Re: [IxDA Discuss] Any one from South Korea ?

2009-05-12 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
I'm from Korea but I'm in San Diego, California!

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Janna Hicks DeVylder wrote:

> Check out the IxDA Local Groups page:
> There is a group in Seoul, contact them to see what they have been doing!
> For anyone else, if you don't see a group in your area, consider starting
> one!
> Janna
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Deok Gun Park  wrote:
> > I am looking for my tribe in South Korea.
> > I wonder there is any Korean member in this organization.
> >
> > If anyone, please signal me.
> >
> > For I am so lonely.
> >
> > If there is more than 3 person I want to organize IxDA Korean
> subdivision.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> > ==
> >
> > Park Deok Gun
> > Manager, Research planning team,
> > Polymer Division, NanoBrick
> >
> > Address: Advance Institute of Convergence Technology C district 4th Floor
> ,
> > 906-10 Eaw Dong Youngtong Gu Suwon, Kyunggi Do 443-270
> > Tel: 031-888-9425
> > Fax: 031-888-9430
> > email:
> > Homepage:
> > ==
> > 
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why are password fields asterisked on join-up forms?

2008-09-05 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
There IS a drawback on making it visible that many English-centric
users don't realize.

On an input control with "type=password", Windows doesn't allow CJK
characters(and possibly more).

Password field on sign-up page on my site is unmasked using
"type=text". If a user signs up with a password in Korean text, the
user cannot log in, because the actual login form is using

It's almost like a type-mismatch.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Windows -- what would you change in interaction?

2008-04-03 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
> In a perfect world Windows would ship with Launchy

Windows? In a perfect world??

I kid.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-28 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
>  How about giving the noobies their own area. ...
>  They can visit all forum areas, but can only post in their own Noobie folder
>  for the first 2
>  weeks. Afterwards they can graduate to join the rest of the forum .

I've dealt with this mechanism, and it is by far my least favorite
because puts all 1, 2, and 3 into the same bin. This will drive away
#1, which is a bad thing.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-27 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
In discussion of loving/hating n00bs, I realized that what I really
was fighting wasn't n00bs, but rather immaturity. Both are obviously
mutually exclusive.

>From my previous post...
During this discussion, I realized that what I'm fighting is
"immaturity". Since a dominant character of immaturity is impatience,
I'm using the patience of a poster to determine the level of

I realize my mistake of choosing the incorrect terminology, thereby
misleading many in this discussion.

I agree with you in respecting mature new users. However, my stance is
still strong on hating immature new(and old) users =).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-27 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈

That is an excellent suggestion! Maybe I can take your approach and
adjust the timeout period according to the "usefulness" of the
member(however we measure it).

And you're right that it'll work but people will hate me. Would you
have some other suggestions that will help?

During this discussion, I realized that what I'm fighting is
"immaturity". Since a dominant character of immaturity is impatience,
I'm using the patience of a poster to determine the level of

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:51:47, Jeff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Calvin,
>  An explicit "timeout" period for the new post isn't going to go
>  over well at all. It'll work but people will hate you. I wouldn't
>  recommend your approach, but if you're set on it I'd construct some
>  plausible deniability into the process.
>  For instance, you might do the post confirmation via e-mail, and note
>  that the e-mail may take up to 24 hours to arrive. That makes the
>  actual 2 hour delay seem less harsh. Give them the option to cancel
>  and search instead. During the interim, they might find the answer
>  they're looking for and decide not to confirm the post when it
>  arrives.
>  // jeff

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-27 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
I like the idea of FAQ and Wikis.

Wouldn't forcing the posts with all caps to be rewritten be equivalent
to forcing the new posts to be delayed? In both cases, we are
detecting behaviours that are recognized as "noise" and disallowing
such behaviours. In your case, we would use pattern recognition, and
in my case, we would simply assume that all posts are potential source
of "noise".

I understand your argument and respect your input, but to me it seems
like your idea is fundamentally equivalent to mine; only difference is
what we consider "noise".

So far, my model is to
1. upon posting, ask for the title first
2. search the title and present the results
3. if the poster isn't interested in the results, let him/her post
4. if the post body is recognized as "noise"(too many caps, etc),
reject the post
5. the post isn't publicized until the poster comes back in a few
hours and reconfirms it
6. other users can flag the posts as "redundant" or "rude" so that
moderators can act upon it
7. create a wiki and FAQ

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-27 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
> I question the initial premise of this post; is Trolling a problem on this
>  list, (specifically individuals Trolling, with no malice - #3)?

For some cases, it can be a problem. For example, I enjoy going to which is a cellphone hacking community. That forum
suffers greatly from new members asking HOW DO I ADD FREE RINGTONES TO
MY NEW RAZR THX I'm not even joking about the caps
and the tone of the voice either. Questions like this has been
answered at least 20 times, and at this point, the question serves no
value but degrading the signal to noise ratio. It makes the site
harder to use because of the useless information like that, and it
eventually renders the site useless.

