Re: Django covered in podcast with Guido

2006-08-07 Thread Dan Shafer
I'd say! I mean he calls it his favorite Web app framework and declares himself a satisfied user.Wow.On 8/6/06, Alan Green <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On 8/5/06, Simon Willison <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>>> Django gets some good discussion about 50 minutes in.Guido sure says nice things about Django. Congratulations!
a--Alan Green[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://bright-green.comhttp://www.shafermedia.comGet my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"From

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Re: Off Topic: Mac software for database design?

2006-08-04 Thread Dan Shafer
I use YourSQL - 8/4/06, Rob Hudson <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I've seen some screencasts of various web frameworks (rails,
turbogears) where the user has a nice interface to a mysql admin toolfor creating tables, running queries, etc on a Mac.  I can't find areference anywhere to what this might be.  I downloaded and tried MySQL
Workbench but it was very spotty and ended up crashing on me.  Any tipswould be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Rob-- ~~~~~~~~~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"From

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Re: Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-03 Thread Dan Shafer
FWIW given my complete newbie perspective, I have a couple of reactions.First, it is clear that the answer to my question that started this meandering thread is a resounding no. I sort of expected that would be the case, but I just wanted to be sure.
Second, there's only an advantage to adopting a particular AJAX or other JS toolkit or library into Django if it were so tightly integrated that it would make the job of using that library from within Django more seamless. But with seamlessness comes loss of control. (At the very least, it's true that trying to maintain control or the appearance of it while tightly integrating such functionality would be challenging and an unecessary diversion of resources.)
To me, the Django dev team should focus on things only they can do (i.e., core functionality and extensions to it that really have to be in the base), leaving stuff like JS lib implementation to others who see an advantage to having some level of integration.
Now that I basically understand how to implement AJAX in Django, I'm happy with the current thinking. What I wanted to avoid was a situation in which the framework I chose got in the way of implementing whatever JS or AJAX stuff I wanted. It seems clear to me that Django stays out of the path and that's where I think I like it.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Authorhttp://www.shafermedia.comGet my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
Malcolm,Thanks for the great, detailed response. I really appreciate it.After reading your note and looking over other stuff I found rummaging about the user list, I decided I had really started down a sort of false-start path. So I did start over with the official version install from the Django site. And I decided to do the official Django tutorial before trying the one at DeveloperWorks. That is going pretty smoothly so far. At least now when I get an error, I can genrally figure out what I've done wrong. I'm using the interactive shell now and things are going much better. (The DevWorks tutorial never mentions this and I think that's part of the problem I was having.)
In any case, I've now finished Part 1 of the tutorial successfully and am launching into Part 2. So far it's making sense but I'm reserving judgment; I got a lot farther than this with Rails before I hit a wall I never did recover from. In this case, I feel a little more confident because I at least know enough Python to read source and detect things that are wrong, which clearly wasn't the case with Ruby.
Thanks again. Great help.Dan Shafer

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Re: Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
Thanks for the note, Malcolm. I remain stymied.On 8/2/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:If you want to work with an interactive prompt, the easiest way is to be
inside your project directory (jobs/ in your case, I guess) and run"./ shell". This will set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and appendthe current directory to the Python path for you.
I did this. I tried it in the /jobs directory and in its parent directory /djproject. No luck in either case. In neither case to I get an error message, so I assume it runs, but I still get an error indicating there is no module called 
jobs.models.BTW, you said, "If you want to work with an interactive prompt." I'm actually not as comfortable with the interactive prompt as I'd like to be but as far as I can tell from reading both of the tutorials I'm trying to figure out, I don't have a choice. At least none is mentioned. All the Python learning i've done has been basically in IDLE.
Sorry to be so dense here. I'm sure this is pre-newbie stuff and I'm just annoying people, but I feel really, really lost in this Django sea.
You could set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable yourself(it should point to the Python-importable path to your file)if you like. That was the old way you had to do it in Django; it got
tedious very quickly so it was wrapped in a option.Regards,Malcolm>> I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it> appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it
> is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable> still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of> it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it.>>
> I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the> past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time,> this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow
> superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without> multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my> learning Django, which after all is my objective.>> So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the
> official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just> blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of> it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which
> I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that> someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the> clover?>> Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely
> Django-specific.> --> ~~~~~~~~~~> Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author>
>>> >-- ~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Authorhttp://www.shafermedia.comGet my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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Should I Just Reinstall?

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
I'm now starting to build one or two tutorial projects in Django in my final phase evaluation of it and TurboGears. In preparation, I checked out of SVN the current trunk and ran through the setup/install process. I'm on OS X 
10.4.7, by the way, and trying to run this locally with MySQL as the db.When I installed Django, it ended up in a deeply buried directory on my system, but I guess it's the one where Python packages tend to go (/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages/Django-
0.95-y2.3.egg/django). I have created a project in django/bin called djproject (following one tutorial at IBM's DeveloperWorks) and have struggled through the setup and initialization stuff. I have successfully set up my new database and have reached the point where I'm supposed to run syncdb. Along the way, I've had to do a lot of futzing with command-line parameters because (it appears at least) the Django install didn't properly set up the PYTHONPATH environment variable for me. Still, I've managed to get this far.
Now when I type at a Python prompt:from jobs.models import Jobfrom within the /djproject/jobs directory, I get a "No module named jobs.models" error. So I move up to the parent directory (see above about fiddling with directory locations) and I try the same command and this generates a Python error:
EnvironmentError: Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined.I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it.
I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time, this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my learning Django, which after all is my objective.
So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the clover?
Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely Django-specific.-- ~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author

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Is AJAX Alone Reason to Use TG?`

2006-08-02 Thread Dan Shafer
I've spent the last few days looking intently at both Django and TG. I
haven't yet built anything useful in either, but i've poked at them
enough that I think I'm beginning to see through the fog, however dimly.

My plan for the next six months is to create 4-6 substantial Web
applications which will all be variations on a single theme. IOW, I
anticipate lots of code and component reuse. On this point, it at least *seems* to me I'd be better served by Django than by TG, though I've asked on that list for some reactions.
The second major factor in my design is the need for AJAX componentry
and in that regard, at least, it *seems* TG has a strong upper hand,
though it could clearly be implemented with some effort in Django. Can anyone address the degree of difficulty or level of effort involved in incorporating, say, the YUI library, for example, into Django in a sufficiently seamless way that I could Ajax-ify the components in my designs without jumping through too many hoops? Or have I perhaps just missed something valuable in my exploration of Django that suggests this isn't even a problem?
-- ~~~~~~~~~~Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Authorhttp://www.shafermedia.coml

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