Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread Pablo A. Castrillo

> Hi all.
> This is what i've done:
> - I've created a table which allows to manage "sessions" (see code below).
> - The script which validates users creates a "session_id". I pass this token as a 
>hidden field to scripts in order to validate user's data every time.
> This works like this: Users enter their ID and password, and the page calls the 
>script which checks user data and creates a session ID. Once the user has been 
>checked against
> the database, the work page is displayed. Each action the user takes calls a cgi 
>script with the session ID field as a hidden value. Scripts use the session_ID field 
>to retrieve
> user's data from the database and perform whichever action the user asked for.
> Here is part of the code:
> *Read parameters*
> #lectura de parametros del form 
> foreach ($cgi->param()) {
> $cgi->param($_,uc($cgi->param($_)));
> }
> $legajo = $cgi->param('legajo');
> $password = $cgi->param('password');
> *
> - Check user data*
> ## conectar a la base de datos --
> my $dbh = DBI ->connect("dbi:$driver:dbname=$base_datos",$usuario,$clave)
> ||die "no se puede abrir la base: $base_datos $DBI::errstr\n";
> CONSULTAR Datos Usuario-
> my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE legajo='$legajo';");
> $sth->execute();
> my $existe=$sth->rows();
> #extraccion de datos
> if ($existe)
> {
> @usuariosis = $sth->fetchrow_array();
> } else
> {
> print $cgi->header('text/html');
> print $cgi->start_html();
> print $cgi->h1("Error en usuario");
> print "Volver";
> exit;
> }
> $sth->finish();
> $grupo = $usuariosis[3];
> $codigo = ($resguardos{$legajo}?$_:"770");
> $tiporesg = $tipores{$codigo};
> $_ = $usuariosis[6];
> s/ //g;
> $usuariosis[6]=$_;
> if (crypt($password, $usuariosis[6]) ne $usuariosis[6]){
> print $cgi->header('text/html');
> print $cgi->start_html();
> print $cgi->h1("Error en clave");
> print "Volver";
> exit;
> else {
> $session = generar_id();
> $dbh->do ("insert into conexion values ('$legajo',
> '',
> '$fecha',
> '$horaacceso',
>   '$grupo',
>   '$codigo',
>   '$tiporesg',
> '$session');");*#This inserts a record into the 
>"conexion" table for session tracking*
> #Genera página de trabajo 
> print $cgi->header (-type=>"text/html",
>   -target=>"abajo");
> print $cgi->frameset({-border=>'1', -frameSpacing=>'1',
> -cols=>'200,*', -frameBorder=>'1'},
>$cgi->frame({-name=>'iab',-src=>'trabajo.plx?sesion='.$session}),*#This calls the 
>main work page*
>  );
> }
> $cgi->end_html;
> $dbh->disconnect();
> *This sub generates the session ID*
> sub generar_id{
> return sprintf("%08.8x",rand()*0x);
> }
> I hope this helps.
> I am new to perl so check the code for security issues.
> Pablo A. Castrillo
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Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread John Brooking

Secure?? Have you guys been paying attention to the
Matt's Script Archive discussion? You can pass along
parameters between pages either in the URL or as
hidden fields, but NEITHER IS REALLY SECURE!! The
hidden fields only stymie the newbies. :-) Anyone
could just save the form to their hard drive, modify
the hidden field values there, and submit that
version. If the server script thinks it need only
check the referer variable to get around this, the
hacker can submit their modified page with their own
client, setting the referer field to whatever they

True, it's nicer not seeing them in the URL, but it's
not that much more secure. I recommend Chapter 8 of
O'Reilly's "CGI Programming with Perl" for a thorough
discussion of CGI security issues.

- John

--- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib
> Hi Sven,
> Sorry, I thought you knew that one.
> But how to proceed if you don't want those
> ugly/insecure params in your location bar ?
>  ... snip ...
> > > 
> > > 
> ... snip ...

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RE: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread David Gray

> Hi Sven,
> Sorry, I thought you knew that one.
> But how to proceed if you don't want those ugly/insecure 
> params in your location bar ?

Use a form and an input type="image"



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Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib

Hi Sven,

Sorry, I thought you knew that one.

But how to proceed if you don't want those ugly/insecure params in your location bar ?

