FW: Happy Resurrection 2023

2023-03-27 Thread Philip Benjamin

Poem Easter 2023 Ascended  Philip Benjamin
Adonai owned one's are begotten to an endless living hope
Sola Gratia the Risen Redeemer cancelling sentence of death
Condemnation changed to transformation, eternal glorious liberty
Edenic edict of guilty verdict vicariously nixed for willing acceptors
Never again more terror of fear of death subjected to life bondage
Delivered justified, begotten again with a living hope, safe and secure
Emboldened extrinsically the inner man nourished by Sola Scriptura
Davidic roots destined from Theanthropic Zygote to triumphant zenith

Note.  Theanthropic Zygote:  Almighty is mighty enough for direct geneticsn 
without male female union.
   Philip Benjamin
Easter 2023

Everything List 
Subject: Journal. Womenio.com Paganism & Tattoos
[Philip Benjamin]   Read below in article by Sylvia Silverstone in Journal.  
Womenio.com .<mailto:bianjie...@hotmail.com>
  Contrasts between  unregenerated/WAMP  &  regenerated/ Sola Scriptura 
A. WAMP [Western (World) Acade-Media Pagan(ism]:
1 .Natural and raw pan-Gaia-n  earth worship(er) with aseity of dead matter (no 
life) to solve infinite regress in Causality Law.
2 . Conformism to world order or disorder.
3 .  Fear, hopelessness, angst, guilt meaninglessness and despair.
4 . Self-reformation by mental and physical exercises or techniques such as 
meditation, yoga, drugs, occultism, sorcery, compromises, appeasements, instant 
gratifications indulgences., perversions
5 . Unitary cosmic consciousness, or mono or poly theism.
6 . There is no 7-day week or 2-day weekend in any pagan worldly record 
including astronomy, (Ptolemaic) or astrology or religion. 
B . Sola Scriptura  Transformation:
1 . Regenerated. or Reborn consciousness by Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural) with aseity and generating both dead matter and life forms. 
What is more rational
A-1 or B -1 ?
2 .  Sola Scriptura cancellation of genetically encoded Capital Death Sentence 
for willful Cosmic Insubordination.
3 . Willing acceptance of vicarious death of the Sentencer and Resurrection, 
ascension, imminent Return. That was first typified by the Passover, the 
Atonement (Scapegoat) and the Levitical Altar Ordinances.
3 . Necessarily, the Sentencer became  "in fullness of time" a Theanthropic 
Zygote without male and female agency.
4 .  Sabbath, and Sabbatical are strictly and exclusively Sola Scriptura 
statutes nowhere else; subsequently after Resurrection the Ordinance of Lord's 
Table was ordained first daily  antetype to daily Temple sacrifices (Acts 2:46 
in the Temple) and then every First Day (Acts 20:7). This could be . acceptable 
only with 100% Jewish membership of the early Church.
5 . Angelic beings were individually created with immortality   and free will.
6 . Humans were  procreated, initially with "free will" but only potentially 

Notes:  1 . The word "gentile" was coined by KJV Bible translators conveniently 
perhaps to avoid referring to England  (or Europe including Catholicism & 
Orthodoxy) as heathen  meaning "foreign" or pagan, meaning earth/Gaia- worship.
2 . 'Sovereign will' includes freely both 'will to know' and 'will 
not-to-know', a necessary "determinant" of foreknowledge.
3 . "Woke consciousness" has produced totalitarianism-Marxist, Socialist, 
4 . Individual Sola Scriptura  "Awakened  consciousness" (Patriarchal, 
Augustinian, Puritan) produced :life, liberty ans pursuit of private  property.
5 .Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry for prutative and  prospective exploration  
 https://core.ac.uk/display/21767122. 2012.  Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2. 
Amrit S. Sorli ;  "Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit? Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry 
& Your Invisible Doppelganger". Sunbury Press, PA. February 2013. ISBN: 
978-1-62006-182-4 ;  

FW: Journal. Womenio.com Paganism & Tattoos

2023-03-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
From: Philip Benjamin  : 
Subject: Journal. Womenio.com Paganism & Tattoos

[Philip Benjamin]   Read below in article by Sylvia Silverstone in Journal.  
Womenio.com .<mailto:bianjie...@hotmail.com>
  Contrasts between  unregenerated/WAMP  &  regenerated/ Sola Scriptura 
A. WAMP [Western (World) Acade-Media Pagan(ism]:
1 .Natural and raw pan-Gaia-n  earth worship(er) with aseity of dead matter (no 
life) to solve infinite regress in Causality Law.
2 . Conformism to world order or disorder.
3 .  Fear, hopelessness, angst, guilt meaninglessness and despair.
4 . Self-reformation by mental and physical exercises or techniques such as 
meditation, yoga, drugs, occultism, sorcery, compromises, appeasements, instant 
gratifications indulgences., perversions.
5 . Unitary cosmic consciousness, or mono or poly theism.
6 . There is no 7-day week or 2-day weekend in any pagan worldly record 
including astronomy, (Ptolemaic) or astrology or religion.
B . Sola Scriptura  Transformation:
1 . Regenerated. or Reborn consciousness by Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural) with aseity and generating both dead matter and life forms. 
What is more reasonable,
A-1 or B -1 ?
2 .  Sola Scriptura cancellation of genetically encoded Capital Death Sentence 
for willful Cosmic Insubordination.
3 . Willing acceptance of vicarious death of the Sentencer and Resurrection, 
ascension, imminent Return. That was first typified by the Passover, the 
Atonement (Scapegoat) and the Levitical Altar Ordinances.
3 . Necessarily, the Sentencer became  "in fullness of time" a Theanthropic 
Zygote without male and female agency.
4 .  Sabbath, and Sabbatical are strictly and exclusively Sola Scriptura 
statutes nowhere else; subsequently after Resurrection the Ordinance of Lord's 
Table was ordained first daily  antetype to daily Temple sacrifices (Acts 2:46 
in the Temple) and then every First Day (Acts 20:7). This could be . acceptable 
only with 100% Jewish membership of the early Church.
5 . Angelic beings were individually created with immortality   and free will.
6 . Humans were  procreated, initially with "free will" but only potentially 

Notes:  1 . The word "gentile" was coined by KJV Bible translators conveniently 
perhaps to avoid referring to England  (or Europe including Catholicism & 
Orthodoxy) as heathen  meaning "foreign" or pagan, meaning earth/Gaia- worship.
2 . 'Sovereign will' includes freely both 'will to know' and 'will 
not-to-know', a necessary determinant of foreknowledge.
3. Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry for prospective exploration  
 https://core.ac.uk/display/21767122. 2012.  Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2. 
Amrit S. Sorli ;  "Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit? Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry 
& Your Invisible Doppelganger". Sunbury Press, PA. February 2013. ISBN: 
978-1-62006-182-4 ;  

[Sylvia Silverstone]  Journal.  Womenio.com   Paganism & Tattoos
   Story by Sylvia Silverstone. 1-2-2023
   "However, the very core of the Christian teaching about how to get to Heaven 
is by believing in Jesus Christ and doing as much good as possible while you 
are still living. This is why good people who believe in Christ can go to 
Heaven, regardless of whether they have tattoos or not". Leviticus 19:28, "You 
shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am 
the Lord Based on scholars, the verse refers to the mourning rituals that 
pagans commonly did during the time of Moses. At the time, pagans mourned their 
loved ones by scarring themselves to increase their pain and sorrow.".
[Philip Benjamin]
 Definitions:  Paganism is pan-Gaia-n = Earth-worship(er). In ancient 
Israel a heathen is a strange o

FW: Ending Entropy Eschatologically

2023-02-14 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Ending Entropy Eschatologically
That Is Redemption  History. Beginning & Ending of Death .
Genesis 2:17.  “….but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall 
not eat, for in the day that you eat of it 
 shall surely die.”
Genesis 3: 19,“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you 
return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to 
dust you will return.”
Romans 5:17. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they 
which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign 
in life by one, Jesus Christ.)”
Hebrew s 9:27.. Just as people are appointed to die once, and after that to 
face judgment,” .
John 10: 10. “The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I 
am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
John 11:17-27. “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one 
who believes in me will live, even though they die;”.
1 Thessalonians 4:17. “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be 
caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so 
we will be with the Lord forever.”
2Corinthians 1:10.  “Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: 
in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;”
Revelation 21:4,   “ …..  There will be no more death
Philip Benjamin
….. “

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RE: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city

2023-01-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   Critical thinking-not WAMP-ish Marxist authoritarianism-requires now 
speculating  “Missing Luminosity” and a new “Mass-Luminosity Equation”  in lieu 
of “Missing Matter”!!!  Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy100 via Everything List 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3:56 PM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city

The astronomers don't fully explain or justify because they cannot, yet. 
Physicists often follow along unless they's doing cosmology? Or, need to make 
some cash doing an interview or publishing a non-peer reviewed article.

Thing is, it may decades till we fund equipment better than we have funded so 
far. Also, I figure the father off-earth, the better the measurement. So being 
able to place scopes and detectors on the lunar backside and the edge of the 
Oort Cloud (probably this side not the farside of Oort will revolutionize our 
knowledge. If it glows it shows, yes. But there is crap out there with mass 
that maybe doesn't show? It's theirs's to prove. Yeah the galaxies tug and spin 
by something? Or do the astronomers have physics wrong? Maybe, speculating, 
perhaps Kurt Goedel, Einstein's pal at Princeton is correct? The Universe may 
rotate, although so far there is zero evidence!!!


Like I said no evidence of this at all. Theories over time will get revised, 
changed, dumped.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2023 10:55 am
Subject: RE: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city
[Philip Benjamin]
 “Missing Mass” was determined first by Fritz Zwicky from gravitation and 
luminosity measurements.  measurements. Vera Rubin and others determined by 
gravitational measurements alone.
  December 13, 2012
“Measurements of total mass based on gravity did not match the estimated total 
mass based on the sum of luminous material within the galaxy. In fact, it was 
400 times greater than previously estimated.” L ∝ M 3.5  
What happens to luminosity relationship in MoND?
Philip Benjamin

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RE: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city

2023-01-10 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 “Missing Mass” was determined first by Fritz Zwicky from gravitation and 
luminosity measurements.  measurements. Vera Rubin and others determined by 
gravitational measurements alone.
  December 13, 2012
“Measurements of total mass based on gravity did not match the estimated total 
mass based on the sum of luminous material within the galaxy. In fact, it was 
400 times greater than previously estimated.” L ∝ M 3.5  
What happens to luminosity relationship in MoND?
Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy100 via Everything List 
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2023 5:46 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city

New measurements support the idea that dark matter doesn’t exist 

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Planets Aligning In Very Rare Event : it's important to acknowledge its meaning

2023-01-06 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   So what? So many rare events, so many times!  Nothing of any concerns to any 
Philip Benjamin
Every Planet In The Sol Aligning In Very Rare Event ar System Planets 
Aligning In Very Rare Event Is Aligning In Very Rare Event, This Is What It 
Means For You
Just in time for a fresh start with the beginning of 2023, every planet in the 
sky is aligning in formation. The energy of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and 
Saturn is all coming together to a point where they can be observed with the 
naked eye in the night sky. Events like this are very rare, and the next one 
isn't till 2492.
That's why it's important to acknowledge its meaning and take advantage of the 
energy shift for a powerful beginning of the new year. Here's what that means 
for you.

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RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

2023-01-02 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin] These questions are irrelevant to WAMP-the-Ingrate!!

  1.  Who, what where, how caused Reformation?  Established Church? Roman monks 
and clerics?  Atheists? Scientists? Greco-Roman pagans?
  2.   When, how,  where, why modern science began? What or who caused it?
  3.What caused modern or colonial expeditions and investigations? 
Landlocked Islam that stopped all Western access to the Eastern trade and 
commerce? Or liberty and tolerance of alien cultures?

Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy100  Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2023 12:43 AM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 

Ok, just to be clear you are indicating that pure, Christianity started with 
The Protestant Reformation? So, is Martin Luther the founder of The Church, or 
Henry the 8th, Calvin? John Knox? We still go back to the sciences which 
dictate to us, no matter what one's philosophical views are, it is what one can 
produce in real life?
-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: Everything List 
Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2022 3:13 pm
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
[Philip Benjamin]
   . Nothing pertinent. What is relevant here is that occultism is 
paganism, pagans have been transformed without self-reformation. Moses was an 
adopted Egyptian murder prince, Saul of Tarsus qas a murder, pharisee Rabii, 
Augustine was a Greco-Roman pagan profligate. Nothing to do with unregenerated 
“conscious” states. And so many ordinary peoples besides.
Philip Benjamin
Friday, December 30, 2022 11:00 AM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>; 
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
spudboy100@<mailto:spudboy...@aol.com> ; 
 I know little of the Church fathers am not sure of Paul of Tarsus 
(Tent maker for the Roman legions) was a Rabbi. But,He was for you guys, 
nevertheless, on his road to Tarsus! I did learn this year that most of the 
bishops were the sons of Roman senators who still inherited the manors after 
the Sack of Rome in 476 AD., It really expanded the Church origins for me. They 
made the structure of The Church identical to the fallen empire. For me it 
explained a lot of Europe's history, its religion, its class system, and so 
forth. Not to mention the Eastern Empire which continued for 9 centuries before 
it got absorbed into Islam. 1453 AD.

How the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 Changed History Forever 

If the vast, amount of scientific research is conducted by 
Pagans-Atheists-Agnostics, and they generate the preponderance of the 
measurable data with, (repeatable experiments) what are you going to do? I 
suppose we shall wait for The Book of Revelations to finally play out, and The 
Hero to return to the stage to judge the living and the dead?
Do you think the new heaven and the new earth will be from this?
spudboy100@<mailto:spudboy...@aol.com> ; 
​  Dyson spheres: The key to resurrection and immortality? - Big 
 (Be warned, Pagan!)

Cosmic chocolate pralines? General neutron star structure revealed 

Happy New Year to All!
Cosmologically speaking that is.


RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

2022-12-30 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   . Nothing pertinent. What is relevant here is that occultism is 
paganism, pagans have been transformed without self-reformation. Moses was an 
adopted Egyptian murder prince, Saul of Tarsus qas a murder, pharisee Rabii, 
Augustine was a Greco-Roman pagan profligate. Nothing to do with unregenerated 
“conscious” states. And so many ordinary peoples besides.
Philip Benjamin
Friday, December 30, 2022 11:00 AM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
spudboy100@<mailto:spudboy...@aol.com> ; 
 I know little of the Church fathers am not sure of Paul of Tarsus 
(Tent maker for the Roman legions) was a Rabbi. But,He was for you guys, 
nevertheless, on his road to Tarsus! I did learn this year that most of the 
bishops were the sons of Roman senators who still inherited the manors after 
the Sack of Rome in 476 AD., It really expanded the Church origins for me. They 
made the structure of The Church identical to the fallen empire. For me it 
explained a lot of Europe's history, its religion, its class system, and so 
forth. Not to mention the Eastern Empire which continued for 9 centuries before 
it got absorbed into Islam. 1453 AD.

How the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 Changed History Forever 

If the vast, amount of scientific research is conducted by 
Pagans-Atheists-Agnostics, and they generate the preponderance of the 
measurable data with, (repeatable experiments) what are you going to do? I 
suppose we shall wait for The Book of Revelations to finally play out, and The 
Hero to return to the stage to judge the living and the dead?
Do you think the new heaven and the new earth will be from this?
spudboy100@<mailto:spudboy...@aol.com> ; 
​  Dyson spheres: The key to resurrection and immortality? - Big 
 (Be warned, Pagan!)

Cosmic chocolate pralines? General neutron star structure revealed 

Happy New Year to All!
Cosmologically speaking that is.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin 
To: Everything List 
Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2022 10:54 am
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
[Philip Benjamin]
 I remember a high elected member of the federal government who was very 
conservative with respect to classical norms and mores abruptly endorsing 
alternate lifestyle correct and normal when a close relative came out of the 
  The question here is, what makes modern paganism ( ancient heathenism) 
different from a rebirth or regeneration life and consequent culture or ethos. 
Physical BIRTH for a person is ONLY once. So also, REBIRTH is ONLY once by 
regeneration. Augustinian transformation is an example. Myriads of others can 
be cited—Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus etc. A transformation is 
reformation, but all reformations but not vice versa. That is a historical and 
historic difference with distinction.  WAMP the-Ingrate knows not!!
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemaryvia Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:47 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal pr

RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

2022-12-30 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
[Philip Benjamin]
 I remember a high elected member of the federal government who was very 
conservative with respect to classical norms and mores abruptly endorsing 
alternate lifestyle correct and normal when a close relative came out of the 
  The question here is, what makes modern paganism ( ancient heathenism) 
different from a rebirth or regeneration life and consequent culture or ethos. 
Physical BIRTH for a person is ONLY once. So also, REBIRTH is ONLY once by 
regeneration. Augustinian transformation is an example. Myriads of others can 
be cited-Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus etc. A transformation is 
reformation, but all reformations but not vice versa. That is a historical and 
historic difference with distinction.  WAMP the-Ingrate knows not!!
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:47 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 

Dear Philip ,

What a wonderfully useful link 
 2016. Thank you

Being interested in the occult is not satanism

Lewis Carroll had a large library of occult books 

Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln was clearly open to spiritual communication 
and the reason I say this is because he used the services of a medium called 
Nettie Colburn. Most of what Nettie achieved under trance conditions for him, 
could only have been achieved by there being very strong inter composer 
communication between the two of them. Furthermore both Abraham Lincoln and his 
wife were believers in the spiritual world and the power of mediums.

