Re: Ajax Jquery

2006-09-29 Thread charles sibbald
book on python www.thinkpython.comOnno Timmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,I started to learn Django this week and have a lot of questions. My background is PHP.I hope to save time with Django and be able to do more.My first question:Many frameworks are working with a ajax framework. I realy like It's easy and very intiutive, the same philosophy as Django has.Second questions:Are there books about Django, and what books do you recomend to get me up to speed with Python!Onno		 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.
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Re: sorting data on list pages, date validation

2006-09-28 Thread charles sibbald
Hi use a _javascript_ widget from that will recevie data for upto 3000 rows, and allow you to sort and filter on the client side. Its quite amazing.If you have a large amount of data/clients you dont want to be fetching data continuously. in the table can be sorted by any column in either ascending or descending order
			Table data can be filtered by exact match, substring or regular _expression_ found in the specified column
			Table data can be broken down by pages of specified size with all the required navigation automatically created
			Flexible arrangement of table elements  (NEW)
			Table row click events handling is available
			Key field can be specified and then passed to row click event handler
			Column cells can be formatted conditionally
			Hiddable table fields - useful if a field is key but should not be displayed (NEW)
			Alternating rows colors, onmouseover row effect and easy row (un)marking with mouse click (UPDATED)
			Every aspect of the table look is configurable with the CSS in familiar for web developers way (UPDATED)
			Each column has its own settings for data type, caption etc.
			Table can be initially sorted (NEW)
			String, number, date and currency values are internally supported (UPDATED)
			Custom data types can be plugged in with correct sorting algorithms (UPDATED)
			Data definition format is compact and easily generated with server side script
			Unlimited number of tables on single page, each independently configurable
			Extremely fast sorting algorithm using indexes is applied (NEW)
			Size optimized to reduce network load
			All popular browsers supported
			Highly optimized algorithms offer good results on large data sets (UPDATED)
			Script takes maximum results from capabilities of the browser used
			External API for data control (NEW)
			Free setup support
			Free updates and discounts for other products
			Plus date processing add-on module: any input and output date formats are supported now (NEW)
			i highly recomend it- Original Message From: Benedict Verheyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:06:51 PMSubject: sorting data on list pages, date validationHI,i have a few questions.1. In my app, i have a list view where several fields are represented intables. Now i want the user to be able to click the columnheader inorder to sort the data.I have _javascript_ code that displays a + or - wether (toggling betweenthe 2) and i made 2 views, 1 for ascending & descending sorting of thecolumns and these views work independently.But when i call the links from my _javascript_ it doesn't seem to work.Are their other more elegant ways of dealing with sorting of data?2. I use the dd/mm/ date format. I created my
 own Validators(without specifying the fields) and it all works. Before the data isshown, i change the date from -MM-DD to dd/mm/.But then off course the validators doesn't work correctly.Only way i can solve this it seems is to specify a fields list and adda custom date validator for my date field.But i don't want to specify the fields (is there a way to have that listgenerated?).Can i override just the date field in a way or maybe just substitute thedate validator without having to go through the creation of the fields?Thanks,Benedict

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Re: I'm so confused...

2006-09-25 Thread charles sibbald
the book from is the best introduction to python and programming around.The book is free and downloadable, and if you like it buy a copy.I have just about every python book printed by major publishers, and this is the only one that actually teaches you to program and program with pythonthe rest are just a bunch of good references for skilled programmers.iain duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Mon, 2006-25-09 at 20:44 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Well Iain perhaps I should shut up and try it first!> > I've set up a laptop to try a clean install of python without> corrupting my current webdev setup.If you're willing to try it, more power to you! I'd recommend picking upa copy of "Beginning Python" by Magnus
 Hetland ( Apress ). There arealso very good tutorials on learning python online linked luck,Iain		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.
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Re: I'm so confused...

2006-09-25 Thread charles sibbald
Here is a brilliant intro to Django here is a brilliant intro to python"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok,I decided that I don't want to spend $1,000s on other people coding mydatabases etc so I thought Django looked pretty good. I read some ofthe code and it seems pretty intuitive (with a lot of hard work!)Now my problem is understanding just what the hell is being said in allthese setup tutorials.Am I right that Django is a command line based language?This might seem a bit silly to you all but I like environments such asdreamweaver with GUIs and options.I have a XAMPP based web server on my WinXP
 system which is nicelyconfigured to serve sites via Virtual Hosts. It took me a good fewhours to configure that!I followed several howtos on setting up django but with no success.Python Paths? WTF?I've been here for hours downloading python 2.4, apache2triad and otherstuff to try and get it to work.Anyway I'd appreciate know exactly the steps needed with some decentexamples on how to set a development server with Django in mind. Itlooks great and I want to develop for it!Perhaps someone can create a series of videos showing a WinXP setup ofDjango?Thank you all for your help and patience!	
		Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

