Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-27 Thread Oliver Heger

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/21/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> Maven won't 'redownload' commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> and if  threre'll be something that depends on
> org.apache.commons:commons-lang:2.2.
> Maven won't know that it's only a version difference, for Maven
> those components are a completly different packages so both
> will be added to classpath, packaged into wars and so on.
> And for example for most servlet containers I've observed, that
> they added jars in alphabetized order, so commons-lang:2.1 will 'win'.

Do you have a suggestion for how we should handle this in commons?

This cann't be handled/solved in general in commons.
My point is that it would be better to avoid some kind of 'propagation'
of this problem. Whole disussion starts around new release of
commnons-collections which for example depends on commons-lang:2.1
And all I'm suggesting is that those packages should be relocated first,
so commons-collections will depend on 
not commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1. So, if there'll be a 

commons-lang:2.2 and I want to use this because there's something new and
neat, I can just add this dependency to my project and this will win over
transitive 2.1 depenency from commons-collections.
Other solution will be not relocate anything (which probably won't be 

by repository manages...) or do not define those dependencies in pom.xml
files (also not the best solution).
One more thing: having this commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 dependency
in org.apache.commons:commons-colletions as a dependency will make
a bit strange situation: there'll be a commons package in
that will depend on other commons project, which is not available there.
I know there's a lot of packages, that depends on commons-xx;commons-xx
packages (which are on ibiblio) but IMHO it's not
a good situation

Having let your comments sink in, I now understand what your point is. I 
think that the best solution would be to switch groupId:s for all 
components in-between releases. Say that we switch groupId:s today (only 
as an example). Then every release after today needs to update the 
groupId:s for all dependencies on other commons components. How does 
that sound?

I found the top-10-list link I was talking about earlier in this thread. 
It's actually a top-25-list featuring commons-logging, 
commons-collections, commons-lang and commons-beanutils:

How do we proceed here? Do all agree with this proposed solution? And if 
so: when would this change happen?


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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-25 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/21/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> Maven won't 'redownload' commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> and if  threre'll be something that depends on
> org.apache.commons:commons-lang:2.2.
> Maven won't know that it's only a version difference, for Maven
> those components are a completly different packages so both
> will be added to classpath, packaged into wars and so on.
> And for example for most servlet containers I've observed, that
> they added jars in alphabetized order, so commons-lang:2.1 will 'win'.

Do you have a suggestion for how we should handle this in commons?

This cann't be handled/solved in general in commons.
My point is that it would be better to avoid some kind of 'propagation'
of this problem. Whole disussion starts around new release of
commnons-collections which for example depends on commons-lang:2.1
And all I'm suggesting is that those packages should be relocated first,
so commons-collections will depend on org.apache.commons:commons-lang:2.1,
not commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1. So, if there'll be a org.apache.commons:
commons-lang:2.2 and I want to use this because there's something new and
neat, I can just add this dependency to my project and this will win over
transitive 2.1 depenency from commons-collections.
Other solution will be not relocate anything (which probably won't be 

by repository manages...) or do not define those dependencies in pom.xml
files (also not the best solution).
One more thing: having this commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 dependency
in org.apache.commons:commons-colletions as a dependency will make
a bit strange situation: there'll be a commons package in
that will depend on other commons project, which is not available there.
I know there's a lot of packages, that depends on commons-xx;commons-xx
packages (which are on ibiblio) but IMHO it's not
a good situation

Having let your comments sink in, I now understand what your point is. I 
think that the best solution would be to switch groupId:s for all 
components in-between releases. Say that we switch groupId:s today (only 
as an example). Then every release after today needs to update the 
groupId:s for all dependencies on other commons components. How does 
that sound?

I found the top-10-list link I was talking about earlier in this thread. 
It's actually a top-25-list featuring commons-logging, 
commons-collections, commons-lang and commons-beanutils:

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-21 Thread Tomasz Pik

On 8/21/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> Maven won't 'redownload' commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> and if  threre'll be something that depends on
> org.apache.commons:commons-lang:2.2.
> Maven won't know that it's only a version difference, for Maven
> those components are a completly different packages so both
> will be added to classpath, packaged into wars and so on.
> And for example for most servlet containers I've observed, that
> they added jars in alphabetized order, so commons-lang:2.1 will 'win'.

Do you have a suggestion for how we should handle this in commons?

