DRY in templates

2006-10-03 Thread Luis P. Mendes


I have several applications running and each of them has its own
template files.  They're working fine.

Then, I decided that I should create another application that would
merge all data information from each of those separated ones mentioned

There were two problems to consider:
1- regarding data and views
2- regarding templates

As for 1, I found a way that follows the DRY principle.  For each
function that would be requested I joined another field as an argument.
From: ex:  def viewListA(request):
To:def viewListA(request, integrated = False):
Integrated is True when the request is demanded by the global application.
If Integrated == False, the function returns the html file corresponding
to it; if True, it returns 'request'.

So far, so good.

Now, for part nr. 2.

I didn't find a way not to repeat the same lines of the partial html
files in a big global html one, for the application that merges all
information.  My concern is only about data information that is
presented mostly in tables.

I am aware of the {% extends ... %} tag, but it can only be used once
per file.  Otherwise, I could use that tag for each of the partial
templates and would import the data blocks of each of them.

My question is this one:  Is there a way I don't have to repeat the same
template coding for the above illustrated example?

Luis P. Mendes

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Re: variable multiple filter question

2006-09-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes

DavidA escreveu:

> You build up a dynamic "and" query with a term for each checked box in
> the UI. Then you use that compound query to filter your model objects.
> Now that I think about it, since this is an "and" you could also do:
> def my_view(request):
> query = {}
> for i in range(1, 13):
> chk = "var%d" % i
> if request.has_key(chk) and request[key]:
> query[chk] = True
> objects = MyModel.objects.filter(**query)
I would like to thank you all for your help.  I'm using an expression
similar to the above example and it works flawlessly!



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variable multiple filter question

2006-09-20 Thread Luis P. Mendes


I want to let a user of one application to be able to filter results in
a complex way.

There are twelve variables, all boolean, that can be used to perform
these filters.  In PostgreSQL, all data for these variables are thus
saved  as either True of False.

There is no difficulty to apply individual filters.  My problem regards
the combination of a variable number of filters.

The user is presented with twelve radio boxes.  If he/she chooses to
filter by var3 and var4, code should be built as, for ex.,
or as Animals.objects.filter(var3=True, var4=True)
In these cases, I want to filter all records where var3 and var4 are
True, and all other variables are either True or False.

But if he chooses to apply five filters, there will have to be five
filter methods appended, or five key=values pairs as arguments.

I tried to build an expression with all filter methods sequentially
where only the value of the pair key=value would change, like:
and so on.  But if so, is there any value for a, b, c, etc that would
result in a non-filtering situation, like '*' in SQL?

On the other hand, I could hard code every combination of filters
possible, but there's for sure a simple way to achieve what I want.

I tried to play with getattr but my difficulty was that var3, and all
the others are included inside parenthesis not as strings, but as names
of model's attributes.

Since filter accepts a keyword argument, I also tried to use a
dictionary as {"var3":True,"var4":False} but with no success.

Please, I would very much appreciate your help on this.  How can achieve
what I want.

Luis P. Mendes

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problem chained filter

2006-09-07 Thread Luis P. Mendes


I want a user to select a multiple filter through check boxes.

The problem is that filtering in django doesn't return all the expected
results.  I tried both chained filtering and filters with anded
conditions and the result is no different.

I'm I missing something?  Where's the flaw?

- view
def consultarFiltradasFiscalizacao(request):
user = request.user
r = Fiscalizacao()
r.exercicio_2002 = request.GET.get('exercicio_2002', None)
r.exercicio_2003 = request.GET.get('exercicio_2003', None)
r.exercicio_2004 = request.GET.get('exercicio_2004', None)
r.exercicio_2005 = request.GET.get('exercicio_2005', None)

filtros =

for f in filtros: setattr(r,f, \
getattr(r,f) == 'on' and 'true' or 'false')

print r.exercicio_2002
print r.exercicio_2003
print r.exercicio_2004
print r.exercicio_2005

  #fichas =  Fiscalizacao.objects.filter(exercicio_2002=r.exercicio_2002)\
fichas = Fiscalizacao.objects.filter(exercicio_2002=r.exercicio_2002).\

 fichas = fichas.order_by('id')
 return render_to_response('fichas/fiscalizacao/todas.html', \
{"fichas": fichas,"user":user})

- output of the django server-

[06/Sep/2006 17:44:36] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 5472

5 fichas returned   <---  this is INCORRECT

--- postgreSQL
In postgresql, when I try to select the same query, I get eight results,
which is correct.

