RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Stephen McConnell wrote:

> Maybe this about making Apache a better place by identifying hypocrisy
> here out in the open instead of behind the protection of private lists.

<>  The facts don't bear witness to the claim.

> Maybe it's about dealing with the breach of procedure by the Chair of a
> PMC and ensuring that this does not get rewarded nor repeated.  Maybe
> this is about sending a message to some of the members of the board that
> coercion has consequence.

None of which happened.

--- Noel

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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Niclas Hedhman wrote:

> I give you an example of what I call 'compromise' and 'collaboration' ;

Those events as you describe them did happen.  If they were the only ones,
we'd have a happy healthy community.

> Each individual works on what he/she finds interesting, relevant
> and important. Opinions are appreciated, but by no means right,
> just because a group within the community say so.

Actually, all it takes to veto a change is one PMC member to cast a -1 with
a technical justification.  The issue is how a community deals with those
vetos, and how progress can be made by resolving them.

--- Noel

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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Niclas Hedhman wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> >

> Why didn't you list the meanings given by your link

Because people can read.

> 1. and 2. is probably what people are referring to


> Some highly successful projects in ASF, has started with just a
> few people, and not exceeding 5 in its first year.

> Now, there are 4 developers in Metro who hack around in the core,
> and ~3-4 working on aux stuff.

Point?  You seem to keep forgetting that I supported Merlin havine a home at
the ASF.

--- Noel

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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Noel J. Bergman
> The active committer community objected to the transfer of
> dead code from cvs to svn, arguing that the Avalon svn
> should contain the active alive code.

And that would have been wrong.  SVN is our successor to CVS, and we are to
PRESERVE *ALL* history of our code, which is an asset.

> In my mind (and I'm not alone) this was the start of a fallout
> between the chair, certain members of the board, and members of
> the Avalon development community.

I'm not on the Board, and I am one of the most vocal at insisting on
absolute preservation of development history.

--- Noel

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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Tuesday 21 December 2004 05:05, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> >> Who wants to commit any code or do anything in an environment as
> >> poisonous as Avalon was at the time?
> >
> > 4. So you don't want to spend any time in Avalon, but you really do want
> > to make it hard for everyone else? There has to be more than one to have
> > a disagreement.
> Regardless of whether there was any 'right' or 'wrong' position, it
> appears that there were irreducible differences.  I only recall one
> side expressing a willingness to compromise.  My memory may be imperfect,
> though.

I am sure that you have some very specific episode in mind, and by leaving 
that out, it is hard to respond to it. I give you an example of what I call 
'compromise' and 'collaboration' ;
*  The Merlin camp was accused of bulldozing the people who supported the 
Excalibur/Fortress platforms.
*  The Excalibur codebase was in a terrible shape and didn't build.
*  Fortress was in slightly better shape, but couldn't build in a single 
invocation, due to internal cyclic dependencies.
*  Fortress and Excalibur has cyclic dependencies between them.
*  There was a cyclic dependency that went via a project in the Incubator 
*  I spent several weeks (actual man-weeks) unnesting all of that, and making 
it ready for a final release.
*  I then spend additional unknown amount of time, to get the same codebases 
(+Phoenix) to build in Gump.

(note, Steve helped out a lot in the above excersize, but was primarily 
focusing on getting Merlin ready for a release.)

Now, if I have no sense of "collaboration", "taking care of the Legacy" and 
"compromise" (in this case balancing my time between Excalibur vs Merlin), 
then I have no clue what you guys expect from people.

If "inability of compromise" is the same as refusing to implement what others 
think should be done, then just about every single project in ASF is guilty 
as charged. Each individual works on what he/she finds interesting, relevant 
and important. Opinions are appreciated, but by no means right, just because 
a group within the community say so.

> >> The only ones willing to keep committing were
> >> those who were determined to bulldoze there agenda into the repository.
> >
> > 5. In a positive atmosphere, it would be called; "Prepared to take
> > action, when paralysis had set into the community."
> ISTR some issues about ignored vetos and vetos without sufficient
> justification.

