Hoss Man created SOLR-13490:

             Summary: waitForState/registerCollectionStateWatcher can see stale 
liveNodes data due to (Zk) Watcher race condition
                 Key: SOLR-13490
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13490
             Project: Solr
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: Public (Default Security Level. Issues are Public)
            Reporter: Hoss Man

I was investigating some failures in 
{{TestCloudSearcherWarming.testRepFactor1LeaderStartup}} which lead me to the 
hunch that {{waitForState}} wasn't ensuring that the predicates registered 
would always be called if/when a node was shutdown.

Digging into it a bit more, I found that the root cause seems to be the way the 
{{CollectionStateWatcher}} / {{CollectionStatePredicate}} APIs pass in *both* 
the {{DocCollection}}, and the "current" {{liveNodes}} - but are only 
_triggered_ by the {{StateWatcher}} on the {{state.json}} (which is used to 
rebuild the {{DocCollection}}) - when the {{CollectionStateWatcher}} / 
{{CollectionStatePredicate}} are called, they get the "fresh" {{DocCollection}} 
but they get the _cached_ {{ZkStateReader.liveNodes}}

Meanwhile, the {{LiveNodeWatcher}} only calls {{refreshLiveNodes()}} only 
updates {{ZkStateReader.liveNodes}} and triggers any {{LiveNodesListener}} - it 
does *NOT* invoke any {{CollectionStateWatcher}} that may have replicas hosted 
on any of changed nodes.

Since there is no garunteed order that Watchers will be triggered, this means 
there is a race condition where the following can happen...
 * client1 has a ZkStateReader with cached {{liveNodes=[N1, N2, N3]}}
 * client1 registers a {{CollectionStateWatcher}} "watcherZ" that cares if 
"replicaX" of collectionA is on a "down" node
 * client2 causes shutdown of node N1 which is hosting replicaX
 * client1's zkStateReader gets a WatchedEvent for state.json of collectionA
 ** DocCollection for collectionA is rebuilt
 ** watcherZ is fired w/cached {{liveNodes=[N1, N2, N3]}} and the new 
 *** watcherZ sees that replicaX is on N1, but thinks N1 is live
 *** watcherZ says "everything ok, not the event i was waiting for" and doesn't 
take any action
 * client1's zkStateReader gets a WatchedEvent for LIVE_NODES_ZKNODE
 ** zkStateReader.liveNodes is rebuilt

...at no point in this sequence (or after this) will watcherZ be notified fired 
with the updated liveNodes (unless/until another {{state.json}} change is made 
for collectionA.
While this is definitely be problematic in _tests_ that deal with node lifecyle 
and use things like {{SolrCloudTestCase.waitForState(..., 
SolrCloudTestCase.clusterShape(...))}} to check for the expected 
shards/replicas, a cursory search of how/where 
{{ZkStateReader.waitForState(...)}} and 
{{ZkStateReader.registerCollectionStateWatcher(...)}} are used in solr-core 
suggests that could also lead to bad behavior in situations like reacting to 
shard leader loss, waiting for all leaders of SYSTEM_COLL to come online for 
upgrade, running PrepRecoveryOp, etc... (anywhere that liveNodes is used by the 

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