Re: NSTableView with complex cells ?

2009-01-16 Thread j o a r

On Jan 16, 2009, at 3:37 AM, Guillaume Laurent wrote:

I'm currently toying with the idea of writing a very basic music  
sequencer. The main window would, like all sequencers, display a  
list of music tracks (e.g. Garage Band's main window). Apparently,  
an NSTableView with two columns (one for the track's various  
parameters and the other for the track itself) could be a good  
start, provided I can create NSCells which are very elaborate, for  
instance able to display several controls, or to have a large  
drawing area. Is this doable, or should I write my own NSView from  
scratch ? (which I hope not to)

For creating custom complex cells, see:


An alternative to using cells in a table view might be to use views in  
a NSCollectionView:


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Re: Nib memory management under Garbage Collection

2009-01-15 Thread j o a r

On Jan 15, 2009, at 6:35 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:

as far as I can tell the Nib objects should just get cleaned up  
automatically as their root (the File's Owner) is no longer hanging  

Note that the files owner isn't necessarily the owner / root of all  
objects instantiated by the nib file. It typically is, but not always.

I was just a bit confused by this page in the Memory Management guide:

"The File’s Owner of a nib file is typically responsible for  
releasing the top-level objects in a nib file as well as any non- 
object resources created by the objects in the nib."

Under GC you're not responsible for releasing anything. That comment  
doesn't apply to GC.
You have the inverse responsibility though: Making sure that you have  
strong references to all objects that you're interested in keeping  

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Re: Remove Items From NSSet (safely)

2009-01-11 Thread j o a r

On Jan 11, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Bridger Maxwell wrote:

I have an NSSet which I need to iterate through and remove any  
objects if
they fail a certain test (this is a client/server setup, so I am  
testing the
connection to connected clients). However, if I remove an object  
from the
set while iterating through it, I get this message logged to the  

 Collection  was mutated while being  

Is there a better way to remove objects from a set? Perhaps there is  
a safe

iteration that allows objects to be removed? I supposed I could keep a
separate list of objects that need to be removed, and then remove them
afterwards, but that seems like a clunky solution.

How about something like this?

for (id obj in [theSet allObjects])
if (something)
[theSet removeObject: obj

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Re: What is the best way to copy files

2009-01-10 Thread j o a r

On Jan 10, 2009, at 1:23 PM, David wrote:

This is sort of a conceptual question.
The broader question is what is the purpose of Cocoa and how does it
relate to Core Foundation and Unix.
The specific question is, what is the best way to copy files.

I think that one thing is clear: It's probably not smart to try to  
implement file copying by manually reading in and writing out files.  
Use the API:s provided at either the unix, Carbon or Cocoa layers.  
Which one to choose depends on your requirements.

You forgot one important API in your list: copyfile (for more  
information, see the man page).

This also addresses a broader question I have about how Cocoa relates
to Core Foundation, to Unix APIs and even to standard C functions.

I had thought Cocoa was a wrapper for Core Foundation, but
NSFileManager is not a wrapper. There is no equivalent in Core
Foundation, while the Carbon file manager has no equivalent in Cocoa.

Cocoa sits on top of a bunch of C libraries, including standard unix  
and Carbon. Cocoa is not simply some sort of wrapper around CF, and  
actually pre-dates the introduction of CF. Cocoa and Carbon evolved on  
separate operating systems originally, so there is no simple mapping  
between the functionality that they provide. In some cases Carbon  
provides a better feature set, in some cases Cocoa. You'd have to pick  
the best API to use for your particular purpose, while making sure to  
stay away from any deprecated API:s.

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Re: What's the most cocoa-ey pattern for this?

2009-01-08 Thread j o a r

On Jan 8, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Michael B Johnson wrote:

@property (readonly) NSMutableSet *activeMarkers;

You're right - it should be a set, not an array.  But would it be  
mutable if it's readonly?  What are the correct semantics for that,  

The "readonly" attribute only refers to the property itself, not the  
mutability / immutability characteristics of that property, so it's  
perfectly OK to have a readonly mutable property. That said, you  
typically wouldn't expose a mutable collection through an interface  
like that of course - it's a bit too promiscuous.

If performance allows, the easiest and most straight forward way to  
implement this would be to have an immutable collection, and to  
replace the entire collection whenever it changes. If you need better  
performance or granularity, you can use a mutable collection, but you  
need to ensure that you mutate the collection in such a way that you  
get the KVO behavior that you need.

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Re: What's the most cocoa-ey pattern for this?

2009-01-08 Thread j o a r

On Jan 8, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Michael B Johnson wrote:

This Sequence has a delegate, that would like to express interest in  
the following:

(1) when the "current time" moves forward into the beginning of an  
Element or Marker.
(2) when the "current time" moves backward into the end of an  
Element or Marker.
(3) when the "current time" is the same as a Marker attached to a  
single point in time.

With that information, we would know what Element is "active", and  
what Markers might be "active".

So this is the goal: To be able to track the active element and  
marker, to be notified when elements and markers are activated? It  
seems to me that you're not really talking about delegation, but  
rather observation (?), so how about using KVO (pseudocode &  

@interface Sequence
@property (readonly) Element *activeElement;
@property (readonly) Element *activeMarker;
@property (readonly) Direction currentDirection;

Your observers would add themselves as observers for the properties  
that they are interested in, and then get notified as they changes. I  
think that these three properties would be all that you need to  
satisfy your #1 - #3 above.

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Re: [NSOutlineView reloadData]

2009-01-08 Thread j o a r

On Jan 8, 2009, at 11:07 AM, David Blanton wrote:

My error ... I thought reloadData was asynchronous!

It all depends on what you're after. Display updates are almost always  
delayed in Cocoa, meaning that the outline view will not show updated  
contents after your call to reloadData. All views will be redisplayed  
at the end of the current event loop. This leads to less "flickering",  
and less redundant redrawing.

Like I said in my last reply to you: We can't really help you before  
you tell us what you're *really* trying to do.

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Re: [NSOutlineView reloadData]

2009-01-08 Thread j o a r

On Jan 8, 2009, at 9:42 AM, David Blanton wrote:

Is there a way to be notified when a reloadData operation is complete?

What do you mean with complete? It's a regular synchronous method  
call, so it's completed when it returns.

I bet there's something that you're trying to do that you're not  
asking. Could you perhaps explain what you're really trying to do?


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Re: How to obtain icon displayed by Finder for a file

2009-01-07 Thread j o a r

On Jan 7, 2009, at 1:42 PM, David wrote:

Hello,Is there a way to obtain the icon that finder uses to display  
for a
file system object? Such things as the folder icon for folders, PDF  
icon for

pdfs etc.

See: NSWorkspace

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Re: NSScrollView refuses to scroll

2009-01-07 Thread j o a r

On Jan 7, 2009, at 1:26 PM, j o a r wrote:

// A suggestion
The correct thing to do is typically not to start with a scroll  
view. If you simply drag out a text view from the library it comes  
wrapped in a scroll view already - No need to add a scroll view  
If you need to set it up manually (unlikely), make sure that you  
understand the arrangement of views inside the scroll view first.  
There is a very good "scroll view programming guide" in the  
documentation that can help you get up to speed.

In addition: If you need to add a scroll view to some view that isn't  
already wrapped in a scroll view when you get it from the library, the  
preferred way to do that would be to select it and then use this menu  

Layout > Embed Objects In > Scroll View

This would, for example, work if you wanted to wrap a NSTextField in a  
scroll view.

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Re: NSScrollView refuses to scroll

2009-01-07 Thread j o a r

On Jan 7, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Jason Cox wrote:

If you, in IB, create a new window, throw a NSScrollView in there,  
set its autosizing to keep 100% width / height when you resize the  
superview, then put an NSTextView at the bottom edge of the  
scrollview, compile and resize the window up to hide the NSTextView  
it wont put a scrollbar (even though you cant see the textview)

Am i just completely missing the concept of what NSScrollView  

// The basics
The scroll view will only show the scrollers when the frame of its  
document view is larger than the frame of its content view (the clip  

// A guess
I would guess that when you added the text view, you didn't add it as  
the document view of the scroll view, but rather as a subview of the  
document view of the scroll view? The scroll view doesn't track or  
care about the subviews of its document view, it only cares about the  
size of the document view.

// A suggestion
The correct thing to do is typically not to start with a scroll view.  
If you simply drag out a text view from the library it comes wrapped  
in a scroll view already - No need to add a scroll view manually.
If you need to set it up manually (unlikely), make sure that you  
understand the arrangement of views inside the scroll view first.  
There is a very good "scroll view programming guide" in the  
documentation that can help you get up to speed.

