Re: 2023 Debian Project survey: Sustainability now open!

2023-11-15 Thread Michael Lustfield
I'm sure it wasn't the intention, but the questions presented in that
survey feel more like they are phishing for specific
people/information than curious about regular activities. It includes
a number of open-ended questions with three text boxes for each,
expecting the user to provide identifiable information. The wording
also feels like there's a specific point that someone is trying to
make, especially when it gets to "predatory practices."

There is no chance you will get "useful" data (worth studying) from
this survey, especially not with those questions. You could just as
well be asking, "do you agree that predatory practices are bad? by the
way, this includes being an end user."

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 2:09 AM Mathieu O'Neil  wrote:
> Hi Debian :-)
> Thanks again to all the participants in the 2016 Debian Project survey. An 
> astounding 1,479 people responded to this first edition. The 2016 survey 
> results are available in an open-access report published in 2021: 2016 Debian 
> Project survey: Work and volunteers.
> The follow-up 2023 Debian Project survey: Sustainability is now open!
> We (researchers Mathieu O’Neil, Sebastien Broca, Xiaolan Cai, Angela Daly, 
> Molly de Blanc, Cecilia Rikap, Sebastien Shulz and Stefano Zacchiroli) 
> created this new survey, for three reasons.
> 1-We want to track the project’s evolution since 2016: what has changed, what 
> remains the same when it comes to roles, contributor characteristics and the 
> presence of paid work in the project.
> 2-We want to focus on the economic sustainability of Debian and FOSS, in the 
> context of threats to openness posed by new mechanisms such as Software as a 
> Service and potential threats to sustainability such as ‘free riding’. What 
> should happen so that FOSS projects continue to be maintained appropriately?
> 3-We are interested to find out what the community thinks about the 
> environmental impacts of FOSS development, and possible ways to reduce these 
> impacts.
> We want to hear from as many Debian contributors as possible—whether you've 
> submitted a bug report, attended a DebConf, reviewed translations, maintained 
> packages, participated in Debian teams, or are a Debian Developer. Completing 
> the survey should take 10-20 minutes, depending on your current involvement 
> with the project.
> About the survey:
> We are using LimeSurvey, an online survey platform developed with free and 
> open source code.
> Survey responses are anonymous, IP and HTTP information are not logged, and 
> all questions are optional. As it is still likely possible to determine who a 
> respondent is based on their answers, results will only be distributed in 
> aggregate form, in a way that does not allow de-anonymisation.
> The results of the survey will be analyzed as part of ongoing research work 
> by the organizers. A report discussing the results will be published under a 
> DFSG-free license and distributed to the Debian community as soon as it's 
> ready.
> The raw, disaggregated answers will not be distributed and will be kept under 
> the responsibility of the organizers.
> We hope you will fill out the Debian Contributor Survey. The deadline for 
> participation is: December 15, 2023.
> If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via email at:
> Mathieu O’Neil

Re: libAWSL: Improving Human Efficiency for debian/copyright Reviewer

2020-05-26 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Tue, 26 May 2020 08:13:24 -0400
Sam Hartman  wrote:

> Unfortunately, being a member of Debian, I find myself getting stuck in
> the details and think you may have gotten a few things wrong.
> * I think that reviewing a file every time the salt changes is too
>   frequent.
>   It is a sign that we might need to review, not that we certainly do.
>   We don't tend to review files every time they change today, and I
>   think pushing toward this would be problematic.

At the moment, when a package hits binNEW or NEW, *all* files need to be
re-checked by the reviewer. There is no single-file review. This is appropriate
because there are many times where code copies have been added to the source
but not added to d/copyright. Some of these code copies are even embedded in
previously-reviewed files that have another license.

Pushing this direction would reduce efforts, not increase them.

> * Unfortunately the srcpkg-bool problem does not decompose into a set of
>   file-bool problems the way you describe.
>   The issue is license compatibility.
>   Two licenses may be DFSG-free, but their combination may not be
>   distributable (and thus not DFSG-free).

Two DFSG-free but incompatible licenses is a non-trivial concern and likely
only caught in more extreme cases. This is really something that should become
a lintian check that only reads through d/copyright.

> Next Steps
> The biggest thing I see missing here is what are the next steps?
> If we agree with your principles, what next?
> How does this work go forward?

Mo has made it clear that his ambition has run out. However, we had many
discussions, including with ftpteam members, prior to either of our
announcements. In a sense, libAWSL is aimed at being both a stand-alone utility
as well as a module usable by the project I previously described.

