Re: So much for a wheezy install, massive fail

2015-01-23 Thread Dom

On 23/01/15 19:21, Joe wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 16:08:56 -0300
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI  wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:46:04 +
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

Touché. :-(  Yes, that wasn't very nice.  But one can hardly
compare 1985 with now!  Hard drives were in single figure gig sizes.

More like meg sizes...

I was thinking that. My ARM-based Archimedes of 1989 had a 40MB drive
option, and my first PC in 1996 had a 1G drive, which was typical then.
A fresh Windows 95 installation occupied about 25MB... and RiscOS in
the 1989 Archimedes was a half-MB ROM. One-second boot.

My Archimedes originally only had the 800MB floppy, then upgraded to a 
20MB HDD and shortly after to a 105MB SCSI HDD.

Then I upgraded my BBC B to a 42MB HDD :)


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Re: So much for a wheezy install, massive fail

2015-01-21 Thread Dom

On 22/01/15 01:36, Gene Heskett wrote:

gene@coyote:~/Downloads$ parted /dev/sdb unit s print
WARNING: You are not superuser.  Watch out for permissions.
Model: ATA ST1000VX000-1CU1 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 1953525168s
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   End  Size File system Name  Flags
  1  16384s  112656383s   11264s   ext4  boot
  2  112656384s  215056383s   10240s   linux-swap(v1)
  3  215062155s  317460464s   102398310s   ext4
  4  317460465s  1953520064s  1636059600s  ext4


Which it is not complaining about.  BUT that is not how I spent an hour
partitioning it last night, zero resemblance, partitions 2 & 3 were
specced with  50G's for swap and /, the last, big one is /home.

So how big do you think 102,400,000 x 512-byte logical sectors is? I 
make it 50G.


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Re: dd

2014-08-10 Thread Dom

On 11/08/14 05:48, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

Dear List -

I am having trouble w/ dd.  I am sure that it is probably a stupid mistake.


/dev/sdb [500 G external USB drive] has one partition /dev/sdb1 which is
mounted on /media/lin50

I wish to copy /var/www to the USB drive.

I have tried:

root@meow:/var# dd  if=/var/www of=/dev/sdb1/ bs=2048
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/sdb1/’: Is a directory
root@meow:/var# dd  if=/var/www of=/dev/sdb/ bs=2048
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/sdb/’: Is a directory
root@meow:/var# dd  if=/var/www of=/media/lin50/ bs=2048
dd: failed to open ‘/media/lin50/’: Is a directory
root@meow:/var# dd  if=/var/www/ of=/media/lin50/ bs=2048
dd: failed to open ‘/media/lin50/’: Is a directory

dd is the wrong tool for that job.

You need something to copy the contents of the directory, like rsync or 
just simply cp

cp -a /var/www/* /media/lin50

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Re: Debian php5 (Can't get download when doing apt-update)

2014-08-05 Thread Dom

On 06/08/14 02:46, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

If you see the code, then your Apache isn't set up properly to parse PHP
code.  Installing libapache2-mod-php5 should fix that for you. You don't
need both libapache2-mod-php5 and php5-cgi; for now don't even fool with
php5-cgi.  And php-auth-http is completely unrelated to your problem.

Installing just libapcahce2-mod-php5 should set up the Apache
configuration for you.  If after installing this, you get a 500 error,
you need to look at /var/lib/apache/error.log (or whatever your Apache
error log is called) to see what's happening.

It should be /var/log/apache2/error.log

As mentioned by someone else, it's possibly a permissions issue on the 
file (it needs Read permissions for the Apache User "www-data" at 
least), or something wrong in the code.


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Re: Strange issue with `find' command

2014-08-02 Thread Dom

On 02/08/14 09:20, Tixy wrote:

On Sat, 2014-08-02 at 08:56 +0100, Dom wrote:

find . -name *.pdf

will expand out to

find . -name test1.pdf test2.pdf

and there you get your error. But

find . -name "test1.pdf"

will remain unchanged as the shell won't try and expand the quoted values.

I guess you meant that last example to be:

 find . -name '*.pdf'

I did indeed. Well spotted :)


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Re: Strange issue with `find' command

2014-08-02 Thread Dom

On 02/08/14 08:41, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Searching in internet, I've found the solution but not te explanation of the
following error message:

  find: paths must precede expression:

that the `find' command sometimes produces and sometimes not when used with the
`*' character, e.g. to search for `*.pdf'.  The solution consists in quoting
the argument: '*.pdf'.  But it seems to remain obscure when the error is
generated and when and why not.  Please, any idea?

Shell expansion of the "*" character.

If you use *.pdf the shell will try and match it against entries in the 
current directory.

If there are no matching entries it will leave it as *.pdf.

If there is one matching entry (say "test.pdf") the shell will 
substitute it so find looks for test.pdf.

If there is more than one matching entry, the shell will expand it to 
all of them and you get too many parameters. Say we have test1.pdf and 

  find . -name *.pdf

will expand out to

  find . -name test1.pdf test2.pdf

and there you get your error. But

  find . -name "test1.pdf"

will remain unchanged as the shell won't try and expand the quoted values.


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Re: behavior of sudo -E

2014-07-08 Thread Dom

On 08/07/14 15:42, Harry Putnam wrote:

I must be miss-understanding the usage of sudo's option `-E' (preserve users

One would think that tools found along user path would then be
available to `sudo'

Here is what puzzles me:

---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---
   ls -l /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts/enw  <= custom script on $PATH

   -rwxr-xr-x 1 harry nfsu 194 Jul  8 10:24 /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts/enw

harry $ echo $PATH (filtered)

. . . . . . . . . . [...] /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts: [...]   . .

harry $ which enw:

---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---
And now testing sudo -E
---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---

harry $ sudo -E echo $PATH (filtered)

. . . . . . . . . [...] /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts: [...] . . . . .

OK, so far sudo -E has retained the $PATH env of user `harry' that
leads to the script in question.

However, in that case I do not understand this behavior below:

   sudo -E which enw

   {no output}

   sudo -E enw

   sudo: enw: command not found

---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---

It seems sudo -E has the right $PATH env, but cannot find a tool along
that path.

I believe it's to do with the "secure_path" setting in /etc/sudoers. 
This forces the user to have a "sane" PATH variable when using sudo.

There's nothing to stop you running your program using a full or 
relative filename though.


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Re: Weird hw/system time issue..

2014-06-13 Thread Dom

On 13/06/14 18:42, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Vi, 13 iun 14, 08:32:29, Dave Frandin wrote:

I think I might have found the problem.. $TZ was unset.. Dunno how/why..
Added a "export TZ='PST8PDT" to /etc/profile and the problem is gone... I'd
completely forgotten about the TZ variable... Thanks for the reboot of my
brain, everybody!!

Sorry to disappoint, but $TZ is empty here, yet everything works as

If $TZ is empty the timezone setting is supposed to be automatically 
taken from /etc/timezone.


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Re: [SOLVED] Can't get Apache to display a directory

2014-05-13 Thread Dom

On 14/05/14 03:16, Stephen Powell wrote:

Well, I finally solved this one, but it was by no means simple.  In summary,
here is what I had to do:

In /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, I added the following line at the end of the

Alias /icons /usr/share/apache2/icons

I believe the recommended way of changing configurations now is to 
create a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ and put your custom option in there.

That way the original conf file can get updated on upgrades without it 
telling you the file has been modified and asking if you want to keep 
the old one or install the new one.

In /etc/apache2/mods-enabled, I added the following symlinks:

ln -s ../mods-available/alias.load alias.load
ln -s ../mods-available/autoindex.conf autoindex.conf
ln -s ../mods-available/autoindex.load autoindex.load
ln -s ../mods-available/mime.conf mime.conf
ln -s ../mods-available/mime.load mime.load

Easier to type:

a2enmod alias
a2enmod autoindex
a2enmod mime

which does all the ln -s stuff for you.

Then, I reloaded the server configuration with

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

and refreshed the browser cache with F5.  Apache now displays directories!

Glad you got it fixed :)


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Re: boot in console mode from grub2

2014-05-05 Thread Dom

On 05/05/14 09:58, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:29 AM, François Patte

I would like to boot in console mode from the grub screen (ie not in
graphic mode), but I don't want to be in single user mode, ie.: I want
to have a "normal boot" without X.

I can't find any tuto for grub2 installed on my system.

This is a function of initramfs-tools and not of grub.

Add "text" to the kernel cmdline.

Which you can do by editing the /etc/default/grub file and changing




and running update-grub

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Re: Is it a bug -- mount does not work on interfaces?

2014-04-24 Thread Dom

On 24/04/14 18:51, Snow Leopard wrote:


OS: wheezy / squeeze

Could somebody explain what wrong?
Why mount refuses to mount through loopback interface?

The issue can be reproduced in your system with next set of commands

root# mkdir -p /exports/home
root# cat >> /etc/exports

This is allowing access to all clients on network

root# exportfs -ra
root# mount -t nfs /mnt

You haven't allowed access to clients on network

You probably need something like this in /etc/exports:

(all on one line, that probably got wrapped)

No bug. Just wrong configuration.

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Re: Why still heartbleed on Wheezy

2014-04-19 Thread Dom

On 20/04/14 06:39, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I installed Wheezy on my backup server, then did this:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

root@bupserv:/backupserver/stevebup# openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013

Here's my /etc/apt/sources.list:


# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.4.0 _Wheezy_ - Official amd64 NETINST
Binary-1 20140208-13:45]/ wheezy main

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.4.0 _Wheezy_ - Official amd64 NETINST
Binary-1 20140208-13:45]/ wheezy main

deb wheezy main non-free contrib
deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main

# wheezy-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib non-free

Any ideas how I should proceed?

By checking the revision of the release, rather than just the internal 
version number.

dom@ozzy:~$ dpkg-query -W openssl
openssl 1.0.1e-2+deb7u6

The "deb7u6" is the important bit. The "heartbleed" bug only exists in 
deb7u4 and earlier.


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Re: where is libgtk2 (for Raspbian)?

2014-04-09 Thread Dom

On 09/04/14 14:01, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 09 April 2014 01:40:48 Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson wrote:

But this is not a support list for raspbian, they must have theyr
own support.

Currently Raspbian doesn't maintain a forum of its own.

The best place to ask for Raspbian advice/support is on the Raspberry Pi 
forums in the Raspbian sub-forum


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Re: need help on using crontab

2014-02-19 Thread Dom

On 19/02/14 07:13, Tom Furie wrote:

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:56:50AM -0500, Long Wind wrote:

I want to shutdown at 5:03
I check with crontab -l
it seems OK

Depending on how you created the file the format may or may not be okay.
Did you create the file in /etc/cron.d, or as a user with 'crontab -e'?
Given that you say 'crontab -l' seems okay I suspect the latter.

From the original post, Long Wind seems to have used the original 
method of creating crontabs:


The usual sequence (on the old Unix systems I used to admin) was:

crontab -l > mycronfile
vi mycronfile (to edit)
crontab mycronfile

crontab -e is much easier and safer to use.


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Re: Bombono DVD

2014-02-17 Thread Dom

On 17/02/14 16:26, Go Linux wrote:

On Mon, 2/17/14, Darac Marjal  wrote:

  Subject: Re: Bombono DVD
  Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 6:46 AM

  On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 01:46:48PM
  > On Sunday, February 16, 2014 06:24:10 PM LM--- wrote:
  > > Dear developers,
  > >
  > > for the next Debian release
  > >
  > > ;-))
  > >
  > > It's simply working great here!
  > >
  > > ludo
  > What is a "Bombono DVD?"

  Bombono DVD appears to be a DVD authoring program. It was
  ITP'd back in
  2012[1], but it appears that the DD never quite got around
  to packaging

A note on dvd authoring . . . Since dvdstyler didn't make it into the wheezy 
repos, I tried bombono.  bombono works but is not as feature-rich as dvdstyler. 
 UGH!  After a year of frustration and keeping on squeeze to solve the problem, 
 Steve Pusser over at Mepis put together a dvdstyler package for wheezy.  You 
can get it at the Mepis Community Repos.  I can now move to wheezy for video 
production!  Not even thinking about jessie yet.  I've had enough frustration 
for a while . . .
  Ludo, if you're interested, why not drop the developer a
  line and see if
  they want any help packaging the software?


I know the repo is frowned upon by many, bombono-dvd is available for 
wheezy on the deb-multimedia site.

I haven't tried dvdstyler.


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Re: ttytter can't tweet

2014-01-23 Thread Dom

On 23/01/14 09:33, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 07:07:48PM -0500, Jude DaShiell wrote:

I'm sure this is trivial, but I can't figure it out yet.
Script started on Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:16:36 PM EST
jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ cat .ttytterrc

Twitter has moved to an all-SSL API[1], so try adding "ssl=1". You may
also find that the streaming API ("dostream=1") works better as A)
messages are pushed to your client rather than the client having to poll
regularly and B) the rate limit is more relaxed on the Streaming API.


Thank you. I had been wondering why ttytter hadn't been working for a 
few days and was going to investigate when I got time.

