Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-15 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 12 Nov 2003, at 12:30, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
On Tuesday, November 11, 2003, at 06:51 PM, robert burrell donkin 
On 11 Nov 2003, at 12:47, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

2) I have a feeling that no one would utter a peep if someone did 
some GUI extensions to a project here at Jakarta.  We've always been 
willing to stretch the meaning of our charter (hence POI), and if it 
really came to be a problem, I think we would try to work it out.
there seem to be a lot of senior apache members who don't agree with 
that. i'd rather act to try to start sorting things out before whilst 
the jakarta community still has a say.
You're notion of sorting it out seems to be "remove from Jakarta 
community".  That may be what the people involved want to do, which is 
fine by me, but if they want to stay, it behooves us on the PMC to try 
and see what we can do to help them out.
i'd be happy if someone wanted to approach the board requesting a 
change to the charter but whilst the charter existing in it's current 
form, i think we need to abide by it.

IMO if math wants to stay here in the jakarta-commons and be managed by 
the jakarta pmc then the community needs to understand the limitations. 
i haven't been as involved with math as i'd have liked to have been (or 
as much as i'd intended when i planted the seed) but seems to have come 
through some difficult times to emerge as a very healthy community. 
i've tried to outline the future issues that i think are approaching 
for the community and offered a solution. i think that a move to apache 
commons would be a very positive step for math.

in general terms, (i might be wrong but) the impression created on the 
community list was that the decision had already been taken at the ASF 
level a long time ago to sort out jakarta by reducing it's management 
responsibilities. the jakarta pmc has taken a *lot* of flak about it's 
failure to persuade more sub-projects to move.

- robert

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-12 Thread Rodney Waldhoff
I'd say that the discussed scope, at least some visions of it, make it
more appropriate for a top level project than apache-commons, but I'll
second Henri's advice to cut a 1.0 release from jakarta-commons and draft
up a scope/vision document, then make the choice based upon what
feels right at the point.

I don't think it stretches the jakarta-commons or jakarta-general scope
much (or at all, relative to other jakarta projects) to include a set of
basic, java-based mathematical utilities--there are certainly plenty of
server-side applications of that.

A set of basic, not-necessarily-java-based utilities would be more
appropriate in apache-commons.

A more-than-basic set of utilities, in or out of java, would be more
appropriate at the top level IMO.

How one defines "basic" here is obviously an important part of answering
this question.

On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Danny Angus wrote:

> Robert wrote:
> > IMHO we're now starting to forget the original
> > charter.
> Gier replied:
> > Starting???  :)  Please, we've been stretching the charter for *years*.
> Isn't that a major contributory factor in the, how can I put it.. "concern"
> expressed in some quarters about Jakarta?
> And if so is it not also something we should be addressing by being
> realistic about issues like this one?
> > You're notion of sorting it out seems to be "remove from Jakarta
> > community".  That may be what the people involved want to do, which is
> > fine by me, but if they want to stay, it behooves us on the PMC to try
> > and see what we can do to help them out.
> I'd say that if there is not a _real_ justification for math being in
> Jakarta which is aligned with Jakarta's mission it is our duty to Jakarta
> to be realistic about math, and not simply to fudge an artificial
> accomodation, avoid tough the decisons, and provide ammunition for critics
> of Jakarta's organisation.
> I would then feel that I had a moral obligation to the math community to
> help them find an acceptable new home, and Apache commons seems like a
> perfectly reasonable suggestion.
> After all if the math "mission" really is divergent from our charter then
> leaving won't be a big wrench, on the other hand if it is aligned well with
> the charter that is enough justification for math staying. Surely?
> d.