(Don't know what ISTR stands for)

Ok, I would like to know of these vetoes. Not more FUD.
The only veto I know of that has been in dispute, is Leo Simons veto against 
the new site, which in defense I say;
1. It came in late, long after the change was executed.
2. His issue was regarding the change of wording in the specification of the 
AF4.2, which he claimed was an incompatible change for component authors.
3. In the midst of that clarification, heaps of people stepped in with other 
issues, murking what is on the table of a veto and what is not;
  -  Berin Loritsch had a list of issues, IIRC, mostly concerning missing 
redirect links, and I recall the final conversation with him that his 
concerns were all addressable.
  -  Stefano Mazzocchi jump in, making a big thing about the Avalon Legacy and 
the people who was before (without noticing that he himself, together with a 
few others had been properly ADDED to the list of developers, which 
previously was missing before I dug into it.), which led to a Ford 
Thunderbird analogy (which *I* found amuzing).
4. Most people having negative reaction, fuelling the flames were not part of 
the "daily" Avalon community. Steve made the mistake of trying to defend our 
choices, which got out of hand and he resigned in response to make sure 
everything cool down.

But that was all about Leo Simons veto... I am sure you must be talking about 
something else...

> > The agenda was to promote Merlin
> > into a platform for component oriented architecture. When that was
> > considered being against approx half the PMC and some additional
> > developers, we started the process of taking Merlin to TLP, but the
> > Excalibur group just needed to be better, and by throwing in a second
> > proposal, at least one member of the Board intervened privately, and
> > asked us to drop the Merlin TLP and forge ahead with the new vision. Now,
> > I call that a mandate.
> Please clarify what you mean by 'mandate' here.  That the board was
> mandating that you drop the Merlin TLP idea?

Mandate that the Board, or parts thereof, thought it was better to spin the 
Legacy into a new project and let Avalon grow into a Merlin-based community 
and the visions we had.

> > Yet, Excalibur TLP
> > without me and Steve was manna from heaven for this group, but it was
> > definately a matter of balkanization along people and not technology.
> > Something Mr Coar would never agree to.
> One thing I don't agree to is people putting words in my mouth.  P

Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

Stephen McConnell wrote:
> Irrespective
> of the validity of this opinion - members of the board actively
> encouraged Aaron to ignore any PMC opinion and take an "executive"
> decision.

Provide citations supporting this, please.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

Stephen McConnell wrote:
> Maybe it's about dealing with the breach of procedure by the Chair of a
> PMC and ensuring that this does not get rewarded nor repeated.

Once again, there was no technical breach of procedure.  Of custom,
perhaps, but not of procedure.  This is another dead horse that
should stop getting beaten.  Complain about the violation of custom,
if you like, but stop stating/insinuating that ASF policies/procedures
were violated.  It didn't happen, at least not in the situation under

> Maybe
> this is about sending a message to some of the members of the board that
> coercion has consequence.

Actually, I'm seeing quite a number of attempts here to 'send messages' to
several different destinations.  So far most of them seem to be getting
marked 'return to sender.'  Or perhaps they aren't really there, and I need
to have my prescription changed so I don't see 'em any more.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>> Who wants to commit any code or do anything in an environment as 
>> poisonous as Avalon was at the time? 
> 4. So you don't want to spend any time in Avalon, but you really do want to 
> make it hard for everyone else? There has to be more than one to have a 
> disagreement.

Regardless of whether there was any 'right' or 'wrong' position, it
appears that there were irreducible differences.  I only recall one
side expressing a willingness to compromise.  My memory may be imperfect,

>> The only ones willing to keep committing were
>> those who were determined to bulldoze there agenda into the repository.
> 5. In a positive atmosphere, it would be called; "Prepared to take action, 
> when paralysis had set into the community."

ISTR some issues about ignored vetos and vetos without sufficient

> The agenda was to promote Merlin 
> into a platform for component oriented architecture. When that was considered 
> being against approx half the PMC and some additional developers, we started 
> the process of taking Merlin to TLP, but the Excalibur group just needed to 
> be better, and by throwing in a second proposal, at least one member of the 
> Board intervened privately, and asked us to drop the Merlin TLP and forge 
> ahead with the new vision. Now, I call that a mandate.

Please clarify what you mean by 'mandate' here.  That the board was mandating
that you drop the Merlin TLP idea?

> Yet, Excalibur TLP
> without me and Steve was manna from heaven for this group, but it was 
> definately a matter of balkanization along people and not technology. 
> Something Mr Coar would never agree to.

One thing I don't agree to is people putting words in my mouth.  Please
cease doing so.

>> Then why in the world are you bringing your grief back here?
> 8. "grief". My dear little boy, if you call this "grief" you don't know much 
> about life. Call me when someone really near to you pass away, and then we 
> can talk about grief.

I believe this is a cultural miscommunication.  I think Aaron meant grief
as in 'giving grief':

>> In retrospect, do I regret that we now are active outside ASF? No, not at
>> all.
> Then why in the world are you bringing your grief back here?

'If you have no regrets about having moved outside the ASF, why do you
care what happens there and why are you contributing to this thread?'