This cann't be handled/solved in general in commons.
My point is that it would be better to avoid some kind of 'propagation'
of this problem. Whole disussion starts around new release of
commnons-collections which for example depends on commons-lang:2.1
And all I'm suggesting is that those packages should be relocated first,
so commons-collections will depend on org.apache.commons:commons-lang:2.1,
not commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1. So, if there'll be a org.apache.commons:
commons-lang:2.2 and I want to use this because there's something new and
neat, I can just add this dependency to my project and this will win over
transitive 2.1 depenency from commons-collections.
Other solution will be not relocate anything (which probably won't be accepted
by repository manages...) or do not define those dependencies in pom.xml
files (also not the best solution).
One more thing: having this commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 dependency
in org.apache.commons:commons-colletions as a dependency will make
a bit strange situation: there'll be a commons package in
that will depend on other commons project, which is not available there.
I know there's a lot of packages, that depends on commons-xx;commons-xx
packages (which are on ibiblio) but IMHO it's not
a good situation


Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-21 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/20/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other 

>> > IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
>> > In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of
>> dependencies
>> > between various commons packages and those without dependencies
>> > should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate
>> here,
>> > not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
>> > components.
>> What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
>> include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to 
the new

>> ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
>> component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
>> component to do this.
>> There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
>> commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
>> components, as the first component to transition. That is that both 

>> on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
>> seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
>> break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.
> But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
> jars in near future will have obosolete jars.

They are *not* obsolete. They are relocated. They still function in
exactly the same way as before. The only difference is that there is a
relocation section in the pom that indicates to Maven 2 that this
project has changed one or more of groupId, artifactId or version.

> Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
> Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
> commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
> Some time later this package will be relocated to
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
> After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 

> commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
> in my project.
> So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
> info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
> into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.

This was one of the tests that I performed when testing this. It is a
problem only for Maven 1 which does not handle relocations at all. In
Maven 2 this is handled transparently and you will not get two jars in
your WEB-INF/lib, only one.

> All of this till the time I'll manually remove
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
> download relocation info then).

It is true that Maven 2 does not re-download something once it has
successfully downloaded it, but that has no impact on this discussion.

It has some impact for final users...
Maven won't 'redownload' commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
and if  threre'll be something that depends on
Maven won't know that it's only a version difference, for Maven
those components are a completly different packages so both
will be added to classpath, packaged into wars and so on.
And for example for most servlet containers I've observed, that
they added jars in alphabetized order, so commons-lang:2.1 will 'win'.

Do you have a suggestion for how we should handle this in commons?

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-20 Thread Tomasz Pik

On 8/20/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
>> > IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
>> > In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of
>> dependencies
>> > between various commons packages and those without dependencies
>> > should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate
>> here,
>> > not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
>> > components.
>> What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
>> include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the new
>> ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
>> component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
>> component to do this.
>> There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
>> commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
>> components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are
>> on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
>> seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
>> break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.
> But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
> jars in near future will have obosolete jars.

They are *not* obsolete. They are relocated. They still function in
exactly the same way as before. The only difference is that there is a
relocation section in the pom that indicates to Maven 2 that this
project has changed one or more of groupId, artifactId or version.

> Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
> Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
> commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
> Some time later this package will be relocated to
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
> After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 'new'
> commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
> in my project.
> So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
> info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
> into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.

This was one of the tests that I performed when testing this. It is a
problem only for Maven 1 which does not handle relocations at all. In
Maven 2 this is handled transparently and you will not get two jars in
your WEB-INF/lib, only one.

> All of this till the time I'll manually remove
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
> download relocation info then).

It is true that Maven 2 does not re-download something once it has
successfully downloaded it, but that has no impact on this discussion.

It has some impact for final users...
Maven won't 'redownload' commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
and if  threre'll be something that depends on
Maven won't know that it's only a version difference, for Maven
those components are a completly different packages so both
will be added to classpath, packaged into wars and so on.
And for example for most servlet containers I've observed, that
they added jars in alphabetized order, so commons-lang:2.1 will 'win'.

> So finally I think that sooner those jars will be relocated there'll be
> less
> users having problems like this.

As I said before I'm all for a quick transition, but since commons
components are very widely used, we have to make sure that we do
everything correctly.

100% agree :)


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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-20 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Oliver Heger wrote:

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

I had a look at the Apache Maven 1 repo at

There doesn't seem to be any consistency when looking at different 
components. I had a look at a few:

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have no md5 or asc
- newer poms have md5

- jars have md5
- poms have md5

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have md5
- newer poms have md5 and asc

Section 8 of the Commons releasing components guide [1] demands that all 
files placed in the ASF Java Respository need to be signed. I think that 
this part is relative new, which explains why newer poms are signed 
while older ones are not.