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Re: Pull Down Toolbar Item

2008-12-29 Thread j o a r

On Dec 29, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

You need to subclass in order to get validation working. That is the  

reason I can think of why it needs to be a subclass

Can you describe the type of validation that you're interested in  
performing? Simple validation should work automatically for at least  
the standard Cocoa controls, IIRC.

The toolbar items are sized at 32x32 for both min and max. When I  
create the
Popup button control, it is created with a frame of size 32x32 as  
well. Is

there something I am forgetting to properly size?

Not sure. Perhaps you can provide a screenshot of what the toolbar  
looks like when it's not aligned properly? If you could post a sample  
project that reproduces your problem, that would probably help too  
(preferably over http, and not inline to the list).

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Re: Pull Down Toolbar Item

2008-12-29 Thread j o a r

On Dec 29, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

The setArrowPosition and preferedEdge methods do not work for me. I  

the documentation to get the arrow to appear in the lower right corner
pointing down and nothing happens.

Please file a bug report. At the very least, the documentation and  
sample code that is provided should be able to provide better guidance  
for how these properties work (or don't).

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Re: How Does Autorelease Pool Work?

2008-12-29 Thread j o a r

On Dec 29, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

I am a newbie to Cocoa Memory Management (have been using GC so  
far), and I'd like to make sure that my understanding is correct.

- It follows that the actual releasing of objects registered in the  
auto-release pool is deferred until the entire call stack is  
unfolded back and the control passes to the next event.

All of your assertions up until this point are correct.

In this regard, auto-release pools remind me the garbage collector,  
where the time of deallocation is also somewhat indeterminate.

This is not incorrect, but I think that this point can at least be  
argued. It's pretty clear that the time of deallocation would have to  
be considered at least *less* deterministic in GC. In addition, in GC  
you can't (this is of course both and advantage and a disadvantage)  
exert the same amount of manual control (using local autorelease  
pools, or even sidestepping the user of autorelease).

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Re: Pull Down Toolbar Item

2008-12-29 Thread j o a r

On Dec 29, 2008, at 7:00 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

In order to create the item, I started with a subclass of  
NSToolbarItem that has a NSPopupButton for its view.

Any particular reason to use a subclass? You should be able to use a  
plain NSTollbarItem, and set the pop-up button using "-setView:".

The issue I am running into is that the image is not being fully  
displayed (see screen capture below). Increasing the size of the  
toolbar item solves the issue, but causes the item to be out of  
alignment with the rest of the items.

As you have noted, you need to set the max and min sizes of a toolbar  
item that contains a custom view. In order for your items to line up,  
you probably also need to make sure that they're of similar size. The  
standard size for image style toolbar items is 32x32px.

I am just curious as to how they got it positioned more to the  
bottom right of the image vs. the center. My guess is that they  
possibly drew the triangle themselves.

I think that you're supposed to be able to use the "arrowPosition" and  
"preferredEdge" properties of the pop-up button cell to control where  
the arrow shows up, but I think that Xcode is probably using custom  
artwork in this case.

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Re: Memory Management question

2008-12-26 Thread j o a r

On Dec 26, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

But yes, generally,
you should retain any object that's being passed into a method to  
that it stays around for the lifetime of that method and release  
them when

you exit.

Absolutely false. Never do this. If you find yourself doing this then
it means you've either horribly misunderstood something or you've
encountered a severe bug. The correct course of action is to either
correct the misunderstanding or correct the bug, not to wrap all of
your methods in retain/release calls.

While I agree with your recommendation to not retain all local  
parameters and variables, there is something to be said for doing so.  
It's not difficult to argue that it is more correct from a conceptual  
point of view, and the reason to omit this ownership swizzle is  
primarily that it's for the most part redundant.

The reason why this can be useful is easy to see:

id foo = [self foo];// A local variable or 
[self bar]; // Can lead to deallocation of 
"foo" as a side effect
NSLog(@"Foo: %@", foo);   // Trying to use "foo" here can 
lead to crash

Whenever you call "out" from the local scope, you can't in the general  
case know that your non-retained variables will survive. You might  
think that you know, if you control all of the code that you call to,  
but it's not difficult to introduce regressions later on.

This is also why the recommended Cocoa implementation of a getter  
accessor method returns an object like this:

return [[obj retain] autorelease];

I'm not a fan of this recommendation, and it's sort of in competition  
with the recommendation made in this thread. If I had to choose, I'd  
rather see explicit retains and releases in the local scope, than this  
type of "hack" in the getter methods (I think that the decision should  
be made in the receiver). I typically choose to do neither though!   :-)

Two final notes:

* This is really a very, very, small problem in practice. I think that  
over my ~8 years of full time Cocoa programming, I've only had to  
troubleshoot such a problem once or twice in real world code.

* This discussion only applies to RR (retain/release) code, in GC  
(garbage collection) you get this "safer" behavior "for free", since  
the pointers you have to local variables on the stack will prevent  

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Re: Memory Management question

2008-12-26 Thread j o a r

On Dec 25, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Scott Wilson wrote:

NSLog(@"url %@", [desiredURL path]); // get EXC_BAD_ACCESS if link  
was an NSURL

I'd suggest that you try to troubleshoot this using NSZombieEnabled.

Is it possible that link is being autoreleased before my method has  

That doesn't seem likely, unless you have a memory management problem  
elsewhere (hence the suggestion to use NSZombieEnabled above). Objects  
aren't just autoreleased at random, typically (unless you change the  
basic rules by adding your own autorelease pools) this only happens at  
the end of the current event.

On Dec 25, 2008, at 9:45 PM, Robert Marini wrote:

Indeed, you have no way of guaranteeing that link still exists as  
you are not explicitly claiming ownership to it.  In the first case  
of your if, you receive an autoreleased NSURL instance (a new object  
created by using the contents of the link object).  In the second,  
all your code is doing is deciding that desiredURL should point to  
the same object as link without claiming ownership of it.  To ensure  
that you hold ownership of it, you need to explicitly retain it  
(code executing in the context of another thread might release it  
and cause it to receive -dealloc) or copy it (the former probably  
being the more appropriate in this case).  Following that, it should  
be released when it is no longer of any relevance in this particular  

If you want to use a super-defensive programming style, you could  
follow this general guideline. Most Cocoa developers don't though. In  
any case I would suggest that before you do, you need to sit down and  
understand why you would want to do this. The threading problem that  
is mentioned above is, for example, NOT the reason to adhere to this  
type of defensive memory management scheme. Increasing retain count is  
NOT a way to become thread safe.

On Dec 25, 2008, at 11:49 PM, Scott Wilson wrote:

Am I missing something?

I don't think so.

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Re: NSString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet method doesnt work.

2008-12-23 Thread j o a r

On Dec 23, 2008, at 10:00 AM, Alex.Wang wrote:

We may expect to see "Trick here: Thereareblanks" output from the  
However, I got "Trick here: Thereareblanks" instead. I dont  
know why

the  stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet method doesn't work.
Can anyone here give me an explanation or tell me how to solve it?

From the documentation for this method:

	"A new string made by removing from both ends of the receiver  
characters contained in set."

Note that it only removes characters "from both ends of the receiver".

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Re: Sublclassing NSThread

2008-12-16 Thread j o a r

On Dec 16, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:

Is this the recommended approach, or is there another way to go  
about this?

Have you considered using NSOperation / NSOperationQueue? From what  
you're saying I think that would be the preferred building block for  
this type of thing starting with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.

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Re: Arggg...overrelease in table view cell, but where?

2008-12-11 Thread j o a r

On Dec 11, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

So it stops the debugger and shows you the call stack *at the  
exact time it's being called* and gives to an opportunity to walk  
back the call stack before continuing? How so? Please do tell me  
how to do that.

Sure does! (obviously, aside from stopping the debugger..)

Sure but the stopping-in-the-debugger-feature is what the essential  
part of the procedure I was describing is. Essential for me anyway.

Not essential for troubleshooting this type of problem in general  
though, that's the only thing I was referring to. If you have special  
needs, it might well be that you have to use something else, but this  
should be your first approach (IMO).

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Re: Arggg...overrelease in table view cell, but where?

