Re: [dba-dev] access to ldap server in oo 3.x

2009-08-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Lester,

> me and several other guys do experience difficulties in
> connecting from oo 3.x to ldap servers. see:
> does anybody from the dba development team have a clue about this issue?

Not at all. I don't know of any (significant) change between 2.4 and 3.0
in this area.

Also, I have no clue what could cause this - every LDAP access I try
here works fine ...

You might want to try the latest developer snapshot of OOo
(, DEV300_m54. It
included a heavy refactoring in the LDAP access. More concrete, we
replaced the Mozilla code shipped with OOo (which is used for LDAP
access) with SeaMonkey code.
Perhaps LDAP access works with this version.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] m54: inserting graphic into Oracle blob fails

2009-08-13 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter,

> using a form with a graphic doesn't work in m54 (jdbc, oracle 10g, Windows).

Did it work before?

> The message is "ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL ..."
> I tried both "analyze sql command" true and false.
> A known issue?

It might be related to another bug we had with image controls not
properly writing their content (in the case of being bound to text
fields). From what I know about that other bug, it is possible it also
manifests the way you describe.

The issue is fixed in CWS dba32e, which will probably materialize in
m56. If you're interested, I could upload a build of dba32e (Linux
and/or Windows) for you to check.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] supportsCoreSQLGrammar and Primary Keys, etc.

2009-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Caolán,

> What I'm finding kind of hard though to find out though is if jdbc
> drivers should only be assumed to support setting primary keys if
> supportsCoreSQLGrammar is enabled and OOo is totally correct in what it
> does, and its a matter for postgres-jdbc to support it to get this to
> work.
> Or if OOo is looking for more than it needs, e.g. some variation on
> supportsMinimumSQLGrammar || supportsCoreSQLGrammar ||
> supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL is sufficient to enable setting primary keys
> or even if jdbc drivers should always be assumed to support setting
> primary keys ?

Requiring core SQL grammar for PK support is more of a heuristics (one I
didn't even know 'til know we use :) - that code must be really old).
Unfortunately, the current available MSDN ODBC SDK doesn't really define
core SQL grammar (but only minimum SQL grammar), so I am not sure how
correct this heuristics is.

Either way, nowadays we would implement this in another way: A driver
should be able to explicitly tell which features it (respectively its
database) supports. Since there doesn't exist an API for this, we used
to have some hard-coded meta-information like this in the code (e.g.
which DBs support primary keys, which formerly was determined by a

With CWS dbaperf2, we moved forward to a configuration-based approach.
That is, every driver is accompanied by configuration data describing
its capabilities. Here, we could introduce a "PK-support" feature in the
configuration data.

For generic drivers like the JDBC-SDBC-, ODBC-SDBC-, and ADO-SDBC
bridge, I tend to say they should always claim to support PKs, and leave
it to the system driver to reject PKs if they're actually not supported.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Open a form/report in a Base file from a standard action on a button - again

2009-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> The form button can hold a URI for user with the standard action 
> 'Open', which is a type W3C [xmlschema-2] anyURI.
> This is why? - this is the big hurdle...a naming convention designed for 
> the web, and it's in the standard and would need the OASIS folks to OK a 
> change. (expletive uttered here)

As far as I know (and it's absolutely possible I am wrong here), anyURI
should also cover something like "someprotocol:/some/absolutte/path".
So, there's nothing wrong with using an anyURI here, and no need for a
change. In fact, the existing pre-defined actions you can enter in the
UI are effectively implemented using an own URI scheme, and thus
perfectly legal. (Which doesn't touch the question of how sensible this
decision was, given that it effectively locks out other applications,
since this URI scheme isn't standardized in any way.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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[dba-dev] vacation notice

2009-07-17 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany

during the next three weeks, you won't read anything from me in this
list, as I'll be on vacation, and hardly be able to access the internet.

You probably won't be able to discern this phase from any other
three-week phase of silence of mine, but I thought I nonetheless mention
it ...

Have fun, but don't write too many issues and mails in this time, they
all add to the backlog I have to work off after the vacation :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] DisposedException - EOF reached

2009-07-01 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi René,

> Yes, I already found out what IIRC meant. :-) I'm not of the sms
> generation!

I definitely do not belong into this generation either :)

> I indeed played with the code and during my 
> attempts removed registerObject. I believed it 
> was not so important where this was done


> When I restore them BEFORE the 
> props.setPropertyValue (the original position), 
> then I get the errormessage: 
> IllegalArgumentException; the datasource was not 
> stored. Use the interface XStorable to store the 
> data source.

Ah, that's something I indeed wondered about, registering should not
succeed without the document being stored. So, the error you describe
here is completely correct.

> When I move the same lines AFTER the 
> props.setPropertyValue, then I get the earlier 
> DisposedException - closeConnection message.

Quite confusing.

Do you have a JAR or your modified sources you could send me (to the
sender address of this mail), so I cann have a look at this? Please no
fancy 3-pagers of how to set this up, something which runs out of the
box and hits the problem would be really nice :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] DisposedException - EOF reached

2009-07-01 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi René,

> jurt.jar, ridl.jar and juh.jar are all stored in 
> the directory 3\URE\java, 
> nowhere else. unoil.jar is stored in 
> 3\Basis\program\classes 
> directory and nowhere else. I could not find 
> something that starts with IIRC (no idea what it is as well!).

Uhm, sorry, IIRC is an abbreviation for "If I remember correctly" :)

> All my code steps check for exception conditions, 
> but all the previous steps seem to succeed and to 
> return correct values. If the jars are ok, what 
> next can I check? It would be nice if I could use 
> a kind of trace to check what is going on behind 
> the scenes, but I believe that is not possible?

Sorry, I do not know at all whether tracing the Java UNO bridge is
possible (and I indeed think it's that bridge which causes problems here).

Sadly, I do not really have new ideas what could cause this, really the
only possible reason I know about is the incompatible jar files, but you
convincingly denied this.

Not sure if the code you're using is still the code you pointed to, or
if you already adjusted it. If the former, then please try moving the
"xServ.registerObject(..." line *after* the setPropertyValue. Would be
interesting to know whether the problem then still happens, and in which
line. I somehow suspect the DisposedException might be moved to the
*second* setPropertyValue then. In other words, I suspect that something
about the registerObject is killing your connection.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] DisposedException - EOF reached

2009-06-29 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi René,

> I'm trying to recode the sample known as 
> 'mailmerge code snippet' and found at 
> I'm testing my code on a Windows Vista system 
> with OpenOffice 3.1 Dutch version. As soon as I'm 
> executing the method setPropertyValue with the 
> sdbc:flat , I get the exception 
> . EOF 
> reached ..

If that "EOF reached" is a citation of your error message, then I'd say
that some previous API call killed the connection to your OOo instance:
"EOF reached", according to Grok
comes from, which sounds as if you connected to a
running OOo via a socket (as opposed to a pipe), and this connection
somehow died.

> I understand I loose the connection with the server.

With "server", do you mean the OOo instance you connected to?

> But this server does not go down and keeps on running

If this refers to OOo ... this means (I assume) that on client side,
some UNO API call could not be translated properly. I do not know too
much about our UNO bridges which bridge API calls, but my assumption
would be that you're using incompatible .jar files, describing the UNO
API, on your client and server.

For instance, assume you have an interface XSomething, which has a
method doSomething, introduced in OOo 3.1. Now when you have an OOo 3.1
running, the UNO environment in this OOo process will know about this
interface and method.

Now assume that on your client, you use UNO jar files from OOo 3.0,
where this method does not yet exist (or has another signature, or
something like this). In this case, your client code will compile fine,
but at runtime, the UNO environment of your client will detect that a
call is made to a method which does not exist on "the other side of the
UNO bridge". The only reasonable reaction in such a situation would be
terminating the bridge, since a recovery is not possible at all (not
without potentially leaving your client in an undetermined state).

So, what I would check is whether the UNO jar files on your client and
server are the same. Those are, IIRC, unoil.jar, juh,jar, jurt,jar,
ridl.jar (might be more or less than those, not sure).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] An API reference for calling the DB Record Search dialog functionality from client scripts?

2009-06-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> I haven't begun looking for this - will be doing so tonight.
> If anyone has a direct link to where a good starting spot (assuming you 
> can make sense of my subject line) it would be very much appreciated.

exception dispatching the ".uno:RecSearch" URL into the frame where you
want to open the dialog, there's no API at all. Even with this solution
(which just mimics the user pressing the respective button), you cannot
control the dialog settings. Well, you probably could, by manipulating
the configuration settings
(/org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/FormSearchOptions) the dialog is
initialized with. Ugly, but maybe doable.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> Do you mean I shuold file a issue and do the 'fs' thing :-)

No, I fixed that while passing in a 3.2-targeted CWS (dba32e).

> BTW: "Reportedly, the Alpha version of the driver was able to connect to 
> a remote MySQL server in the internet, using the server's IP address. 
> The Beta version is not able to do this anymore, while, on the very same 
> machine, e.g. the Connector/J works fine for the very same server".
> We had the same problem with the MySql  we installed on a XP machine 
> (for your testing), we could not get acces with the native connector, on 
> the other hand we have a same MySql running but now on a Windows 8000 
> server with no problem for the native connector
> So the difference could comming from not working on XP and well working 
> on Windows8000

I'll look into that, too, but that might touch MySQL code very deeply,
so I am not sure I can do anything before the MySQL-side of our C/OOo
team returns from vacation :-\


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
> Could reproduce with the table dump you sent me, will put onto the
> "known problems" list for the connector, and investigate.

"The bad news is: That's a bug in OOo itself, which is only triggered by
the way how the driver (legitimately) exposes its database/tables, so,
it cannot be fixed in the driver, but in OOo only."


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

>> For the first problem: Which database? 
> MySql native connector , the ODBC connector do not have this problem
> ODBC produce a  statementlike : SELECT * FROM `tbl_leveranciers` WHERE ( 
> `tbl_leveranciers`.`Uithangbord` = 'alphadent' )
> as you see without using the "schema name"

Could reproduce with the table dump you sent me, will put onto the
"known problems" list for the connector, and investigate.