Now I don't need to :-)


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Re: Can't install any packages, "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is not correctly defined"

2013-11-27 Thread Dom

On 27/11/13 08:29, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 27/11/13 19:14, John Magolske wrote:

* Scott Ferguson  [131126 23:43]:

On 27/11/13 17:46, John Magolske wrote:

I'm finding I can't install any packages with `aptitude dist-upgrade`
`aptitude install ...` etc, keep getting this:

   % sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
   E: APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is not correctly defined.
   E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || exit 10 returned an error code 
   E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || exit 10
   A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:

*A package failed to install.*

# apt-get -sf install | more

and see what it says.

If it suggests a rational solution repeat without the -s *then* do:-
# apt-get upgrade

Only then should you dist-upgrade.

Any `apt-get install` fails with an error message related to
"APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is not correctly defined". For example:

   # apt-get -sf install jupp | more
   Reading package lists...
   Building dependency tree...
   Reading state information...
   The following NEW packages will be installed:
   0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 280 not upgraded.
   Inst jupp (3.1.26-1 Debian:unstable [i386])
   Conf jupp (3.1.26-1 Debian:unstable [i386])

   # apt-get -f install jupp | more
   Reading package lists...
   Building dependency tree...
   Reading state information...
   The following NEW packages will be installed:
   E: APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is not correctly defined.
   E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || exit 10 returned an error code 
   E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || exit 10
   0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 280 not upgraded.
   Need to get 0 B/202 kB of archives.
   After this operation, 615 kB of additional disk space will be used.

`apt-get upgrade` gets that message as well.



When you say "any apt-get install" fails did you actually try exactly
what I suggested?

# apt-get -sf install


# apt-get install $something

I'd suggest you try seeing what "apt-get -f install" suggests needs
fixing instead of presuming it's a particular package, especially as the
message seems to imply it's not judd.

To me it looks like it could be an issue with apt-listbugs.

I'd suggest temporarily removing apt-listbugs using

 dpkg -r apt-listbugs

then try the "apt-get -f install" again.

If successful, reinstall apt-listbugs using apt-get after doing all 
upgrades required.


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Re: Daily downloads with apt / aptitude?

2013-09-15 Thread Dom

On 15/09/13 20:26, Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Dom  wrote:

On 15/09/13 08:58, wrote:

Related to this thing another question: Is there already a debian way, to
force those new downloaded packages to install, when the system is being
shutdown by the user? (Similar like windows does).

Yuck! That's one of the things I hate about windows. (don't run it myself,
but wife does). If we're going away for a while and want to take our laptops
with us, I can shut down Debian in a few seconds, but sometimes her Windows
will take up to an hour with updates, making us late for our

Well, there's no way I'll ever use gnome again, so that doesn't matter 
to me.

I usually boot into single user mode, run backups then updates then 
continuing booting to desktop (xfce). A fairly safe way of doing things.


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Re: Daily downloads with apt / aptitude?

2013-09-15 Thread Dom

On 15/09/13 08:58, wrote:

Hi all,
I think, I missed a change some time, for I noticed, that when I let my
notebook run over night, it shows that all new packages are already downloaded
(but not installed).

As I cannot remember to have activated cron-apt (although it is installed), I
guess it has something to do with /etc/cron.daily/apt or

However, this feature is nice, but when was this change implemented. I could
not remember, heard abouit it, yet.

Have you looked in the apt and aptitude changelogs?

Related to this thing another question: Is there already a debian way, to
force those new downloaded packages to install, when the system is being
shutdown by the user? (Similar like windows does).

Yuck! That's one of the things I hate about windows. (don't run it 
myself, but wife does). If we're going away for a while and want to take 
our laptops with us, I can shut down Debian in a few seconds, but 
sometimes her Windows will take up to an hour with updates, making us 
late for our bus/train/plane/spaceship :(

I normally run updates when I start up in the morning, but can skip it 
if I am in a hurry.


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Re: Reg: gcc option for printing large number (large double)

2013-09-09 Thread Dom

On 09/09/13 07:21, Joel Rees wrote:

Not sure why neither man -k nor whereis can find float.h, but it compiles okay.

dom@oz:~$ locate float.h

whereis looks on the PATH for a command. float.h isn't a command. It 
does also look for manpages, but...

It does have a manpage:
but perhaps you don't have it installed. I certainly don't.


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Re: end of resume sequence (to run my USB network fixup script)

2013-09-05 Thread Dom

On 06/09/13 03:27, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Gday, when I come out of hibernate, I have to run ifdown, ifup, for my
ethernet device to make it work again (it's a USB device).

I would like my ifup/ifdown script to work automatically.

My /etc/network/interfaces does not have auto for my ethernet device,
because I only want internet when I want it - I do not want the device
on all the time, but if it was on when I hibernated, I do want it to
be re-enabled when I come out of hibernation.

I hope this makes sense.

I can think of at least one way of doing it.

Do you have a script that you run when you want the network to start and 

If so, make it write the desired state to a file somewhere. Let's use 
"on" and "off" as the contents of the file.

Then set up the device in /e/n/i like this. I'm using eth9 as an 
example, and assuming your net status file will be /var/run/netstatus.

auto eth9
iface eth9 inet dhcp
pre-up ( grep -q "on" /var/run/netstatus)

If the grep fails to find "on" in the file it will return 1 and the 
interface won't be started.

If it does find "on", it will return 0 and the interface will be started.


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Re: Headers for Debian 3.0.4 on ARM

2013-09-05 Thread Dom

On 05/09/13 16:45, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I have Debian 3.0.4 (via uname -r) on an ARM processor (after
update/upgrade) and am trying to get the kernel headers to compile a
module for it.

aptitude shows the only headers available are for versions 2.6 and

You might be better off asking this question in the Debian ARM list.

The people there will probably be more familiar with what you need to 
do, and all the different varieties of ARM kernels.


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Re: file system analogue of blkid.

2013-09-03 Thread Dom

On 04/09/13 01:59, wrote:

*   From: Sven Joachim
*   Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 17:48:45 +0200

... for ext[234] filesystems
dumpe2fs(8) gives quite a lot of useful information.

Is there anything similar for FAT?

I'm interested to find the "sectors-per-cluster" for an extant filesystem.

Try file -s /dev/sdXn

dom@oz:~$ file -s /dev/sdb1
/dev/sdb1: sticky x86 boot sector, code offset 0x3e, OEM-ID "MSWIN4.1", 
Bytes/sector 2048, sectors/cluster 16, root entries 1024, Media 
descriptor 0xf8, sectors/FAT 242, heads 236, hidden sectors 32, sectors 
989280 (volumes > 32 MB) , serial number 0x0, label: "   ", FAT 
(16 bit)


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Re: How to get rid of an entry in grub?

2013-08-31 Thread Dom

On 31/08/13 19:46, David Guntner wrote:

Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

On Sat 31 Aug 2013 at 10:59:34 -0700, David Guntner wrote:

Because it makes no sense to me, whatsoever, as to why it would be
pulling in information from areas that are traditionally not booted
from.  Like, for example, under /backup.  So for me, it's a mystery.
There's probably a reason for it, but I don't know what it is.

You've been given the reason; you have to adjust you thinking to it.

I don't mind a bit of cutting of mails, but when I said

  >  The only way for that line to be generated is for an /etc/debian_version
  >  file to be found on the partition.

it was really an invitation for you to look for the file and say whether
it exists. Does it?

Oh, sorry!  I guess I missed that part.

I suppose it exists on the partition in a sense, but within the
filesystem, it lives as /backup/etc/debian_version.  /backup is the only
mounted filesystem on /dev/sdb1.

There's an actual /etc/debian_version file on sda5 (where / is mounted)
as well.

os-prober doesn't care where a particular partition is currently 
mounted. It assumes that every partition might possibly be mounted as 
"/" and examines the contents to see if there are certain files and 
directories that look like they are part of a bootable system.

It found etc/debian_version on sdb1 and therefore assumed that /dev/sdb1 
could be a bootable Debian system.


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Re: deb-multimedia repository

2013-08-23 Thread Dom

On 23/08/13 18:46, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 23 August 2013 02:04:01 Doug wrote:

My complaint is with Debian's politics: if it's not FOSS, you can't have

I have non-FLOSS applications on my Debian computer.  I also used an
unofficial installer that had non-free drivers in.  It was readily available,
and I learnt about it on this list.  So if Debian is trying to prevent us
from having non-FLOSS software, it is making a very bad job of it.

I thought the reason that libdvdcss(2) wasn't included in the Debian 
repos isn't because of any issues with the licensing, but because it may 
potentially be illegal to use in some areas due to the fact the it 
cracks copyright protection on media.


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Re: mount.cifs: bad UNC ...

2013-08-19 Thread Dom

On 19/08/13 21:31, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  I am unsuccessfully trying to mount a Windows Network share which (on
windows) advertises itself as using the following path
  but this is what I am getting:

$ sudo mkdir -p /media/cifs

$ sudo mount -t cifs \\315wcclassdc.wcclasses.local\users$\class1 -o
username=class1,password=12345 /media/cifs
mount.cifs: bad UNC (\315wcclassdc.wcclasses.localusers$class1)

That failed, obviously

$ sudo mount -t cifs //315wcclassdc.wcclasses.local/users$/class1 -o
username=class1,password=12345 /media/cifs
unable to add mount entry to mtab
error 22 detected on close of mtab
unable to add mount entry to mtab

I think that is the correct format, and it actually succeeded in 
mounting the share, but for some reason it has been unable to update the 
mtab file - which is a symlink to /proc/mounts, which is a symlink to 

$ sudo mount -t cifs "//315wcclassdc.wcclasses.local/users$/class1" -o
username=class1,password=12345 /media/cifs
mount error(16): Device or resource busy
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

That one failed because the previous command worked (sort of) and the 
share is now mounted.

  How do I troubleshoot that problem?
  How do you probe a Windows FS from within Linux?

I think the issue is "Why couldn't it update /proc/self/mounts?"

$ uname -a
Linux Microknoppix 3.3.7 #38 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 22 06:21:01 CEST 2012
i686 GNU/Linux

Hmm, not Debian then. The /etc/mtab links or permissions may be different.


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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

2013-08-17 Thread Dom

On 17/08/13 17:10, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

Hi :)

IIRC there's a command that can fake, that an unmet dependency is
fulfilled. I already searched for apt, dpkg, aptitude regarding to this
subject, but had no success.

Am I mistake, is a dummy package needed?

I'm not sure if there is anything that can directly bypass dependencies.

But the equivs package can be used to build a dummy package to satisfy them.


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Re: icedove configuration problem

2013-08-11 Thread Dom

On 11/08/13 10:22, François Patte wrote:

Hash: SHA1


As thunderbird is banned from debian, I try to setup my email account
using icedove.

It fails! For 2 reasons:

1- I presume that icedove check if my email address is a "valid" address
(and it is, I use it since almost 20 years at Paris Descartes
University) in some data bases. As it seems to fail to find it, It
reject it (even using "manual" configuration).

2- I use to use an ssh tunnel to link some port (>1048) of my machine to
the smtp port of the mail server at the university. Icedove allows to
only use ports 25, 587 and 465

What is this way of doing? Some people somewhere want to help "ignorant"
people to configure their mail? Or is it now like in past SSSR: only one
address for everybody? That's will easier for the NSA!

What shall I do? Change my email address? Use mutt?

Thank you for any help and sorry for the groaning!

I haven't tried this, but I think if you set up the account under 
Icedove with the default ports and ignore any warnings about it failing 
to connect, you can later go to the account settings and change the port 
numbers to anything you like.


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Re: How to recover after unintentional 'dpkg --unpack' ? (was ... Re: Dpkg SNAFU was Re: Oops!)

2013-08-10 Thread Dom

On 11/08/13 03:43, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Sun, 11 Aug 2013, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 06:13:20PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

Changing subject as suggested by Chris, and reposting original

Still an unhelpful question, esp when one knows the true meaning of

have resulted in Gnome being install, too.  More or less.  So I
just did as root in /root a 'dpkg --download,' and then an
'--unpack' thinking that would uncompress the .deb file in /root
from which I would get the single svg file I needed, and then just
delete everything else.  Simple. Right?  Wrong. Now, I'm stuck with
about 4.5 megs of Gnome data, icons,

AFAIU, a .deb file is just an 'ar' archive.

As to how to recover after an unintentional unpack, ... dunno.
Hopefully someone on this list knows now that the subject explains
your predicament.

Fortunately --unpack just "installed" files to their appropriate
directories, but didn't "trigger" or configure anything.  Not all that
up on dpkg. Have always used apt-get.

If I don't hear anything bad to the contrary in the next day or so, I'm
just going to use "--purge" to remove the package after creating
a copy of the file I need in a safe directory, then copy the copy back
after the purging.  Hopefully, it will work.

Good luck with that, it sounds like it will work.

Alternatively you can get a list of the files contained in the .deb file 
using "dpkg -c debfile". With a little bit of wrangling that will give 
you a list of files and directories to delete - although you should only 
delete directories if they are empty.


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Re: Removing x11-common

2013-08-06 Thread Dom

On 06/08/13 17:26, Kyle Kuhn wrote:


I wasn't sure where to start so I started here.

I am developing my own Distro of Linux, and I am using Debian as a base.
I am trying to remove all programs dependent on the X11-Common package
without actually removing the X11-Common package. I am using the most
recent Debian LTS. Is there a way APT can do this, or will I have to remove
the x11-common package, then "#apt-get autoremove" and reinstall x11-common?