2008-12-11 Thread j o a r

On Dec 11, 2008, at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:

NSCells use NSCopyObject to do their copies, which ends up setting  
the values of cellObject and gridController in your copies, but not  
retaining them. You need to nil them out before setting the values  
in your properties. This is a long-standing misbehavior of NSCell  
that probably won’t be changing anytime soon.

This is indeed a problem. The documentation covers it, for the most  
part, but it could still be improved:


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Re: Arggg...overrelease in table view cell, but where?

2008-12-11 Thread j o a r

On Dec 11, 2008, at 1:02 PM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

Overwrite GFController's -release and -autorelease, simply calling  
[super release] and [super autorelease] (ensure you get the  
signatures exactly right). Set a breakpoint in both and debug the  
app. When the debugger hits the breakpoints you will see exactly who  
called it in the call stack. You can then go a figure out if that  
was on purpose.

Don't do that - Use the ObjectAlloc Instrument, it provides this  
information out of the box.

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Re: Custom NSTableView cells

2008-12-09 Thread j o a r

On Dec 9, 2008, at 6:21 PM, Randall Meadows wrote:

I could use a little guidance, please, on customizing cells for  
display in an NSTableView.  (My app is Leopard-only.)  I looked  
around the Apple docs and cocoadev, but didn't really find anything  
useful.  Other pointers would be appreciated.

Take a look at this sample project:


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Re: NSTask and environment variables

2008-12-08 Thread j o a r

On Dec 8, 2008, at 4:43 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

Is there any Cocoa API which returns the environment as a  
NSDictionary, or do I need to drop down to the UNIX getenv() level?


-[NSProcessInfo environment]

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Re: Cocoa replacement for SetWindowModality

2008-12-02 Thread j o a r

On Dec 2, 2008, at 7:28 AM, Russ wrote:

In my UI there's a spot where it's very useful for the user to be  
able to change a window from modal to modeless for a little while.  
In Carbon, I used SetWindowModality to do so. How can I do the same  
in Cocoa? It doesn't look like I can reconfigure a run loop to do  
this. Thanks.

Perhaps if you'd tell us why you'd want to do this, we might be in a  
better position to offer good advice.


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Re: analysing image to find blobs

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 29, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Roland King wrote:

If someone has something like 'read about these two classes, take a  
look at these 4 methods and you probably want this kind of  
transform', that would get me going in the right direction.

You can probably assume that if I get to the point I have something  
I can search across and determine for each point if it's coloured or  
not, I can manage the 'finding the center of the circle' bit of the  
algorithm. I just want to get the data into the best format for it  
as fast as possible using as much framework as I can.

Take a look at the CIColorTracking sample code:


Very interesting stuff. Also highly efficient, since it's typically  
hardware accelerated.

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Re: Problem with binding of @count

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 28, 2008, at 11:41 PM, Mikael Wämundson wrote:

But I want the number of objects to be part of a text string ("The  
number of students is: "). Thus I put this code into  

-(NSString *) numberOfStudents
	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The number of students is: %@",  
valueForKeyPath:@"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"]];


No error during compilation or run-time, but value in the text label  
is not updated when the array is changed.

For a simple thing like this you might also use a "Pattern Binding":


j o a r


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Re: Problem with binding of @count

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 28, 2008, at 2:49 PM, j o a r wrote:

I think that it would be more straight forward and efficient to  
write that:

	[NSString stringWithFormat:@"The number of students is: %lu",  
((unsigned long)[theStudentArrayController count])];

Crap, typo: You'd get the count from the array, and not the  
controller, of course...

j o a r


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Re: Problem with binding of @count

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 28, 2008, at 11:41 PM, Mikael Wämundson wrote:

-(NSString *) numberOfStudents
	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The number of students is: %@",  
valueForKeyPath:@"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"]];


I think that it would be more straight forward and efficient to write  

	[NSString stringWithFormat:@"The number of students is: %lu",  
((unsigned long)[theStudentArrayController count])];

No error during compilation or run-time, but value in the text label  
is not updated when the array is changed.

That's because you haven't told the bindings machinery that the  
"numberOfStudents" property depends on the count of objects in the  
array. See:


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Re: -[NSWindowController window] fails

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 28, 2008, at 9:12 PM, Alexander Shmelev wrote:

I cut off code after [self window], originally it looks like  

I suspected that you might have. In the future, please indicate this  
more clearly.

I tried to call [NSWindowController window] outside init, but it  

Where and when did you make that call, and what do you mean with  
"fails"? Returns "nil" instead of the window?

Then I tried to replace NSWindowController and initWithWindowNibName  
with NSObject and [NSBundle loadNibNamed:owner:] but it fails too.

I tried to use NIB 2.x instead XIB 3.x, but it still fails.

Again, what does "fail" mean here? Have you made sure to connect the  
window outlet from the window controller to the window in the nib  
file? That's a *very* common source of problems.

In my experience window controllers are very robust and predictable.  
I'm surprised to hear that you have problems. I suspect that we will  
figure out what's wrong, and that you will be able to fix it easily  
and then move on.

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Re: -[NSWindowController window] fails

2008-11-28 Thread j o a r

On Nov 28, 2008, at 2:06 AM, Alexander Shmelev wrote:

I have NSWindowController which loads nib with following code:

- (id) init
if (![super initWithWindowNibName:@"Dialog"])
return nil;
[self window];

I use [self window] to force nib load. This code perfectly works on  
Leopard(Intel), but [self window] fails if I run it on Tiger(PPC) -  
code after [self window] is not executed.

You don't have any code after [self window], so that's to be  
expected...   ;-)

Jokes aside, you need to "return self;" at the end of the method. You  
should have a compiler warning / error about that.

I also agree with Kyle that calling [self window] in init is probably  
not what you want to do. It might not even be "safe". In general you  
should be very careful about calling methods on self from your  
initializer. Consider this as something you need to be almost as  
careful and respectful around as thread safety. Before you have  
returned from your initializer your object is not to be considered  
fully initialized, and therefore in the general case not "ready for  

It's better to call "-showWindow:" on the window controller after it's  
been initialized.

j o a r


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Re: Which Mac models use the new 64-bit Objective-C ABI?

2008-11-20 Thread j o a r

On Nov 20, 2008, at 6:50 AM, Påhl Melin wrote:

If I were to require the use of the 64-bit ABI in my next project,  
which mac models would the application run on?

All currently shipping Macs are 64-bit capable. The Mac mini was the  
last one to be updated, in August of 2007.

And is it possible to detect at runtime if I'm running the old 32- 
bit ABI or the new 64-bit to enable a fallback on non-64-bit models?

Your choice of ObjC runtime is made at compile time, not at runtime.  
It's easy to target both 32-bit and 64-bit though, using the standard  
multiple architecture support provided by Mac OS X and our developer  
tools. For more information, see the 64-bit transitioning guides.

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Re: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: InterfaceBuilder &Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread j o a r

On Nov 19, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Jeff Laing wrote:

Well, that's sort of my point, really. I don't *know* what happens
inside the *synthesized* code, the only thing I can do is look to  
who do and what they've said in the past is "don't do it".  Not "its  
safe". So I don't think I can make my own mind up - Apple has made  
it up

for me, without explicitly telling me what the decision was, only
hinting at it.

I think that's being overly defensive. Synthesized accessors will be  
straight forward and minimal. They're not the problem. The problem is  
fancy extra special stuff that we often add to manual accessors.

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Re: Autorelease Question

2008-11-19 Thread j o a r

On Nov 19, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

What prevents someone from manually running the runloop?

Nothing, but that wouldn't still create the problem that you proposed.  
Autorelease pools are stacked. Popping the autorelease pool for the  
inner runloop wouldn't have any effect on the autorelease pools higher  
up in the stack.

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Re: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder &Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread j o a r

On Nov 19, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:

Now, when you say "call through your properties in init/dealloc", is  
that explicitly for things set up with @property?  Or, has what I've  
been doing all these years with calls to accessors in init/dealloc  
really "bad"?

There's no difference between setting through a property, and setting  
through a plain old setter method. That said, it's up to you to decide  
if you want to go with the official recommendation or not. If you  
think that you have enough control over the implementation of your  
accessor methods, you might choose to still use them.

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Re: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder &Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread j o a r

On Nov 19, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Brian Stern wrote:

That is indeed correct. The official guideline is, AFAIK, to not  
call through your properties in init / dealloc.

For whatever reason UIViewController sets its view property to nil  
from its dealloc method.  Greg's override of setView is based on  
this behavior.

Please file bug reports whenever you find that our sample code and  
documentation are in conflict!