- Rod 

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-12 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 11 Nov 2003, at 11:31, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 05:39 PM, Tim O'Brien wrote:

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 14:24, robert burrell donkin wrote:

so - is there a positive alternative? i'd like to propose that
common-maths continues to be affiliated with jakarta-commons but
becomes managed by apache commons.
+1, I think that now is the right time to move commons math to
Apache Commons.
What does 'affiliated' mean?
i can't recall just now who coined it but here's what i meant by the 

most users interactive with jakarta through the website and newsletter. 
for them, a product is part of jakarta if it's listed in the products 
section of the jakarta side bar (and - to a lesser extent - is 
categorized under jakarta in the newsletter). issues of management 
shouldn't really need to concern a user too much.

if they can click on a link to the product's home page from the jakarta 
sidebar and join the product's mailing list from the jakarta mailing 
list page then the product is part of jakarta (as least as far as they 
are concerned). of course, if a product is managed by another pmc, then 
the product website will be hosted under a separate virtual host and 
linked from the main project website. similarly the mailing list will 
not be @jakarta. but from a user's perspective, the product will still 
be part of jakarta.

affiliation was the term coined to express this kind of relationship.

of course, this only applies if product move to top level projects 
which offer multiple products. it seems to me that this is the only 
(positive) way that jakarta can be reduced in size until it again 
become manageable (but maybe this is a matter for the members...)

- robert

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 11 Nov 2003, at 12:47, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Monday, November 10, 2003, at 05:41 PM, robert burrell donkin wrote:
a move to apache commons would allow this progression to happen much 
more easily.

 the rules which apply here in the jakarta-commons about components 
and distributions would make things difficult. within a math group in 
the apache commons, different products could be developed by the same 
group of contributors with greater freedom. it would also allow gui 
visualization components to be developed (which we cannot allow here 
at jakarta).

I just can't understand what you mean.  To be clear :

0) What rules make things difficult?
the jakarta project has a given scope granted by the board. until 
recently i though that i could give a rational justification that the 
projects we have here are at jakarta in scope (given a wide enough 
interpretation). IMHO we're now starting to forget the original 

1)  In Jakarta-Commons, the developers have the freedom to develop 
what they want, when they want to in their projects.  Additionally,  
developers can go off to the sandbox and do whatever they want, and 
when they feel that they have something solid, as to bring it to the 
commons community.  Did math have any trouble starting, defining their 
project, or implementing things they way they wanted?
there were some troubles but the limited current scope of math is fine. 
there are developments which are IMO definitely out of jakarta scope. 
there are also a number of jakarta-commons specific rules that would 
need to be bent to allow commons-maths to move in some directions that 
the community might want to take it.

2) I have a feeling that no one would utter a peep if someone did some 
GUI extensions to a project here at Jakarta.  We've always been 
willing to stretch the meaning of our charter (hence POI), and if it 
really came to be a problem, I think we would try to work it out.
there seem to be a lot of senior apache members who don't agree with 
that. i'd rather act to try to start sorting things out before whilst 
the jakarta community still has a say.

- robert

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 11 Nov 2003, at 12:38, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 10:52 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Regarding separate DEV list -- as I said in my earlier comments, 
that's totally
up to the MATH developers if they want it or not.  The fact that it 
might make
my life easier certainly isn't binding.  Note also that the 
httpclient guys
were not pushed out; they deliberately chose to have a separate DEV 
That's the way it should work -- being up to the developers involved.
IIRC though httpclient voted to leave, the rest of us applied a *lot* 
of pressure. i don't think that they would have left without that kind 
of arm-twisting.

- robert

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Mark R. Diggory wrote:

... There is significant number of us with an interest in seeing
> numerically sound implementations of various aspects of mathematics
> in java... Suffice it to say that java
implementations do provide an elegant means to explore ideal Design 
Patterns for Mathematical packages and provide a foundation for 
exploring how to "bridge" java with other languages that may be more 
optimized to handle such computations. These are noble goals.
Agreed. I can see the development of higher level APIs as a major
goal for [math].
Interestingly, there are quite a few directions to pursue.
One major direction is floating point number crunching, in
- engineering and physics support, including large equation
  systems, ODE, PDE, numerical integration, continuus
  optimization, large eigenvalue problems, integral equations
- computer geometry support, mainly CSG
- computer graphics
The other rough direction is discrete math:
- number theory
- graph theory (we've got [graph])
- planning and discrete optimization
- encryption
The "application" branch, somewhat randomly choosen keywords
- data visualization, including curve fitting, descriptive statistics,
 adaptive filtering and isosurface detection
- neural networks and machine learning in general
- diagram layout, general graph layout
- 3D modelling and rendering
- network simulation
Well, the utility of [math] for real world heavy number crunching (the
very first point above) will always be limited. Other directions seems
to be more interesting in terms of getting people using it in real
world applications.

