Moin Fernand,

On 23.01.09 13:55, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
First of all here you can find a list for the next planned features in base

Now some details :-)

In the 1.05 SRB, shapes have not the same text-edit functionality as is a normal Writter Doc.Its simply not possible to enter a text in a shape. As I see it shapes are a way to have some "text-design" features in SRB.
Yes, this is a know issue 77094
When used on Company level (Text having some standards) then the use of Styles becomes also a issue .
Issue 88683
Are there plans to implement more text functionality in SBR and where can i find a specification off where we go with SBR, to avoid to ask for things who are already planned :-)
Most issues which are assigned to the SRB are prefixed with RPT: So you could search for it.

Best regards,


Hope it helps


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