Re: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Uri Guttman
> "BM" == Bob McConnell  writes:

  BM> From: Bryan R Harris
  >> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
  >> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a
  BM> bc 93
  >> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
  >> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?

  BM> The sprintf() family is your friend.

that will only generate text (hex and other formats). he needs pack
which does exactly what he wants. read perlpacktut for a tutorial on
pack/unpack and then perlfunc -f pack for the reference on it.

pack can take a perl float and make a string of the internal
representation in either endian order.

for some real world examples of doing that, check out the code in
Sort::Maker which packs floats into strings and deals with endian issues



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RE: decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bob McConnell
From: Bryan R Harris
> I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
> ... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a
bc 93
> d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).
> Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?

The sprintf() family is your friend.

Bob McConnell

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decimal to binary?

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan R Harris

I need to convert a number like this:   -3205.0569059
... into an 8-byte double (big and little endian), e.g. 4f 3e 52 00 2a bc 93
d3  (I just made up those 8 byte values).

Is this easy in perl?  Are long and short ints easy as well?


- Bryan

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Re: Burnt camel etc. etc

2009-09-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 08:46, ANJAN PURKAYASTHA
> I've been reading these posts with a great deal of interest.
> I don't know what much of the fuss is about (having joined this forum about
> 2 years back), but I will say that I have had some VERY helpful responses
> from experts and beginners alike.
> For the most part this list does a great job in helping newbies. It would be
> a shame to change things.
> Anjan

There is a continuum of help from "here, I did your homework for you"
to "RTFM".  In the past, Perl mailing lists and irc tended toward
"RTFM".  To combat this perceived unfriendliness, this list was
created.  Its charter is to be [closer to "here, I did your homework
for you"][1] than "RTFM" in the hopes that this will cause timid
newbies to stick around and join the larger community.

This causes a predictable backlash from people who believe that giving
a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish is wrong.  There is also
backlash from people who become frustrated or get their buttons pushed
(such as the whole legal boilerplate at the bottom of emails thread
that started recently).  The backlash causes another predictable
backlash from the people who want to keep the list clear of the
earlier backlash and people who, ironically enough, oppose backlash at
all.  And so on.

Here are the rules I try to live by on this list (note, I don't always succeed):

1. A starving man or woman can't pay attention to the lesson you are
giving him or her.  Give him or her a fish and teach him or her.
2. If someone keeps asking for fish and never pays attention to the
lesson, let him or her starve.
3. It is better to not post than to post angry.
4. Bad advice and answers must be corrected, but try to do it nicely.
5. Ask questions, don't make assumptions (I am really bad at this one).
6. Answer the [real question][2], but beware of number 5.

[1] : without devolving into "here, I did your homework for you"
[2] : this one is tricky, if some one asks how to write mergesort in
Perl, they probably want the builtin sort function instead, but it
might be that they need to sort something that won't fit in memory.

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Burnt camel etc. etc

2009-09-23 Thread ANJAN PURKAYASTHA
I've been reading these posts with a great deal of interest.
I don't know what much of the fuss is about (having joined this forum about
2 years back), but I will say that I have had some VERY helpful responses
from experts and beginners alike.
For the most part this list does a great job in helping newbies. It would be
a shame to change things.

anjan purkayastha, phd
bioinformatics analyst
whitehead institute for biomedical research
nine cambridge center
cambridge, ma 02142

purkayas [at] wi [dot] mit [dot] edu

RE: Testing with Selenium

2009-09-23 Thread Bob McConnell
From: Steve Bertrand
> Steve Bertrand wrote:
> > Bob McConnell wrote:
>>> I have begun the task of automating functional tests for some of our
>>> servers. I have had some success using Selenium IDE in Firefox to
>>> capture input sequences, exporting them to Perl scripts, then using
>>> Se remote control server to execute them. But I have run into one
>>> problem.
>>> A basic test is to verify the error message returned when an invalid
>>> password is entered. This test script is shown below. I can run this
>>> a simple test, or it can be part of a suite. The command line to
>>> manually run the suite is normally:
>>> perl -MTest::Harness -e "@ARGV= map glob, @ARGV \
>>>   if  $^O =~ /^MSWin/; runtests @ARGV;" test/*.pl
>>> Unfortunately, yes this is running on a WinXP system.
>>> My problem is that we have multiple virtual hosts on that server,
and I
>>> need to select a specific host for each run. So when I run the
harness I
>>> need some way to pass the "" portion of the URL into each
>>> the test scripts. I can't see any way with Test::Harness or
>>> to do this. If I can, then I have other parameters that need to be
>>> passed in as well.
>> Do I understand you correctly in believing that you are trying to run
>> specific tests against numerous hosts within a single test file?
> Appears as though I've totally misunderstood what you are after...
> After re-reading, it looks as though you are trying to execute
> test 'files', and want to supply the hostname (and perhaps other
> into them. Yes?

Yes, I have a 'tests' directory with a growing number of Selenium
scripts that will become an automated regression test. Each time I run
those scripts with Test::Harness I need to pass a server name to each
script. There are other variables I would also like to control.

On my test server there are three hosts that I maintain, which normally
have the current and two previous builds of the application. After I add
or modify a test script, or make a change to the current version, if
there is a test failure I can then run the same test on the previous
versions to find out if they produce the same failure. These test
scripts will be checked into our SCM so the QA and production teams have
access to them as well. In addition, those teams should be able to
record and add scripts that recreate problems they find or any that are
reported by clients. Once fixed, those tests will also become part of
the regression suite.

This reduces the time to run a reasonably complete regression test from
most of a man-week to a couple of hours.