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory
I do agree with much of what you say, but (2) There is significant 
number of us with an interest in seeing numerically sound 
implementations of various aspects of mathematics in java (no matter how 
wonderfully fast F77 implementations may be, Fortran will never be Java, 
nor would one want it to be). I could retort many reasons why this is an 
interest to myself and others in the group. Suffice it to say that java 
implementations do provide an elegant means to explore ideal Design 
Patterns for Mathematical packages and provide a foundation for 
exploring how to "bridge" java with other languages that may be more 
optimized to handle such computations. These are noble goals.


Matt Cliff wrote:

my 2cents

  (1) I think it would be best to get a 1.0 release of commons-math as a 
jakarta-commons subproject before any movement (the good-old KISS acronym 
comes to mind)

  (2) I am not sure to what extent math may get developed, as was stated 
in a different thread previously Java is not the best platform for 
Numerical Analysis.  That being said, I dont forsee commons-math as a 
serious Numerical Anaylsis lib, rather a convenient and useful tool to 
explore 'simple' problems.  This could be significant in research, in my 
opinion you dont really need to 'crank' up the system in most cases, and 
have a handy library that can get some nice results quickly in a Java 
setting is very valueable.  There are plenty of high-scale number 
crunchers, and most of the best performing ones will always be in F77 due 
to its static nature.  It may very well be that some of the value out of 
the math project is as an SPI to these backend 'crunchers' which provides 
a nice Java interface to interact with the rest of the world.  (leading me 
back to the beginning of this rambling...)

  (3) I am thoroughly confused as to the pros-cons of what moving this 
the apache-commons level would do.  I like the idea of a 100% java 
framework at this point (leading me back to point #1).

In summary, I think it should stay where it is for now.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Matt Cliff
my 2cents

  (1) I think it would be best to get a 1.0 release of commons-math as a 
jakarta-commons subproject before any movement (the good-old KISS acronym 
comes to mind)

  (2) I am not sure to what extent math may get developed, as was stated 
in a different thread previously Java is not the best platform for 
Numerical Analysis.  That being said, I dont forsee commons-math as a 
serious Numerical Anaylsis lib, rather a convenient and useful tool to 
explore 'simple' problems.  This could be significant in research, in my 
opinion you dont really need to 'crank' up the system in most cases, and 
have a handy library that can get some nice results quickly in a Java 
setting is very valueable.  There are plenty of high-scale number 
crunchers, and most of the best performing ones will always be in F77 due 
to its static nature.  It may very well be that some of the value out of 
the math project is as an SPI to these backend 'crunchers' which provides 
a nice Java interface to interact with the rest of the world.  (leading me 
back to the beginning of this rambling...)

  (3) I am thoroughly confused as to the pros-cons of what moving this 
the apache-commons level would do.  I like the idea of a 100% java 
framework at this point (leading me back to point #1).

In summary, I think it should stay where it is for now.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Mark R. Diggory

Henri Yandell wrote:
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Most Commons projects have arisen from either top level apache projects,
xml apache projects or jakarta apache projects. As such they are

You'd be surprised that this isn't as common as you think :) Many came out
of a junky 'util' project. Struts have been good about factoring out some
internal bits, but to a large extent I think the Struts ones are the only
ones that have succeeded as spawned projects. Many of the other spawned
projects didn't make it out of the sandbox.
hmm, I see

I think a great deal of thought has to go into why this sort of
perceived bifurcation is occurring between Apache Commons and Jakarta
Commons. Is there a problem here? Are groups disagreeing with one
anothers written mandates? Or perceived mandates? Do people just not
like working together? Maybe Jakarta needs to issue a more "uptodate"
position on its content? There certainly are allot of non-server

It's confusing. I don't think anyone knows yet what the deal will be with
A-C and J-C. There's no board-push to move J-C to A-C, and A-C is really
just waiting for things to turn up so far.
Yes, this is what I'm concerned about.

oriented tools in it, (CLI, Jelly, BCEL, BSF, Gump, Log4j, ORO, Regexp,
JMeter . . .) and there really isn't anything that suggest Jakarta or
the Jakarta Commons are only for Server related packages. What I do see
are different groups of programmers forming separate schools or "clicks".

[cliques] :)

Yes Mrs. Smith, my Spell checker ate my English homework...

