Problem with broken link emails

2008-07-09 Thread HenrikG


I have a problem with email-reports of "Broken INTERNAL link" that
doesn't seem correct. For example this one:

Requested URL: /star_empty.gif

When I access the referrer page, I get no error message myself and in
the source there are only occurrences of "star_empty.gif" like this:

I've had many similar issues that just seem wrong. I'm running Ubuntu
with Apache 2.2, PostgreSQL 8.1 and Django development version.

All help appreciated!
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Re: Setting up psycopg2

2007-04-28 Thread HenrikG

Thanks for the tip Brian!
I checked with pg_config --configure
and found out that Postgresql was indeed built with "enable-thread-
(I had to install libpq-dev with apt-get to get the pg_config-command)

About psycopg, on this site:

it says that you're supposed to use psycopg2, and when I search the
apt packages I can only find psycopg version 1.1.21. That is why I've
chosen to install psycopg2 from source.

About the note "make sure that your libpq has been compiled with the --
with-thread-safety option",
would that be the same as saying that
"make sure that postgresql has been compiled with tread-safety"?


On 28 Apr, 00:39, Brian Luft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I'm checking against Debian here at work and can check my Ubuntu
> installation at home later, but running pg_config shows that postgres
> was built with the "enable-thread-safety" option - (not sure if that
> is a different option or if the psycopg docs are incorrect).  I would
> assume the same for the version in the Ubuntu repos.  Of course you
> can always verify yourself by running "pg_config"
> Also, any reason you're building psycopg from source rather than using
> the apt package?
> Cheers
> -Brian

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Setting up psycopg2

2007-04-27 Thread HenrikG


I want to install psycopg2 on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06.1. I'm wondering
about a note in a file called INSTALL in the psycopg2-source. It says:

Important note: if you plan to use psycopg2 in a multithreaded
application make sure that your libpq has been compiled with the --
with-thread-safety option.

Do I need to worry about this? (I'm guessing I do)

I found a very brief guide here:
but I'm not sure it will take care of the thread-safety-part.

I'm setting up Django with Apache 2.0.55 and PostgreSQL 8.1. These
versions were the latest in the apt-get repository, so I figured they
would be stable and safe. But maybe I need to compile PostgreSQL to
get the thread-safety working correctly?

This will be my public server and I don't want to cheat with anything
like I did with my development server...


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Re: form_for_model and default values

2007-02-07 Thread HenrikG

On 11 Jan, 04:07, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2) I have a model with aUserfield so what I do (on the view) is the
> following:
> Entry.fields['autor'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
> if request.user.is_authenticated():
> Entry.fields['autor'].initial = (,
> request.user.username)
> So the field doesn't appears but theuseris selected
> initialy. When the system process the form I get
> (Hidden field autor) Enter a list of values.

Try to set the author-field when you create the form, like this:

form = forms.models.form_for_model ( Entry )

f = form( initial = { 'author': request.user } )

f.base_fields[ 'author' ].widget = forms.HiddenInput()

I'm not sure if this works with user objects in Foreign key fields,
but it works for simpler fields like CharField. If it fails, you could
try to replace

'author'. request.user   with   'author'


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Re: newforms and umlaut

2007-02-07 Thread HenrikG

On 9 Jan, 02:16, "Todd O'Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 06:41 -0800, Hans.Rauch wrote:
> > I have a class like this
> > class dms_itemForm ( forms.Form) :
> > title   = forms.CharField(label='Überschrift')
> > If thisformis rendered, I see "Überschrift"  instead of
> > "Überschrift".
> > Any hints?
> Use a Unicode string and use the \u notation to give the character code
> for the character you want? (The question mark indicates that I'm not
> sure that will work, but it's worth a try.)
> Todd

You can try this:

...CharField( label = '\xc3\x9cberschrift' )

I got the \xc3\x9c by typing this:

'Ü'.encode( 'utf-8' )

in the python shell. Here are some other codes that you might find

å = \xc3\xa5
ä = \xc3\xa4
ö = \xc3\xb6
Å = \xc3\x85
Ä = \xc3\x84
Ö = \xc3\x96
ü = \xc3\xbc
Ü = \xc3\x9c
ñ = \xc3\xb1


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Re: ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware django.contrib.sessions.middleware: "No module named mysite"

2007-02-02 Thread HenrikG

Hi John!

