Re: [IxDA Discuss] Date display formats in tables

2008-12-13 Thread Susie Robson
I had done some research on this in the past. We ultimately went with
the ISO format of -mm-dd since that is the best format when data
is sorted. If you spell out month names and have those first, when
sorted it sorts alphabetical, not chronological unless your
developers are willing to code it to sort accurately. My developers
weren't willing to do that due to time constraints. And it stopped
the argument that we were always doing things the "American way". 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Date display formats in tables

2008-12-13 Thread Jeroen Elstgeest
> The table columns are sortable, so they can sort by dates. In most
> cases they will be comparing days & months. Comparing dates in
> multiple years is rarer.

Then I wouldn't begin with the year.

What I would use is a fixed width font, because padding alone isn't enough
to make it more scannable as shown below:

Nov 19 , 2010
Dec 31, 2008
Jan 01, 2009
Nov 19 , 2010
Dec 31, 2008

Jan 01 , 2009
Feb 02 , 2010
Mar 23 , 2009
Apr 11 , 2009
May 28 , 2008

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Date display formats in tables

2008-12-13 Thread Bill Caemmerer
Whatever you do, they're all standard formats, so you can't go too
far wrong... and it should be easy to run a test.  

As far as words vs numbers, think about your users' task (or
activity) and see if that leads you to one or the other; eg, if
they're comparing the time between items, is Aug minus Apr easier
than 08 minus 04?

If you use numbers, more white space between the numbers, and less
non-informative markings, will help readability at small sizes
onscreen.  so, 12-31-08 or 12.31.08 should be more scannable than
12/31/08 (even if slashes are more common).  As for the dash or the
dot, that may depend on whether your font is fixed or proportional,
as the dot uses fewer pixels but will usually kern tighter.  I'd try
dash for a proportional font and dot for a fixed-width font, and see
how that works.  

And if you use letters, do continue to use mixed case rather than all

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Date display formats in tables

2008-12-13 Thread Martin Dube
Numbers VS Words.
A go in the same way as Karl & Shep. Month and Day numbers create
confusion if you repeat the information again and again. Words are
words, they clarify the subject. Date numbers are short hands. I
would not build a data grid based on short hands information.
Sort by Year.
This option can clarify information that is posted in December and
January period.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ffffound invite?

2008-12-13 Thread Jen Randolph
I don't think is invite anymore - think anyone can
create an account - but I could be wrong.

Regardless, I have 5 yayhooray invites I'll never use. If somebody
wants one, post back and I'll email you one.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UK based user experience freelancers?

2008-12-13 Thread Sam Menter
Hi all,

Apologies for the duplicate post - it took a long time to come through, so I
thought I'd posted from the wrong email address, so re-posted.

Thanks for taking the time to write your interesting detailed responses. I
think the thing I find most attractive about freelancing is the variety of
projects you get to work on, which in turn leads to a good variety of
experience for future contracts, good for surviving a downturn.

On the other hand, a graphic designer friend was telling me he'd stopped
freelancing for agencies (as opposed to running his own show) because he was
frustrated at getting the projects the agency's in-house staff didn't

Thanks again

2008/12/11 Carl Myhill (UXD +44 (0)7952 502067) <>

> Hi Sam
> I'm a UK freelancer I suppose. I've been at it for about a year now (though
> was permie for 16 years).
> I like it a lot! I've got a nagging uncertainty about work but I'm not too
> bothered. I have a friend in a big bank in london. He has been a contractor
> for 8 years and has survived 2 rounds of lay-offs. He's not in UCD but he is
> a software engineer. I think this supports the point you are making - he is
> not headcount so he survives. Well, he is also very good so that is why he
> really survives! (not many of his contractor colleagues have survived so
> long).
> I work in Cambridge. I dont think there is loads of freelancing work here
> really. I think London is better, though Bristol also seems to be a hot bed
> of usability these days.
> Why dont you take a look at 'london_usablity' yahoo group and 'london-ia'
> and see what jobs are popping up on there.
> All the best.
> Carl
> 2008/12/10 Sam Menter 
>> Hi IXDA list
>> A few questions for UK based UE freelancers / recruitment agencies...
>> *About the current UE industry*
>> • It seems to me there's lots of work about at the moment... how are you
>> currently finding things?
>> • How do you feel about the recession - could it be good for freelancers
>> as
>> companies cut in house headcount?
>> • Are there currently any particular specialties with high demand?
>> • What's your strategy for 2009?
>> *About freelancing in general*
>> • Is freelancing a dead-end career - a nice day rate but no long
>> relationships?
>> • What's the most satisfying thing about freelancing?
>> • What don't you like about freelancing?
>> • What advice would you give someone thinking about full time freelancing?
>> Thanks for you thoughts!
>> All the best,
>> Sam
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] getting feedback and improving collaboration

2008-12-13 Thread Stuart Feldman
Cozimo has recently put out a handy free tool for people like Ivy who
like to use IM, Skype or other networks for collaborating. It's let
you upload an image or screengrab a webpage and whiteboard on it as
you talk - no accounts needed - just share the link and draw.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse & Behavior Economics

2008-12-13 Thread Susan Doran
David Malouf...great, provocative post. 

