Re: [Morpher] status of the project

2002-12-15 Thread Tomasz Pik
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

I started to look at Morpher codebase in Jakarta CVS
because it looks like something I'm currently looking for.
First I'd like to ask, if there's any work on this (it looks
like CVS is untouched since some months)?

Currently it's not being actively developed, but the reasons why it 
started are still there and it's still needed. If you want to 
help-contribute, I'd be very happy :-)

First set of thoughts
1 add 'equals' and 'hashCode' to ObjectFlavor to let it works in Maps;
2 add
  'registerMorpher(String name, String className,
  Collection inputFlavors, Collection outputFlavors);
  to BasicMorpherFactory;
3 add Map that maps every 'registered' input ObjectFlavor to Map
  which map output ObjectFlavor to morpher name (I believe that
  there might be a better structure to handle this mapping, right
  now it's just HashMap);
4 implement getMorpher(ObjectFlavor, ObjectFlavor) using Map from (3)
  (maybe it should support creating piplelines?);

and first question:
If Morpher support ObjectFlavors A, B as input and X, Y as output,
does it support all possible conversions (A->X, A->Y, B->X, B->Y)?
If not, (2) needs to be redefined.

If (1)-(4) are acceptable, patch will come.

Tomek Pik

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Re: [Morpher] status of the project

2002-12-10 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi

Tomasz Pik wrote:


I started to look at Morpher codebase in Jakarta CVS
because it looks like something I'm currently looking for.
First I'd like to ask, if there's any work on this (it looks
like CVS is untouched since some months)?

Currently it's not being actively developed, but the reasons why it 
started are still there and it's still needed. If you want to 
help-contribute, I'd be very happy :-)

I also want to ask if anybody knows about 'morphers'
outisde main Morpher CVS tree (maybe for text/xml+svs -> image/*
using Batik Transcoder API?

No, there are not, but the Batik Transcoder is one of the systems that 
Morphos intends to use. In this way users could use Morphos as an API 
and underneath have Batik, Cocoon blocks, etc...

Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at is very interested in it and 
wants to start developing on it too BTW. If you have further questions, 
don't hesitate to ask :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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