# select id from fichas_fiscalizacao where exercicio_2004 = true and
exercicio_2003 = true and exercicio_2002 = false;

(8 rows)
-- template --
The template has no filtering:

{% block content-main %}

{% if fichas %}

  {% for ficha in fichas %}
  {{ ficha.id }}
  {{ ficha.inspeccionar_nif }}
  {{ ficha.inspeccionar_nif_fk.nome|truncatewords:"2" }}
  {{ ficha.data|date:"Y-m-d" }}
{% if ficha.utilizador.first_name %}
  {{ ficha.utilizador.first_name }} {{
ficha.utilizador.last_name }}
{% else %}
  {{ ficha.utilizador }}
{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

{% else %}
Não há fichas arquivadas.
{% endif %}

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-09-01 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Jay Parlar escreveu:
> On 8/30/06, Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have something to add:
>> - I can add or delete 'fichas' from the admin site with no problem.
>> - This 0.95 version is an upgrade from 0.91.
> That last part is interesting. Did you have a database running against
> 0.91, and then you upgraded just your Django to 0.95? I never used
> Django pre-magic-removal, but there's a possibility that the required
> database fields are different.
> Alternatively, something from 0.91 was maybe not upgraded properly
> (either in your Django source code, or in your own code). You've read
> the migration document?
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/RemovingTheMagic
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/MagicRemovalCheatSheet
I followed the instructions of RemovingTheMagic but only grasped
MagicRemovalCheatSheet. So, I'll try to find the error(s) on this file.

Thank you for your help once again.


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Re: Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-30 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Jay Parlar escreveu:
> On 8/29/06, Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I posted this on Saturday, but since I had no replies, I'm reposting it.
>> What should I look for to solve this problem:
>> When I access I get
>> Groups
>> Users
>> in the Autho Fieldset.
>> If I click on Users I get a list
>> of all the users.
>> When I click on any of them:
>> like the superuser in this case:
>> Page not found (404)
>> Request Method:
>> GET
>>   Request URL:
>> Or starting again from admin:
>> I click in the +Add shortcut for Users:
>> .
>> DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/
>> Request Method:
>> GET
>>   Request URL:
>>   Exception Type:
>> DoesNotExist
>>   Exception Value:
>> Exception Location:
>> /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/related.py
>> in __get__, line 163
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/core/handlers/base.py"
>> in get_response
>>74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/contrib/admin/views/decorators.py"
>> in _checklogin
>>55. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/views/decorators/cache.py"
>> in _wrapped_view_func
>>39. response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/contrib/admin/views/main.py"
>> in add_stage
>>243. manipulator = model.AddManipulator()
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/manipulators.py"
>> in __init__
>>69. self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(self.opts, self,
>> self.change))
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py"
>> in get_manipulator_fields
>>226. field_objs, params =
>> self.prepare_field_objs_and_params(manipulator, name_prefix)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py"
>> in prepare_field_objs_and_params
>>215. field_objs = self.get_manipulator_field_objs()
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/related.py"
>> in get_manipulator_field_objs
>>627. choices = self.get_choices_default()
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/related.py"
>> in get_choices_default
>>631. return Field.get_choices(self, include_blank=False)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py"
>> in get_choices
>>292. return first_choice + [(x._get_pk_val(), str(x))
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/contrib/auth/models.py"
>> in __str__
>>48. return "%s | %s" % (self.content_type, self.name)
>>  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/related.py"
>> in __get__
>>163. raise self.field.rel.to.DoesNotExist
>>DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/
>> Request information
>> GET
>> No GET data
>> No POST data
>> .
>> What should I try to look for to solve this problem?
> Which database are you using? 
I'm using Postgres

> Could you post your INSTALLED_APPS settings?

Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-29 Thread Luis P. Mendes


I posted this on Saturday, but since I had no replies, I'm reposting it.

What should I look for to solve this problem:

When I access I get
in the Autho Fieldset.

If I click on Users I get a list
of all the users.