However, seeing that this happens with the MySQL Connector/OOo, I doubt
this is what Robby originally referred to, so my question what he means
exactly remains.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

>> For the first problem: Which database? 
> MySql native connector

Hmm, cannot reproduce. Can you give us a table dump (structure only is

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> I suppose Robby is pointing to the use of the "filterering" who have a bug
> when making a filter with the GUI OO produce SQL a statement like
> SELECT * FROM "pmgdbase"."tbl_leveranciers" WHERE ( 
> "pmgdbase.tbl_leveranciers"."Uithangbord" = 'alphadent' )
> This gives a error because "pmgdbase.tbl_leveranciers", must been 
> "pmgdbase"."tbl_leveranciers"
> Same behavior when using the filter in a form
> I filled already a related Issue 
>  for it

Hmm, 102793 does not seem to describe the quoting problem from above,
sounds like two different problems.

102793 slipped my attention so far, will have a look.

For the first problem: Which database? Which driver? Does somebody know
an issue for this, too?

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] How can I store the default values and column descriptions in odb file?

2009-06-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael,

> I would like to store default values and the column descriptions in the odb
> files as we do not fully support them in the database. Is it right that base
> can do this for us or must the driver implement the functionality to store
> the values in the odb files? I have neither an idea how to tell base to do
> this for me nor how to do it my self in the driver :(

The driver does not need to know about this at all.

Assuming that we talk about the ControlDefault as mentioned by Ocke (the
DefaultValue is effectively unused), this should work automatically: The
table design fills the property with what you enter there, the ODB
export filter retrieves and writes it.
Uhm, trying that with an embedded HSQLDB in OOo 3.1 it seems this isn't
the case ... need to verify that, but it seems that's a general problem

For the description, the same holds: this shouldn't be a concern of your
driver at all, it should all be held in higher layers. (And here it even
worked for me with embedded HSQLDB.)

So, if with your driver, this is lost, I cannot really think of a
reason. However, the object hierarchy in dbaccess/source/core/api is
rather complex, and Ocke knows more about this than I do. Perhaps
depending on certain characteristics of your driver, the wrapper code
behaves differently/wrong.

I suggest you start debugging this in dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign,
OTableEditorCtrl::SaveData. Check whether the description is properly
propagated there. Then, in TableController::alterColumns, check whether
the proper description is set as PROPERTY_HELPTEXT at the column, and,
more interesting, where this setPropertyValue call actually arrives -
which class implements this property? Compare this with
ODBExport::exportColumns in dbaccess/source/filter/xml: There's a
getPropertyValue( HELPTEXT ) call - where does it arrive, ultimately?
Which implementation provides this value?

(Compiling comphelper/source/property/* and
cppuhelper/source/propshlp.cxx with debug=1 might come handy, to be able
to step through all involved property set helper classes.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OO database sort problem

2009-06-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Robby,

>   I have been an OO user for years and mostly love your package, however I 
> recently
> ran up against the sort bug in OO 3.1.0 Base.

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is "the sort bug in OO 3.1.0 Base"?

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] sun-report-builder-alpha-1.1.1.m49 and DEV300m50

2009-06-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> I tried the SRB alpha 1.1.1 from qa-upload with m50, and found unusable 
> on report wizard.
> Creates empty report in m50, but works correctly in m49.
> When click to second steps (labels) SRB hang, if I click on next 3 times 
> after ~40s suddenly go to step 5.
> When I click on finish, creates empty report, with bot option (create or 
> edit).

Without investigating this: m50 had a P1 (102701) which can manifest in
a lot of different ways. Basically every feature which uses OOo's
storage format for writing files can be affected - and creating reports
(by wizard or manually) falls into this category.

So, I would recommend wiping m50 from your disc completely, and waiting
for m51.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OpenOffice accessing Access 2007 database under Vista SP2

2009-06-04 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Rob,

> I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to read an Access 2007 database 
> from OpenOffice 3.1 on a computer running MS Windows Vista SP2
> I am getting an error "The connection to the data source  could not 
> be established. Function sequence error"

Unfortunately, "Function sequence error" is some generic error message
which barely tells anything, except that the driver is not in the state
it expected to be.

If you have sample .accdb and .odb files, and submit an issue, attaching
those files, we can investigate the problem.

> I have researched the internet to find that I need to install "2007 
> Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components" from 

(If you hadn't installed those, you should have got another error
message. Hmm.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Table wizard quirks OOo dev 3.2 m47 (partof SRB for ...)

2009-06-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltan,

for the record:

> On linux m47 still installed, submitted issue:

meanwhile resolved as duplicate of issue 102436 (as you can see from the
number, this is pretty recent, too). Thanks a lot for submitting the
issue, even though we found out it's a duplicate - using your files in a
debug build of OOo tremendously helped to prove that's a duplicate of
the above issue.

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Table wizard quirks OOo dev 3.2 m47 (partof SRB for ...)

2009-06-02 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

>  From my earlier mail:
>  >1. in table wizard, the personal and bussiness categories content 
> changed with each other,  you can find for >example CD-Collection in 
> bussiness category. (in both win/linux)
> I logged out stated new session on linux, same error.

Meanwhile known as issue 102019.

>  >2. form wizard when you finished creation, with option work with the 
> form, window closes and not opens >back, and not saves into Form area - 
> Form lost. (On linux version caused OOo crash) If you select edit >mode, 
> the form opens in edit mode and saves into Form area. (On linux/rpm 
> version caused OOo crash)
> In this part I made some more observation, it is only happens when 
> creates new table with wizard as in first step. If you create table in 
> design mode forms works as needed.

Hmm, cannot reproduce. Creating a ¨Assets¨ table with the table wizard,
and subsequently letting the wizard create a form for the table (where
the form wizard is started by the table wizard, by checking the proper
option on the last page of the table wizard), using all default options
of both wizards, works like a charm here.

> If you creates tables with wizard, and after form with wizard, form 
> cause crash on linux, on win not crate form.
> It is independent from file creation, it is happens with newly created 
> file or with old file.
> Crash reports: rvpfwvc and r5pfwvc.

Those reports indicate that the crash happens while the generated form
document is being loaded. Could you please try the following:
Repeat what you did, and at the very moment OOo crashs (and the crash
reporter dialog is still open): check your /tmp path for the most recent
files. Most probably, you'll find a document named similar to the form
you just created. Try copying this file to another location, before
closing the dialog in OOo. Then, when OOo restarts, try opening the file
- if this crashes, too, then you could send me the file (or submit an
issue for it yourself).

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] 2 Strings appearing in English in Base UI

2009-05-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Arthur,

>> Perhaps next time I do such a nasty thing, I will hard-wire the French
>> and German translations in the code. All other NL communities either
>> never notice, or never complain :)
> How many languages are you willing to hardwire?

Do I need - let me guess - Dutch, too? Hmm, this is getting out of
control ...



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] 2 Strings appearing in English in Base UI

2009-05-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

>> I usually ignore all non-English bugs :)
> It is in reality, it was not true with OOo 3.0 HU langpack bugs :-)

I just wanted to say that issues *written* in a language other than
English are usually not handled, simply since we cannot learn that many
other languages.

>> Perhaps next time I do such a nasty thing, I will hard-wire the French
>> and German translations in the code. All other NL communities either
>> never notice, or never complain :)
> We will complain through dozens of issues. ;)

Uh, well, yes, I need to hardwire Hungarian, too ;)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] 2 Strings appearing in English in Base UI

2009-05-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Sophie,

>> For the background: Those strings were added after the localization
>> freeze, but I wanted to have the feature in, so I decided we can go
>> without a localization for 3.1. But don't tell anybody ;)
> I promise that the next bug dedicated to you will be written in this
> language : Ningalkku njan paranjathu manasilakunnille? ;-)

I usually ignore all non-English bugs :)

Perhaps next time I do such a nasty thing, I will hard-wire the French
and German translations in the code. All other NL communities either
never notice, or never complain :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] 2 Strings appearing in English in Base UI

2009-05-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Sophie,

> In Base, under Tools > Customize > Events, there is 2 strings appearing
> in English in my FR version :
> Loaded a sub component
> Closed a sub component
> Would it be possible that they have forgot to join our l10n files? ;-) I
> can't find them any where, those strings are also not documented in the
> OLH. Do I open the bug for Database or for Framework ?

Let's get without a bug this time, I just fixed that.

For the background: Those strings were added after the localization
freeze, but I wanted to have the feature in, so I decided we can go
without a localization for 3.1. But don't tell anybody ;)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Some issues on 3.1.0 with macros

2009-05-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ariel,

> --
> * Create a new database document (menu File - New - Database)
> * Create a new macro (menu Tools - Marcos - Organize macros - OOo Basic, then 
> select the ODB, and press the New button)
> * Write a dummy macro
> * try to execute it
> You get a macro warning (I my case I set security to "Medium" level).

Now known as issue 102139.

> css::container::XHierarchicalNameAccess::getByHierarchicalName() does not work
> * create two forms:
>   "Form1"
>   "Folder1/Form1"
> * The following (also attached, may it passes to the mailing list) opens 
> Form1 
> when trying to open Folder1/Form1

Cannot reproduce. OOO310.m11, WinXP. Hmm, admittedly StarOffice instead
of, but I doubt this makes a difference.

> -
> css::sdb::XSubDocument::open() does not work when the subdocument has no form 
> at all (this happens on OOO310_m11 but not in DEV300_m47):

Cannot reproduce, too.

Which platform? Sure you used m11 and not some intermediate version?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Datasource - specs - Evolution

2009-05-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Cor,

> Issue for 3.1 
> linked to this specs:
> Seems rather old UI-stuff to me (compared to the current 
> File-New-Database Wizard).

No, it's the - still valid - spec of the dialogs under the Edit/Database
sub menu. (Well, probably you'll find the one or other minor item which
has been superseded by reality meanwhile.)

> But more interesting: I saw a note about Evolution, in "4.4 The 
> Connection Type wizard" . I guess that is old info as well... (see issue 
> 67600). Is implementing a bunch of work?

The Evolution section is up-to-date as well, but the Evolution driver is
available for Linux only.

Issue 67600 requests access to Groupwise on Windows, which is a
completely different story.