Regs David

> Ok, i found out how to pass a few arguments to the other script:
>   href="collectformdata.cgi?action=fetch&f_name=$f_name&f_surname=$f_surname"
>  > Update> 
> The only problem I have left is that the variables are not passed on. 
> Once I put names in there, it works just fine, but I do need those 
> variables to work.
> if I would get  any tips on this I'd really appreciate it
> Sven
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 04:36 PM, David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am currently having the same problems as Sven. I tried to get some 
> > info on it as
> > wel, but it seems a difficult one.
> > I have made a simple example to explain it a little :
> >
> > ---
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > please enter your First name  > name=userid>
> > Please enter your Last name  > name=pw>
> > Please try this one
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --
> >
> > Perl-script:
> > ---
> > #!/user/cadiclab/bin/perl
> >
> > use CGI qw(:standard);
> >
> > $first = param('userid');
> > $last = param('pw');
> > $hide1 = param('hide1');
> > $hide2 = param('hide2');
> >
> > print header,
> > start_html(-BGCOLOR=>"#99"),
> > start_form;
> >
> > print "Hallo userid: $first with password: $last ";
> > print "Hidden fields are; Field1: $hide1 Field2: $hide2 
> > ";
> >
> > print   end_form,
> > hr;
> > --
> >
> > Ones I hit the submit button the cgi-script does it all for me.
> > He tells me who I am and he prints the hidden fields.
> >
> > Ones I hit the  the params are not read within my cgi-script ?
> > Not the input type=text and not the input type=hidden.
> >
> > Is there a way to get this working ?
> >
> > Any other solutions to a more secure way of solving this are welcome 
> > too !
> >
> >
> > P.S.: I need the links to browse through directory's and do stuff with 
> > it.
> > A submit button instead of a  does not look very fancy :)
> > 
> > 
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > David van der Geer
> >
> >>
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I am using one script to secure the members area and offer several
> >> search functions for am mysql database. another script offers the
> >> possibility to update data in this database. Botth scripts require the
> >> user to ennter name, lastname and password.
> >> Now I want to enable the user to get straight to the update function
> >> without having to enter name, lastname and password (he already entered
> >> one time) again.
> >>
> >> How can I pass those already collected values on to another script 
> >> using
> >> a link (a href)?
> >> Or how can i do that at all?
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help,
> >>
> >> Sven
> >
> -- 
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Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread fliptop

David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib wrote:

> #!/user/cadiclab/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> $first = param('userid');
> $last = param('pw');
> $hide1 = param('hide1');
> $hide2 = param('hide2');
> print header,
> start_html(-BGCOLOR=>"#99"),
> start_form;
> print "Hallo userid: $first with password: $last ";
> print "Hidden fields are; Field1: $hide1 Field2: $hide2 ";

this is dangerous!

you are taking user input and printing it directly to the browser 
without any html escaping!

please read this:

as for your question - have you tried using .htaccess?

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Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread Sven Bentlage

Ok, i found out how to pass a few arguments to the other script:


The only problem I have left is that the variables are not passed on. 
Once I put names in there, it works just fine, but I do need those 
variables to work.
if I would get  any tips on this I'd really appreciate it

On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 04:36 PM, David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib 

> Hi All,
> I am currently having the same problems as Sven. I tried to get some 
> info on it as
> wel, but it seems a difficult one.
> I have made a simple example to explain it a little :
> ---
> please enter your First name  name=userid>
> Please enter your Last name  name=pw>
> Please try this one
> --
> Perl-script:
> ---
> #!/user/cadiclab/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> $first = param('userid');
> $last = param('pw');
> $hide1 = param('hide1');
> $hide2 = param('hide2');
> print header,
> start_html(-BGCOLOR=>"#99"),
> start_form;
> print "Hallo userid: $first with password: $last ";
> print "Hidden fields are; Field1: $hide1 Field2: $hide2 
> ";
> print   end_form,
> hr;
> --
> Ones I hit the submit button the cgi-script does it all for me.
> He tells me who I am and he prints the hidden fields.
> Ones I hit the  the params are not read within my cgi-script ?
> Not the input type=text and not the input type=hidden.
> Is there a way to get this working ?
> Any other solutions to a more secure way of solving this are welcome 
> too !
> P.S.: I need the links to browse through directory's and do stuff with 
> it.
>   A submit button instead of a  does not look very fancy :)
> Best Regards,
> David van der Geer
>> Hi!
>> I am using one script to secure the members area and offer several
>> search functions for am mysql database. another script offers the
>> possibility to update data in this database. Botth scripts require the
>> user to ennter name, lastname and password.
>> Now I want to enable the user to get straight to the update function
>> without having to enter name, lastname and password (he already entered
>> one time) again.
>> How can I pass those already collected values on to another script 
>> using
>> a link (a href)?
>> Or how can i do that at all?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Sven

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