Do you mean language based? Java vs C vs Python vs Perl? Or internal
Jakarta based? Tomcat vs Turbine vs Avalon?
It seems there is a general movement in ASF to propagate some of the 
concepts and designs associated with Jakarta and XML projects out to all 
ASF projects as a whole, unfortunately this is translating into a number 
of different initiatives that appear to be stepping on each others toes.

Apache Incubator vs. Apache Jakarta vs Apache Commons vs Apache XML vs 
Apache Avalon vs Apache DB

This might be a big difference in the httpd/Jakarta world. Jakarta treats
'server' quite liberally while httpd has until recently seemed to focus
only on port 80/443 server stuff.

IMHO, the focus now should be on a release of our current efforts in
Jakarta Commons, this will provide a point of reference which we can
grow off of and others can experiment with. It will also get us onto a
more solid release schedule.

This was going to be my question when I started replying. Should Math
focus on a tight release of what they currently have under the J-C
sunshade [as people seem scared of the word umbrella] and then start
trying to figure out what thoughts there are for weird and whacky ideas.
Seems to be what you're saying, so +1.


We should also consider that we may be working other open source
codebases and projects into the Apache project in the future. We should
expect we are going to eventually need more room to work on such
integration and experimentation outside the scope of what we will want
to make modular and available via the Jakarta Commons. I'm convinced I'd
like to see a "parent project" for the Jakarta Commons Math API, I'm not
convinced yet that it should be outside Jakarta. I think initially, as
least, any parent project of math is going to be very Java centric, we
should take things one step at a time and make changes as they are needed.

I think there will be some diplomacy etc to figure out just where a
Jakarta Math or Apache Math or Mapache would live. Once the Math release
in Commons is made, write a couple of scope documents. One for inside
Jakarta and one as a TLP for Apache. See which feels the most comfortable.
Sounds like a good way to move forward.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .
On Monday, November 10, 2003, at 05:41 PM, robert burrell donkin wrote:
a move to apache commons would allow this progression to happen much 
more easily.

 the rules which apply here in the jakarta-commons about components 
and distributions would make things difficult. within a math group in 
the apache commons, different products could be developed by the same 
group of contributors with greater freedom. it would also allow gui 
visualization components to be developed (which we cannot allow here 
at jakarta).

I just can't understand what you mean.  To be clear :

0) What rules make things difficult?

1)  In Jakarta-Commons, the developers have the freedom to develop what 
they want, when they want to in their projects.  Additionally,  
developers can go off to the sandbox and do whatever they want, and 
when they feel that they have something solid, as to bring it to the 
commons community.  Did math have any trouble starting, defining their 
project, or implementing things they way they wanted?

2) I have a feeling that no one would utter a peep if someone did some 
GUI extensions to a project here at Jakarta.  We've always been willing 
to stretch the meaning of our charter (hence POI), and if it really 
came to be a problem, I think we would try to work it out.


Geir Magnusson Jr   203-247-1713(m)
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .
On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 10:52 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Regarding separate DEV list -- as I said in my earlier comments, 
that's totally
up to the MATH developers if they want it or not.  The fact that it 
might make
my life easier certainly isn't binding.  Note also that the httpclient 
were not pushed out; they deliberately chose to have a separate DEV 
That's the way it should work -- being up to the developers involved.



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Geir Magnusson Jr   203-247-1713(m)
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .
On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 05:35 PM, robert burrell donkin wrote:

On 9 Nov 2003, at 22:07, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have 
dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little 
room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency 
as they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta 
commons projects.
commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)

it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

Hang on there a sec.  I must have missed something somewhere. You can't 
have a jakarta-commons project that's managed by the apache-commons PMC 
and in the apache-commons repository.  By definition, such a project is 
part of apache-commons, not jakarta-commons.

If a component wants to move, move.  But lets be honest on what's 

If the expectation of intra-j-c dependencies is just that, an 
expectation, then I see no reason why there couldn't be dependencies on 
an a-c component from j-c.


best of both worlds :)

- robert

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Geir Magnusson Jr   203-247-1713(m)
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .
On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 05:39 PM, Tim O'Brien wrote:

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 14:24, robert burrell donkin wrote:

so - is there a positive alternative? i'd like to propose that
common-maths continues to be affiliated with jakarta-commons but
becomes managed by apache commons.
+1, I think that now is the right time to move commons math to
Apache Commons.
What does 'affiliated' mean?