It's probably worth noting, based on previous conversation, I don't expect
anyone in ftpteam would want to see anything discussed implemented as a formal
review tool. Therefor, my own goal is to ultimately build a tool that focuses on
package uploaders, so that they can be confident their package will be approved.

If there are developers interested in working on this tool, I'd be happy to
discuss further in #debian-review and write an actual requirements document to
aid collaboration and development.

Re: Testing Discourse for Debian

2020-04-12 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 13:15:23 -0700
Russ Allbery  wrote:

> Ihor Antonov  writes:
> > On Sunday, April 12, 2020 11:51:27 AM PDT Russ Allbery wrote:  
> [...]
> So, I should be clear that I personally have only a small amount of
> experience with Discourse and haven't looked into the details of its
> features.  But there are a lot of reasons for investigating that sort of
> forum software, more generically.  Here are a few.
> [...]



[I really wanted to just leave it at that, but...]

I think being able to easily indicate a +/-1 would be a huge benefit for
debian-style conversations. There are four distinct long-winded discussions
that I can immediately recall over the last year where people have reached out
to me or others over IRC to express frustration/agreement with a topic/email,
but they never mentioned it on the mailing list. These same people (myself
included) would likely have added a simple indication of approval/disagreement,
especially knowing it is not an entirely new email to be read by every reader.

I haven't used discourse yet, but if it's able to send me an email for new
conversations and updates for conversations/categories I'm subscribed to, that
means an infinitely smaller inbox, less noise, and more time/attention on the
things I care about. ... I'm sure it can, those seem like standard features.

Speaking of more recent events, I can see where certain longer-lived topic
categories would be helpful, such as a help-needed (or team-needs-help)
category. Rather than the FTP-Masters team firing off periodic emails hoping
that someone this round reads it and bites, they could create the topic in that
help-needed category and leave it for people interested in seeing how they can
help Debian.

I'm sure that same logic applies to many teams, where burn-out and and serious
demotivation happens long before anyone external to the team is aware of the
problem, which exasperates simpler problems. Continuing to pick on my favorite
team... this is applies ftp-masters, where the training process itself is
extremely demotivating simply because of the lack of manpower available for
reviewing our reviews.

A lot of these supposed benefits are speculation, since I haven't used the
service yet, but it's probably time to check out this new-fangled forum stuff.
At a glance, it looks like these features (and other subscription refinements)
are available. They sound like they could (possibly) drastically improve how we
communicate, raise concerns, gather consensus, etc.

Michael Lustfield

Re: Salsa as authentication provider for Debian

2020-04-11 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Sat, 11 Apr 2020 12:02:40 +0200
Jonathan Carter  wrote:

> [...]
> This thread has had lots of discussion so far and no one has listed a
> single reason against your proposal yet, IMHO if no one is standing in
> your way it's time to just go ahead and do it.

Multiple concerns have been raised and subsequently shrugged off. It's clear
that no concern raised will make any difference so, yeah... go for it. There's
no point continuing typical debian drama for something that's going to be
pushed forward regardless.

Re: Salsa as authentication provider for Debian

2020-04-09 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 09:44:38 +0200
Enrico Zini  wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 03:48:43PM +, Luca Filipozzi wrote:
> > > If you're instead generally expressing a fear that once we migrate to
> > > Salsa, we'll be in a local optimum that is going to be considered good
> > > enough to be worth bothering migrating to anything else, then I would
> > > argue that the problem wouldn't be having moved to Salsa as an OIDC
> > > provider, and rather that the next step that is proposed wouldn't be
> > > bringing enough compelling advantages to the problem at hand.  
> > 
> > Indeed, a local optimum is worrisome.  
> If you mean that we should block a workable proposal for incremental
> improvement in case it turns out to be good enough, I think I don't want
> that.

I've already mentioned a couple points that are worrisome.

It also appears that there is an intent to drop -guest naming. I haven't seen
any technical discussion about this beyond learning about the current
structure. I am very concerned that this will have significant consequences in
regard to DSA-managed LDAP.

Perhaps the -guest naming should (definitely) be retired, but that sounds like a
very different can of worms that's better opened later.

> What we have /now/ is unsustainable, to the point that I'm afraid and
> ashamed of keeping some of the services I'm responsible for online.

As mentioned, we understand this. It is a very significant issue... one that
most were unaware of and some of us (hand raised) thought was already dealt
with. It's ... ugly, at best.

> [...]
> Then we can talk about a better, long-term, technically excellent,
> actively supported and sustainable solution, and by all means, I'd like
> to see that.