Since the Groupwise AB is claimed to be accessible via MAPI, I would
have assumed it works out-of-the-box with the "Windows Address Book"
database type, which is for this purpose (accessing the AB which is
exposed via MAPI). So, speaking strictly, that's probably not an
I cannot really judge the effort for fixing this. Given that the real
MAPI-access code is in Mozilla (OOo ships with a few Mozilla libs
implementing this), it might turn out difficult. Also, when we ever
touch this area, I'd rather go the way of removing the dependency from
Mozilla code (which causes constant problems for various reasons), and
implement an own MAPI SDBC driver, which probably wouldn't make it
easier ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] issue with a variable in localization of querydesign

2009-05-13 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Andre,

>>> or 'SQL statement'. But in French (and I'm sure other languages), this
>>> is not possible to apply this variable to SQL statement in the same way,
>>> the article at the begining is not the same as for the others.
>> Uhm. Given that all we Base developers are native German speakers, and
>> in German, there is the very same problem, this should not have happened
>> at all ...
> Well .. it's quite easy for German translation: you don't have to use
> an article (not very nice wording but works).

Well, yes. I just wanted to say that the author of this string should
and could have anticipated the problem, and prevent both your workaround
and Sophie's impossibility of a workaround by just doing it right in the


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] issue with a variable in localization of querydesign

2009-05-13 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Sophie,

> I've an issue with localisation and I don't know if I need to report it
> against dba or not.
> In fact, this string :
> #: query.src#STR_QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED.string.text
> msgid ""
> "The $object$ has been changed.\n"
> "Do you want to save the changes?"
> has a variable $object$ that should be replaced by 'table view', 'query'
> or 'SQL statement'. But in French (and I'm sure other languages), this
> is not possible to apply this variable to SQL statement in the same way,
> the article at the begining is not the same as for the others.

Uhm. Given that all we Base developers are native German speakers, and
in German, there is the very same problem, this should not have happened
at all ...

Please submit an issue, assign it to me, and give it a target of 3.x.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Open database document from beamer - Bad Beamer.

2009-04-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> Can I suppose that 100764 
>  is a duplicate 
> and is also been fixed now ?

Uhm, no, this sounds like a completely different issue to me, of which I
wasn't aware so far. Will have to investigate.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Open database document from beamer - Bad Beamer.

2009-04-08 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> Yes, it is the same with Linux.

Thanks for finding and reporting this. Interesting bug, from a technical
point of view :). Fixed. For 3.1, hopefully.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Open database document from beamer - Bad Beamer.

2009-04-07 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
HI Drew,

> It appears that when a database document is opened for editing via the 
> Beamer macro execution is disabled.

Cannot reproduce: Let the wizard create a new DB doc, leave the
"register as data source" checked, in the DB doc, create a new
lib/module via Tools/Macros/Organize/Basic, save the doc, close the doc.
Open a text doc, open beamer, choose "Edit database file" in the context
menu of the data source => I'm presented with a "Do you want to execute"
(Security level is set to "Medium".)

What is it you do differently?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] i99686 and srb 1.1.0 Beta

2009-03-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> I tried to check issue 99686 
> (, issued by me, 
> in DEV310m7,
> and it failed to show pictures in report.
> I used SRB 1.1.0.beta (2009.03.09, from qa upload server),  it raised  
> question, I need to use another version?

The fix for issue 99686 was (at least in parts) in the extension, so the
"old" beta does not contain it.

I uploaded a new version (Beta 2) to, however did not try it, yet.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Need i-team for specification [was [dba-dev] New Filter Dialog]

2009-03-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Karl,

> I have used Software Specification Template and thus I have a 
> Writer document.
> There is the specification wiki that says one should put the spec (even if 
> preliminary) online on but how do I? On this 
> page I cannot find any hint.

Sigh ... one reason I prefer the Wiki ...

You need CVS access to the ¨specs¨ project. Since I cannot grant you
this, and I am not even sure the project is still alive ... I could
offer you CVS access to the DBA project, so you can commit your spec
(still using CVS) to


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Need i-team for specification [was [dba-dev] New Filter Dialog]

2009-03-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Karl,

> There does not seem to be much interest in ux and qa... :-(

As Liz said, it might indeed be possible that especially UX is on the
Cebit ...

> I have finished a first version of a specification. Lots of details are still 
> missing. I didn't pay, for example, any attention to accessibility yet.
> However, the first version has enough content (23 pages) to see how I think 
> the new filter dialogue could -- and should -- work. Before I continue, I 
> would like to get some feedback. Maybe my ideas are in complete disagreement 
> with the expectations of the community.
> So how should we proceed? Shall I stop and move the first version to 
> /dev/null 
> since I do not have a complete i-team, or should I upload it somewhere and 
> wait for being bashed?  ;-) 

The latter :)

> In case you suggest the latter, how and where should this version of the spec 
> be announced?

Did you do this as Writer doc, or do you plan to do it in the Wiki? In
the first case, you should find a place.

For announcements, is the ... intended
place, though ... I've rarely seen anybody using it, so I in fact
suggest to do the announcement in us...@dba and disc...@ux (though
feedback/discussion should happen in one list only, us...@dba preferrably).

> Anyway, I think I should stop now and wait for feedback. 

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Need i-team for specification [was [dba-dev] New Filter Dialog]

2009-03-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Karl,

> So please read on, as I need a member of dev, ux and qa.

I might not have all the necessary time, but if nobody else volunteers
for the dev part, then count me in. (But be warned that I seldom can
resist giving UX-related comments :)

>>> On [2] I found some other things that need to be done/checked before I
>>> start:
>> In general, do not impose too much meaning into those requirements (but
>> don't cite me on that :).

Ts. Didn't I say "don't cite me on that"? :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Macro Migration Remarks

2009-03-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> I did the migration from 2.4 to 3.1 (latest snapshot m3)off a complex 
> db-doc with 2 forms containing several libraries with soem dialogs in it.
> Everyting went extremly well :-)

Fine :)

> well execpted  The names of the 
> libraries are changed to a combination off the original librarie name 
> and the name off the form. This renaming, however, is not done in the 
> basic code lines like loading dialoglibraries  the load point still to 
> the original dialoglibrary.
> The renaming is also not done in the basicdialog-control-events who stay 
> pointed to the original macro ibrary names
> Do not know if this is a wanted behaviour or I should make a issue off it ?

Adjusting the names in the Basic code is up to impossible (when we want
to do it correctly, without replacing the wrong tokens), without
actually running the macro in a sandbox, thus it was not implemented.

The dialog events - uhm, as the specification proves, those have been
*completely* forgotten. Shame on me! (and the reviewers of the spec :)

So, please write an issue for the latter - ideally with a sample
document, as always.

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Need i-team for specification [was [dba-dev] New Filter Dialog]

2009-03-04 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>> [1]
> @FS: there is syntax highlighting still on that page, would you remove 
> it, please?

Done. Thanks for the reminder.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Form > Tablecontrol event: how to obtain column, row and other information

2009-03-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Karl,

> (1) Was the mouse pressed in a particular cell, and if so, which one?
> (2) Was the mouse pressed on a column header, and if so, which column?
> (3) Was the mouse pressed on a row marker, and if so, which row?
> (4) Was the mouse pressed outside of header, row markers and cells?
> (5) How can I find out, which rows are selected, if any?

In general, the current column position can be obtained via
(at the Source member of the event you got). I am not sure, however,
whether this is updated *before* or *after* your listener is called,
i.e. if it still returns the old column.

The selection, as said by Fernand, can be obtained using the
getSelection method (or the Selection property, which is the same in Basic).

The current row cannot be obtained, though perhaps implicitly be
determined by the current row of the form.

Probably the safest way for the concrete row would be taking the pixel
position of the mouse, and calculating the affected cell, taking into
account the header and row height. However, this probably requires
translating the heights from logical units into pixels, which requires
the XUnitConversion interface, which is available in 3.1 only.

This approach might even work for the concrete column, by calculating
with the column widths. However, I am not sure at the moment the width
of the row header is available at the grid control model ...

All in all, there's pretty much uncertainty in here, so I think fixing
the issue with the grid column events might be ... safer. Though,
column-related events won't solve the problem of obtaining the current
row ...

> (6) When I press the right mouse button in a cell or on a column header, a 
> pop-up menu appears. Can I add my own menu items to these menus, and if so, 
> how?

No, that's not possible.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] New Filter Dialog

2009-03-01 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Karl,

> So I _could_ start...?

Definitely. Of course the more people you involve, especially from UX
the more chances the specified changes will ever become reality :)
(And of course, the more people you involve, the more difficult it will
become due to the lot of different opinions :)

> I guess I have to use the specification template for 
> Writer.

Matter of taste.

Personally, I find writing specifications in the Wiki more difficult
with regard to the involved work in actually writing, on the other hand,
the Wiki has its advantages (the online version is always up-to-date,
corrections/additions can easily be made by other parties, etc.).

The Wiki template can be found at
(unfortunately not linked from

> On [2] I found some other things that need to be done/checked before I start: 

In general, do not impose too much meaning into those requirements (but
don't cite me on that :).

> (-- denotes a quote)
> --Q1 [Feature/Enhancement]
> --Does an unambiguously clear feature or enhancement request exists?
> Well, does one exist? I hope the description in [1] is enough to fullfill 
> this 
> request. If not, what has to be done?

For this item, like for the others, the following holds: It is *one*
possible mean to ensure a certain pre-requisite. There are other means,
and case-depending, you might choose one of the others. (That's my
personal interpretation, but it worked well in the past :)

What this requirement wants to ensure is that all involved parties have
the same understanding of the goal.

In fact, this requirement is *very* important, and not fulfilling it is
a main reason for specification failures. If you specify something which
doesn't address the needs others have, this doesn't help at all.

What I found extremely useful in the initiation phase of the feature is
to hold a meeting with all stakeholders (however you define that), and
to ensure that they all know and agree what the project is about.
Luckily, I could do this in person often enough, for your purpose I
would suggest an IRC meeting.

So: gather the people which you want to work with on the feature, e.g.
the ones which should give you feedback while the spec evolves, ideally
also the ones who will later (probably) implement and QA the feature.
Make sure you want the same thing. Make sure that if you say "the
current dialog sucks", they all do not only nod, but you find out *why*
it sucks, to make it better. Else, you'll notice when you finished the
spec that you all had different understandings of "it sucks".

