Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread Rob Christensen
Hi Greg, Andy, Dave, and Chadvavra, 

My name is Rob Christensen and I am a product manager on Adobe AIR.
Adobe AIR is really centered on allowing developers to build
applications that need to run outside of the browser. Since it
includes WebKit and Flash, it's generally very easy to migrate your
existing UI code to AIR and also take advantage of any services you
have already built or tap into third party services. 

A certain class of applications require greater access to the local
system than what is currently possible in a browser. For example, if
you want to have access to local file system, display notifications,
encrypt a local database, have full control over windows, etc., Adobe
AIR is a great option. We do much of the heavy lifting in the runtime
so that designers and developers can focus on building a great
application experience. 

One application that I would point you to is Salesbuilder built by an
Adobe employee. It is a sample application that showcases what is
possible when you build a desktop application using Adobe AIR and


A blog post about the application including a download link to the
actual application:

The developer also made the source code available here:

Feel free to contact me directly if you have additional questions. 

Product Manager, Adobe AIR 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread James Pellizzi
How much data in that table is 100% necessary? Kill some columns, see
if anyone complains.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JOB Information Architect in Toronto at Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Full Time

2009-04-09 Thread Adam Clarkson
Just noticed that the link I provided doesn't work. Please go to, click on current openings, and scroll to the Information
Architect posting (April 9).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread greg
Dave I share your caution and pov on context, use, etc. I'm doing
some outside in right now, more looking for some attempts at unusual
ways of using RIA's as benchmarks. 

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[IxDA Discuss] Job - Senior Manager, User Experience - Seattle , WA - Full Time - Recruiter

2009-04-09 Thread Veena Gowthamchand
Senior Manager, User Experience Seattle, WA


Our client is looking for a dynamic individual who has experience managing a
team of usability specialists and can or has experience

managing 3rd party usability specialists. This individual needs to show a
successful track record of having the development/design team implement
ideas based off of your team's usability studies. In Your current role you
must be a hands-on manager conducting usability studies yourself.


You will manage a team of usability specialists that create user interface
specifications and detailed UI flows for a variety of projects. Write user
interface requirements. Your team of usability specialists will perform
heuristic evaluations for both web and mobile applications.


Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Human Centered Interaction or Psychology.
Master's strongly preferred.


Minimum 3 years of managing usability specialist. 


Our client is a very stable company with interesting work, relocation
available for right candidate,  


Please send your resume for immediate consideration(also to receive complete
job description) to Initial phone with hiring manager
starting end of week of 4/13. 





Thank You.

Veena G

Recruiting Coordinator | Bestica Inc  

Tel: 210-858-9597|>

E-mail ID: -> 


View   Besticas Current Openings  

Visit our booth at   CHI 2009 in Boston in April

  Contribute to Usability/Design
Challenges Through Our Blog 

Friends of Bestica Get 10% discount
 at the NYC Gel







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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Collaborative Review Routing

2009-04-09 Thread matkinson
You could try using our ProofHQ app (

You can upload various doc types (Word, PDF, graphics files) into a
single workspace.

Reviewers can add comments/replies and annotate the docs

Each doc can have versions, which you can compare side by side as a
way of tracking changes.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Roadmaps

2009-04-09 Thread Dante Murphy
Consider yourself fortunate that your employer foresees a 5-year growth plan 
for your experience has been that the UX team is often 
shoe-horned into some other department's org structure, and that career growth 
is not well envisioned or managed.  As such, I've been through the process of 
defining growth and integrgation plans for UX departments quite a few times and 
would be happy to help you with you specific problem.
That said, here are some general rules that might be helpful to all parties, 
and might get you going in the right direction.
1. Plan for managed incremental growth that doesn't radically change the 
concentration of skill on your group.  If most of your people are entry level, 
it will be disruptive to team chemistry as well as your peers' understanding 
and expectations of their capabilities of you go out and hire 5 Liz Bacon's (as 
if there could be more than one!).  Grow the people you have, match them with 
new hires a level or two above who have mentoring skills, and grow at a 
manageable pace.  the thing you want to avoid is creating the perception that 
you can do amazing things and not having enough rock-stars on the team to 
deliver...or, conversely, that all you can do is boxes and arrows (apologies to 
Christina Wodtke!) and your rock stars get bored and complacent.
2. Integrate your growth plan with that of the division you belong to, and with 
your peer organizations.  In many cases UX should grow more quickly rhan an 
established practice like visual design or development, simply because UX tends 
to be understaffed and underutilzed.  If your editorial group is planning to 
add a new "associate director" level, try to align with them and create a 
caucus that HR would rather adopt than fight.
3. Similarly, you should map transitional career paths that will allow your 
rising star UX practitioner become a creative director if she wants to, or will 
welcome a kindred-spirit programmer to change careers and become "one of us".  
One thing I have recently proposed at my company is the concept of a "skill 
differential pay scale" that would allow a director-level Flash programmer to 
join my group as a lower-level UX practitioner without taking a pay cut because 
of the incremental skills he posseses(and can bring to bear in terms of 
prototyping, tech assessment, etc.).
4. Titles matter.  Not in the way we often debate in this forum, but the titles 
you choose for your people must be indicative of what they do on the context of 
your organization and the types of projects you work on.  You will also need to 
differentiate from other established practices; if there is already a 
department called "experience architecture", don't call yourself "user 
experience architecture", even if that's a precise definition of what you do.
5. Titles within the group matter too.  Create a capability grid that defines 
the baseline skills, tasks, and metrics for each position within your group.  
Make sure that each level is clearly differentiated from all others; a "senior 
IA" should do more than cut three more birthday cakes than an "IA", like 
metorship, client presentations, authoring patterns, etc.
6. Use "dotted lines" to indicate the groups you aspire to work with, like 
business development or tech assessment.  Don't be afraid to be aspirational in 
your plan for global domination, just be prepared to explain why it's a good 
7. Try to define a 5-year future that includes staffed positions at least 2 
level higher than the highest currently staffed.  If you're a manager, map out 
to VP or SVP level.  A department without a VP is a fad, or at least a 
candidate for the parachute-pants hall of fame.
I hope that this makes sense and is helpful...feel free to contact me off-list 
if you have any questions or want to run an idea past me.
Dante Murphy
Digitas Health