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Re: Rails/Django comparison synopsis

2006-09-11 Thread charles sibbald
dont have all answers to your questions, but Django is powered by python which is more mature than Ruby and has more docs than ruby.and sometimes something overly hyped may just be that...overly hypedDjango docs are comming out at speed alsoi would be interested in developers opinions and info who have solid experience on both django / r-o-rails- Original Message From: Jeff Rodenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:41:14 AMSubject: Rails/Django comparison synopsisI'm trying to get some education on rather quick order and was
 looking for feedback from the Django side of the equation.I've seen a bit of comparison in public forums of Rails and Django.  I'm trying to eval these things from a higher level, or one might call "management" perspective.  (No, I'm not management; I just work for them.  ;-) )
On observation, the frameworks seem rather similar with subtle but key differences, i.e. interpretation of the MVC terminology and structure.  On a quick-read basis, Rails seems to have an advantage of a lot of documentation, more publicity (the Hanson kid sure knows how to work a crowd) and a nice IDE in RadRails.
My question: how would you (you = someone with solid Django background) characterize similarities and differences with Rails?cheers,jeff r.

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Re: Gone live

2006-09-11 Thread charles sibbald
This is great stuff.If you can, please include a very small link to the Django siteany publicity is good publicity.- Original Message From: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Django users Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 5:32:57 PMSubject: Gone liveI hope this isn't inappropriate for the list, but I just wanted to saymy first Django site,, has gone live. This was a majorproject for me, dragging 10 years of static pages into a usabledatabase-driven app, and I couldn't have done it without the help ofthe
 folks on this board, and (I don't know if he checks in here), JeffCroft, who helped me out on more points than I can count.Thanks, guys! I hope I can someday give back some of what I've taken.

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Re: How about a Django apps public repository?

2006-09-11 Thread charles sibbald
Ok agreed, full applications, reusable snippets, templatetages etc.regarding forums/mailing lists, if we can have a forum/mailing list interface then thats great.- Original Message From: Marc Fargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Monday, September 11, 2006 2:20:55 PMSubject: Re: How about a Django apps public repository?Full applications, patches and snippets? (like templatetags,filters,middlewares...)Forums sucks, any decent mail client can show a list ordered bythreads, and any mail manager can create archives for a list easysearchable by
 Google. Any decent python script can send mails tomailling lists on svn commits. Sincerelly, forums are anoying.mailling lists rock. Look at googlegroups. Those are mailling lists,you can use them as forums if you wish. But you are free to use listsoff-line, save them on the disk, forward a message, CC it to somebodyalready interested and so on No matter on a list <> foruminterface, but forums alone suck. List managers rock!!On 9/11/06, charles sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>> I think Djangoforge should have the ability to host projects as follows:>> 1. Full projects> 2. Useful Classes> 3. Useful Functions ->> similar to a mini hotscripts, sometimes someone has written a great> project/application but no one has the time to trall through to look for> particular featureful classes/functions, and it would be great to have the> ability
 to list these seperately when one feels they have had a stroke of> genius and have written a class/function they feel is simply amazing.>> Also can we have a forum rather than mailing lists, they are anoying and not> the easiest to store knowledge on problems/resolutions>> regards>> charles.>>> - Original Message > From: Marc Fargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To:> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 1:26:25 PM> Subject: Re: How about a Django apps public repository?>>>> Oh, I was going for .ORG! Luckylly I read the list before going for it ;)>> If you, or another volunteer can setup a system (debian etch> preferred) I can go on configuring the mailling lists, the TRAC> hosting, SVN repositories and so on (and some scripts to manage them).> It would be better to use a VPS
 on its own for security.>> So, if anybody has a spare debian etch VPS around there ... ;)) Then> we can get what Ian is working on and tie everything toghether. I'll> be on IRC during the afternoon (telenieko)>> Cheers,> Marc.>> On 9/11/06, Sean Schertell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > Okay then, let's do it :-)> >> > I can get started in October putting this together. I have servers,> > bandwidth, and general webdev skills. I've registered> > for us to use, and I can commit to maintaining the site.> >> > Any other volunteers for helping to develop the system? Any other> > apps contributions?> >> > Also, more thoughts on how you'd like to see this implemented would> > be much appreciated. How would you like this site to work? What> > features do we need at a
 minimum?> >> > Thanks!> >> > Sean> >> >> >> > On Sep 9, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Jeff Forcier wrote:> >> > >> > > Sean Schertell wrote:> > >>> > >> Any other contributors?> > >> > > I've got a handful of templatetags, which while somewhat outdated> > > (built against ~0.91) should still be useful. I also have a (very)> > > small forums app which I plan on expanding when I find the time,> > > although it would need some cleanup to use outside of the site it's> > > currently in.> > >> > > There are a couple of other things I've written up but one of them> > > sucks and the other one is really just documentation which should> > > go in> > > a blog post or on the Django wiki.> >
 >> > >> > > >> > >> > >> >> >   DataFly.Net  > > Complete Web Services> >> >> >> > >> >>>> --> The probability of failure of a (computer) system is exponentially> proportional to the physical distance between it and the one who could> fix it. -- Martin F. Krafft>>>  >>>-- The probability of failure of a (computer) system is exponentiallyproportional to the physical distance between it and the one who couldfix it. -- Martin F. Krafft