Thanks in advanced.

You could use "apt-cache rdepends x11-common" to find all packages that 
directly depend on x11-common, remove those which will take out any 
packages that depend on them too and see what autoremove will show as left.


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Re: Mysql

2013-07-31 Thread Dom

On 31/07/13 06:18, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

root@meow:/home/ethan# apt-get install mysql-server
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.5 but it is not going to be
E: Broken packages
root@meow:/home/ethan# apt-get install mysql-client
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
mysql-client : Depends: mysql-client-5.5 but it is not going to be
E: Broken packages

So, the mysql server isn't installed, or isn't installed correctly. That 
could be why it doesn't start ;-)

It looks like something is wrong with your apt sources.list file(s). You 
shouldn't get mismatched dependencies like that.

Could you show us your /etc/apt/sources.list and the contents of any 
files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d?

Also the output of apt-get update


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Re: Mysql

2013-07-30 Thread Dom

On 30/07/13 21:30, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 16:16 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:

Is the MySQL server running?

ps aux | grep mysql

--->  ethan@meow:~$ ps aux | grep mysql
ethan 3043  0.0  0.0   3300   772 pts/0S+   13:12   0:00 grep

ps aux does show all running processes ;). 3043 is the process
identifier. If you would run

kill -9 3043

you could see what happens if it wouldn't run. It didn't need CPU or
memory for work at the moment you run ps aux.



while mysql is working.

Process 3043 in this case is the grep command from ps aux | grep mysql.

It looks like mysql is not running.

Next step is to look in /var/log/mysql.log for error messages indicating 
why it didn't start.


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Re: fsck on boot...revisited

2013-07-26 Thread Dom

On 26/07/13 20:06, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Fri, 2013-07-26 at 19:01 +0100, Dom wrote:

On 26/07/13 17:53, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Fri, 2013-07-26 at 11:54 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:

The system in question is running from an SSD, which I assume changes your
assumptions quite a bit. With a traditional HDDs, the loss of power
causes a head crash, etc which does in turn lessen the life of the drive.

Actually, I fail to see why a power outage would have any negative
effect on an HDD (e.g. why would the "head crash"?).

In the old days the heads were not driven back, but for around more than
20 years the heads will park by the momentum of the turns, when there
should be a blackout. IIRC if the drives didn't turn fast enough, the
heads could crash. Today a power outage definitively doesn't cause a
crash and AFAIR even my old 42 MB SCSI survived power outages.

True. Back in those days the heads on some disks had to be sent a "park"
command before powering off and what that did was to move the head to an
reserved area of the disk before landing. Modern drives park the heads
off the disks completely.

I do remember so old 500MB mainframe disk units (14 inch 10 platter or
so, 4 per unit) that had a slight fault. The normal procedure was to
press the "offline" button, which retracted the heads from the disk,
then press the "power" button to turn them off. Due to a glitch in the
circuitry this would sometimes result in a surge in the head actuator
coil and the heads would move back across the disks just as they stopped
spinning, resulting in major damage to the entire unit. Later a small
button was fitted which disconnected the coil and we had to hold that
down until the disk had stopped spinning.

JFTR in the meantime I read the German Wiki and it claims that heads
automatically are parked since 1989, IOW>= 24 years ago there was this

Yep, we had a couple of platters similar to those IBM ones on our office 
wall as "trophies" :)

I was lucky in that my own first hard disk (10MB) survived several 
unexpected sudden power outages without any noticeable problems. It was 
still working 20 years later - but very slow, it used a stepper motor to 
move the heads. It seemed fast in those days when I was used to using 
5.25" floppies on my home computer.


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Re: fsck on boot...revisited

2013-07-26 Thread Dom

On 26/07/13 17:53, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Fri, 2013-07-26 at 11:54 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:

The system in question is running from an SSD, which I assume changes your
assumptions quite a bit. With a traditional HDDs, the loss of power
causes a head crash, etc which does in turn lessen the life of the drive.

Actually, I fail to see why a power outage would have any negative
effect on an HDD (e.g. why would the "head crash"?).

In the old days the heads were not driven back, but for around more than
20 years the heads will park by the momentum of the turns, when there
should be a blackout. IIRC if the drives didn't turn fast enough, the
heads could crash. Today a power outage definitively doesn't cause a
crash and AFAIR even my old 42 MB SCSI survived power outages.

True. Back in those days the heads on some disks had to be sent a "park" 
command before powering off and what that did was to move the head to an 
reserved area of the disk before landing. Modern drives park the heads 
off the disks completely.

I do remember so old 500MB mainframe disk units (14 inch 10 platter or 
so, 4 per unit) that had a slight fault. The normal procedure was to 
press the "offline" button, which retracted the heads from the disk, 
then press the "power" button to turn them off. Due to a glitch in the 
circuitry this would sometimes result in a surge in the head actuator 
coil and the heads would move back across the disks just as they stopped 
spinning, resulting in major damage to the entire unit. Later a small 
button was fitted which disconnected the coil and we had to hold that 
down until the disk had stopped spinning.


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Re: Continuous brute force attempt from own server !!!

2013-07-26 Thread Dom

On 26/07/13 07:42, J B wrote:

Dear list,

I'm suffering with a very serious issue and seek guidance.

I have a debian server functional at my place which is attached with a leased 
line connection.
Iand I use this box as a gateway.
This debian box administer a remote opensuse linux server through this debian 
box and I use pubkey auth
mechanism to log into the remote linux server.

At the remote linux server, I can found huge brute force ssh attempt at the 
port and surprisingly the attempt is made with the same username which I 
actually use
to llog into the remote box. Some of the messages from log are as below

accepted public key from  
from  port 50574 ssh2

The attack is random with a serially increment at port number.
If I bloack the ssh connection limit through firewall at the remote box, It 
actually blocks me to log into in further.

Could any one suggest what is happening in my local box ?
rootkit ? local box compromising ? What is it ?

Please suggest.

That doesn't look like a "brute force attack", that's just a normal 
*successful* ssh login.

Do you have anything on your local box that performs any ssh connection 
to the remote box, like rsync, scp, sftp etc? Perhaps a cron job.

Do these "attacks" happen at fixed times or regular intervals?

Do you use ssh to connect between the boxes a lot?

If you still can't identify the source of these connections, it could be 
that your login on your local box has been compromised. Check the auth 
log on that to see when 'username' has been accessed.


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Re: Where is menuconfig?

2013-07-22 Thread Dom

On 23/07/13 01:08, Pete Orrall wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to build a new kernel for a Wheezy machine and I need
menuconfig.  However, when I do the following:

#: apt-get install menuconfig

The following is returned:

E: Unable to locate package menuconfig.

I've searched for it and found nothing.  What's
going on?  Am I missing something?


Isn't menuconfig just an option in the kernel source makefile? You do 
"make menuconfig". It's not a package.


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Re: trying to copy audio files from a CD without a file system ...

2013-07-18 Thread Dom

On 18/07/13 15:29, Martin Kraus wrote:

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 02:11:48PM +, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  How do you copy files from a CD with no apparent file system (so you
can't mount it and browse to it)?

if it's an audio cd then you may use


or ripit


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Re: *Another* Backup software question...

2013-07-13 Thread Dom

On 13/07/13 21:17, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sat, 2013-07-13 at 20:58 +0100, Dom wrote:

DLT has a single spool in the cart (the other being in the drive), a
fast moving tape and stationary read/write head. The tapes are also
much bigger and wider. I've found them to be very reliable over the

Thank you, I already have seen this (Google images).

No wrecked DLT tapes?

A couple caused by faulty old drives. One wrecked because someone put 
the tape in upside down! Which is pretty much impossible. I can't see 
how they did it without a sledgehammer - mind you, knowing the person 
who did it...

An audio studio DAT recorder might be more used and especially the
portable once are more stressed than DDS for the computer, however, you
pointed out that you got a few wrecked tapes, this is a common issue,
the mechanic is bad designed.

One spaghettied tape is an accident, _a few_ tapes IMO makes it unusable
as a backup media.

A few out of several hundred. I've had worse failure rates from other media.


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Re: *Another* Backup software question...

2013-07-13 Thread Dom

On 13/07/13 20:27, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sat, 2013-07-13 at 12:18 -0600, Glenn English wrote:

On Jul 13, 2013, at 3:08 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

I'm interested in experiences of others. In my experience CDs and DVDs
more likely will fail, than HDDs do.

My 10 DLT tapes

I don't know DLT, but many people I know and myself have experiences
with DAT. The tapes are equal to DDS.

The problem here aren't the tapes, but the drives. I never heard of a
DAT drive that lived very long, neither consumer, nor professional
studio DATs. The mechanic is comparable with VHS video recorders, but
they are that small, that the size of a drive sometimes is as small as a
Walkman. Spaghettied tapes are a common issue for DAT, since DDS is the
same I won't trust it and I suspect DLT doesn't differ much.

There is very little similarity between DDS and DLT tapes. DDS is, as 
you say, a bit like VHS, in that it has a cartridge with two spools, a 
slow moving tape and a rotating helical scan read/write head. Actually, 
I've had very few wrecked tapes on those from DDS1 up to DDS-4.

DLT has a single spool in the cart (the other being in the drive), a 
fast moving tape and stationary read/write head. The tapes are also much 
bigger and wider. I've found them to be very reliable over the years.


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Re: Debian 7.1 root password issue.

2013-06-25 Thread Dom

On 26/06/13 03:11, SANG KIM wrote:

I recently installed debian 7.1 and I reinstalled it at least five
times.  I've tried installing it with a root password created and
without and Debian still won't let me log in as root.  It says
"authentication failed" after I type in the root password.

I've tried reinstalling it without creating a root password and it
still won't let me log in.  I get the same message as before.  I can
log in as another user, but not as root.  I've checked the passwords
entered and every time the password is correct, but Debian says that
it's not.  How can I fix these issues.

I've tried to use the password command to remove whatever password I
created/didn't create and I get an error message that the password
command cannot be found in BASH.  Is there something wrong with the
Debian 7.1?  I can't even install updates to the OS.

How did you try to log in as root? Was it from the Desktop login, text 
console or by ssh?

The desktop doesn't allow root logins, so you need to do it from a terminal.

The command to change a password is "passwd" it should be in /usr/bin.

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Re: Debian Testing/Jessie

2013-06-24 Thread Dom

On 24/06/13 20:34, sp113438 wrote:

On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:10:49 +0100
Darac Marjal  wrote:

architecture i386

does kernel linux-image-3.9.1 still supports architecture i386?

Don't confuse the architecture with the CPU model numbers.

i386 is any 32 bit x86 chip, but the i386 kernels only support Pentium 
II and later now, unless you use the _486 versions.


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Re: trouble formatting 3TB Seagate external HDrives. need help

2013-06-24 Thread Dom

On 24/06/13 16:55, paul condon wrote:

I have two 3TB Seagate external HDs. They were purchased from different
stores at slightly different times earlier this year, here in Colorado.
I want them to have ext4 file systems on them, excepting if someone on
this list can give a reason otherwise. I have googled and gotten a lot
of hits, which indicate to me that this is a well known problem.
Unfortunately, I have difficulty following the instructions, and all my
efforts have not reached a successful conclusion. Now with further trys,
it seems to me that stuff has been written onto the drives that needs to
be wiped off because I get messages that from the disk utility in xfce4
that it won't overwrite a disk with data on it.

So I want to use dd to wipe a complete drive.
For this I have found the following:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdg bs=1M
In the above, I have already changed the HD device to sdg (from sda),
but I wonder about bs=1M. Could the process go faster with a larger
block size? What are the criteria for choosing a value for bs? And, how
long should a 3T wipe take to complete? The job has been running for
about 12 hours. Would it go faster with a different bs? Faster enough to
make the waste of 12hrs running worthwhile? Is there some way to invoke
an 'progress indicator' for dd? And, in general, is there a better way?

As people have already answered all your above questions, I'll just add 
to the last one.

Install and use dcfldd. It uses the same syntax as dd, but with some 
extra security and progress features.

If you add "sizeprobe=of" to the command list, it will use the size of 
the destination drive to show a regular progress report of MB 
transferred and %age complete.

The only issue I've found with it is that it sometimes doesn't report 
100% complete if the reporting interval isn't an exact fraction of the 
total size. It does still write the whole file though.


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Re: mksh vs. pdksh

2013-06-22 Thread Dom

On 22/06/13 20:47, Jeff Shearer wrote:

Good day,

One feature I have used for at least 20 years with various verions of ksh is 
the ability to escape and scroll through my .history file using the lower case 
letters k and j when vi is designated as my editor in my .profile.� I just 
implemented mksh which is the supposed replacement for pdksh in
Debian but I am unable to scroll through my .history file using the lower case 
letters k and j.� I am however able to scroll through my history file using the 
arrow keys.

Is there a way to implement the scroll via lower case letters k and j when vi 
is selected as your editor with mksh?

I've never used mksh or pdksh, but when I used to use ksh on unix 
systems I recall I used to have to "set -o vi" to enable that facility.


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Re: Cannot run a program from an optical drive

2013-06-15 Thread Dom

On 15/06/13 11:22, Nikolas Kallis wrote:


When I try to run a program from an optical drive as the 'root' user in
Debian 7.0, I get a permission denied return.

