Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-28 Thread Mario Ivankovits
Rami Ojares wrote:
Full acceptance with satisfaction guaranteed.

DelegatingFileSystemOptionsBuilder is our friend.
FileSystemOptions fso = new FileSystemOptions();
DelegatingFileSystemOptionsBuilder delegate = new 
delegate.setConfigString(fso, "sftp", "identities", "c:/tmp/test.ident");
delegate.setConfigString(fso, "http", "proxyPort", "8080");
delegate.setConfigClass(fso, "sftp", "userinfo", 
final String[] identityPaths = new String[]
delgate.setConfigStrings(opts, "sftp", "identities", identityPaths);

The setConfigString is used to set the option by converting the string 
to the needet setter parameter type.
This is done by searching a string constructor, or a static 
"valueOf(String)" method on the requied type.

The setConfigClass is used to pass in a class-name. A new instance of 
this class is created by invoking the no-arg constructor. This instance 
is passed to the setter - setUserInfo(UserInfo) in the above case.

The setConfigStrings is an example tho show the use of arrays. All 
elements within the array are converted to File objects as the method 
signature of SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.setIdentites is 
setIdentites(.., File[])

You can find the possible keys (proxyPort, ...) within the various 
*ConfigBuilder classes by searching all set* methods.
The keys are case insensitive (they are always converted to lower case).

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-24 Thread Rami Ojares

> But i have to say i dont like to add all those configuration stuff to 
> the uri - maybe this might be a handy place, but adding e.g. path 
> elements like those in your example might be a real pain. It might be 
> really hard to construct a correct uri.

I agree. It was just an example.

> Now there could be a class e.g. GeneralFileSystemConfigBuilder with
> ()
> setConfigValue(String scheme, String name, String value)
> ()
> setConfigValue(String scheme, String name, String[] values)
> ()
> setConfigClass(String scheme, String name, String className)
> Which tries to locate the correct *FileSystemConfigBuilder, tries to 
> convert the given value/class to the expected parameter and calls the 
> method.
> All this can be done using reflection and a configuration mistake is 
> fastly shown.
> I will implement this class if we find a consent.

Nice. Very nice.

> Now there is the problem how to connect the options to a given uri.

Ant can always call resolveFile(String name, FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions)
to resolve files if the task or datatype has been provided with some

> Then the ant task should strip the @options1 and lookup a table to find 
> the FileSystemOptions for resolvFile()

Maybe not. :)

> To do the same with the FileSystemManager - as you have said - we have 
> to create a separate data structure first.
> I will have a look at it, but for now we can stick on the xml file.

The addition that I was thinking would be minor.
Keep XML configuration the way it is but add
configure(File/FileObject/InputStream) to FileSystemManager interface.

And document the syntax of the xml file that is used to configure
manager and providers.
> Might this find your acceptance?

Full acceptance with satisfaction guaranteed.

- rami

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-24 Thread Mario Ivankovits
Rami Ojares wrote:
All you have written seems right - hard work ;-)
But if one would tell them for example
sftp://id=/path/to/.private.key;knownHosts=some/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/var
then that would just override the providers defaults set from the configuration

But i have to say i dont like to add all those configuration stuff to 
the uri - maybe this might be a handy place, but adding e.g. path 
elements like those in your example might be a real pain. It might be 
really hard to construct a correct uri.

Now the configuration (file) can be passed as path, File, FileObject, DOM or
whatever. But it would be nice if FileSystemManager interface would dictate at
least some kind of configuration framework so the ant tasks would not have to
mention any implementations.

I can second this too, and i see not discrepance to the current system.


Now there could be a class e.g. GeneralFileSystemConfigBuilder with
setConfigValue(String scheme, String name, String value)
setConfigValue(String scheme, String name, String[] values)
setConfigClass(String scheme, String name, String className)
Which tries to locate the correct *FileSystemConfigBuilder, tries to 
convert the given value/class to the expected parameter and calls the 
All this can be done using reflection and a configuration mistake is 
fastly shown.
I will implement this class if we find a consent.

Now there is the problem how to connect the options to a given uri.
Maybe, if we do not connect them to the uri we could use a construct 
like this.


Or i can think about an easy implementation like this:


Then the ant task should strip the @options1 and lookup a table to find 
the FileSystemOptions for resolvFile()

To do the same with the FileSystemManager - as you have said - we have 
to create a separate data structure first.
I will have a look at it, but for now we can stick on the xml file.

Might this find your acceptance?
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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-24 Thread Rami Ojares

> Now the configuration (file) can be passed as path, File, FileObject, DOM or
> whatever. 

Here the word "Now" does not mean that "now the implementation is ..."
It means "In general it is possible ..."

- rami

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-24 Thread Rami Ojares
Hi Mario,

Here I have listed my current understanding of VFS in connection with
the configuration issues. Could you please correct any mistakes you find.