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Re: How about a Django apps public repository?

2006-09-11 Thread charles sibbald
I think Djangoforge should have the ability to host projects as follows:1. Full projects2. Useful Classes3. Useful Functions - similar to a mini hotscripts, sometimes someone has written a great project/application but no one has the time to trall through to look for particular featureful classes/functions, and it would be great to have the ability to list these seperately when one feels they have had a stroke of genius and have written a class/function they feel is simply amazing.Also can we have a forum rather than mailing lists, they are anoying and not the easiest to store knowledge on problems/resolutionsregardscharles.- Original Message From: Marc Fargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Monday, September 11, 2006 1:26:25 PMSubject: Re: How about a Django apps public repository?Oh, I was going for .ORG! Luckylly I read the list before going for it ;)If you, or another volunteer can setup a system (debian etchpreferred) I can go on configuring the mailling lists, the TRAChosting, SVN repositories and so on (and some scripts to manage them).It would be better to use a VPS on its own for security.So, if anybody has a spare debian etch VPS around there ... ;)) Thenwe can get what Ian is working on and tie everything toghether. I'llbe on IRC during the afternoon (telenieko)Cheers,Marc.On 9/11/06, Sean Schertell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> Okay then, let's do it :-)>> I can get started in October
 putting this together. I have servers,> bandwidth, and general webdev skills. I've registered> for us to use, and I can commit to maintaining the site.>> Any other volunteers for helping to develop the system? Any other> apps contributions?>> Also, more thoughts on how you'd like to see this implemented would> be much appreciated. How would you like this site to work? What> features do we need at a minimum?>> Thanks!>> Sean On Sep 9, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Jeff Forcier wrote:>> >> > Sean Schertell wrote:> >>> >> Any other contributors?> >> > I've got a handful of templatetags, which while somewhat outdated> > (built against ~0.91) should still be useful. I also have a (very)> > small forums app which I plan on expanding when I find the time,>
 > although it would need some cleanup to use outside of the site it's> > currently in.> >> > There are a couple of other things I've written up but one of them> > sucks and the other one is really just documentation which should> > go in> > a blog post or on the Django wiki.> >> >> > >> >> >>>   DataFly.Net  > Complete Web Services>>>> >>-- The probability of failure of a (computer) system is exponentiallyproportional to the physical distance between it and the one who couldfix it. -- Martin F. Krafft

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Re: How about a Django apps public repository?

2006-09-09 Thread charles sibbald
I have a dual processor opteron server located in a Tier 1 internet site at manchester university.We could probably use this, I currently have it set up to serve VPS's  specific to Django and would be willing to use it also for this purpose.- Original Message From: Marc Fargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:01:22 PMSubject: Re: How about a Django apps public repository?On 9/8/06, Jeff Forcier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Well, I would imagine that many other Djangonauts have their owncheapish hosting that they use for personal websites or other projects,which are more than capable of handling Trac. I mean, I can't be theonly person who already has a $40/mo VPS with a ton of bandwidth
available, right?You're not alone! I also have a server out there which currently only handles a mailling list... (the HD broke down and hadn't had time /willing to upload my site again, I'm watting for a nice blog app for django for that.. hehehe)...
Unless the Django community is a lot bigger than I think it is, or myestimates of the processing power needed to host a Trac site are way
off (both quite possible, of course) I'd wager I could host such asystem on my own resources, and I'd also wager there are folks outthere with more such resources available.Maybe the community is big, but sure there are not "too many" contributions to kill a server ;)  Maybe the biggest issue is to automattically create trac's and subversion repositories but it shouldn't be too hard. So if there is a common willing of getting this up we can go over it! And with two servers at least we can do backups ;))
Not everything has to be 100% free as in beer :)Maybe someday... someday near 2111011. 
By the way, to the DNS admin, would it be possible to get a CNAME for ? ;oP
or .. hehe.The question: Who would really like, and activelly support that initiative? (having a repository of un-official templatetags, filters, patches and applications)