Then go for it, and ignore Q1.

(Such gatherings can be useful in various stages of the process, so
don't think it's over after the initial "kick-off" meeting.)

> --Q2 [Concept]:
> --For changes requiring modifications in more than one application: Is 
> --there product concept available, which is understandable to the 
> --intended readership?
> I guess, this is irrelevant


> since only one application is concerned: Base.

and also since Produce Concept Documents are an relict from early times ;)

> --Q3 [Project-Resources]:
> --Do you have a project team? An feature is always 
> --being developed by an Implementation Team (i-Team). An i-Team consists 
> --at least of two distinct persons:
> --* A developer (required)
> --* A QA representative (required)
> --  Ask for a QA representative in the mailing 
> list.
> --* A User Experience member (required only if the feature or bug 
> --  fix affects the user interface or the behavior of the application) 
> This is my first problem. How do I get this i-team? I have to specify their 
> names in the spec. I can ask for a QA representative as described, but where 
> do I get a developer? And how do I get a User Experience member?

Ask around :)

preface: One thing you need to be aware of is that it is well possible
that you write the perfect specification for a perfect feature, but
nobody will be able to pick it up for development, for whatever reasons.
Ideally, it won't happen this way, but nobody can guarantee that. If
this doesn't scare you, go on ...

Having said that ... ignore the developer for the moment. Since you do
not know who will later on implement it, you cannot invite the implementor.

Which doesn't mean that you cannot ask (in d...@dba - oh, this is where
we currently are in :) core developers to join, if you want. They are
often able to give hints about cool features in the spec which are hard
(up to impossible) to implement in the current OOo infrastructure, and
you certainly want to know those to raise your spec's chances of being
implemented ...

Similar things hold for QA.

Having more user ex members ("more" because I assume that you have a
certain user ex affinity, else you wouldn't offer to write a spec) is
always a good thing. Again, asking is what give

Re: [dba-dev] Poll mailing list working?

2009-02-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Regina,

> are you sure, it works now?

There's rarely something I am sure about in's infrastructure.

There's at least one message (except my test messages, which I deleted
from the archive to not clutter it) by now:

Sigh. Care to re-send your mail?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] About hiding the new interface XRecovery for FormDocument

2009-02-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Yan,

just yesterday Andreas explained the concept to me, again :)

In my previous answers, I assumed that the recovery service would
iterate over all documents registered at the desktop, and use their
XRecovery interface. However, as Andreas reminded me, the plan is that
the recovery services is just a listener at the GlobalEventBroadcaster,
and iterates over all documents known there.

In this case, it is in fact necessary to hide the XRecovery interface
for embedded documents, so please go ahead with this change.

>> So, the save-code in Base would look like
>>   - create a wrapper storage
>>   - save my own content
>>   - create a sub storage for every opened form
>>   - use the form's XRecovery to save it into the sub storage
>> So, the bottom line is: When you remove the XRecovery from embedded
>> forms, this will make final implementations more difficult.
> Does it mean making database document store it's own sub documents is 
> difficult?

No, I just meant that at some point in its own emergency save process,
the form document needs to emergency-save a certain sub document. If
this document had the XRecocery interface, this would be just a matter
of delegating to this interface.

Now when the sub document does not have this interface, then the form
document needs to decide itself what "emergency save" means for the sub
document. At the moment, this decision is still easy: It's just a simple
"XStorage::storeTo" call.

However, there might be points in the future where the implementation of
XRecovery::store (or however you named it) for text documents is
*extended* to be more than a simple "storeTo". In such a case, we would
need to duplicate this extended semantics in form documents, too. In
case XRecovery were still present at the sub documents, this duplicate
would not be necessary.

That said, I am still a little bit unsure whether hiding the XRecovery
interface is the most future-proof solution, but I think you can go
ahead with it.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Poll mailing list working?

2009-02-17 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Zoltán,

> On GullFOSS post:
> you warned us to send our votes on features, and that we will see all 
> poll mail in p...@dba mailing list.
> The mailing page shows 0=zero mails, but must show at least one, what I 
> sent to it.
> Some thing wrong happened with that mailing list?

Argh! Did I ever mention I hate's infrastructure?

I chose "discuss" as mailing list type (unnecessary to mention I was
unable to find an explanation of the mailing list types), and obviously
this means that only mails from subscribers are sent to the list. Which
explains that the list is still empty, though my own test mails made it
through :-\

I fear I will have to publicly ask to resend all the voting mails :(
Quite embarrassing.

Thanks for pointing that out.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] About hiding the new interface XRecovery for FormDocument

2009-02-13 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Yan,

> A new interface is being designed. It will 
> be used by the autorecovery service inside the framework module and 
> supported by all applications. FormDocument of database, which is not 
> used as a top level document, will ignore the new interface.
> Currently, ODatabaseDocument can inherit XRecovery and implement its 
> method load/save. I want to pass some parameters, which can disable the 
> interface XRecovery, to the sw::ctor() when creating a new FormDocument. 
> I tried to do this in the ODocumentDefinition::loadEmbeddedObject(...) 
> but found no good way. How can I pass some parameters to the sw::ctor() 
> when creating a new FormDocument in database?

There already is a mechanism for passing parameters to the document
implementation, to disable certain functionality.

For instance, for the documents embedded in a database document, we
disable the usage of XEmbeddedScripts.

For this, we pass a parameter "EmbeddedScriptSupport" when creating the
document, see

In SFX, this creation parameter is translated into the
SFXMODEL_DISABLE_EMBEDDED_SCRIPTS flag, which is passed to the document

Then, the factories for the various document types examine the presence
of this flag
and translate it into a call to SfxObjectShell::SetHasNoBasic:

This, finally, instructs the SfxBaseModel belonging to the
SfxObjectShell to *not* expose the XEmbeddedScripts interface.

However, let me ask an important question: Why do you really want to
disable this interface?

First, it should not hurt if it is present: The auto recovery process
iterates over all documents which are known at the desktop, and "sub
documents" of a database document are explicitly *not* known at the desktop.

Second, the non-presence of this interface would make the implementation
in Base harder: To properly implement a emergency-save and auto-recovery
for Base documents, we also need to emergency-save and auto-recover the
sub documents.
For instance, when you have a database document and one form open, and
OOo crashes, then Base needs to save both the database document, *and*
the form. The latter is done easiest, if course, if it can be delegated
to the form itself.
So, the save-code in Base would look like
  - create a wrapper storage
  - save my own content
  - create a sub storage for every opened form
  - use the form's XRecovery to save it into the sub storage

So, the bottom line is: When you remove the XRecovery from embedded
forms, this will make final implementations more difficult.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] MWS builds and SRB development

2009-02-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> It is a possible to attach to any MWS, versions of SRB which allows new 
> features supported in main code, same way as dictionaries installed with 
> OOo?

bundling extensions with the OOo distribution is technically easily
possible, but a political issue. People need to decide and *agree* to
which extension is/not bundled, and this seems to be a difficult process.

Reporting is, in my opinion, an integral part of a database application,
so you ask me, SRB should be an integral part of Base (not even in the
form of an extension).

I took the opportunity to start, again, a discussion about integrating
SRB into Base - something I'd really like to see happening, as it would
significantly lower the efforts around SRB (e.g. testing different SRB
versions for compatibility with different OOo versions).

Let's see.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Macro migration wizard in m41

2009-02-10 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter,

> after migrating the macros from a form to the document (which seems to 
> end successfully), the macro organize dialog neither lists the document 
> nor a opened form.
> Don't know, if this is a base issue.

It is. This problem came in with m38, where two DBA-CWSes were
integrated, and a conflict was resolved improperly. The issue is fixed
in both dba31g (integrated into m1) and dba31h (will be integrated into
m2), so probably also in m42.

Thanks for catching this!


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Events on Form TableControl-elements not working

2009-02-06 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> I tried to put a Mouse Click event on a Textfield (column) in a 
> TableControl ioff aForm. The event is ignored and the macro on the event 
> is not called
> Puting the Mouse Click Event on the TableControl itself works properly
> For the moment I found a work around using  the properties of the row 
> who is selected by the mouse click. Is this normal behaviour or do I mis 
> something?

Neither nor. I'd call it a bug. (Knowing the internals, I suppose this
never worked.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Developer offers help in PDF Form export

2009-02-06 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> One company offering help in PDF export, on community forum:
> As I know, you are the developer of Forms in OOo.

I answered in the forum, thanks for the pointer.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OOo Base 3.1 New Features wiki page

2009-02-02 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> I compiled a wikipage from features mailing list mails, and some cases 
> from requirement documents.

that's great - next time somebody asks me what's new in 3.1's Base, I
know where to direct him to! Thank you very much!


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] DEV300_m39 breaks in evoab2 NResultSetMetaData.cxx

2009-01-19 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ariel,

> DEV300_m39 breaks in connectivity/source/drivers/evoab2
> ...

if you're not aware of an issue for this - please submit one. This could
be fixed as master fix (i.e. directly for m40, not in a CWS).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] How to keep users away from Tabels ?

2009-01-19 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> The functionality supplied with issue 97889 is available in the current
> development build of OO.o 3.1 (DEV300_m37 with m39 do out in a few days
> according to an email in lists today's),

no, the fix for this was committed to dba31h, which is not yet
integrated, so there's no dev snapshot containing this functionality.

> For an example of setting an event listener using OOBasic

The issue is fixed in a way that Tools/Customize/Events contains two new
entries, which you can simply bind a macro to. No need to do the binding


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] How to keep users away from Tabels ?

2009-01-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> "CWS dba31h" any idea when i will be available for us ?

it's one of our last CWS' towards 3.1, its timeline depends on the
frequency of new 3.1 bugs coming in (the more 3.1 bugs, the earlier
dba31h will be full - but please don't feel tempted :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Problems with i_only_updt_1.bas i_only_updt_2.bas in testing m14 linux Hungarian version

2009-01-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> I only testing m14 on linux Hungarian version, I finished all required 
> tests and tried to upload test results, and I uploaded all, but two 
> error msg I get.
> ...