Aaron can correct me if I'm wrong.

In any event, on the face of it I consider your 'my dear little boy' remark
to be condescending, offensive, and uncalled-for.  But that too might be
a lingual/cultural misunderstanding.

> Maybe I am just satanistic sadist who like to kick a dead horse. Maybe I 
> happen to think that a great injustice has been made, and don't like when 
> people make statements portrayed as facts, when they at the most can be 
> called perceptions.

Heh.  Sounds like the pot and kettle calling each other black.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Is ASL2.0 not "GPL-compatible" ??

2004-12-20 Thread Henri Yandell

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Monday 20 December 2004 23:54, Joshua Slive wrote:
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
Does anyone know, and preferably have any authorative-like links ??
Of far more interest I think:
The list of incompatible licences is not a small one.
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Re: Is ASL2.0 not "GPL-compatible" ??

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Monday 20 December 2004 23:54, Joshua Slive wrote:
> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > Does anyone know, and preferably have any authorative-like links ??

  /   /
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Re: Is ASL2.0 not "GPL-compatible" ??

2004-12-20 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
Does anyone know, and preferably have any authorative-like links ??
Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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Re: Is ASL2.0 not "GPL-compatible" ??

2004-12-20 Thread Joshua Slive

Niclas Hedhman wrote:
Does anyone know, and preferably have any authorative-like links ??
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Is ASL2.0 not "GPL-compatible" ??

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman

The Jini community is in the mix of going Open Source and I would like to 
influence Sun to choose the ASL2.0. However, 

Are there other license possibilities? Sure. The Apache 2.0 license I
mentioned is one:
Against our desired characteristics, it's failing is that the Free
Software Foundation (creator of the GPL) says it isn't GPL
compatible. We feel pretty strongly that we want a GPL compatible
license, and we think the patent non-assertion promise coupled with
the MIT license will be acceptable those who would otherwise prefer
the Apache 2.0 license.

So how is it? Is ASL2.0 GPL compatible or is it not?

If it is NOT, then there are a lot of swamp out there in the Linux world, 
where Apache products are used to create larger apps which are GPLed.

Please note the direction here... IOW,  Can I re-license an ASL2.0 product 
under the GPL??
I thought I could. Why does Sun quote FSF saying I can't do that?

Does anyone know, and preferably have any authorative-like links ??

  /   /
 / / 

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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Scott Sanders
Thanks to those who helped lay the issues to rest, happy ranting
to those who wish to beat the dead horse, and long live good code
in whatever forum is appropriate to it.
Amen, +1
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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 09:21 PM 12/19/2004, Stephen McConnell wrote:

>Maybe this about making Apache a better place by identifying hypocrisy
>here out in the open instead of behind the protection of private lists.
>Maybe it's about dealing with the breach of procedure by the Chair of a
>PMC and ensuring that this does not get rewarded nor repeated.

The phrase "can't we all get along" comes to mind.

Clearly that wasn't the case here, which is why, clearly, this
code had moved on to other venues.

Apache is about community (hence, the title of this mailing list)
and to my understanding, such didn't exist, or was so fractured
as to imply there was no salvaging it.

Thanks to those who helped lay the issues to rest, happy ranting
to those who wish to beat the dead horse, and long live good code
in whatever forum is appropriate to it.


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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Serge Knystautas
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
That doesn't mean it's fair, or even matters that much.
Passing judgement on someone often doesn't matter much, except to the 
'convicted'. "Not guilty" vs "4 weeks in jail with parole" can change 
someone's life dramatically.
Someone could write a novel on all the ways I've failed with respect to 
the James project.  Did you see that huge list of terrible dependencies? 
 I was the original code donator that got convinced to adopt to this 
Avalon product (...that was only a few months away from releasing this 
great server platform.)  Hell, we're still losing to sendmail!

I just don't know what the big deal is about failing an open source 
project.  I certainly would never compare it to a conviction, guilt, or 

Are you hinting that ASF's significance will diminish over time, as it is 
unable to cope with its own growth in light of the legacy?
Is there a scalability issue with OSS in general? In ASF?
Are there long-term problems of keeping smaller projects healthy? How about 
the larger ones? Do they need the benevolent dictator with his lieutenants?
In a word, "dunno."
Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501
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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Tim O'Brien
If the ASF doesn't work for you then get busy at dpml.  Really, go and
innovate.  But, please don't stick around and try to prove a point by
continuously trolling the community@ list.

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RE: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Stephen McConnell

> -Original Message-
> From: Serge Knystautas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I can somewhat understand though not empathize with
> wanting to have history reflect what you see as having happened.

