Re: Multiple File Upload???

2006-08-30 Thread cerealito

Ok, as a reminder, here is the Image model I am using:

class Image(models.Model):
altText = models.CharField(maxlength = 128, null = True, blank =
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/%Y/%m')

The problem is that i want to create multiple objects of this type from
a single upload form (and thus uploading multiple files)

> Your request appears to have multiple files in it, which suggests that your
> template is working fine. As far as I can see, all that remains is to pass
> your request into the Description Manipulator to get_validation_errors,
> do_html2python, and save. This process should handle writing the files to
> disk.

Well No, not exactly, and that's why started this thread. If I call
those methods, only one file (the last one in the form) will get
uploded and its data saved to the database. The rest of the files in
the post request seem to be lost.

The problem relies on the fact that FormWrapper seems to be associated
to one manipulator, and that the manipulator is in turn created by
AddManipulator(), a method from each Model. The Image model would have
to have multiple ImageField fields so that django can save them all,
but anyways that would create *a single Image Object*

So Apparently, if i want to upload multiple files and create with them
an equal number of Image objects, it seems to me that i have to do it
"one by one" (an upload for each post request).

I will try by creating multiple FormWrappers, but I think that will
imply knowing how many files will be uploaded, which is not exactly

Anyways, thanks a lot for your replies. I will keep trying and let you
know what i found.

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Re: Multiple File Upload???

2006-08-29 Thread cerealito

Russ, thanks a lot for your reply.

I have tried the `edit_inline' thing, and it works fine in the admin

In fact, what I want to do is to achieve that but not only in the admin
views but _also_ in my public intefrace views... And that's where i
have this problem.

I'm willing to write some javascript if necessary, but i think the
first part would be to be able to upload 2 different Images in the same
view! I i do:

 for f in request.FILES.getlist('picture_file'):
myMVD = {'picture_file': f}

I see this in the output:
{'picture_file': {'content':
'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82', 'content-type':
'image/png', 'filename': 'back.png'}}
{'picture_file': {'content':
'content-type': 'image/png', 'filename': 'binary.png'}}

Is there anyway that i can catch those and pass them to django
do_html2python() and save() methods?

Thank you so much for your help!

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Re: Multiple File Upload???

2006-08-29 Thread cerealito

Ok, the problem then is, that my model has just a single entity called
What I'm trying to do is asociate multiple image files to multiple
I'm doing this by a intermedaite table:

#Images to be used in descriptions
class Image(models.Model):
altText = models.CharField(maxlength = 128, null = True, blank =
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/%Y/%m')

# Replaces the Many-to-Many Relationship
class ImageInDescription(models.Model):
description = models.ForeignKey(Description,
edit_inline=models.TABULAR, num_in_admin=3)
image = models.ForeignKey(Image, core = True)

class Description(models.Model):
lang = models.ForeignKey(Lang)
description = models.TextField(null = True, blank = True)

That's it. So as you can see in the first class, `Image' is itself an
element to be uploaded. I guess I could add more ImageFields to the
model but that would't make sense, would it?

Isn't there a way to upload as many files as i want to (much like gmail
handles attatchments)
and then associating them to the descriptions?

Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 8/29/06, cerealito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I am trying to upload multiple image files in one of my projects.
> > Single-File upload works fine, but how do I Get to upload many files in
> > the same form?
> ...
> > But my question is... How do I "save" them?
> >
> > imageManipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
> >
> >
> > Wouldn't work...
> It should do. As long as your model contains multiple FileField entries, the
> manipulator should quite happily save the files, one file per file field per
> form. Can you share your actual model, view and template (or pruned versions
> of them)?
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> --=_Part_61688_22258181.1156811004015
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> X-Google-AttachSize: 1132
> On 8/29/06,  class="gmail_sendername">cerealito <mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 
> 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
> Hi everyone,I am trying to upload 
> multiple image files in one of my projects.Single-File upload works fine, 
> but how do I Get to upload many files inthe same 
> form?...
> But my question is... How do I "save" 
> them?imageManipulator.do_html2python(new_data)'t
>  work...It should do.  As long as your model contains 
> multiple FileField entries, the manipulator should quite happily save the 
> files, one file per file field per form. Can you share your actual model, 
> view and template (or pruned versions of them)?
> Yours,Russ Magee %-)
> --=_Part_61688_22258181.1156811004015--

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Multiple File Upload???

2006-08-28 Thread cerealito

Hi everyone,

I am trying to upload multiple image files in one of my projects.
Single-File upload works fine, but how do I Get to upload many files in
the same form?

I have many of these in the templates:
{{ form.picture }} {{ form.picture_file }}

Then on my views i have:
for file in request.FILES.getlist('picture_file'):
print( file )# i can see the dictonary-like
objects in the server output...

But my question is... How do I "save" them?


Wouldn't work...

Can anybody point me into the right direction? I've been browsing
through the docs and I couldn't find any useful info. I'm sure someone
has already passed through this. I would really appreciate any clue.

Thanks in advance.

Django Fan and Newbie #6134

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Re: Urls not matched in production mode [n00b]

2006-08-24 Thread cerealito

Yup, That made it...

Thanks a lot!

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Urls not matched in production mode [n00b]

2006-08-24 Thread cerealito

Hi everyone,

I've been having a great time testing Django and developing a real
However, I've run into some trouble putting my project in a production
Everything works fine in using the development sever, but when I try to
put my project under Apache and mod_python, I get the Django 404 debug
page, indicating that the URL entered [i.e. http://myhost/metadata/ ]
did not match any patterns in my
"Using the URLconf defined in metadata.urls, Django tried these URL
patterns, in this order:

   1. ^admin/
   2. ^$
   3. ^all/$
   4. ^packages/(?P\d+)/$
   9. ^description/create/(?P\d+)/$
  10. ^accounts/login/$
  11. ^logout/$
  12. ^i18n/

The current URL, /metadata/, didn't match any of these."

I just want to have a very basic configuration, so I'm using this under
my httpd.conf:

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    PythonPath "['/home/cerealito'] + sys.path"
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE metadata.settings
PythonDebug On

As you can guess from here, my project is called `metadata' and lives
under `/home/cerealito/metadata'

I've browsed through the list and the tickets, and I could not find any
Am I missing something basic here?

Any hint would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

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