When I click on any of them:
like the superuser in this case:

Page not found (404)
Request Method:
  Request URL:

Or starting again from admin:
I click in the +Add shortcut for Users:
DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/
Request Method:
  Request URL:
  Exception Type:
  Exception Value:
Exception Location:
in __get__, line 163

Traceback (most recent call last):
in get_response
   74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
in _checklogin
   55. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
in _wrapped_view_func
   39. response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
in add_stage
   243. manipulator = model.AddManipulator()
in __init__
   69. self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(self.opts, self,
in get_manipulator_fields
   226. field_objs, params =
self.prepare_field_objs_and_params(manipulator, name_prefix)
in prepare_field_objs_and_params
   215. field_objs = self.get_manipulator_field_objs()
in get_manipulator_field_objs
   627. choices = self.get_choices_default()
in get_choices_default
   631. return Field.get_choices(self, include_blank=False)
in get_choices
   292. return first_choice + [(x._get_pk_val(), str(x))
in __str__
   48. return "%s | %s" % (self.content_type, self.name)
in __get__
   163. raise self.field.rel.to.DoesNotExist

   DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/

Request information
No GET data
No POST data

What should I try to look for to solve this problem?

Luis P. Mendes

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Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-26 Thread Luis P. Mendes


I would like to know what to look for to solve this problem.

When I access I get
in the Autho Fieldset.

If I click on Users I get a list
of all the users.

When I click on any of them:
like the superuser in this case:

Page not found (404)
Request Method:
  Request URL:

Or starting again from admin:
I click in the +Add shortcut for Users:
DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/
Request Method:
  Request URL:
  Exception Type:
  Exception Value:
Exception Location:
in __get__, line 163

Traceback (most recent call last):
in get_response
   74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
in _checklogin
   55. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
in _wrapped_view_func
   39. response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
in add_stage
   243. manipulator = model.AddManipulator()
in __init__
   69. self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(self.opts, self,
in get_manipulator_fields
   226. field_objs, params =
self.prepare_field_objs_and_params(manipulator, name_prefix)
in prepare_field_objs_and_params
   215. field_objs = self.get_manipulator_field_objs()
in get_manipulator_field_objs
   627. choices = self.get_choices_default()
in get_choices_default
   631. return Field.get_choices(self, include_blank=False)
in get_choices
   292. return first_choice + [(x._get_pk_val(), str(x))
in __str__
   48. return "%s | %s" % (self.content_type, self.name)
in __get__
   163. raise self.field.rel.to.DoesNotExist

   DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/

Request information
No GET data
No POST data

What should I try to look for to solve this problem?

Luis P. Mendes

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admin, users, groups and permissions

2006-08-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes


After setting up the admin interface, I get access to the users and
groups list.

>From the FAQ, I've read that
If you'd like to use the admin site to create users, upgrade to the
Django development version, where this problem was fixed on Aug. 4, 2006.

Not only, I'd like to create users from the admin interface, I'd also
want to be able to include users in groups (or take users out of groups)
and set permissions to users and groups through the admin interface.

What steps should I take to do this?
- do I gave to subclass the User and Group models in order to add these
methods?  Does this have issues when upgrading my 0.95 version in future?
- or create a one to one relationship as I've read someone suggesting?

Is this being developed so that can be available by default?

My admin interface has another issue that I think it was not supposed to
happen.  I can see a list of the users but when I try do access each of
them, the  web page required is not found.  Do I have to insert some url
definitions in the admin urls file?

Luis P. Mendes

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Re: how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-22 Thread Luis P. Mendes

thank you for your help!

Luis P. Mendes

Chris Long escreveu:
> To add permissions.
> For user: user.user_permissions.add(perm)
> (I think, don't have the chance to double check) For group:
> group.permissions.add(perm)
> For your question, the permission table contains the codename, verbose
> name and content type of the object. In most cases, you could probably
> get away without having the contenttype, but it might be a good idea to
> put in there if you the permission is only to be used with that
> specific model. So both are right, just depends on how you want to use
> the permission. Also, probably a good idea to have the codename of the
> form: app_name.code_name, it's the format used for the default
> permissions and might make your life easier to keep it in the same
> format.
> Chris

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Re: how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Chris Long escreveu:
> If I have a group instance called students and I wanted to add it to
> the user instance bill I would use:
> bill.groups.add(students)
> If you want to have a permission for a view, you will have to use the
> has_perm method that is within the user model (user.has_perm) and check
> for the permission you want at the beginning of the view. E.g.:
> def view_students(request):
>if not request.user.has_perm("university.view_students"):
>   raise PermissionDenied

But, how can I assign permissions to groups and users?