Thanks for that pointer Oliver. I guess this section is to comply with 
the ASF release signing policy.

I still think that we should sign the poms (with the relocation element 
added) only if they were signed when they were released.

By the way the Jakarta document needs to be updated as the 
java-repository has moved on people.o.a. I will try to patch that.



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Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-20 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
> IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
> In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of 

> between various commons packages and those without dependencies
> should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate 

> not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
> components.

What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the new
ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
component to do this.

There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are
on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.

But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
jars in near future will have obosolete jars.

They are *not* obsolete. They are relocated. They still function in 
exactly the same way as before. The only difference is that there is a 
relocation section in the pom that indicates to Maven 2 that this 
project has changed one or more of groupId, artifactId or version.

Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
Some time later this package will be relocated to
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 'new'
commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
in my project.
So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.

This was one of the tests that I performed when testing this. It is a 
problem only for Maven 1 which does not handle relocations at all. In 
Maven 2 this is handled transparently and you will not get two jars in 
your WEB-INF/lib, only one.

All of this till the time I'll manually remove 

from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
download relocation info then).

It is true that Maven 2 does not re-download something once it has 
successfully downloaded it, but that has no impact on this discussion.

So finally I think that sooner those jars will be relocated there'll be 

users having problems like this.

As I said before I'm all for a quick transition, but since commons 
components are very widely used, we have to make sure that we do 
everything correctly.



Dennis Lundberg

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Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/19/06, Oliver Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomasz Pik wrote:
> On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other
>> > IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
>> > In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of
>> dependencies
>> > between various commons packages and those without dependencies
>> > should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate
>> here,
>> > not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
>> > components.
>> What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
>> include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the
>> ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
>> component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
>> component to do this.
>> There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
>> commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
>> components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are
>> on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
>> seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
>> break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.
> But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
> jars in near future will have obosolete jars.
> Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
> Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
> commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
> Some time later this package will be relocated to
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
> After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 'new'
> commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
> in my project.
> So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
> org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
> info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
> into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.
> All of this till the time I'll manually remove
> commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
> from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
> download relocation info then).
> So finally I think that sooner those jars will be relocated there'll be
> less
> users having problems like this.
> Regards,
> Tomek
> --
>> Dennis Lundberg

There are good reasons in this thread from both sides. Being no maven
expert I cannot judge which ones are better.

But as long as this point is open I don't want to cut the next release
candidate for [configuration]. So can we come to a consensus?

FWIW, I am planning to provide both .asc and .sha1 signing keys on the
upcoming Shale release I'm working on.  The .md5 files aren't really a
signature ... they're just a checksum useful in determining whether the
download has been corrupted or not (it is based solely on the content, not
on any private key of the signer).




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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-19 Thread Oliver Heger

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
> IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
> In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of 

> between various commons packages and those without dependencies
> should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate 

> not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
> components.

What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the new
ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
component to do this.

There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are
on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.

But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
jars in near future will have obosolete jars.
Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
Some time later this package will be relocated to
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 'new'
commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
in my project.
So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.
All of this till the time I'll manually remove 

from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
download relocation info then).
So finally I think that sooner those jars will be relocated there'll be 

users having problems like this.



Dennis Lundberg

There are good reasons in this thread from both sides. Being no maven 
expert I cannot judge which ones are better.

But as long as this point is open I don't want to cut the next release 
candidate for [configuration]. So can we come to a consensus?


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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-19 Thread Oliver Heger

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

I had a look at the Apache Maven 1 repo at

There doesn't seem to be any consistency when looking at different 
components. I had a look at a few:

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have no md5 or asc
- newer poms have md5

- jars have md5
- poms have md5

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have md5
- newer poms have md5 and asc

Section 8 of the Commons releasing components guide [1] demands that all 
files placed in the ASF Java Respository need to be signed. I think that 
this part is relative new, which explains why newer poms are signed 
while older ones are not.



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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-18 Thread Tomasz Pik

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
> IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
> In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of dependencies
> between various commons packages and those without dependencies
> should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate here,
> not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet)
> components.

What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not
include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the new
ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that
component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a
component to do this.

There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or
commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons
components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are
on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't
seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will
break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.