- Manager contains FileProviders
- Manager supports all schemas for which it has configured a provider
- FileProviders create a FileSystem the first time a file is resolved against
- FileProviders create a new FileSystem everytime a new FileSystemOptions is
- FileSystem is in a way "active" meaning that it contains a live connection over
some protocol if that is needed to access the files on the filesystem.
- User can create layered filesystems on top of originating filesystems
- User can create virtual filesystems and add junctions to them

So if these points are correct the configuration data stucture contains the
- Manager specific configuration independent of providers
Q: What are these?
- Provider specific default configuration (manager instantiates and configures the
providers it supports)
- ad hoc configuration when resolveFile is called

And then my understanding of the current configuration mechanism

- StandardFileSystemManager configures the manager and providers from xml
- resolveFile method provides FileSystemOptions that results in creation of
FileSystem if the options were never given before.
- every invocation of resolveFile can potentially result in creation of a
- FileSystemConfigBuilders provide type safety to FileSystemOptions
- FileProvider must provide a FileSystemConfigBuilder that is used to create
FileSystemOptions suitable for that provider's filesystems

==> FileSystemOptions are the only configuration data structure in place at the
moment and it is the duty of FileSystemManager and FileProvider implementations
to provide for their own configuration.

Let's consider configuration of a logger to FileSystemManager.
setLogger() is a method in DefaultFileSystemManager.
Further it utilizes setLogger method in VfsComponent interface that is
implemented by FileProviders and FileSystems (among others).

So from the point of view of ant task that wants to set a logger
to the manager it uses, there should be setLogger() in FileSystemManager
interface. Because if it can choose manager implementation then it would
have to use introspection to find setLogger() and it would have no guarentee
that such method exists in the implementation.

This might not be seen as problem. But let's take it further.

Consider ant fragment


In the configuration file there would already be pointers to knownHosts and
privateKey files so one would not have to tell them inside the uri.
But if one would tell them for example
sftp://id=/path/to/.private.key;knownHosts=some/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/var
then that would just override the providers defaults set from the configuration

Now the configuration (file) can be passed as path, File, FileObject, DOM or
whatever. But it would be nice if FileSystemManager interface would dictate at
least some kind of configuration framework so the ant tasks would not have to
mention any implementations.

- Rami Ojares

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-23 Thread Rami Ojares

> I tried to replace the parsing of the xml file by commons-digester & 
> beanutils but failed as it comes to the point to add those dependencies 
> to vfs. Other people vetoed against it (Too large jars)

That is a shame. But isn't it so that we should first come up with
a configuration structure (data structure and configuration policy)
for vfs independent of where we get the actual data to this data structure.
Since it takes a lot of data to configure FileSystemManager it is obvious
that we need xml file to hold this data. And the current xml structure is
a good start.

> Now the idea behind this construct was to have a typesafe configuration 
> framework.

The configuration container could IMHO be not type safe.
Because once you call configure() right after instantiation
the filesystem manager passes provider specific configuration
to providers and all the providers would configure themselves too.
And any missing or erroneous stuff would be reported at that point.
Which to me would be a very natural point for letting the user know
that something is wrong in his configuration file.

The configuration data structure could mention the providers
and their data types making it type safe.

Anyway, now it seems to me overly complex when the issue is quite simple.

In the simplest case we would just need a naming convention and meaning for different
configuration elements.
Sftp provider accepts the following configuration elements
- sftp.known-hosts
A path (String) that must point to a valid known-hosts file
- sftp.private-key
A path (String) that must point to a valid private key file in XXX encoding

This same "configuration data structure" class could be used when overriding
in case of resolveFile()

> >One question that arose is that why would someone want to write
> >a different FileSystemManager implementation. Could the DefaultFileSystemManager
> >be made so configurable that this would not be needed?
> >  
> >
> One reason could be not to use the xml file for configuration, but write 
> a custom FileSystemManager which does the whole configuration in code.

Is this really reason enough for the added complexity?

- rami

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RE: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-23 Thread Jörg Schaible
Mario Ivankovits wrote on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:48 AM:

> Hello Rami,
> here are some thoughts about "configuration":
> *) GlobalConfiguration:
> As you have seen, the StandardFileSystemManager currently uses an xml
> file to configure the system. I tried to replace the parsing of the
> xml file by commons-digester & beanutils but failed as it comes to
> the point to add those dependencies to vfs. Other people vetoed
> against it (Too large jars) 
> If i had ever finished this new configuration parsing the
> result would
> be a object structure useable to pass to the
> DefaultFileSystemManager. The GlobalConfiguration is one of
> the relicts of this try and maybe i
> will remove it and place its current members to the
> DefaultFileSystemManager. 

Why not use a lightweight XML<->Java mapper like XStream or directly xpp3 ?

-- Jörg

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-23 Thread Mario Ivankovits
Hello Rami,
here are some thoughts about "configuration":
*) GlobalConfiguration:
As you have seen, the StandardFileSystemManager currently uses an xml 
file to configure the system.
I tried to replace the parsing of the xml file by commons-digester & 
beanutils but failed as it comes to the point to add those dependencies 
to vfs. Other people vetoed against it (Too large jars)
If i had ever finished this new configuration parsing the result would 
be a object structure useable to pass to the DefaultFileSystemManager.
The GlobalConfiguration is one of the relicts of this try and maybe i 
will remove it and place its current members to the 

*) FileSystemConfigBuilder:
Is the try to configure various aspects of a FileSystem (e.g. for http 
proxy & authentication, for sftp the key location, ...)
So the container for all those options is a instance of 
"FileSystemOptions", but there are no public methods to add 
configuration parameters into it.
Every filesystem which could be configured do have its own 
FileSystemConfigBuild e.g. for sftp this is SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.