Does anyone know why this happened and how I can stop it from happening

Is the drive mounted with the noexec option? That will prevent programs 
from running. I think mount defaults to noexec for optical and removable 
drives, unless you specify the exec option the mount command or fstab.

Try mount -o remount,exec $mountpoint

(Apologies, I hit Reply instead of Reply to List)


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Re: Checking for installed package

2013-05-24 Thread Dom

On 25/05/13 06:30, Kip Warner wrote:

Hey list,

I'd like to know the most reliable way for a bash script to verify that
a package is installed on the user's system. I've looked already at
dpkg, dpkg-query, and aptitude. These are the constraints:

 1. It needs to work on any stock Debian based system, e.g.
 aptitude not always present, so can't rely on it.

 2. It needs to be i18n safe, e.g. no reliance on grepping for
 "Installed:" output of apt-cache policy  because that
 is en locale specific.

 3. It needs to be able to distinguish a package that is
 installed from any other condition with only the former we care
 about. That means the exit code, for instance, of the query
 should be never be the same for a package that is installed
 versus one that is not installed - and not available anywhere.

Any help appreciated.

LANGUAGE="C" dpkg -l $packagename | grep -q "^ii "

will return 0 if the package is installed and 1 for any other state.


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Re: cheap hw raid or raid software?

2013-05-24 Thread Dom

On 24/05/13 22:08, Pol Hallen wrote:

Hi folks!

I've an old pc with Sil3114 hardware raid card. How is reliable this
cheap hardware?

What is better: use a raid software or a raid hardware with this card?

No need speed... only reliable of datas

I've been using Sil3114 based cards in two of my computers for some 
years now without any problems. I don't use them for raid though, just 
as ordinary disk controllers.

If I did use raid, I would go for software every time. Mostly because if 
the card failed and I had to get another then I could use any card that 
was available without having to worry about raid compatibility.


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Re: New distro

2013-05-08 Thread Dom

On 08/05/13 22:33, Bob Proulx wrote:

Valaki Valahol wrote:

Also where can I find the older distros, eg. 6.0.7 that I can download all
the DVD IDO images ?

Older images are available.  Now that Wheezy 7.0 has released the
previous Squeeze 6.0 is now "older".  These are available in archive
section.  Here is a reference:

Older full DVD isos are here (at least for now):

But if you follow my directions in the previous message for jigdo then
you can do the same thing again for these DVD images.

   # apt-get install jigdo-file

   $ mkdir jigdo-stuff
   $ cd jigdo-stuff
   $ jigdo-lite --noask

   $ ls -ldog debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-1.iso
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 4635574272 May  8 15:30 debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-1.iso

I've used jigdo in the past, when I've wanted install DVD or CD images, 
but now use the netinstalls.

Jigdo still has it's place though, and is a very good tool. I did find 
some of the command line options confusing at first (this was a few 
years back).

I wonder if it might be worth making an even simpler front-end for just 
downloading (and burning) Debian DVDs?

The command could be something like:

jigdvd --rel=6.0.7 --arch=amd64 --dvd=1 /dev/dvd

where --rel= (or -r) defaults to latest, --arch= (or -a ) defaults to 
current arch and --dvd= (or -d) defaults to 1. There could be a --noburn 
option to create the .iso without burning, and possibly a menu of 
available images if noting is specified on the command line.

Just pondering out loud here, that's all.


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Re: Debian 7 Wheezy Stable Relelased

2013-05-08 Thread Dom

On 08/05/13 06:05, Patrick Bartek wrote:

FWIW, when I originally thought of installing Linux on the Thinkpad 7
years ago, and noted the inherent problems, I did tried several
floppy-based boot managers/utilities, but none of them worked.  The
external CD drive was either never recognized or was inaccessable: The
install CD never booted. So, I looked for distros that had a boot
floppy option. Debian Sarge was the winner.

That was the reason I started using Debian. It was the only distro I 
could find that would install from floppy on my Toshiba Libretto CT70 
alongside the windows 95 I was using on it at the time, and work "out of 
the box" with the network card and most of the other hardware. It was 
Potato that I stared with.

I also managed to patch and compile a kernel module to support the weird 
PCMCIA floppy drive that it used.

I did get X working after some searching and experimenting, but mostly 
used it for command line stuff. :)


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Re: Debian 7 Wheezy Stable Relelased

2013-05-07 Thread Dom

On 07/05/13 22:23, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Tue, 07 May 2013, wrote:

Unfortunately, the Thinkpad 240X we're discussing here can't
boot directly off a CD or even a USB thumb drive for that matter.
Natively, it can only boot off a floppy or internal hard drive.  (I
said this thing was ancient. ;-) )  And except for the hard drive, all
other drives are externals.

Having worked with even more ancient hardware, may I suggest you try the 
PLOP boot manager for installation? It can be put on a floppy and 
supports boot from various devices even when the BIOS doesn't support 
them. I used it to boot the Wheezy installer from a USB stick on a 
Pentium MMX 166MHz sub-notebook with 32MB of memory and 2GB hard drive. 
I only just managed to get it to install by allocating a swap partition 
in the early stages of the install. But it did work :)


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Re: Package maintenance on Debian

2013-03-29 Thread Dom

On 29/03/13 23:31, wrote:

despite the implication of the names, you may find either to be
(mostly) stable and useful, especially if old software is your only
trouble with Debian squeeze.

Yeah, if it weren't for the older packages, I'd be content.

How do I migrate to testing or unstable: does it require a re-install or
do I just add those lists to apt-get?

nvm, the Debian wiki actually covers this pretty well.

Thanks for the help. :)

Make sure you follow the install/upgrade notes carefully when upgrading 
from Squeeze to Wheezy/Testing. There are some steps that have to be 
done in the right order (upgrading udev and kernel, for a start), or you 
will end up with an unusable system.

It is certainly worth moving to Wheezy, as it will replace Squeeze as 
Stable in the very near future.


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Re: Debian-goodies package error

2013-03-10 Thread Dom

On 10/03/13 08:47, Bonno Bloksma wrote:


Today I've run `apt-get update` and `apt-get upgrade` to get security fixes.

It updated libc6 and some other essential packages.

Should I reboot my production Web server? If yes, how often?

If you install the debian-goodies package, you can run checkrestart to see
what programs are still holding open old libraries - though there are some 
false positives.

You can then decide whether you just need to restart a particular service
(checkrestart will tell you what, in most cases), or whether you need to reboot.

Ok, so I decided to install the Debian-goodies on my machine to test that 
checkrestart command but it broke, so according to the Debian policy I get 
to keep both pieces. ;-)
Any way to fix the pieces?

Get:1 squeeze/main libssh2-1 i386 1.2.6-1 
[77.2 kB]
Get:2 squeeze/main libcurl3 i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [281 kB]
Get:3 squeeze/main curl i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [227 kB]
Get:4 squeeze/main dctrl-tools i386 2.14.5 
[110 kB]
Get:5 squeeze/main debian-goodies all 0.53 
[49.3 kB]
Fetched 746 kB in 1s (571 kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package libssh2-1.
(Reading database ... 34588 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libssh2-1 (from .../libssh2-1_1.2.6-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libcurl3.
Unpacking libcurl3 (from .../libcurl3_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package curl.
Unpacking curl (from .../curl_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package dctrl-tools.
Unpacking dctrl-tools (from .../dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb 
  failed in write on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during 
`./etc/grep-dctrl.rc': No space left on device
configured to not write apport reports
   dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by 
signal (Broken pipe)
Selecting previously deselected package debian-goodies.
Unpacking debian-goodies (from .../debian-goodies_0.53_all.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of debian-goodies:
  debian-goodies depends on dctrl-tools | grep-dctrl; however:
   Package dctrl-tools is not installed.
   Package grep-dctrl is not installed.
dpkg: error processing debian-goodies (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Setting up libssh2-1 (1.2.6-1) ...
ldconfig: Writing of cache data failed: No space left on device
dpkg: error processing libssh2-1 (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libcurl3:
  libcurl3 depends on libssh2-1 (>= 1.2); however:
   Package libssh2-1 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libcurl3 (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of curl:
  curl depends on libcurl3 (>= 7.16.2-1); however:
   Package libcurl3 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing curl (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Current status: 1 broken [+1].

The "No space left on drive" is the wrong symptom, there is plenty of space on 
all partitions.

# df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
2064208   2064208 0 100% /

Is not that line a dead giveaway? Your / partition is full.


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Re: Moving Chromebook from Ubuntu Precise to Debian Squeeze (and eventually Wheezy)

2013-02-23 Thread Dom

On 23/02/13 23:25, Mark Allums wrote:

Hi, all.  I possess an ARM Chromebook, and was not smart enough to get
Debian onto it using instructions from the Web, but I found I could follow
the Ubuntu-based instructions, and I successfully installed Ubuntu 12.04 for
ARM on a 64GB SDXC card.

Is there a decent way to leverage Ubuntu over to Debian?  Alternatively, has
anyone successfully run Debian on an ARM Chromebook, and is willing to help

I have a Samsung XE303C12.

Getting root is trivial. Get it into developer mode, and Babette is your
auntie.  However, I am not good enough with non-PC hardware.  You can
replace the ChromeOS, set it up for dual-boot, or boot from USB (SD
card);the last is also trivial.

Any advice?

You'd probably get more help on the Debian ARM specific user list:


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Re: Running pae kernel on non-pae system

2013-02-23 Thread Dom

On 23/02/13 18:36, wrote:

Hi Folks,

Last night I updated an older laptop of mine from Squeeze to Wheezy.
It went fine, but I did run into an odd particularity.

This system (Dell D505) has a Pentium M processor.  My understanding is
that the Pentium M's are just about the only modern(ish) processor
without pae, and thus kernels with pae compiled in can't run on it. (pae
doesn't show up in the cpu flags)

During the upgrade I did get warnings about it not supporting pae, so I
did make sure to install the 486 image, but forgot to remove the 686-pae
(removed 686, though).  That's not a big deal, though.  It just means
I'd have to select the 486 kernel to boot up and fix it, right?

I wasn't paying attention during reboot, and it went to 686-pae by
default.  Imagine my surprise when it started up with no problems.  It's
still running on that kernel!

Any ideas?  Was my understanding about pae wrong? Can the recent Debian
kernels disable pae on their own (something I didn't think was
possible)?  Do I have a magical Pentium M?

Some info from the system below:

$ uname -a
Linux MIT-D505-L 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 i686 GNU/Linux

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 13
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
stepping: 6
microcode   : 0x18
cpu MHz : 600.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov clflush
dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss tm pbe up bts est tm2
bogomips: 1198.81
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
power management:

I think the pae bit will only be used by CPUs that support it, otherwise 
it will be ignored and run normally. Only some "really old" CPUs (like 
some others I do run) won't be supported.

My laptop shows:

dom@oz:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 9
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
stepping: 5
microcode   : 0x7
cpu MHz : 600.000
cache size  : 1024 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov clflush 
dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 tm pbe up bts est tm2

bogomips: 1196.90
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
power management:

and an even older laptop gives:

dom@rodney:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 8
model name  : Celeron (Coppermine)
stepping: 1
microcode   : 0xf
cpu MHz : 498.435
cache size  : 128 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pse36 
mmx fxsr sse up

bogomips: 996.87
clflush size: 32
cache_alignment : 32
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
power management:

Both running the 3.2.0-4-686-pae kernel


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Re: Debian is a translation.

2013-02-03 Thread Dom

On 03/02/13 07:40, wrote:

But thinking about that, I remember that each time I do an update with
aptitude (or apt-get), translations for all languages are checked, and
when you do regular updates, you spend most of the time downloading
those translations. Then, to gain space, sometimes several hundreds of
MB (at first run), you will run localepurge.

All of this loss of time and bandwidth (for both server and client,
about bandwidth) could be avoided if it was possible to fully remove all
unused languages of Debian. I have no idea about the fact it is possible
or not...

In my /etc/apt/apt.conf, I have:

Acquire::Languages "none";

This seems to prevent downloading all the translations. However, I am 
English, speak English as my primary language and my installs are all in 
English, so I'm not sure what this option would do if the system's 
locale is anything else. I guess change "none" to the local language?

I also use a custom "locales" package which has a pre-built en_GB.UTF-8 
only. It saves a *lot* of time when updating my slower systems.


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Re: How to purge removed package?

2013-02-01 Thread Dom

On 01/02/13 16:41, David Guntner wrote:

Now, this is kind-of an odd one.  I've got Dovecot2 installed on Squeeze
from squeeze-backports.  Originally, I had installed Dovecot (1) from
the regular repository.  However, there seems to have been one package
left in a kind-of hanging state:  dovecot-common from version 1.  I
discovered this when I did a

aptitude search '~c'

to see if there were any packages that I could clean up (I don't like to
leave config files laying around when I've removed something).  Several
were found, including the old dovecot-common package (which as of
version 2, is a transitional package that doesn't need to be there).

So, having found several packages with the above command, I did a

aptitude purge '~p'

to clean them up.  Everything *except* dovecot-common went away.  When
it got to dovecot-common, it just gave me an error message.  Oh, and it
deleted /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf for me before erroring out.  Oops.
Thankfully I found a backup copy in /usr/share/dovecot which I was able
to copy back. :-)

What was the error message?