But this means, that all of those users, that downloading those top10
jars in near future will have obosolete jars.
Maven is not re-downloading nonSNAPSHOT artifacts so...
Let's imagine I'm a new maven user having project with a dependency on
commons-lang:commons-lang-2.1 and maven will download it for me.
Some time later this package will be relocated to
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 (or similar).
After that there'll be new, let's say acegi v1.4 depending on this 'new'
commons-lang (org.apache:commons-lang:2.1) and I need this acegi
in my project.
So after adding dependency on acegi maven will download
org.apache.commons.lang:commons-lang:2.1 and won't download
commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1 (which should result as relocation
info) and finally, maven will be adding those two commons-lang jars
into classpath, copy into WEB-INF/lib and so on.
All of this till the time I'll manually remove commons-lang:commons-lang:2.1
from my repository so maven will be forced to reload them (and will
download relocation info then).
So finally I think that sooner those jars will be relocated there'll be less
users having problems like this.



Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> [1]
> [2]

Thanks for those pointers Rahul. I'll be sure to add, at least the first
one to the guide.

I had a look at the Apache Maven 1 repo at

There doesn't seem to be any consistency when looking at different
components. I had a look at a few:

Yes, unfortunately. Thats why the language in [1] above differentiates
between existing artifacts and new ones. We (Jakarta) must aim to be
consistent for new releases.

How do we handle this? If the previous pom is signed then the relocated
one should also be signed, is one way to go.

My opinion as well. And as a corollary, if the previous POM isn't
signed, we leave it at that after the mods.

And a more philosophical question: is a pom an artifact?

Traditionally, release artifacts have been source (and binary, where
applicable) distributions. With central repositories, things such as
jars and project metadata (poms) have begun to be "distributed"
individually, which gives them a flavor of being a release artifact.
Parent poms are routinely voted on and released, in many Apache
projects. Therefore, IMO, its best to have them summed and signed.
However, as always, I'm open to other views.

Henk's page does not seem to look at the Maven repos at all, only in /dist/

Correct, I realized that after I closed the door, but wanted to make
it to the Yankee stadium in time for the game ;-)


Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> AFAIK, nothing should go into any of the Apache Maven repos unless its
> summed and signed. Commons has no particular privilege here, in fact,
> we should ensure that all artifacts are accompanied by appropriate
> metadata (I don't mean metadata.xml in the m2 sense). There are
> existing sums and sigs on some POMs atleast. It appears that even if
> its just a relocation section, it needs a resum and resign. If the
> consensus is that this adds an overhead for too many people, and is
> hence optional, thats another thing.

Checksums (md5 and/or sha1) yes, definitely. Signing, hmm well I'm not
sure. I haven't cut a release yet, so other will need to fill me in on
the current policy for signing or not signing poms. If this is
documented somewhere at Apache, please let me know, so that I can add a
link in the relocation guide.

 From the Apache wide release signing policy [1] (I understand the
document is still in the works):

Every artifact distributed by the Apache Software Foundation should
and every new one must be accompanied by one file containing an
OpenPGP compatible ASCII armored detached signature and another file
containing an MD5 checksum.

And, Henk will complain [2] if we miss sigs.



Thanks for those pointers Rahul. I'll be sure to add, at least the first 
one to the guide.

I had a look at the Apache Maven 1 repo at

There doesn't seem to be any consistency when looking at different 
components. I had a look at a few:

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have no md5 or asc
- newer poms have md5

- jars have md5
- poms have md5

- older jars have md5
- newer jars have md5 and asc
- older poms have md5
- newer poms have md5 and asc

How do we handle this? If the previous pom is signed then the relocated 
one should also be signed, is one way to go.

And a more philosophical question: is a pom an artifact?

Henk's page does not seem to look at the Maven repos at all, only in /dist/

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Tomasz Pik wrote:

On 8/15/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> On 8/12/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oliver Heger wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the
>> > groupIds of commons components.
>> >
>> Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
>> hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
>> first release with the new groupId.
> Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
> (as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
> JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
> have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
> in the same POM etc.

We should do all of commons, I agree, but I think it would be wise to
start with one component and see that everything works as expected. Then
we do the rest all in one big transition.

Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of dependencies
between various commons packages and those without dependencies
should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate here,
not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet) 

What would we gain from this? A transition of component A will not 
include updating existing commons-dependencies in component A to the new 
ones with the new groupId. That will require a new release of that 
component A. If fact we don't even have to wait for a release of a 
component to do this.

There is a good reason for *not* picking commons-lang or 
commons-logging, two components without dependencies on other commons 
components, as the first component to transition. That is that both are 
on ibiblio's top 10 downloads list. I had link to it before but can't 
seem to find it now, sorry. If we do it wrong there then all hell will 
break loose. It'd be better to choose a "medium used" component.