Now the idea behind this construct was to have a typesafe configuration 

FileSystemOptions opts = new FileSystemOptions();
SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setKnownHosts(opts, new 

On resolveFile it is possible to pass this "opts" in and if it comes to 
the sftp-filesystem it picks its options out of "opts".

Currently this is the only way to pass options into the system, but for 
sure, we need a method on the DefaultFileSystemManager to set the 
"defaults" and allow some kind of "override" of this options at 

IMHO you could finish your work without loose your time with handling of 
FileSystemOptions - this is a complicate part on its own, to make this 
work in ant and from the xml configuration we need reflection.
Drop your FileSystemConfiguration and replace it by a simple string 
which holds the class for the filesystem manager.
I will have a look at GlobalConfiguration (and maybe drop it too) and 
find some way how to pass in a "global/defaults/..." FileSystemOptions 

One question that arose is that why would someone want to write
a different FileSystemManager implementation. Could the DefaultFileSystemManager
be made so configurable that this would not be needed?

One reason could be not to use the xml file for configuration, but write 
a custom FileSystemManager which does the whole configuration in code.

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Re: [vfs] FileSystemManager construction rethought

2004-06-22 Thread Rami Ojares
Here are some small changes that I came across when making the changes compilable.

I changed configure method to init because there was already
private configure(String)
method in DefaultFileSystemManager but the existing init method
was without arguments.

I saw also that there is quite a lot of configuration code in place
(GlobalConfiguration class and the configure method mentioned above
that parses configuration from XML). But I did not see the overall idea
so you'll have to explain it to me Mario. But it all seems somehow
still coupled with the DefaultFileSystemManager.

One question that arose is that why would someone want to write
a different FileSystemManager implementation. Could the DefaultFileSystemManager
be made so configurable that this would not be needed?

Anyways, here is a compilable listing of the code I sent in the previous email.

- rami

* *

package org.apache.commons.vfs.ant;

import org.apache.commons.vfs.*;

 * Super class of Vfs Ant tasks that takes care of FileSystemManager handling.
public class VfsTask extends Task {

private FileSystemManager manager;
private AntLogger logger;

protected FileSystemManager getManager() {
if (manager == null)
return manager;

protected void setManager(FileSystemConfiguration conf) {

if (conf == null) {
conf = new FileSystemConfiguration(
// put AntLogger always as logger
conf.setParameter("logger", getLogger());

this.manager = AntHelper.getManager(this, conf);

protected AntLogger getLogger() {
if (logger == null)
logger = new AntLogger(this);
return logger;

 * Resolves a URI to a file, relative to the project's base directory.
 * @param uri The URI to resolve.
protected FileObject resolveFile(final String uri) {
try {
return getManager().resolveFile(getProject().getBaseDir(), uri);
catch (FileSystemException fse) {
throw new BuildException(fse);


* *

package org.apache.commons.vfs.ant;

import org.apache.commons.vfs.*;

 * Super class of Vfs Ant data types that takes care of FileSystemManager
 * handling.
public class VfsDataType extends DataType {

private FileSystemManager manager;
private AntLogger logger;

protected FileSystemManager getManager() {
if (manager == null)
return manager;

protected void setManager(FileSystemConfiguration conf) {

if (conf == null) {
conf = new FileSystemConfiguration(
// put AntLogger always as logger
conf.setParameter("logger", getLogger());

this.manager = AntHelper.getManager(this, conf);

protected AntLogger getLogger() {
if (logger == null)
logger = new AntLogger(this);
return logger;

 * Resolves a URI to a file, relative to the project's base directory.
 * @param uri The URI to resolve.
protected FileObject resolveFile(final String uri) {
try {
return getManager().resolveFile(getProject().getBaseDir(), uri);
catch (FileSystemException fse) {
throw new BuildException(fse);


* *

package org.apache.commons.vfs.ant;

import org.apache.commons.vfs.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Holds a map of FileSystemKey -> FileSystemManger
 * When a Task or DataType asks for FileSystemManger, AntHelper looks it up
 * in the map. If it does not exist, it is created, added to the map and a
 * BuildListener is added to the project so that when the project finishes it
 * closes the FileSystemManger and removes it from the map.
public class AntHelper {

private static Map managers = new HashMap();

public static FileSystemManager getManager(ProjectComponent projectComponent, 
FileSystemConfiguration conf) {

FileSystemKey key = new FileSystemKey(projectComponent.getProject(), conf);

FileSystemManager manager = (FileSystemManager) managers.get(key);
if (manager == null) {
try {
manager = VFS.createManager(conf);
catch (FileSystemException fse) {
throw new BuildException(fse);
projectComponent.getProject().addBuildListener(new CloseListener(key));