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RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

2022-12-28 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Not only WAMP-the-Ingrate, the WHITE HOUSE, governments, businesses, many 
churches, synagogues, religious centers etc. are deep into occultism ( even in 
the past,  Russian Rasputin, Tzar Nicholas, Hitler, British Royals etc.)  
References below. Trickeries of the real entities of darkness!
References. The Occult Connections of Hillary Clinton
 2016.In September 2006, Prince Charles publicly revealed what can arguably 
be called "the Secret Doctrine of the Occult" in a 16-minute long, 
specially-videotaped address to the Sacred Web Conference at the University of 
Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Queen Elizabeth I & Francis Walsingham
Five Creepy Royal Family Facts  April 14, 2017 By: A.L.Cuin
10 Royals Who Dabbled in the Occult  by Lorna Wallace
  The Occult Connections of Hillary Clinton
   Hillary Clinton Referred to as Satanic, Occult High Priestess

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
 On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:34 PM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Subject: A paranormal prediction for the next year

One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. 
One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.


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RE: Physics? Ok Astronomers view 2 distant Water Worlds so following the physics I ask..

2022-12-28 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: Physics? Ok Astronomers view 2 distant Water Worlds so following 
the physics I ask..

[Philip Benjamin]
  No laws no physics. No laws, no chemistry, no biology, no logic, no 
scince, no business, no government, no language-no nothing!! Yes, even nothing 
has laws!!! Matter and energy are all governed by laws. Laws of physics and 
chemistry govern the properties of matter. If Dark-Matter is real, then it also 
MUST be governed by LAWS-immutable LAWS. Laws cannot precede analytical 
intelligence. Intelligence is an integral part of Personhood. Only a Person can 
be a Lawgiver. An amorphous glob of SOMETHING is not Personhood. This is also 
the issue of aseity. What is more rational-dead matter giving 
(trans-speciating) LIFE, or is it ETERNAL LIFE producing dead matter and life 
forms? WAMP-the-Ingrate and other Marxist pagans are groping in incognito 
territory, of outer darkness!!
Philip Benjamin
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Jason Resch
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 11:26 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Physics? Ok Astronomers view 2 distant Water Worlds so following 
the physics I ask..

On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 4:52 PM mailto:spudboy...@aol.com>> 
A well-covered essay you have there, Jason.

Thank you!

This almost goes to the essays by a few physicists which asks, "Are there any 
I would say yes, or perhaps evolving laws in an evolving cosmos? But I am not 
the astronomer or physicist.


I am quite partial to some of the ideas that the laws, as we see them, have 
much to do with the kind of observers we happen to be. I have collected 
numerous quotes from physicists who have thought along these lines here:

and here:

Here are a couple examples:

"The top down approach we have described leads to a profoundly different view 
of cosmology, and the relation between cause and effect. Top down cosmology is 
a framework in which one essentially traces the histories backwards, from a 
spacelike surface at the present time. The no boundary histories of the 
universe thus depend on what is being observed, contrary to the usual idea that 
the universe has a unique, observer independent history. In some sense no 
boundary initial conditions represent a sum over all possible initial states."

-- Stephen 
 and Thomas 

RE: Physics? Ok Astronomers view 2 distant Water Worlds so following the physics I ask..

2022-12-28 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  No laws no physics. laws, no chemistry, no biology, no logic, no scince, 
no business, no government, no language-no nothing!! Yes, even nothing has 
laws!!! Matter and energy are all governed by laws. Laws of physics and 
chemistry govern the properties of matter. If Dark-Matter is real, then it also 
MUST be governed by LAWS-immutable LAWS. Laws cannot precede analytical 
intelligence. Intelligence, which is an integral part of Personhood. Only a 
Person can be a Lawgiver. An amorphous glob of SOMETHING is not Personhood. 
This is also he issue of aseity. What is more rational-dead matter giving 
(trans-speciating) LIFE, or is it ETERNAL LIFE producing dead matter and life 
forms? WAMP-the-Ingrate and other Marxist pagans are groping in incognito 
territory, of outer darkness!!
Philip Benjamin
  From: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Jason Resch
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 11:26 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Physics? Ok Astronomers view 2 distant Water Worlds so following 
the physics I ask..

On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 4:52 PM mailto:spudboy...@aol.com>> 
A well-covered essay you have there, Jason.

Thank you!

This almost goes to the essays by a few physicists which asks, "Are there any 
I would say yes, or perhaps evolving laws in an evolving cosmos? But I am not 
the astronomer or physicist.


I am quite partial to some of the ideas that the laws, as we see them, have 
much to do with the kind of observers we happen to be. I have collected 
numerous quotes from physicists who have thought along these lines here:

and here:

Here are a couple examples:

"The top down approach we have described leads to a profoundly different view 
of cosmology, and the relation between cause and effect. Top down cosmology is 
a framework in which one essentially traces the histories backwards, from a 
spacelike surface at the present time. The no boundary histories of the 
universe thus depend on what is being observed, contrary to the usual idea that 
the universe has a unique, observer independent history. In some sense no 
boundary initial conditions represent a sum over all possible initial states."

-- Stephen 
 and Thomas 
 in "Populating the landscape: A top-down 

FW: What Is More Ratioanl: Clash of cultures or Individual Transformation?

2022-12-25 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: What Is More Ratioanl: Clash of cultures or Individual Transformation?

[Philip Benjamin]
   Clash of cultures? Australian Gladys Staines, widow of physician 
missionary Graham Staines has been honored with the highest honor of the India 
Government. She never gave up in spite of the fatal burning tragedy of her 
husband and sons inflicted by a hate filled fanatic mob. Massive "incineration" 
of people,  residences, businesses, utilities in Ukraine is hatefully done by a 
fanatic government , initially fueled by religious tolerance of alternate 
lifestyles. Individual transformation of fallen people, not clash of cultures, 
can effect massive changes for the good. One "transformed" profligate Augustine 
could "transform" a whole Continent. Why not Patriarch Kirill?
Philip Benjamin

 The Patriarchate of Kirill  represents over a thousand years of 
Russian Orthodoxy and its professed culture.  The disdain of that culture may 
have a bellicose influence across its border in Ukraine with a friendly 
alternate life style.
Surprised? Peacenik emotional wimpy WAMP-the-Ingrate has kicked out all the 
critical thinking "hawks" from the pagan world of the "intelligent" imbeciles? 
WAMP has nth degree self-esteem, but zero self-respect!
India bestowed a prestigious civilian honor to Australian Gladys Staines, widow 
of missionary Graham Staines who was killed by a Hindu mob [by burning alive] 
along with their two sons in 1999. The award, given yesterday for 
"distinguished  service to the nation, in any field," was one of two awards 
given by the Government of India to foreigners this year.
Staines, 54, said she was "absolutely overwhelmed and stunned by the news".

"I am feeling very humbled at the same time. It's a rare honor and a humbling 
experience," she told the Press Trust of India news agency.
 News * Posted: Jan 23, 1999 7:02 PM ET | Last Updated: November 10, 2000
CBC News * Posted: Jan 23, 1999 7:02 PM ET | Last Updated: November 10, 2000
A Christian missionary and his two sons were burnt alive when the vehicle in 
which they were sleeping was set on fire Saturday.A Christian missionary and 
his two sons were burnt alive when the vehicle in which they were sleeping was 
set on fire Saturday.
Staines' killing: Murder of Australian missionary and his two sons in Orissa 
shocks India
From: philip benjamin  Sent: Wednesday,   Subject: 
 The Moscow Times reported that bookstores across the capital were already 
removing LGBT-themed works, including the popular young adult novel "Summer in 
a Pioneer Tie," about two teenage boys who fall in love at a Soviet summer 
camp.. "We have our own way of development; we do not need European 
imposition of nontraditional relations," one Kremlin official said as the law 
headed for passage. It establishes criminal penalties (up to $81,000 for 
institutions and up to $6,500 for individuals) for the dissemination of 
"propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, gender 
reassignment, and pedophilia, as well as for disseminating, among minors, 
information about non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences or 
information that may encourage minors to change sex..  Patriarch Kirill, 
head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a longtime foe of gay rights. He has 
previously sought to galvanize support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine by 
raising the prospect of gay pride parades.."

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Merry Chtistmas on "Death, science, and politics"

2022-12-23 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   Christmas has a suffix of “Mass” which comes from the Latin word missa 
meaning “sent” used since the 6th or 7th century to describe the Catholic 
celebration of the Eucharist (The Breaking of Bread or Communion Table) when 
the priest or deacon dismisses the worsippers in Latin “Ite, missa est”. There 
is no memorial for birthday of Christ (Christmas) in the Bible, but the 
Messiah’s death is memorialized in the “Lord’s or Communion Table or Breaking 
of Bread”, first initiated by the Messiah immediately after the “Last Supper” 
or Passover before “Crucifixion” (Matt. 26:17-18; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13). 
The early Church (100% Jewish) observed the Communion daily in the Jerusalem 
Temple and later on First Day (Acts 2:46; 20:7).
  The willing, vicarious death of the Messiah is effected ONLY on the 
cancellation of the “Sentence of Death” by the ONLY Sentencer through the 
agency of the “Sola Scriptura” and the conviction of the “Solus Spiritus 
Sanctus”, in the willing acceptor. YHWH is the Second Person of the Triune who 
genetically encoded death penalty as the consequence of insubordination to 
Adonai (plural) YHWH (single) Elohim(uni-plural). The incarnation of the Second 
Person is the “Theanthropic Zygote”—100% divine and 100% human-- without any 
human agency of male  and female. The Almighty is mighty enough to perfect 
that. The birth, life and death of the “Sentencer” is the record of the 66 
Books from Genesis to Revelation—the Lamb ordained, but was slain, from the 
foundation of the world, buried, risen, ascended and imminently (not 
necessarily immediately) returning to establish the Kingdom (Genesis 3:15; 
Romans chapter 5; Galatians 3:16; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:19-20; Revelation 
13:8). A fortuitous combination of circumstances including the tyrannical 
decree of taxation by Caesar Augustus fulfils Micah 5:2 prophecy in Bethlehem 
Judah. Even if there was room in inn, the privacy of a cave- manger would have 
preferred for the delivery of the Lamb “Born Crucified”.
   In fact that is the whole story of Christmas—the Mass for the Christ 
Baby” in Remembrance (Luke 22:19).
Philip Benjamin
 Note:  Hindu/Buddhism, Muslim views on death: They are given below (Atheistic 
nihilism not included):
Islamic Vie of Death. “However, a continuity between all these ideas derived 
from the basic sources from the Quran and Islamic narratives. One canonical 
idea is, that the angel of death (Malak al-Maut) appears to the dying to take 
out their souls. The sinners’ souls are extracted in a most painful way while 
the righteous are treated easily.
Another common idea, although appearing relatively late in Islamic traditions, 
adds that, after the burial, two angels – Munkar and Nakir – come to question 
the dead in order to test their faith. The righteous believers answer correctly 
and live in peace and comfort while the sinners and disbelievers fail and 
punishments ensue. The time period or stage between death and the end of the 
world is called the life of barzakh. Suicide, euthanasia, and unjust murder as 
means of death are all prohibited in Islam, and are considered major sins.”
 “Hindu Perspectives on Death: [Reincarnation] Karma and Its Implications”.
“Hindu perspectives on death center on the idea that a person’s spirit (atman) 
is permanent; it lives beyond a biological death. In stark contrast, the 
physical body is almost like a temporary inhabitation, something disposable 
that you leave behind with the rest of your material belongings when you die”.
https://www.alislam.org/khilafat/Khilafat: “Khilafat  the successorship of 
prophethood. After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in 
Islam. Khulafa are ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. 
Though Khilafat had disappeared, it has been re-established as prophecied by 
The Holy Prophet, Muhammad” https://www.britannica.com/event/Khilafat-movement
“Mahatma Gandhi’s noncooperation movement for Indian freedom, promising 
nonviolence in return for his support of the Khilafat movement. In 1920 the 
latter movement was marred by the ḥijrat (Urdu: “exodus”; recalling Muhammad’s 
Hijrah from Mecca) from India to Afghanistan of about 18,000 Muslim peasants, 
who felt that India was an apostate land. It was also tarnished by the Muslim 
Malabar rebellion in south India in 1921, the excesses of which deeply stirred 
Hindu India. Gandhi’s suspension of his movement and his arrest in March 1922 
weakened the Khilafat movement still further. It was further undermined when 
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk drove the Greeks from western Asia Minor in 1922 and 
deposed the Turkish sultan Mehmed VI in the same year. The movement finally 
collapsed when Atatürk abolished the caliphate altogether in 1924”.

From: everything-list

FW: [Consciousness-Online] Global warming

2022-12-16 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] Global warming

[Philip Benjamin]
 Hoping and trusting that Serge and his family are safe and sound.  
Unconscionable politicians-PAGANS-with dead consciousness - zombies-are 
exploiting apocalyptic pseudoscience, mostly for pagan Marxist utopian 
propaganda and conveniently for funding props for academics.
 The forest fires (minimum 1,500 annually worldwide) had already 
produced < 78 trillion tons of CO2 for about 5.000 years of recorded history 
and still safe! Fifty years of PAST and projected 100 years of FUTURE petroleum 
burning can produce > 33 trillion tons of CO2. What then is the threshold of  
"apocalypse" of the "goldilocks" of CO2?
   It is as WAMP-the-Ingrate loving the Sabbatical (and the two-day 
Sabbath weekend) and hating  Sola Scriptura, the one and only source of 
 Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2022 6:14 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] Global warming

This video was placed on my recommendations list and as we have Michael both on 
the website and as a video I watched it. I think, because you are a group that 
are open minded and do listen, you will find this fascinating.


I don't know who the interviewer is but he must be the rudest, most 
objectionable man I have ever seen interviewing a placid, well informed, 
tactful, but firm Dr Crichton.

Despite the fact the interviewer interrups everything Dr Crichton says, implies 
he is mad because he has another view, and says the equivalent of you stand 
alone, aren't you going to give in, I for one am extremely glad he didn't.

Dr Crichton gently mentions consensus science and how dangerous it is

'consensus science is not science, it is all about politics'

Shows how dangerous the allocation of money is to favoured causes in distorting 
research and its findings.

And also explains how many men appear to be obsessed with finding apocalyptic 
endings, and that those who say actually there is no apocalypse, but there are 
things happening we could take into account and plan for - in a measured, non 
knee jerk way - are ignored by the media and hence people because there is no 

Having searched through the news outlets every morning trying to find actual 
news of Ukraine and finding nothing except speculation and lies, I have taken 
to asking Serge directly, as not a single report has been correct, ever.

I gather the newspaper/news outlets pay journalists peanuts. We should hardly 
be surprised at the result.

I hope you enjoy the video. Dr Crichton is a breath of fresh air.



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RE: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022

2022-12-12 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Surprised? Peacenik emotional WAMP-the-Ingrate has kicked out all the 
critical thinking "hawks" from the pagan world of the "intelligent" imbeciles? 
WAMP has nth degree self-esteem, but zero self-respect!
Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy...@aol.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2022 4:32 PM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022

Different perspectives are good. My perspective currently is this.6.7 
Billion People Could Die in a Russia vs. U.S. Nuclear War 
It's a thought for the holiday as we all contemplate figgy pudding, as well as 
the sore eyes of Heisenberg.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: Everything List 
Sent: Sun, Dec 11, 2022 11:29 am
Subject: FW: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022
Subject: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022
Poem Bethlehem Christmas 2022 Philip Benjamin
Begotten Beloved Baby by blastocyst brought
Ergo eternal Elohim entirely enabled entropic
Theanthropic Tot terminated Thanatos till
House having habitational heights, heavenly
Languishing Lamb, Long Living Lion; legal, loyal
Emancipating enslaved entities, enabling
Harnessing hope, halting Herodian
 hermeneutical heresy
Empathetically enduring evils, excruciating
 expected end
Manger mots merely manifested magnus
  Messiah majesty

Neither near neighbor Nazareth, nor newsy
  normal name
Assyrian autocrats assailed, assimilated
 Abrahamic ancestry
Yet yippee! Yielding yearly yuletide, yearning
 yonder yahoos
Zebulun zwitter; Zion zone zero zooming;
  zealous, zip-zap-zop
Entire enchilada embellished, encompassing
 enrolled echelons
Bucolic but blessed Bethlehem belonged by
 bestowed blessings
Universally unique unimportant ubication up
  ubiquitous urbanity
Liquidated lowly Lamb, listed luminous livelong
 lead Lion lineage
Utterance under unction unto unlearnt
 unsophisticated utilitarians
Near Nazareth Nativity neither nonprophetic nor
 nationally named
Philip Benjamin
Subject: FW: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath
Everything List 
everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> ; 
Subject: FW: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

WAMP-the-Ingrate For Thanksgiving Sabbath
Philip BenjaminNovember 2022
Induce! Increase! Iniquities intensify immorally
Nothingness nor nonexistence needs no newness
Generating gravels, grass, genomes, growing gifts
Return reprobates, revolutions rot, revivals renew
Awaken! Abolish abysmally abnormal assumptions
Truth trashed, teaching thrashed, tradition trounced
Evolution eminently eroding, ending evidential effects
Silly! Sanctify Sola Scriptura sabbaths, spirit, soul, soma
Philip Benjamin   November 2022
  Note: WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
From: Philip Benjamin  Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
 [Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM 
Allah has not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Philip Benjamin
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciatio

FW: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022

2022-12-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: Bethlehem Judah Or Zubulun: Christmas 2022
Poem Bethlehem Christmas 2022 Philip Benjamin
Begotten Beloved Baby by blastocyst brought
Ergo eternal Elohim entirely enabled entropic
Theanthropic Tot terminated Thanatos till
House having habitational heights, heavenly
Languishing Lamb, Long Living Lion; legal, loyal
Emancipating enslaved entities, enabling
Harnessing hope, halting Herodian
 hermeneutical heresy
Empathetically enduring evils, excruciating
 expected end
Manger mots merely manifested magnus
  Messiah majesty

Neither near neighbor Nazareth, nor newsy
  normal name
Assyrian autocrats assailed, assimilated
 Abrahamic ancestry
Yet yippee! Yielding yearly yuletide, yearning
 yonder yahoos
Zebulun zwitter; Zion zone zero zooming;
  zealous, zip-zap-zop
Entire enchilada embellished, encompassing
 enrolled echelons
Bucolic but blessed Bethlehem belonged by
 bestowed blessings
Universally unique unimportant ubication up
  ubiquitous urbanity
Liquidated lowly Lamb, listed luminous livelong
 lead Lion lineage
Utterance under unction unto unlearnt
 unsophisticated utilitarians
Near Nazareth Nativity neither nonprophetic nor
 nationally named
Philip Benjamin
Subject: FW: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath
Everything List 
everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> ; 
Subject: FW: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

WAMP-the-Ingrate For Thanksgiving Sabbath
Philip BenjaminNovember 2022
Induce! Increase! Iniquities intensify immorally
Nothingness nor nonexistence needs no newness
Generating gravels, grass, genomes, growing gifts
Return reprobates, revolutions rot, revivals renew
Awaken! Abolish abysmally abnormal assumptions
Truth trashed, teaching thrashed, tradition trounced
Evolution eminently eroding, ending evidential effects
Silly! Sanctify Sola Scriptura sabbaths, spirit, soul, soma
Philip Benjamin   November 2022
  Note: WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
From: Philip Benjamin  Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
 [Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM 
Allah has not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Philip Benjamin
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
   One species does not undergo trans-speciation
   Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
   Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
   Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
   Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
   Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygote
   Bethlehem-Judah is the predicted geographic locale
Only the Sentencer can cancel the 'Sentence of Death'
   That Sentence by vicarious death of the Theanthropos
   Philip Benjamin Christmas 2022
   PS. 'Dead' Critical Race Theory and resulting 'Woke Culture'
  is the antithesis of Augustinian 'regeneration' history and
'Two Great Awakenings' are the basis of American Culture
   which was the envy of pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin who first
coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism"-not oppression
but liberty. It is akin to the love of Sabbath/Sabbatical, but hate
   of its only historical or astronomical or planetary source
      of the Book of Genesis-a specialty of WAMP-the-Ingrate
[Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)]
 Philip Benjamin   .