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Re: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder &Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread j o a r

On Nov 19, 2008, at 1:57 PM, Jeff Laing wrote:

My understanding (and I'm a noob in this) is that "best practices"
recommend that you shouldn't start sending additional messages to an
object from inside its dealloc.

That is indeed correct. The official guideline is, AFAIK, to not call  
through your properties in init / dealloc.

Anyone want to clarify if it is/isn't safe to do this?  Certainly most
of the samples I've seen go out of their way to release instance
variables rather than nil properties, in their dealloc's

What makes it unsafe is that you might not control the implementation  
of the property setter method - A subclass could for example override  
it and make it not safe for use from init / dealloc.

That said, this might be something that the LLVM static analyzer could  
validate for us to the point where it would be OK.

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Re: Question about interface builder

2008-11-17 Thread j o a r

Dear Cocoa-Dev,

// You should use IB whenever and wherever you can //

It's often the case that developers new to the platform think that  
they have to write their UI in code. Perhaps because UI design tools  
on other platforms doesn't work as well as they should? Please note  
that Cocoa developers use IB wherever they can, and only fall back to  
constructing their UI in code where they have to. This holds true for  
all types of Cocoa apps, from the very small to the very large.  
Interface Builder is not used only by beginner programmers, or for  
small projects, it's used by everyone and everywhere.

// IB doesn't do anything that you can't do in code //

Anything that can be done using IB and nib loading can be done  
programmatically at runtime. Creating your UI programmatically is  
always possible, it just takes more time and effort to both write and  
maintain that code. Note that the opposite isn't true (of course).  
There are some things that you can't do in IB, that you have to do  

// IB doesn't always work like other UI design tools //

If the use of inspector panels and drag operations seems strange, it's  
probably because you're new to Mac OS X. If you're surprised that you  
can't double-click to edit the action of a button, it's probably  
because you're new to the design patterns used heavily in Cocoa, in  
particular MVC. It's very likely that the fact that IB isn't a code  
generator has *nothing* to do with why it works differently from other  
UI design tools.

IB is awesome, but of course not perfect. Feedback from developers are  
always much appreciated:


j o a r


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Re: Question about interface builder

2008-11-17 Thread j o a r

On Nov 17, 2008, at 4:02 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

My point is that this isn't the case.  Avoiding IB has been shown to
introduce subtle bugs.

Like what?

I know of one thing that's currently difficult to do in code: Setting  
up the main menu. Difficult yes, but not impossible. Should this be  
fixed to be fully supported and robust? Of course. If you care about  
this, I'd suggest that you file bug reports.

j o a r


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Re: Question about interface builder

2008-11-17 Thread j o a r

On Nov 17, 2008, at 3:23 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

I'm wondering if Apple's doing a good enough job explaining how IB is
different from UI code generators and why it is important that one use

I don't agree that it's somehow more important for Cocoa developers to  
use an UI design tool, compared to developers using other development  
environments. Cocoa developers, much like developers on other  
platforms, can always choose not to use the designer, if they'd rather  
spend their time cranking out and maintaining UI configuration code  
than business critical code.

Also note that Microsoft has moved away from code generation with  
their recent WPF designers that uses XML for storage.

j o a r


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Re: Blue default button style hangs.

2008-11-12 Thread j o a r

On Nov 12, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Russ wrote:

I'm trying to get the blue default button style to show up. It's  
NSMomentaryPushInButton with NSRoundedBezelStyle. I have it set as  
InitialFirstResponder. Works fine to start with. But if I  
setKeyEquivalent:@"\r" on it, or take its parent (modal) window and  
setDefaultButtonCell:[btn cell] on it, then the window hangs when it  

It waits on a semaphore in NSViewHierarchyLock from the view and  
windows's displayIfNeeded code, all from within the runModalForWindow.

What thread is this being run on? Do you have a run loop?

j o a r


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MEETING: CocoaHeads Nov 13: Intro to iPhone SDK

2008-11-11 Thread j o a r

As announced on Theocacao:


Michael Jurewitz, Apple's Developer and Performance Tools Evangelist,  
will presentIntroduction to iPhone Development at CocoaHeads Silicon  
Valley this Thursday, November 13 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be at  
Intuit (Quicken/QuickBooks) headquarters in Mountain View.

Michael is graciously sharing some of his time with us between stops  
on Apple's iPhone Tech Talk World Tour, so we'd love to have everyone  
come out and show support for the group this Thursday night.

Our typical meeting places have been undergoing a number of  
rearrangements, so we're very thankful to Intuit offering to host us  
this month. This likely will not be our typical location in the  
future, but I'm personally always up for a field trip.

Inuit is located at 2535 Garcia Ave in Mountain View, and our location  
is the Darwin room in Building 1 (sorry for the lack of map here).

We're not allowed to record video or audio for this event, so if you  
want to see it, you have to come down in person. See you there.


And, don't forget NSCoderNight in Campbell tonight!


j o a r


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Re: Responder Chain & Multiple Windows

2008-11-10 Thread j o a r

On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Todd Heberlein wrote:

Oops. Yes, MyDocument is a subclass of NSDocument and  
BrowserViewController is a subclass of NSWindowController

...should probably be called "BrowserWindowController" in that  

In MyDocument I have a method that has the following code:

BrowserViewController* bvc;

bvc = [[[BrowserViewController alloc] init] autorelease]; //  
init loads NIB

[self addWindowController:bvc];
[bvc showWindow:self];

Both MyDocument and BrowserViewController implement the method  
(which is the action for the menu item):

- (IBAction) extractAuditSession: (id) sender;

But the menu item is only available when the window associated with  
MyDocument is key. When the window associated with  
BrowserViewController is key, the menu item is dimmed out.

What if you make the window controller the delegate of the window?

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Re: Crash in NSFileManager

2008-11-08 Thread j o a r

On Nov 8, 2008, at 9:59 PM, David wrote:

I am using NSFileManager on a secondary thread. I am using the  

But during this processing its hard to imagine how the primary thread
could possibly be using the defaultManager.

Isn't the potential issue with NSFileManager that having two threads
use it at the same time can cause problems. If only one thread uses
it, that shouldn't cause a problem should it, even if its the
secondary thread?

If you're using the defaultManager instance you can't necessarily know  
if / when someone else is using it. Cocoa itself my access the  
defaultManager. You have to alloc+init your own instance if you need  
to use NSFileManager from background threads. That's super easy, so  
why not?

I can't see why it wouldn't be safe to pass a single, non-shared,  
instance of NSFileManager between threads if you can ensure that it's  
only ever used by one thread at a time. Not sure why you would need to  
do that though.

Stepping back... what I'm trying to do is copy a mess of files which
is time consuming, while allowing the user to cancel. Currently a put
up a window showing a progress indicator and allowing them to cancel.
If they cancel I set the cancel flag for the background thread.

What is the best design approach in Cocoa for this type of scenario?

What you're already doing sounds fine.

Should I avoid using a background thread and do all the processing via
the run loop? I assume I'd then chunk the processing so that I copy
one file at a time in some method invoked off the run loop, while
allowing the UI to continue to run and cancel, setting some flag I

No, you should use a background thread. Trying to perform the work  
piecemeal on the main thread will result in a bad user experience.

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Re: Xcode 3.1 (iphone SDK version) breaks my Core Data app

2008-11-07 Thread j o a r

On Nov 7, 2008, at 9:28 PM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

When the app starts up it gives the following
(not sure if its a problem, I've just never seen it before):

   GuardMalloc: Allocations will be placed on 16 byte boundaries.
   GuardMalloc:  - Some buffer overruns may not be noticed.
   GuardMalloc:  - Applications using vector instructions (e.g., SSE  
or Altivec) should work.

   GuardMalloc: GuardMalloc version 18

You have enabled GuardMalloc in Xcode. If you don't know what it is,  
you probably want to disable it again. See:

Xcode > Run > Enable Guard Malloc

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Re: Skinny NSPanel titlebar for NSWindow?

2008-11-07 Thread j o a r

On Nov 7, 2008, at 7:03 PM, Russ wrote:

At the moment, I only have sendEvent reworked (to fix mouseMoved),  
so a separate iteration for NSPanel wouldn't be a big problem. It  
just seemed I should be able to turn on a style bit and call it a  
day though, since presumably that is what NSPanel is doing.

Why would mouseMoved needs fixing at the window level? What problem  
were you trying to solve when you created your window subclass?

I'm not asking to put you on the spot, but rather to figure out if  
there's some other, possibly even better, way to do this in Cocoa.