I also started my Django-work on WinXP, but I used the built-in Django
webbserver and I never had any "no module"-errors. I'm now using
Ubuntu-Apache-modpython-PostgreSQL and when I started in Ubuntu, I had
some of those errors.

My solution was (except for recreating a corrupt database) putting the
right stuff in the Location-directive in Apache-config and making sure
the right user was running the Apache-server and owned the Django-

I'm not sure if this helps you, but you can add this in Apache conf to
set which user owns the Apache server thread:


User postgres
Group postgres

So, in my case, the user is called 'postgres'. On the django project
directory, to make sure the apache thread could read the django files,
I did this, being root:

chown -R postgres .

-R = recursive
. = files in current folder
postgres = new owner to the files

My biggest problem was to get the Location directive right in the
httpd.conf. It now looks like this:

  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
  PythonPath "sys.path + ['/usr/local/apache2/django']"
  SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE myproject.settings
  PythonDebug On
  PythonAutoReload On

OK, maybe that path isn't the smartest, but I'm a Linux noob and I'm
learning. The "PythonAutoReload On" means that mod_python reloads all
python modules automatically whenever they change. This is on by
default, I read somewhere, but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

To make apache update better, you could set this somewhere in
MaxRequestPerChild 1

I hope this helps.


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Re: ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware django.contrib.sessions.middleware: "No module named mysite"

2007-02-01 Thread HenrikG

Hi Ron!

Try changing

and also change
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings


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Re: What user does django server runs?

2007-01-31 Thread HenrikG

Well, I solved my connection problems. It seems I had two versions of
PostgreSQL installed and I had created the database with one version
and was running the server with the other version. When I used the
"createdb" command for both versions, one of them said that the
database was corrupt. So I removed the database and recreated it with
the newest PostgreSQL and suddenly everything worked!

I had some problems getting PostgreSQL to work when I installed it, so
I tried several source codes and packages before it worked. That's
probably why I had two different versions.

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Re: What user does django server runs?

2007-01-27 Thread HenrikG

On 3 Jan, 02:54, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 02-Jan-07, at 11:18 PM, Michel Thadeu Sabchuk wrote:
> > without success, the error message tells me: FATAL:Ident
> > authentication failed for user "saraswati".edit pg_hba.conf - change 
> > authentication fromident'sameuser' to
> password
> --
> regards
> kghttp://lawgon.livejournal.com

I have this same error when i run "python syncdb".

I tried changing "pg_hba.conf" but without success. I got around the 
problem temporarily by running logged in as user "postgres", 
but then I get:

"psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: database "sp" does not exist"

At this point, the Apache server isn't running, and it's not needed, 
right? So what else can be the problem? I created the database "sp" 
with the shell command "createdb" in postgresql and I can access it 
through the psql-shell.

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Re: newforms - FileInput

2007-01-16 Thread HenrikG

akhen wrote:

Hi there

I'm trying to use FileInput widget in a Form:
image = forms.Field(widget=forms.FileInput)

But after a post, I just can get the filename not the data.

Any ideas ?


I think the best thing is to wait until newforms is more developed and
documented on FileInput, but if you really want you can try to add this
to the place where you process your form:

out = ''
if (request.FILES):
   out += 'request.FILES:'
   out += 'filename: ' + request.FILES['myfile']['filename']
   out += 'content-type: ' +
   out += 'content: ' + request.FILES['myfile']['content']

return HttpResponse(out)

This code assumes you have called your form filefield "myfile" in the
HTML-code, like this:


Try this with a small text file as input only, since the whole file
content will be dumped on the screen. This works for me.

The next step would be for the server to create a new file on the HD
and put the content into it. I haven't tried that myself. If you get
that to work, please show the code. 


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