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RE: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-25 Thread Philip Benjamin
“ Adam improving……. Corruption of creation…. “
[Philip Benjamin]
  Where and how can Koran make thes claims claims?   Sixth, 7 th 8 th Century 
Anno Domino, after Prophet Moses (revelator) around 500 – 400  Before Christ. 
.. WAMP-the-ingrate knows not Moses. They neither has proficiency in Modern 
paganism nor ancient heathenism.
   John 5:46. “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he 
wrote of me”.
  Physician Luke 16: 29. “Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the 
prophets; let them hear them….. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses 
and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the 
dead”. WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism).
Philip Benjamin
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Luke/16/31”

.From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 7:32 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

Adam's Attempt to Improve upon Allah's Creation

Corruption of Creation

On 23-Nov-2022, at 1:34 AM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin] The website below in previous post has nothing to do with 
Koran vis a vis Science.
Instead read:

  1.  “The genetic and biochemical determinants of mRNA degradation rates in 
mammals”  Vikram Agarwal, David Kelley

  1.  https://www.nature.com/articles/news990204-2 Published: 04 February 1999. 
   Six million years of degradation Henry Gee

Evidence for the unusually high rate of genetic mutation in the human genome - 
as well as that of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzee and gorilla - 
is reported in Nature by Adam Eyre-Walker of the University of Sussex, and 
Peter D. Keightley of the University of Edinburgh, UK.

What evidence is in Koran for  “Genetic Entropy” to millions of years of 
trans-speciation qua Evolution? [The DNA information (language) has a 
four-letter alphabet (C,G,A,T),  some letters are arranged into three-letter 
“words” called codons]. A large hunk of human DNA is non-coding, not in the 
form of codons and does not require amino acid sequences. Scientists have 
determined this rate in humans in many studies as between 75 and 175 mutations 
per generation. [Nachman, M. W. and S. L. Crowell. 2000. Estimate of the 
mutation rate per nucleotide in humans. Genetics. 156 (1): 297-304; Campbell, 
C. D. and E. E. Eichler. 2013. Properties and rates of germline mutations in 
humans. Trends in Genetics. 29 (10): 575-584].
 Commonsense agrees with science, not WAMP-the-Ingrate, that  “Genetic 
Entropy” rates point to a limited number of generations, i.e. limited not 
millions of years of species. Functions related to food, air, water, motility 
etc. in different species do not show common ancestry. That is the logical 
fallacy of “Affirming the consequent, or converse error, fallacy of the 
converse, or confusion of necessity and sufficiency,”
(WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:29 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

Gamma Rays, Visible Light & 

RE: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-22 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin] The website below in previous post has nothing to do with 
Koran vis a vis Science.
Instead read:

  1.  “The genetic and biochemical determinants of mRNA degradation rates in 
mammals”  Vikram Agarwal, David Kelley
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.18.484474

  1.  https://www.nature.com/articles/news990204-2 Published: 04 February 1999. 
   Six million years of degradation Henry Gee

Evidence for the unusually high rate of genetic mutation in the human genome - 
as well as that of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzee and gorilla - 
is reported in Nature by Adam Eyre-Walker of the University of Sussex, and 
Peter D. Keightley of the University of Edinburgh, UK.

What evidence is in Koran for  “Genetic Entropy” to millions of years of 
trans-speciation qua Evolution? [The DNA information (language) has a 
four-letter alphabet (C,G,A,T),  some letters are arranged into three-letter 
“words” called codons]. A large hunk of human DNA is non-coding, not in the 
form of codons and does not require amino acid sequences. Scientists have 
determined this rate in humans in many studies as between 75 and 175 mutations 
per generation. [Nachman, M. W. and S. L. Crowell. 2000. Estimate of the 
mutation rate per nucleotide in humans. Genetics. 156 (1): 297-304; Campbell, 
C. D. and E. E. Eichler. 2013. Properties and rates of germline mutations in 
humans. Trends in Genetics. 29 (10): 575-584].
 Commonsense agrees with science, not WAMP-the-Ingrate, that  “Genetic 
Entropy” rates point to a limited number of generations, i.e. limited not 
millions of years of species. Functions related to food, air, water, motility 
etc. in different species do not show common ancestry. That is the logical 
fallacy of “Affirming the consequent, or converse error, fallacy of the 
converse, or confusion of necessity and sufficiency,”
(WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:29 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

Gamma Rays, Visible Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum

On 22-Nov-2022, at 8:39 PM, John Clark 
mailto:johnkcl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 11:05 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 

> Benjamin?

Energetically, via

Ok, the first letters all together spell TIPLER. If I recall he is still a 
convinced Christian,


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RE: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-22 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Is it about RATE of genetic degradation? That is a serious scientific issue for 

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:29 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

Gamma Rays, Visible Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum

On 22-Nov-2022, at 8:39 PM, John Clark 
mailto:johnkcl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 11:05 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 

> Benjamin?

Energetically, via

Ok, the first letters all together spell TIPLER. If I recall he is still a 
convinced Christian,

Yes, in 2007 the poor man went a little funny in the head, you know, just a 
little funny,  and he went and did a silly thing; he wrote a book saying we 
should look for divine DNA on the Shroud of Turin and check for radiation 
around the tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary that was caused by an intense beam 
of neutrinos that must have shot out of the bottom of her feet as she ascended 
into heaven.

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  

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RE: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-19 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Science?] “This can be used to illuminate the population history and selective 
events that affected the ancestor of bonobos and chimpanzees”.
[Philip Benjamin]
What is the rate of genetic degeneration? Eons of history?
Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 9:59 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

Scientific Experiments, Findings and on-going Research

The science journal Nature 
"The bonobo genome shows that more than 3% of the human genome is more closely 
related to either bonobos or chimpanzees than these are to each other. This can 
be used to illuminate the population history and selective events that affected 
the ancestor of bonobos and chimpanzees. In addition, about 25% of human genes 
contain parts that are more closely related to one of the two apes than the 
other. Such regions can now be identified and will hopefully contribute to the 
unravelling of the genetic background of phenotypic similarities among humans, 
bonobos and chimpanzees."

The Kent-State University 
"People often think we evolved from ancestors that look like apes, but no, apes 
in some ways evolved from ancestors that look like us," Lovejoy said. "It has 
been a popular idea to think humans are modified chimpanzees. From studying 
Ardipithecus ramidus, or 'Ardi,' we learn that we cannot understand or model 
human evolution from chimps and gorillas."

In Genome-wide characterization of PRE-1 reveals a hidden evolutionary 
relationship between suidae and 
 the authors write:
"Although mammals share most of the same genes, the pig has always been thought 
to be a better biomedical model to humans than rodents due to its similar 
biochemical and physiological functions. The pig genome has been decoded, 
providing an necessary resource for mining similar genomic elements in 
non-coding regions. The SINE composition, being the second most abundant in 
terms of genome coverage, was the first to be considered for genomic mining. In 
this report, we described a parallel world of porcine PRE-1 that almost copies 
all of the genomic performance of the human Alu element in the genome. In 
addition, we further explained that the formation of PRE-1 fragments of 
different lengths is based on a mutation hot spot-dependent fracture mechanism. 
Lastly, we compared the evolutionary behavior of porcine PRE-1 with that of 
human Alus and concluded that they are both descended from 7SL RNA and 
generated by different, independent evolutionary pathways. Therefore, all of 
the genomic evidence for a closer taxonomic relationship between the suidae and 
primate are not limited to the genes but also extended to the SINEs."


Excerpts from: Wronging the 

On 19-Nov-2022, at 2:12 AM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Produce the evidence, even circumstantial,  for original. That is the standard 
procedure for any honest study or research.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@go

RE: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
Produce the evidence, even circumstantial,  for original. That is the standard 
procedure for any honest study or research.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 8:55 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

When the People of the Book Wronged

On 18-Nov-2022, at 7:41 AM, Samiya Illias 
mailto:samiyaill...@gmail.com>> wrote:

The Kingdom & The Throne

On 18-Nov-2022, at 12:42 AM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

WAMP-the-Ingrate For Thanksgiving Sabbath
Philip BenjaminNovember 2022
Induce! Increase! Iniquities intensify immorally
Nothingness nor nonexistence needs no newness
Generating gravels, grass, genomes, growing gifts
Return reprobates, revolutions rot, revivals renew
Awaken! Abolish abysmally abnormal assumptions
Truth trashed, teaching thrashed, tradition trounced
Evolution eminently eroding, ending evidential effects
Silly! Sanctify Sola Scriptura sabbaths, spirit, soul, soma
Philip Benjamin   November 2022
  Note: WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)
From: Philip Benjamin  Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
 [Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM 
Allah has not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Philip Benjamin
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
   One species does not undergo trans-speciation
   Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
   Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
   Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
   Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
   Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygote
   Bethlehem-Judah is the predicted geographic locale
Only the Sentencer can cancel the ‘Sentence of Death’
   That Sentence by vicarious death of the Theanthropos
   Philip Benjamin Christmas 2022
   PS. ‘Dead’ Critical Race Theory and resulting ‘Woke Culture’
  is the antithesis of Augustinian ‘regeneration’ history and
‘Two Great Awakenings’ are the basis of American Culture
   which was the envy of pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin who first
coined the phrase “American Exceptionalism”—not oppression
but liberty. It is akin to the love of Sabbath/Sabbatical, but hate
   of its only historical or astronomical or planetary source
  of the Book of Genesis—a specialty of WAMP-the-Ingrate
[Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)]
 Philip Benjamin


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FW: WAMP-the-Ingrate of Thanksgiving Sabbath

2022-11-17 Thread Philip Benjamin
WAMP-the-Ingrate For Thanksgiving Sabbath
Philip BenjaminNovember 2022
Induce! Increase! Iniquities intensify immorally
Nothingness nor nonexistence needs no newness
Generating gravels, grass, genomes, growing gifts
Return reprobates, revolutions rot, revivals renew
Awaken! Abolish abysmally abnormal assumptions
Truth trashed, teaching thrashed, tradition trounced
Evolution eminently eroding, ending evidential effects
Silly! Sanctify Sola Scriptura sabbaths, spirit, soul, soma
Philip Benjamin   November 2022
  Note: WAMP = World Acade-Media Pagan(ism)

From: Philip Benjamin  Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
 [Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM 
Allah has not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Philip Benjamin
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
   One species does not undergo trans-speciation
   Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
   Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
   Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
   Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
   Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygote
   Bethlehem-Judah is the predicted geographic locale
Only the Sentencer can cancel the 'Sentence of Death'
   That Sentence by vicarious death of the Theanthropos
   Philip Benjamin Christmas 2022
   PS. 'Dead' Critical Race Theory and resulting 'Woke Culture'
  is the antithesis of Augustinian 'regeneration' history and
'Two Great Awakenings' are the basis of American Culture
   which was the envy of pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin who first
coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism"-not oppression
but liberty. It is akin to the love of Sabbath/Sabbatical, but hate
   of its only historical or astronomical or planetary source
  of the Book of Genesis-a specialty of WAMP-the-Ingrate
[Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)]
 Philip Benjamin

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"Everything List" group.
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RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

2022-11-14 Thread Philip Benjamin
No, nothing that complicated.  The Sabbath/Sabbatical is from PURELY &SOLELY a 
Sola Scriptura of 7-day workweek with 7 th day as REST. This again is PURELY & 
SOLLELY a Mosaic revelation. The extending of rest to 7 th day to 1 st day also 
could not have happened it were not for the 100% Jewish membership of the early 
1 st century Churches. Only a sky rending, earthshaking event as Resurrection 
of the Messiah (YHWH) could have made that unique change ( as in Acts 20:7 ). 
WAMP-the-Ingrate is clueless!  So is the "Sentence of Death (that includes 
spacefaring also). They love and cherish the Sabbath/Sabbatical, but  hate the 
source in Genesis.  The 2-day weekend is now universally accepted, generally 
from European 2000 years of belief system and particularly of the seminal Roman 
Catholic system of education, Seminaries, hospitals, military, and civilian 
calendars. No other civilization or history or belief systems of any other 
people (heathen= foreign to Israel, or Gentiles= nations, a British invention). 
Fanaticism of WAMP against that tradition is more than irrational.
Philip Benjamin
From: spudboy...@aol.com 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 8:42 AM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

Sure. Now here I specifically use the Wikipedia version, as opposed to the 
horribly un-navigable Britanica description. I refer to math guy Giordano 
Bruno, who studied deeply, the The RC Church's theology, as well as the Church 
teachings of the Protestant Reformation, and found them wanting. His own 
beliefs or proposals was that there were many, intelligent species in the 
cosmos, and that Bruno agreed with Copernicus and Galileo. He also proposed 
also, that these intelligent species also did have a messiah, and if I read him 
correctly, one messiah issued per, race, species, whatever? So yeah, would 
these other 'peoples' be pagan is your view?

Maybe they have their own Sabbaths?  I look upon the man, Brunio, 
philosophically, as a hero, and a martyr for our species. They burned him at 
the stake because they saw him as a threat to their hunger for power. Whatever 
these old Churchmen were, they were in no sense, good guys. Like Abe Lincoln 
said during the US Civil War, "I don't worry that God is own our side, I am 
more concerned that we are on God's side."

Here are my 2 quick sources, read them if you wish? So are smart aliens pagans 
if they follow Bruno' thought, yes, if they had a messiah and sabbaths? Was 
Bruno a pagan (as we all are in your view?), and are you going to defend the 
actions of the old, Church fathers, because the loved Jesus. 3 questions. No 
crucifictions by me, in any case, (a wicked pharisee or pagan), just online 
philosophy, vote up or down.

Giordano Bruno - 

Giordano Bruno | Biography, Death, & Facts | 

-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Sun, Nov 13, 2022 2:08 pm
Subject: RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
[Philip Benjamin]
That question "Would you think that an a non-human advanced civilization is 
pagan?" is not uiderstood properly by the term "pagan" pan-Gaia-n means earth 
centered or earth-worshipping, or earthlings etc., not used in KJV.  Heathen 
meaning foreign, nations, strangers and mostly as transliteration from Latin 
'gentilis' (derived from gene). Could the English want to be called "heathen" 
for themselves? Probably not; hence the gentiles!   The Sabbath and Sabbatical 
is PURELY & SOLELY from Genesis of Sola Scriptura. NEVER EVER before used by 
ANY OTHER source. Of course, WAMP-the-Ingrate hate and ridicule  that "source", 
but love the Sabbath rest and Sabbatical freebee. No culture, no history, no 
astronomy or astrology or any civilization (including spacefaring of tomorrows

RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

2022-11-13 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
That question “Would you think that an a non-human advanced civilization is 
pagan?” is not uiderstood properly by the term “pagan” pan-Gaia-n means earth 
centered or earth-worshipping, or earthlings etc., not used in KJV.  Heathen 
meaning foreign, nations, strangers and mostly as transliteration from Latin 
‘gentilis’ (derived from gene). Could the English want to be called “heathen” 
for themselves? Probably not; hence the gentiles!   The Sabbath and Sabbatical 
is PURELY & SOLELY from Genesis of Sola Scriptura. NEVER EVER before used by 
ANY OTHER source. Of course, WAMP-the-Ingrate hate and ridicule  that “source”, 
but love the Sabbath rest and Sabbatical freebee. No culture, no history, no 
astronomy or astrology or any civilization (including spacefaring of tomorrows) 
could have invented, discovered or coined SABBATH anywhere else—the seven-day 
week with 6 th day rest. In Genesis it was a sovereign decree, first ever in 
human records.  So alo the “Sentence of Death”—no spacefaring civilization can 
escape, unless  cancelled by the Sentencer.
Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy...@aol.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 4:27 PM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

Would you think that an a non-human advanced civilization is pagan? Or, do are 
you like Giordano Bruno who proposed many worlds and was burned at the stake? A 
plurality of saviors for each species as it were?

-Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Sat, Nov 12, 2022 1:17 pm
Subject: RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

-Original Message-
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Tomasz Rola
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 4:43 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
[Philip  Benjamin]
How will be the first FUNERAL of a duper super spacefaring "civilized" space 
person? Or is s/he eternal-- never dying? What "command" from that space 
director (boss?) for immortality? Will the spacefaring civilization also die 
(perhaps with insubordination).
Note: The command was 7-day workweek was from "Sola Scriptura" and nowhere 
else from the whole universe! WAMP-the-Ingrate ingratiate with themselves on 
Sabbath/Sabbatical, though the command for its origin is only in Sola Scriptura 
and is hated! So also was the FIRST decree or verdict for the "Sentence of 
Death" for human insubordination and subsequent funerals.
Philip Benjamin

[Tomasz Rola]
"You had not mentioned if it was a satire. I might want to watch something 
comical titled like this.  If it is not a satire, then I presume it is some 
kind of pompous content.
>From my point of view, humanity is not spacefaring. It has hardly got its toes 
>wet a bit, shouted "cold" and went back to business as usual. Also, whether 
>there is civilization on the planet might be a bit disputable. When did it 
>started, if ever - was it fifty years after last burning of books/people? If a 
>burning happens this decade, does it mean we are still civilized - or never 
Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.  **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home**
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...  **
** Tomasz Rola  

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RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

2022-11-12 Thread Philip Benjamin

-Original Message-
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Tomasz Rola
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 4:43 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
[Philip  Benjamin]
How will be the first FUNERAL of a duper super spacefaring "civilized" space 
person? Or is s/he eternal-- never dying? What "command" from that space 
director (boss?) for immortality? Will the spacefaring civilization also die 
(perhaps with insubordination).  
Note: The command was 7-day workweek was from "Sola Scriptura" and nowhere 
else from the whole universe! WAMP-the-Ingrate ingratiate with themselves on 
Sabbath/Sabbatical, though the command for its origin is only in Sola Scriptura 
and is hated! So also was the FIRST decree or verdict for the "Sentence of 
Death" for human insubordination and subsequent funerals.  
Philip Benjamin

[Tomasz Rola]
"You had not mentioned if it was a satire. I might want to watch something 
comical titled like this.  If it is not a satire, then I presume it is some 
kind of pompous content. 
>From my point of view, humanity is not spacefaring. It has hardly got its toes 
>wet a bit, shouted "cold" and went back to business as usual. Also, whether 
>there is civilization on the planet might be a bit disputable. When did it 
>started, if ever - was it fifty years after last burning of books/people? If a 
>burning happens this decade, does it mean we are still civilized - or never 
Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.  **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home**
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...  **
** **
** Tomasz Rola  mailto:tomasz_r...@bigfoot.com **

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Intangibles of Physical & Social Sciences

2022-11-07 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Intangibles of Physical & Social 
Rosie: I have written ad nauseum to so many times about French aristocrat, 
philosopher, and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited the United States 
in the 1830's. How he "understood America and its Churches" in a way that few 
observers (foreign and domestic) have. Even pagan Marxist  Joseph Stalin first 
coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism"-the envy of the world.  The 
Augustinian Transformation- Lutheran Reformation- Puritan "Two Great 
Awakenings"- Wesleyan Revivals etc. are individual Regeneration with massive 
influence on body-politic,  American Culture (in particular) and Western 
Culture  (in general). WAMP-the-Ingrate is not only incognizant of it, but 
virulently hating it!!  Philip
Dear Philip,

It was a strange thing being asked by John for my 'credentials' as it were. As 
if it mattered.
I know he meant no harm, but we have had a lifetime of gifted people who have 
suffered for 'science', so that scientists can prove to themselves that these 
things are possible. And even when they do - they lose faith because it has 
never happened to them.
Ultimately there are those who are genuinely gifted, and those who think they 
are and the difference doesn't matter because whether they think they are or 
actually are, they do no harm.

They hurt no one

And they hurt no one because they can see the oneness of all beings, and they 
don't have to ask 'has a dog got a soul'. because they know he has. so has a 
hamster, so has a rabbit, a beetle, a cockroach, an elephant, a whale and a 
And in the end, they don't feel any different if they are hurt by something or 
That is just the way things are.
The meek really will inherit the earth

love to you Philip

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Sunday, 6 Nov, 22 At 16:57
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Intangibles of Physical & Social Sciences
Everything List 
Subject: Intangibles of Physical & Social Sciences
[Philip Benjamin
1 . Theological, Philosophical, Religious, Teleological, Moral: Aseity
i . Aseity of Matter
ii . Aseity of LIFE
2 . Natural proclivities: Enmity (hatred (misotheism), fear (androphobia); 
"Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, 
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, .. 
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they 
are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually 
discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 29:25; Isaiah 51:12; Romans 1:29 etc.)
3 . Sola Scriptura gifts: "Those who are spiritual discern all things, and they 
are themselves subject to no one else's scrutiny (1 Corinthians 2:15)."
1Cor. 1:5,7 Knowledge of the Scriptures, preaching and the gifts of the Spirit. 
 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade 
itself, is not puffed up;
"For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his 
Son." ... Those who are spiritual discern all things, and they are themselves 
subject to no one else's scrutiny (1 Corinthians 2:15.-- Romans 5:10; Romans 
8:5-7, 1Cor 13:4
Philip Benjamin
From: Philip Benjamin Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
Thursday, September 15, 2022 Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM Allah has not 
taken any son 
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
One species does not undergo trans-speciation
Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygo

Intangibles of Physical & Social Sciences

2022-11-06 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin
1 . Theological, Philosophical, Religious, Teleological, Moral:  Aseity
  i .  Aseity of  Matter
 ii . Aseity of LIFE
2 . Natural proclivities: Enmity (hatred (misotheism), fear (androphobia); 
"Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, 
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, .. 
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they 
are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually 
discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 29:25; Isaiah 51:12; Romans 1:29  etc.)
3 . Sola Scriptura  gifts:  "Those who are spiritual discern all things, and 
they are themselves subject to no one else's scrutiny (1 Corinthians 2:15)."
1Cor. 1:5,7   Knowledge of the Scriptures, preaching and the gifts of the 
Spirit.  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not 
parade itself, is not puffed up;
"For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his 
Son." ...  Those who are spiritual discern all things, and they are themselves 
subject to no one else's scrutiny (1 Corinthians 2:15.-- Romans 5:10; Romans 
8:5-7, 1Cor  13:4
Philip Benjamin

From: Philip Benjamin  Everything List 
Subject: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
 Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM 
Allah has not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
   One species does not undergo trans-speciation
   Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
   Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
   Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
   Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
   Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygote
   Bethlehem-Judah is the predicted geographic locale
Only the Sentencer can cancel the 'Sentence of Death'
   That Sentence by vicarious death of the Theanthropos
   Philip Benjamin Christmas 2022
   PS. 'Dead' Critical Race Theory and resulting 'Woke Culture'
  is the antithesis of Augustinian 'regeneration' history.
'Two Great Awakenings' are the basis of American Culture
   which was the envy of pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin who first
coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism"-not oppression
but liberty and redemptive history. It is akin to the love of
   Sabbath/Sabbatical, but hatred  of its only source in Genesis-- not
   any historical or astronomical or planetary source  of the Book of
  Genesis-a specialty of WAMP-the-Ingrate [Western Acade-Media
  Pagan(ism)]  When Nationalism is prefixed or suffixed with "Christian" it
 is counterculture. Augustinian Transformation or American "Two Great
Awakenings" are individual "regeneration" with massive cultural impact
that is historical and historic.   Philip Benjamin

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RE: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?

2022-11-03 Thread Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:10 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational 

On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 10:45 AM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

> There are many voices in the pagan []

[John K Clark]
BINGO! Once more Philip uses his favorite word right at the beginning of his 
[Philip Benjamin]
WAMP-the-Ingrate is a self-description. Anybody else is also welcome!
   As for many voices, If 1+1 = 2.  .. 001, then anything is equally 
true. That is the genius of wrongness, or falsity. As for 1+1 = 2, it is the 
ONE & ONLY truth.
Philip Benjamin
> [...]  according to the post below especially in WAMP-the-Ingrate
 Several months ago I said if you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you who 
or what  "WAMP-the-Ingrate" was, and that remained true until right now when I 
read your most recent post, so now I know that "WAMP-the-Ingrate" is a person 
and is either somebody called Mrs. Rosemary Rock-Evans, or Mrs. Samiya Illias, 
or Mr. Philip Benjamin.
John K Clark

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FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?

2022-11-02 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational 
[Philip Benjamin]
1Corinthians 14:10. "There are many voices and none of them is without 
  There are many voices in the pagan world, according to the post below 
especially in WAMP-the-Ingrate. Social media and all media are more efficient 
than ever before for promotion of paganism.
Philip Benjamin

From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Philip Benjamin
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 3:38 PM
Why should anyone be horrified by anything, anytime, anywhere?  Paganism is 
truly religion,   revelations and oracles from demonic supernatural beings 
included. The claim is the sola Scripture is that of Adonai YHWH Elohim the one 
and only One cannot be called religion. It is revelation, the Way etc. The 
revelation for 7-day week is purely an instance of  that revelation-not from 
astronomy or anything else. Sabbatical/Sabbath is the favorite of 
WAMP-the-Ingrate!  Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 10:55 AM

Dear Philip

There are probably any number of things that would fill both you and I with 
horror, but not, it would seem , other people 
 and it has happened in Scotland and America 
 And religion appears to have made no difference. All I can say is that at 
least the police were there to ensure the person concerned was kept apart from 
the rest of us. And indeed the jury system was designed to ensure that 'free 
conscious people' did indeed decide, whether something was criminal.rosie
-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>"  
: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?
Rosie: "But who is the judge of whether something is criminal?"
The answer: Free conscious people!
From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Philip Benjamin
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 9:23 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational 
Would anybody dismember a new born or a 5 year kid or a dog pup with a razor 
blade and clap hands to do that? Is that moral? Philip
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 2:03 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Is Theanthropism Rational 
Dear Philip

You say : 'People should be FREE to believe or practice whatever is not 
criminal or vulgar or obscene or indecent etc.'

But who is the judge of whether something is criminal?
who is the judge of whether something is vulgar or obscene?
who is the judge as to whether something is indecent

In Iran a woman was killed because she wasn't wearing a headscarf, ask why they 
have to wear a headscarf and the imam says 'because it is in a 1500 year old 
book'. The women don't want to wear head scarves, and it is clear that not 
wearing one harms no one, in fact the Vitamin D they have been deprived of 
might actually do them some good

In Jewish, Islamic and Catholic society baby boys get circumcised. Why? Who 
knows? Men clearly think they know better than God. But this operation is not 
without pain and deaths. Why do they do this? 'because it is in a 2000 year old 

When people steal from me [and they have done] we supposedly have laws in the 
UK, that take the thief and prosecute him. But we don't. If I wish to retrieve 
my money I have to have the money to pay for a lawyer, a lot of money - £200 
per hour - so for the one law which makes sense, as thef

Is Theanthropism Rational (scientific)?

2022-10-30 Thread Philip Benjamin
Thursday, September 15, 2022  Posted by Samiya Illias at 12:02 AM Allah has 
not taken any son   
[Philip Benjamin] (Note: This post at this above site is not a scientific 
treatise, only Quranic opinion).
   Humanity does not ever have BECOMING divinity
   Evolution is an illusory lingo for trans-speciation
   One species does not undergo trans-speciation
   Aseity is of a necessary BEING, not of dead matter
   Omnipotent is potent to be a theanthropic Zygote
   Three infinities are one infinity, so also three fields
   Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)
   Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles concur YHWH Zygote
   Bethlehem-Judah is the predicted geographic locale
   Philip Benjamin Christmas 2022
   PS. 'Dead' Critical Race Theory and resulting 'Woke Culture'
  is the antithesis of Augustinian 'regeneration' history and
'Two Great Awakenings' are the basis of American Culture
   which was the envy of pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin who first
coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism"-not oppression
but liberty. It is akin to the love of Sabbath/Sabbatical, but hate
   of its only historical or astronomical or planetary source
  of the Book of Genesis-a specialty of WAMP-the-Ingrate
    [Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)]
 Philip Benjamin

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FW: Scientist Verify Archeological Dates by Magnetic Field of the Earth in Burnt Mud Bricks

2022-10-26 Thread Philip Benjamin
Tue, October 25, 2022 at 11:08 AM  

  "We are standing here at the gate house Lachish. In 701 (BCE) Sennacherib 
King of Assyria was here, put a siege on the city and eventually conquered the 
city and destroyed it. This is described also in the Bible and also in Assyrian 
sources and in the famous Lachish relief describing this event. And we managed 
to reconstruct the magnetic field of the earth which is recorded in burnt mud 
bricks like the one I'm holding here. As you can see over there - the burnt mud 
brick wall."
"When these mud bricks were burnt they recorded they recorded the magnetic 
field of the earth at the time. This helped us, this was used as an anchor for 
dating other sites. We reconstructed the magnetic field also in other sites and 
we could use the magnetic signal to date sites that aren't well dated according 
to the data from this site which is very well dated to 701 BCE."
Philip Benjamin

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Scientist Verify Archeological Dates by Magnetic Field of the Earth in Burnt Mud Bricks

2022-10-26 Thread Philip Benjamin
(reconstruct the magnetic field of the earth which is recorded in burnt mud 
bricks.""We are standing here at the gate house Lachish. In 701 (BCE) 
Sennacherib King of Assyria was here, put a siege on the city and eventually 
conquered the city and destroyed it. This is described also in the Bible and 
also in Assyrian sources and in the famous Lachish relief describing this 
event. And we managed to reconstruct the magnetic field of the earth which is 
recorded in burnt mud bricks like the one I'm holding here. As you can see over 
there - the burnt mud brick wall."
"When these mud bricks were burnt they recorded they recorded the magnetic 
field of the earth at the time. This helped us, this was used as an anchor for 
dating other sites. We reconstructed the magnetic field also in other sites and 
we could use the magnetic signal to date sites that aren't well dated according 
to the data from this site which is very well dated to 701 BCE."
Philip Benjamin

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FW: Timeline for “The U.S threatened by its own citizens”

2022-09-07 Thread Philip Benjamin
From: Philip Benjamin Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 1:53 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> Cc: 
'ch...@denverdemocrats.org' ; 
'chair...@denvergop.org' chair...@denvergop.org<mailto:chair...@denvergop.org>  
Subject: Timeline for “The U.S threatened by its own citizens”
The Washington Post. “The U.S. is threatened by its own citizens”
Tyler Pager, September 3, 2022
[Philip Benjamin]
The context is the historical & historic “Two Great Awakenings”, in continuity 
with Patriarchs, Prophets, the Apostles, Athenian Mars Hill (Acts 17: 22-31), 
Augustine of Hippo, Reformation, Puritan Awakening, Wesleyan Revivals.
 “Two nations are in your womb” ( Genesis 25:23), but only one can 
exclusively give the redemptive “Incarnation” of the theanthropic zygote 
without any human agency of male or female, because only one Redeemer can ever 
exist as per the revelatory imprimatur of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the 
Philip Benjamin
Mark 9:7: “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the 
commandments of men.”
Mark 2:27: “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” No refence 
to Sabbath or Sabbatical in any astronomical metrics other than the Genesis.
From: Philip Benjamin
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 10:02 AM
Subject: FW: What Threshold Threat of CO2/ Forest Fires for at least 5000 

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FW: What drives the Black Holes?

2022-08-26 Thread Philip Benjamin
From: Philip Benjamin  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 10:46 AM To: 
qua...@simonsfoundation.org<mailto:qua...@simonsfoundation.org> Subject: What 
drives the Black Holes?

[Quanta  Magazine]
   "What Drives Galaxies? The Milky Way's Black Hole May Be the Key."
[Philip Benjamin]
   What drives the Black Holes? What has aseity?

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RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-26 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: What Threshold Threat of CO2
Rosie: "why was this idea of the Holy Spirit alone never..."
Philip Benjamin: Why is the idea of Sabbath and Sabbatical  (especially in 
pagan academia- WAMP-the-Ingrate) alone never in Sola Scriptura?
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] FW: What Threshold Threat of CO2
I have only quotes and no comments. This is an American problem, maybe its a 
German one too. And thus theirs.

Sola scriptura, meaning by scripture alone, is a Christian theological doctrine 
held by most Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and 
Reformed traditions of Protestantism, that posits the Bible as the sole 
infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice

Joseph Noah Gagliardi [Puritan Board Freshman]

why was this idea of the Holy Spirit alone never formally developed as were the 
other Solas?
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:21

"The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue." 2 Samuel 

The doctrine of Sola Scriptura is not viable on its own, it must always be
accompanied by the Holy Spirit, whereby we have the witness that it is indeed
the Word of God. The Roman church blasphemously claims that Sola Scriptura
is not found in Scripture, but it is, and here most clearly in 2 Peter,
as well as in the preceding verse, 20, which reads
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private 
For no man may interpret Scripture, or else you have a profusion of blasphemies
spread forth from the heart of man, but it is by the Holy Spirit witnessing in
our hearts to the truth of Scripture, as inspired by the Holy Spirit,
and only as the human faculty of reason is used as the instrument to search out
the things that the Holy Spirit would reveal within in us.
If you deny Sola Scriptura, you necessarily deny Solus Spiritus Sanctus,
and thus deny the Trinity, and are but a vain blasphemer.
Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot know the truth of Scripture to be infallible,
for the Spirit of God opens our eyes to its truth and power.