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 8/16/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> AFAIK, nothing should go into any of the Apache Maven repos unless its
> summed and signed. Commons has no particular privilege here, in fact,
> we should ensure that all artifacts are accompanied by appropriate
> metadata (I don't mean metadata.xml in the m2 sense). There are
> existing sums and sigs on some POMs atleast. It appears that even if
> its just a relocation section, it needs a resum and resign. If the
> consensus is that this adds an overhead for too many people, and is
> hence optional, thats another thing.

Checksums (md5 and/or sha1) yes, definitely. Signing, hmm well I'm not
sure. I haven't cut a release yet, so other will need to fill me in on
the current policy for signing or not signing poms. If this is
documented somewhere at Apache, please let me know, so that I can add a
link in the relocation guide.

From the Apache wide release signing policy [1] (I understand the

document is still in the works):

Every artifact distributed by the Apache Software Foundation should
and every new one must be accompanied by one file containing an
OpenPGP compatible ASCII armored detached signature and another file
containing an MD5 checksum.

And, Henk will complain [2] if we miss sigs.



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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

On 8/15/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
> (as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
> JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
> have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
> in the same POM etc.

We should do all of commons, I agree, but I think it would be wise to
start with one component and see that everything works as expected. Then
we do the rest all in one big transition.

OK, I know there was a talk about a "test" repo, has that come about?
We could also deploy the previous release (old groupId) and current RC
(new groupId) to such a test repo as a dry run, if one is available.

I don't think so. I'm subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and monitor that list.

> Now, the relocation guide below (thanks for that!) talks about
> resigning POMs etc., which basically means we need everyone who has
> signed a Commons release (POM) to participate here?

While writing the guide I talked to Carlos about re-signing poms, and he
had never done that. So I don't think that it is necessary for us
either. What we do is add a relocation section to the pom, nothing else
is touched. Do we sign commons poms that goes to the Maven repo? I had a
look in the repo before and got mixed results.

AFAIK, nothing should go into any of the Apache Maven repos unless its
summed and signed. Commons has no particular privilege here, in fact,
we should ensure that all artifacts are accompanied by appropriate
metadata (I don't mean metadata.xml in the m2 sense). There are
existing sums and sigs on some POMs atleast. It appears that even if
its just a relocation section, it needs a resum and resign. If the
consensus is that this adds an overhead for too many people, and is
hence optional, thats another thing.

Checksums (md5 and/or sha1) yes, definitely. Signing, hmm well I'm not 
sure. I haven't cut a release yet, so other will need to fill me in on 
the current policy for signing or not signing poms. If this is 
documented somewhere at Apache, please let me know, so that I can add a 
link in the relocation guide.


Dennis Lundberg

> -Rahul
>> I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
>> configuration, once the release has been made, so that the 
transition is
>> as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what 

>> need to be taken can be found here:
>> --
>> Dennis Lundberg

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Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 8/15/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
> (as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
> JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
> have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
> in the same POM etc.

We should do all of commons, I agree, but I think it would be wise to
start with one component and see that everything works as expected. Then
we do the rest all in one big transition.

OK, I know there was a talk about a "test" repo, has that come about?
We could also deploy the previous release (old groupId) and current RC
(new groupId) to such a test repo as a dry run, if one is available.

> Now, the relocation guide below (thanks for that!) talks about
> resigning POMs etc., which basically means we need everyone who has
> signed a Commons release (POM) to participate here?

While writing the guide I talked to Carlos about re-signing poms, and he
had never done that. So I don't think that it is necessary for us
either. What we do is add a relocation section to the pom, nothing else
is touched. Do we sign commons poms that goes to the Maven repo? I had a
look in the repo before and got mixed results.

AFAIK, nothing should go into any of the Apache Maven repos unless its
summed and signed. Commons has no particular privilege here, in fact,
we should ensure that all artifacts are accompanied by appropriate
metadata (I don't mean metadata.xml in the m2 sense). There are
existing sums and sigs on some POMs atleast. It appears that even if
its just a relocation section, it needs a resum and resign. If the
consensus is that this adds an overhead for too many people, and is
hence optional, thats another thing.


Dennis Lundberg

> -Rahul
>> I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
>> configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is
>> as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what steps
>> need to be taken can be found here:
>> --
>> Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-16 Thread Tomasz Pik

On 8/15/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> On 8/12/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oliver Heger wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the
>> > groupIds of commons components.
>> >
>> Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
>> hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
>> first release with the new groupId.
> Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
> (as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
> JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
> have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
> in the same POM etc.