I'm not sure Marc (who's in charge of the auto tests) reads here -
again, I recommend trying d...@qa. We mortal developers don't know
anything about those tests.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] How to keep users away from Tabels ?

2009-01-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand,

> I need now a 100% save way to close the base-doc when clossing
> the last  Report or Form otherwise the Hidden-doc or Invisible-frame 
> stay opens forever., I  think to link a smaal macro ( 
> Form-doc.parent.dispose) to the closing event of the last form.

If you have control over the opened forms/reports (I understand you do),
then you can add as css.lang.XEventListener to all those components, and
keep track of them yourself.

Alternatively, would fixing issue 97889 help you with this?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Using testtol on Base and screenshots

2009-01-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Zoltán,

> Base cat0 tests not creating screenshots, all other parts of OOo 
> creating it, nearly all of dialogs.
> Can be scripts changed  to support screenshots?

Do not remotely know ...
You might have better chances with this question in d...@qa. As a last
resort, approach msc at directly, he's responsible for
Base automation.

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: Fwd: [office] ODF 1.2 proposal votes result

2009-01-07 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

> I'd love to work on this together again, but it would be nice to have an
> agreed-upon solution with the TC first.  Something that's actually
> workable, so that we don't waste our time again.

Didn't forget you/r mail, but am quite busy at the moment, sorry. Will
come back to this. Well, first need to come back to thinking about this ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Base To-Do/New+Enhanced Form Controls

2009-01-07 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Roberto,

sorry for the delay in answering, your mail slipped my attention for a
while ...

> i really want to help you developing this project for the openoffice
> software, i do not have alot of experience on c++ but i always have
> programming on c and i can learn c++ very quickly and i know that UNO is
> like a virtual machine and it has its own Development kit, my name is
> Roberto Julio Saldaña and i am from veracruz,mexico

Every helping hand is welcome, of course!

I admit that I would suggest to start with smaller tasks than the new
form controls, since those already require (or at least: greatly benefit
from) some deeper understanding.

My suggestion would be you set up an build environment,
and start with fixing small bugs, to get a feeling for the way how
building and developing works. Once you have this
feeling, you could embark upon greater tasks.

In any way, even if you decide to kick-start with the new form controls,
getting the build environment up and running is the first step. should
assist you in this.

Then, decide on what to do. Issues in IssueZilla which have they keyword
"easy2dev" should be a good start (there aren't too many of them). For
Base, I could try compiling another list of beginner's issues. Or, you
decide for the controls - in which case I would suggest the hyperlink
control. For the ongoing development, you're in the right place in this
list here.

So: Get the build running, decide which concrete bug fix or feature
implementation you want to go, and tell us :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-12-17 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

sorry, after pushing you to use the mailing list for all those
discussions should have sent my previous mail too the list, too. So, for
the record, I copy it here ...

- snip -

Hi Jonathan,

as a preface, let me say that in my understanding (I didn't mention this
explicitly yesterday), this week's vote in the TC was not about which
proposals are to be accepted or rejected at all, but about which 5
proposals are the most important ones to get int 1.2. Is this correct?

If so, then the door would be open for discussing the form:group-name
again for 1.3. However, my confidence that this will finally be accepted
is fading away ...

I am not as near at the TC as you are, so perhaps your impression is

> This was discussed briefly on the office-accessibility list, and in
> order to fix up the ambiguity/"collision" between control names and
> group names both using the same element (form:name), Michael suggested
> that we instead use xml:id to hold the control name while form:name
> would be used ~solely for radio button group names.

Letting xml:id hold the control name won't work, since xml:id must be
unique within the whole document, which is not remotely ensured for form
components (not even for sibling components, not to talk about arbitrary
components in the complete hierarchy).

What I think could be done, perhaps:
- introduce an API representation of the xml:id attribute.
  Other objects in ODF documents support this attribute/property, too,
  so perhaps there's already some work done.
  What's interesting here is how the document-wide consistency of IDs
  is assured. For instance, if you copy'n'paste a control from one
  document to another, the ID must still be unique in the target
  document, which implies that the paste operation must be allowed
  to silently change it.
  I think there's some ugliness ahead on this way, but it should
  be manageable.
- Introduce some XIdAccess::getByID, analogous to the existing
  XNameAccess::getByName, which allows scripts to access form
  components by their id.
- Introduce an UI in the property browser, for changing the ID.
- rename the "Name" property to "group name", and remove it for all
  control types except radio buttons. (not sure about the latter. Would
  make tweaking existing documents difficult, probably.)
- don't touch the relation of Name<->form:name, for compatibility

What I'm uncertain about here is MSO. I know they have "old" and "new"
controls (at least in excel), with different property sets. Would those
in all cases be mappable to the Name/ID pair of form controls?

> So the question is, in what timeframe do you want a working
> implementation?  The form:group-name proposal is working _now_.

Unfortunately, it doesn't produce ODF-conform documents, and not even
documents which we can have strong hope for to become ODF conform. From
a developer-for-end-users perspective, I do not like this, but in the
current form, it has no good chances to get into OOo trunk.

> The use of xml:id hasn't even been started, it will amount to a
> complete rewrite of the form:group-name approach (as it's ~completely
> different), and I have no idea if this will even work.  (I can't think
> of any reasons why it wouldn't, but I haven't worked with the
> scripting code either).

Yes, unfortunately the complete GroupName work would be lost :(, since
this property would not even exist anymore. In theory, all those
considerations should have been done before implementing this, but in
the real world, no developer ever does ... which explicitly includes /me.

> So if we want something soon, we need form:group-name.  If we can wait
> awhile (no timeframe), we can see if xml:id will work.

I want a solution which allows component identity (currently done with
Name - in some sense) and at the same time grouping control (currently
done with Name, too). Inspired by MSO, I already said this implies
implementing the GroupName property, but ...

So, how to proceed? As said, in the current form, and assuming that the
group-name proposal won't make it into 1.3, either, I cannot include
your patch in trunk OOo.

Whether or not you like to help implementing the ID approach as sketched
above (really: *sketched*. In particular the Excel im/export is
something I cannot remotely judge.) is your decision, finally. I'm
willing to contribute my part, too - especially the implementation of
the ID property, caring for all side effects, is certainly deep inside
my core domain. So, what about working together on this, again?

Thanks & Ciao

- snap -

And Ciao, again

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OpenDocument event assigned macro can not execute - now what?

2008-12-16 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> Embedded macros. The current development builds for OO.o 3.1 
> (DEV300_m37) includes both macro libraries being embedded in the ODB 
> file, versus the individual forms, and supports document events (open 
> document, etc) for the ODB file.

Unless really server issues pop up with this feature (which I don't
think, of course), it will be part of the 3.1 release.

> Timing wise then *I think* 3.0.1 is due to ship in early January which

> would then make 3.1 sometime April/May 2009, I suppose.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OpenDocument event assigned macro can not execute - now what?

2008-12-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

> Thinking about achieving my goal then it seems there is a second 
> property that wold be needed at the ODB file level.
> "Hide Base window ( Yes / No )"

Okay, I wasn't explicit about this, but I fully agree that this is a
necessity for addressing your scenario.

Finally, it would be something like declaring a certain form as *the*
main window for the database. If the DB doc opens, this form comes up
(instead of the standard window), if the form closes, the DB doc closes,
too. Finally, just a slight shift in responsibilities.

> Ok - there are few things to think about here. Such as closing the ODB 
> file. It would be really nice if Base had a feature that counted how 
> many child windows where open IF hide_base_window = TRUE, incrementing 
> this counter every time a window was opened and decrementing when one 
> closed. When the counter hits 0, close the parent file - or something 
> similar, it would take a bit more thought to get that right no doubt.

This is similar what currently the application controller does.
Extending this logic to consider a window different from the default app
window as main DB window wouldn't be too difficult, I'd say.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] OpenDocument event assigned macro can not execute - now what?

2008-12-11 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

>> Errrm, logically, it shouldn't run the macros. Ideally, you would 
>> get a message telling you that macros have been deactivated or that
>> you don't have the rights to run MyMacro etc, but wait, let me
>> guess, OOo just crashes without warning ? Or better still, it runs
>> the macros regardless ? ;-)

(Ts. Of course you get a message, but the file is opened then.)

> Ah - you are telling me what it does...I asked what should it do, and 
> I'll offer my suggestion.
> It should refuse to open the file.


I'd have a hard time implementing a logic like "do not open this
document when you cannot execute on-load-macros", this sounds ... strange.

However, together with a "open a form when opening the DB doc" feature,
one could
- declare a minimalistic form saying "nothing here for you" as
- assign a macro to the OnLoad event of the DB doc (or the form),
  which replaces the form with the switchboard

To me, that sounds more like a legitimate solution to the problem you


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: [dba-users] Help: Testing the formula editor in Calc and in the Sun Report Builder

2008-12-08 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew,

>> If anything doesn't work as for example in a DEV300_m35 so please tell 
>> me or even submit an issue so that it doesn't get lost. So please help.
> The build does not seem to honor macro security settings at all - runs 
> any macro from anywhere.

Could you please double-check this? I could not reproduce it in the
latest CWS build (on WinXP).

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] system-jfreereport in m36

2008-12-02 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Rene,

>> You don't mention which module you found this in, and I don't
>> recognize,

> reportdesign, obviously.

Sorry, intended to look into but auto-completed makefile.pmk.

>> but what does tell svn annotate tell you about the change?
> Didn't look.

Then please do. To me it looks as if Caolan introduced this change. I
don't know his intention with it.

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] system-jfreereport in m36

2008-12-02 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Rene,

> I was just resyncing my configuretoplevel cws (which makes system-jfreereport
> work without additional patching) to m36 and  saw this:

You don't mention which module you found this in, and I don't recognize,
but what does tell svn annotate tell you about the change?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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- Geschäftsführer: Thomas Schröder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer  -
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Re: [dba-dev] Thunderbird-Addressbook

2008-11-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Mechtilde,

>> Do you mean how to find the directory used for different profiles?
> I have two different user directories.
>> Isn't that stored in the profiles.ini file found in the directory
>> .mozilla-thunderbird
>> Under Ubuntu for instance this is located at /home/> name>/.mozilla-thunderbird
> there I have also /home//.thunderbird


I always though that those distro-habit of changing such a folder name
to something different is not a good idea, and only causing problems.