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Geir Magnusson Jr   203-247-1713(m)
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Yandell

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

> Most Commons projects have arisen from either top level apache projects,
> xml apache projects or jakarta apache projects. As such they are

You'd be surprised that this isn't as common as you think :) Many came out
of a junky 'util' project. Struts have been good about factoring out some
internal bits, but to a large extent I think the Struts ones are the only
ones that have succeeded as spawned projects. Many of the other spawned
projects didn't make it out of the sandbox.

> I think a great deal of thought has to go into why this sort of
> perceived bifurcation is occurring between Apache Commons and Jakarta
> Commons. Is there a problem here? Are groups disagreeing with one
> anothers written mandates? Or perceived mandates? Do people just not
> like working together? Maybe Jakarta needs to issue a more "uptodate"
> position on its content? There certainly are allot of non-server

It's confusing. I don't think anyone knows yet what the deal will be with
A-C and J-C. There's no board-push to move J-C to A-C, and A-C is really
just waiting for things to turn up so far.

> oriented tools in it, (CLI, Jelly, BCEL, BSF, Gump, Log4j, ORO, Regexp,
> JMeter . . .) and there really isn't anything that suggest Jakarta or
> the Jakarta Commons are only for Server related packages. What I do see
> are different groups of programmers forming separate schools or "clicks".

[cliques] :)

Do you mean language based? Java vs C vs Python vs Perl? Or internal
Jakarta based? Tomcat vs Turbine vs Avalon?

This might be a big difference in the httpd/Jakarta world. Jakarta treats
'server' quite liberally while httpd has until recently seemed to focus
only on port 80/443 server stuff.

> IMHO, the focus now should be on a release of our current efforts in
> Jakarta Commons, this will provide a point of reference which we can
> grow off of and others can experiment with. It will also get us onto a
> more solid release schedule.

This was going to be my question when I started replying. Should Math
focus on a tight release of what they currently have under the J-C
sunshade [as people seem scared of the word umbrella] and then start
trying to figure out what thoughts there are for weird and whacky ideas.

Seems to be what you're saying, so +1.

> We should also consider that we may be working other open source
> codebases and projects into the Apache project in the future. We should
> expect we are going to eventually need more room to work on such
> integration and experimentation outside the scope of what we will want
> to make modular and available via the Jakarta Commons. I'm convinced I'd
> like to see a "parent project" for the Jakarta Commons Math API, I'm not
> convinced yet that it should be outside Jakarta. I think initially, as
> least, any parent project of math is going to be very Java centric, we
> should take things one step at a time and make changes as they are needed.

I think there will be some diplomacy etc to figure out just where a
Jakarta Math or Apache Math or Mapache would live. Once the Math release
in Commons is made, write a couple of scope documents. One for inside
Jakarta and one as a TLP for Apache. See which feels the most comfortable.


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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-10 Thread Mark R. Diggory

J.Pietschmann wrote:
Tim O'Brien wrote:

so - is there a positive alternative? i'd like to propose that 
common-maths continues to be affiliated with jakarta-commons but 
becomes managed by apache commons.

+1, I think that now is the right time to move commons math to
Apache Commons. 

As long as [math] focuses on Java, I don't see what this will
If it's simply the commons list becoming too crowded, decide
where [math] should go:
1. A companion to [lang], [logging] and [cli], valuing "small"
 over completeness and focusing on common tasks -> stay at

2. Grow into a full fledged library or even a system of apps
 related to numerical calculations -> become a stand-alone
 Jakarta subproject, or even go top-level.
I suppose I should clarify my opinion on this. Sorry if this is long 
winded and somewhat confusing. Also, it is just opinion...

Most Commons projects have arisen from either top level apache projects, 
xml apache projects or jakarta apache projects. As such they are 
basically refactorings of codebases within those projects. As such, they 
provide a "unique subset of functionality" from those projects 
refactored and made available to the community as a whole via the 
Jakarta Commons. This is a very powerful mechanism and one which the 
Jakarta Commons is highly tailored for.