From: on behalf of troutc
Sent: Thu 4/9/2009 8:14 AM
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] UX Roadmaps

I manage a small UX team within the Product department of a .com. As
part of the overall company strategy each department leader has been
tasked with creating a (gulp) 5 year road map of their respective
departments. I'm not a business school grad and have only seen road
maps and have never created one. Has anyone out there done such a
thing for a UX group and if so do you have any advice or resources
that might help me out.

I would appreciate any feedback.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread joan Vermette
Have you also thought of allowing the table to be customizable, so
that users can select only those fields that are meaningful to them
-- or in the case of using either hide/reveal or list/detail, they
could choose their own default view of the data and relegate fields
they need less frequently to the hidden section or the detail view.

Allowing people to drag and drop rows into a preferred order might be
helpful, too.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread Michael Moore
Is a List/Detail pattern out of the question?  Do users really need to see
*every* bit of data in the table, or could the more lengthy, less commonly
used elements live in a detail panel below?
Michael Moore

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Adam Lerner  wrote:

> Dave -
> I can relate to your dilemma. I am currently working on redesigning
> an application with a similar massive table of data. I think that
> Steve's suggestion of looking at roles and limiting display to the
> data points of direct relevance to the user-type is spot on.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work in the case of the system I am
> working on.
> We have a number of different user types, but this particular screen
> is in a shared environment where all the data must be present.
> Customization from client site to client site makes it even trickier.
> I have had some success in my early prototypes using several of the
> techniques you mention. In particular, Stacking rows and using mouse
> hover to reveal less essential data points is helping.
> I am also playing with expanding rows on click which reveal an
> additional couple data lines. But one last avenue of great promise is
> the substitution of multi-state icons for some of the data. By having
> a graphic that changes slightly according to consistent criteria, I
> am sometimes able to show multiple data states in the space of one
> image (rather than a couple columns of separated data.)
> Don't know if that will help in your case. I'm eager to hear what
> you come up with, though. I'm sure it would be useful to me as well.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Michael B. Moore • Pure InfoDesign • 415.246.6690 M •

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread Andy Edmonds
It's important to note that AIR has two user interface toolkits: HTML
via the Webkit rendering engine and their Flex UI toolkit (declarative
grids, buttons, etc) with support for Flash in both cases. The rise of
webKit as a platform for rich networked applications is quite
interesting.  IE has been used extensively as a UI toolkit for desktop
apps but is waning in that context due to antiquated technology and
the windows only issues.

Firefox has a thing called XUL Runner which allows creating
applications, and a really nice UI toolkit called XUL, but the Mozilla
organization is focused on the consumer over the application developer
and is strongly motivated to participate in standards based
technology, limiting their willingness to jump ahead.  The XUL toolkit
is especially interesting given it's robust handling of platform UI
consistency. There's support for swapping the orientation of buttons
based upon platform standards for instance.

That's a big issue for "RIA"s -- consistency with the platform.
Still, at least among the twitter crowd, it doesn't seem to be slowing
down the adoption of custom desktop applications for twitter and, as
of late, services like friendfeed and facebook.

Webkit is clearly taking over as the embedded HTML rendering engine of
choice.  With it's inclusion in the iPhone and Android and rapid
evolution of features, my bet is on Webkit as the most common
technology in apps which form hybrids between web and desktop. The
HTML 5 sqlite database support makes standalone applications, and
offline persistence of online data, easy and a re-usable skill.  Apple
is pushing standards in interesting ways to optimize Webkit's success
-- like CSS transform animations (eg.  The Canvas tag, providing a
pixel based drawing palette, also means almost any visual effect is
attainable. Library's like RaphaelJS ( provide a
more DOM like development experience with canvas. Webkit is a
delightful platform to work with for the developer use to being held
back by IE and hampered by variations across browsers while still
taking advantage of those skillsets.

Of all the features enabled by OS native code, notifications and
desktop overlays seem to be the most commonly deployed.  Adobe AIR has
a strong sandbox limiting local code to a greater degree than say
Firefox extensions (unsure about Silverlight).

A new contender, Titanium (, offers a
webkit based UI environment with native installers for Win/Mac/Linux,
as well as full desktop access and integration of Ruby & Python, as
well as the standard notification and windowing APIs.

I don't see these technologies offering alternative OS experiences,
but I am excited about the ability to provide applications which are
more useful than web applications in a variety of ways, using the
technology I've spent over a decade mastering :)


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Petroff, Greg  wrote:
> If you are working with Air or Silverlight ... where do you think it's
> going? What is the current state of the tools? There yet? Not? How do we
> see these changing what we do?
> Love a discussion on what changes with them? What's the same? Are they
> harder to build and develop then other alternatives? What do they mean
> for the programmers/developers we work with?
> Personal interest here:
> Looking for examples of AIR and Silverlight that mimic a singular
> environment...i.e. almost like creating your own os with its own
> behaviors, affordances etc. where the environment for work takes over
> from the standard desktop. Anyone have any favorite examples?
> -gp
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread dave malouf
Greg, I would caution your application of a pattern that works in one
platform (user context, device type, operating system) to another.