So why was this never layed down as a pillar of our faith, in support and 
concert with the other Solas

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Thursday, 25 Aug, 22 At 15:33
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] FW: What Threshold Threat of CO2
Subject: RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2
[Philip Benjamin]
Mundane Paganism: Pan-Gaian-ism, earth centered devotion, natural mindedness, 
natural inclinations, either self-refining or the self-coarsening, 
self-awakening or demoniacal awakening.
Novo Zoe: Transcendent Transformation, New Creation, Alien Regeneration, 
Awakening Consciousness ["Two Great Awakenings"], Adonai YHWH Elohim 
exclusively and Solo Scriptura, Solus Spiritus.
Examples: Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and myriads of file and rank and of 
examples of prodigious Augustine of Hippo.
[Philip Benjamin]
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2022 4:23 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2
On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 1:54 PM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
> Stalin (Marxism), Hitler (Socialism), Mussolini (Fascism), Mao etc. (all in 
> effect are fascists) never dealt with climate change. They were all PAGANS
For Darwin sake! Pagan pagan pagan, is that really the only word you have to 
describe somebody you don't like? Your vocabulary is double plus ungood, it 
needs to become more better.
John K Clark See what's on my new list
LC. "You follow what I notice of Christians. Jesus said to give up wealth to 
the poor. However, Christians most often align with the most wealthy and 
powerful. You are a religious shill for the oil companies. Remember that little 
bit in Matthew where Jesus said though you professed my name etc, when the 
kingdom comes I will not know you. It is the same with all Christian Churches, 
they all align with fascistic power. All but one Christian Church aligned with 
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, which was the Jehovah's Witnesses. Most Christians 
are just dirty fascists, and if Jesus 

RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-24 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Mundane Paganism: Pan-Gaian-ism, earth centered devotion, natural mindedness, 
natural inclinations, either self-refining or the self-coarsening, 
self-awakening or demoniacal awakening.
Novo Zoe: Transcendent Transformation, New Creation, Alien Regeneration, 
Awakening Consciousness ["Two Great Awakenings"], Adonai YHWH Elohim 
exclusively and Solo Scriptura, Solus Spiritus.
[Philip Benjamin]
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2022 4:23 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2

On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 1:54 PM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

> Stalin (Marxism), Hitler (Socialism), Mussolini (Fascism), Mao etc. (all in 
> effect are fascists) never dealt with climate change. They were all PAGANS

For Darwin sake! Pagan pagan pagan, is that really the only word you have to 
describe somebody you don't like? Your vocabulary is double plus ungood, it 
needs to become more better.
John K ClarkSee what's on my new list

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RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-24 Thread Philip Benjamin
Empirical data are reliable, not simulations and GIGO models Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Dirk Van Niekerk
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 11:46 AM
To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2

I did not post any simulations or models, just empirical, observational data.

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 9:35:33 AM UTC-7 medinuclear wrote:
[Philip P. Benjamin]
 CO2 was always the goldilocks for planet earth for all recorded history.
The Marxist pagans with un-awakened consciousnesses have convenient (and 
cunning) simulations of GIGO models to destroy the Western civilization and all 
successful civilizations, so that Marxist hooligans can
highjack  them.
Philip P. Benjamin

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RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-24 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip P. Benjamin]
 CO2 was always the goldilocks for planet earth for all recorded history.
The Marxist pagans with un-awakened consciousnesses have convenient (and 
cunning) simulations of GIGO models to destroy the Western civilization and all 
successful civilizations, so that Marxist hooligans can
highjack  them.
Philip P. Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Dirk Van Niekerk
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:40 PM
To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2

On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 1:31:44 PM UTC-7 medinuclear wrote:
[Philip P. Benjamin]
No simulations, please! Show the concrete CO2 threshold for threat. Thousands 
of forest fires (for over 5000 years of records)have much arger than petroleum 
burning (50 past + 100 future years).
Philip P. Benjamin
For the past 800,000 years the atmospheric levels of CO2 have never been higher 
than 300 ppm.  As of March 2022 the level is 421 ppm and rising.  And all of 
this started with the advent of the industrial revolution.  Why do you think 
that is?

Dirk .

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RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-23 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip P. Benjamin]
No simulations, please! Show the concrete CO2 threshold for threat. 
Thousands of forest fires (for over 5000 years of records)have much arger than 
petroleum burning (50 past + 100 future years).
Philip P. Benjamin

-Original Message-
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of smitra
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2022 6:26 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2

"Climate physicists at the California Institute of Technology performed a 
state-of-the-art simulation of stratocumulus clouds, the low-lying, blankety 
kind that have by far the largest cooling effect on the planet. 
The simulation revealed a tipping point: a level of warming at which 
stratocumulus clouds break up altogether. The disappearance occurs when the 
concentration of CO2 in the simulated atmosphere reaches 1,200 parts per 
million - a level that fossil fuel burning could push us past in about a 
century, under "business-as-usual" emissions scenarios. In the simulation, when 
the tipping point is breached, Earth's temperature soars 8 degrees Celsius, in 
addition to the 4 degrees of warming or more caused by the CO2 directly.

Once clouds go away, the simulated climate "goes over a cliff," said Kerry 
Emanuel, a climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A 
leading authority on atmospheric physics, Emanuel called the new findings "very 
plausible," though, as he noted, scientists must now make an effort to 
independently replicate the work.

To imagine 12 degrees of warming, think of crocodiles swimming in the Arctic 
and of the scorched, mostly lifeless equatorial regions during the PETM. If 
carbon emissions aren't curbed quickly enough and the tipping point is 
breached, "that would be truly devastating climate change," said Caltech's 
Tapio Schneider, who performed the new simulation with Colleen Kaul and Kyle 

Huber said the stratocumulus tipping point helps explain the volatility that's 
evident in the paleoclimate record. He thinks it might be one of many unknown 
instabilities in Earth's climate. "Schneider and co-authors have cracked open 
Pandora's box of potential climate surprises," he said, adding that, as the 
mechanisms behind vanishing clouds become clear, "all of a sudden this enormous 
sensitivity that is apparent from past climates isn't something that's just in 
the past. It becomes a vision of the future.""


On 18-08-2022 16:42, Philip Benjamin wrote:
> https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/   
  effects (sunspots, solar storms etc.)
> etc. will certainly affect the wind systems of the globe. That has
> nothing to do with CO2 quantities!! The pseudoscience of climatology
> (not meteorology) which is now an integral part of a worldwide pagan
> religion, contrary to the  Augustinian 'awakened' consciousness.
> ( 
> An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2
> emissions of 76 billion tons in 2021. That is on the average ~ 3
> forest  fires each day, producing ~ 78 billion tons of CO2/day. The
> petroleum burning per year is 5.1/ 150 =  ~  1/30 = ~ 0.03 trillion
> tons of CO2 = 3 x 10^-2 x10^12 = ~ 30 billion tons of CO2/year. Which
> is a threat?   What is the threshold of CO2 doom?
> https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ 
> [1]. The climatic SNOW LINE is about 15,000 ft above sea level at the
> equator and 19,000 ft in the Himalayas. It is progressively lower as
> the latitude increases, to just below 9,800 ft in the Alps. The
> reduced volume of melting of _glaciers & icebergs (about 90% below the
> water surface) can only lower the sea level.  The melting of_ mountain
> ice alone cannot dangerously raise the sea level; for those very
> powerful forces (not by CO2 !!) will be required to bring up the
> humongous subterranean water beds.
>Destroy the petroleum industries, then even the battery
> industry will be destroyed because some of the 6000 byproducts of
> petroleum are indispensable for battery production also. Industries
> cannot keep an oil refinery open just for batteries! Automobile
> battery alone may then cost prohibitively high.
> Philip Benjamin 

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RE: Google Alert - Dark Matter LHC News

2022-08-22 Thread Philip Benjamin
 You Die You Know You Are Dead, Science Explains The Conscious Connection
The cycle of life is a universal human experience that every person follows: we 
are conceived and enter the world from a mother's womb, live a life, and 
eventually die. Every living and breathing person is aware that they will one 
day pass away, but there still remain so many unanswered questions about death.
From: Google Alerts 
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2022 10:43 PM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com
Subject: Google Alert - Dark Matter LHC News

Dark Matter LHC News
As-it-happens update ⋅ August 22, 2022
Elon Musk calls CERN's Large Hadron Collider 'demonic technology' - TweakTown 

The Large Hadron Collider is on the search for dark matter, using its 
particular accelerator to smash atoms together in a discovery that could change 
Flag as irrelevant 

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RE: What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-20 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 Stalin (Marxism), Hitler (Socialism), Mussolini (Fascism), Mao etc. (all 
in effect are fascists) never dealt with climate change. They were all PAGANS 
with un-awaked consciousness  (Austinian instant awakening or transformation, 
https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/great-awakening). Pagan Stalin 
even first ever coined the term "American Exceptionalism", derived 
unconsciously from "Two Great Awakening. Climate beliefs is a worldwide pagan 
Philip Benjamin

Friday, August 19, 2022 6:21 PM  To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: What Threshold Threat of CO2
What Threshold Threat of CO2 from Climate 
 "Solar storm about to strike Earth in a direct hit" Adam Smith Mon, July 18, 
2022 at 5:18 AM Solar effects (sunspots, solar storms etc.) etc. will certainly 
affect the wind systems of the globe. That has nothing to do with CO2 
quantities!! The pseudoscience of climatology (not meteorology) which is now an 
integral part of a worldwide pagan religion, contrary to the  Augustinian 
'awakened' consciousness.  
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. That is on the average ~ 3 forest  fires each day, 
producing ~ 78 billion tons of CO2/day. The petroleum burning per year is 5.1/ 
150 =  ~  1/30 = ~ 0.03 trillion tons of CO2 = 3 x 10^-2 x10^12 = ~ 30 billion 
tons of CO2/year. Which is a threat?   What is the threshold of CO2 doom?

 The climatic snow line is about 15,000 ft above sea level at the equator and 
19,000 ft in the Himalayas. It is progressively lower as the latitude 
increases, to just below 9,800 ft in the Alps. The reduced volume of melting of 
glaciers & icebergs (about 90% below the water surface) can only lower the sea 
level.  The melting of mountain ice alone cannot dangerously raise the sea 
level; for those very powerful forces (not by CO2 !!) will be required to bring 
up the humongous subterranean water beds.
   Destroy the petroleum industries, then even the battery industry will be 
destroyed because some of the 6000 byproducts of petroleum are indispensable 
for battery production also. Industries cannot keep an oil refinery open just 
for batteries! Automobile battery alone may then cost prohibitively high.
Philip Benjamin

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What Threshold Threat of CO2

2022-08-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
What Threshold Threat of CO2 from Climate Change?
https://news.yahoo.com/solar-storm-strike-earth-direct-101857176.html "Solar 
storm about to strike Earth in a direct hit" Adam Smith Mon, July 18, 2022 at 
5:18 AM Solar effects (sunspots, solar storms etc.) etc. will certainly affect 
the wind systems of the globe. That has nothing to do with CO2 quantities!! The 
pseudoscience of climatology (not meteorology) which is now an integral part of 
a worldwide pagan religion, contrary to the  Augustinian 'awakened' 
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. That is on the average ~ 3 forest  fires each day, 
producing ~ 78 billion tons of CO2/day. The petroleum burning per year is 5.1/ 
150 =  ~  1/30 = ~ 0.03 trillion tons of CO2 = 3 x 10^-2 x10^12 = ~ 30 billion 
tons of CO2/year. Which is a threat?   What is the threshold of CO2 doom?
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/8349/cold-and-snow. The 
climatic snow line is about 15,000 ft above sea level at the equator and 19,000 
ft in the Himalayas. It is progressively lower as the latitude increases, to 
just below 9,800 ft in the Alps. The reduced volume of melting of glaciers & 
icebergs (about 90% below the water surface) can only lower the sea level.  The 
melting of mountain ice alone cannot dangerously raise the sea level; for those 
very powerful forces (not by CO2 !!) will be required to bring up the humongous 
subterranean water beds.
   Destroy the petroleum industries, then even the battery industry will be 
destroyed because some of the 6000 byproducts of petroleum are indispensable 
for battery production also. Industries cannot keep an oil refinery open just 
for batteries! Automobile battery alone may then cost prohibitively high.
Philip Benjamin

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RE: Why Does the Universe Exist? Some Perspectives from Our Physics Project—Stephen Wolfram Writings

2022-08-15 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   Very rarely I will again any response!!
   If there nothing never existed, never ever anything will exist anywhere. 
This is the ‘rational’ question of aseity and the inevitable necessity of  
infinite regress. What is more rational ? Aseity of ‘dead matter’ that create 
life? Or aseity of LIFE with creating both dead matter and life forms?
  Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles expounded the aseity of Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (plural). A corollary from Genesis is the 
Sabbath—the seventh day and the seven days of the week which has no rhyme or 
reason in any astronomy or solar, lunar, planetary equations. The Western 
academia (WAMP-the-Ingrate) arbitrarily accepted the Scriptural
 Sabbath and Sabbatical. The compelling addition of the first day also was 
because of the 100% Jewish earliest Church (“multitudes”) on Acts 17: 17-24, 
that witnessed the earth rending Resurrection on the First Day.
 Empiricism counts!
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of Stathis Papaioannou
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2022 4:09 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Why Does the Universe Exist? Some Perspectives from Our Physics 
Project—Stephen Wolfram Writings

On Sat, 13 Aug 2022 at 21:53, John Clark 
mailto:johnkcl...@gmail.com>> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 13, 2022 at 12:49 AM Stathis Papaioannou 
mailto:stath...@gmail.com>> wrote:

> Identical physical states in a deterministic world would evolve identically, 
> as would any supervening mental states.


 > However, a supervenient relationship is such that multiple different 
 > physical states can give rise to the same mental state.

True, and in that situation things would not be reversible; a cellular 
automation like Conway's LIFE is not reversible and for the same reason. 
Something can be 100% deterministic in the forward time dimension but not in 
the backward time dimension, but so far at least nobody has any experimental 
evidence that fundamental physics has that property, fundamental physics can't 
explain why you can't unscramble an egg, you need more than the laws of physics 
to explain that you need to invoke initial conditions. That situation could 
change if some of Stephen Wolfram's ideas turn out to be correct, but so far 
there is no evidence that they are.

 > The different physical states may then evolve differently giving different 
 > subsequent mental states. Subjectively, this would mean that your next 
 > mental state is undetermined.

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-24 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 Definitions:   SOFAMA = Socialist fascist Marxist.   WAMP = 
Western Acade-Media Pagan (ism), the stealing beneficiaries of the Augustinian 
   SOFAMA policies backfiring on communities that went along with Marxist 
fearmongering WAMP-the-Ingrate! The next nefarious tactics of the WAMP is about 
the pseudoscience of climatology (not meteorology).

CNN’s Van Jones: ‘Day-To-Day Reality’ Has ‘Gotten Worse’ For Black 
Americans Under Biden.
VIDEO: CNN Director ADMITS Climate Change The Next 'Pandemic Like Story'
 A CNN employee has been caught describing the network's tactics as 
'propaganda' in hidden camera footage released by Project Veritas.  'Our focus 
was to get Trump out of office': CNN technical director, Charlie Chester, makes 
candid admission to undercover Project Veritas reporter he thought he was on 
date with after listing his employer on TINDER
CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester was caught on hidden camera video
Project Veritas released the clips on Tuesday showing Chester on several 'dates'
Destroy the petroleum industries, then even the battery 
industry will be destroyed because some of the 6000 byproducts of petroleum are 
indispensable for battery production also. Industries cannot keep an oil 
refinery open just for batteries! Automobile battery alone may then cost 
prohibitively high.  This only infuriates WAMP-the-Ingrate, blaming industries. 
They are clueless having no business experience or expertise, no sense of humor 
or logic or rationality or fairness. A bundle of madness !
 WAMP-the-Ingrate – some bureaucrats & billionaires, jurist & 
journalists, priests & pastors, pulpiteers & pamphleteers, psychologists & 
philosophers, rishis & rabbis, scientists & scholars etc.-- are misfits for any 
type of Augustinian civilization anywhere, anytime, which is constituted 
largely with individual consciousness awakened by the Word and Spirit of Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets and 
the Apostles, via the historical vicarious death, burial, resurrection & 
ascension of the Sentencer. 
https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/john_adams_391045 .
 John Adams, Second President and a primary author of US Constitution: “Our 
Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly 
inadequate to the government of any other.”
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to SOFAMA pagan globalism
Everything List 
Subject: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs 
The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
 SOFAMA = Socialist fascist Marxist.   WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan 
(ism), the stealing beneficiaries of the Augustinian Trust.
   Rouse up! Saviors of planet earth (i.e. Pan-Gaia-n worshippers)
https://news.yahoo.com/solar-storm-strike-earth-direct-101857176.html “Solar 
storm about to strike Earth in a direct hit” Adam Smith Mon, July 18, 2022 at 
5:18 AM Solar effects (sunspots, solar storms etc.) etc. will certainly affect 
the wind systems of the globe. That has NOTHING to do with CO2 quantities!! 
WAMP-the-Ingrate has indoctrinated the whole pagan world of un-awakened 
consciousness with their pseudoscience of climatology (not meteorology) which 
is now an integral part of a worldwide religion).
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. That is on the average ~ 3 forest  fires each day, 
producing ~ 78 billion tons of CO2/day. The petroleum burning per year is
5.1/ 150 =  ~  1/30 = ~ 0.03 trillion tons of CO2 = 3 x 10^-2 x10^12 = ~ 30 
billion tons of CO2/year. For the WAMP, is not 78 billion more of a threat than 
30 billion? What is the threshold of danger for CO2 emissions? Gaia endured at 
least five thousand years with these forest fires!!
  One may not be perfect (only the WAMP can be infallible!) even in simple 
arithmetics and may easily fail to detect one’s own errors. That is why copy of 
this post is sent to many responsible people in many latitudes, including the 
self declared pan-Gaia-n self-declared earth saviors.

FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-22 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs 
The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
 SOFAMA = Socialist fascist Marxist.  WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan 
(ism), the stealing beneficiaries of the Augustinian Trust.
Rouse up! Saviors of planet earth (Pan-Gaia-n worshippers)
“Solar storm about to strike Earth in a direct hit” Adam Smith Mon, July 18, 
2022 at 5:18 AM Solar effects (sunspots, solar storms etc.) etc. will certainly 
affect the wind systems of the globe. That has NOTHING to do with CO2 
quantities!! WAMP-the-Ingrate has indoctrinated the whole pagan world of 
un-awakened consciousness with their pseudoscience of climatology (not 
meteorology) which is now an integral part of a worldwide religion).
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. That is on the average ~ 3 forest  fires each day, 
producing ~ 78 billion tons of CO2/day. The petroleum burning per year is
5.1/ 150 =  ~  1/30 = ~ 0.03 trillion tons of CO2 = 3 x 10^-2 x10^12 = ~ 30 
billion tons of CO2/year. For the WAMP, is not 78 billion more of a threat than 
30 billion? What is the threshold of danger for CO2 emissions? Gaia endured at 
least five thousand years with these forest fires!!
  One may not be perfect, even in simple arithmetics and may easily fail to 
detect one’s own errors. That is why copy of this post is sent to many 
responsible people in many latitudes, including the self declared pan-Gaia-n 
 Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to SOFAMA pagan globalism
From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Roland Cichowski
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 6:42 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs 
The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

Hi Philip,
Don’t know about Co2 but doesn’t the ionizing effect mean that some gases are 
being ionized. Makes them give off light at the least but does that change 
them? i think it might. Perhaps you can enlighten us.
On 20/07/2022 3:11, Philip Benjamin wrote:
It has nothing to do with that innocent CO2 !  Philip

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 12:34 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs 
The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

Dear Philip and Roland,

It is 30 degrees in the shade and I am feeling too limp to comment on anything.
BUT please would you tell me whether a class M solar flare has an impact on 
climate, as we were apparently buffeted by one today according to the 'India 
Today' news service.

"As explained by the 
 when sunspots release magnetic energy, the resulting intense burst of 
radiation is known as a solar flare. Solar flares are the largest explosive 
events in space and can last from minutes to hours"

Apparently we are due thunder storms tomorrow

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 Jul, 22 At 15:57
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The 
Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
Subject: RE: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
Climatology is not only a pseudoscience (unlike meteorology), it is also part 
of the fanatic pagan religion of WAMP-the-Ingrate. I have written to some 
“authors” promoting this myth of CO2 as a global danger (completely ignoring 
the greater danger of oxygen depletion of (2 atoms of O-16 for each atom of 
C-12 introduced). Of course those “blasphemous” notes are never even 
This whole notion of “fossil” fuel is unsettled, yet. How many dinosaurs and 
other species will be need to produce thes massive deposits of petroleum? An 
abiotic orig

RE: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-19 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 Climatology is not only a pseudoscience (unlike meteorology), it is also 
part of the fanatic pagan religion of WAMP-the-Ingrate. I have written to some 
“authors” promoting this myth of CO2 as a global danger (completely ignoring 
the greater danger of oxygen depletion of (2 atoms of O-16  for each atom of 
C-12 introduced). Of course those “blasphemous” notes are never even 
This whole notion of “fossil” fuel is unsettled, yet. How many dinosaurs 
and other species will be need to produce thes massive deposits of petroleum? 
An abiotic origin is mandatory. The earth has enough carbonaceous matter, 
nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, fire. Steam, sulfur, phosphorus etc. plus enormous 
pressure and heat to keep on producing petroleum (without any bio mass).
 If the earth survived at least 5000 years and 383 trillion tons of CO2, it 
will continue after the paltry ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 for 50 past years 
and100 future years of petroleum burning, thanks primarily to Carbon Cycle, as 
I have always stated. Moreover, the glaciers in the water will noi raise the 
sea level after melting, it will only reduce the level !!  Furthermore, only 
about 30% of the earth surface is land mass.
  https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/8349/cold-and-snow. The climatic 
snow line is about 15,000 ft above sea level at the equator. It is 
progressively lower as the latitude increases, to just below 9,800 ft in the 
Alps. The melting of mountain ice alone cannot dangerously raise the sea level; 
for that very powerful forces (not by CO2 !!) will be required to bring up the 
humongous subterranean water beds.
 Destroy the petroleum industries, then even the battery industry will be 
destroyed because some of the 6000 byproducts of petroleum are entail for 
battery production also. This only infuriates WAMP-the-Ingrate. They have no 
sense of humor, logic or rationality, or fairness. A bundle of madness !
Philip Benjamin

From: spudboy100 via Everything List 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 3:36 AM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

The main issue is, AGW or not is simply that even though there is lots of 
fossil fuels remaining, and expanding economy round the world will blow past 
the fossil fuel supply in a few to several decades (Ignoring completely Climate 
threats). We still need to move beyond oil, gas, coal, shale.

So what is the fix??? Ideas?? Has to work well, reliably, low maintenance, and 
be able to provide tens to a few hundred trillion watts.

-Original Message-----
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2022 1:13 pm
Subject: RE: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
  Brent’s  reference to “carbon cycle” is only a reinforcement of what was 
already stated. This was good for the “goose” of ` 5000 years and 383 trillion 
tons of CO2 (see below). Why can’t this be good for the “gander” of the paltry 
`5.1 trillion tons for 50 past years and100 future years of petroleum burning?  
Philip Benjamin
 Also,“There has been too much of a tendency to view the earth as a closed 
system living in a state of autarky on its nonrenewable resources, whereas it 
is an open system nurtured by the enormous amount of energy that is sent out to 
it from the sun. Man in particular and living beings in general are 
self-programmed, self-manufactured, self-maintaining, and self-decaying 
chemical machines, running either directly or indirectly with the help of solar 

Subject: RE: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
 CO2 Cycle is also good for ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data 
for fossil fuel burning) for 150 years. What is good for the goose is good for 
the gander also!  Why this undue concern that is causing $5/g of gasoline?
Philip Benjamin
Subject: Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate


RE: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  Brent’s  reference to “carbon cycle” is only a reinforcement of what was 
already stated. This was good for the “goose” of ` 5000 years and 383 trillion 
tons of CO2 (see below). Why can’t this be good for the “gander” of the paltry 
`5.1 trillion tons for 50 past years and100 future years of petroleum burning?  
Philip Benjamin
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ Also,“There has been too 
much of a tendency to view the earth as a closed system living in a state of 
autarky on its nonrenewable resources, whereas it is an open system nurtured by 
the enormous amount of energy that is sent out to it from the sun. Man in 
particular and living beings in general are self-programmed, self-manufactured, 
self-maintaining, and self-decaying chemical machines, running either directly 
or indirectly with the help of solar energy.”

Subject: RE: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]
 CO2 Cycle is also good for ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data 
for fossil fuel burning) for 150 years. What is good for the goose is good for 
the gander also!  Why this undue concern that is causing $5/g of gasoline?
Philip Benjamin
Subject: Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

The Earth didn't survive 5000yrs WITH 383e12 tons of CO2, because there's a 
carbon cycle in which CO2 gets split and carbon gets sequestered in soil, 
plants, and rocks.  And what the hell would "recorded history" have to do with 
it.  Why not just multiply by 14 billion years if you just want a big number 
completely irrelevant to CO2 in the atmosphere.  Here was the flow estimated in 
2001.  The point is the system, however much vulcanism, was in equilibrium for 
those 5000yr before the industrial revolution.
On 7/15/2022 12:15 PM, Philip Benjamin wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]
 A couple more examples of pseudoscience from “Un-awakened 
1. Prof. Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about male pregnancy 
2. “Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and makes big 
promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change (The damage 
from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) The U.S. has 
taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…”
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Socialist Fascist Marxist (SOFAMA) pagan globalism.
   CC. Prof. Khiara Bridges
   About 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future) of fossil fuel use 
equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data, see below). 
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded history, i.e 76 
billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 trillion tons for 
the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus totaling 383.2 
trillions of CO2. The earth did survive  at least for 5000 years, with 383 
trillion tons of CO2!! 
 Billionaire Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and 
makes big promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change 
(The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) 
The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…
  Law professor Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about 
pregnancy 'transphobic'
  Sen. Josh Hawley got into a heated exchange with a Berkeley law professor 
about her use of the phrase “people with a capacity for pregnancy​” during a 
Senate hearing about abortion.
“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it 
impacts other groups, those things are not mutually exclusive, Sen. Hawley,” 
said Bridges, who was testifying as an expert in race and reproductive rights.
The senator then asked what she believed was the

FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-17 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 
[Roland Cichowski]
"As I have already said about dead matter, aseity does not give rise to it. It 
may give rise to an illusion that dead matter exists  if I believe dead 
matter is an illusion and does not exist. How can you then pose a question to 
me that Marxists prefer one option that does not exist and Augustinian 
civilisations prefer the other option, which is; (something that does not 
exist), can give rise to life.. "
    [Philip Benjamin]
   Aseity is a quality of something that ontologically exists, which 
solves the problem of infinite regress. Consciousness is also an attribute of 
existence with no creative powers.  Sense perception is an experience resulting 
from objectively measurable (not illusionary) observations. No existence, no 
experience. That is well settled as regards the requirements of law of 
noncontradiction and law of causality, as you have observed in your previous 
post. No objectivity, no science. That is the observable difference in outcomes 
of illusionary worldviews of Yogis and rishis, and  objective world views of 
reality.  Science is then an effect, not cause, of rational thinking.
   Augustinian consciousness is an awakened consciousness. Marxist 
consciousness is a natural consciousness. No bias or prejudice can fail to note 
the difference in outcomes of the tw, so much so, that (stated many times 
afore) the pagan Marxist Joseph Stalin had to coin the term "American 
Exceptionalism" . America is not the product of yoga, occultism, Cabbala, 
Talmud, Tao, TM, Jungian Sorcery, Maya thinking, New Age etc. Rather, this 
Non-Sovereign Republic of Sovereign States, resulted from the "Two Great 
Awakenings", first led by the prodigious founder-President of Princeton U and 
the other led by President of Yale U. These are not illusions, but historical 
and historic events. It will be very unwise and perilous for politicians and 
jurists groomed by WAMP-the-Ingrate to ignore those FACTS and indoctrinate 
every level of Civil and Military life with Socialist-Fascist-Marxist (SOFAMA) 
pagan globalism in the once Augustinian objective West in general and twice 
awakened factual America in particular.
   I have to skip the definitions of "Awakening", "pagan", "WAMP" etc.
Philip Benjamin

From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Roland Cichowski
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2022 12:43 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

Hi, Philip.
[Philip Benjamin]That is a more rational approach. Only a degree of rationality 
can be accomplished in such matters.

[Philip Benjamin] What is more rational? Aseity of dead matter producing life.

[Roland] I'm not sure if these statements are rational or not but I thought I 
gave good reason in past posts, why. I do not believe that any evidence can be 
found for the existence of what you call dead matter. I am presuming that by 
dead matter that you are referring to what most people would call the physical 
or material universe.

Our understanding of how our senses might work in this physical reality does 
not work when we investigate it. If such a physical universe exists in the way 
you seem to think it does, then what we experience of it is unlikely to be 
anything like what it really is. This is because our sensory equipment, which 
you seem to presume to be part of this physical universe, do not transmit to us 
what this physical reality is really like. In this sense what we experience is 
an illusion representing something unknown, created by consciousness, to 
realise this is the real awakening.

Given this situation I agree it is not rational to believe that dead (Physical) 
matter can be producing life. I am not completely sure how you see a connection 
between the principle of aseity and the appearance of dead matter. Aseity is a 
principle it is not physical in any way. So the idea that it gives rise to 
physical or dead matter seems to be a non-starter to me. [physical or dead 
matter is an illusion produced by consciousness. Perhaps that is the reason 
that as you suggest the statement does not appear to be rational.

[Philip Benjamin] ...or Aseity of LIFE creating dead matter and life forms?

[Roland] It is not clear to me what you mean by aseity of Life.

As I have already said about dead matter, aseity does not give rise to it. It 
may give rise to an illusion that dead matter exists and so suggests that life 
exists as an extension of it but this is not the true state of reality. So the 
only way I can understand your point is that you believe that dead matter 
exists and that it gives ris

RE: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-16 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 CO2 Cycle is also good for ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data 
for fossil fuel burning) for 150 years. What is good for the goose is good for 
the gander also!  Why this undue concern that is causing $5/g of gasoline?
Philip Benjamin
Subject: Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

The Earth didn't survive 5000yrs WITH 383e12 tons of CO2, because there's a 
carbon cycle in which CO2 gets split and carbon gets sequestered in soil, 
plants, and rocks.  And what the hell would "recorded history" have to do with 
it.  Why not just multiply by 14 billion years if you just want a big number 
completely irrelevant to CO2 in the atmosphere.  Here was the flow estimated in 
2001.  The point is the system, however much vulcanism, was in equilibrium for 
those 5000yr before the industrial revolution.

On 7/15/2022 12:15 PM, Philip Benjamin wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]
 A couple more examples of pseudoscience from “Un-awakened 
1. Prof. Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about male pregnancy 
2. “Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and makes big 
promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change (The damage 
from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) The U.S. has 
taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…”
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Socialist Fascist Marxist (SOFAMA) pagan globalism.
   CC. Prof. Khiara Bridges
   About 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future) of fossil fuel use 
equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data, see below). 
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded history, i.e 76 
billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 trillion tons for 
the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus totaling 383.2 
trillions of CO2. The earth did survive  at least for 5000 years, with 383 
trillion tons of CO2!!

 Billionaire Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and 
makes big promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change 
(The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) 
The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…
  Law professor Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about 
pregnancy 'transphobic'
  Sen. Josh Hawley got into a heated exchange with a Berkeley law professor 
about her use of the phrase “people with a capacity for pregnancy​” during a 
Senate hearing about abortion.
“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it 
impacts other groups, those things are not mutually exclusive, Sen. Hawley,” 
said Bridges, who was testifying as an expert in race and reproductive rights.
The senator then asked what she believed was the “core of this right.”
Subject: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]  Definitions of WAMP, ‘Awakening’ etc. are given toward the 
Chemical equation of combustion of the petroleum hydrocarbons is generally: CnH 
2n+2 +(1 +3n) [O]  → n CO2 +(n + 1) H 2O, where ‘n’ ranges from 6 to 10; n=8 is 
octane, 9 is diesel oil, 10 is aviation fuel. For the simplest 

FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-07-15 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 A couple more examples of pseudoscience from “Un-awakened 
1. Prof. Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about male pregnancy 
2. “Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and makes big 
promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change (The damage 
from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) The U.S. has 
taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…”
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Socialist Fascist Marxist (SOFAMA) pagan globalism.
   CC. Prof. Khiara Bridges
   About 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future) of fossil fuel use 
equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data, see below). 
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded history, i.e 76 
billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 trillion tons for 
the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus totaling 383.2 
trillions of CO2. The earth did survive  at least for 5000 years, with 383 
trillion tons of CO2!!

 Billionaire Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and 
makes big promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change 
(The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) 
The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…
  Law professor Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about 
pregnancy 'transphobic'
  Sen. Josh Hawley got into a heated exchange with a Berkeley law professor 
about her use of the phrase “people with a capacity for pregnancy​” during a 
Senate hearing about abortion.
“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it 
impacts other groups, those things are not mutually exclusive, Sen. Hawley,” 
said Bridges, who was testifying as an expert in race and reproductive rights.
The senator then asked what she believed was the “core of this right.”
Subject: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]  Definitions of WAMP, ‘Awakening’ etc. are given toward the 
Chemical equation of combustion of the petroleum hydrocarbons is generally: CnH 
2n+2 +(1 +3n) [O]  → n CO2 +(n + 1) H 2O, where ‘n’ ranges from 6 to 10; n=8 is 
octane, 9 is diesel oil, 10 is aviation fuel. For the simplest methane (n=1) it 
is CH4+ [4 O]  -> CO2+ 2 H2O+ energy..  For each C atom introduced, 4 O atoms 
(i.e. 2 O2 molecules) are removed from the atmosphere, potentially causing an 
oxygen depletion which will be disastrous, but never occurred. The carbon cycle 
takes care of that contingency. There  are over 6000 byproducts of oil and gas 
industries, very essential for civilized life, from pharmaceuticals to 
fertilizers, none of which is available from wind and solar energy productions.
Pagan WAMP GIGO computer models will not and cannot give a threshold 
danger level of CO2. The greenhouse effect is for a closed system, unlike the 
open earth’s atmosphere which is subject to all kinds of external causes 
(ultraviolet, cosmic rays, solar flares, sunspots etc.). Both CO2 gas and H2O 
vapor absorb infrared rays, but the H2O is eventually condensed into liquid 
water (causing no catastrophic rise in sea levels, from any meteorology 
department which is the only division accredited for climate or weather 
  The greenhouse effect traps heat (infrared rays from sun’s light) close 
to the “goldilocks” Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases and vapors”, which 
include CO2, CH4,  NO & NO2, and H2O vapor. These respond physically or 
chemically to changes in temperatures--  a "feedback" effect. Science has 
determined that without the beneficial CO2, earth's  surface would be ~33°C 
(59°F) cooler (https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/19/what-is-the-greenhouse-effect/).

