Re: named setup problems

1998-07-17 Thread sjc
On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 03:28:21PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
   Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this 
   problem the wrong
   way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your connection 
   is down
   (diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and these 
   hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come back. 
   What names
   are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to use 
   the internet
   you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no reason 
   not to have
   local hosts in your local bind database, right?
  Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
  online and offline modes...actually simple...
  the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
  then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
  in the same script that changes the sym link issue
  kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/`
  My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering the
  queries of my machines about eachother
  (ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
  web server)
 You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just go 
 ahead and make
 your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. Forward other requests 
 outside. This
 should work just fine. Why is it you think you need two configurations?

The reason for 2 files is that when the name server knows about the real root 
servers and is not connected to the internet...
it behaves badly. It tries to conect to them and then waits a long time 
before it comes back with an error.
At least that is what I used to observe a while fact I had a samba
server that would become unacessable to new connections every 10
hours because it was stuck trying to make a name resolution call and
would work almost immediately again as soon as I connected to the net

I want to avoid these situations

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
All authority is quite degrading.
-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-17 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen

 On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 03:28:21PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
  Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
   On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this 
problem the wrong
way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your 
connection is down
(diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and 
these programs
hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come 
back. What names
are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to 
use the internet
you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no 
reason not to have
local hosts in your local bind database, right?
   Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
   online and offline modes...actually simple...
   the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
   then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
   in the same script that changes the sym link issue
   kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/`
   My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering 
   queries of my machines about eachother
   (ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
   web server)
  You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just 
  go ahead and make
  your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. Forward other 
  requests outside. This
  should work just fine. Why is it you think you need two configurations?

 The reason for 2 files is that when the name server knows about the real root
 servers and is not connected to the internet...
 it behaves badly. It tries to conect to them and then waits a long time
 before it comes back with an error.
 At least that is what I used to observe a while fact I had a samba
 server that would become unacessable to new connections every 10
 hours because it was stuck trying to make a name resolution call and
 would work almost immediately again as soon as I connected to the net

 I want to avoid these situations

Ok, I understand the problem. I believe it makes a lot more sense to find out 
*what* names are
being looked up and *why* and solve the real problem rather than shoehorn in 
some kludge. As I
said, logically you only need to look up external names when you're connected 
to the net.
Otherwise you won't need to. It sounds like you need to set up your own zone 
for carpanet. If you
haven't done this then this is most likely why you're seeing the problem.

I'm emailing you (separately from this message) a set of files for you to put 
in /var/named. I've
assumed you're using the 192.168.0 net at home. You can modify it for whatever 
else you have.
Take a look at all the files (except for named.root--I didn't change that at 
all) before using.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-17 Thread Jeff Schreiber
Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I believe it makes a lot more sense to find out *what* names are being looked 
up and *why* and solve the real problem rather than shoehorn in some kludge. 

I knew there was something I was forgetting to mention!

As I said, logically you only need to look up external names when you're 
connected to the net. Otherwise you won't need to. It sounds like you need 
to set up your own zone for carpanet. If you haven't done this then this is 
most likely why you're seeing the problem.

*nod* that's what I was suspecting.  If you don't have _any_ internal 
name service [serving your local names and going to the root for names
it doesn't know], then as long as you don't type names that your server
doesn't know when your not connected you won't see a delay.

If you _don't_ have an internal server, and your just using /etc/hosts
to serve your internal names, and your resolvers point to external 
nameservers, the query will go to the external name server, and then 
resolve from /etc/hosts if the external doesn't answer... that's where
the time delay comes in. [I know in one of the VMS products I'm responsible
for we allow for control of the ordering of the local lookups vs. the 
remote lookups, but that's something I've not gotten around to writing
up and recommending to ISC, and I havn't had time to analyse the BIND 8
resolver to see if the funky changes in there allow for changing the
resolving order].


   | Jeff Schreiber   | System administrators are, of course,  |
   | aka - Spectre  | incorruptible.  You can offer me any   |
   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | amount of money.  And you can believe  |
   |  | me, because I'm always right, and I|
   |  | never lie. |
   |  | (Paul Sand - [EMAIL PROTECTED])  |

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-17 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen

 On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 03:28:21PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
  Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
   On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this 
problem the wrong
way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your 
connection is down
(diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and 
these programs
hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come 
back. What names
are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to 
use the internet
you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no 
reason not to have
local hosts in your local bind database, right?
   Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
   online and offline modes...actually simple...
   the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
   then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
   in the same script that changes the sym link issue
   kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/`
   My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering 
   queries of my machines about eachother
   (ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
   web server)
  You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just 
  go ahead and make
  your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. Forward other 
  requests outside. This
  should work just fine. Why is it you think you need two configurations?

