Vai tev patīk, ka vāverēns zaigo .?

2011-06-14 Thread Vija
Redzi es tagad darbojos jaunā salonā un man gribētos tev

tā kā bikucīt pasūdzēties.. mūsu salons ir noteicis trakas cenas, tikai

20 Ls un jādarbojas mums ir nevis masieru formās, bet mazās strinģenēs..

novērtē to pats:



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Report from the Debian Edu developer gathering in Hamburg

2011-06-14 Thread Holger Levsen
Report from the Debian Edu developer gathering in Hamburg
(June 3rd - 5th 2011)

Our goal: to prepare the release of Debian Edu Squeeze

Attendees: 8 (6 from Germany, one from Norway, one from Spain)
  plus Gizmo (our artist, see below) and several other people who showed by 
  for some time (mostly from "Chaos macht Schule", see below)


Things being worked on:

- documentation
- gosa fixes (netgroup plugin)
- local non-admin user
- samba integration
- testing of our squeeze installation images, we did 65 test-installs in 
  Hamburg alone, plus there was a mini-gathering in Trondheim in parallel:
- svn r73285:73506 - more than 200 commits!
- fixing DVD images to support i386 LTSP chroot creation
- artwork
- store installer password as ssha in ldap to fix gosa problems

Bugs fixed (in svn & our repo):

#629042 #629044 #602863 #629060 #606127 #606314 #602859 #629049
#613167 #617371 #617363 #602859 #602863 #487413 #629062 #629062
#629040 #629058 and a bunch of bugs filed against


Bugs filed:

about 20, not tracked :( 
(Will improve tracking next time :)

The big result^wgoal of the meeting:

- Beta1 release - codename "no more nice to have" (still pending, but we're
  still working on it daily since the gathering)
- known problems atm: windows clients cannot join the samba domain

Individual work done

- Mike Gabriel

  include netgroups GOsa² plugin into source package
  debian-edu-config (as binary package: debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups)
  add localadmin user account for doing initial set up of a Debian Edu network
  fixed Krb5/NFSv4 on diskless workstations
  remove NTP server from tjener's ntpd.conf, replaced by Debian
  revert Samba security=ADS configuration to security=DOMAIN
- Klaus Ade Johnstad
  Setup test environment
  testing and bugging GOsa²
  testing diskless and thinclients
  filing GOsa² bugs

- Jürgen Leibner
  documentation of GOsa² used to configure Debian Edu

- Daniel Hess
  Store 'super-admin's password in a GOsa compatible way
  Fix ltsp chroot creation for i386 with DVD install
  Fixing bugs in our d-i scripts
  package uploads

- Andi Mundt
  GOsa tests/fixes (+ldap+installation)
  gathering motivation, thoughts and ideas for the future 

- Alejandro Escanero Blanco
  work on gosa upstream
  help us with our gosa setup, fix some bugs (ie plus enhancements to "our" 
  netgroups plugin)

- Holger Levsen
  host people at Attraktor hackerspace
  prepare sprint, maintain report and publish it
  organize RL status meetings at the meeting
  sponsor package uploads
  help people with packaging questions etc
  help gizmo with requirements etc for new debian-edu artwork
  bug triage in the BTS

- Christoph Muetze (gizmo or
  create beautiful artwork (work in progress, soon to be included in the 
  debian-edu-artwork package)

- Marcel Sandow
  translation GOsa netgroups
  documentation of GOsa (work in progress)


We also had a 90min discussion with two persons from "Chaos macht Schule",
which is a CCC subproject. where CCC people go to schools and talk about 
data privacy, computer & net security and such subjects. As we both deal
with pupils, teachers & parents, but from different perspectives, this was 
quite interesting.

We also had a small Cheese & Wine party, with some cheese from Spain and
one of the very last bottles of Debian wine from DebConf9 in Extremadura! 
You've missed a great event :-D


Many thanks to the CCC Hamburg for letting us use the attraktor hackerspace!

Many thanks to, the association and the Debian sprints
program for their financially supporting the event! If you want to support
these events, please donate via

Thanks to $you, for making the event a success and to $you, for reading this 


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Re: gnome2

2011-06-14 Thread Josselin Mouette
Le samedi 11 juin 2011 à 23:04 -0500, Michael Fogg a écrit :
> will debian in future releases use gnome 2.32 becuse gnome 3s fallback
> mode just is not gnome 2.32.

Indeed. GNOME 3 in fallback mode is much better than 2.32, and a lot of
long-standing bugs have been fixed.

Apart from the compatibility issues with some applets (and really, it’s
less than an hour of work to port a C applet if there’s still someone
interested in it) I only see improvement.

> i know it takes a lot to maintain gnome 2 but will you please keep it
> in the system.

The complexity of doing so would be huge because GNOME 2 and GNOME 3 are
not designed to be parallel installable. It would require parallel
installation of things as low-level as GLib, for example.

Feel free to start a packaging sub-project to do so, but be aware that
the task is enormous, you won’t have any support from upstream and you
will meet hostility from core Debian teams because of the code
duplication you would introduce.

> maybye what you can do is make two gnome distros one for gnome 3 and
> gnome 2 that looks good to me and hopefully to you.

That will not happen. There is only one Debian distribution. 
 .''`.  Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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