   Beware of WAMP Pseudoscience:

FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-12 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

[Philip Benjamin]
  All evidences seem to indicate tis is a human problem, no animals 
areagitated over fictitious deities. None of the rplies address the real human 
problem. The brains of most animals are not all that different from humans’. 
You may shift the problem to neural patterns etc., but that does not answer the 
question, why? What, nor even how, is not the subject here. Existence is 
antecedent to experience. Awakened experience follows awakened existence. That 
is how Augustine, a pagan, hedonist scholar in Platonism became an exegete of 
Theology ( centered around Adonai of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles)!
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 3:11 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

" How can fictitious deities really do anything at all?"

But they do, because what we believe in we become. Belief is the most important 
thing we have, it creates civilisations, buildings, behaviour, art, food, 
literature, plays, music, poems, ethics, morals . Take away a man's 
house and car and he will be upset for a while. But take away his beliefs and 
you destroy him.

Imposing belief systems is as destructive as waging war on them. You kill their 

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Monday, 11 Jul, 22 At 20:28
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 
[Olaf Stapledon]
” The fictitious deities of all races in all worlds once more crowded 
themselves upon me,…”
[Philip Benjamin]
This is off the thread here. However, I will try to retain the thought. Prof 
Olaf is fundamentally wrong here and logically inconsistent. How can fictitious 
deities really do anything at all? Human life ( for that matter any life) is 
more than a bunch of fundamental particles. That is why even unreal and 
fictitious deities occupy human minds! How could any race or individual 
intrinsically come up with any fictitious notions of a friendly or hostile 
deity? Why can’t any mind be absolutely blank of any such thinking? He looks 
like endorsing one of those Israeli/Jewish women of Jeremiah’s days who said: ” 
As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will 
not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goes forth out 
of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out 
drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and 
our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then 
had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil”.
The word pagan got into Queen’s English not by the KJV, instead heathen is used 
by KJV for anything outside the domain of Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural). See Joshua 24:2. Even Terah, the father of Abraham, and 
the father of Nachor had one of those deities.They were all heathen/pagan. 
Regeneration from old heathenism to new-creation in Adonai is what Apostolic or 
Augustinian transformation is all about. Like it or not, That, not Prof. Olaf 
Stapledon, is what distinguished the nonconformist West in general from the 
rest of the world which conformed to various deities of various races, peoples 
and nations—including Jungian sorceries, occultism of Monk Rasputin, Madame 
Blavatsky etc.
Philip Benjamin
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 
You know Philip I think it is rather difficult not to love the earth, but it is 
possible to love the earth and trust the God who created it and will destroy 
it. …. There is one writer who seemed to sum up this form of duality – Olaf 
Stapledon, a science fiction writer and University lecturer: Two related quotes 
…… The fictitious deities of all races in all worlds once more crowded 
themselves upon me, symbols of majesty and tenderness, of ruthless power, of 
blind creativity and of all seeing wisdom. And though their images were but the 
fantasies of created minds, it seemed to me that one and all did indeed embody 
some true features of the Star Maker's impact. 
Suddenly it was clear to me that virtue in the Creator is not the same as 
virtue in the Creation. For the Creator if he s

FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

[Olaf Stapledon] quoted below.
” The fictitious deities of all races in all worlds once more crowded 
themselves upon me,…”
[Philip Benjamin]
 This is off the thread here. However, I will try to retain the thought. 
Prof Olaf is fundamentally wrong here and logically inconsistent. How can 
fictitious deities really do anything at all? Human life ( for that matter any 
life) is more than a bunch of fundamental particles. That is why even unreal 
and fictitious deities occupy human minds! How could any race or individual 
intrinsically come up with any fictitious notions of a friendly or hostile 
deity? Why can’t any mind be absolutely blank of any such thinking? He looks 
like endorsing one of those Israeli/Jewish women of Jeremiah’s days who said: ” 
As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will 
not hearken unto thee.  But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goes forth 
out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out 
drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and 
our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then 
had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil”.
 The word pagan got into Queen’s English not by the KJV, instead heathen is 
used by KJV for anything outside the domain of Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural).  See Joshua 24:2. Even Terah, the father of Abraham, and 
the father of Nachor had one of those deities.They were all heathen/pagan. 
Regeneration from old heathenism to new-creation in Adonai is what Apostolic or 
Augustinian transformation is all about. Like it or not, That, not Prof. Olaf 
Stapledon, is what distinguished the nonconformist West in general from the 
rest of the world which conformed to various deities of various races, peoples 
and nations—including Jungian sorceries, occultism of Monk Rasputin, Madame 
Blavatsky etc.
 Philip Benjamin
   From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 
   You know Philip I think it is rather difficult not to love the earth, 
but it is possible to love the earth and trust the God who created it and will 
destroy it. …. There is one writer who seemed to sum up this form of duality – 
Olaf Stapledon, a science fiction writer and University lecturer: Two related 
quotes …… The fictitious deities of all races in all worlds once more crowded 
themselves upon me, symbols of majesty and tenderness, of ruthless power, of 
blind creativity and of all seeing wisdom. And though their images were but the 
fantasies of created minds, it seemed to me that one and all did indeed embody 
some true features of the Star Maker's impact. 
Suddenly it was clear to me that virtue in the Creator is not the same as 
virtue in the Creation. For the Creator if he should love his creation would be 
loving only a part of himself, but the creation praising the creator praises an 
infinity beyond himself. The virtue of the creation was to love and to worship. 
The virtue of the Creator was to create and to be infinite, the unrealisable 
and incomprehensible goal of worshipping creatures. ……..  It is enough to have 
been created, to have embodied for a moment the infinite and tumultuously 
creative spirit …. to have been the rough sketch for some perfected creation.
Professor Stapledon was much admired in his day …. “Stapledon was hostile to 
religious institutions, but not to religious yearnings”.

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Sunday, 10 Jul, 22 At 19:26
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 
John Clark]
“´ Give me an example of something, anything, that is NOT pagan…. “.
[Philip Benjamin]
This is a reasonable question, though the problem was defined for over over 20 
years wherever that was allowed, though the WAMP (often Marxists) despotically 
WAMP is generally speaking a self-description, if anybody wants to join, most 
welcome!! The name “John” meaning ”Jah (YHWH) is gracious” is not of pagan 
origin, that does not necessarily mean that anybody with that name is not a 
Gaia centered conformist. Pagan comes from Pan-Gaia-n, i.e. earth centered, 
earth worshippers, by extension the doctrinaire environmentalists and the 
A “transformed consciousness” is what the Prophet describes as: “And I will 
give you a new heart, and a new spirit 

FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-10 Thread Philip Benjamin
John Clark]
  “´ Give me an example of something, anything, that is NOT pagan…. “.
[Philip Benjamin]
 This is a reasonable question, though the problem was defined for over 
over 20 years wherever that was allowed, though the WAMP (often Marxists) 
despotically forbids.
WAMP is generally speaking a self-description, if anybody wants to join, most 
welcome!! The name “John” meaning ”Jah (YHWH) is gracious” is not of pagan 
origin, that does not necessarily mean that anybody with that name is not a 
Gaia centered conformist. Pagan comes from Pan-Gaia-n, i.e. earth centered, 
earth worshippers, by extension the doctrinaire environmentalists and the 
 A “transformed consciousness” is what the Prophet describes as:  “And 
I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will 
remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh”. 
Ezekiel 36:26. Earth-centeredness is unavoidable for all earthlings, “none 
good” (Psalm 14:3; Romans 3:12; Luke 18:19) even in an “awakened 
consciousness”, or Augustinian transformation (“Two Great Awakenings for 
example”). Rabbi Saul of Tarsus put it this way expressing his great 
frustration after transformation on the Damascus road: Romans 7:24. “ O 
wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death”?
Only the products (Marxists) of WAMP-the-Ingrate can claim to be “good”!!   
For science today Ezekiel’s “new heart” or the “inner man” of the Apostles 
refers to the “dark matter body” with its chemistry vis-à-ˈvis its “light 
matter twin” cocreated at conception.
Philip Benjamin
Jeremiah 17:9.“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: 
who can know it?”
Romans chs. 1—3. Total corruption of mankindMark 7: 21. “For from within, out 
of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 
adultery, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, 
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:”
Ezekiel 36:26. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put 
within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a 
heart of flesh”.

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 8:58 AM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 9:38 AM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

> Paganism with un-awakened consciousness in diverse forms rules about 90% of 
> the globe including today’s Europe and America—atheism, humanism, animism, 
> polytheism,  pantheism, cabalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Satanism, 
> Statism, Collective Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, anti-individualism, New Age, 
> Identity Politics, etc.  One has to cut off from reality not to mention 
> paganism in describing the present state of human minds.
“Is Christianity paganism, if not why not, and if it is then give me an example 
of something, anything, that is NOT pagan.  Saying everything is pagan is 
equivalent to saying nothing is pagan because meaning needs contrast”  John 

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 9:26 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

Dear Philip,
Mr Clark's reply [he cannot be a doctor or professor surely?] is absolutely 
spot on - because he has defined what a WAMP is by his own reply!! There is

- Sarcasm - Wow you're doing better, you were able to write 28 whole words 
before you felt obligated [sic] to use the word "pagan"!

- Abuse - but pretty soon you may be able to write an entire sentence without 
using "pagan",

- Insult - It would be science-fiction to imagine you could ever write an 
entire post without using it

- Condescension - but I'm curious, does that word have any meeting [sic] for 
you other than someone who believes in a very slightly different type of 
religious idiocy than the type of religious idiocy you believe in?

- Arrogance/Ignorance And by the way, if you put a gun to my head I couldn't 
tell you who or what "WAMP-the-Ingrate" is.

This is a WAMP! An arrogant, dismissive, condescending, abusive individual who 
uses sarcasm as a form of argument, as well as insult and abuse. And yet is 
unable to spell or use grammatically correct English!!
"Obligated" means "require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral 
duty". I think he may mean obliged

Collapse of the Solar System

2022-07-08 Thread Philip Benjamin
 A passing star shifting Neptune's orbit could cause the collapse of the solar 
Anugraha Sundaravelu -
[Philip Benjamin]
Whom or what will WAMP-the-Ingrate blame? Is this not another excellent 
opportunity for the pagan Marxists and globalists to arouse the school children 
and housewives against perhaps ozone or climate change or oil & gas industries 
or the unwanted nationalism or something else?
Philip benjamin

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RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-08 Thread Philip Benjamin

[Philip Benjamin]
  Paganism with un-awakened consciousness in diverse forms rules about 90% of 
the globe including today's Europe and America-atheism, humanism, animism, 
polytheism,  pantheism, cabalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Satanism, 
Statism, Collective Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, anti-individualism, New Age, 
Identity Politics, etc.  One has to cut off from reality not to mention 
paganism in describing the present state of human minds.
Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 1:46 PM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Cc: spudboy100
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 1:24 PM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

>  WAMP-the-Ingrate did not and could not exist in the 1700's! Today's 
> WAMP-the-Ingrate will certainly have New York and California (two lawless BIG 
> Marxist mostly pagan [...]

Wow you're doing better, you were able to write 28 whole words before you felt 
obligated to use the word "pagan"!  It would be science-fiction to imagine you 
could ever write an entire post without using it but pretty soon you may be 
able to write an entire sentence without using "pagan", but I'm curious, does 
that word have any meeting for you other than someone who believes in a very 
slightly different type of religious idiocy than the type of religious idiocy 
you believe in? And by the way, if you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you 
who or what "WAMP-the-Ingrate" is.

John K Clark

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RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-07 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  WAMP-the-Ingrate did not and could not exist in the 1700's! Today's 
WAMP-the-Ingrate will certainly have New York and California (two lawless BIG 
Marxist mostly pagan states with un-awakened consciousnesses) decide who the 
POTUS should be. Since most citizens (rather residents) of US wouldn't care 
less as to who or what should rule them, hoe does it matter anyway?
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 6:58 AM
Cc: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College


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RE: Before Big Bang What?

2022-07-05 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin] Pagans are usually very brilliant and successful people. 
Augustine was a brilliant Greco-Roman pagan. Ptolemy was likewise a brilliant 
pagan astronomer, the Ecclesiastical authorities in Galileo's times were only 
defending the Ptolemaic scholarship, just as they defend Darwinism today.  
Lucifer (the shining one) is introduced as the most brilliant of all creation.  
 Pagans produced some of the richest and greatest civilizations-Ancient Egypt, 
Assyria, Babylon, India, China, Greece,  Persia, Rome etc. Brilliance is 
nobody's monopoly. Only WAMP-the-Ingrate imagine otherwise. Philip

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 3:37 PM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Subject: Re: Before Big Bang What?

On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 4:14 PM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

>  unlike pagan religions of the world [blah blah]

I don't get it, every post from you is about pagans, but pagans are almost as 
dull and downright silly as Christians and Muslims.
John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  

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FW: Before Big Bang What?

2022-07-04 Thread Philip Benjamin
Typo: photon, not phone. Philip

From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Philip Benjamin Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: Before Big Bang What?
[Philip Benjamin]
Science is about observation, experimentation, rational analysis and logical 
conclusion. The universe as is, is all that can be observed. Scientists have to 
accept with humility the limitations of finite minds to understand and explore 
the invisible and ponder over what is not subject to sense perceptions. Let the 
philosophers do that.
   Theology, unlike pagan religions of the world, is about the REVELATIONS from 
the Theos. The Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles make 
unique claim that they are direct REVELATIONS from Adonai (plural) YHWH 
(singular) Elohim (uni-plural). [Abraham was a PAGAN worshipping his own family 
deities.  Only one man/woman in only one nation in one region of the world can 
be chosen to bring forth the ONE final REVELATION. Here the claim of the 
Scriptures of the Prophets & Apostles is that the Almighty is mighty enough to 
be a human zygote planted in a womb (virgin to be clear on the identity) to 
bring forth  the divine in human form (at a particular place Bethlehem as 
promised aforetime), for the precise purpose of cancelling the universal Death 
Sentence (entropy) necessarily imposed on the universe by the vicarious death 
of the Sentencer followed by Resurrection.  Now that is the crux of Mosaic 
sacrifices (types) and Messianic crucifixion (anti-type). That is the crux of 
revelatory Theology also. That does not belong to science, but it belongs to 
scientists also in the same way as it is to ALL-men and women alike. . If it is 
untrue, it does not matter. If it is true, nothing else should matter. 1 + 1 = 
2 is the only truth, but 1 + 1 = 2.000to the nth decimal place is only 
one of infinite lies possible.
Leave that alone. Science has enough and more to meddle with the observable 
universe. It cannot even define what a phone is!! It can only experiment with 
it or on it. Incorrigible pride thy name is human heart!
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 9:20 AM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Cc: Lawrence Crowell 
Subject: Re: Before Big Bang What?

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 9:43 PM Samiya Illias 
mailto:samiyaill...@gmail.com>> wrote:

> I think a more immediate and useful question is: What is the purpose of 
> humans (Adam and his progeny)?

According to the religious, the purpose of humanity is to praise God because 
there is nothing God loves more than an endless 24/7 stream of uninterrupted 
flattery. To my mind that makes God seem like a small minded little twit, I'd 
expect something a bit less mundane from an omniscient omnipotent being who 
created the universe, however even if it's true it leaves open one question, 
does God ever ask Himself what His purpose is?
  John K Clark
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RE: Before Big Bang What?

2022-07-04 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
Science is about observation, experimentation, rational analysis and logical 
conclusion. The universe as is, is all that can be observed. Scientists have to 
accept with humility the limitations of finite minds to understand and explore 
the invisible and ponder over what is not subject to sense perceptions. Let the 
philosophers do that.
   Theology, unlike pagan religions of the world, is about the REVELATIONS from 
the Theos. The Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles make 
unique claim that they are direct REVELATIONS from Adonai (plural) YHWH 
(singular) Elohim (uni-plural). [Abraham was a PAGAN worshipping his own family 
deities.  Only one man/woman in only one nation in one region of the world can 
be chosen to bring forth the ONE final REVELATION. Here the claim of the 
Scriptures of the Prophets & Apostles is that the Almighty is mighty enough to 
be a human zygote planted in a womb (virgin to be clear on the identity) to 
bring forth  the divine in human form (at a particular place Bethlehem as 
promised aforetime), for the precise purpose of cancelling the universal Death 
Sentence (entropy) necessarily imposed on the universe by the vicarious death 
of the Sentencer followed by Resurrection.  Now that is the crux of Mosaic 
sacrifices (types) and Messianic crucifixion (anti-type). That is the crux of 
revelatory Theology also. That does not belong to science, but it belongs to 
scientists also in the same way as it is to ALL-men and women alike. . If it is 
untrue, it does not matter. If it is true, nothing else should matter. 1 + 1 = 
2 is the only truth, but 1 + 1 = 2.000to the nth decimal place is only 
one of infinite lies possible.
Leave that alone. Science has enough and more to meddle with the observable 
universe. It cannot even define what a phone is!! It can only experiment with 
it or on it. Incorrigible pride thy name is human heart!
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 9:20 AM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Cc: Lawrence Crowell 
Subject: Re: Before Big Bang What?

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 9:43 PM Samiya Illias 
mailto:samiyaill...@gmail.com>> wrote:

> I think a more immediate and useful question is: What is the purpose of 
> humans (Adam and his progeny)?