We have found in recent research that changes in platforms change
expectations and that different conventions do not all transfer
between platforms especially those where the form factors and context
of use are so incredibly difficult.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread chadvavra
>From a new user perspective:
AIR = Application download and install
Silverlight = Plugin download and install
AJAX = works in a browser.

But from the content owners perspective:
AIR = fairly stable, stand alone. Cross-platform
Silverlight = not so stable, bloated IE framework
AJAX = we already have a website.

So AIR is winning for it's cross-platform, not a website, but losing
a little as a application install.

However, if I think back I know that a ground-breaking app.  A must
have thing could change all that.  In 1999 content was king, and it
still is.  Platforms, frameworks, libraries are still just tools for
the artist.  They are only worth the creations made of them.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread Adam Lerner
Dave -

I can relate to your dilemma. I am currently working on redesigning
an application with a similar massive table of data. I think that
Steve's suggestion of looking at roles and limiting display to the
data points of direct relevance to the user-type is spot on.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work in the case of the system I am
working on.

We have a number of different user types, but this particular screen
is in a shared environment where all the data must be present.
Customization from client site to client site makes it even trickier.

I have had some success in my early prototypes using several of the
techniques you mention. In particular, Stacking rows and using mouse
hover to reveal less essential data points is helping.

I am also playing with expanding rows on click which reveal an
additional couple data lines. But one last avenue of great promise is
the substitution of multi-state icons for some of the data. By having
a graphic that changes slightly according to consistent criteria, I
am sometimes able to show multiple data states in the space of one
image (rather than a couple columns of separated data.)

Don't know if that will help in your case. I'm eager to hear what
you come up with, though. I'm sure it would be useful to me as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] PLUG: new book, new webinars

2009-04-09 Thread Petroff, Greg
First ...Props to Louis for making a living creating great books for all
of us. Second..I look forward to reading it. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Louis Rosenfeld
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 11:21 AM
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] PLUG: new book, new webinars

Hi all, my apologies for cross-posting.  Just a few brief Rosenfeld
notes to share:

   - *New book by Nathan Shedroff:  *We have just published Nathan's
   Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable *( ).  It's not a nuts-and-bolts UX method book;
   it provides a conceptual framework and practical advice that will
help you
   bake sustainability into whatever products and services you design.
   - *Nathan's webinar recording now on sale:  *Nathan's Future Practice
   webinar recording, also on sustainable design, is now available (1
   - *Upcoming webinar with Kristina Halvorson on content strategy:
   next live webinar takes place April 23, and features Brain Traffic's
   Kristina Halvorson discussing the intersection of content strategy
and UX ( ).  Get a taste of Kristina's perspective from
   Future Practice interview:
   - *Webinar price cuts:  *We've reduced the prices of our webinars ( ) dramatically:  live ones now run US$99, and
   recordings are now US$69.  Thank you, global recession!


*Louis Rosenfeld ::
Rosenfeld Media ::

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread greg
Thanks ...all.

Confirms most of what I know as of right now. One thing I am
wondering about is how people might work with Rich Clients that
become almost sovereign over the desktop. Will there be issues or
will it be a logical place for people to fall on.  

The context switching between groups of apps on your iphone, bringing
up widgets in OsX, etc., having collections of work in different
"desktops", is becoming a more familiar set of patterns. 

The promise of Air/Silverlight is to decouple the front end from the
underlying objects which as Ambrose suggests make it much easier to
build and modify. 

A lot of this also "depends" on so many issues from what the user
has installed, their needs, the cost to develop and support, the
skills of your team etc. 

Love to talk about and better discern from a designer's pov what
criteria one would use to evaluate looking making a choice between
these different paths from AJAX to Air etc.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Online, unmoderated user testing tool

2009-04-09 Thread James Page

Thanks for the feedback, we are redesigning the website as I write this.
Most our focus has been on the product until now, and the only page that is
there at the moment is a holding page.
But so I can put a quick fix up could you clarify what you did, as all the
links should point back to either our blog or the
our company's main pages at

If you want to find out more, before we put the new site up, please get in

All the best


2009/4/9 AJKock 

> Sorry if this is slightly off topic, but am I the only person who is
> completely thrown in a loop when it comes to the Webnographer website?
> There is no examples of what they do and if you want to find out more,
> it takes you back to the home page.
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Vincent
Steve, Joan, Erin, Jim, Josh, Phillip, Petter, Sarah, and Santiago, 

Thank you- I stand enlightened and inspired!


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Roadmaps

2009-04-09 Thread Julie Cabinaw
I've worked in both product management and UX for several years in
each.  Good resources for the overall concept of product roadmaps
include Pragmatic Marketing:

Where I currently work and manage a UX team, we manage a UX/IA/Design
"Layer" to our roadmap separate from the actual product roadmap, as
what we do in UX often extends across products and properties.  Feel
free to contact me if you want to discuss.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Need to learn Graphic Design -- Do something aboutit!

2009-04-09 Thread Evan K. Stone
honestly, this couldn't have come at a better time for me. this is
definitely one of my weaker areas, so this will help immensely!

thanks dave! much appreciated!


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread Steve Boyd
Hi Dave,

It sounds like you've got a really good handle on the process of
"narrowing" the table. Since you've been given the opportunity to
rework the table, you might see how much latitude you have in
reworking the process.