OK...this is what I believe in: Design to empower people. Design to
encourage and allow people to question. Design to encourage
mindfulness of self.  Design to encourage, teach, and reward critical
thinking.  Design to allow people to see there are choices...that
there are always choices.  Design to encourage non-lemming-like
behaviors.  Design to reward people for being themselves and thinking
in their own unique ways.  Design to help people understand their
impacts on others and the environment.  Design to create comfort
around the existence of negative capability, ambiguity, complexity
and "not knowing."  Design in ways that reward finding that
there's almost never one "right" answer and to distrust claims of
absolute correctness.  Design to communicate divergence from any
groupthink is ok.  Design to convey it's more important to their
gut, instincts, and passions rather than someone on twitter. Design
to show that we're all different, and we're all connected.  Design
unashamedly with love and inspire love in others.

That is what I'm a zealot about.

It's none of my business (or concern) what precisely somebody
believes, or what they do with their highly functioning brain and
heart.  My work is done if people are more mindful after interacting
with something I've designed than beforehand.  If they're smarter.
If their awareness of choices is greater, rather than narrowed.  If
they don't feel duped, or helpless, or hapless, or less important. 
If they're willing to take a chance on something scary, and be a
little bit more ok with doing so.

I don't believe the concept of choice architect is literally about
placing multi-grain organic crackers on central shelves rather than
Cheez Whiz.  The point, as I see it, is to be mindful of choices
we're making as designers -- to know with every breath and with
every decision that our decisions are NOT value neutral -- they are
not made in a vacuum from ethics and morality, and even minutely may
impact people's lives and they way they move forward in their lives.
That we're designing for human beings and we *are* impacting them.
That power is embedded in our position, and to use that power
thoughtfully . Whenever possible, to share our power with "users,"
rather than take it away by telling what to do. And to own, and take
responsibility for, the behaviors we are eliciting, encouraging, and

Manipulation is manipulation whether it's intended for [what an
individual or group considers] Good or for Harm. Propaganda is
propaganda whether convincing children not to smoke, or discouraging
people not to throw trash out the car window because it makes the
Indian or Baby Jesus cry, or conveying that turning to a pill to
sleep is normal, expected, The Answer.  To be unflinchingly plain
with ourselves about what we're doing, and do our best to

The example provided of Obama is important, but undifferentiated.
What Obama as an individual seems to have espoused vs what his
campaign and soon Administration are catalyzing via IxD (and social
media) are radically different. The latter (campaign and
Administration) have clear agenda and vested interest in the specific
actions people take. They are/were intended to benefit the campaign
and the Administration. They also had/have aims for benefiting
communities, humanity, etc. But clearly a keen element of
self-interest. The end of the civic engagement, thus far, has not
been the Kantian "Ding an sich" -- in this case: civic engagement
as an end in itself -- to empower individuals to participate actively
in a democracy, regardless of specific policy-supporting outcomes.
Rather, it's designed to achieve ends that benefit the

While I agree with a lot of what the Administration hopes to achieve,
I'm ambivalent about what I perceive as the "yoking up" of a
volunteer workforce. Rather than the priority being to cultivate
legions of smart, empowered thinkers, actors, and decision-makers --
without whom are democracy is a farce.

I personally hope this shifts, and if it does, it will indeed be the
most radical administration in the history of our country. Because it
will be about empowering people to make their own decisions and
inspire them to engage -- but stop short of telling them HOW.

And to me, that's the most interesting challenge for designers.

caveat: of course in our worklives we sometimes will have to
"guide" users and tell them what to do. I have done some things I
consider fairly heinous interns of respecting the humanity and
autonomy of "users."  I also deliberately do otherwise every chance
I can. I'm suggesting, basically, to consider subversion by way of
creating experiences that value simplicity but acknowledge underlying
complexity and individual choices and empowerment. Something like that

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Paperback swamp?

2008-12-13 Thread pauric
Eva, just throwing an idea out there would you be interested in
taking ownership of a Boston IxDA bookclub or bookswap meetup next

We plan our every third event to be a 'social'  I'm all for seeing
that be a little more IxD orientated other than drinks

p.m. if you or anyone else would like to set
this up.

Thanks /pauric

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