To stick my neck out there: While some projects within the Jakarta 
Commons are uniquely evolved out the sandbox, it is clear that 
ultimately the best refactorings tend to arise after some considerable 
mucking about in larger projects with "pre-existing applications" of 
those code bases as "working proofs of concept".

Interestingly, this mucking about tends to be a bit more revolutionary 
when one is an independent project with room to both evolve and reinvent 
its codebase. This, in my opinion is what the math project is lacking by 
being only within the commons, some wonderful inventions could arise if 
theres more room to experiment and redesign, if theres room for Math 
"subprojects" and experimental endeavors such as Interpreter Frameworks, 
GUI Tools, MathML/OpenMath experimental implementations, usage byte code 
optimization tools...

These are all things, which in my mind, don't have the space to grow as 
a simple jakarta commons library, but are vehicles for which a simple 
jakarta commons library would take its best shape through the 
experimentation with. So what I suggest is that Jakarta Commons Math 
would benefit from having a parent project where there are applications 
to offer strong "working proofs of concept" of its usage.

Since Jakarta in and of itself has considerable focus on "Server Side 
Java" and specifically, tools that work well in its flagship Tomcat 
platform, there is concern as to if Jakarta is the right place for a 
project which may include adventures into Swing GUI's bridges with other 
programming languages and mathematical platforms, etc. I might suggest 
that there is really a very artificial and illusionary boundary between 
the concept of application and server. Is a Tomcat instance installed on 
my desktop a "server platform" or an "application platform". Really, all 
I know is its a damn good platform for doing just about anything to do 
with java on!

I think a great deal of thought has to go into why this sort of 
perceived bifurcation is occurring between Apache Commons and Jakarta 
Commons. Is there a problem here? Are groups disagreeing with one 
anothers written mandates? Or perceived mandates? Do people just not 
like working together? Maybe Jakarta needs to issue a more "uptodate" 
position on its content? There certainly are allot of non-server 
oriented tools in it, (CLI, Jelly, BCEL, BSF, Gump, Log4j, ORO, Regexp, 
JMeter . . .) and there really isn't anything that suggest Jakarta or 
the Jakarta Commons are only for Server related packages. What I do see 
are different groups of programmers forming separate schools or "clicks".

IMHO, the focus now should be on a release of our current efforts in 
Jakarta Commons, this will provide a point of reference which we can 
grow off of and others can experiment with. It will also get us onto a 
more solid release schedule.

We should also consider that we may be working other open source 
codebases and projects into the Apache project in the future. We should 
expect we are going to eventually need more room to work on such 
integration and experimentation outside the scope of what we will want 
to make modular and available via the Jakarta Commons. I'm convinced I'd 
like to see a "parent project" for the Jakarta Commons Math API, I'm not 
convinced yet that it should be outside Jakarta. I think initially, as 
least, any parent project of math is going to be very Java centric, we 
should take things one step at a time and make changes as they are needed.

Getting off my soapbox now (time for dinner),

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
Quoting Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > On 9 Nov 2003, at 22:07, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> >
> > > 1.) Plausible, I understand though that Apache Commons is under
> > > subversion, will this be a challenge to migrate to?
> >
> > subversion is (by all accounts) very, very cool. everyone here at
> > apache will be using it sooner or later. those nice people over at
> > apache commons will allow commons-maths to use cvs initially (if that's
> > what's needed) but it'd probably be worthing thinking about making the
> > jump straight away.
> You'll also have active support from those in favour of Subversion [coders
> of which are at Apache] so I'd expect this to move smoothly.
> > > 2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have
> > > dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little
> > > room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as
> > > they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta
> > > commons projects.
> >
> > commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)
> >
> > it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.
> I'm with Rod here. It won't be a part of jakarta-commons, though it should
> still be some kind of link on the Jakarta site. Jakarta Commons ought to
> have a vote to add dependency on Apache Commons Java projects as an
> acceptable concpet.
> This does raise a question in the PMC-setup for the ASF. If a project is
> meant to be a part of Jakarta and another project, ie) Commons, must there
> be a 1 to 1 mapping on the PMCs.

>From a governance viewpoint, the correct way to state the actual assertion is
that "all Apache codebases must have a PMC responsible for them."  The
technical location of the code and corresponding mailing lists doesn't
particularly matter -- but that's true SOLELY from this viewpoint.