I'd guess that the legacy app table is so big because many different
people use it to make different kinds of decisions. Is it possible to
identify different roles and activities and limit the data views
based on those? 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] [JOB] Senior UX Designer - Citrix Online - Santa Barbara CA

2009-04-09 Thread Kristen Johansen
Citrix Online is growing and we're looking for a Senior UX Designer for our 
User Experience team! We're passionate about our "simpler is better" design 
philosophy, so we're looking for someone with a knack for creating clean, 
intuitive, and usable interfaces to join our team of talented and highly 
collaborative designers.

As a UX designer, you will be responsible for defining the user experience of 
award-winning Citrix Online software products including GoToMyPC, GoToMeeting, 
GoToAssist and GoView. The Senior User Experience Designer specializes in 
visual design or interaction design, working within an agile user-centered 
design process to create intuitive and easy-to-use software and web interface 


You will work on a variety of projects under the GoTo umbrella which require 
creative problem solving, a passion for the user experience and an eye for 
detail. The User Experience Designer works to understand business and user 
needs, then concepts and documents the design of proposed interactions and 
interfaces for software development teams. You will also work with user 
experience researchers to translate usability study findings into improved 
interface designs.


Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Graphic Design, Human Computer Interaction, 
Computer Science, Human Factors or related fields with at least 2 years 
experience in visual design, interface design, information architecture or 
interaction design for web or software applications. You must have a strong 
ability and passion for the user experience, having created deliverables such 
as page flows, wireframes, UI specifications, web page mockups or software 
interface elements for complex web or software applications. E-Commerce and 
Internationalization experience is a definite plus, and you get extra points 
for obsessive attention to detail and a proven ability to communicate and 
collaborate with others.

About Citrix Online:

Citrix Online offers a casual work environment, flexible scheduling, and a 
generous benefits package including 401(k) plan; health, dental and vision 
insurance; and other benefits to eligible employees. We're also located just a 
few blocks from the beach in Santa Barbara, California.

Apply online at to Req. 
#6355. Please include a link to work samples or an online portfolio. If you are 
unable to submit through the website, please send your resume and work samples 
to This is a 
full-time on-site position in the Santa Barbara area. No agencies or 
freelancers please.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread Angel Marquez
infragistics=B*D *SS

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:33 PM, J. Ambrose Little

> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Petroff, Greg 
> wrote:
> > If you are working with Air or Silverlight ... where do you think it's
> > going? What is the current state of the tools? There yet? Not? How do we
> > see these changing what we do?
> >
> Well, I'm pretty familiar with Silverlight.  That's what we built
> Quince,
> our UX design patterns explorer, on, and I'm the lead author on Wrox
> Silverlight 3, a programmer's reference (not geared at designers, but we do
> cover aspects of design--our director of visual design, Grant Hinkson, is a
> co-author and writes on that)--due to be released early this summer,
> barring
> unforeseen surprises. :)
> Personally, I think the foreseeable future of software applications for
> desktop/laptop and, eventually, mobile and other devices is
> Silverlight/AIR.
>  It'll take a while for us to get there, but they're just waay more solid
> platforms to build on than HTML+CSS+JS, which were not designed for rich
> interactive stuff (although I am impressed what we've [the software
> industry] been able to do with those technologies).
> As far as tooling for Silverlight goes, the foundations are certainly
> there--VS for devs and Blend for technically-adept designers.  I think VS
> is
> pretty solid for the devs already, though I think most devs don't want to
> have to go to another tool for an effective design experience (doubtless
> that problem will be solved in the not-too-distant future).
> Even though the tools for SL (and AIR) are still young--babies--I still
> maintain that we could not have produced Quince or (more importantly)
> maintain and enhance it as effectively had we chosen Ajax as our platform.
>  I can tell you from personal experience and from my knowledge of many devs
> that the majority of devs will (or already do) vastly prefer a more
> reliable
> platform on the client (like Silverlight).  It's just ridiculous how much
> head-banging-on-desk they have to do for HTML et al, and the tools are
> flaky
> at best (even though they and browsers are light years better these days).
> >From a designer perspective, you will be empowered to explore more
> interaction possibilities than are available with Ajax, which sounds like
> something you want to do, not just in terms of technology/platform
> capabilities but just in the lower cost for making those kinds of
> potentially richer interactions available in the end product. These
> (SL/AIR)
> ameliorate the feasibility design constraint.
> In terms of recommendations, there are many factors to consider.  What is
> your team's background--what technologies and tools are they most
> productive
> with today?  That's one, potentially big factor in choosing.  Sadly, there
> are also prejudices/bigotry that you may bump up against as well, both on
> teams and with some users.  Then of course there's the target audience,
> which is the most critical factor--will they have or be willing to install
> the necessary plug-ins?
> As for being outside the browser, Microsoft announced at MIX09 that
> Silverlight
> 3 does support out of browser experiences.  I can confirm this from
> experience--you can get the beta today if you want.  Blend 3 also has some
> interesting improvements for designers, but I leave it to individuals to
> judge if it is non-technical enough for their tastes/capabilities.
> I can't speak so much for AIR, but I can say that IMO the future is very
> bright for Silverlight, and I recommend it as a de facto platform to do new
> work on and then move away from it as needed given the other considerations
> for particular teams, target audiences, and problem domains.
> Maybe the big bummer is the mobile story right now.  I think it's the next
> big battleground for software (if it isn't already!).  It will be fun to
> see
> how it all works out, but also a bit painful for those of us trying to
> build
> great stuff in the meantime..
> Hope this helps.
> --Ambrose
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirements gathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread charles Sue-Wah-Sing
In my career I've seen many variations of the requirements gathering
process. I've lead this phase mainly due to lack of resources. In
some cases I've had business analysts or the project manager lead
the requirements phase and utilizes an IA or tech lead to validate
the information gathered.

