Accessing x86 Performance Counters

2015-05-12 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was wondering if anyone has written D code to access the x86 
performance counters, to get information such as the number of 
cache misses and cycle count.

Re: Explicitly Freeing Memory

2014-11-19 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
Unfortunately I don't have any good suggestions... I have been 
depending on dtors in D because of the aforementioned issues 
(and more),
so I haven't had much experience in debugging dtor-related 
problems in


I decided to just free everything explicitly:

It seems to address my memory leak issue for the moment: `make 
test` uses about 1/3 the memory and runs more than twice as fast.

Explicitly Freeing Memory

2014-11-18 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
I posted a thread the other day explaining that I was running 
into a memory leak issue which is very hard to debug. There seems 
to be a false pointer somewhere, and I have no way of knowing 
where that is or which object is being pointed to. I decided to 
take the easy way out and explicitly free memory when I don't 
need it. Unfortunately, this brings about more problems.

I'm trying to explicitly free chunks of memory allocated with 
GC.malloc() in a destructor. This works fine while the program is 
running, but when the program terminates, it seems the GC calls 
all destructors in an arbitrary order. I then get a 
core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError because I'm trying to 
free memory that is already freed.

Not quite sure where to go from here... I guess I'd have to 
allocate all of the objects I want to free outside of GC'd space, 
but D doesn't seem to provide a convenient syntax for doing so. 
The alternate solution I'm considering is to have a special 
function to destroy all the objects owned by my parent object 
before destroying the parent object itself, and calling this 
function explicitly.

Debugging a Memory Leak

2014-11-17 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
There seems to be a memory leak in the Higgs compiler. This 
problem shows up when running our test suite (`make test` 

A new VM object is created for each unittest block, e.g.:

These VM objects are unfortunately *never freed*. Not until the 
whole series of tests is run and the process terminates. The VM 
objects keep references to many other objects, and so the process 
keeps using more and more memory, up to over 2GB.

The VM allocates it's own JS data heap that it manages itself, 

This memory is clearly marked as NO_SCAN, and so references to 
the VM in there should presumably not be counted. There is also 
executable memory I allocate with mmap, but this should also be 
ignored by the D GC in principle (I do not mark executable code 
as roots):

I don't know where the problem lies. There could be false 
pointers, but I'm on a 64-bit system, which should presumably 
make this less likely. I wish there was a way to ask the D 
runtime can you tell me what is pointing to this object?, but 
the situation is more complex because many objects in my system 
refer to the VM object, there is a complicated graph of 
references. If anything points into that graph, the whole thing 
stays live.

Help or advice on solving this problem is welcome.

Re: Debugging a Memory Leak

2014-11-17 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
GC problems are *nasty*. My advice is to run the simplest 
program you can think of that still exhibits the problem, and 
then put in printf debugging everywhere to see where it breaks 

Not sure if this is useful.

Unfortunately, the program doesn't break or crash. It just keeps 
allocating memory that doesn't get freed. There must be some 
false reference somewhere. I'm not sure how I can printf debug my 
way out of that.

Destructor/Finalizer Guarantees

2014-11-11 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a situation where I have a VM (virtual machine) object, 
and several GCRoot (garbage collector root objects). The GCRoots 
are structs and will register themselves into a linked list 
belonging to the VM. I've made it so they unregister themselves 
in their destructor. This works perfectly well for GC roots which 
are on the stack.

However, recently, I ran into a case where I need GCRoots which 
are not on the stack. This is where things broke down. The VM 
object got destroyed before the GCRoots, and when these tried to 
unregister themselves, they accessed memory which had already 
been reclaimed (the dead VM). What I want to know is: what 
guarantees can I expect from destructor behavior?

I was thinking that when the VM gets destroyed, it could 
unregister all of its GCRoots at once. Then, when these are 
destroyed, they wouldn't try to touch the VM object. However, 
this only works if I can assume that the GC will first call the 
destructor on an object, then free the object, that this is done 
in a predictable order. Am I on the right track, or do I need to 
rethink this?