But in the meantime, I've still got this old reference to version 1

# aptitude search '~c'
c   dovecot-common   - Transitional package for dovecot

# dpkg -s dovecot-common
Package: dovecot-common
Status: purge ok config-files
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 18948
Maintainer: Dovecot Maintainers
Architecture: amd64
Source: dovecot
Version: 1:1.2.15-7
Replaces: dovecot
Depends: libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.7), libcomerr2 (>= 1.01), libdb4.8, libgssapi-krb5-2 (>= 1.8+dfsg), 
libk5crypto3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libkrb5-3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libmysqlclient16 (>= 
5.1.21-1), libpam0g (>=, libpq5 (>= 8.4~0cvs20090328), libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.7.3), libssl0.9.8 (>= 
0.9.8m-1), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), libpam-runtime (>= 0.76-13.1), openssl, adduser, ucf (>= 2.0020)
Suggests: ntp
Description: secure mail server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes
  Dovecot is a mail server whose major goals are security and extreme
  reliability. It tries very hard to handle all error conditions and verify
  that all data is valid, making it nearly impossible to crash. It should
  also be pretty fast, extensible, and portable.
  This package contains the files used by both the dovecot IMAP and POP3 servers
  and the Dovecot LDA (deliver).

I suppose it's not actually hurting anything by remaining there, but I'd
prefer to get it to purged status (p) when doing a "aptitude search
dovcot" and looking at the list if I can.

So, the question is:  *Is* there a way I can get it to clear that "c"
flag and put it back to a "p" like it should be?  How to get rid of the
error when trying to purge it?  (Or if it's really purged, then back to
how to get it to *list* it as being purged?)

Do I need to remove/purge all my dovecot packages and reinstall after
getting -common out?  (I'd prefer to NOT do that if it can be avoided.)

dpkg --purge dovecot-common

Should do the job.


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Re: Execution of local PHP modules

2013-01-17 Thread Dom

On 17/01/13 11:55, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 07:04:43PM +, William Lee Valentine wrote:

If one wants to test PHP modules against HTML code browsed on a local
machine through the file:/// prefix, where should the PHP modules be
placed? Do Apache directives have to be issued to allow PHP to process
these PHP modules?

Well... If you point your browser to file:///some/file, then apache
will not get involved at all, as the browser will read the file
directly from the file system.

Thus, PHP code will not be executed at all.

If you want to test PHP code locally, you're probably better off
enabling the "userdir" module in apache (as well as PHP, obviously),
put your PHP (or HTML or whatever) files in $HOME/public_html/, and
point your browser to http://localhost/~your-login-name .

If you have PHP (cli) 5.4 or later installed, it has a built-in web 
server for this sort of testing.

cd into the directory where your php files are and enter

php -S localhost:8000

The webserver will start listening on port 8000 on localhost only and 
report all activity to your terminal until you press Ctrl-C.

Then point your browser at http:localhost:8000/yourfile.php

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Re: What happens when you upgrade a package with modified config files?

2013-01-08 Thread Dom

On 08/01/13 19:25, David Guntner wrote:

Karl E. Jorgensen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 06:29:02PM +, David Guntner wrote:

You mean there will be a bunch of .diff files for you to have to look
through?  Or something else?

No - it will prompt interactively during installation. There are
options on apt/dpkg to avoid the prompts by always doing either (a)
install the new version or (b) leave the config file untouched.

I could see where that could become problematic during a full system
upgrade, especially if you've got a number of config files that you've
needed to modify for one reason or another

If, as someone else replied, it at least leaves a copy of the new config
file behind with a .new extension or whatever, then I guess I can at
least go through the process manually.  What fun!

It does. If you choose to retain your customised file it will save the 
new version with a ".dpkg-new" extension (iirc), and if you choose to 
replace your config it'll save your version with ".dpkg-old" on the end.

(I think I got those the right way around)


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Re: A lot of problems with debian sid on a Notebook

2012-12-23 Thread Dom

On 23/12/12 10:50, Thore wrote:

Am 23.12.2012 01:57, schrieb

Le 23.12.2012 00:51, Thore a écrit :

on my Alienware m15x Notebook I installed debian wheezy (in the 32bit
version with kde).

Hum, knowing that it is an alienware say nothing about the processor
model, so maybe the 32bit choice is not the best one.
I do not know, for now I did not read your full mail.

It is an i3 with 64bit support, I had a 32bit cd here so used it without
thinkink about it.
The system has 5gb ram

Now I have a few questions:
1: When I boot there will be 4 linux entrys with the kernel name. one
ending ...-4-686-pae (or like this) ando one with a 2 as the 4.
Can I delete the entry with the 2 (inclusive the recovery?)
And how can I delete it?

PAE is an extension to expand your maximum RAM above 4G byte of RAM,
which is not possible for motherboards with simple 32 bit support.
However, noawadays, I do not think
there are still new computers without 64 bit support, which include
the ability to support more RAM than old (and when I say old, that's
more than 10 years) computers.
I think you could remove non-pae options. In fact, I'm pretty sure you
could simply move to a 64 bit architecture... but in doubt, just try
to boot on pae, and if everything works correctly, remove the other one.

Both entrys have a pae, my question is: can (and how can) I remove the
...-2-686-pae entry?

apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.0-2-486-pae

But this is moot if you are going to install the 64 bit version from 


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Re: Copy 2 partitions to .img file

2012-12-06 Thread Dom

On 06/12/12 15:14, Pertti Kosunen wrote:

On 6.12.2012 15:00, Hélder Pinheiro wrote:

I want to copy the content of both partitions into a .img file, in order
to be able to flash it on another 4GB memory card..
I tried with dd command, but I am only able to copy one partition each
time or the entire 16 GB.

dd if=/dev/sdb of=4GB.img bs=1M count=4k

Copies 4096 times 1 megabyte blocks.

For exact size image(?):

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd

Disk /dev/sdd: 7969 MB, 7969177600 bytes
246 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1020 cylinders, total 15564800 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000a8206

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdd1 2048 206847 102400 6 FAT16
/dev/sdd2 206848 13314047 6553600 83 Linux

dd if=[Input Device] of=[Output File] bs=[Sector size] count=[End of
last partition]
dd if=/dev/sdd of=8GB.img bs=512 count=13314047

That should be count=13314048 as the sector number starts at 0, so from 
sector 0 to sector 13314047 is 13314048 sectors. It will only be an 
issue if the last sector is used though.


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Re: [OT] End of the world

2012-12-03 Thread Dom

On 03/12/12 21:15, Erwan David wrote:

On 03/12/12 22:12, Wolf Halton wrote:

I thought it always did.  Isn't that about the same time as the Winter

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Urs>>  wrote:>>

 >  Isn't this a bit too fast ? Wasn't End of the World scheduled in
 >  crontab for 21.12.2012 ? ;)

 You cannot specify a year using crontab(1) or in /etc/crontab.  You
 could, however, specify that the end of the world will happen on each
 December 21, in any year :-)


but you can using at(1).

# echo "halt" | at end of world


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Re: Write protect access on USB port

2012-11-26 Thread Dom

On 26/11/12 22:18, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 26 nov 12, 21:47:36, Amit wrote:

Yes the above would work in most cases but in the case I am dealing
with, the filesystem is not mounted yet. For example, I plug in a USB
drive.  Before it is mounted, there is a /dev/sd[x] node. I can open
this node and write anything I want, thereby corrupting the filesystem
on that device.

Not unless you are 'root' or member of group 'floppy':

$ ls -l /dev/sdb1
brw-rw---T 1 root floppy 8, 17 nov 27 00:14 /dev/sdb1

You could just tweak the relevant udev rule to create the device nodes
as root:root or root:disk (like hard drives), since root would be able
to circumvent any protection and 'disk' is almost the same as 'root'.

I just tested a basic udev rule which sets read-only permissions on any 
usb disk when inserted. Obviously root would be able to change those 
permissions, but I don't believe any command (other than chmod) would 
override read-only for the device file.

dom@oz:~$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-ro.rules:

#Make USB storage devices read only

dom@oz:~$#(plugs in usb storage device)
dom@oz:~$ ls -l /dev/sd*
brw-rw---T 1 root disk   8,  0 Nov 27 03:16 /dev/sda
brw-rw---T 1 root disk   8,  1 Nov 27 03:16 /dev/sda1
brw-rw---T 1 root disk   8,  2 Nov 27 03:16 /dev/sda2
br--r--r-T 1 root floppy 8, 16 Nov 27 07:12 /dev/sdb
br--r--r-T 1 root floppy 8, 17 Nov 27 07:12 /dev/sdb1

The rule may need a bit of tweaking perhaps. I'm not a udev expert by a 
long way.


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Re: samsung or android device causing crash?

2012-11-08 Thread Dom

On 09/11/12 00:46, Tony Baldwin wrote:

On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 07:27:59PM -0500, Tony Baldwin wrote:

I've been having occasional lock ups.
The screen will blank out like X has crashed and I see a tty login,
but still see a mouse pointer, but can not type to login, and the
mouse pointer will be stuck.
Can't get any input to machine with keyboard (like to switch to another
tty even), etc., so I reset or do a hard shutdown and reboot.

I dig into dmesg, and the only common thread I'm seeing is that it
happens when my Samsung Galaxy is plugged into the machine to recharge

Okay, I've looked in /var/log/kern.log
I think I found relevant stuff just before this latest lock-up.
I grabbed a whole bunch of it, mentioning CD-ROM, usb mass storage device and 
(it's a phone, not an optical drive).

I can't help with the issue, I'm afraid, but I can shed a little light 
on this.

The phone contains an image of its "Driver CD" and presents this to the 
USB host as a CD-ROM, as well as presenting itself as a mass storage device.

The idea is that you can just plug the phone into your PC, it sees a CD 
drive with the drivers disc in and installs them (and, optionally, any 
additional software). Then it sees the device properly. This is usually 
for Windows users.


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Re: how to prevent dvd drives from being polled

2012-10-31 Thread Dom

On 31/10/12 16:13, Dom wrote:

On 31/10/12 15:48, Frank McCormick wrote:

On 31/10/12 10:42 AM, lee wrote:

Darac Marjal  writes:

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 03:25:18AM +0100, lee wrote:


how do I prevent the dvd drives from being polled by udisks-daemon? I
can kill the process and it becomes a zombie, and I'd rather get
rid of

This polling is something I really don't need or want! What else like
this is going on, and how do I disable it?

According to the man page[1], it should be as simple as (!) adding a
property to the device using a udev rule.

Apparently, yes --- but what rule or property is that? And how do I
disable it without rebooting? Udev stuff is a mystery, with
configuration that isn't readable by humans.

Googling the problem turned up this


Of course you'll have to make changes to match your CD-rom and where to
put the rule is a mystery (to me)...but it should get you started.

I believe the line should go in a new file called something like

I haven't had a chance to test it yet

Ok, that file should have been called

(All rules files must end with .rules)

It looks like the variable gets set for me with

as the rule.

However, I can't confirm that this has disabled polling yet.

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Re: how to prevent dvd drives from being polled

2012-10-31 Thread Dom

On 31/10/12 15:48, Frank McCormick wrote:

On 31/10/12 10:42 AM, lee wrote:

Darac Marjal  writes:

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 03:25:18AM +0100, lee wrote:


how do I prevent the dvd drives from being polled by udisks-daemon? I
can kill the process and it becomes a zombie, and I'd rather get rid of

This polling is something I really don't need or want! What else like
this is going on, and how do I disable it?

According to the man page[1], it should be as simple as (!) adding a
property to the device using a udev rule.

Apparently, yes --- but what rule or property is that? And how do I
disable it without rebooting? Udev stuff is a mystery, with
configuration that isn't readable by humans.

Googling the problem turned up this


Of course you'll have to make changes to match your CD-rom and where to
put the rule is a mystery (to me)...but it should get you started.

I believe the line should go in a new file called something like

I haven't had a chance to test it yet

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Re: OT: A question about bash scripting

2012-10-29 Thread Dom

On 29/10/12 20:31, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

I want

  min_sec=$(((done-started)/60))":"${seconds: -2}

in one line, instead of two lines.

I don't understand your reply.

Even if I would add ${min_sec: 2} to each "echo" command (there will be
a second output to a log file, it wouldn't be formatted as needed.


  ### Killall and Restore session
  started=$(date +%s)
  sleep 2

  ### Time
  month=$(date +%B)
  mon=$(date +%b)
  d_y_t=$(date '+/%d/%Y %T')
  done=$(date +%s)
  #min_sec=$(((done-started)/60))":"${seconds: -2}
  echo"Attended time to restore session: $min_sec"
  echo -n "Session restored at " ; printf %9.9s $month ; echo $d_y_t

... RESULT ...

Attended time to restore session: 0:102
Session restored at   October/29/2012 21:11:43

... RESP. ...

  ### Killall and Restore session
  started=$(date +%s)
  sleep 2

  ### Time
  month=$(date +%B)
  mon=$(date +%b)
  d_y_t=$(date '+/%d/%Y %T')
  done=$(date +%s)
  #min_sec=$(((done-started)/60))":"${seconds: -2}
  min_sec=${min_sec: 2}
  echo"Attended time to restore session: $min_sec"
  echo -n "Session restored at " ; printf %9.9s $month ; echo $d_y_t

... RESULT ...