And regarding my example:
from the manage.py shell:
>>> >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
>>> >>> p = Permission(codename='subsidios.pode_consultar')
>>> >>> p.codename
>>> >>> p.save()

from the Intac class of the subsidios package:
class Intac:
class Meta:
permissions = (("pode_consultar", "Pode consultar"),)

This is what I get from the auth_permission table in postgreSQL:
# select * from auth_permission;
74 | Pode consultar  | pode_consultar|
 75 | | subsidios.pode_consultar  |

which way is correct in the auth_permission table?

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how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes


What I want to do is to let users access some views but not others.
Users can fit in groups.  I've not set up the admin interface for this
package because I don't find it useful for my purpose, at least yet.

Users can already register themselves for the site. But they will only
be able to access this package, and others, after I give them permission
to it (either directly or  by group membership).  I've added the
decorator user_passes_test that prevents any user to access the view
that has no access.  At the present time, no user has access besides the

I've read the authentication.txt from beggining to the end, but couldn't
find the way to assign permissions to individual users or to groups.  I
really miss a tutorial about this subject.

After trying to set permissions through user and group instances'
methods, all failed, I came across the Permission object, and found out
something else that I don't understand either:

from the manage.py shell:
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
>>> p = Permission(codename='subsidios.pode_consultar')
>>> p.codename
>>> p.save()

from the Intac class of the subsidios package:
class Intac:
class Meta:
permissions = (("pode_consultar", "Pode consultar"),)

This is what I get from the auth_permission table in postgreSQL:
# select * from auth_permission;
74 | Pode consultar  | pode_consultar|
 75 | | subsidios.pode_consultar  |

The line 74 (origined in the Intac class model) doesn't have the package
name before the permission codename.  Are both entries correct?

What I really need is that someone could show me an example of:
- assigning a user to a group;
- assign a user permission to a view;
- assign a group permission to a view.

Sorry if this is a very trivial problem, but I really need an example to
help understand how this works.

Luis P. Mendes

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Re: render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-27 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Hash: SHA1

> Ok, I *think* I understand your problem a bit better.
> One thing you can do is store some information (filename, or
> something) in the session object for the user. Then it doesn't matter
> how long it takes for the user to press the button (unless of course
> they wait days, and expire the cookie).
Thank you for your answer.

Would you mind sending me some link where such an example is
implemented, if possible?

It's easier to code with an example.

Luis P. Mendes
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Re: render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Jay Parlar escreveu:
> These might be of some assistance to you:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/outputting_pdfs/
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/outputting_csv/
> Jay P.
I've read both previously to posting, but those don't seem to address my
question of generating both a web page and a file at the same time of
the latter after pressing a button in the former.

Luis P. Mendes

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render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes


The problem is I want to create a dynamic web page and to build a
dynamic excel file based on the same data used for screen output.

I haven't decided yet on:
a) if the file is built only after a user presses a button in the
rendered page and the request activates another view function;
b) or the file is built automatically at the same time the web page is

For b), I've thought of creating a function inside the rendering
function of the view to generate the file, so that I'd have two returns
of functions: one for the web page, another for the file.

Can you give me some thoughts on how to do this, both for a) and b)?

In an experimental attempt, I created all the code to build the file in
a different function at the view file, and used the variable from the
get_list query as global.  It worked as in a), but sometimes the file
generated had data from other request not the user's.  The best approach
seems to be to build the file generator as a class in the model file,
which I've already done, but the problem described in a) and b) remains.

If in a), data for the file has to be the same as rendered to the
screen, even if the user takes some minutes to press the button.

I'd appreciate some insights on this problem.

Thank you in advance,

Luis P. Mendes

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Re: got unexpected keyword argument

2006-05-03 Thread Luis P. Mendes

thank you all for your help!

Luis P. Mendes

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got unexpected keyword argument

2006-04-28 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Hash: SHA1


I'm using version 0.91.

