[dba-dev] Re: staus of bugfixes toward OOo 3.4 and dev300: cws fs34b and fs34c, fs35a, hsqldb19

2011-06-09 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 09/06/11 09:34, Frank Schönheit a écrit :

Hi Frank,

> Also, I don't know the timeline for the upcoming builds, but I know that
> I am not the only one who thinks we (whatever "we" means in this
> context) should at least release a proper 3.4. But again, there's still
> some dust in the air, which might need to settle beforehand ...

I'm just glad you're still alive and kicking :-)) (and the same for the
other guys if they're still around) The whole sudden-death-supernova
radio silence was a bit freaky and more than a little sad :-)


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[dba-dev] Re: How to refresh DataSourceBrowser in a FrameControl

2011-06-09 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Frank ,

Me again:
when loading a paramerized statement i have aSQL error "Values not set 
for all parameters"

so i load
  aLoaderArguments(1).Name = "CommandType"
aLoaderArguments(1).Value = 2 'com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
aLoaderArguments(2).Name = "Command"
   aLoaderArguments(2).Value = "SELECT distinct *   FROM  
pmgdbase.adv_reden_tbvips  WHERE pmgdbase.adv_reden_tbvips.REDENID = ? "

how do i can "load" mi "?" parametervalue
i supose something like
aLoaderArguments(6).Name = "CommandParameter 1" ???
aLoaderArguments(6).value = sID



Hi Fernand,

Thanks, now i have my Model and can reload, but the reloading do not
affects the activecommand ? an not the results

So how to make the new Loaderarguments ("active") or how to pass a new
activecommand to the DatasourceBrowser

Ah - I missed, in your original mail, that you actually want to change
the command underlying the DSB.

The simplest way might be to just set the "Command" property of the
database form (the model you just retrieved) before reloading.

A slightly more complex, but cheaper (in terms of runtime resources)
solution would be to base the DSB on a parametrized statement ("...
WHERE REDENID = ?"), and then use the XParameters.setInt (or whatever
type the REDENID column has) method:
   oForm = oController.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()
   oForm.setInt( 1, sid )

my code is now:

   odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").LoaderArguments = aLoaderArguments2 ' the new
arguments with a new SQL statement in it

The LoaderArguments are used at the time the DSB is plugged into the
frame, and then discarded (at least as far as the DSB is concerned, not
sure the FrameControl implementation makes later use of it). Thus,
reload does know nothing 'bout changed LoaderArguments, so this doesn't

   oDatasourceBrowser = odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").frame.controller
   omodel = oDatasourceBrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()

As said above,
   oModel.Command =
before doing the reload should help already.


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[dba-dev] Re: How to refresh DataSourceBrowser in a FrameControl

2011-06-09 Thread Fernand Vanrie

 Frank ,

Stupid Me, I totaly overlooked the "command" i was still focused on the 

Learned (again :-) ) about "parametrized statement "
Thanks a million


Hi Fernand,

Thanks, now i have my Model and can reload, but the reloading do not
affects the activecommand ? an not the results

So how to make the new Loaderarguments ("active") or how to pass a new
activecommand to the DatasourceBrowser

Ah - I missed, in your original mail, that you actually want to change
the command underlying the DSB.

The simplest way might be to just set the "Command" property of the
database form (the model you just retrieved) before reloading.

A slightly more complex, but cheaper (in terms of runtime resources)
solution would be to base the DSB on a parametrized statement ("...
WHERE REDENID = ?"), and then use the XParameters.setInt (or whatever
type the REDENID column has) method:
   oForm = oController.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()
   oForm.setInt( 1, sid )

my code is now:

   odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").LoaderArguments = aLoaderArguments2 ' the new
arguments with a new SQL statement in it

The LoaderArguments are used at the time the DSB is plugged into the
frame, and then discarded (at least as far as the DSB is concerned, not
sure the FrameControl implementation makes later use of it). Thus,
reload does know nothing 'bout changed LoaderArguments, so this doesn't

   oDatasourceBrowser = odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").frame.controller
   omodel = oDatasourceBrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()

As said above,
   oModel.Command =
before doing the reload should help already.


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[dba-dev] Re: How to refresh DataSourceBrowser in a FrameControl

2011-06-09 Thread Frank Schönheit
Hi Fernand,

> Thanks, now i have my Model and can reload, but the reloading do not 
> affects the activecommand ? an not the results
> So how to make the new Loaderarguments ("active") or how to pass a new 
> activecommand to the DatasourceBrowser

Ah - I missed, in your original mail, that you actually want to change
the command underlying the DSB.

The simplest way might be to just set the "Command" property of the
database form (the model you just retrieved) before reloading.