I understand where the members of this mailing list is coming from
when you say "respect the new users", but in some cases, new users
must be forced to search unless you want your site to end up in a pile
of junk.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-26 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
Many of us suggested modetrators as a solution, but I was trying to
move away from exactly that. Moderation requires a group of people to
share the same goal and constantly watch the board for every activity.
In my opinion, that puts too much power and responsibility on to few
people's hands. It could be too easily abused/neglected. Next best
idea IMO is letting everyone to moderate, which is what SlashCode
does. Again, I like this alot but it's a bit too complicated for new

Will, I like your idea of respecting new users instead of bashing
them. However IMO, that kind of relationship is only possible on
professional communities like IxDA. If you go to
which is a cellphone hacking forum, you will notice that half of the
messages are n00bs asking the same questions over and over and over
again. This is beyond an issue of annoyance, rather this kind of
behaviour renders the website useless and it must be suppressed in
order to keep the website useful.

I like Cindy's idea of doing the searching for them before allowing
them to post. This will expose them to the available threads, and this
might present them a solution more quicly than to post and wait.
Hopefully this will deter them from dupe-posting.

What do you guys think about my idea of "delaying the post"? It's a
scheme where any post must be reconfirmed in a few hours before it is
I thought this wasn't too cruel since they should come back to check
the responses anyway. This is effective for both troll type 1 and type
By making them wait for a few hours, the possibility of quickly
getting a solution via dupe-posting is eliminated. If they really want
a solution fast, they will search. If they searched and couldn't find
it, then the question will be posted.

In any case, I appreciate the great discussion.
ps, Jeff, I agree that not all of the behaviours I mentioned are
"trolling", but I just used it to simplify the terminology. By
trolling, I'm talking about inappropriate behaviours in forums.

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[IxDA Discuss] Fighting trolls

2008-03-26 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
Whenever there's a forum, there are three kinds of trolls:
1. automated spambots selling viagra
2. abusers(page wideners, goatse, etc)
3. n00bs who won't search for answers first

#1 is solved by captchas

#2 is solved by not allowing html tags and breaking down long words

For #3... How do we force new users to search for answers before
creating a duplicate thread on issues that has been addressed already?
In many forums, new members are not allowed to post for x amount of
days. However, this may hinder a potentially useful input.
A method I thought of was letting new users post whatever they want,
but requiring them to come back in a few hours to comfirm the post.
This will deter lots of impulsive posts, but this too may hinder a
potentially useful input although it's less restrictive.

The general idea behind the methods for reducing #3 is _making the
process of posting more complicated for new users_. This is operating
under the assumption that new users who will be useful to the
community will have the patience to deal with the extra steps, and
those who are impatient are useless to the community. It also assumes
that the old users will never turn into trolls, since we aren't
putting any checks on old users.

Has anyone ever dealt with designing a forum that effectivly reduced trolling?
I'm designing one for a growing community, and it's important that we
enhance signal-to-noise ratio while welcoming all new users.
So far, my favorite discussion system is Slashdot, but I'm afraid that
Slashdot is too complicated for new users, and also useless for a
small community that's unwilling to bother with moderation.

I'd be happy to see good examples.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Threaded Emails Displays

2008-03-20 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
I'm not sure what you're asking for so my answer might be OT...

I personally love gmail's threadding, so I'd make a gmail clone and
start adding features like:
 - attaching and detaching mails to a conversation (those Re: replies
breaking the conversation is pretty annoying)
 - attaching and detaching notes to a conversaion

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Kevin Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm currently working on a redesign on an application that creates
>  threads of emails and related information.  I was wondering if anyone
>  knows of really good examples beyond google mail and the threading in
>  apple mail.  My focus is on how to display the threads, which are
>  central to the application, limiting the amount the user has to drill
>  down to separate pages.
>  Thanks,
>  Kevin
>  Kevin Silver
>  Clearwired Web Services
>  10899 Montgomery, Suite C
>  Albuquerque, NM 87109
>  office: 505.217.3505
>  toll-free: 866.430.2832
>  fax: 505.217.3506
>  w:
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Terminology: import-export or upload-download

2008-03-19 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
IMO, unless the direction of transfer is unmistakably clear, I'd use
the word "transfer" instead of "up/download" or "im/export".

The latter two assumes directional references too much.

On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:17:06, Leandro Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I agree with Elizabeth, but I think that download/upload is best
>  used when relative to storing data. For example, when you send a vcard
>  file to a online address book service, you're "uploading a file",
>  but the best term (for me, at least) is "importing a contact".
>  But, I think a user study to confirm this. It's simple and fast. :)
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who designs what? (see diagram...)

2007-10-04 Thread Calvin Park 박상빈
Before we start flaming Russell "You can't attach picture on the
email", I vote that we implement a system where the mailman bounces
back the email with a friendly message that attachments should be

On 10/4/07, Wilson, Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given that "design" is a very overloaded and broad term, I often
> find it necessary to communicate what "product design" is responsible for,
> and "who designs what".
> To that end, I created this very basic diagram.  I'd love to get feedback 
> from members of the list.
> The purpose is to spell out who is designing what and provide an indication 
> of:
> 1)  structure of the two depts.
> 2)  responsibilities of the two depts.
> 3)  communication between the two depts.
> What did I leave out?  Is this the stupidest thing you've ever seen?
> (obviously this would be part of  a discussion and not intended to stand by 
> itself, although I suppose
> I could evolve it to become more self-explanatory)
> [cid:image001.jpg@01C80675.A55CC5C0]
> Russell Wilson  |  Director of Product Design
> NetQoS, Inc.  |  5001 Plaza on the Lake, Austin, TX 78746
> 512.334.3725 (v) | 512.422.4155 (m) | [EMAIL PROTECTED] PROTECTED]>
> NetQoS: Performance Experts
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