Re: [CTRL] [RuMills] Rumors of wars & scapegoats

1999-11-08 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

For an interesting fictional take on millennialism, doomsday cults,
conspiracy, etc., see Jane Jensen, *Millennium Rising* (New York:
Ballantine, 1999). She has a conspiracy involving high-tech industry, both
electronics and genetic engineering, with sophisticated mind control thrown
in for good measure...her conspirators create a series of world crises
eerily matching the apocalyptic visions in Revelation, as part of a master
plan designed to drastically reduce the world's population. Sound familiar?
I haven't finished it yet, but so far it is well-written and horribly
plausible. This book is just barely science fiction; none of the technology
is "futuristic", and the plot is no more unlikely than any of Tom Clancy's

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 11:37 AM
> Subject:  [CTRL] [RuMills] Rumors of wars & scapegoats
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dave Hartley
> >Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 08:43:01 EST
> (Ru Mills is still on the road, gathering information. More pieces of this
>  puzzle will be published on her return)
> Why is the Media Beginning to Warn About Christian Doomsday Cults?
> Why is the media beginning to put out warnings about the Doomsday cults?
> Could it be that people in high places have alerted them that something
> major  could happen? And if officials in government have sent out this
> alert, how  and why can they be so sure that doomsday violence is just
> about to happen?
> Could it be that the Millennial Doomsday Cults have been created by the
> New  World Order to usher in the New World Order and the New World
> Religion?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [RuMills] Rumors of wars & scapegoats

1999-01-04 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

>Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 08:43:01 EST

(Ru Mills is still on the road, gathering information. More pieces of this
 puzzle will be published on her return)

Why is the Media Beginning to Warn About Christian Doomsday Cults?

Why is the media beginning to put out warnings about the Doomsday cults?
Could it be that people in high places have alerted them that something
major  could happen? And if officials in government have sent out this
alert, how  and why can they be so sure that doomsday violence is just
about to happen?

Could it be that the Millennial Doomsday Cults have been created by the
New  World Order to usher in the New World Order and the New World

RMNews readers who have heard the three hour lecture called, "Web of
Lies...The Assassination of JFK, Jr." already know that certain people in
our  government are planning on blaming the Mossad for the murder of JFK,
Jr.  These same people will also blame Israel for the downing of flight
990. The  pretext for Israel wanting to shoot down Flight 990 will be the
mysterious  Egyptian military officers who entered the airplane wihout
identification.  When the Egyptian papers finally admit who was killed
when Flight 990 was  shot down, everyone in the Islamic world will point
to Israel as the  perpetrator of this mass murder.

This is all part of a plan that was set in motion over 50 years ago when
the  New World Order created Israel.

Since the Gregorian calendar is not correct in relation to the actual date
of  the Millennia, no one is certain when the time of Armageddon, the
final great  battle before the Messiah or Jesus returns. During the Reagan
administration  there were many armageddonists who were pushing him to
create an incident in  the Middle East that would bring about Armageddon.

The major push to bring this about came in 1986. Nancy Reagan and the Pope
 were provided information which documented what Reagan's advisors were
pushing him to do. Within hours of the Pope and Nancy being briefed by
people  who had been briefed by Rayelan Allan and Barbara Honnegger, the
incident was  disfused, and it never arose again.

We are now in the middle of another attempt to bring about Armageddon. All
 the pieces of the puzzle are in place.

+ The programmed Christian "sleepers" are already in Israel

+ They are armed with the right amount of explosive to blow up the Dome of
 the Rock---Islam's most Holy site.

+  Evidence has already been created which will link Israel to the deaths
of  JFK, JR and the downing of Flight 990.

If Armageddon events unfold as certain people in our government wish them
to,  this is what will occur:

+ Traces of an explosive only used by the Mossad will be found on the
wreckage of JFK, Jr's airplane.

+ Secret FBI documents, some of which have already been released, will be
released to the media. These documents will appear to prove that Israel
was  behind the assassination of JFK, Jr.

+ Speculation will state that Israel was afraid that he would run for
President on the Reform Party ticket. A best selling book that states the
Kennedy family has always worked against Israel will be cited as evidence
that Israel was afraid that a new President Kennedy would turn against

+ The media will whip up emotions around the world and the world will turn
 against Israel at just the same time the programmed Chistian sleepers
will  bomb the Dome of the Rock.

+ The Islamic world will blame Israel for this act. They will have
precedent  for their beiefs. About ten years ago, Islamic leaders
uncovered Israeli  tunnels under the Dome of the Rock. They accused Israel
of trying to destroy  the most holy place of Islam.

At the time I was given the above iformation, I was told that I couldn't
put  out the whole story of the assassination of JFK, Jr. over the
Internet.  However, I did send warnings to friends in Israel who briefed
the Mossad on  what was being planned.

I am now giving a warning to all people who living in Israel.

The New World Order set up Israel to be destroyed.

The very people who are planning the destruction of Israel are the very
people who have done the most  to see that Israel has survived for 50
years.   These so called "Israeli Friends" are the same people who
financed Adolph  HItler.

Israelis, Islamics and Aryans ALL must wake up NOW and realize that evil
men  who are not aligned with either of you, are manipulating age old
hatred in  order to use
all of you to destroy each other so they can usher in martial law and set
in  motion the beginning of the New World Order and the New World

If these people are successful in their plans, we will see a world which
will  closely resemble a marriage between the Catholic church of the dark
ages, and  Mao's Communist China.

The government will no