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Re: Generic views table sort

2006-09-05 Thread charles sibbald
take a look at table sorting and pagination, simply amazing- Original Message From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Django users Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:13:55 AMSubject: Generic views table sortHi,I'm using 'object_list' for getting object list and now I need to addcolumn sorting in my table.I am new to both python & Django, and readcontrib/admin/teamplates,tamplatetags many times and can't understandhowpagination &
 column sorting works in Admin panel.Also tried a _javascript_ 'sorttables' from which is agood solutionbut it only sorts a displayed table (on client side), so it does notworkwell when using pagination.Is anybody of some source where templatetag has been used for columnsorting ? (not talking about django admin, it's too hard coded for meat leastat the moment).If generic views are the problem here I can ommit it, though paginationwill not be so easy then.I was considering using a schema below:model name "Test" with fields "name","date"url: /Test/byName/, /Test/ByDate/ all pointing to my generic view withextra_context  sort variable defined, and then using dictsort| tag .More.. I've tried with request.GET. dict to get &sort=
 variable,but it's too complicated as I'm loosing it when going to next page.Seems like templatetag is the best solution. Anyone doing sort withtemplatetag ?Thanks,Robert

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Re: Returning images with Django

2006-09-04 Thread charles sibbald
im doing something similar, I have set up a link from my webserver which is not a very big machine, to my NAS box using standard linux networking protocols...this may not be the best way to do it, but it works- Original Message From: Filipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Django users Sent: Monday, September 4, 2006 12:09:40 PMSubject: Returning images with DjangoHi all,I need to make some images available on my django website that arestored on an internal file server. The idea would be that Django wouldbe listening to requests for those images, the
 respective view wouldread the bytes for the requested image (which would be availablelocally via samba) and return the bytes to the web browser.Can the HttpResponse returned by a View object contain an image? arethere any examples?Is this possible and the best way to do it?thanks in advance

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Re: put some initial data in the db

2006-09-01 Thread charles sibbald
Hi Mikah,     Would you be willing to share your script, minus anything to sensitive.     Regards     charlesmazurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Another option, which may or may not be acceptable, is to write an SQLscript containing the necessary INSERTs and run it using yourdatabase's command line client, after syncdb has run.I do this because syncdb seems to break when runningmyapp/sql/mymodel.sql files when they contain newlines (no idea why).Plus, I have to do things like create views and stored procedures,which are very database-specific things anyway.I automate the whole process with a shell script that drop-creates thedatabase, runs syncdb, then runs the view- and storedprocedure-creating
 script.- mikah		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: Django on shared hosting - no effect until restart

2006-08-30 Thread charles sibbald
in the last few days it seems everyone is going the mod_python route for this and a few other stability issues...i am also struggling with the same problems and decisions as to what route to take.viestards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm trying to setup shared Django hosting on FreeBSD with Apache, butI have to restart Apache every time when I want changes to takeeffect, insead of  simply touching file.Calling FastCGI file directly have same results- no effect until restart.Is this FastCGI problem or I have to look somewhere else?		Get your email and more, right on the  new 

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Re: Redirect from button event?

2006-08-30 Thread charles sibbald
Better to have multiple DIVs and bring up a new DIV dynamically based on the choice.This little "AJAX" way is quicker and cleaner.When you talk about data you mean large data grid with inital form requiring base input range and selection criteria, the  the user clicks submit and a large table of data is generated and can be filtered sorted etc.?regardscharlesRussell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 8/31/06, frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is clearly not the "Django way", but is there some way in whichthis might
 be accomplished?Can you make the button an  inside a , where myurl is either: 1) the location you want the button to go to, or 2) a URL that will redirect based on which button was pressed?Yours,Russ Magee %-)  		Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