Attended time to restore session: 102
Session restored at   October/29/2012 21:17:26


  ### Killall and Restore session
  started=$(date +%s)
  sleep 2

  ### Time
  month=$(date +%B)
  mon=$(date +%b)
  d_y_t=$(date '+/%d/%Y %T')
  done=$(date +%s)
  min_sec=$(((done-started)/60))":"${seconds: -2}
  echo"Attended time to restore session: $min_sec"
  echo -n "Session restored at " ; printf %9.9s $month ; echo $d_y_t


Attended time to restore session: 0:02
Session restored at   October/29/2012 21:21:32


  min_sec=$(((done-started)/60))":"${seconds: -2}

Would this do what you are after?

### Killall and Restore session
started=$(date +%s)
sleep 2

### Time
month=$(date +%B)
mon=$(date +%b)
d_y_t=$(date '+/%d/%Y %T')
done=$(date +%s)
printf "Attended time to restore session:  %4d:%02d\n" 
$(((done-started)/60)) $(((done-started)%60))

printf "Session restored at %9.9s%s\n" "$month" "$d_y_t"

(The first "printf" is a long line that will probably get spilt by 
email. It should all be on one line).

Also the SECONDS shell counter variable is useful for this sort of thing.

For example:
### Killall and Restore session




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Re: DVD-RAM, Raspberry Pi and other toys - Was: can't create an UDF file system on a CD-RW

2012-10-18 Thread Dom

On 17/10/12 22:37, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

Apologize Pierre, it wasn't intended to capture your thread.

On Wed, 2012-10-17 at 13:56 -0700, Kelly Clowers wrote:

Raspberry Pi is cool (not my cup of tea, but cool nonetheless). It
looks like it is selling for 35 USD, which is what I always heard

I suspect I'm too old and sluggish, when I was young I played with
hardware and programmed Assembler and unbelievable, even C. Today I
don't have those abilities anymore. Yes, it's cool, but I suspect I
wouldn't use it, I would be to lazy to learn, or I would learn and then
spend more time with Computers, then I really would lose any real world
social contacts, would feed myself with more junk foot. At some point
it's better to stop ;).

You're never too old :-)

I bought a Raspberry Pi soon after they first came out, and it is great 
fun to work on. My C skills are weak, but I've managed to create a few 
small apps for it. Also, I used to dabble in ARM assembler back when I 
had a BBC Micro, and a little later. I do like the fact that it is 
possible to write small native apps to run on the "bare metal" system 
without any OS required.

As for the price being different to the original quotes - the $25 price 
is for the "model A" which isn't available yet (due around Christmas, I 
believe). The "model B" currently selling has 2 USB ports, compared to 
the one port on the A, and the A doesn't have ethernet. Also, current 
model Bs now have 512MB of RAM, instead of the original 256MB (I suspect 
the model A will have 256MB).


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Re: GRUB location on Dual-Boot with TWO hard drives

2012-10-14 Thread Dom

On 14/10/12 10:36, Brian wrote:

On Sat 13 Oct 2012 at 18:49:14 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:

Debian Squeeze installed successfully !

The dual-boot did not work but I can boot into either Win2k or Debian
simply by changing the boot order in the BIOS (hdd-0  or  hdd-1). When
I set Debian (hdd-1) as 1st boot device I do receive a menu that asks
which OS I would like to boot but Win2k (hdd-0) is not offered as a
choice. Its missing.

It's not unknown for the installer to not record an OS in the GRUB menu
even when it detects its presence. The guide does remark that this
process is still something of a "black art".

The only choices presented are Debian Squeeze and Debian Recovery. I
guess the fact that I did not put GRUB on the win2k drive (hdd-0) is
probably why win2k is not offered as an optional OS to boot. However,
based on the suggestions from the helpful replies I have received and
reading the online tutorials, everyone has suggested the same thing,
"Don't put Grub on the windows drive". That is good enough advice for
me! Who knows what could have happened!

Probably nothing disastrous. The Windows boot loader would have been
wiped out, of course, but if there had been no Windows entry in the
GRUB menu, it is recoverable. As we shall see.

I can still boot either OS (win2k or Debian) simply by changing the
boot order in BIOS. Not a big deal. Sure beats swapping drives in and
out of the computer. :)

Login as root and run the command


Watch the screen for a mention of "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional".
Check for a Windows entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg with

less /boot/grub/grub.cfg

If it there it should be offered as an option when you reboot.

You might need to install the os-prober package first. Grub2 uses that 
to identify other OSes on your system.


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Re: Is it possible to monitor VTs via ssh?

2012-09-28 Thread Dom

On 28/09/12 16:20, wrote:

Good morning,  When I ssh into a remote system, I am able to see what is 
happening on VT2 by entering the command 'cat /dev/vcs2'. I tried using tail -f 
to get a continuous output of the console, but it fails to ever update. Is it 
possible to watch another VT in real time over ssh?  Thanks, Craig

What I am trying to do is monitor logs on a remote system. I have the log 
entries going
to the log files as well as VT2. If I ssh into the machine and tail -f the 
system log,
it quits updating when the log is rotated. So I figured if I could watch the 
console in real time I would be able to see the same thing without interruption 
the log file rotates. Is this possible? Is there a better way to do it?

Try "tail --follow=mylogfile", this will followed the currently named 
"mylogfile" even if the old file is renamed and a new one opened, rather 
than following the old file which -f does.

Also the "-F" option will do similar, but won't fail if the file is 
inaccessible for a while.


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Re: why would fdisk -l take so long?

2012-09-28 Thread Dom

On 28/09/12 13:52, Jon Dowland wrote:

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 01:23:59PM +0100, Dom wrote:

It *is* possible that smartctl is mis-interpretting the status of
your disk, but given your slow fdisk command I suspect not.

Time to backup, backup, backup, buy a new disk and transfer the data
over asap.

YES to backup, but it's worth changing your SATA cable before investing
in a new disk, or at least ensuring your current one is seated properly.
Try to measure the *rate* that Hardware_ECC_Recovered is increasing over
a set period of time, check/replace cable, measure again.

Good points, which I did think of *after* I'd posted my comment.

Good catch. :-)


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Re: why would fdisk -l take so long?

2012-09-28 Thread Dom

On 28/09/12 12:27, Albretch Mueller wrote:

Failing boot sector?
Some other sector it has to read is failing?
Check the logs. Try (from smartmontools):

  I don't know exactly which of your questions/suggestions running:
  smartctl -A /dev/sda | egrep -i "sector|realloc"
  relates to, but it didn't report any error message. Without grep I got:
$ sudo smartctl -A /dev/sda
smartctl 5.43 2012-05-01 r3539 [i686-linux-3.3.7] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
   1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   115   082   006Pre-fail
Always   -   96695847

Ok, your disk is dying. The Raw_Read_Error_Rate should be zero, or very low.

   7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f   075   060   030Pre-fail
Always   -   17316569764

That is also seriously bad.

   9 Power_On_Hours  0x0032   097   097   000Old_age
Always   -   2678

Is this a fairly new disk? Only 2678 hours use.

195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered  0x001a   078   057   000Old_age
Always   -   102323103

It looks like many errors have been recovered using ECC, so you probably 
wouldn't have noticed those.

It *is* possible that smartctl is mis-interpretting the status of your 
disk, but given your slow fdisk command I suspect not.

Time to backup, backup, backup, buy a new disk and transfer the data 
over asap.


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Re: why would fdisk -l take so long?

2012-09-28 Thread Dom

On 28/09/12 11:30, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 03:52:26AM +0100, Albretch Mueller wrote:

$ date; fdisk -l; date
Thu Sep 27 22:48:21 UTC 2012

Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00052568

Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1  633908614419543041c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2390861457814015919527007+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda378140160   23442047978140160   83  Linux
/dev/sda4   234420480   488396799   1269881605  Extended
/dev/sda5   234420543   3534259504728+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda6   353430063   372981104 9775521c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda7   372981168   392516144 9767488+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda8   392516208   43157015919526976   83  Linux
/dev/sda9   431570223   441353744 4891761   83  Linux
/dev/sda10  441353808   446253569 2449881   83  Linux
/dev/sda11  446253633   44981 1783183+  83  Linux
/dev/sda12  449822720   48839679919287040   83  Linux
Thu Sep 27 22:48:59 UTC 2012

So... fdisk -l took 38 seconds - which is a bit much.

Question: How long does "fdisk -l /dev/sda" take?  (note: specifying
"/dev/sda" explicitly, rather than fdisk figure it out)

If this is a lot shorter, then your problem may be related to how
fdisk chooses a default device to look at, and the contents of
/proc/partitions becomes interesting...

Hope this help

Also, try using "time fdisk -l". The time command gives a slightly 
better idea of where the time is being spent that just using date before 
and after.


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Re: [OT] How to redirect input/output to another console?

2012-09-08 Thread Dom

On 08/09/12 14:58, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

Hi folks,

I know, maybe this is not the right forum, as my question is not really debian
based. But maybe you might want to help either.

I have a friend far away from me, which is using debian/testing same as me. As
I am helping this woman sometimes, and she is willing to learn, I would give
her an option, to see, what I am doing in the shell (input, output and error).

She is also capable working in the shell (but still not very experienced with
it), and so I am looking for a way, that
- either she can see, what I am doing in my shell
- I can see her shell
- or best, we can both work in ONE shell

IMO it is a good way for her, to learn, what is going on.

I know, that the first was possible in the past, but I cannot remember any more
how I did it, it was something with redirecting, Of course I read the manuals,
and searched the web, but I still did not find the best solution, yet.

Any hints are welcome.

I'd use screen. Get your friend to start a screen session with

  screen -U -a -S myscreen

then log in to her machine and connect to the same session with

  screen -U -a -x myscreen

for this.

The -U (use UTF-8) and -a (use full terminal capabilities) are optional.

It's low bandwidth and you'll be sharing the same shell session. Screen 
also has the advantage that if you get disconnected, you can reconnect 
to the same session again.


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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-09-01 Thread Dom

On 01/09/12 14:35, lee wrote:

Joe  writes:

On Sat, 01 Sep 2012 09:38:42 +0200
lee  wrote:

Camaleón  writes:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:56:29 -0500, Charles Kroeger wrote:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:20:02 +0200
Camaleón  wrote:


* Drop linux-sound-base: OSS was removed from the kernel
  (closes: #662038). Remove all module list generation
machinery, it's now obsolete.
* Removing linux-sound-base also closes: #376241, #558408 the
hard way.

Review the referenced bug reports and if there's nothing that
solves the problem you're facing you can report it.

According to aptitude, alsa-base depends on linux-sound-base and
conflicts with linux-sound-base. So you either have to remove both of
them or keep their current versions.

So am I supposed to report this problem against alsa-base as a problem
of broken dependencies? Or should I remove both packages and
(forcefully) re-install alsa-base in case I don't have sound anymore

How did you circumvent the problem?

There wasn't a problem, or at least not when it happened in sid.

Hm ok, I'm running testing, so things might be much different.

I'm running testing/wheezy too. This is what I get:

dom@oz:~$ aptitude show alsa-base
Package: alsa-base
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 1.0.25+2+nmu2
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Debian ALSA Maintainers 
Architecture: all
Uncompressed Size: 133 k
Depends: kmod, procps, udev
Recommends: alsa-utils
Suggests: alsa-oss, oss-compat
Breaks: linux-sound-base
Provides: alsa
Description: ALSA driver configuration files

There's no dependency on linux-sound-base there.

My sound seems to still be working too.

Have you done an apt-get or aptitude update recently?


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Re: apt-get fails due to "system" message bus problem

2012-08-14 Thread Dom

On 14/08/12 14:25, Malte Forkel wrote:


I have written a little script to download a package from a repository
specified on the command line. E.g. the following will download the
package debian-archive-keyring_2010.08.28_all.deb on an Ubuntu system:

$ apt-getfrom -s "deb stable main" \
download debian-archive-keyring

apt-getfrom works by setting up a "sandbox" environment in a temporary
configuration file, based on a suggestion by Bob Proulx (see

When I use apt-getfrom while building a package (i.e. from within
debian/rules), I run into an error. I guess it has to do with fakeroot,
because I can reproduce the problem like this:

$ fakeroot apt-getfrom -s "deb stable \
main" download debian-archive-keyring
Failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Did not receive a
reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a
reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply
timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Could someone please explain what causes this error and/or how to avoid it?

I suspect that fakeroot is interpreting the -s option.

Can you try:

$ fakeroot -- apt-getfrom -s "deb stable \ 
main" download debian-archive-keyring

The "--" should make fakeroot pass the -s through to your apt-getfrom 


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Re: tsclient

2012-08-13 Thread Dom

On 13/08/12 07:18, lina wrote:


Before I have the tsclient installed in wheezy,

one thing pretty weird, I can access one remote machine without problem,
but for another, similar one always report the access of session is
denied, which has no problem in accessing from other computer.

So I purge it and decide to re-install.

Now started to realize that there in no tsclient for wheezy,
and quite interesting is that

for squeeze it's 0.150-4
for sid one it's 0.150-2

I don't know which one is better for wheezy one, and can't find the bug
report in the debian package tracking system.