No, there is no mechanism for declaring a different path for looking for
the address books.

It would be possible, technically, but if at all, then I would only
implement this as configuration option. IMO, that's way too advanced for
the average user to be presented at the UI.

As always, fell free to submit an issue to ensure this request for
enhancement doesn't get lost, though I doubt the core team will put any
effort into this issue in the foreseeable future.

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] [mysqlnative] system-mysql

2008-11-26 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Rene,

> Actually they claim have released a 1.0 already ;-)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mysql-connector-cpp-20081125$ head -n 1 CHANGES 
> Alpha  1.0.1 - xx/xx/2008
> With an ABI/API change in a *micro* release, and it seems they didn't
> change SONAME. Not very promising. .oO ( mdbtools )

Some on there's a "preview" in the download package's name :)

Okay, however we call it, there is *no* final release, yet (Ulf/Andrey:
uhm, please do *not* correct me on that :).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Thunderbird-Addressbook

2008-11-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Mechtilde,

> I want to create a connection to my Thunderbird addressbook under Linux
> (Debian)
> I choose "File -> New -> Database -> Choose a connection to an existing
> database -> Thunderbird Addressbook"
> Then I can choose "Browse" and see 2 addressbooks.
> My problem now is: I want to know where (in which directory) it browse.
> My suggestion is to choose the right path to the dirctory myself.

This would probably mean larger changes in the driver. Also, I am not
sure this is really desired. Finally, isn't it that you need to know the
*profile* whose address data you access, instead of the concrete
location? I strongly suppose Joe Average would be seriously overwhelmed
if we asked him to browse for his Thunderbird Address Book files - he
might not even know the location of his TB user profile, not to mention
the AB files.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>>> Bettina told me that she will be working on the colors this week.
>> hmmm  do we still have light green on white?
> I know that she lessened the red and green color, but not sure to what 
> excactly and I did not test it. If you do not agree on the colors, 
> please talk to her. If new colors come up in the future, I am happy to 
> integrate them, of course.

Ah, didn't know this already went through her review :)

> PS:

I took the liberty to give the tokens their very own color. I still
think that SQLSTRING needs a change, this is pretty difficult to read,
especially when there's a lot of this in an SQL view. Anyway, will talk
to Bettina about this.

Again, thanks for the implementation, that's a cool feature indeed.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>> It seems it is finished? So did you already pass the CWS to Mechtilde,
>> or are there still fixes needed?
> yes, rebase is finsished and Mechtilde is doing manual test, while André 
> Schnabel is doing the automatic tests on Win/Linux.

Just saw that CWS sqlsyntaxhighlighting is nominated - congratulations,
and thanks for doing this implementation!

> Bettina told me that she will be working on the colors this week.

hmmm  do we still have light green on white?

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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[dba-dev] Evolution in OOo (was: [dba-dev] Connecting to an LDAP server)

2008-11-24 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ferry,

> In the mean while, any chance of Evolution getting absorbed into the OO
> project?

That's not mine to answer, and given the high number of discussions
about this in the past (see the discuss list, for instance), this
certainly is not an easy topic. Probably because there's a lot of
religion involved.

Not to mention that Evolution might not like being absorbed. The more
since its mainly driven by a company which effectively forked OOo.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: Connecting to an LDAP server

2008-11-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ferry,

> It is is not a matter of responsibility, but usability.
> ...
> And Base could serve great as front end. After all you need a way to get
> the data into the ldap server as well as out.

Let me put it the other way round: There's a lot of things which *could*
be implemented in (for instance, people constantly
require an Outlook equivalent, a project management tool, and a lot of
other applications, and the like).

However, I don't think that attempting to implement each and every
feature which would be "useful" is a good idea. Not as long as not each
and every developer in the world works on

So, as long as we need to prioritize our work, I continue to think LDAP
write access is not what belongs to a database application's core

Which doesn't mean we would not accept your (or anybody else's) patch
which implements this :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Connecting to an LDAP server

2008-11-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ferry,

> Is there any chance to get OO to write to ldap? Or should I just be
> happy to read?

The lattter. Writing to LDAP is an administrative task which I don't see
in the responsibility of an office productivity suite.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-11-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi John,

> I'm attempting to shanghai an existing thread to (re?)introduce
> discussion about radio button group names; see:
> Let's see how that goes...

Can't access this, as it's a members-only archive it seems. But in
general I think reviving the discussion about the the group-name
attribute is the way to go. The stuff I read in the accessibility list
pointed to by Florian is way too ... exaggerated. It sounds to me as if
Pete would like to use the frames/fixed texts, which can have the
form:for attribute, as means to define grouping. I do not think that
this is a good idea. While I would agree that the definition of form:for
in ODF 1.1 is sparse enough to allow a lot of interpretations, I would
not like to see it jeopardized in this way.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-11-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Florian,

> FYI:
>  [Jon has replied but its not yet on the list archive :-(]

Meanwhile it has, thanks for the pointer.

> I would be great if you could talk to Malte, Michael and Oliver [and
> othter active Sun TC members] and let them know that you find this
> feature useful. It would be great to have some support from your TC
> members too.

Will do. I think Michael is the right person here, who in the past
already told me that he has no objections against the proposal.

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-11-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Florian,

> Thus, my suggestion still holds: Bring the proposal before the TC, again.

Are you
[ ] Are you not interested in doing this?
[ ] Are you too busy at the moment to follow up with the proposal?
[ ] Did you just not receive the previous mail?
[ ] Other:

I'm asking because I still am interested in getting this useful feature
into "upstream OOo", but because of the ... colorful past of this
proposal, I cannot simply commit your patch, when there are chances
(though pretty small, IMO) that the file format changes will not become
part of an upcoming ODF standard.

So: How do we proceed? Is there interest on your side to finish the
feature beyond the mere implementation, which includes driving the file
format proposal, or are you happy with having an implementation which
just writes non-ODF-compliant documents?

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> yes, rebase is finsished and Mechtilde is doing manual test, while André 
> Schnabel is doing the automatic tests on Win/Linux.
> Bettina told me that she will be working on the colors this week.

Okay, fine.

> PS: mechtilde agreed to postpone the Mac issue to a follow up fix in a 
> next CWS

You should submit an issue for this, just to ensure it doesn't get lost.
I suggest the 3.x target. If you don't really feel like coding in Base
anymore after this CWS is integrated :), then you can put the issue on
the pile owned by me, otherwise I'd ask you to assign it to yourself.

Thanks & Ciao
- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> Rebase is running right now.

It seems it is finished? So did you already pass the CWS to Mechtilde,
or are there still fixes needed?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>> Which brings me to: Our QA here in Hamburg is busy with a lot of other
>> CWS' which are targeted for 3.1, too.
> Mechtilde (German QA-Project) will do the QAing and aggreed to postpone 
> the mac issue.

Okay, the CWS is in good hands, I'd say.

> yes, she told me to have a  look rather soon and also align with BASIC 
> IDE as well as report designer colors
> Thanks for the code review, I fixed it all except the last one, as you 
> pointed out correctly ;-)
> Rebase is running right now.

Okay, thanks for those three, too.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-11 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>>> [X] I think it's finished, and I just don't dare to say ;-)
> ouch, now I remember again the last remaining issue. According to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], bracket matching does not work on Mac, no idea why.
> Would you have access to one and could debug there? Otherwise, I get 
> mine in 1 - 3 weeks and could debug it then, but then we might miss 
> feature freeze, which would be really unfortunate.

I don't have time at the moment for debugging this on the Mac, sorry
(the more since debugging on the Mac is a cumbersome task. Well, to put
it the other way round: I have only minimal experience with the tools on
this platform.).

Sounds like a task which we could postpone, IMO, provided the CWS'es QA
rep agrees.

Which brings me to: Our QA here in Hamburg is busy with a lot of other
CWS' which are targeted for 3.1, too.

But hey, nobody says a CWS'es QA rep needs to be a Sun-paid QA engineer,
right? I suggest we ask - here and in [EMAIL PROTECTED] - for a volunteer who 
has a
look at this CWS. What do you think?

>  > However, you should rebase your CWS to m35, since m34 saw some big
>  > changes in dbaccess. I am not sure they would conflict, but we should
>  > be sure
> Yup, will do right after Peking.


Other than that: Did you have a chance to talk about the default colors
with Bettina? I still think "light green on white" is ... eye-hurting :)

I also spent some time reviewing your code changes. The following is a
list of items I came across - nothing you're required to change, but I
mention them for completeness (otherwise my review time would have been
wasted :).

- Any reason why m_pSourceViewConfig and m_pColorConfig are allocated
  dynamically? The instances could have been direct members.

- overloading OSqlEdit::Notify is superfluous (in case it's just here
  because of a compiler warning - a "using" directive on the class
  declaration should do).

- MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight should be in an own file - crowding one
  file with unrelated classes doesn't really contribute to code
  (Well ... that's the only item I would really *like* to see be
  changed :)

- I would have preferred making larger chunks of the highlighter code a
  parametrization of the MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight and
  SyntaxHighlighter classes, instead of hard-coding them.
  That is, IMO the keyword list, the token types, and everything else
  which is language specific (Basic or SQL), should have been hidden
  behind an abstract interface, which then is implemented once in basctl
  for Basic, and once in dbaccess for SQL. This would have been a much
  cleaner architecture.
  However, I see that the old code was in no way prepared for this, and
  changing this is a too big refactoring for now.

Okay, enough for now. Please do the resync when you find the time (if
you're really too busy, I can try to do myself, so we have chances of
hitting the feature freeze, but I can't promise).

Thanks & Ciao
- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-06 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Maximilian,

> [X] I think it's finished, and I just don't dare to say ;-)
> So yes, finding a QA person and getting it in for 3.1 would be great.


However, you should rebase your CWS to m35, since m34 saw some big
changes in dbaccess. I am not sure they would conflict, but we should be

I took the liberty to merge trunk's changes to solenv/bin/,
solenv/bin/modules/, and solenv/bin/modules/ This
way, you should have a working "cws rebase" command in the CWS. (At
least I hope I remembered the needed files correctly ...)