Depending on the scope of the project it would be difficult for
designer to handle requirements alone. If the complexity of the site
or application is relatively small probably. However, on large
corporate portals, enterprise applications or Ecommerce type
applications where there are numerous usability, content, design and
technological variables, requirements gathering would be better
suited to BA's with the right domain knowledge and experience
supported by resources such as CDs, IAs and TLs.

My two cents,
Charles Sue-Wah-Sing

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Petroff, Greg  wrote:

> If you are working with Air or Silverlight ... where do you think it's
> going? What is the current state of the tools? There yet? Not? How do we
> see these changing what we do?

Well, I'm pretty familiar with Silverlight.  That's what we built
our UX design patterns explorer, on, and I'm the lead author on Wrox
Silverlight 3, a programmer's reference (not geared at designers, but we do
cover aspects of design--our director of visual design, Grant Hinkson, is a
co-author and writes on that)--due to be released early this summer, barring
unforeseen surprises. :)

Personally, I think the foreseeable future of software applications for
desktop/laptop and, eventually, mobile and other devices is Silverlight/AIR.
 It'll take a while for us to get there, but they're just waay more solid
platforms to build on than HTML+CSS+JS, which were not designed for rich
interactive stuff (although I am impressed what we've [the software
industry] been able to do with those technologies).

As far as tooling for Silverlight goes, the foundations are certainly
there--VS for devs and Blend for technically-adept designers.  I think VS is
pretty solid for the devs already, though I think most devs don't want to
have to go to another tool for an effective design experience (doubtless
that problem will be solved in the not-too-distant future).

Even though the tools for SL (and AIR) are still young--babies--I still
maintain that we could not have produced Quince or (more importantly)
maintain and enhance it as effectively had we chosen Ajax as our platform.
 I can tell you from personal experience and from my knowledge of many devs
that the majority of devs will (or already do) vastly prefer a more reliable
platform on the client (like Silverlight).  It's just ridiculous how much
head-banging-on-desk they have to do for HTML et al, and the tools are flaky
at best (even though they and browsers are light years better these days).

>From a designer perspective, you will be empowered to explore more
interaction possibilities than are available with Ajax, which sounds like
something you want to do, not just in terms of technology/platform
capabilities but just in the lower cost for making those kinds of
potentially richer interactions available in the end product. These (SL/AIR)
ameliorate the feasibility design constraint.

In terms of recommendations, there are many factors to consider.  What is
your team's background--what technologies and tools are they most productive
with today?  That's one, potentially big factor in choosing.  Sadly, there
are also prejudices/bigotry that you may bump up against as well, both on
teams and with some users.  Then of course there's the target audience,
which is the most critical factor--will they have or be willing to install
the necessary plug-ins?

As for being outside the browser, Microsoft announced at MIX09 that Silverlight
3 does support out of browser experiences.  I can confirm this from
experience--you can get the beta today if you want.  Blend 3 also has some
interesting improvements for designers, but I leave it to individuals to
judge if it is non-technical enough for their tastes/capabilities.

I can't speak so much for AIR, but I can say that IMO the future is very
bright for Silverlight, and I recommend it as a de facto platform to do new
work on and then move away from it as needed given the other considerations
for particular teams, target audiences, and problem domains.

Maybe the big bummer is the mobile story right now.  I think it's the next
big battleground for software (if it isn't already!).  It will be fun to see
how it all works out, but also a bit painful for those of us trying to build
great stuff in the meantime..

Hope this helps.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread dave malouf
Greg it is really hard to answer this, b/c it really depends on your
perspective, the culture of your team, and your existing relationship
of your team to any other tools.

I would say that both environments have a bit to go before they are
fully baked, but then again so does Java and other mature

Also, I think you are saying Silverlight when you mean WPF/.NET 3.5.
Silverlight is to Flash what AIR is to .NET 3.5 (so to speak) in so
far as Silverlight is really about being inside the browser and is a
limited subset of functionality than you get with full WPF/.NET 3.5.
>From the ground up there is so much in WPF that make it much better
as a technology for doing full screen, multi-layered complex
applications. But it WPF does create limitations that are not in .NET
3.5 by itself, but w/o WPF you really can't take advantage of the
other end of the spectrum that I think you want to consider which is
the designer environment:

AIR is a developer environment of Flex Builder and a designer
environment of either Flash or Flash Catalyst (coming to a theatre
near you). 

.NET 3.5/WPF has Visual Studio for the developer and idealing
Expression Studio for the designer (but said designer better have
some solid coding chops to really make it useful). I.e. I still have
not seen a designer do with Expression what I've seen designers do
for a good decade with Flash.

That being said, I've seen parity in coding output from both Flex
Builder and Visual Studio.

If you want to build a desktop operating system that replaces the
existing one (man! who wouldn't) and it has to be cross platform,
you really have no choice but to use AIR if you want to be outside
the browser.

I forget, but I'm pretty sure that AIR has many of the same sandbox
protocols as Flash even though it is outside of the browser. This may
prevent you from easily doing things at the desktop level that you
might assume. 

Java from what I've seen is the only cross-platform distribution
that allows you outside the browser give the user the option to allow
you the full robust feature set of an installed desktop application.
Of course, maybe you don't need that, but if you are trying to
emulate an OS you just might.

Oy! this just gets really complicated!! And I'm sure I'm butchering
it to death and others are going to save me from myself.

Good luck Greg!