 The reason for 2 files is that when the name server knows about the real root
 servers and is not connected to the internet...
 it behaves badly. It tries to conect to them and then waits a long time
 before it comes back with an error.
 At least that is what I used to observe a while fact I had a samba
 server that would become unacessable to new connections every 10
 hours because it was stuck trying to make a name resolution call and
 would work almost immediately again as soon as I connected to the net

 I want to avoid these situations

Oh, I forgot to add: when you get your named files set up, add 'options 
querly-log' to
boot.options so that named will send all queries it receives to syslog. This 
way you can find out
what the offending name lookups are.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-17 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Jeff Schreiber wrote:

 Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I believe it makes a lot more sense to find out *what* names are being looked
 up and *why* and solve the real problem rather than shoehorn in some kludge.

 I knew there was something I was forgetting to mention!

 As I said, logically you only need to look up external names when you're
 connected to the net. Otherwise you won't need to. It sounds like you need
 to set up your own zone for carpanet. If you haven't done this then this is
 most likely why you're seeing the problem.

 *nod* that's what I was suspecting.  If you don't have _any_ internal
 name service [serving your local names and going to the root for names
 it doesn't know], then as long as you don't type names that your server
 doesn't know when your not connected you won't see a delay.

 If you _don't_ have an internal server, and your just using /etc/hosts
 to serve your internal names, and your resolvers point to external
 nameservers, the query will go to the external name server, and then
 resolve from /etc/hosts if the external doesn't answer... that's where
 the time delay comes in. [I know in one of the VMS products I'm 
 for we allow for control of the ordering of the local lookups vs. the
 remote lookups, but that's something I've not gotten around to writing
 up and recommending to ISC, and I havn't had time to analyse the BIND 8
 resolver to see if the funky changes in there allow for changing the
 resolving order].

Ah yes, but I suspect that it's name queries from machines other than the linux 
which are contributing to the problem. In this case editing /etc/hosts and
/etc/resolv.conf won't help since named doesn't use these files at all. 
my best guess is that the problem is two-pronged. Stephen mentioned that smbd 
hanging waiting for a name queries and like so often is the case, the 
difficulty is
that smbd wants to log a message to syslog with the name of the host connecting 
is doing a gethostbyaddr on the IP address of a windoze client. If he doesn't 
an entry in /etc/hosts (or entries in /var/named/XXX) for these hosts then the
query will be forwarded out to external named's. That's why I'm suggesting a 
of action where the first step is to set up a named database with all the hosts 
then use logging (specify 'options query-log' in /var/named/boot.options 
for catching my typo Jeff!) to see what queries are going out to the net.

I myself had a similar problem which vexed me for some time. I thought I had a
complete database until I realized I was using and for diald
but had not defined names for these IPs anywhere. Doh!

Jens B. Jorgensen

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RE: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Jeff Schreiber
Stephen J. Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
then setup one of them so that it has no knowledge of any root servers and
is the primary nameserver for the network...and list no other
outside adresses or nameservers anywhere.

I'm not sure I am completely understanding the issue that you are having.
Are you planning to have the internal systems stay internal, and have the
external system [spiderman] resolv off of the internet?

What I would suggest is:

1) Setup an internal root server on your linux box.
All these zones would have an NS record pointing back to your linux
- Have the typical that has a PTR for 
  1 [] to localhost. 
- Have the typical localhost domain that points to
- Have a carpanet domain with A records for the names of your
  10.0.0 systems.
- Have a domain that has the PTRs for for your
  internal names.
- [the important part] instead of a . cache zone, you will want
  a . primary zone, so that your internal server is authoritive
  for everything.  This should have the NS for your linux box.
  You could have all the above information in this zone, but it's
  a little cleaner to seperate it to seperate zones.  Now if any of
  your internal zones were being served off another system, you would
  want NS delegations for those zones to the other system [and glue
  A records if the name of the system is within the zone that it

2) Set up your Win95 system as a caching server with the typical root
   servers in the root hints file [the cache zone].  You _may_ also want
   to set it up as secondary to your internal zones [with your linux as
   primary] so that your Win95 nameserver can resolve things like 

   If your using BIND 8, you may want to set the secondary zones with
   allow-query to just be your 10.0.0 subnet, so that there is no real
   concern that external requests to your server won't resolve your
   internal addresses... you may also want to setup allow-transfer on
   those zones to prevent remote systems from getting information about
   your internal network [like all the names and IP addresses, and all

Another thing you could do is to have your PPP dialup change your
config some.  Replace your root config file with a normal file that
has the root server hints, and reload your server... then replace it
back and reload when your connection closes but that would be a
little more challenging.