Note that it seems that you already merged in some of the changes, at
least in However, it seems you did not use "svn merge" for this,
but just applied a patch file - which will confuse subsequent "svn
merge" operations. So I reverted your change before doing the actual
merge, hope you don't mind.

> PS: Bettia and I will have a look at the standard colors tomorrow in Bejing

That's good :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] info/CWS dba31e : new: ImageControl::ScaleMode

2008-11-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ariel,

> it seems you forgot to announce in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, it's just that our intranet application which sens the mails after
filling out a form is not yet changed to send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] And I admit I
was too lazy to forward the mails ...

> I mean: user does not want to scale the image, but s/he wants to be able 
> to see it [now if the image is bigger than the control, and the image is 
> not scaled, then the image center is visible and the rest not], so it 
> may make sense if the image control has automatic scroll bars [there are 
> some toolkits that already offer this] to scroll the image up/down - 
> left/right.

It's just code, so everything is possible :). As always: please submit
an issue. I am not sure about how high I would rank it, but hey, isn't
it time for you to step into OOo C++ development, anyway? *bg*


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-04 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter,

>> I darkly remember having seen the Basic IDE code years ago, do I
>> remember correctly that highlighting is done on a per-line basis, so the
>> problem here is that we always generate one-line SQL statements? In this
>> case, it might be an additional ... motivation to make the Query
>> Designer preserve line ends as entered by the user ...
> ... which is known as (assigned to requirement)
>, am I right?

Yes, but not completely. I would also like to see switching from SQL
view to graphical view and back preserve the line breaks. Possibly even
when you do changes in the graphical view - for instance, when WHERE
starts on a new line, then it should continue to do so if you just
modified the SELECTed columns. Something like this, though this latter
part is non-trivial, admitted.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> ...
> So - just speaking for myself...thank you for the time and effort you 
> are putting in to it.

Which is something I'd like to explicitly sign with my name, too.



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] improved SQL view

2008-11-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Maximilian,

>  > In general, it's looking better and better. Do you have a list of open
>  > issues, or something like that, which shows how far you're from
>  > finishing it?
> based on feedback on [EMAIL PROTECTED], I now added support for SQL comments 
> (--) as well and I consider the whole cws pretty much finished now.

where "pretty much finished" means
[ ] I think it's finished, and I just don't dare to say.
[ ] There are still some minor open issues, which I'm not sure I should
fix in this CWS.
[ ] other:


> One thing I am not sure about is flickering, as always the whole text is 
> syntax highlighted, but up to now, noone complained ;-)

I darkly remember having seen the Basic IDE code years ago, do I
remember correctly that highlighting is done on a per-line basis, so the
problem here is that we always generate one-line SQL statements? In this
case, it might be an additional ... motivation to make the Query
Designer preserve line ends as entered by the user ...

Anyway, I didn't notice the flickering as disturbing, too, so ...

I'll try to (remember to) talk to our QA lead tomorrow, to see what they
think about getting and finishing this CWS before 3.1 then.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Localization issue with error messages

2008-10-28 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Sophie,

>>> Would it be possible to have only one fully localized message?
>> The fact that some messages are duplicate is a general problem that our
>> error handling is not always ... optimal, which can be fixed on a
>> case-by-case basis only, since it's hard to impossible to judge, just
>> from looking at the code, where this could happen.
> Ok so if I fill an issue with the necessary steps to reproduce, you
> might be able to fix it?

Usually yes. Sometimes the effort is non-trivial, and in case of
*slightly* different messages from the HSQL engine and Base it might be
debatable whether it's worth keeping both, however. But as a rule of
thumb, I think error messages presented to the user are an important
thing, and a message box which shows the same text twice just looks ...
unprofessional, so it's worth investigating it.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] Localization issue with error messages

2008-10-28 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Sophie,

> I have a localization issue with error messages in Base. They appear to
> be duplicate in French and English, but the English part is more
> verbose, for example:
> -
> "Erreur lors de l'insertion du nouvel enregistrement "
> "Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column..."
> -

In case you didn't install the JAR file pointed to by, the error
messages raised by the *HSQLDB engine* (i.e. the pure HSQLDB Java code)
are not translated at all. In this case, the mix is because one message
is from the engine, and one is from the UI (where all error messages are
At least, this would be my guess from just seeing the messages and not
having a concrete scenario.

> Would it be possible to have only one fully localized message?

The fact that some messages are duplicate is a general problem that our
error handling is not always ... optimal, which can be fixed on a
case-by-case basis only, since it's hard to impossible to judge, just
from looking at the code, where this could happen.

> Is it this file that have not been translated :

This looks like somebody generated a pot file for the engine's error
messages. However, there is no process (to my best knowledge) how those
translations are packed into the hsqldb.jar, so they never appear in the

> And could it be possible that the file be added to our localization
> workflow in order to maintain it?

That's planned - in the sense of we know that we should do it :-\,
though I think there does not even exist an issue, yet. Feel free to
submit one, please. I'd aim for some 3.x target for this.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-10-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

> 2. I lack imagination.  More specifically, given what little I know
> about why the original proposal was rejected

Let me repeat it: It was not rejected. Florian ended the discussion with
open issues, and there was never a decision about the proposal. That's
the statement I got from the chair of the TC, and I believe it.

So, let me repeat my suggestion:
>> So, in short: I think before going for any non-ODF-compliant
>> extensions to the file format, I think you guys should drive the
>> proposal, until the point where it either has been accepted, or
>> rejected.

I cannot make it any more clear than this: Just go for it. It has not
been rejected, the discussion was ended prematurely.

> I'm a clueless noob.  More specifically, I'm not exactly sure where to
> begin.
> As eluded to above, I think any form of harmonization here is going to
> need to take place within the context of ODF 2.0 (or any version that
> can break/alter semantic backward compatibility), so that we can get a
> consistent and workable picture of scripting (what attribute holds the
> control name?) and radio button grouping (what attribute holds the group
> name, and it better not be the same attribute that holds the scripting
> name, which is the situation for ODF 1.3).

As I tried to outline, I think this would be the next step (a difficult
one, I agree), needed only when the proposal is actually really
rejected. Which must not necessarily happen.

> So, as a clueless noob, where do I begin?  What meetings do I need to
> attend?  From which groups (I suspect more than one will be involved)?
> When do they meet?  etc., etc.

I do not know whether you are actually a TC member, or only Florian. My
suggestion: Whoever of you is the TC member: Re-submit the proposal,
after rephrasing it, removing the (wrong) claim that grouping is
impossible, removing the (wrong) claim that the feature is necessary for
accessibility, instead focusing on a) the need to have a means to define
grouping without interfering with the form:name attribute (whose
real-life usage in scripting environments makes its alone usage as group
indicator difficult) and b) the need to cope with a feature present in a
certain competing office application.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: [qa-dev] HSQLDB 1.9.0 features description

2008-10-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Cor, Zoltán,

>> I find on HSQLDB page the features for coming out in near future 1.9.0
>> (will in alpha phase) new features description:
>> Zoltan

those are online for quite some weeks now - you're late ;-)

> All (x-posting now): when can this be expected in OOo?

No concrete plans, yet. In particular, quite some of those features
would need adjustments to other parts of OOo to benefit from them
(except you use them in Tools/SQL or native queries), and it's
completely open what resources we plan to invest there.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-10-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

> So, in short: I think before going for any non-ODF-compliant extensions
> to the file format, I think you guys should drive the proposal, until
> the point where it either has been accepted, or rejected.

Does your silence mean
[ ] you decided to go with the non-ODF-compliant extension, anyway
[ ] you are too busy currently, but will try to resurrect the proposal
as soon as possible
[ ] you do not care anymore
[ ] other:

? :)

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Base -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

>> - optcolor.src:448: Should be SQLIDENTIFIER instead of BASICIDENTIFIER
>>   (copy'n'paste error)
> seems like you missed the latest svn update, found that one last night :-)

Indee, the SVN version of the CWS is just building, I still used the CVS
version this afternoon.

> Thanks a lot, this indeed fixed the issue. I actually thought about sth. 
> like that myself, so I made sure to have this code in the right order:
> aSQLBackWN(this),
> SQLFT(this, ResId(FT_SQL_COMMAND, *rResId.GetResMgr())),
> Why does the declaration order matter, isn't initialization actually be 
> done at this place?

It is, but a common misperception is that initialization is done in the
order you write it in the implementation - it isn't. Declaration order
is what controls initialization order, nothing else. So no matter how
you re-arrange them in the constructor, your members are always
initialized in the order in which you declared them.

However, I suppose only a few enlightened people :) knew this two years
ago - we all learned it the hard way when we switched on
warnings-as-errors, together with -wall, since the GCC we use warns if
you write your member initialization in a order different from the one
in declaration.

> Glad everything works fine now, have a great holiday



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> I'll take it back after I had another look myself, could you have a 
> look? It seems I can't find the issue here.

two problems here:
- optcolor.src:448: Should be SQLIDENTIFIER instead of BASICIDENTIFIER
  (copy'n'paste error)
- optcolor.cxx: aSQLFT should be declared after aSQLBackWN, not before
  it. Member declaration order controls member initialization order,
  which in turn controls Z-ordering (i.e. which control is painted "on
  the top" of which other control(s)). At the moment, the fixed text is
  covered by the BackWindow, thus you don't see the heading.

I have to admit that the optcolor code looks ... ehm, to say it in a way
lawyers can't sue me for: It's difficult to maintain. So, I am not
really surprised that extending it is difficult, too ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-20 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> I'll take it back after I had another look myself, could you have a 
> look? It seems I can't find the issue here.

Probably has to wait until after my vacation (starting tomorrow).

> Btw, I tried to install the Report Designer Extension to verify that the 
>   colors of the extension can still be changed correctly, but they did 
> not show up, as nExtCount is still 0.
> ExtendedColorConfig aExtConfig;
> sal_Int32 nExtCount = aExtConfig.GetComponentCount();
> I don't think I changed anything in this regard, any idea?

The color configuration was moved from the main installation to the
extension, not sure at the moment when this happened (Ocke could tell
more), but it implies that you cannot use every extension build with
every OOo build (e.g. an extension version not containing the config
data cannot run on an OOo not containing the config data).