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] JOB Information Architect in Toronto at Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Full Time

2009-04-09 Thread Adam Clarkson
CBC (, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is Canada's
National Public Broadcaster. We are looking for 2 Information Architects
to join our Creative Team in the Digital Programming department. 

Details and apply here:

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[IxDA Discuss] UX Roadmaps

2009-04-09 Thread troutc
I manage a small UX team within the Product department of a .com. As
part of the overall company strategy each department leader has been
tasked with creating a (gulp) 5 year road map of their respective
departments. I'm not a business school grad and have only seen road
maps and have never created one. Has anyone out there done such a
thing for a UX group and if so do you have any advice or resources
that might help me out.

I would appreciate any feedback.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread dferriman
With cloud computing on the rise in popularity (even though I am sure
there are many talking about it that do not know what it is) I think
AIR has a bright future. The lines between desktop and the internet
are blurring and apps like Adobe AIR are the future. Silverlight is
just Microsoft's attempt to join the band wagon, like everything
they do -other than MS Office (for the most part). I am personally
hoping to see it fade out.

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[IxDA Discuss] Complex Data Table Design

2009-04-09 Thread Dave Robertson

I'm working in an enterprise application with a large table of data
that currently forces a horizontal scroll. This table displays data
contained in a work order. This is the legacy of a previously built

We know we need to eliminate the horizontal scroll, but the business
customers still want to use the table model to maintain some
consistency with the old application. 

We're going to try four tactics to try and narrow the footprint to
the 1280 pixel width (minus the scroll bar, etc) we've established
for the application:

Compression: Reducing the size of data display space to the minimum

Abbreviation: Abbreviating data where required and using 

Stacking: Stacking data display space so that the line is no longer a
single row across.

Hide / reveal: Using hide reveal techniques like twisties and tooltip
popups (on hover).

Am I missing any tactics here? Does any one have any interesting

(And, in embarrassment, is there a glossary of controls posted
somewhere on the Intertubes? I feel like my descriptions of UI
controls are sloppy ...)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirementsgathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread raydelapena
At my company the requirements gathering, interaction design,
wireframing, prototyping (with iRise), and functional specification
are the responsibility of a Business Systems Analyst. 

Graphic design is handled by contractors usually remotely, and
usually after the prototype is signed off by the client. There's not
a lot of collaboration between the graphics folks and the B/SAs.

The project manager is responsible for testing (usually in
conjunction with the B/SA), release planning, and facilitating
communication with the client. After the site/system is released, the
PM acts as a program manager and submits requests for enhancements to
the B/SAs.

Doesn't feel like the ideal process. I'm always curious to hear how
other companies break up the process, especially small companies. Our
entire product development department is about 12 people, including
front and back-end developers and management.

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[IxDA Discuss] Checkout Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Vicki Splaine
Hello all,

Was hoping to get the groups feedback on best practices regarding
checkout, and more specifically, the placement of the checkout button
on e-commerce websites.

Sites like are incorporating a checkout button, as
a persistent element, on all pages of their website.  As someone in
the "gifting industry", I can see the logic behind this. 

It has been my observation that most gifting vendors enable users to
keep items in their shopping cart for 24 hours or more.  Allowing the
user to make selections, add them to their cart, and then come back an
hour or two (or a day or two) later to checkout.

Having a Checkout button at the top of the page would accomodate
those types of users perfectly.

Does anyone see a down side to having the checkout button be a
persistent element on an e-commerce gifting site?

Is this becoming a best practice?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Santiago Bustelo

On 09/04/2009, at 08:59, Vincent wrote:
Type ahead by last name is a wonderful solution. Though, it seems  
contextual to last name?

In the proof of concept ( ), clients can be  
found by any field(s).

All this queries give [Jorge Gonzalez, phone 4946-2493, address  
Viamonte 1509] as the first or only result:

"gonz jor" (partial surname, partial first name)
"jorge gon" (full first name, partial surnam)
"viamonte 1509" (full short address)
"jor 1509" (partial first name, address number)
"49462" (partial phone number)
"gon 4946" (partial surname, partial phone number)
"1509 49" (address number, partial phone number)

In the 5,000 clients database, not only Gonzalez is one of the most  
common surnames (51 records), but Viamonte is the most crowded street  
(1,329 records). There are 166 phone numbers beginning with "494".
For performance purpouses, the interface only shows first 20 results  
by relevance. Not only loading 1000 records is not feasible, but also  
it is far more efficient for the user to type 3 more characters to  
refine results, that it is to scroll / hunt down the results.


Santiago Bustelo, Icograma
Buenos Aires, Argentina

 IxDA BA es el primer grupo local en castellano.
 Te esperamos!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Savannah conference Videos

2009-04-09 Thread Alixa Jordan
Some of them are in the library already.  You can find the library at: 

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[IxDA Discuss] PLUG: new book, new webinars

2009-04-09 Thread Louis Rosenfeld
Hi all, my apologies for cross-posting.  Just a few brief Rosenfeld Media
notes to share:

   - *New book by Nathan Shedroff:  *We have just published Nathan's *Design
   Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable *( ).  It's not a nuts-and-bolts UX method book; rather,
   it provides a conceptual framework and practical advice that will help you
   bake sustainability into whatever products and services you design.
   - *Nathan's webinar recording now on sale:  *Nathan's Future Practice
   webinar recording, also on sustainable design, is now available (1 hour,
   - *Upcoming webinar with Kristina Halvorson on content strategy:  *Our
   next live webinar takes place April 23, and features Brain Traffic's
   Kristina Halvorson discussing the intersection of content strategy and UX ( ).  Get a taste of Kristina's perspective from her
   Future Practice interview:
   - *Webinar price cuts:  *We've reduced the prices of our webinars ( ) dramatically:  live ones now run US$99, and
   recordings are now US$69.  Thank you, global recession!