I do enjoy that there is consensus on the long-term goal.

> We could also do a post-mortem of why we have had what sounded like a
> good solution for more than one year and never managed to get it
> deployed. Not for pointing fingers: for avoiding getting in such a
> stalled situation in the future.
> I am not at all in the mood for any of that, though, while I find myself
> starting responding to users' requests for help by apologising for the
> state things are.

(please forgive me if this sounds terse/blunt/rude... it's not intended)
I'm concerned that this sounds a lot like tunnel-vision, where only the fastest
and easiest way out of this cruddy situation is worth considering.

FWIW, that's very understandable, especially considering just how bad the status
quo has been for the past year or so. It's truly an ugly situation and one where
I can empathize with your pain. I can also understand the motivation to find the
nearest exit and I would probably be doing the exact same thing in your shoes.

For the moment, I would love to do whatever I can to help you with user issues.
I know this isn't a substitute for fixing the problem, but perhaps I can help
ease your burden and night terrors?

Meanwhile, there are now five people with an interest in doing what we can to
rectify the situation. It's unfortunate that we weren't aware of the stall a
year ago, but we're here now, and I don't intend to work slowly. I'm confident
you're aware of my "requirements gathering" phase. Design has been roughly
discussed and I'm now taking a day to bury myself in documentation. Since I'm
still playing the social distancing game, you can probably guess where my
weekend priorities will be. :)

Michael Lustfield

Re: Salsa as authentication provider for Debian

2020-04-07 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 13:50:06 +0200
Enrico Zini  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 12:20:40PM +0200, Xavier wrote:
> I would like to avoid stalling progress on sso on things like analysis
> paralysis, or like sorting out deployment details, as happened in the
> last years.

I can very much appreciate a desire to get a replacement rolled out as quickly
as possible. The more I learn about the current situation [1], the more alarming
it is. However, please don't consider the work Lucas and I are doing as
stalling. I was unaware that the whole effort stalled. I'm currently between
contracts and have plenty of free time to make something happen.

I also like to think of a myself as a good masochist. You can expect me to
stick around for the long term. :)

[1] oh my...

> I'll ask you the same question I asked Luca: is there something in the
> Salsa proposal that would prevent further experimentation with LLNG and
> eventually possibly integrating it into the ecosystem, or migrating to
> it?

Aside from the security concern I raised earlier, it's largely a "gut feeling"
that comes from seeing how quickly legacy quirks develop in any new deployment.
If Salsa needs to make any assumption or enforcements that Alioth did not,
those will need to be accounted for in the new solution. Additionally, we
already have a clean path 

Something that comes to mind is what it would take to migrate accounts from
Salsa to somewhere else. Does gitlab provide user exports? As unfortunate as it
is that alioth's DB is now a flat-file managed by hand, it provides a very
simple and easy way to import all of that data.

> [...]
> As a side effect of an interim on Salsa, services can begin to migrate
> from client certificates to OIDC, switching to a mode widely used,
> usable, and flexible standard, which I wouldn't be surprised if it would
> make things easier when moving to something else later on.

If there aren't any practical issues with migrating away from salsa in the
future, then I wouldn't have any objection, but the voice in the back of my
head is screaming pretty loudly right now.

Michael Lustfield

Re: Salsa as authentication provider for Debian

2020-04-06 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 20:38:59 +0200
Enrico Zini  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 04:09:38PM +, Luca Filipozzi wrote:
> > That said, please consider an approach that would see keycloak used as
> > an idenitity broker, allowing external users to create accounts using
> > social identities that are then promoted to full Debian identities (in
> > LDAP) if they complete the onboarding process. Could be used as
> > replacement for debsso, could be used for wiki, could be used for
> > debconf, could be used for salsa.  

What does keycloak provide over something like lemonldap or similar tools?

> [...]
> and well known. Gitlab's codebase, while large and complex, is widely
> deployed, and we already have know-how about it in Debian.

I was previously involved with a company that audited various git-hosting
services. I'm stuck behind a very strict (saw it brutally enforced) NDA, so
please forgive the lack of specifics. Gitlab is a tool that gets many things
right, and many things wrong. Access control is an area where I have seen some
critical bugs. Some of those bugs lead me to not trust it as a non-internal
authentication source.

Security aside, and perhaps more importantly, is the vendor lock-in problem
that can be seen with Alioth. If that system were not being used as an
authentication source, then the whole migration would have been entirely
agnostic to such concerns and changing auth sources would never have come up.