Thanks ahead for your suggestions, or are there some alternative one?
like tsclient.

From tsclient bug 547314:

"tsclient has been unmaintained upstream for a long time.
We have kept it because we lacked a client for RDP, but
now that grdc is in the archive, which is maintained and
much better than tsclient, it can be removed."

Mentioned as another alternative later in that bug report is remmina.
(grdc is now a dummy package in squeeze that depends on remmina)


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Re: Something about netiquette Re: systemd

2012-08-05 Thread Dom

On 05/08/12 18:13, Mika Suomalainen wrote:

Hash: SHA512

On 05.08.2012 15:20, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

You know why so many people don't use Linux? Linux doesn't run for
most "stupid" users, but Windows does. It's stuff like pulseaudio
that is the showstopper.

I have understood that the problem with most basic users is that most
of (commercial) computer games are made for Windows. How many games
made for Linux have you seen at some store?

Maybe that will change now that Valve are starting to port all their 
games to Linux platforms.


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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-08-02 Thread Dom

On 02/08/12 19:54, Brian wrote:

On Thu 02 Aug 2012 at 20:17:27 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Am Montag, 23. Juli 2012 schrieb Brian:

All the major applications on the popular DEs are now geared up to
output in PDF format when printing.

Haven´t there been plans to switch CUPS to use PDF internally as well?

May I repeat the URL given previously:

Having applications produce output in PDF was all part of the plan to
have the complete printing workflow with CUPS use PDF. All the
essentials are now in place. It has been a truly remarkable effort.

It seems to be a good plan. I can see the advantages in it.

A pity it doesn't quite seem to work for me. I use a Brother HL5250DN 
printer, which used to work fine.

For a while now I've been unable to print from Iceweasel to that printer 
(it works on my Epson Stylus Color 470, although I can't get the margins 
set right). I believe this is due to Brother's BRScript Postscript 
emulation. I know some fixes are in place for that, but it still doesn't 
work - just prints an error page.

Recently gedit has failed to print properly, just prints a line of 
gobbldegook followed by several blank pages.


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Re: Epson Perfection 1240U USB scanner device not found

2012-07-20 Thread Dom

On 21/07/12 02:20, Joel Roth wrote:

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 02:31:09PM +, Camale??n wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 17:31:08 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:


But scanimage --list-devices only show my notebook camera. The notebook
is a Lenovo T410. My kernel is recent 3.2 stock kernel.

Any ideas what to try?

Try running the above command as root to discard a permissions issue.

Hey, it was a permissions issue!  Good guess.

$ sudo scanimage --list-devices
device `v4l:/dev/video0' is a Noname Integrated Camera virtual device
device `epson2:libusb:002:008' is a Epson Perfection1240 flatbed scanner

Is it a permission problem with udev or SANE or ???

BTW, the scanner doesn't look like a regular /dev entry.

Just a thought... is your user in the "scanner" group?


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Re: dump - restore

2012-07-20 Thread Dom

On 20/07/12 19:50, Mostafa Hashemi wrote:

sorry because of last message, coincidentally i pressed send key 
the complete message is :
hi guys
thank you all for your answers to my last questions.
i found how dump - restore works. but i have question :
i did this :
dump -0aj -f /tmp/1.bak /
in order to run a dump to back up the whole system ( did i do it in a right
way ? )
and after the dump is finished, i do this to restore it :
restore -if/tmp/1.bak
it says :
Dump tape is compressed.
what should i do here ?
i checked out the man page, i used this :
restore>  extract /tmp/1.bak
after enter, i see this :
you have not read any volumes yet.
unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start with
last volume and work toward first.
specify next volume # ( none if no more volumes ) :
what should i do i this step ?

thank u all ...

You should enter volume number 1.

But you should probably read the manpage more carefully. "extract 
/tmp/1.bak" will try and restore the file "/tmp/1.bak" from the dump, 
ie. the file you dumped to, not the contents.


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Re: Error while try to get tcp socket options with lsof

2012-07-19 Thread Dom

On 19/07/12 18:31, Camaleón wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 19:03:48 +0200, Meike Stone wrote:

I want get information about the socket options from a specified process
with the tool lsof. But every time I get a strange answer (see below).
The manual page says, that this option can be specified.

What goes wrong?


If I read it correctly, the manual also says that not all of the
arguments are available, you have to check it with "lsof -h" which
results in:

-T qs TCP/TPI Q,St (s) info

Also, from the FAQ mentioned:

"3.14.1Why doesn't lsof report socket options, socket states, and TCP
flags and values for my dialect?

No socket options and values, socket states, or TCP
flags and values are reported.  The support for "-Tf"
could not be added to Linux, because socket options,
socket states, and TCP flags and values are not
available via the /proc file system."


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Re: Bug query: USB Keyboard random repeats

2012-07-16 Thread Dom

On 16/07/12 15:52, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 16 iul 12, 11:27:52, Steve Brumby wrote:

How can I log a bug with Keyboard USB?

With Debian Squeezy (arm) on the Raspberry Pi and Raspbian the keyboard
gets random repeats, but with Archlinuxarm no problems.
As there's no problems with exactly the same hardware configuration with
Archlinux I suspect there's something in the Debian build that creates the

Your keyboard may be drawing a little too much power for the Pi to 
handle. It can be quite sensitive to voltage. As you are probably aware 
the USB ports can only supply a maximum of 140mA each, and that's with a 
good PSU. With borderline power even different software can be enough to 
cause it to glitch. Try plugging the keyboard into a powered USB hub.

Also, you should check out the Raspberry Pi forums if you haven't done 
so already. The Troubleshooting forum may help you:

It is my understanding that Raspbian is an unofficial port so I'm afraid
you will have to ask the Raspbian developers for this one, unless you
can reproduce it with an official Debian kernel (assuming there is one,
didn't look into it as I plan to use Raspbian myself as soon as my RPI

Raspbian is the best (unofficial) Debian port for the Pi. I've been 
running it, as well as the official Squeeze and Wheezy releases since I 
got mine.

There's still some work that needs doing to get hardware accelerated 
graphics working, but that is in progress I believe.


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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-16 Thread Dom

On 16/07/12 15:41, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 12:14:10 -0400, Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Camaleón  wrote:

Which, generally speaking, it translates into...? I mean, what are
those "block lists" and how are they effectively affecting the boot
process from a user's point of view?

Let's assume that grub1/grub2 have to load "/boot/grub/camaleon" in
order to boot.

If they're using block lists, they'll locate that file as starting on
xxx block of yyy partition.

If they're using an intermediate stage (grub1's stage 1.5 or grub2's
core.img), they'll locate that file by name.

Block lists are supposed to be less reliable/more fragile/(fill in with
the negative flavor that suits you).

I'm not sure to had get it (sorry, I must be a bit dense...). Can you
provide a user case for someone using block lists and another case when
they're not in use?

As I understand it, when GRUB is installed in the MBR it installs a bit 
more code in the "spare" space between the MBR and the first partition. 
This includes code that recognises various file system formats (read 
only), so it can work out where "/boot/vmlinux-xxx" is.

When installed on a partition boot sector it doesn't have that spare 
space, so needs to have the location of the kernel/initrd hard-coded in 
to it as a list of physical disk blocks.

If, for any reason the files moved (say you resize the partition 
containing /boot, or backup/delete/restore /boot), then that block list 
won't match the actual location of the files *unless* you run update-grub.

In practice this won't happen very often, if at all.


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Re: OT: Web based newsreader suggestion?

2012-07-13 Thread Dom

On 14/07/12 02:26, T Elcor wrote:


Does anyone know of a free, good web based newsreader? I plan to use it to read 
debian user group. I know of and but don't particularly like either of them.

Old Google Groups would be fine but they now require the use of Javascript and 
that's a no-go feature for me.


Before I subscribed to this list, I used to read it using Icedove as a 
newsreader (I still do for some other groups).


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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Dom

On 11/07/12 01:06, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 08:54 -0700, Mike McClain wrote:


On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 05:03:12PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
compiling kernel on debian.
what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
compiling in this time window.

The kernel provided when you install Linux, Debian included, has to work
on nearly every system out there so it includes drivers for nearly piece
of hardware that can be installed in a PC.

I always compile a kernel with only the hardware I have in my computer.
This gives me a smaller memory footprint and a smaller disk footprint.

It's all a matter of what you want.

Those smaller footprints usually aren't needed for modern computers,
since we've usually got more than enough disc space and RAM. OTOH we
perhaps change some hardware from time to time and then we need
different modules. Perhaps a visitor has some hardware, that should work
on our computers. It's a dangerous balancing act. I wouldn't remove too

The key word there is "usually"...

I run stock kernels on all my newer systems, but I have some old ones 
which it just won't work with. Therefore I compile my own. It's 
customised for those particular systems, so doesn't need to be portable.

I always keep the previous known working version of a kernel on the 
system until I'm certain that the newly compiled one is stable, and if a 
system becomes unbootable I can usually recover by removing the hard 
disk and connecting it to a working system and fixing whatever the 
problem was.

I realise that my situation is quite different to the average user with 
their 256GB/6GHz/128 bit systems ;-)


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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Dom

On 10/07/12 17:29, Camaleón wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 18:09:42 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:

On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote: (please, reply
at the bottom)

Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):


I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article
that shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

And also read the manual ("man hosts_options"), maybe we are omitting
something obvious...


I found part of problem. If I use localhost can connect, if
all is ok.
If I connect from remote first is checked client in mysql grant and
after in tcp wrappers.
Conslusion for me is that mysql doesn't support tcp wrappers correctly
(first check by wrapper then authentization by service).


root@mon:~# mysql -h localhost -p


Ah, how curious... It seems to be documented here:

4.2.2. Connecting to the MySQL Server

"(...) On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially,
in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other
network-based programs. For connections to localhost, MySQL programs
attempt to connect to the local server by using a Unix socket file. This
occurs even if a --port or -P option is given to specify a port number.
To ensure that the client makes a TCP/IP connection to the local server,
use --host or -h to specify a host name value of, or the IP
address or name of the local server. You can also specify the connection
protocol explicitly, even for localhost, by using the --protocol=TCP
option. For example:

shell>  mysql --host=
shell>  mysql --protocol=TCP


Camaleón is correct.

When you are logged into mysql, you can enter the "status" command and 
it will show how you are connected.

Connect via "-h localhost":

mysql> status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Connect via "-h":

mysql> status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection: via TCP/IP
TCP port:   3306

Hope that clears it up a bit.

It might be possible to disable the socket connection in the MySQL 
config, but I haven't looked into that.


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Re: custom kernel without initrd and with udev

2012-07-07 Thread Dom

On 07/07/12 16:46, Mike McClain wrote:

Hi Dom,

 Thanks for your suggestions and letting me know this is still possible.

On Sat, Jul 07, 2012 at 04:56:10AM +0100, Dom wrote:

On 07/07/12 00:08, Mike McClain wrote:

 Is anyone running a custom kernel without an initrd with udev?

Yes, I am. Although I believe there are some circumstances where
this may not be possible. eg. where something else needs to be
started in order to mount the root filesystem first.

How do you get around the fact that udev is not running yet?
May I see what your entry in grub.cfg looks like for this kernel?

By using the device name, rather than UUID or Label, it seems.

grub.cfg (for grub2) is:

# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
set default="0"
if [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then
  set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}"
  save_env saved_entry
  set prev_saved_entry=
  save_env prev_saved_entry
  set boot_once=true

function savedefault {
  if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then
save_env saved_entry

function load_video {
  insmod vbe
  insmod vga
  insmod video_bochs
  insmod video_cirrus

insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root bad6c13d-19f0-47ad-bc6e-542a911d4178
if loadfont /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then
  set gfxmode=800x480x24
  insmod gfxterm
  insmod part_msdos
  insmod ext2
  set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 

  set locale_dir=($root)/boot/grub/locale
  set lang=en_GB
  insmod gettext
terminal_output gfxterm
set timeout=5
play 480 440 1
### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
set menu_color_normal=cyan/blue
set menu_color_highlight=white/blue
### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.19.libby2-586' --class 
debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {

set gfxpayload=keep
insmod gzio
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
	search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 

echo'Loading Linux 3.2.19.libby2-586 ...'
linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.19.libby2-586 root=/dev/hda1 ro  quiet noapm

(irrelevant bits trimmed)

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Re: custom kernel without initrd and with udev

2012-07-07 Thread Dom

On 07/07/12 18:49, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Sat, 07 Jul 2012 12:53:27 -0400 (EDT), Dom wrote:

On 07/07/12 16:53, Stephen Powell wrote:

It's getting harder and harder to get along without an initrd these
days.  Why is it so important to you not to use one?  As others
have pointed out, using a UUID or LABEL specification for the root
file system makes it impossible to get the root file system mounted
if you don't use an initrd.

I didn't know that.

It seems my kernel doesn't either, because it is working just fine with
UUIDs and no initrd ;-)

I agree there are issues with labels though, which is a pity.