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Re: Skinny NSPanel titlebar for NSWindow?

2008-11-07 Thread j o a r

On Nov 7, 2008, at 5:51 PM, Russ wrote:

I'd like to be able to create NSWindows with the skinny titlebar of  
NSPanels, programmatically, without having to use NSPanel --- I've  
subclassed NSWindow, so if I need to create an NSPanel instead I'll  
have to have a duplicate subclass for the panel, which gets ugly.

Why do you need a subclass of NSWindow in the first place?

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Re: How to get a list of all known file types?

2008-11-06 Thread j o a r

On Nov 6, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

Sure, I read it. Can you see an API giving all known file types? Can  
you see a mention of human readable descriptions? I can't, but it  
wouldn't be the first time I have selective blindness.

I don't know the answer to the former, but the human readable  
description would be returned by:


What is the problem that you're really trying to solve here? It might  
be that there is a better way of going about what you're trying to do.

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Re: How to get a list of all known file types?

2008-11-06 Thread j o a r

On Nov 6, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

How does one obtain a list of all the UTI file types known to the  
And then for a given UTI, how does one obtain a human readable  
representation of it?

Have you checked here?


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Re: Lack of Initializers or Factory Methods

2008-11-03 Thread j o a r

On Nov 3, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

If the method is declared like this then you should assume that you
get a subclass:

+ (id)foo;

And if it is declared like this then you should not assume that:

+ (Foo *)foo;

The difference being the return type. The 'id' return type implicitly
means "this will return whatever is appropriate for the receiver".
(This should probably be documented better.) The 'Foo *' return type
tells you only to expect a Foo, and not rely on receiving any sort of

The latter form is rare in Cocoa but shows up in e.g.  

My understanding is that that this is the general pattern to use:

* Return (id) from initializers, and convenience factory methods.
* Return (Foo*) for shared instances.

There are some exceptions to these "rules" in Cocoa, but they are few  
and far in between.
Note that "+[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]" fits this  
pattern, since it returns a shared instance.

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Re: windowDidExpose: When called?

2008-10-31 Thread j o a r

On Oct 31, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:

I need a delegate that gets called whenever the window appears on  
the screen. The opposite of windowWillClose:, so to say.

- (void)windowDidExpose:(NSNotification *)notification
does not get called via any of the following methods:

[windowController showWindow:self];
[[windowController window] orderFront:self];
[[windowController window] orderBack:self];

The delegate works; for example, windowWillClose: gets called.

I think that you will need to use NSWindow / NSPanel subclasses to  
accomplish this. That's at least how I've solved that problem in the  

If you'd like to see this capability added to NSWindow, I suggest that  
you file an enhancement request. It will be flagged as a duplicate,  
but it would still be useful - by showing interest, it's more likely  
that it will be prioritized.

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Re: Silicon Valley CocoaHeads ... ?

2008-10-30 Thread j o a r

On Oct 30, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Jay Reynolds Freeman wrote:

Excuse me wasting bandwidth, but I have the impression that the
Silicon Valley CocoaHeads group is dead or at least catatonic
at the moment, and thought I would double-check by asking here ...

Sorry for the delay. The lack of events recently is not for lack of  
trying, there has just been a number of unfortunate roadblocks. We're  
hoping to have a new event in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.

And yes, the CocoaHeads mailing list is probably better for questions  
like this one.

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Re: Mutable arrays

2008-10-19 Thread j o a r

On Oct 19, 2008, at 10:11 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

Since mutable arrays and dictionaries expand as required when new  
objects are added, when should one use -initWithCapacity: methods?

I'd guess they're only worth using if you know you are about to  
populate one with a lot of items and the performance hit of letting  
them grow "naturally" is worth avoiding. There may also be private  
classes within the cluster that are optimised for certain numbers of  
objects, so this will act as a hint as to which one should be used.

My suggestion would be to never use the "-initWithCapacity:" methods  
unless you know that you have a good reason for using them. I would  
expect that in at least 99% of the times that you use collections  
there is no measurable difference in performance between using "- 
initWithCapacity:" over regular "-init".

Some general suggestions for best practices wrt. optimizations:

1)  Measure first
2)  Implement supposed optimization
3)  Measure to see the impact of the code change
	4)	Based on the result of #3, either scrap your changes, or document  
the optimized code

Skipping over step #1 and #3 is always a mistake - It's almost always  
the case that you'll end up surprised by what you find! We also often  
forget to do #4, something that typically leads to maintenance  
problems later on.

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Re: Instruments leaks.

2008-10-11 Thread j o a r

On Oct 11, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Sandro Noel wrote:

for instance, the leek tells me that i have a leek here in this  

So this is actually not really true. What leaks will initially tell  
you is where the leaked object was created. That's not the same thing  
as where that object was leaked. Leaks can't tell you exactly where  
the object was leaked, unfortunately. What it can tell you though, is  
all the places where the object was retained & released (and  
autoreleased). Using this information, you can typically figure out  
where you retained some object when you shouldn't have, creating a leak.


- (NSString *) giveMeAString {
// String created here. No memory management error at this 
return [NSString stringWithString: @"A String"];

- (void) someMethod {
NSString *aString = [self giveMeAString];
		[aString retain]; // String retained here, but never subsequently  
released. This is a leak!


Notice how the string is created in one place, but how the actual  
memory management error that leaks that object happens elsewhere.

j o a r


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Re: Instruments leaks.

2008-10-11 Thread j o a r

On Oct 11, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Sandro Noel wrote:

most of the leeks are created by NSString's from functions i  
gathered off the net.

assignations like

var1 = [var1 message];

This created a leek because the string being replaced is never  

or am I wrong.

You need to provide a bit more information:
Is "var1" an instance variable or local variable? How was the original  
value of var1 assigned? Is the object returned from "-message"  
autoreleased? Can you provide more code from the actual implementation?

j o a r


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Re: Instruments leaks.

2008-10-11 Thread j o a r

On Oct 11, 2008, at 7:58 PM, Sandro Noel wrote:

I'm in the optimizing phase of my little project and I'm trying to  
understand instruments to get most of the leeks out of my software.  
but instruments throws tons of leaked blocks for objects that should  
be auto-released, and objects that are still in use. how do I  
determine what is a leek and what is not ?

Put a log statement in their dealloc methods to verify that they're  
actually being deallocated.

NSLog(@"Dealloc: %@", self);

False positives from Leaks should be rare, but I'm sure that it can  

j o a r


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Re: Strategy for naming support folder

2008-10-10 Thread j o a r

On Oct 10, 2008, at 12:06 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

Preference files are opaque; the user's interaction with preference
files should be (ideally) through the app's UI or through the
`defaults` tool.  There are legitimate use cases for accessing the
Application Support folder through the Finder, if the files therein
are meant to be treated as such (plugins come to mind).  Ideally such
circumstances should be infrequent and well-defined; most interaction
with Application Support should probably be done with app-specific UI

Can you give a concrete example? I would argue that you're doing  
something wrong if you ask your user to muck around in ~/Library.  
There are better ways of solving the plugin problem - as demonstrated  
by both System Preferences and Dashboard.

(As a side note, I'm not a fan of the naming scheme used for
preference files.  The hierarchical naming scheme used for preference
files is merely conventional; they don't factor into the defaults
hierarchy at all.  The system also provides no conveniences just
because there's a plist file whose name matches your app's bundle

I'm not sure that I get what you're saying here, but I think I have to  
disagree: The functionality of NSUserDefaults is directly tied to your  
bundle identifier.

The name is also not as stable as the bundle identifier. The name  
of the app
could, for example, be localized in the Finder. The name of many  
apps also

include a variable suffix, like a version number, " Lite", et.c.

So?  There's no mandatory correlation between an app's name and where
it looks in Application Support.  There's nothing preventing BBEdit, for example, to look in both ~/Library/Application
Support/BBEdit{, Lite}.  Version numbers probably shouldn't be used in
the app's name anyway.

My comment was not on how the application itself would find it's  
support folder. You suggested that using the name of the bundle would  
make it easier for the user to find the support folder, and I argued  
that this is not always the case - in particular for localized versions.

You're going to be hardcoding the name of the folder anyway, whether
that hardcoding happens to be in the form of a string in your source
code or the CFBundleIdentifier in your Info.plist.  Why needlessly
inconvenience the user when you derive no benefit?

I don't agree. Using a predictable, rather than arbitrary, naming  
scheme for auxiliary resources benefits everyone. I also get the added  
benefit of having a unique name for my support folder, avoiding  
potential collisions.