Maybe this about making Apache a better place by identifying hypocrisy
here out in the open instead of behind the protection of private lists.
Maybe it's about dealing with the breach of procedure by the Chair of a
PMC and ensuring that this does not get rewarded nor repeated.  Maybe
this is about sending a message to some of the members of the board that
coercion has consequence.


> --
> Serge Knystautas
> Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >> p.

> 301.656.5501 e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Monday 20 December 2004 10:01, Serge Knystautas wrote:

> That doesn't mean it's fair, or even matters that much.

Passing judgement on someone often doesn't matter much, except to the 
'convicted'. "Not guilty" vs "4 weeks in jail with parole" can change 
someone's life dramatically.

> To
> play devil's advocate, everything new I use is built outside of the ASF,
> so what's the big deal about having to take your code elsewhere?

Besides some few weeks of code transmorphing, license-based impossibilities of 
remaining totally backward compatible and the hassles coming from our choice 
of hosting ourselves (cost of dedicated hosting is dropping rapidly), I now 
agree that being outside ASF has many advantages, and far fewer disadvantages 
than I expected.

Are you hinting that ASF's significance will diminish over time, as it is 
unable to cope with its own growth in light of the legacy?
Is there a scalability issue with OSS in general? In ASF?
Are there long-term problems of keeping smaller projects healthy? How about 
the larger ones? Do they need the benevolent dictator with his lieutenants?

Just some thoughts...

  /   /
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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Serge Knystautas
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
You really think that we consider that fair judgement?
I do not blame you or Stephen or anyone individually for James's 
dependencies.  Stephen asked the question of whether these dependencies 
could, or rather shouldn't it, lead me to direct blame at the ASF 
"establishment", and so I laid out the order in which I would assign 
blame.  Regardless of organizational structure (which I gave), it is 
certainly the group of coders fault before someone who has never checked 
out the code, and certainly the loud coders before the others.  That 
doesn't mean it's fair, or even matters that much.

I think Aaron should be sainted because a) it was volunteer and b) it 
was a poisoned situation that needed to end.  Nobody new should consider 
linking to that codebase.  Just let it die and the phoenix will be 
reborn from its ashes (pun intended).

There certainly seems a lot of illwill between you+Stephen and the ASF 
"establishment."  I can somewhat understand though not empathize with 
wanting to have history reflect what you see as having happened.  To 
play devil's advocate, everything new I use is built outside of the ASF, 
so what's the big deal about having to take your code elsewhere?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501
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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Friday 17 December 2004 00:13, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> Well, actually the dictionary does:
>  And, yes, when someone
> suggests that those who don't agree with him remove themselves from the
> decision-making process, I would call that consensus by attrition.

Why didn't you list the meanings given by your link;

1. A rubbing away or wearing down by friction.
2. A gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress.
3. A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through 
retirement, resignation, or death.
4. Repentance for sin motivated by fear of punishment rather than by love of 

Assuming that 4. is not what people are talking about;
3. indicates that any reduction of numbers can be called by "attrition" 
irregardless of method for that to occur, which I would see no harm in per 
1. and 2. is probably what people are referring to, which are essentially the 
Avalon has apparently been full of stress for a very long time, way before 
Merlin was in Steve's head. Heaps of people left due to it, a long, long time 
ago. I find it awkward that the most stress-tolerant people are accused of 
doing something bad. Are they responsible for adding to the stress? Yes. But 
so are many of the people who left.

And regarding the developer/committer base in Merlin;
Some highly successful projects in ASF, has started with just a few people, 
and not exceeding 5 in its first year. Merlin's first *beta* release was in 
Sep 2003, then effectively 1 committer. The first official release, endorsed 
by the PMC, was in late May this year, and effectively two core committers 
and 3-4 working on auxillary stuff.
Now, there are 4 developers in Metro who hack around in the core, and ~3-4 
working on aux stuff. I would call this natural progression, even within ASF.

Attrition happens in all projects, no matter if they are successful or not. It 
is only how you play the word game, the FUD and the general politics whether 
it is perceived as 'believable' or not.

  /   /
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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Niclas Hedhman

[fixed-width font required]

I disagree with your assessment that "You [Steve], as a primary actor in the 
Avalon community, failed..."

1. Steve is accused of becoming the "primary actor" of late, when the other 
primary actors, like Peter Donald, Berin Loritsch, Nicola Ken Barozzi, Paul 
Hammant, Stefano Mazzocchi (I probably left a few out), had left, i.e. 
towards the later part of 2003.