*Louis Rosenfeld ::
Rosenfeld Media ::

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Sarah Kampman
Also, testing search functionality is *not* possible until the very end
of release which naturally limits any actions to be taken based on
results of user testing.

...Just to play devil's advocate, why not? You could create some working
prototypes to test this before development. Prototypes may take a while
to create, but they save quite a bit of expensive rework if the
prototypes highlight problems that require changes to the design.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirementsgathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread Sarah Kampman
Here, it's usually the Product Manager who gathers the requirements from
customers, prospects, and other business stakeholders and decides what
use cases need to be changed or supported. Occasionally I'll "ride
along" but not often, both because of time constraints and because the
requirements do not typically get transcribed directly from customer

I then work with the Product Manager to determine how to implement the
use cases in the software. I do user testing of the designs with
customers to ensure that the implementation is logical, efficient, and
pleasant to use. I also do user research at our client sites, but not as
specific "what do you want?" requirements gathering -- just watching and


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Santiago Bustelo
A single incremental search field coupled with a decent search engine,
allows to search by name, surname, address, and/or phone number (w/o
dashes), in any order, with maximum efficiency.

Proof of concept:

This mockup, in spanish, is part of a 45' presentation we gave in
the 2008 Microsoft Regional Architect Forum ( summarized english
translation available:

The database holds around 5,000 clients and 4,000 movies, what was a
typical scenario for a video rental store in our research. Names and
surnames were taken randomly from public listings.

KLM-GOMS shows that a desired contact can be found as the first or
only result in around 5 seconds.

Case: Looking for "Jorge Gonzalez". "Gonzalez" is one of the most
common surrnames in the database.
We start typing the surname, and get live results sorted by
relevance. [mental preparation: 1.35 secs.]
By typing "gonz" we already found all the "gonzalez". [type
'gonz', 0.8 secs. mental preparation, 1.35 secs]
We type 'space' and start typing first name. [type ' jor',
0.8 secs]
As the query string reaches "gonz jor", we narrowed the search
to just two people named "Jorge Gonzalez".

With a simple relevance algorythm, the first one should be the
one we most probably want.
We spent just 4.30 secs.


Santiago Bustelo, Icograma
Buenos Aires, Argentina

 IxDA BA es el primer grupo local en castellano.
 Te esperamos!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] New local group in Porto Alegre / Brazil

2009-04-09 Thread Gustavo Gawry
Are you guys in Brazilian lists like Desinterac and Aifia-pt? You should
look for people over there... I know that there is a bunch of IAs in Porto
If you need any help you can count with me or any other of the brazilian
local leaders, I'm sure they will be glad to help.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 3:25 AM, Melissa Northfleet <> wrote:

> Count me in :)
> - Mel
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Gustavo Gawry
Interaction Designer
Mobile: +55 21 9498-7923
Email: gustavogawry at
Twitter: @gawry

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[IxDA Discuss] Adobe Air / MS Silverlight... what's next

2009-04-09 Thread Petroff, Greg
If you are working with Air or Silverlight ... where do you think it's
going? What is the current state of the tools? There yet? Not? How do we
see these changing what we do? 

Love a discussion on what changes with them? What's the same? Are they
harder to build and develop then other alternatives? What do they mean
for the programmers/developers we work with?

Personal interest here:

Looking for examples of AIR and Silverlight that mimic a singular
environment...i.e. almost like creating your own os with its own
behaviors, affordances etc. where the environment for work takes over
from the standard desktop. Anyone have any favorite examples? 


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Vincent
I can't thank everyone enough for the generous feedback here.

Scenarios are quite broad with primary emphasis on first and last
names (Steve, your point to phonetic matching is right on track for
when looking for a name you only heard ... especially with Google

A close second are names associated with particular attribute such as
company, education, location, etc. 

Scenarios that are interesting to play with a simple white bar are
last names like thompson, smith, lee. With the possibility of
spanning the globe, and a directory chuck full of companies ... you
see where I'm going.

Type ahead by last name is a wonderful solution. Though, it seems
contextual to last name?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Need to learn Graphic Design -- Do something about it!

2009-04-09 Thread AJKock
Thank you. This is great.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirements gathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread Dru
Like Jack, the complexity of the project dictates how the requirements
are collected. Basically we do "other" and here is what we do:
1 UI person and designer get with biz owner to get high level
requirements for purpose of design elements.  At this point we may or
may not include a Business Analyst.
2. Initial wireframes/mockups are done and once okay'd by owner,
Business Analyst is incorporated and requirements for functionality
3. Project Manager is not incorporated until there is a completed set
of mock ups, HTML prototype and complete Biz Requirements doc version

We are currently in discussed within our Interactive Design Dept
(where my position as Usability Coorindator is) of having a project
manager role added into the very early stages but this PM would not
be the one that would be responsible for actually driving the final
SDLC to production.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Erin Lynn Young
Google Search does have the "Did You Mean" feature - perhaps that
would help in the Louise/Louisa arena?

Also look to the predictive search on Facebook as a best-in-class
example of finding people.  It might be outside of your scope but is
very easy to use.

Jakob Neilsen's studies about search in general have shown that most
people don't need to see Advanced fields until after simple fields
have failed them.  It'd be interesting to see those same studies
applied to searching for people in particular.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Peter Conradie
I agree with Philip Hunter: the type of searches normally conducted
should (or could) play a strong role in deciding which method to

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Joshua Porter
I've had a similar experience as Jim...if you can implement type-ahead  
you solve 80-90% of queries.