It may be possible to build modules into the kernel, so that an initial
RAM file system is not needed to load kernel modules from.  But a user-
space process, such as udev, cannot be started until there is some kind
of root file system to read it from.  One can't build a user-space process
into the kernel!  I can believe that a UUID specification in /etc/fstab
would work, but I can't see how a UUID specification in the boot loader
would work.  It is my understanding that udev is responsible for reading
the UUIDs and LABELs and creating the corresponding block special files
in /dev and symbolic links to them in /dev/disk.  If there is no initrd,
how can udev be started?  I don't see how this can work.  Are you sure
that a UUID specification is being used in the boot loader, as well as
in /etc/fstab?

Ah, I see that my grub.cfg (grub2) is using root=/dev/hda1 for the 
"linux" entry, despite GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true being commented out 
in /etc/default/grub on that box. I'm not sure why.

The "search" entry has "--set=root bad6c13d-19f0-47ad-bc6e-542a911d4178" 
in it, which is the UUID of the root partition.

I wonder why, as I'm sure I didn't edit it manually. Maybe the grub 
setup is smart enough to realise?

I just ran update-grub to check and it produced the same entries.


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Re: custom kernel without initrd and with udev

2012-07-07 Thread Dom

On 07/07/12 16:53, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Fri, 06 Jul 2012 19:08:14 -0400 (EDT), Mike McClain wrote:

Is anyone running a custom kernel without an initrd with udev?
Any tips, pointers will be appreciated.

It's getting harder and harder to get along without an initrd these
days.  Why is it so important to you not to use one?  As others
have pointed out, using a UUID or LABEL specification for the root
file system makes it impossible to get the root file system mounted
if you don't use an initrd.

I didn't know that.

It seems my kernel doesn't either, because it is working just fine with 
UUIDs and no initrd ;-)

I agree there are issues with labels though, which is a pity.


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Re: getting gnome 3

2012-07-06 Thread Dom

On 07/07/12 03:30, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 07/03/2012 06:47 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 20:48:53 +0200, Kristoffer Gustafsson wrote:

Is there an easy way to install gnome 3 and the latest packages in
squeeze? Because that I can install.

No. If you want GNOME3+gnome-shell, reconsider wheezy.

Now that Wheezy is frozen (and will, within 6 months or so become
stable) will it be possible to keep Gnome2 when upgrading, or will we be
forced to use Gnome3?

You'll have to use Gnome3. You can use it in "Gnome Classic" mode 
(fallback) for now, but it has been strongly hinted that that option 
won't be available for much longer.

I've switched to XFCE, as Gnome3 was too much of a PITA to try and use 
on my laptop (I used pinning to keep Gnome2 as long as possible, but was 
missing out on important updates). XFCE is sufficiently "Gnome2" like 
for me, once I'd tweaked a few things.


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Re: custom kernel without initrd and with udev

2012-07-06 Thread Dom

On 07/07/12 00:08, Mike McClain wrote:


 While surely no expert I've been building my own kernels for
a long time with little trouble but with a recent install of
'Squeeze' I'm stumped. I've built, reconfigured, built again for
several days now. No joy. I've spent hours Googling for any and
everybody's thoughts on the error: 'Kernel panic - not syncing:
VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)' with little luck.

 Some one did suggest I decompile the initrd that shipped with
the install. On doing that I discovered that the device files for
the harddrive are created before the drive is mounted. Booting an
'Etch' partition I see that Squeeze's /dev/ is all but empty when
Squeeze is not running which may have something to do with the
failure to mount the root partition.

 Is anyone running a custom kernel without an initrd with udev?

Yes, I am. Although I believe there are some circumstances where this 
may not be possible. eg. where something else needs to be started in 
order to mount the root filesystem first.

Some of my older machines (kept running for sentimental reasons) need an 
old ATA/IDE driver that the current Debian kernels do not include.

Any tips, pointers will be appreciated.

Make sure that *all* filesystem and device drivers for your root 
partition are compiled directly into the kernel - not as modules.

Look at what modules are used from your initrd and compile those into 
your kernel

In fact, if you are building a kernel specifically for one box (or a set 
of similar boxen), it is a good idea to have all/most hardware drivers 
built-in. I only have external peripherals (USB/cardbus devices) built 
as modules.


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Re: Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid - Howto setup bootlogd?

2012-06-28 Thread Dom

On 29/06/12 03:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:


on my system I have enabled bootlogd: in /etc/default/bootlogd I have:

but the /var/log/boot

file has timestamp dec 27  2011

so it seem's that bootlogd doesn't work. Why not?

This may sound like a silly question, but do you have the bootlogd 
package installed?

I ask, because around that time bootlogd was split off from 
sysvinit-utils into a seperate package, which isn't installed by default.

dom@oz:~$ zcat /usr/share/doc/sysvinit-utils/NEWS.Debian.gz

  bootlogd has moved from sysvinit-utils to a separate bootlogd
  package. If you wish to continue using bootlogd, please install the
  bootlogd package.
  Note that the configuration file /etc/default/bootlogd and its option
  BOOTLOGD_ENABLE no longer exist; if you do not wish to run bootlogd,
  remove the bootlogd package.

 -- Josh Triplett   Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:03:08


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Re: Re (2): Apparent disagreement between df and cp.

2012-06-28 Thread Dom

On 28/06/12 16:18, wrote:

From:   Berni Elbourn
Date:   Thu, 28 Jun 2012 08:32:29 +0100

Are there too many files in target folder?

197 files here whereas Wikipedia mentions 65,460 files for "32 KB" clusters.

From:   Chris Davies
Date:   Thu, 28 Jun 2012 08:47:21 +0100

What is the output of "mount | grep sdd1" ...

peter@dalton:~$ mount | grep sdd1
/dev/sdd1 on /media/4345-A417 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000

... and also "df -i /dev/sdd1"?

peter@dalton:~$ df -i /dev/sdd1
FilesystemInodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/sdd1  0   0   0-  /media/4345-A417

That can't be right.

The remedy is to move files to a subdirectory.

Seems the problem is deeper such as a bug in the software
which makes the filesystem.  Any further ideas before I go
off to study FAT filesystems?

Thanks everyone, ... P.

Ok, I've just tested this. It is a FAT filesystem limitation.

On FAT12 (and FAT16, iirc) there is a limit of 512 files in the root 
directory. Other directories don't have this limit.

Ok, you don't have 512 files, *but* you're using it as VFAT, which uses 
extra directory entries to store additional entries (long filenames etc) 
for each file, thus reducing the number of files that can be stored.

(Incidentally, FAT file systems don't use inodes as such, so none will 

I created a filesystem the same size as yours with mkfs.vfat, then did a 

  for i in $(seq 1 255);do touch Longfilename$i;done

After 173 files had been written, I got:

  touch: cannot touch `Longfilename174': No space left on device


dom@oz:/mnt$ df -k .
Filesystem 1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop0498368 0498368   0% /mnt

(I used a file to test, not a physical drive as I didn't have one to hand).

Try creating a subdirectory on that drive and storing the files in there 


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Re: E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

2012-06-23 Thread Dom

On 24/06/12 06:01, lina wrote:

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:39 PM, lina  wrote:


I don't know how to fix the following problem,

It's fixed after changing the source.list to my former mirror.


Best regards,

W: Failed to fetch
Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.
E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

Thanks ahead for the suggestions,

I think that when your /var filled up, you were left with some partly 
downloaded files in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial and apt is trying to use 

I assume you've freed up a lot of space under /var now. Can you delete 
all the files uder that directory and try to update again? It is safe, 
as the files will be downloaded again.

This leaves the question of why did /var fill up? Have you got a lot of 
old deb files under /var/cache/apt/archives? These can be safely got rid 
of with apt-get clean (unless you are keeping them for a reason). Also, 
apt-get autoclean will prevent them being left in there after an 


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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Dom

On 22/06/12 08:51, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Brian  wrote:

On Thu 21 Jun 2012 at 11:34:06 +, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

I think it is working now.But still getting some error while installing
downloaded updates.

dpkg: regarding .../ncurses-base_5.7+20100313-5_all.deb containing
package uses Breaks; not supported in this dpkg
dpkg: error processing
unsupported dependency problem - not installing ncurses-base
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Have done an upgrade *and* a dist-upgrade? Please post the output of

   dpkg -l | grep dpkg

I have done both upgrade and dist-upgrade and got the same  type of
error.For dist-upgrade, the error is :-" Errors were encountered while
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"

The output of "dpkg -l | grep dpkg":-

client:/home/student# dpkg -l | grep dpkg
ii  apt
Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  dpkg  1.13.25
  package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev  1.13.25
  package building tools for Debian
ii  type-handling 0.2.19
dpkg architecture generation script

So, it seems the version of dpkg that is currently installed doesn't 
support the "Breaks:" option. It must be a very old one.

I suggest that you first upgrade dpkg:

apt-get install dpkg

which should pull in the new version, then you can continue with an 
upgrade and dist-upgrade.


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Re: Samba Backup Tool Preserving File Owner/Group/Permissions

2012-06-18 Thread Dom

On 18/06/12 10:54, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:

On Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:09:04 +0100, keith writes:

On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 10:41 +0300, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:

I have access to a remote Samba storage device that I don't have
a control over the uploaded file owner/group/permissions. Hence,
once I upload my stuff to the remote end via rsync over Samba, I
lose all my file attributes. Could you recommend any backup tool
that provides a solution for such scenarios? That is, is there
any backup tools that would preserve the file attributes in a
secondary place? Or is there any other alternate path that you
can recommend me to take?

Perhaps if you tar (&  gzip) your files before sending to your Samba
storage. (man tar).

In such a case, AFAIK, I won't be able to take benefit of
incremental backups and I will need to tar+cp the whole disk
everytime I want to take a backup. Am I mistaken?

I suppose it could be possible to create a large file on the samba 
share, format it as ext2/3/4 and mount it using the loop option. Then 
you end up with samba just seeing a single file, but your box seeing an 
extX filesystem with all the attributes.


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Re: aptitude full-upgrade installs unnecessary packages

2012-06-15 Thread Dom

On 15/06/12 17:15, Christoph Groth wrote:

Wayne Topa  writes:

On 06/15/2012 10:24 AM, Christoph Groth wrote:

For a reason that I do not understand, currently full-upgrade wants to
install some rather huge packages.

"aptitude -D" is supposed to show for each package to be newly installed
the reason why it is needed.  In my case, aptitude wants to install
texlive-fonts-extra though this package is currently not installed and
also (to my knowledge) not required or recommended in any way.

"apt-get full-upgrade" wants to do the same, BTW.

What does

aptitude why texlive-fonts-extra



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Re: [OT] Documenting new stuff

2012-06-10 Thread Dom

On 10/06/12 12:32, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 10 Jun 2012 10:15:05 +0200, Slavko wrote:

Dňa Sat, 9 Jun 2012 20:10:39 + (UTC) Camaleón

The tmpfs is more commented than the rcS (more exactly: rcS.ucf-dist - i
haven't merged changes yet).

Where is that "rcS.ucf-dist" file located?

The "${file}.ucf-dist" is where dpkg puts the new version of a config 
file if you say to keep your exisiting version when you have previously 
modified the file from the default.

For example, earlier today I got an update to php5-cli which detected 
the fact that I had changed a line in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini, and when I 
said to keep my version it put the new version in php.ini.ucf-dist.

(I have since moved my changes to another file and moved 
php.ini.ucf-dist to php5.ini)


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Re: /tmp is too small

2012-06-07 Thread Dom

On 07/06/12 14:48, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I need more space for /tmp.  I though, easy, I'll just take out the /tmp
entry in /etc/fstab so that it doesn't mount anything on /tmp and uses
the the space on the root partition, which has more than room enough.
But then I discover that in my newly installed wheezy system, there *is*
no /etc/fstab entry for /tmp.  Apparently the kernel, all  by itself,
decides to mount the tmpfs on /tmp.

How can I get it not to do this?

in /etc/default/rcS:


Or alternatively, how can I enlarge the tmpfs?  I need it enlarged from
anout 200M to about 2G for this week's project.  Yes, that's a lot bigger
than my RAM.

in /etc/default/tmpfs:


(I haven't tested this one though)


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Re: (Mostly Solved) Re: How to get new RSA key in known_hosts file?

2012-05-26 Thread Dom

On 27/05/12 07:31, Dom wrote:

On 27/05/12 06:49, Marc Shapiro wrote:

Well, I can now connect without getting warnings, or errors. It is still
asking for my password and I can live with that for now. I will look
into authenticating without using passwords but, at least I can connect

I'm guessing you were using shared keys?

If you have rebuilt your system, it's identity will have changed.

Firstly you can try copying the content of ~/.ssh/ (or, depending on which you use) onto the end of
~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the destination machine.

You might need to generate a new key (see ssh-keygen) first.

Duh! I should have checked the subject first. Of course you are using RSA.


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Re: (Mostly Solved) Re: How to get new RSA key in known_hosts file?

2012-05-26 Thread Dom

On 27/05/12 06:49, Marc Shapiro wrote:

Well, I can now connect without getting warnings, or errors. It is still
asking for my password and I can live with that for now. I will look
into authenticating without using passwords but, at least I can connect

I'm guessing you were using shared keys?

If you have rebuilt your system, it's identity will have changed.

Firstly you can try copying the content of ~/.ssh/ (or, depending on which you use) onto the end of 
~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the destination machine.

You might need to generate a new key (see ssh-keygen) first.


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