2. So, let's re-examine the history of WHEN the James entropy sets in, i.e. 
what has been 'killed' at which point in time;

Dates in parenthesis, is the last trace I can find of it. 
+++ means possibly not rebuildable from source, as I have not been able to 
locate the source directories in CVS history, only deleted Jars in the 
Phoenix project.

Prior to Mid-2003 (i.e. before I was heavily involved)
excalibur-baxter-1.0a.jar   DEAD+++  (27 Dec 2002)
phoenix-client.jar  DEAD+++  ( 4 Apr 2003 )
phoenix-bsh-commands.jarDEAD ( 2 Mar 2003 )
excalibur-threadcontext-1.0.jar DEAD+++  (28 Feb 2003)
excalibur-containerkit-1.0.jar  DEAD+++  (27 Dec 2002)
excalibur-extension-1.0a.jarDEAD+++  (28 Feb 2003)

These were repackaged into a "compatibility" deliverable, somewhere prior to 
mid-2003, and handed over to the Excalibur TLP under a 
"excalibur-compatibility" artifact/jar;
excalibur-cli-1.0.jar   REPLACE BY COMMONS CLI
excalibur-collections-1.0.jar   DEAD
excalibur-io-1.1.jarREPLACE BY COMMONS IO

During the period when I was actively monitoring, and later committer, in the 
Avalon project and Steve a "primary actor".

In the Excalibur TLP after taking over the code.
excalibur-i18n-1.0.jar  DEAD (No longer in source repository)
excalibur-configuration-1.0.jar DEPRICATED
excalibur-util-1.0.jar  DEAD (No longer in source repository)
excalibur-compatibility DEAD (No longer in source repository)
containing the concurrent,cli,io and

excalibur-instrument-0.1.jarNEVER RELEASED
(I would say that is due to Steve and
 my lack of interest in excalibur

(Unreproducable due to missing version,
 even no snapshot id. Would have been
 released in due time.)

Furthermore, the entire Excalibur codebase was not buildable when I came into 
the Avalon project. I and Stephen spent a few weeks to get it to build, and 
another few weeks to get Gump to build it. We had no interest in that 
codebase per se. We just 'collaborated'.

NOW, for the Record, I get very upset when I look at the above, and that the 
we (Stephen McConnell & myself) are accused of;
1. Not collaborating and unable to compromise.
2. Not being concerned of other ASF users, such as Cocoon and James.
3. Not taking care of Avalon legacy.
4. Consensus by Attrition.

To me it is more a matter of those who started Excalibur gave up on it, 
deserted the user base, and managed to blame someone else (Steve and perhaps 
me). As soon as the (basically) same group of primary actors, Berin & Peter, 
regains their 'position' (i.e. Excalibur TLP) further axing of the legacy is 
done, without much regards for projects like Cocoon and James.

You really think that we consider that fair judgement?

I assume, that most of the judgement passed on Steve from respectable people 
like yourself, is only amplified FUD created and propagated by people who are 
in disagreement with Steve on how Merlin should have been evolved. I can't 
see any other explanation... Tragic!

> Can we start a new mailing list called [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> somehow redirect all avalon-related emails to that?

Well, some people are interested in history and justice even if it is 
superficial. ( Oh, I forgot, I have the right to remain silent... Go straight 
to jail without passing GO. )

  /   /
 / / 

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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-20 Thread Serge Knystautas
Stephen McConnell wrote:
I've tried to stay out of this thread(s), but I just have to say, 
"give me a break."  James was one of Avalon's most visible users, and 
I simply cannot stand to hear someone from Avalon criticize the ASF 
establishment about the treatment of Avalon users.
Perhaps it could be argued that the following list positions James as a
visible user of dead, never released, unreproducible, redundant and
unsupported technology?  I couldn't say.  But I would like to know if
this is what you meant by the ASF establishment taking care of the James
This is a straw man argument, because this is completely unrelated to my 
primary point, which was that nobody had malicious intentions.  It also 
implies that had the board allowed you to create your TLC or Aaron 
hadn't shutdown Avalon, James would have had a better set of dependencies.

But I'll play along for a moment.
Projects have layers of responsibility.  You, as a primary actor in the 
Avalon community, failed and are largely to blame for James' dependency 
situation.  Since you failed, Aaron had a responsibility as PMC chair to 
do something, and he should be sainted for what he did.

Had Aaron failed, the board would had the opportunity to act, and had we 
reached that point, I could have made a judgement on whether the 
nefarious "they" were taking care of the James community.

Can we start a new mailing list called [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
somehow redirect all avalon-related emails to that?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501
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