Re: It works, almost - Re: [CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

2007-08-29 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Les Mikesell wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I did the install onto the HD in the Compaq, set inittab to 3 and 
moved the HD to the decTOP.

I booted without the ethernet USB dongle, and after I was logged in, 
I plugged it in. I had to bring up eth0 and start dhclient. But the 
network is working.

But X is not. Different video.

/etc/sysconf/hwconf has the right info:

Class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detach: 0
desc: "National Semiconductor Corporation Geode GX2 Graphics Processor"
vendorId: 100b
deviceId: 0030
subvendorId: 100b
subdeviceId: 0030
pciType: 1
pcidom: 0
pcibus: 0
pcidev: 1
pcifn: 1

So how do I 'fix' X?

Does 'system-config-display' get anywhere? If not, post another 
message here with a more descriptive subject and the part that looks 
like the problem from your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and maybe someone who 
knows more about X will jump in.

Up and going. Video-wise that is.

Thanks for your help.

CentOS mailing list

Re: It works, almost - Re: [CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

2007-08-29 Thread Les Mikesell

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I did the install onto the HD in the Compaq, set inittab to 3 and moved 
the HD to the decTOP.

I booted without the ethernet USB dongle, and after I was logged in, I 
plugged it in.  I had to bring up eth0 and start dhclient.  But the 
network is working.

But X is not.  Different video.

/etc/sysconf/hwconf has the right info:

Class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detach: 0
desc: "National Semiconductor Corporation Geode GX2 Graphics Processor"
vendorId: 100b
deviceId: 0030
subvendorId: 100b
subdeviceId: 0030
pciType: 1
pcidom: 0

So how do I 'fix' X?

Does 'system-config-display' get anywhere?  If not, post another message 
here with a more descriptive subject and the part that looks like the 
problem from your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and maybe someone who knows more 
about X will jump in.

  Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

It works, almost - Re: [CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

2007-08-28 Thread Robert Moskowitz
I did the install onto the HD in the Compaq, set inittab to 3 and moved 
the HD to the decTOP.

I booted without the ethernet USB dongle, and after I was logged in, I 
plugged it in.  I had to bring up eth0 and start dhclient.  But the 
network is working.

But X is not.  Different video.

/etc/sysconf/hwconf has the right info:

Class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detach: 0
desc: "National Semiconductor Corporation Geode GX2 Graphics Processor"
vendorId: 100b
deviceId: 0030
subvendorId: 100b
subdeviceId: 0030
pciType: 1
pcidom: 0

So how do I 'fix' X?
Les Mikesell wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I have a bug report in (0002288) on an install failure on my decTOPs 
(Centos 4.5 installed on them).

I have tried a lot of combinations and it is getting tiring.

What what happen, or rather how do I get the following to work:

Put my HD into a computer (Compaq SSF that I have installed Centos 5 
on with no trouble), install Centos 5, move the HD to the decTOP.

Different Video card.
No PS/2 keyboard of mouse on the decTOP
INTEL vs AMD cpu

Could it work?

As long as the disk controller is the same type you should be able to 
bring it up and fix everything else.  I'd set it up to not start X 
(init level 3) so you can reconfigure it before it tries to start.  
You may have to fix or remove the HWADDR= line in the 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file since it won't match 
the NIC.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

2007-08-28 Thread Les Mikesell

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I have a bug report in (0002288) on an install failure on my decTOPs 
(Centos 4.5 installed on them).

I have tried a lot of combinations and it is getting tiring.

What what happen, or rather how do I get the following to work:

Put my HD into a computer (Compaq SSF that I have installed Centos 5 on 
with no trouble), install Centos 5, move the HD to the decTOP.

Different Video card.
No PS/2 keyboard of mouse on the decTOP
INTEL vs AMD cpu

Could it work?

As long as the disk controller is the same type you should be able to 
bring it up and fix everything else.  I'd set it up to not start X (init 
level 3) so you can reconfigure it before it tries to start.  You may 
have to fix or remove the HWADDR= line in the 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file since it won't match the NIC.

 Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

2007-08-28 Thread Robert Moskowitz
I have a bug report in (0002288) on an install failure on my decTOPs 
(Centos 4.5 installed on them).

I have tried a lot of combinations and it is getting tiring.

What what happen, or rather how do I get the following to work:

Put my HD into a computer (Compaq SSF that I have installed Centos 5 on 
with no trouble), install Centos 5, move the HD to the decTOP.

Different Video card.
No PS/2 keyboard of mouse on the decTOP
INTEL vs AMD cpu

Could it work?

CentOS mailing list