Also, people really *like* type-ahead.

On Apr 9, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Jim Kauffman wrote:

Here at Vanguard we use a simple type-ahead search box based on a last
name list. The person's phone extension is listed with their name.
Advanced search is available, but most people get by with just the
type-ahead box.

Jim K.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Online, unmoderated user testing tool

2009-04-09 Thread AJKock
Sorry if this is slightly off topic, but am I the only person who is
completely thrown in a loop when it comes to the Webnographer website?
There is no examples of what they do and if you want to find out more,
it takes you back to the home page.

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[IxDA Discuss] Need to learn Graphic Design -- Do something about it!

2009-04-09 Thread Dave Malouf
@robfay posted this link on Twitter and I think this list of free tutorials
should be required for all y'all who feel you don't need Graphic Design
Stuff. YES! at the end they get into areas that you should probably already
know (well my point is you should prob already know all of it). But with
lessons on type, grids and color it is really great. I think what is missing
is more than grids in creating compositions, but grids is a great start!

Enjoy! and Get Busy!

-- dave

Dave Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirements gathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread Jack Moffett

On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:02 AM, R. Groot wrote:

in your company, which role gathers the requirements from the client?

I work on a wide range of projects, from my company's own products to  
military contracts. Requirement gathering varies from project to  

a) project manager makes inventory in the initial meetings and  
passes them

to the interaction designer

This is the case for some of our products, as the product manager is a  
domain expert.

b) project manager and interaction designer both do the initial  

together. The interaction designer collects the requirements

This is also sometimes the case. In the situation mentioned above, for  
example, working with the product manager is very much like working  
with a target user.

c) other, namely..

Sometimes I collect requirements based on observations in the field.  
Sometimes others collect requirements based on observations and I must  
interpret them. Sometimes requirements come in from the client  
directly to me, and the project manager isn't directly involved.  
Sometimes I get a requirement from an issue tracking system and don't  
know who it came from.


Jack L. Moffett
Senior Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

To design is much more than simply
to assemble, to order, or even to edit;
it is to add value and meaning,
to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify,
to modify, to dignify, to dramatize,
to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse.

- Paul Rand

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Jim Kauffman
Here at Vanguard we use a simple type-ahead search box based on a last
name list. The person's phone extension is listed with their name.
Advanced search is available, but most people get by with just the
type-ahead box.

Jim K.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Joan Vermette
Many genealogical sites offer this sort of solution for people  
search.  Because literacy rates were not high in the western world  
until the 20th century, spelling of names in public records was often  
approximate at best, and so this is a necessary feature for people  
trying to find records of their ancestors.

You might start by looking at, perhaps the largest and  
most global of genealogy sites?

On Apr 9, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Steve Baty wrote:


Both options have plenty to recommend them. The one thing Google  
lacks which

I think is particularly useful when searching for people is a phonetic
matching algorithm. This can help overcome issues with names like  

Louisa, Louissa, etc; when looking for a person who's name you've only

So I'd be looking for a solution that tackles that aspect of the  

Joan Vermette
primary phone: 617-495-0184

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Steve Baty

Both options have plenty to recommend them. The one thing Google lacks which
I think is particularly useful when searching for people is a phonetic
matching algorithm. This can help overcome issues with names like Louise,
Louisa, Louissa, etc; when looking for a person who's name you've only

So I'd be looking for a solution that tackles that aspect of the problem.

Steve Baty

2009/4/9 Vincent 

> Hi All,
> Currently have some questions about searching an internal directory
> of 20,000+ people.
> There's some thinking that a Google appliance utilizing a white bar
> with rich search capability (parameters / facets on particular
> attributes) would be enough to narrow down to who you're looking
> for.
> There's an opposing thought that an advanced search is required
> Upfront for searching by a particular first name, last name, company
> name, etc.
> We don't have capacity to build both. Also, testing search
> functionality is *not* possible until the very end of release which
> naturally limits any actions to be taken based on results of user
> testing.
> While I've been observing here for a while, I don't recall any
> discussions on best practices for approaching people search and
> curious if anyone has some direction and thinking here?
> Much appreciated,
> Vincent
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Steve 'Doc' Baty | Principal | Meld Consulting | P: +61 417 061 292 | E: | Twitter: docbaty | Skype: steve_baty | LinkedIn:

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[IxDA Discuss] Searching People: Best Practices

2009-04-09 Thread Vincent
Hi All,

Currently have some questions about searching an internal directory
of 20,000+ people. 

There's some thinking that a Google appliance utilizing a white bar
with rich search capability (parameters / facets on particular
attributes) would be enough to narrow down to who you're looking

There's an opposing thought that an advanced search is required
Upfront for searching by a particular first name, last name, company
name, etc.

We don't have capacity to build both. Also, testing search
functionality is *not* possible until the very end of release which
naturally limits any actions to be taken based on results of user

While I've been observing here for a while, I don't recall any
discussions on best practices for approaching people search and
curious if anyone has some direction and thinking here? 

Much appreciated,

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[IxDA Discuss] Process resposibilties: PM does initial requirements gathering with client?

2009-04-09 Thread R. Groot
Dear all,

I'll keep it short:

in your company, which role gathers the requirements from the client?

a) project manager makes inventory in the initial meetings and passes them
to the interaction designer
b) project manager and interaction designer both do the initial meetings
together. The interaction designer collects the requirements
c) other, namely..

I'm very interested to hear from you!

Kind regards,

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