Capture parameter identifier name in a template?

2014-08-12 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn
In my JavaScript VM, I have a function whose purpose is to expose 
D/host constants to the JavaScript runtime code running inside 
the VM. This makes for somewhat redundant code, as follows:


I'm just wondering if there's a way to template defRTConst so 
that the name of an identifier I'm passing (e.g.: ATTR_DEFAULT) 
can be captured by the template, making it so that I don't also 
need to pass the name as a string. I expect the answer to be no, 
but maybe someone with more knowledge of D template magic knows 

Introspecting a Module with Traits, allMembers

2014-07-09 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm looking to introspect a module, list all the members, iterate 
over them and filter them by kind inside of a static constructor. 
This is in the hope of shortening some hand-written code that is 
quite repetitive (adding many struct instances to an associative 
array in a static constructor).

The code I'm trying to improve upon can be seen here:

I've done some googling, and it seems I should be able to use the 
allMembers trait 
(, but 
unfortunately, the module name seems to be unrecognized, no 
matter which way I spell it:

auto members = [__traits(allMembers,];
pragma(msg, members);

ir/iir.d(85): Error: argument has no members

Other people seem to have run into this problem. Am I doing it 
wrong or is this a bug in DMD?

Re: Introspecting a Module with Traits, allMembers

2014-07-09 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 20:07:57 UTC, NCrashed wrote:
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 20:04:47 UTC, Maxime 
Chevalier-Boisvert wrote:

auto members = [__traits(allMembers,];
pragma(msg, members);

Have you tried without quotes?
pragma(msg, __traits(allMembers,;

Did need to write it without the quotes, and to add enum to 
force compile-time evaluation. It's actually ir.ops that I wanted 
to list the members of. Got the following snippet to work:

static this()
enum members = [__traits(allMembers, ir.ops)];
pragma(msg, members);

[object, ir, jit, OpArg, OpInfo, Opcode, GET_ARG, 

Re: Introspecting a Module with Traits, allMembers

2014-07-09 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert via Digitalmars-d-learn

I got the following code to do what I want:

static this()
void addOp(ref Opcode op)
assert (
op.mnem !in iir,
duplicate op name  ~ op.mnem

iir[op.mnem] = op;

foreach (memberName; __traits(allMembers, ir.ops))
static if (__traits(compiles, addOp(__traits(getMember, 
ir.ops, memberName

addOp(__traits(getMember, ir.ops, memberName));

It's a bit of a hack, but it works. Is there any way to create 
some sort of alias for __traits(getMember, ir.ops, memberName) so 
that I don't have to write it out in full twice? Made some 
attempts but only got the compiler to complain.

Templating with Function Pointers?

2013-12-11 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
I'd like to know if it's possible to create a templated function 
that takes a function pointer as an argument, and uses static ifs 
to generate different behaviors based on the type signature of 
the function pointer.

More specifically, I want to create code generation functions for 
my JIT compiler, and template them based on a pointer to a 
function that implements the semantics of the operation being 
jitted. Not all of these operations take the same arguments, so 
I'd like to be able to template and generate different machine 

Is it possible to template based on a function pointer argument? 
If so, is it possible to use static ifs to know the return type 
or the argument types of the function pointer's signature, as 
well as how many arguments it takes?

Re: Templating with Function Pointers?

2013-12-11 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
Thanks, I think the std.concurrency code demonstrates exactly 
what I need :)

On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 05:07:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/11/2013 06:43 PM, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert wrote:

 Is it possible to template based on a function pointer
argument? If so,
 is it possible to use static ifs to know the return type or
the argument
 types of the function pointer's signature, as well as how
many arguments
 it takes?