I don't think that we need to take this any further though. Let's just  
agree to disagree.

j o a r


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Re: Strategy for naming support folder

2008-10-10 Thread j o a r

On Oct 10, 2008, at 12:02 AM, Rob Keniger wrote:

This might be true but I have a lot of apps installed (more than  
250, not counting the Apple pre-installed apps) and the count of  
those that use a bundle identifier as the name of their folder in  
the ~/Library/Application Support folder is precisely zero.

I never claimed that my opinion represents what is in use, quite the  
opposite: See my original reply in this thread. I'm arguing for what I  
consider to be *better*.

j o a r


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Re: Strategy for naming support folder

2008-10-09 Thread j o a r

On Oct 9, 2008, at 11:16 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

The user might have very legitimate reason to play with things in
~/Library/Application Support. As such, I'd hesitate to confuse the
user with weird names. In the worst case, the user might delete the
folder in confusion.

Your app's bundle isn't named with a reverse domain name, so I
wouldn't do it for the Application Support folder either.

The same thing could be said about preference files too though, and  
they're stored using the bundle identifier per default.

The name is also not as stable as the bundle identifier. The name of  
the app could, for example, be localized in the Finder. The name of  
many apps also include a variable suffix, like a version number, "  
Lite", et.c.

Finally, ~/Library is for all intent and purposes off limits for  
"normal" users, ie. the type of users who would be confused about a  
bundle identifier.

j o a r


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Re: Strategy for naming support folder

2008-10-09 Thread j o a r

On Oct 9, 2008, at 5:21 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

I'm thinking of using my main bundle's identifier or the application  
name to name the top-level folder, then maybe have a few subfolders  
within there for specific types of files (such as document  
templates). Is that a good idea? What do others do?

Most apps use just the name, but I've never liked that and I support  
your idea of using the bundle identifier. Makes a lot of sense.

j o a r


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Re: Finder Crashes on File Open

2008-10-09 Thread j o a r

Hello Brian,

I hope that you've filed a formal bug report? If not, that should be  
your first priority in a case like this:



j o a r

On Oct 9, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Brian Miller wrote:

I have a Cocoa Core Data Document based application. When files  
created with this application are opened via the Finder (or double  
clicked), the Finder crashes and restarts every time. Opening files  
from within the application work fine, using Open With works fine.

The Finder crashes before the application is launched.

This happens even on a clean Leopard install.

This only happens on Leopard, works fine in Tiger.

I have changed store types to SQL, etc. problem persists. I have  
changed extension, etc. and problem persists.

I am including Finder Crash report, I can provide other info as  
needed. Since my app doesn't launch, I can't figure out what is  
going on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Why does toolbar use validation and not enable/disable?

2008-10-08 Thread j o a r

On Oct 8, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

Why does toolbar use validation and not enable/disable like most  

other Cocoa control does? It doesn't seem "consistent".

Really? Menu items also use validation.

Indeed. Note that automatic validation can also be turned off, just  
like for menu items.

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Re: defaultCenter's addObserver

2008-10-07 Thread j o a r

On Oct 7, 2008, at 12:03 PM, John Love wrote:

2008-10-07 14:36:14.149 Calculate Medical[265:10b] *** -[NSCFSet  
calcStatusChanged:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xe41f250


This type of error message indicates that your notification observer  
has been deallocated. This would probably be because you forgot that  
you have to remove notification observers before they are deallocated.  
In many cases you would put your unsubscribe statement in your dealloc  

It could also indicate any other type of memory management error.  
NSZobieEnabled is the general facility for troubleshooting that type  
of problem, but in this case you could probably do with simple code  

j o a r


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Re: defaultCenter's addObserver

2008-10-07 Thread j o a r

On Oct 7, 2008, at 8:26 AM, John Love wrote:

So just for whatever, I pass object:nil to  
addObserver:selector:name:object:. Then, within my selector I test  
for the type of passed encapsulated object and something(?) doesn't  
work. My selector gets called for my first new MyDocument. But when  
I open up a second new MyDocument, the Debugger complains about an  
invalid aSelector. I don't understand what's going on, so I'm  
looking for help.

Please provide the exact error from the debugger. My guess would be  
that you have some sort of memory management error, or that you didn't  
provide the correct selector (Note that a ":" at the end of a method  
name is significant, and needs to be included in the selector).

j o a r


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Re: Memory Leak in XIB file?

2008-10-04 Thread j o a r

On Oct 4, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Jens Beuckenhauer wrote:

I have created a project in that I found a memory leak. The leak  
seems to be located in a XIB file?!?

In the XIB file 'MainView' is an ImageView that shows an image file  
(TIFF file) that is set via the IB inspector panel. In no way is the  
ImageView connected via an outlet or action with any of my classes.  
If I delete this ImageView the only memory leak in my project is gone.

You mention that you've found a memory leak, but not what type of  
memory / object that you're leaking. Could you clarify? It would also  
be interesting to know how you find memory leaks.

j o a r


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Re: Cocoa Programming iPing exercise

2008-10-02 Thread j o a r

On Oct 2, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Jack Carbaugh wrote:

could it be that [hostField stringValue] is not an object ? isn't  
"stringValue" just a value ?

That doesn't seem likely. In all likelihood the "hostField" variable  
points to a NSTextField, in which case "stringValue" returns an  
instance of NSString.

j o a r


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Re: NSString's "mutableCopy" creating a leak?

2008-10-01 Thread j o a r

On Oct 1, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Christopher J Kemsley wrote:

I was not aware that I shouldn't explicitly call a dealloc... Why  
not? Replacing it with a "release" in the object made that leak go  
away, but I still don't understand why I can't dealloc it.

I would suggest that you read the memory management documentation. Any  
answers you get here can't serve as a substitute for reading and  
understanding the official documentation.

Explicitly calling dealloc is in direct conflict with the reference  
counting scheme used by Cocoa. Dealloc should only be called  
implicitly, ie. not by you, as the retain count of an object reaches  

j o a r


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Re: NSString's "mutableCopy" creating a leak?

2008-10-01 Thread j o a r

On Oct 1, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Christopher J Kemsley wrote:

I neglected to mention in my original post that, when this object is  
deallocated, it explicitly deallocated the editedRowName before  
calling a [super dealloc], so the thing should be deallocated.

By that I hope you don't mean that you're explicitly calling "- 
dealloc"? You shouldn't.

On Oct 1, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Christopher J Kemsley wrote:

However, when I do a "Run with performance tool: Leaks", it tells me  
that, ever time this part of the code runs, it leaks a  
"GeneralBlock-32" with the following information:

Category: CFString (store)
Event Type: Malloc
Responsible Library: Foundation
Responsible Caller: -[NSCFString mutableCopyWithZone:]

Does anybody know where this leak is coming from?

Note that this is the allocation site for the leaked object. That is  
not necessarily the same thing as the place where you introduced the  
memory management error that is the reason for the leak. If you use  
Instruments to inspect the individual memory management events for  
this object you'll likely see a number of retains, release, and  
autorelease operations. You'll have to figure out where a unbalanced  
call is introduced.

j o a r


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Re: [NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 26, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Steve Rossi wrote:

Yes, that is correct. A separate thread is spawned which updates the  
model - consequently driving UI updates based on KVO notifications.
It is the only thread that is updating the model - the main thread  
does very little except respond to fairly minimal UI events.
It works very reliably it seems ... except on these occassions when  
the OpenPanel is opened from the main thread.

That might appear to be the case on your machine, on this version of  
your application, and on this version of Mac OS X - But as soon as you  
change any of these variables, it might well start to fall apart.

I can think through whether I really need that separate thread. But  
is there a way to make the model updates from the 2nd thread safe?

If you're doing blocking work, having it on a separate thread is  
probably a good thing - But you need to forward your UI updates to the  
main thread. That's typically easy to do using  

j o a r


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Re: sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 26, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Alexander Cohen wrote:

Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields  
completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?

Not using the frameworks provided by Apple.

Your problem, in particular, is that you can't assume that all users  
are running the same email client.