Choosing to migrate to gitlab as an authentication source just introduces a
painful(?) migration for the sake of another similar migration in the future.

> I would not want to see a workable proposal that we could implement over
> the next two weeks and that we have the resources to maintain long-term,
> blocked by something that risks getting us stuck with sso.d.o for
> another bunch of years until we get it right, and possibly ending up
> being maintained long term by a team with a dwindling bandwidth and bus
> factor.

I was previously (before gitlab's deployment) lead to believe that the problem
was already being dealt with. Since this is still a problem, then I volunteer to
implement and maintain whatever solution is most appropriate.

Is there any summary of where those previous discussions lead and/or their
conclusions? I saw something about GSoC mentioned. Is there anything viable
which can be taken from that effort?

Also, please, don't focus on time to deployment. I'll do whatever we need in
order to implement a proper long-term solution. As you may have noticed- I take
my time to plan projects before execution. If anything, this is a change that
should involve more planning than anything else.

Michael Lustfield

Re: The copyright checking question

2020-01-04 Thread Michael Lustfield
p doing this review step
   ^ I reviewed an upload today that had extra DLL files and the entire .git/
   ^ Ask me about Gitea...
2) Get more DDs volunteering their time to be on the team
   ^ yeah... not gonna happen, especially not with the learning curve
3) Improve the tools so uploads can be reviewed more efficiently
   3a) Decreasing review burden and time-block commitment
   3b) Perhaps making it more exciting to be on the team?
4) Keep doing what we're doing
   ^ and keep getting what we're getting

Personally, I like #3. I've been trying to think of ways to improve the process
since the day I became a Trainee. Lately, I've found the motivation to start
turning ideas into code, partly fueled by Mo Zhou's discussion. I started
talking to him about my plans to see where our thoughts overlap.

For the moment, I think I'd prefer avoid public discussion of the plan, just to
prevent lots of wasted discussion before getting it out the door. If you'd like
to discuss it because you're interested in contributing source, then I'd love
to chat. A good front-end web dev would be extremely helpful, and someone that
understands dak very well.

As for the follow-up checks, well... I /might/ have a plan.
The automated tool I'm working on is going to provide a summary of certain
scans, including preliminary license findings. I picture a future where at least
a few of these checks can become part of a dak auto-reject rule, once they've
been fine-tuned a bit. This would introduce a way to verify that a package is
still very likely to be legally free.

I apologize for the lack of details, but I'm digging in and have some down time
from work. I'd like to make use of that time to just build. :)

Michael Lustfield

Re: Debian and Non-Free Services

2019-10-08 Thread Michael Lustfield
On Sat, 5 Oct 2019 23:42:50 +0200
Thomas Goirand  wrote:

> So, if someone is not using Github's "advanced" features, like pull
> requests and so on, why that person would care about using Github more
> than using Salsa?
> > You may guess that people using github accept pull requests, but you
> > even can't see whether they actually like them -- there are many reasons
> > why people use github, and PRs may not necessarily the specific reason
> > for the repository.  
> I'm just trying to understand here...
> Apart from the "close to upstream" bit, what would be the reasons?

I prefer GitHub over Debian's GitLab instance because:

- It's significantly more stable
  + I've seen "GitLab is not responding" more times than I can keep track of
  + I've also seen a large number of 500 and 504 errors (at least 1x/wk)
  + This reliably fails:
- GitHub often addresses problems quickly; this is rare with salsa
- GitHub takes efforts to provide root cause analysis & lessons learned
- Decisions are discussed, instead of drunken thoughts over chips and salsa
- I've witnessed more changes accepted by GitHub
  + Salsa concerns have been met with, "fix it in upstream or go away"
  + GitHub concerns have been met with, "this is now an internal incident"
& often fixed within a month or two
- It's a well-known standard solution where many people already have accounts
- GitHub admins are *much* more responsive (for obvious reasons)

I prefer GitHub over GitLab, in general, because:

- GitHub doesn't require javascript just to browse repos
- GitHub is often *much* faster to respond to feature requests
- GitHub stages upgrades; improving general stability
- GitLab has a *lot* of weird ACL bugs
  + I can create projects in groups that I have no access to maintain
  + I can create branches that won't let me force push (git push -f)
  + I can create projects that let me push to anything except master
  + I can be given maintainer access to a team owning those projects, but still
run into all the same problems

I can provide a much longer list, but it shouldn't be necessary. There are
plenty of reasons why someone would prefer GitHub over other alternatives.
Attempting to force one option only going to further divide our community.

Michael Lustfield