To put it short, I get a TypeError when I try to use a foreign key.
Here's what I have:

_In Postgresql_
TABLE "cadastro_servicos" (
~"id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
~"codigo" text NOT NULL,
~"nome" varchar(80) NOT NULL
TABLE "cadastro_cadastros" (
~"id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
~"serv_clientes_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "cadastro_servicos"
~"nome" varchar(200) NOT NULL,
~   (...)
INSERT INTO "packages" ("label", "name") VALUES ('cadastro', 'cadastro');
INSERT INTO "content_types" ("name", "package", "python_module_name")
VALUES ('servico', 'cadastro', 'servicos');
INSERT INTO "content_types" ("name", "package", "python_module_name")
VALUES ('cadastro', 'cadastro', 'cadastros');

As _django models_:
class Servico(meta.Model):
~codigo = meta.TextField(maxlength=4)
~nome = meta.CharField(maxlength=80)

~def __repr__(self):
~return self.nome

class Cadastro(meta.Model):
~serv_clientes = meta.ForeignKey(Servico)
~nome = meta.CharField(maxlength=200)
~ (...)
~def __repr__(self):
~return self.nome

when I try:
lista_sps = cadastros.get_list(servicos__id__exact=2)
from within a view, I get:

TypeError at /cadastro/pesquisa/
got unexpected keyword argument 'servicos__id__exact'

The same happens from the interactive shell.

|>> cadastros.get_list(servico__nome__icontains='bel')
|>> cadastros.get_object(servico__nome__icontains='bel')
|>> cadastros.get_object(codigo__icontains='bel')

I've also tried, just in case:
|>> cadastros.get_object(Servico__nome__icontains='bel')
|>> cadastros.get_object(Servicos__nome__icontains='bel')

If I try to get a list or a object from either of the two classes alone
(with no references to the other) I have no problems getting the
information I want.

How did I build this?  First I've developed the Cadastro model, and did
'python manage.py install cadastro'.  At this time, cadastro had no
serv_clientes field.

Later on, I added the Servico class to the model, added the table to
Postgresql and changed the Cadastro model to include the serv_clientes

Everything seems alright for me, but not for django.  Why does 'got
unexpected keyword argument' happen?  Can you give me some hints?

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Re: advice location of site for production and devel

2006-04-09 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Hash: SHA1

Thank you for your help.

I was able to load the index page of the only application I developed of
my project using apache, but I needed to change some urls.  I haven't
yet understand this process completely.  So I ask you for some 'light'.

I have the project in /home/luis/myproject.  Is it for a security reason
that it should not be placed under htdocs? or other...

1- I run the django server and when I do http://localhost/application
everything runs ok;

2- First thing I need to know is this: If it is a project with some
applications, the project should have a home page.  From this home page,
the user can choose from running applications.  In the tutorial I've
read nothing about that project home page.  How can I do it? Create a
view under /home/luis/myproject?  It didn't seem to work.

3- Or it could be an index.html file placed under htdocs, served by
apache with links to 'application'.  For me this solution would suit my
needs at the moment, since the home page doesn't need any dynamic
contents.  If so, how to configure both django and apache settings?  and
how can I refer back to the index.html from inside any application?

4- What I have in httpd.conf is  as suggested in
the documentation.  The problem is the only way I could manage Apache to
find the index page of my application was to change the urls of
myproject.  To access the application with apache, I need to type
http:/localhost/myproject/application.  From the django server, which
runs from inside the project directory, if I want to load an application
~ index, I just have to type http://localhost/application!

If you could show me some examples it would be very nice.


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advice location of site for production and devel

2006-04-04 Thread Luis P. Mendes

Hash: SHA1


I'm building my first dynamic web site using Django.  mod_python is
installed and runs well.  I tried the example supplied at its docs.

I thought of having a development site under my /home account and it is
running fine with the django pre-built runserver command.

But, I'd like to copy the project, from time to time to under apache's
htdocs/ for production.  I'm having some problems with it:
EnvironmentError: Could not import DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
'djangoSite.settings.main' (is it on sys.path?):

Even when I edit httpd.conf  to point to the devel directories
it doesn't work as should: I get a list of the files of that directory
and not the view I created.

So, my questions are:
1- Do you usually use different production and development directories?
2- If so, is it possible to post the httpd.conf configuration of the
django and perhaps mod_python definitions?
3- Do I need to change any values in the 'myproject' settings, or to run
any initialization command to put it to work under apache?

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