Hi Jonathan,

sorry, after pushing you to use the mailing list for all those
discussions should have sent my previous mail too the list, too. So, for
the record, I copy it here ...

--------- snip ---------

Hi Jonathan,

as a preface, let me say that in my understanding (I didn't mention this
explicitly yesterday), this week's vote in the TC was not about which
proposals are to be accepted or rejected at all, but about which 5
proposals are the most important ones to get int 1.2. Is this correct?

If so, then the door would be open for discussing the form:group-name
again for 1.3. However, my confidence that this will finally be accepted
is fading away ...

I am not as near at the TC as you are, so perhaps your impression is

> This was discussed briefly on the office-accessibility list, and in
> order to fix up the ambiguity/"collision" between control names and
> group names both using the same element (form:name), Michael suggested
> that we instead use xml:id to hold the control name while form:name
> would be used ~solely for radio button group names.

Letting xml:id hold the control name won't work, since xml:id must be
unique within the whole document, which is not remotely ensured for form
components (not even for sibling components, not to talk about arbitrary
components in the complete hierarchy).

What I think could be done, perhaps:
- introduce an API representation of the xml:id attribute.
  Other objects in ODF documents support this attribute/property, too,
  so perhaps there's already some work done.
  What's interesting here is how the document-wide consistency of IDs
  is assured. For instance, if you copy'n'paste a control from one
  document to another, the ID must still be unique in the target
  document, which implies that the paste operation must be allowed
  to silently change it.
  I think there's some ugliness ahead on this way, but it should
  be manageable.
- Introduce some XIdAccess::getByID, analogous to the existing
  XNameAccess::getByName, which allows scripts to access form
  components by their id.
- Introduce an UI in the property browser, for changing the ID.
- rename the "Name" property to "group name", and remove it for all
  control types except radio buttons. (not sure about the latter. Would
  make tweaking existing documents difficult, probably.)
- don't touch the relation of Name<->form:name, for compatibility

What I'm uncertain about here is MSO. I know they have "old" and "new"
controls (at least in excel), with different property sets. Would those
in all cases be mappable to the Name/ID pair of form controls?

> So the question is, in what timeframe do you want a working
> implementation?  The form:group-name proposal is working _now_.

Unfortunately, it doesn't produce ODF-conform documents, and not even
documents which we can have strong hope for to become ODF conform. From
a developer-for-end-users perspective, I do not like this, but in the
current form, it has no good chances to get into OOo trunk.

> The use of xml:id hasn't even been started, it will amount to a
> complete rewrite of the form:group-name approach (as it's ~completely
> different), and I have no idea if this will even work.  (I can't think
> of any reasons why it wouldn't, but I haven't worked with the
> scripting code either....).

Yes, unfortunately the complete GroupName work would be lost :(, since
this property would not even exist anymore. In theory, all those
considerations should have been done before implementing this, but in
the real world, no developer ever does ... which explicitly includes /me.

> So if we want something soon, we need form:group-name.  If we can wait
> awhile (no timeframe), we can see if xml:id will work.

I want a solution which allows component identity (currently done with
Name - in some sense) and at the same time grouping control (currently
done with Name, too). Inspired by MSO, I already said this implies
implementing the GroupName property, but ...

So, how to proceed? As said, in the current form, and assuming that the
group-name proposal won't make it into 1.3, either, I cannot include
your patch in trunk OOo.

Whether or not you like to help implementing the ID approach as sketched
above (really: *sketched*. In particular the Excel im/export is
something I cannot remotely judge.) is your decision, finally. I'm
willing to contribute my part, too - especially the implementation of
the ID property, caring for all side effects, is certainly deep inside
my core domain. So, what about working together on this, again?

Thanks & Ciao

--------- snap ---------

And Ciao, again

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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