There are some third party attempts at solving this problem -> Google.

j o a r


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Re: [NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 25, 2008, at 6:22 AM, Steve Rossi wrote:

I've deduced that he crash seems to be something timing related  
which occurs only at application startup, and only under certain  
conditions (i.e. reproduce occassionlly by opening an NSOpenPanel  
modal dialog before the application is fully up and running). When I  
say the application is fully up and running, I mean a secondary  
thread has retrieved data from a network source and populated a  
model class. This secondary thread cyclically updates the data about  
8x per second by means of a timer in the secondary thread's run loop.
I use Cocoa bindings to display the data in the UI. I'm sure the  
problem is happening in the bindings, but I'm having trouble finding  

In the general case, and with few exceptions, you can't call your UI  
on non-main threads. This means that you can't drive UI updates based  
on KVO notifications from non-main threads. Could this be your problem?

j o a r


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Re: unrecognized selector sent to instance

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 25, 2008, at 4:01 AM, pan xuan wrote:

Hi, I am having a strange problem of my class declaration. I used to  
declare some methods of a class in a category, "Private". After I  
have done some refactoring work (basically moving some classes into  
another framework), it seems those methods declared in the category,  
"Private" do not belong to the object anymore. If I load the code in  
my debugger and try to invoke a method declared as "Private", the  
program receives a doesNotRecognizeSelector error and crashes after  
receiving the signal SIGTRAP. And if I move those methods into the  
main implementation of the class, it all works out. Any idea why is  
that? Thanks for your help. BR, Pan

Perhaps a memory management error somewhere? Try to run your app with  
NSZombieEnabled (Google for the details) and see what that turns up.

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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread j o a r

On Sep 20, 2008, at 11:11 AM, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:

Alternatively, you can set its frame to [[window screen]  
defaultFrame], which is the same frame

that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.

I think that should be:

"-[NSScreen visibleFrame]"

j o a r


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread j o a r

On Sep 20, 2008, at 11:02 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

What I want to achieve is that when a new window is created, it has
the maximal size allowed by the screen, menu and the dock, exactly
like if someone clicked the green zoom button in the window's title
bar. I don't want any resizing animation or flickering though.

You would have to resize the window manually. To find out how to size  
and position it, ask NSScreen for the appropriate frame. To avoid  
flickering, do this in "awakeFromNib" or similar, before the window is  
put on screen.

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Re: NSUInteger in for-loop?

2008-09-14 Thread j o a r

On Sep 14, 2008, at 9:15 PM, Alex Reynolds wrote:

I'm wondering if I'm using unsigned integers (specifically  
NSUInteger) properly or not.

I was under the impression that unsigned integers run from 0 to  
MAX_INT, but when I use them in a "for" loop within these bounds,  
the loop does not seem to always obey these constraints.

For example:

for (NSUInteger counter = 5; counter >= 0; --counter)
NSLog(@"NSUInteger: %d", counter);

keeps running well after the "counter" variable turns negative:

NSUInteger runs from 0 -> NSUIntegerMax.

This is how you print a NSUInteger:

NSLog(@"NSUInteger: %lu", ((unsigned long)counter));

j o a r


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Re: when should my NSWindowController be released?

2008-09-13 Thread j o a r

On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:43 PM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

Not true, I can think of many scenarios where you have no other  

Like what? Seth is right in general, app termination is very much a  
special case.

j o a r


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Re: NSDate autorelease problem

2008-09-03 Thread j o a r

On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to calculate the elapsed time by calling this twice and  
getting the difference.

double Seconds()
  return [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];

How about replacing that with:

return [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];

That said, I would bet that there are simple C APIs that would be more  
efficient to use for this purpose.

This is being called from an audio play back proc which is being  
called about 100 times a second.  I'm getting this error message in  
the log window a whole bunch of times.

2008-09-03 09:39:30.766 App[321] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object  
0x36acd0 of class NSCFDate autoreleased with no pool in place - just  

The reason is that you're executing the code above on a non-main  
thread. See the documentation for NSAutoReleasePool for details (or  
just use Google), but in general:

"Cocoa expects there to be an autorelease pool always available. If a  
pool is not available, autoreleased objects do not get released and  
you leak memory. NSAutoreleasePool objects are automatically created  
and destroyed in the main thread of applications based on the  
Application Kit, so your code normally does not have to deal with them."

On threads that you set up, you have to manage the top level  
autorelease pool manually.

j o a r


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Re: Creating movie on background thread

2008-09-02 Thread j o a r

On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:14 AM, Roger Herikstad wrote:

But I do need the Carbon headers to use the functions  
AttachMovieToCurrentThread, DetachMovieFromCurrentThread, etc, no?

It doesn't seem like that's the case:

"With Mac OS X 10.5 and QuickTime 7.3 or later installed, QTKit  
provides the framework level support that is required to use QTKit  
objects on background threads. This includes the ability to tell QTKit  
when you want to use a QTMovie instance on a background thread, when  
you're attaching or detaching a QTMovie instance from the current  
thread and also allows control of the QTMovie idle state."


I'm not an expert on this - you might want to consult a QT specific  
mailing list for a definitive answer.

j o a r


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Re: Creating movie on background thread

2008-09-02 Thread j o a r

On Sep 2, 2008, at 12:55 AM, Roger Herikstad wrote:

Since the Carbon stuff is not 64 bit

Not correct: Some of it is, some of it isn't. Read the API reference  
documentation and release notes to figure out which is what. Besides,  
QTKit is a Cocoa framework.

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Re: What to use observeValueForKeyPath: context

2008-08-29 Thread j o a r

On Aug 29, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

It really just needs to be unique in your class hierarchy, right?

True, but not particularly useful. Your class hierarchy includes
NSObject, which is free to observe whatever it feels like in your

No this is not generally true, so just forget about that and instead  
ensure that the context pointers are globally unique.

If you use a constant string, you should make sure that the
string *contents* are unique, in order to ensure uniqueness of the
pointer to it. So don't call it @"context", use @"MyFunkyClass KVO
observer context". After all there's no penalty for being verbose in
this case. Of course using a pointer to a global solves this too.

The penalty for using constant strings is that they will end up  
wasting space in your binary...

Rons suggestion is probably optimal.

j o a r


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Re: Undocumented Leopard support for overlapping sibling views

2008-08-28 Thread j o a r

On Aug 28, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

According to two list postings (, 
) both by Apple employees, overlapping sibling subviews are fully  
supported in Leopard (and presumably beyond).

However, the official documentation ( 
) still says:
"Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling views or guarantee  
correct invalidation and drawing behavior when sibling views  
overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of another view,  
you should make the front view a subview (or descendant) of the rear  

And Interface Builder 3.1 on the one hand has options like "Layout >  
Send to Front" that change the ordering of subviews, yet on the  
other still warns about "Illegal geometry" when a view overlaps one  
of its siblings even when the deployment target is set to 10.5.

I can't find anything in the documentation (or even release notes)  
that describes that/how overlapping views are supported. Why isn't  
this documented? Can we rely on overlapping sibling views working  
now and in the future? Are there any caveats we should be aware of?


Please file a couple of bug reports on this:



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Re: NSWindowController, owner, "primary window"...

2008-08-21 Thread j o a r

On Aug 21, 2008, at 10:12 AM, Negm-Awad Amin wrote:

Probably because the GoF prefers combination over (?) subclassing.  
Subclassing always discloses parts of the implementation of a class.  
("white-boxing") So generally it is a good idea, to look for  
alternatives for subclassing, esp. delegates.

You are right in that Cocoa programmers often look to other design  
patterns before choosing to subclass one of the framework provided  
classes. That said, NSWindowController is one of the classes in Cocoa  
designed and intended to be subclassed, so that's not a consideration  
in this particular case.

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Re: !foo vs foo == nil

2008-08-20 Thread j o a r

On Aug 20, 2008, at 4:56 PM, John C. Randolph wrote:

Personally, I prefer "if (!foo)" over "if (foo == nil)", because the  
latter has the hazard of a typo that compiles.  You can lose a fair  
bit of time staring at "if (foo = nil)" before you spot the mistake.

There is a GCC warning to help you with that, but in addition, you can  
learn to type:

if (nil == foo)

Problem solved!   :-)

I personally much prefer to have if-statements that clearly evaluate  
to a boolean value. More intention revealing, and to me that's more  
important than being terse.

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Re: passing an object between views

2008-08-19 Thread j o a r

On Aug 19, 2008, at 5:31 PM, John Greene wrote:

Hopefully this is a generic enough question that it applies to general
Cocoa development:  How do I pass an object between views?  That is: I
have an array of objects that I've built using NSXMLParser, and that
populates a table, and clicking on a cell changes my view to another
table with a separate controller.  I had originally thought that I  

just write a method, setTableData in the secondary controller, that
takes an object as an argument, and then use that object to build the
secondary table.  This is apparently forbidden by the language, so
what's the proper approach?  I could make the array available  
somehow to
the new controller, since I can pass the integer index, but I'm not  


It sounds like you might be trying to implement a Master-Detail  
Interface. Possibly.