Paul's suggestion of environment variables appears to be the only viable
option I have seen so far.

Bob McConnell

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Friday Fun [was: Burnt Camel Club]

2009-09-23 Thread Balázs Botond

> Given FOSS is supposed to be all about having fun, why don't we have a
> 'Friday Fun' challenge aimed at beginners?

I would absolutely LOVE such a challenge!


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Re: Burnt Camel Club

2009-09-23 Thread Goke Aruna
I enjoyed writing my script in perl despite not being a computer
programmer, I get my need done without much stress, hence no need to
increase the mail volume on the list.

Perl6 definitely will take me higher to programming.

Perl is still the best for beginers at least you can write your novice
script and even get a sample script on the web to solve your problem.

On 9/23/09, Tim Bowden  wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 09:59 -0500, Bryan R Harris wrote:
>> > On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Randal L. Schwartz
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Yup.  I care when it might harm others.  Otherwise, I tend not to
>> >> talk... plenty of other people here to give answers.  I only
>> >> doublecheck
>> >> answers anymore.
>> >>
>> > Yes, that is why this list gets 5 emails on average per day and other
>> > comparable language lists gets 40.
>> Remember, correlation does not imply causality.
>> Maybe people get answers faster here.  Or the archives already answer most
>> questions.  Or perl is easy enough to use that people don't have to ask a
>> lot of questions.
>> I've gotten some seriously impressive responses to my questions and am 10x
>> the programmer I'd be without this list (though that may not be saying
>> much).
>> > Keep it up and the hollier-than-though's will have the list to
>>  themselves eventually.
>> The respect is earned.  It wouldn't surprise me if Einstein didn't have
>>  much patience for criticism from those with short resumes...
>> - B
> Volume isn't always quality.  There are some lists around where a
> significant portion of the volume is the blind leading the blind.  The
> rest is experts trying to clean up the mess.  Here the emphasis seems to
> be a little more on not making a mess in the first place (ie,
> discouraging less than helpful answers).  Both approaches have their
> place.  FWIW, as a perl newbie I'm happy with the way things are done
> here.
> Given FOSS is supposed to be all about having fun, why don't we have a
> 'Friday Fun' challenge aimed at beginners?  A once a week small coding
> challenge (posted by 'those that know'?) that should take no more than
> 5-10 mins covering 'Programming 101 in Perl' type material (ie, no deep
> magic!).  Brownie points for any decent/reasonable solution posted by a
> beginner within 24 hours.  Rotten eggs for those who do an 'elephant
> drowned in custard' type solution.  With a bit of luck it might help
> those paddling in the baby pool to venture out a bit further.
> Another $0.02,
> Tim Bowden
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Sent from my mobile device

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Re: Burnt Camel Club

2009-09-23 Thread Tim Bowden
On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 09:59 -0500, Bryan R Harris wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Randal L. Schwartz
> > wrote:
> > 
> >> 
> >> Yup.  I care when it might harm others.  Otherwise, I tend not to
> >> talk... plenty of other people here to give answers.  I only doublecheck
> >> answers anymore.
> >> 
> > Yes, that is why this list gets 5 emails on average per day and other
> > comparable language lists gets 40.
> Remember, correlation does not imply causality.
> Maybe people get answers faster here.  Or the archives already answer most
> questions.  Or perl is easy enough to use that people don't have to ask a
> lot of questions.
> I've gotten some seriously impressive responses to my questions and am 10x
> the programmer I'd be without this list (though that may not be saying
> much).
> > Keep it up and the hollier-than-though's will have the list to
>  themselves eventually.
> The respect is earned.  It wouldn't surprise me if Einstein didn't have
>  much patience for criticism from those with short resumes...
> - B

Volume isn't always quality.  There are some lists around where a
significant portion of the volume is the blind leading the blind.  The
rest is experts trying to clean up the mess.  Here the emphasis seems to
be a little more on not making a mess in the first place (ie,
discouraging less than helpful answers).  Both approaches have their
place.  FWIW, as a perl newbie I'm happy with the way things are done

Given FOSS is supposed to be all about having fun, why don't we have a
'Friday Fun' challenge aimed at beginners?  A once a week small coding
challenge (posted by 'those that know'?) that should take no more than
5-10 mins covering 'Programming 101 in Perl' type material (ie, no deep
magic!).  Brownie points for any decent/reasonable solution posted by a
beginner within 24 hours.  Rotten eggs for those who do an 'elephant
drowned in custard' type solution.  With a bit of luck it might help
those paddling in the baby pool to venture out a bit further.

Another $0.02,
Tim Bowden

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Re: mbtomh in perl?

2009-09-23 Thread Alexey Mishustin

9/23/2009, "Shlomi Fish"  вы писали:

>> Is there a perl tool for converting mbox files to MH directories?

>Try the Mail::Box module:
>It seems to still be the best of breed in this regard from what some
>authoritative sources in the Perl Email Project told me. It is large and
>complicated, but gets the job done.

Thank you, I'll try!


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Re: mbtomh in perl?

2009-09-23 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi Alexey!

On Tuesday 22 Sep 2009 16:56:42 Mishustin Alexey wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a perl tool for converting mbox files to MH directories?
> Google found only a tool on tcl [1] and a perl tool for converting mbox
> to Maildir [2].
> [1] -
> [2] -
> If there isn't such a tool 'out of the box', evidently, I will need
> some help to rewrite the tcl script on perl...

Try the Mail::Box module:

It seems to still be the best of breed in this regard from what some 
authoritative sources in the Perl Email Project told me. It is large and 
complicated, but gets the job done.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
My Aphorisms -

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

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