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Re: Creating new apps

2006-08-29 Thread charles sibbald
Hi Guillermo,Thanks for the help.I have been on your SVN, but how do i tell Django that each little app has its own is putting it in the directory enough to automatically let django know that each little app has its own for authenticating users, do i use django.contrib.auth, which is the same as the admin system.I dont want users to have access to my backend system.RegardsCharles- Original Message From: Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:
 django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:47:51 PMSubject: Re: Creating new appsHi,I did my own homepage ( where I have several"applications" done together.As I understood after asking in the list and looking at severalproject svn trees, the 2nd way seems to be prefered for a sizableapplication. It allows modularity and reusability.What I do is have a name for the general project and all the appsthere. Each app has its own, and I let users define their that will include the of each application depending ofthe ones they want to add or use.You can have a look at the code here: it helps.GOn 8/29/06, casibbald
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> I have been through the Django tutorial, but there is something it does> not clearly outline.>> After creating a project, I have to create my first App, which in the> tutorial it was Polls.>> I now want to start working on my own Application and wonder what the> best structure is for a sizable application which I hope it will grow> to as I learn more.>> So option 1.>> Project --- App -- Views (multiple views for my whole project)>> Option 2.>> Project --- App1 -- Views> Project --- App2 -- Views> Project --- App3 -- Views> Project --- App4 -- Views>> Multiple component apps to the whole project?>> and if option 2 is the better route to go, then for example would the> following be a good example.>>> Project ---
 Auth-- Views - Registration>  Login>  Pass-Reminder> Project --- Dashboard   -- Views -
 Welcome>  Report 1 + n> Project --- Account --
 Views>  Address>  Credit Details> Project --- App + n -- Views>>> The issue I have been having is this, how best to then setup my URLs?,> as the tutorial does not explain how to have many apps in the same> file>>> >>

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Re: Django working but cant load stylesheet or images on my app

2006-08-28 Thread charles sibbald
Hi Malcom.Ive tried this and it does not work "Static setting"any other ideasregardscharles- Original Message From: Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: django-users@googlegroups.comSent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:32:17 PMSubject: Re: Django working but cant load stylesheet or images on my appOn Mon, 2006-08-28 at 11:18 -0700, casibbald wrote:> Hi everyone,> > I have been learning django and got my devel server up and running, I> can access the admin section after going though the tutorial.> > I have got my own application
 going, and running the examples but with> my own templates I can not get my stylesheet or images loaded.See .Regards,Malcolm

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Django working but cant load stylesheet or images on my app

2006-08-28 Thread charles sibbald
Hi everyone,I have been learning django and got my devel server up and running, I can access the admin section after going though the tutorial.I have got my own application going, and running the examples but with my own templates I can not get my stylesheet or images loaded.the following is my template.:#">{% block title %}{% endblock %}{% block extrastyle %}{% endblock %}{% block extrahead %}{% endblock
 %}{% load i18n %}            Welcome, casibbald            [Sign Out]                     {% block topnavigation %}                 File   
                  Item          Item          Item          Item                           
  {% endblock %}                         {% block leftmenu %}                                        Menu                                                                                              Create                Edit                New                Add                Delete                                  {% endblock %}                          {% block breadcrumb %}        Home » Item        {% endblock %}                               
                  {% block content %}Content Goes here{% endblock %}                                   {% block footer %}            © 2006 OpenTelcom Inc.  About Us  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Use  home  |  your account   |   services   |   products   |   support  |  contacts              {% endblock %}#The following is my settings file:# password / DB details omitted.# Django settings for openbilling project.DEBUG = TrueTEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUGMANAGERS = ADMINS# Local time zone for this installation. All choices can be found here:# = 'GMT'# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:#$15LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'SITE_ID = 1# Absolute path to the directory that holds media.MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/vhosts/'# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT.MEDIA_URL = 'http://localhost'# URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, _javascript_ and images. Make sure to use a# trailing slash.# Examples: "", "/media/".ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody.SECRET_KEY = '_!8n+huqergqeh+'# List of callables that know how to import templates from various
 sources.TEMPLATE_LOADERS = (   
 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',    'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',# 'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',)MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (    'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',    'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',    'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',    'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',)ROOT_URLCONF = 'openbilling.urls'TEMPLATE_DIRS = (    "/var/www/vhosts/",)INSTALLED_APPS = (    'django.contrib.auth',    'django.contrib.contenttypes',    'django.contrib.sessions',    'django.contrib.sites',   
 'django.contrib.admin',    'openbilling.polls',)#my directory structure is as follows:/var/www/vhosts/opentelcom.organd below it:project/openbilling    media           images   js   stylesheets    templates   admin   application    polls
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