Also, some fixes in this area were made in dba31c, IIRC (again, Ocke can
confirm or deny).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-19 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

> Thanks, after I fixed another thing, it is now working perfectly fine 
> except the group caption is not showing up, but I'm sure I'll find that 
> one as well soon.

Okay, so I won't investigate here ...

> Thanks for mentioning this possibility again. Although I could swear I 
> did this a million times, it fixed the issue.


> I used the opportunity to 
> switch to svn directly as well.

So the CWS is now SVN-based? m33?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Max,

(uhm, I did it again, I called you with your full name in my last mail
... sorry :-\ )

just had a quick look, so only a short comment:

>   *trying to get the value does also not seem to work, I always   
> get 
> the default one, although it is saved upon closing and
> restarting the 
> application.

Can reproduce it :), did not investigate. Though, as Ocke already
suggested, you forgot adding a new entry to the configuration schema.
See the changes I committed to officecfg.

> - by simply adding svtools::ColorConfig m_aColorConfig to my new control 
>   MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight, it crashes, to verify, just open and 
> close the SQL view.

Cannot reproduce. I suppose you have an incompatibility here, i.e. some
file which has not been built though it would need to. Try touching the
header file of the class, and rebuilding the module. Alternatively, try
rebuilding the complete module. (that's effectively what I did, and I
did not get the crash. And the place you mentioned sounds indeed like
there is a mismatch between the actual class size, and the size which is
just being deleted/freed - a typical incompatibility when you don't
rebuild all affected files after changing a classes size.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] some issues in cws sqlsyntaxhighlighting

2008-10-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Maximilian,

> back from vacation and exams, I have some issue in cws 
> sqlsyntaxhighlighting, would be great if you could help out once you 
> find some time:

need to get a copy of the CWS here to have a deeper look, this will take
a while.

> - I tried adding a new group in the appearance dialog and one new 
> entry.* The group appears, but the caption is not shown
>   * the colorbox and window appear just fine, but I get an
> assertion 
> that ressource 174 and 175 (the one from the colorbox and 
> window) can 
> not be found in the resource file, what ammissing?

Which reminds me of an open issue in the current versions - everytime
you open the stylist, you get a similar assertion about a missing
resource, because this resource is looked up in the wrong .res file.

Perhaps the effect you see is something similar, and not really related
to your CWS. But that's just wild guessing for the moment.

>   *trying to get the value does also not seem to work, I always   
> get 
> the default one, although it is saved upon closing and
> restarting the 
> application.
> I guess you did all that already once for the Base Extension and know 
> the pitfalls ;-)

Ocke did - since he didn't mention pitfalls, there are none :-)

> - by simply adding svtools::ColorConfig m_aColorConfig to my new control 
>   MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight, it crashes, to verify, just open and 
> close the SQL view. The crash seems to come from 
> ColorConfig::~ColorConfig() when calling EndListening( *m_pImpl), no 
> idea what's going on there. If I use ColorConfig as a local variable in 
> my highlighting routine, it does not crash, but I guess just creating it 
> once makes more sense.

ColorConfig has, as all the FooConfig classes in svtools, a ref-counted
impl class. So, as long as there's one instance already, creating new
ones is cheap. However, since it's not known which other components hold
a ColorConfig instance (I thought there was a time when the Application
did so, but I did not find such code right now ...), that's in fact
nothing to rely upon.

I need to have a look into the crash to get an idea of it ... see above.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: AW: [dba-dev] writing a new SDBC(X) driver, similar to the MySQL driver

2008-10-01 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael,

> Okay, I went through some documents introducing to the CWS concept. In
> case using a CWS to apply my changes, I'll need to checkout the most
> recent milestone via cwsquery, create the CWS via cwscreate, apply my
> changes locally to the CWS and commit them to the CWS via a CVS commit,

right so far. If you want us to, we can create the CWS for you - that's
a service for first-time contributors ;) to relieve them from some stuff.

> but I'll need to get an CWS account, right? How do I get the account?

For committing, you definitely need a SSH key submitted to us. Since we
just migrated to Subversion, I refer you to
here, which describes how to create and submit your SSH key.

When you submit an issue where you attached the SSH key, put me (fs) on
CC, so I can approve your request for commit access.

Finally, enter your data on, as appropriate
(name and OOo login name, IRC nick and company if applicable/desired).

Note that since the migration from CVS to SVN realy just happened
yesterday, I expect problems on the way - personally, I did not yet work
on a SVN-CWS, probably some tooling might not yet be as polished as
desired, and so on. So, I beg for your patience when working with this ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: AW: [dba-dev] writing a new SDBC(X) driver, similar to the MySQL driver

2008-09-30 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael,

> It's been a while since I wrote to the mailing list last time, because I
> was on vacation. You may remember that we were working on a driver. We
> are finished with the driver so far and would like to integrate it into
> the core code base. Probably we need to do some small changes to code to
> integrate it in base's connection dialog and some more stuff. What is
> the current OOo built which should be used as foundation for this? I
> will submit an issue with type enhancement or feature with code patches
> if this is what you need for integration into the core code base.

DEV300 m31 is the most recent milestone (m32 is the first SVN-based
milestone, not sure when it will finally be released).

If you want, we can create a CWS based on this milestone, and commit
your changes (or you can do yourself, if you want, after we granted you
permissions to do so). Any adjustments which are possibly needed can
then happen in this CWS, and we can fine-tune it without disturbing
other development.

Such a dedicated CWS would be easier (than a patch in IZ) in case you
expect more changes to the first patch version, but has more overhead in
case your first patch is perfect :)

Your decision.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-09-30 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

> So we should continue to pursue this as part of the ODF 3.0 or Interop
> committees so that we can "break" things (if necessary) for consistency
> in a controlled fashion.
> For the time being, though, I'll be implementing the alternate XML
> namespace approach.

Just talked with Michael Brauer, the chair of the ODF TC.

According to him, the current status of the proposal [1] is not that it
has been rejected. Instead, the proposal was presented, and founded with
Accessibility arguments, which were not convincing to some TC members.

(In fact, the proposal at the moment still claims that the attribute
will help accessibility, since no possibility for grouping exists in
current ODF - both is plain wrong.)

However, there has neither been a vote on the proposal (so it is not
rejected), nor has Florian continued to present / argue for it.

Since you and Florian are listed as the proposal owners, I suggest you
should re-submit it (or however it is properly called when you continue
discussing it, instead of just not talking about it anymore in the TC
calls). There's too much uncertainty about whether or not the TC would
really accept the proposal - you mentioned multiple times you do not
know yourself if/why it was rejected -, that I think you should continue
arguing for it in the official channel - in the TC -, until we can be
sure that it is accepted or rejected.

One point which I think can help (and which I in fact think is a good
reason *not* to go for the interop-namespace until the proposal has been
officially rejected by TC, if that really ever happens): Microsoft is a
member of the TC, too. That is, assuming that they have an interest in
ODF (why else should they be a TC member, right?), they should be able
and willing to support the proposal - finally, its deeper purpose is
exactly to mirror a feature which is present in MS' applications for
quite a while.
So, either this feature does make sense (which I think it does), then MS
should be able to help arguing the reason. Or it doesn't make sense, but
is some kind of legacy feature - in this case (and this would be the
outcome I would not like) one could argue that OOo does also not need it.

So, in short: I think before going for any non-ODF-compliant extensions
to the file format, I think you guys should drive the proposal, until
the point where it either has been accepted, or rejected.

I know that this committee work is more difficult than just hacking, and
indeed it's nothing I begrudge you - but I think it's the better way.



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Radio Button Group Names in ODF

2008-09-30 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Jonathan,

> Indeed, this problem hadn't occurred to me until Tuesday of this week -
> any existing ODF parsers aren't going to know about a group-name
> attribute, and thus will be relying on the name attribute for grouping
> semantics.
> Adding any form of group-name attribute cannot work in this context, not
> without extending the existing parsers to support the new attribute.

I don't think so. Finally, we introduce a new feature here (an
additional means to control radio button grouping), which is (to be)
reflected in ODF 1.x, and ODF processors which a) do not know about ODF
1.x and/or b) do not have this feature will ignore this particular
attribute, and behave differently from what is actually specified in 1.x.

But - that's nothing new. That happens all the time in all parts of OOo.
So, that alone is not at all an argument against a new attribute which
reflects this new property.

More in a separate reply.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Outer Join 2.4 vs 3.0

2008-09-26 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Mechtilde,

> I'm trying to use queries which I created since
> In Version 3.0.0 RC2 I see the problem that I can't open these queries
> in the design view not in the SQL view. But this isn't possible.
> I get this error message (in German): "Verknüpfung konnte nicht
> ausgeführt werden." (Tranlated like: "Relation can't be executed")
> Further analysis shows that the queries contain LEFT OUTER JOIN.
> With 2.4.1 I can open the design view.
> Then I create the query again and can see in the SQL View that there is

Do you mean you re-create the query in 2.4.1 in the graphical view, and
when switching to the SQL view, there is no LEFT OUTER JOIN? In this
case, you probably just did not declare the join as Left Join - double
click the join line in the graphical query design, and in the dialog
which opens then, choose "Left" as join type.

> What is happened here?

Hmm, don't know. Trying to create a DB with a query with a LEFT OUTER
JOIN in 2.4.1, and opening it in OOO300.m7 works like a charm for me.

Also, I cannot find the "Verknüpfung konnte nicht ..." text in the
relevant source modules, so I'm not sure where it comes from.

Any chance for a bug doc?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Image control aspect ratio

2008-09-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Marc,

>> The proper macro has an additional "oPipe.closeOutput" right after
>> writing the document into the pipe, but before passing the pipe to
>> setBinaryStream.
> That does work. :)


> I assume blocking on giving the exact size as a limit did for the same
> reason, waiting for the EOF.


> Well, it does only partly. I succeeded in writing to JDBC connected
> databases, using ODBC didn't do, blocking as before.

Fixed in CWS dba31c (too lazy to write a dedicated issue).

>> (Strictly, the implementation of setBinaryStream for the dBase driver is
>> broken, as it does *not* do what your macro requests it to do.)
> Because it doesn't start reading on a stream that hasn't finished
> getting all data from the writing end?


> Thanks for investigating and finding a solution,

You're welcome.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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