We should do all of commons, I agree, but I think it would be wise to
start with one component and see that everything works as expected. Then
we do the rest all in one big transition.

Yes, but instead of transiting something, that depends on other commons
IMHO something without dependencies should be transited first.
In other words, first thing to be done should be a graph of dependencies
between various commons packages and those without dependencies
should be migrated first. I guess commons-lang is a good candidate here,
not configuration that depdends on many other (not migrated yet) components.


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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-15 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Rahul Akolkar wrote:

On 8/12/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:
> Hi,
> just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the
> groupIds of commons components.

Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
first release with the new groupId.

Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
(as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
in the same POM etc.

We should do all of commons, I agree, but I think it would be wise to 
start with one component and see that everything works as expected. Then 
we do the rest all in one big transition.

Now, the relocation guide below (thanks for that!) talks about
resigning POMs etc., which basically means we need everyone who has
signed a Commons release (POM) to participate here?

While writing the guide I talked to Carlos about re-signing poms, and he 
had never done that. So I don't think that it is necessary for us 
either. What we do is add a relocation section to the pom, nothing else 
is touched. Do we sign commons poms that goes to the Maven repo? I had a 
look in the repo before and got mixed results.

Dennis Lundberg


I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is
as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what steps
need to be taken can be found here:

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-15 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 8/12/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:
> Hi,
> just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the
> groupIds of commons components.

Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
first release with the new groupId.

Do we want to do this? Shouldn't we transition all of Commons together
(as Tomasz implies in previous post, and just like we did with the
JIRA transition). Suboptimal if folks have to look up which components
have migrated yet, there are different groupIds for Commons components
in the same POM etc.

Now, the relocation guide below (thanks for that!) talks about
resigning POMs etc., which basically means we need everyone who has
signed a Commons release (POM) to participate here?


I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is
as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what steps
need to be taken can be found here:

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-12 Thread Tomasz Pik

Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the
first release with the new groupId.

I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is
as transparent as possible to downstream users

Configuration depends on many commons components:
* commons-collections
* commons-lang
* commons-logging-api
* commons-beanutils-core
* commons-codec
* commons-jxpath
maybe it will be better to relocate them first, make configuration
depending on relocated (final?) group/artifact Ids instead of releasing
pom, that will depend on something, which will be obsoleted
some time later (as I understand, releases of next versions of commons
packages will mean 'release new version under new groupId and relocate
previous version).

just my 5cents,

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-12 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Oliver Heger wrote:

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:


just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the 
groupIds of commons components.

[configuration] is preparing for the next release. ATM the pom 
defines the new groupId "org.apache.commons". Should we go with that 
(which additional work would this cause?) or would it be better to 
revert to "commons-configuration"?


Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was 
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the 
first release with the new groupId.

I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of 
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition 
is as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what 
steps need to be taken can be found here:


then the release should happen in the normal way with the new groupId, 
and the relocation comes after that, right?

That's correct.

That's fine. I will probably publish RC2 in the next days and then, 
after a while, call out the release vote.

We should have a note about the change of groupId somewhere on the 
configuration site, probably on the start page.

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-12 Thread Oliver Heger

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:


just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the 
groupIds of commons components.

[configuration] is preparing for the next release. ATM the pom defines 
the new groupId "org.apache.commons". Should we go with that (which 
additional work would this cause?) or would it be better to revert to 


Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was 
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the 
first release with the new groupId.

I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of 
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is 
as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what steps 
need to be taken can be found here:


then the release should happen in the normal way with the new groupId, 
and the relocation comes after that, right?

That's fine. I will probably publish RC2 in the next days and then, 
after a while, call out the release vote.


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Re: [all] maven group ids

2006-08-12 Thread Dennis Lundberg

Oliver Heger wrote:


just wanted to ask if there is already a resolution related to the 
groupIds of commons components.

[configuration] is preparing for the next release. ATM the pom defines 
the new groupId "org.apache.commons". Should we go with that (which 
additional work would this cause?) or would it be better to revert to 


Everything is set to make the transition to the new groupId. I was 
hoping that we could use the upcoming release of configuration as the 
first release with the new groupId.

I will do the necessary work to relocate this and previous releases of 
configuration, once the release has been made, so that the transition is 
as transparent as possible to downstream users. More info on what steps 
need to be taken can be found here:

Dennis Lundberg

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