>From a practical standpoint, people will look at the name of the CVS repository
(jakarta-commons), the name of the mailing list
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and make the natural inference that it's a
Jakarta PMC managed codebase.  If it's actually being managed by the Apache
Commons project, that would be creating needless confusion -- if that's where
people want it to be managed, then the code and mailing list should also be
those associated with the Apache Commons project.  If it's going to stay part
of Jakarta commons, then having the code and mailing list here is fine.

Regarding separate DEV list -- as I said in my earlier comments, that's totally
up to the MATH developers if they want it or not.  The fact that it might make
my life easier certainly isn't binding.  Note also that the httpclient guys
were not pushed out; they deliberately chose to have a separate DEV list. 
That's the way it should work -- being up to the developers involved.

> Hen


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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Henri Yandell wrote:

2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have
dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little
room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as
they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta
commons projects.
commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)

it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

I'm with Rod here. It won't be a part of jakarta-commons, though it should
still be some kind of link on the Jakarta site. Jakarta Commons ought to
have a vote to add dependency on Apache Commons Java projects as an
acceptable concpet.
This does raise a question in the PMC-setup for the ASF. If a project is
meant to be a part of Jakarta and another project, ie) Commons, must there
be a 1 to 1 mapping on the PMCs.

Another issue to consider between the two groups is the java package 


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center
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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread Henri Yandell

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> On 9 Nov 2003, at 22:07, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> > 1.) Plausible, I understand though that Apache Commons is under
> > subversion, will this be a challenge to migrate to?
> subversion is (by all accounts) very, very cool. everyone here at
> apache will be using it sooner or later. those nice people over at
> apache commons will allow commons-maths to use cvs initially (if that's
> what's needed) but it'd probably be worthing thinking about making the
> jump straight away.

You'll also have active support from those in favour of Subversion [coders
of which are at Apache] so I'd expect this to move smoothly.

> > 2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have
> > dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little
> > room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as
> > they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta
> > commons projects.
> commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)
> it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

I'm with Rod here. It won't be a part of jakarta-commons, though it should
still be some kind of link on the Jakarta site. Jakarta Commons ought to
have a vote to add dependency on Apache Commons Java projects as an
acceptable concpet.

This does raise a question in the PMC-setup for the ASF. If a project is
meant to be a part of Jakarta and another project, ie) Commons, must there
be a 1 to 1 mapping on the PMCs.


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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread Rodney Waldhoff
On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)
> it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

Which will make it in no way a "part" of jakarta-commons.  "Related to" or
"linked from" perhaps, but not strictly "a part of" in any meaningful way.

> best of both worlds :)
> - robert

- Rod 

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread robert burrell donkin
On 9 Nov 2003, at 22:07, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Darn it, I just got done making all those little edits to hrefs and 
the bugzilla! ;-)
not a problem. they'll do just fine as they are :)

there's not reason why users should be bothered by the change (see 

1.) Plausible, I understand though that Apache Commons is under 
subversion, will this be a challenge to migrate to?
subversion is (by all accounts) very, very cool. everyone here at 
apache will be using it sooner or later. those nice people over at 
apache commons will allow commons-maths to use cvs initially (if that's 
what's needed) but it'd probably be worthing thinking about making the 
jump straight away.

2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have 
dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little 
room for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as 
they are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta 
commons projects.
commons-maths will still be part of jakarta-commons :)

it'll only be managed by the apache-commons pmc.

best of both worlds :)

- robert

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-09 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Darn it, I just got done making all those little edits to hrefs and the 
bugzilla! ;-)

1.) Plausible, I understand though that Apache Commons is under 
subversion, will this be a challenge to migrate to?

2.) How will we relate to Jakarta Commons? certainly we may have 
dependencies on parts of the commons, but doesn't this leave little room 
for jakarta commons components to utilize math as a dependency as they 
are generally expected to be dependent on only other jakarta commons 


Tim O'Brien wrote:

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 14:24, robert burrell donkin wrote:

so - is there a positive alternative? i'd like to propose that 
common-maths continues to be affiliated with jakarta-commons but 
becomes managed by apache commons.

+1, I think that now is the right time to move commons math to
Apache Commons. 

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Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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