That one is pretty straightforward:

import std.string;

void temp(Func)(Func func)
static if (is (Func == int function(double))) {
pragma(msg, Found an int(double));

} else static if (is (Func == ReturnT function(string, 
size_t), ReturnT)) {
pragma(msg, format(This one returns %s, 


int foo(double d)
return 42;

struct S

S bar(string s, size_t st)
return S.init;

void main()

It is also possible to use alias template parameters or 
variadic template parameters. You may want to look at 
std.concurrency's receive() function implementation for more 


Friend class and methods

2013-06-12 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
Does D have something like the concept of friend classes and 
functions in C++? I'd like to have a function that can access 
private members of two classes at the same time.

Re: Friend class and methods

2013-06-12 Thread Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
The closest is to put both classes and the function in the same 
module. Things all in the same module can see the private 
members of each other.

Good enough for my needs. Thanks.

CTFE Memory Hogging Workaround?

2012-11-22 Thread Maxime Chevalier
One of the reasons I chose to use D for my project is that I was 
very excited about the prospect of using CTFE in mixin code. 
Unfortunately, there seems to be one (or several?) bugs causing 
CTFE to be very slow and to hog a huge amount of memory (multiple 
gigs of RAM and swap). I use the latest dmd and my mixin code 
uses an Appender!string object to produce a long string of D code 
containing multiple functions (~1500 lines).

Is there some known fix for this? I need this to work now. 
Otherwise, I'm going to have to rewrite my CTFE/mixin code in 
Python or something, which would be a shame, and a waste of time 
on my part. This is not the first compiler bug I run into, and 
I'm starting to regret not implementing my project in C++ instead.

Array literal template parameter?

2012-11-20 Thread Maxime Chevalier
I need to pass an array literal as a template parameter. The 
reference on this website seems to imply this is possible, but 
doesn't illustrate it. The obvious way doesn't seem to work:

mixin template MyTemplate(int[] arr) {}
Error: arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not 

Is there no way to do this without using a mixin and CTFE? I 
don't think I can use tuple types because I need to initialize a 
struct member using the array literal parameter.

Incrementing a variable in CTFE?

2012-11-09 Thread Maxime Chevalier
I'm using the mixin statement to generate function declarations 
based on data structure descriptions (my attempt at declarative 

I'd like to be able to increment a variable each time I evaluate 
my code generation function in the mixin statement. This is so I 
can generate a unique id number for each data structure. Is there 
any way to do this? Could I increment a CTFE global somehow, or 
use something like C's static local variables?

unittest vs exceptions?

2012-08-04 Thread Maxime Chevalier
I'd like to write some unit tests to check my software. Writing 
unittest blocks and putting assert statements in there seems easy 
enough, but I noticed that if the code I run in there throws an 
exception, I don't get the unit test failed message.

How does unittest check for success/failure? Does assert throw a 
special kind of error class when it fails? How would you check 
that some code didn't throw an exception, or did throw an 

Re: unittest vs exceptions?

2012-08-04 Thread Maxime Chevalier
These improvements would be very nice. The unit test framework, 
as it is, is rather underpowered.

Exceptions could also use more documentation on the D website. I 
heard there was some exception chaining mechanism, but I can't 
even seem to find any info on the Error class.

You shouldn't have to use a library to get named unit tests, 
since unit
testing is built into D, and the lack of name unit tests is a 
real problem for
stack traces and the like. It was suggested at one point that 
at minimum,
unittest block functions have their line number in their name 
so that you can
figure out which unittest block you're dealing with even if you 
can't name it
yourself  ( 
), and not even
that's been done yet. Though now that I read through that 
enhancement request
again, it looks like theres an old pull request with the 
necessary changes in
it ( ), 
but it's one of
those that's been sitting around for a long time, probably 
because it's an
enhancement rather than a bug fix, and Walter just hasn't 
gotten around to it.

- Jonathan M Davis


2012-08-01 Thread Maxime Chevalier
Getting started with D. I've been doing alot of googling trying 
to find out what's the best way to check if an object is an 
instance of some class. So far, I found you could do:

if (typeid(obj) == typeid(Class)) doSomething();


if (cast(Class)obj) doSomething();

These both seem a little clumsy, however. Is there a better way 
to do this?