There are a lot of other things you can do with forwarding and forward
servers, and forward-only servers and all that if the above wasn't really
what you were looking for... let us know.


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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this problem the 
way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your connection is down
(diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and these 
hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come back. What 
are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to use the 
you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no reason not 
to have
local hosts in your local bind database, right?

Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

 I have been trying to solve some issues for myself by making my
 own version of a dynamic IP hack. I think its a great idea but
 implimenting it is proving tough.

 The reason is this: I have setup as my main name server.
 whenever my ppp connection is not up, any program which ends up causing a DNS
 lookup can be a PITA ...since it tends to try and wait for a long time.

 the workaround has been to kill named but...My machine is setup as the
 nameserver by all the machines on my network (woo hoo...all 3 of them)
 anyway here was my idea:

 copy the bind setup...
 then setup one of them so that it has no knowledge of any root servers and
 is the primary nameserver for the network...and list no other
 outside adresses or nameservers anywhere.

 This would basically be the setup of a machine that is never to be internet
 The other setup wouyld have those configs and also know about internet
 nameservers and cache requests to them
 How do I setthis up?
 I have read the BIND docs...I even read the manual by Paul Vixie:
 Name Server Operations Guide for BIND
 I just can't figure out exactly how to set it up...
 my setup:
 I have a network of 3 machines:
 Win95 machine name: Spiderman (my father's PC..he named it)
 Linux Box: Shit-Box
 my girlfriends Mac: kitty

 Shit-Box (name has a long story attached ;) ) is the internet gateway (when
 ppp is up), the web server, the name server, mail server, etc...

 I would provide more info but...I needed bind working so I had to
 dpkg -r bind...then trash the config and re-install it
 (I screwed it and my backup setup both up)

 currently I am calling my network carpanet (as in Shit-box.carpanet)
 can anyone help set this up? any pointers to more good info
 (Paul Vixie's manual is very good but obviously isn't doing it for me)

 /* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- */
 A favorite quote from a source I forget:
 Only Microsoft can take an algorithim that has been under years of
 public scrutiny and weaken it to the point where the entire key space
 can be searched in 3 days

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Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this problem 
 the wrong
 way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your connection is 
 (diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and these 
 hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come back. What 
 are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to use the 
 you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no reason not 
 to have
 local hosts in your local bind database, right?

Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
online and offline modes...actually simple...
the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
in the same script that changes the sym link issue
kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/`

My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering the 
queries of my machines about eachother
(ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
web server)


 Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
  I have been trying to solve some issues for myself by making my
  own version of a dynamic IP hack. I think its a great idea but
  implimenting it is proving tough.
  The reason is this: I have setup as my main name server.
  whenever my ppp connection is not up, any program which ends up causing a 
  lookup can be a PITA ...since it tends to try and wait for a long time.
  the workaround has been to kill named but...My machine is setup as the
  nameserver by all the machines on my network (woo hoo...all 3 of them)
  anyway here was my idea:
  copy the bind setup...
  then setup one of them so that it has no knowledge of any root servers and
  is the primary nameserver for the network...and list no other
  outside adresses or nameservers anywhere.
  This would basically be the setup of a machine that is never to be internet
  The other setup wouyld have those configs and also know about internet
  nameservers and cache requests to them
  How do I setthis up?
  I have read the BIND docs...I even read the manual by Paul Vixie:
  Name Server Operations Guide for BIND
  I just can't figure out exactly how to set it up...
  my setup:
  I have a network of 3 machines:
  Win95 machine name: Spiderman (my father's PC..he named it)
  Linux Box: Shit-Box
  my girlfriends Mac: kitty
  Shit-Box (name has a long story attached ;) ) is the internet gateway (when
  ppp is up), the web server, the name server, mail server, etc...
  I would provide more info but...I needed bind working so I had to
  dpkg -r bind...then trash the config and re-install it
  (I screwed it and my backup setup both up)
  currently I am calling my network carpanet (as in Shit-box.carpanet)
  can anyone help set this up? any pointers to more good info
  (Paul Vixie's manual is very good but obviously isn't doing it for me)
  /* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 
  A favorite quote from a source I forget:
  Only Microsoft can take an algorithim that has been under years of
  public scrutiny and weaken it to the point where the entire key space
  can be searched in 3 days
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 Jens B. Jorgensen