A slightly more complex, but cheaper (in terms of runtime resources)
solution would be to base the DSB on a parametrized statement ("...
WHERE REDENID = ?"), and then use the XParameters.setInt (or whatever
type the REDENID column has) method:
  oForm = oController.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()
  oForm.setInt( 1, sid )

> my code is now:
>   odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").LoaderArguments = aLoaderArguments2 ' the new 
> arguments with a new SQL statement in it

The LoaderArguments are used at the time the DSB is plugged into the
frame, and then discarded (at least as far as the DSB is concerned, not
sure the FrameControl implementation makes later use of it). Thus,
reload does know nothing 'bout changed LoaderArguments, so this doesn't

>   oDatasourceBrowser = odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").frame.controller
>   omodel = oDatasourceBrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()
>   omodel.reload

As said above,
  oModel.Command = 
before doing the reload should help already.

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with Subject: help

[dba-dev] Re: How to refresh DataSourceBrowser in a FrameControl

2011-06-09 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Frank ,

Thanks, now i have my Model and can reload, but the reloading do not 
affects the activecommand ? an not the results

So how to make the new Loaderarguments ("active") or how to pass a new 
activecommand to the DatasourceBrowser

my code is now:

 odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").LoaderArguments = aLoaderArguments2 ' the new 
arguments with a new SQL statement in it

 oDatasourceBrowser = odlg.getcontrol("Grid2").frame.controller
 omodel = oDatasourceBrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel()



Hi Fernand,

Point is : my Datsourcebrowser has no model ?

Ah ... the pitfalls of the Basic UNO binding!

The controller supports both the XController and XTabController
interfaces, both have a getModel() method, so "oController.getModel()"
(or "oController.Model") is ambiguous in Basic. It is not defined (to my
knowledge) to which of the methods this is resolved - seems to be
XController.getModel(), which indeed returns NULL - which is expected,
since the DataSourceBrowser does not have an associated document (which
would be the XModel returned by XController.getModel()).

Basic's syntax to access a method *with* specifying the interface it is
defined at is


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with Subject: help

[dba-dev] Re: staus of bugfixes toward OOo 3.4 and dev300: cws fs34b and fs34c, fs35a, hsqldb19

2011-06-09 Thread Frank Schönheit
Hi Zoltán,

> the hsqldb19 approved by QA still wait for DEV300 integration.

forgot to answer the hsqldb19 part ...

As far as I know, the original goal was to integrate hsqldb19 into 3.4,
if possible. Not sure what got of this idea, since EIS currently says
"Release = OOo 3.5", it might have changed. Ocke should know the details.

>From what I know, it is still worth pursuing a 3.4 target for the CWS,
at least because it is certainly desirable for the HSQL project. On the
other hand, the radical change in the CWS (moving to HSQLDB 2) is
certainly a risk for 3.4 - and while you and Ocke did a great job in
finding and fixing zillions of bugs already, there might be more,
undiscovered so far - and if they were to go into OOO340, it might be
hard to fix them in time for the release.

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[dba-dev] Re: staus of bugfixes toward OOo 3.4 and dev300: cws fs34b and fs34c, fs35a, hsqldb19

2011-06-09 Thread Frank Schönheit
Hi Zoltán,

> I know correctly that the latest integrated into m106 database connected 
> cws was dba34d.
> The fs34b in finished status, and fs34 fixed two issue and still open, 
> the hsqldb19 approved by QA still wait for DEV300 integration.
> In EIS i found that is nmerged to cws 
> dba34d:

No, it is the other way 'round: dba34d was merged into fs34b. Sorry, my
wording in EIS could have been better :)

> But I fuond in OOO340m0/DEV300m106 that for example,  bug 117454 old 
> report, and bug 117472 is still in.
> That means fs34b not merged correctly.

Not sure at the moment what the "finished" status for fs34b is supposed
to tell us - at least it implies "not integrated, yet".

says that fs34b is in status "integrated", but the "Milestone
(integrated)" field is empty - this means that the milestone which the
CWS has been integrated into has not been finished, but is ongoing -
which means the CWS will be in OOO340.m1. If it were in OOO320.m0, then
the "Milestone (integrated)" field would be filled, since m0 is done

So, the bottom line is: No surprise that fs34b's bugs are not fixed in
m0, expect the fixes for m1.

As far as I know, m1 has been built already, or at least it was started
(since I got questions 'bout some build breakers caused by a flawed
integration of another CWS of mine :) ). Not sure whether it is finished.

Also, I don't know the timeline for the upcoming builds, but I know that
I am not the only one who thinks we (whatever "we" means in this
context) should at least release a proper 3.4. But again, there's still
some dust in the air, which might need to settle beforehand ...

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with Subject: help

[dba-dev] Re: How to refresh DataSourceBrowser in a FrameControl

2011-06-09 Thread Frank Schönheit
Hi Fernand,

> Point is : my Datsourcebrowser has no model ?

Ah ... the pitfalls of the Basic UNO binding!

The controller supports both the XController and XTabController
interfaces, both have a getModel() method, so "oController.getModel()"
(or "oController.Model") is ambiguous in Basic. It is not defined (to my
knowledge) to which of the methods this is resolved - seems to be
XController.getModel(), which indeed returns NULL - which is expected,
since the DataSourceBrowser does not have an associated document (which
would be the XModel returned by XController.getModel()).

Basic's syntax to access a method *with* specifying the interface it is
defined at is

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