If so, you might have a look at this:


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Re: Question about respondsToSelector

2008-08-18 Thread j o a r

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

Does the id type have enough information for the respondsToSelector  
method to work. I have a class with an ivar of type id, and when I  
invoke the respondsToSelector method it fails when it should  
succeed. I am assuming it should work fine, because if I skip  
checking with the respondsToSelector method and just make the call,  
it executes the method. Can someone please tell me what I am doing  

Perhaps you've misspelled the name of the selector - just like you've  
done above with "respondsToSelector:" (note the trailing ":").

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Re: Clearing a Memory Buffer?

2008-08-18 Thread j o a r

On Aug 18, 2008, at 6:19 AM, Dave wrote:

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and was wondering if there are OS functions  
to Copy and Clear/Fill Memory available?

In addition to the lower level C API:s that have been mentioned so  
far, there is also the object oriented Cocoa NSData + NSMutableData  
API:s that might provide some / all of what you're looking for.

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Re: @try @catch

2008-08-14 Thread j o a r

On Aug 14, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:

Python has been optimized to handle exceptions quickly, so it's  
often faster to catch exceptions than to check for exceptional  
situations in Python code. Objective-C has not been similarly  
optimized*, so checking for errors before attempting operations will  
be much faster than catching exceptions unless the exceptions are  
exceedingly rare.

*: Or, more accurately, the overhead of setting up exceptions is  
much higher compared to the overhead of checking for situations that  
would trigger them.

The cost, and where you pay it, depends on many factors: The type of  
exceptions handler you use, and the version of Mac OS X and the  
version of the Objective C runtime you happen to execute on.

That said, and has been pointed out earlier in this thread, the  
decision to use exceptions for control flow or not is not simply one,  
perhaps not even primarily one, of performance considerations.

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Re: how to implement the auto-complement function like Xcode 3.x?

2008-08-13 Thread j o a r

On Aug 12, 2008, at 8:24 PM, Leopard x86 wrote:

Then here comes the question: how can we implement this function for  
our editor-like application?
Because I am working on an editor project which concerns about the  
user experience,  I think the auto-complement function is an  
indispensable one. Moreover, the Xcode-style of auto-implement is  
exactly what I want. This feature can improve the efficiency and  
productivity of users greatly.

Have a look at the NSTextView "- 
delegate method.

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Re: Get specified window from nib

2008-08-11 Thread j o a r

On Aug 11, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Fosse wrote:

In fact, in my another application, there are more than one hundred
windows.. split them into one hundred nib? and create one hundred  

Seems a little too crazy!

Over a hundred different windows seems a little crazy too   ;-)

If you describe your application, and your use of nib files, it might  
be that we could provide some suggestions for cutting down on that  

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Re: IKSlideshow Question

2008-08-07 Thread j o a r

On Aug 5, 2008, at 5:37 PM, Robert McCullough wrote:

The IKSlideshowDataSource protocol for IKSlideshow includes several  
optional methods, one of which is "nameOfSlideshowItemAtIndex".  
However, this method NEVER seems to be called. Anyone know why?

I think that it's simply a bug - most likely a very well known bug.
You might still want to file a bug report to indicate interest in  
getting this API fixed for some future release.

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Re: observers removed?

2008-07-27 Thread j o a r

On Jul 27, 2008, at 7:36 PM, James Maxwell wrote:

Stupid question, probably, but if an object is deleted, is it  
automatically removed as an observer of notifications? Or should I  
write a removeObserver into my dealloc?

If you're talking about NSNotification/Center, then the answer is: "It  
If you're using GC, you wouldn't have to remove the observer. If  
you're not using GC, you would.

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Re: NSMutableDictionary autorelease chrashes application

2008-07-18 Thread j o a r

On Jul 18, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Andy Lee wrote:

I don't see the difference from the caller's point of view.

There isn't any, and that was not MMalcs point. His point was that you  
were using the term "autoreleased" incorrectly.

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Re: just don't get it...

2008-07-17 Thread j o a r

On Jul 17, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

How on earth to I communicate with an object that has been  
instantiated by Interface Builder???

Declare an IBOutlet pointer connecting an instantiated class to the  
instantiated object. Then read the instantiated class's header file  
into IB, which is normally done automatically, but you may have to  
do it manually if you're working on a framework.

...but note that this is not how James would solve the concrete  
problem mentioned in the original message.

In a document based application you don't have "the document", you  
have any number of documents. The AppDelegate doesn't just want a  
reference to any document, it's looking for some specific document.  
Typically that would be the document associated with the "main  
window" (check the documentation for more on what "main" and "key"  
window is in Cocoa). You could find that document like this:

    NSApp > Main Window > Window Controller > Document

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Re: Attributed string to an Image without window

2008-07-16 Thread j o a r

On Jul 16, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Nethan Aryan wrote:

I have to write a command line utility which will create an image  
from another source image by adding some attributed text onto the  
source image.

Before thinking about how you would implement this, you should read  
about the concept of "daemon-safe frameworks":


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Re: Blue lines

2008-07-15 Thread j o a r

On Jul 15, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:

How do Interface Builder and Quartz Composer draw the blue line  

from object to object?
I have been looking through the APIs, but I can't find anything that  


I thought of just drawing my own line on a custom view (shouldn't be  
hard), but interface builder manages to do it between objects that  

connected by ANY view, and I am not sure how to do that.

IB probably uses one or more separate transparent windows to hold the  
connection lines.

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Re: Problem on reload data source of a table view

2008-07-15 Thread j o a r

On Jul 15, 2008, at 10:36 AM, JArod Wen wrote:

The dataSource of TableView is connected to tableSource. There is a  
TableController containing two IBOutlets to both tableSource and  
dataTable. Then dataTable.dataSource is connected to tableSource in  
IB. Anything I lost here?

You might want to verify, at runtime, that this connection is set. You  
can do this either in the debugger, or just using a standard debug log  

Btw.: Have you set up any bindings for this table view?

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Re: Problem on reload data source of a table view

2008-07-15 Thread j o a r

On Jul 15, 2008, at 10:17 AM, JArod Wen wrote:

Thanks for fast reply! Just as Jens said, I have checked the table  
and I am sure that it is not nil:

Printing description of dataTable:

(gdb) continue

You should probably also verify that the NSTableView knows where to  
get data from - Using the "dataSource" property of the table view. At  
this point it sounds like a good thing to double-check that this  
connection is set up properly in IB.

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Re: Importing Xcode 2.x projects into Xcode 3

2008-07-08 Thread j o a r

On Jul 8, 2008, at 6:03 PM, John Joyce wrote:

Are there any caveats when importing an XCode 2.x project into XCode  

I seem to have NIBs that are no longer connected properly...
It could be something I did (or did not do properly), but just  
curious if anybody else has had any issues.

I think that would be considered a bug in IB 3, and not an expected  
side effect. If you can verify that this is the case, and in  
particular if you can reproduce the problem, you should file a bug  
report here:


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Re: Newbie question: Timers

2008-06-30 Thread j o a r

On Jun 30, 2008, at 2:36 PM, Matthew Youney wrote:

In the VS environment, there is a “timer” control that can be  
dropped onto a
form, and will generate timer events every X milliseconds.  How  
would I
impliment similar functionality in Cocoa, or what would you gurus  

that I look into?  What is best?

There is no way to do that in IB, you would have to set up the timer  
in code, but that's easy enough - Check the documentation for the  
NSTimer class. What are you going to use the timer for? There might be  
something else that would be better for you to use in Cocoa.

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Re: Responder Chain and NSViewController in non-doc applications

2008-06-30 Thread j o a r

On Jun 30, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Jerry Isdale wrote:

Again, the NSViewController doesnt appear in the responder chain,  
unless it was designated by the initial Event Responder.  If it was  
designated, but doesnt respond, what happens? An Error or does it go  
back to the responder chain?

I'm not clear on what you mean by "designated by the initial Event  

The NSViewController is a Responder, but the associated view does  
not patch it into the responder chain for either event or action  
responding. Correct?

Correct. Unless you manually insert it into the responder chain, in  
that case typically right after its view.

But if my design explicitly specifies the target (connecting  
IBActions in InterfaceBuilder), I dont have to worry about the  
Responder chain for actions.  Correct?


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