/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:55:54AM -0400, Jeff Schreiber wrote:
 Stephen J. Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 then setup one of them so that it has no knowledge of any root servers and
 is the primary nameserver for the network...and list no other
 outside adresses or nameservers anywhere.
 I'm not sure I am completely understanding the issue that you are having.
 Are you planning to have the internal systems stay internal, and have the
 external system [spiderman] resolv off of the internet?
 What I would suggest is:
 1) Setup an internal root server on your linux box.

ahh that sounds like what I am looking to do
[tech details snipped]
 2) Set up your Win95 system as a caching server with the typical root
servers in the root hints file [the cache zone].  You _may_ also want
to set it up as secondary to your internal zones [with your linux as
primary] so that your Win95 nameserver can resolve things like 

I would rather not do that. the win95 machine is my fathers, and will not
be on the network much longer as my girlfriend and I will be moving out
(on Sept 1 - we found an apartment!). When that happens I do plan to
get around to setting up more linux boxen...but do I really
NEED more than 1 nameserver on such a small network...
afterall if Shit-Box is down...the network is screwed anyway
(the Win95 machine and the Mac...just no point in that :) ) 
internal addresses... you may also want to setup allow-transfer on
those zones to prevent remote systems from getting information about
your internal network [like all the names and IP addresses, and all

I am not worried about fact I may in the future have someone use 
me as a nameserver (I sometimes an chatting online and give out
my IP adress to a friend to check out a new web page or something
before I upload to a public server...unfortunaly that
deosn't work to well if the hostname doesn't resolve cuz apache is 
redirecting them to Shit-Box.carpanet)

 Another thing you could do is to have your PPP dialup change your
 config some.  Replace your root config file with a normal file that
 has the root server hints, and reload your server... then replace it
 back and reload when your connection closes but that would be a
 little more challenging.

I plan to do that too...
basiclaly 2 named setups (both with my local adresses and domains setup...)
I will switch between them with a sym link and a kill -SIGHUP 

 There are a lot of other things you can do with forwarding and forward
 servers, and forward-only servers and all that if the above wasn't really
 what you were looking for... let us know.

its close to what I tried to do...I guess I was just missing something...
the setup of the files is confusing...
anyone got a setup they don't mind shareing? I could use a real working config 
(preferably debian setup based) to read to get an idea what im doing

/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
  Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this problem 
  the wrong
  way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your connection is 
  (diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and these 
  hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come back. 
  What names
  are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to use 
  the internet
  you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no reason 
  not to have
  local hosts in your local bind database, right?

 Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
 online and offline modes...actually simple...
 the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
 then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
 in the same script that changes the sym link issue
 kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/`

 My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering the
 queries of my machines about eachother
 (ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
 web server)

You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just go 
ahead and make
your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. Forward other requests 
outside. This
should work just fine. Why is it you think you need two configurations?

Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: named setup problems

1998-07-16 Thread Jeff Schreiber
Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just 
go ahead and make your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. 
Forward other requests outside. This should work just fine. Why is it you 
think you need two configurations?

With that setup, you have to wait for a timeout if your not connected
to your ISP [the outside] for things that your not authoritative for.
The above suggestion is perfectly fine if you are sure your not going
to try and resolve an external address when your not connected.

I think what he wants is a way to configure it so that he's a root server
serving his internal zone when the connection isn't there, and a primary
server serving the internal zone, but delegating to the roots for things
they don't know about when he is there.

You would want virtually the same configuration except:

- When connected:  You would have the typical root cache hints file.
- When not connected: Instead of the root cache hints file, you would
  be primary for the root [as I explained in a previous message].

For an example of someones configuration, check out the discussion
last week [or so] which was a similar thing.  He had an autodialer, 
and it was connecting to his ISP when it shouldn't.


   | Jeff Schreiber   | System administrators are, of course,  |
   | aka - Spectre  | incorruptible.  You can offer me any   |
   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | amount of money.  And you can believe  |
   |  | me, because I'm always right, and I|
   |  | never lie. |
   |  | (Paul Sand - [EMAIL PROTECTED])  |

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