According to the religious, the purpose of humanity is to praise God because 
there is nothing God loves more than an endless 24/7 stream of uninterrupted 
flattery. To my mind that makes God seem like a small minded little twit, I'd 
expect something a bit less mundane from an omniscient omnipotent being who 
created the universe, however even if it's true it leaves open one question, 
does God ever ask Himself what His purpose is?
  John K Clark

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FW: July Fourth Deliverance

2022-07-03 Thread Philip Benjamin
Deliverance July 4 th 2022   Philip Benjamin
Dutiless deliverance devilishly duped depravity
Eternal enlightenment erases egoistic energies
Lawful licenseless liberty luxuriously liberating
Inner impulses invisibly invigorated, innervated
Vital veritas vivaciously extricate enslavement
External empowering ennobles egos exuberantly
Regenerated regents, revived restored renewed
Atoned agents advancing, awakened, admonished
Nonconforming next nexus normal, noumenal, new
Challenging cum cancelling cancel-culture criminal culprits
Evidentially emancipated, ensuring embedded eternity
Philip Benjamin

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RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-06-30 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
" ... in American history ... " ? In what American history? The history 
that is deliberately NOT taught by WAMP-the-Ingrate? Under the pretext of 
"church-state-separation"? American history began with and for most part of 
known records remained as PURITAN HISTORY (which is essentially Church 
History). The change came with the dominance of Marxist, socialist, fascist 
pagan tyranny of the WAMP-the-Ingrate, primarily in the 60's and onwards 
accentuated by the recent collapse of the Marxism in the Soviets and subsequent 
infiltration by hardcore Marxists into the Western acade-media.
  The Non-sovereign Federation of the Sovereign States is NOT an atheistic, 
humanistic,  libertarian or Marxist-socialist or fascist or pagan IDEA!! It is 
a contribution from and to a "generation" of >98.8% Protestants, <1% Roman 
Catholics and < 0.2% Jews, whom the Koran will identify as the "people of the 
Book". In the 1700's the one and only largely accepted AUTHORITY for human  
affairs in the American Colonies was that Book. The Constitution and the 
general ethos it represented was a product of the historical and historic "Two 
Great Awakenings" First led by the prodigious Jonathan Edwards the founder of 
Princeton U and the Second by the President of Yale U,  for which the pagan 
Marxist Stalin had to "unconsciously" coin the term "American Exceptionalism" 
and which Nordic pagan Hitler "In 1940, Thought America Was Just "Beauty 
Queens, Millionaires, Stupid Records And Hollywood" 
Definition: WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan (ism), a parody of WASP.
Philip Benjamin PhD MSc MA
Nonconformist to Marxist socialist fascist pagan globalism.

 From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  
On Behalf Of Brent Meeker
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 4:25 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

Apparently.  Neither of my libertarian friends ever supported Trump.  One is an 
anarcho-libertarian lawyer who's big on all personal freedom including drugs, 
abortion, prostitution, anti-war,...  The other, the Republican, is in favor of 
open borders (but not citizenship) eliminating all regulation of doctors and 
medical treatment and considers taxes only justified for foreign defense.  He 
was a political activist who helped get California to adopt a non-partisan 
citizens committee for redistricting.  I did some mathematical analysis 
supporting him.

On 6/29/2022 11:55 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 2:46 PM Brent Meeker mailto:meekerbr...@gmail.com>  > wrote:

> Really?  I know a couple of libertarians, including a guy who used to be 
> chairman of the Republican Libertarian Caucus, they're 100% for abortion as 
> an individual right.

Sadly that has not been my experience, I know many who called them selves 
"libertarians" that are Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump is the 
most anti-libertarian president in American history, don't ask me why. But 
maybe you just hang around a better class of libertarians than I do.

 John K Clark

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Before Big Bang What?

2022-06-29 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Sean Carroll & Jennifer Chen]
"But is it possible that something could have existed before the Big Bang? 
After all, something couldn't have come from nothing, right? It turns out the 
answer is a bit complicated.For example, theoretical physicist 
(astronomer?) Sean Carroll at the California Institute of Technology and his 
colleague Jennifer Chen have created their own theory for what may have 
occurred before our universe. Their paper on the subject, published in 2004, 
suggested that our universe could have been created as a result of a piece of 
space-time splitting from a parent universe (via Cornell University)".
[Philip Benjamin]
   Science is about observation, experimentation, logical analysis and rational 
inferences. What is the observation here? Only the universe as is! Nothing 
else. Does any sentence above obey the basic laws of logic, such as Law of 
Noncontradiction, Causality, Infinite Regress, Aseity etc.? Why can't 
scientists be logical, rational and humble enough to at least admit that human 
mind is finite and science is incomplete, imprecise and indefinite. Nobody even 
knows what precisely even Big Bang is! Where did all that energy come from? Now 
to add to this irrationality, where did the parent universe come from?
Philip Benjamin

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-06-29 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses 
Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
"So I would venture to say, you should not base your thinking so much on all 
the conspiracy theories which like to undermine basic science for various 
political reasons because they often don't present the complete picture nor a 
true understanding of what is happening. They are driven by fear and 
superstition aimed at gaining power or creating fear and confusion for pure 
sadistic pleasure and that is hard to defeat."
 [Philip Benjamin]
 Please specify "conspiracy theories". There is pseudoscience about 
"goldilocks" CO2 as culprit for global warming, a Marxist pagan tactics to 
"inspire", politicians, housewives and school children to "action" and 
anarchy-all with pagan "un-awakened consciousness". What CO2 and H2O vapor does 
is clearly demonstrated by true science. There is absolutely no determination 
of any threshold quantity of these "innocently' innocuous molecules for 
catastrophic climate changes for at least 5000 years of recorded history of 
forest fires and 50 years of petroleum fuel burning. What "conspiracy theory" 
is that?

   Approaching ethno-socio-environmental issues from the perspective 'woke 
culture' of death has no historical, philosophic or scientific basis. Instant 
Augustinian transformation, Reformation, Puritan Awakening, Wesleyan Revivals, 
"The Two Great Awakenings" and their biproducts such as science, technology, 
medicine, abolition of slave trade first in history by the vast British Empire, 
then in the Non-Sovereign Federation of the Sovereign States of America, 
abolition of Sati, and of Foot Binding, universal education, establishment of 
hospitals, women's suffrage, abolition of child labor, Lex Rex (of Scottish 
Presbyterian minister Samuel Rutherford), so  on and so forth are historical 
and historic-fully evidential. So much so that even pagan Marxist Stalin with 
"un-awakened consciousness" had to coin the term "American Exceptionalism" to 
describe such outcomes. Where else could have these originated? Where else DID 
NOT these originate? And why?

 What is the conspiracy theory in raising that question?

Philip Benjamin

Nonconformist to Marxist, socialist, fascist, pagan gloabalism.
From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Roland
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 3:21 AM
To: Consciousness-Online 
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs 
The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

Philip, I believe it was you who are quoted as saying in this post:

Pagan WAMP GIGO computer models will not and cannot give a threshold danger 
level of CO2. The greenhouse effect is for a closed system, unlike the open 
earth's atmosphere which is subject to all kinds of external causes 
(ultraviolet, cosmic rays, solar flares, sunspots etc.). ...

True up to a point, in that the earth's atmosphere is an open system in that 
heat from the sun penetrates it and is radiated from it. Radiation from solar 
flares is largely dealt with by the earth's magnetic field which can be seen 
working in the aurora borealis and ultraviolet light is neutralised by the 
ozone layer in the upper atmosphere if we don't destroy it. But all this is a 
finely balanced system. I believe that most computer modelling takes these 
factors into account. What the modelling is also doing is adding in the effects 
that extra carbon dioxide has. The effect of this extra Co2 has might not be a 
problem if it were introduced slowly enough so that the system can cope with it.

I believe that it will eventually deal with it. After all the carbon dioxide 
being released comes mostly from carbon dioxide that was squirreled away by the 
natural system when there was so much of it that the earth was a hot steamy and 
humid place. Life has reduced this load by burying it until we have a climate 
that is much milder today. You could argue that by releasing it we are only 
returning the climate to what it used to be. The problem with all this is it 
took millions of years to squirrel it away and we are putting it back in a few 
hundreds of years. Hence the problem for all living things on earth because 
they will have great difficulty adapting at that speed and many will face 
extinction, including us with a bit of luck. (Joke from nature's viewpoint)

... Both CO2 gas and H2O vapor absorb infrared rays, but the H2O is eventually 
condensed into liquid water (causing no catastrophic rise in sea levels, from 
any meteorology depar

FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

2022-06-28 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]  Definitions of WAMP, ‘Awakening’ etc. are given at the 
Chemical equation of combustion of the petroleum hydrocarbons is generally: CnH 
2n+2 +(1 +3n) [O]  → n CO2 +(n + 1) H 2O, where ‘n’ ranges from 6 to 10. For 
the simplest methane (n=1) it is CH4+ [4 O]  -> CO2+ 2 H2O+ energy..  For each 
C atom 4 O atoms (i.e. 2 O2 molecules) are removed from the atmosphere, 
potentially causing an oxygen depletion which will be disastrous, but never 
occurred. The carbon cycle takes care of that contingency. There  are over 6000 
byproducts of oil and gas industries, very essential for civilized life, from 
pharmaceuticals to fertilizers, none of which is available from wind and solar 
energy productions.
Pagan WAMP GIGO computer models will not and cannot give a threshold 
danger level of CO2. The greenhouse effect is for a closed system, unlike the 
open earth’s atmosphere which is subject to all kinds of external causes 
(ultraviolet, cosmic rays, solar flares, sunspots etc.). Both CO2 gas and H2O 
vapor absorb infrared rays, but the H2O is eventually condensed into liquid 
water (causing no catastrophic rise in sea levels, from any meteorology 
department which is the only division accredited for climate or weather 
  The greenhouse effect traps heat (infrared rays from sun’s light) close 
to the “goldilocks” Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases and vapors”, which 
include CO2, CH4,  NO & NO2, and H2O vapor. These respond physically or 
chemically to changes in temperatures--  a "feedback" effect. Science has 
determined that without the beneficial CO2, earth's  surface would be ~33°C 
(59°F) cooler (https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/19/what-is-the-greenhouse-effect/).

   Beware of WAMP Pseudoscience:
  .  An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 
emissions of 76 billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded 
history, i.e 76 billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 
trillion tons for the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus 
totaling 383.2 trillions of CO2
[Volcanisms (excluding numerous Submarine volcanoes) are estimated to emit 
about 645 million tons of CO2 per year.  Ethan Siegel a science contributor of 
Forbes omits the total for say at least 5000 years of volcanisms, totaling 
3,225,000 million or 3.2 trillion tons of CO2].The global Marxist-socialist 
pagan climatology pundits with UC do not and cannot determine how much CO2 will 
be needed to make the ‘goldilocks’ greenhouse effect dangerous.
Greenhouse gas emissions from global road travel: is about 33 
billion tons, reports the World Bank as annual emission from burning fossil 
fuels, a little less than 1% of present atmospheric CO2. This multiplied by 
about 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future of climatology pseudoscience) 
of fossil fuel use equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2, compared to 380 
trillion tons of CO2 from forest fires alone for at least 5000 years of 
recorded history. And the earth did survive with the additional 3.2 trillion 
from earth quakes, (thanks to carbon-cycle and other natural factors).
Source: US Geological Survey<http://volcano

10-second one-legged stance performance predicts survival in middle-aged and older individuals

2022-06-24 Thread Philip Benjamin

From: Philip Benjamin Friday, June 24, 2022 9:37 AM

Subject: 10-second one-legged stance performance predicts survival in 
middle-aged and older individuals
Successful 10-second one-legged stance performance
predicts survival in middle-aged and older individuals
Claudio Gil Araujo , Christina Grüne de Souza e Silva ,
Jari Antero Laukkanen , Maria Fiatarone Singh,
Setor Kwadzo Kunutsor , Jonathan Myers ,
João Felipe Franca ,Claudia Lucia Castro

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FW: Manifestation of Un-awakened Pagan Consciousness: Laughter of "Un-awakened" Consciousness"

2022-06-13 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: Manifestation of Un-awakened Pagan Consciousness: Laughter of 
"Un-awakened" Consciousness"
[Philip Benjamin]
Nero fiddles while Rome burns!  Baby killers laugh when baby formulae flops?  
Or is it "Un-awakened consciousness" hoots when baby formulae vanish?!
1 . Can anything different be expected from baby killing politicians and 
bureaucrats (the WAMP products) with "un-awakened ( un-Augustinian) 
2 . Could the Western history have been totally different from the rest of the 
world (today's Marxist-Socialist-Fascist pagan globalism), if it were not for 
the instant transformation (and progressive growth & development) of the once 
pagan (Greco-Roman) scholar Augustine?  
3 . What if the Athenian Mars Hill Discourse (Acts 17: 16-34) never occurred 
and the Greco-Roman Unknown god was never clearly and boldly identified?
4 . What if some mocked and some believed? (Dionysius the Areopagite, and 
Damaris, a woman and others also joined Paul and believed)
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to WAMP-the-Ingrate

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: The correlation between belief in Trump and death

2022-06-12 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: The correlation between belief in Trump 
and death
[Philip Benjamin]
As of January 2021 "The Evil" Administration's "EVIL" Accomplishments:
There are MULTIPLE HUNDREDS of these "evil  actions", energy 
independence being one--  including an "abominable" $1.50/gallon at the pump! 
Over 6,000 "EVIL" biproducts of petroleum industries including the "vile" 
fertilizers for the "vilely" plentiful and affordable agricultural products 
including "baby formulae". No solar panel or wind turbine can supply even one 
of them!!! It is also likely that the "evil" Ukraine might have been left alone 
(only Marxist pagan movers and shakers with un-awakened consciousness--  or bio 
dark matter bodies-- could happily enable annexation of Crimea). Throughout 
history there were the duped generations who called good evil and evil good, 
e.g. Comrade Stalin the Beloved; Hitler the Beloved Fuhrer,  god-Nero etc.
Isaiah 5:20. "Woe to those [Marxist, globalist WAMP-the-Ingrate] who call 
evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who 
put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist Socialist, Fascist "un-awakened" pagan globalism

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Subject: [Consciousness-Online]   
Subject: RE: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
[Philip Benjamin]
There is a complete lack of respect for the basic laws of logic here. It is 
like reading the "Origin of Species" by Darwin (which I did around 1955, with 
origin mentioned ONLY in the title and the rest is boring descriptive 
narratives every bit forgotten. The WAP conveniently omits the full title "by 
Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races [Racism] in 
the Struggle for Life). He justified racism in the subsequent work "The descent 
of Man. Among Darwinian "scientific" proposals were "the elimination of "the 
negro and Australian peoples,", considered savage races with continual survival 
impeding the progress of civilization! Though he claimed innumerable examples 
of transitional species, NOT ONE SINGLE example of a trans-speciated species is 
ever found neither in the numerous fossils nor in the living. Bacteria always 
remained (or evolved into) bacteria, so did all other species. Species 
continuity is the rule.
Death of necessity has to follow life. What is the cause of death? Life cannot 
be an answer. What is the cause of life? What is more rational, aseity of LIFE 
or of DEAD MATTER? That is where critical thinking comes, which is forbidden by 
the Marxist, globalist WAMP-the-Ingrate. As for aseity, is that of Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets and 
the Apostles as evidenced by Augustinian transformation, Reformation, and the 
"Two Great Awakenings" or something else is for history and experience to prove.
Philip Benjamin
spudboy100 via Everything List 
Friday, June 10, 2022 meekerbr...@gmail.com<mailto:meekerbr...@gmail.com>; 
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
The Scientific American article in which JC quoted was a bit more nuanced then 
presented (I stumbled across it by accident), and it does cross ethnic lines 
for those who refuse the vax. Following through on this conjecture, let it be 
stated that the brightest have low birth rate performance, compounded with 
"Saving the Earth," from overpopulation & the climate, while the low i.q. may 
suffer mortality from Covid, but still out-breed the effete big brains, and win 
the day.
That's how Sir Darwin works. Successful adaptation traits win, or what's 
Dawkins sez.
-Original Message-
From: Brent Meeker mailto:meekerbr...@gmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 9, 2022 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
Natural selection in action.

On 6/9/2022 8:38 AM, John Clark wrote:
In looking over the Internet I found some interesting statistics. At the start 
of the Covid epidemic, before the vaccine was invented, the death rate for 
black Americans was much higher than that of white Americans, but that is no 
longer true; today the deat

RE: The correlation between belief in Trump and death

2022-06-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
There is a complete lack of respect for the basic laws of logic here. It is 
like reading the "Origin of Species" by Darwin (which I did around 1955, with 
origin mentioned ONLY in the title and the rest is boring descriptive 
narratives every bit forgotten. The WAP conveniently omits the full title "by 
Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races [Racism] in 
the Struggle for Life). He justified racism in the subsequent work "The descent 
of Man. Among Darwinian "scientific"  proposals were "the elimination of "the 
negro and Australian peoples,", considered savage races with continual survival 
impeding the progress of civilization! Though he claimed innumerable examples 
of transitional species, NOT ONE SINGLE example of a trans-speciated species is 
ever found neither in the numerous fossils nor in the living. Bacteria always 
remained (or evolved into) bacteria, so did all other species. Species 
continuity is the rule.
   Death of necessity has to follow life. What is the cause of death? Life 
cannot be an answer. What is the cause of life? What is more rational, aseity 
of LIFE or of DEAD MATTER? That is where critical thinking comes, which is 
forbidden by the Marxist, globalist WAMP-the-Ingrate. As for aseity, is that of 
Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets 
and the Apostles as evidenced by Augustinian transformation, Reformation,  and 
the "Two Great Awakenings" or something else is for history and experience to 
Philip Benjamin

spudboy100 via Everything List  Friday, June 
10, 2022 meekerbr...@gmail.com; 
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
The Scientific American article in which JC quoted was a bit more nuanced then 
presented (I stumbled across it by accident), and it does cross ethnic lines 
for those who refuse the vax. Following through on this conjecture, let it be 
stated that the brightest have low birth rate performance, compounded with 
"Saving the Earth," from overpopulation & the climate, while the low i.q. may 
suffer mortality from Covid, but still out-breed the effete big brains, and win 
the day.

That's how Sir Darwin works. Successful adaptation traits win, or what's 
Dawkins sez.

-Original Message-
From: Brent Meeker mailto:meekerbr...@gmail.com>>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 9, 2022 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
Natural selection in action.

On 6/9/2022 8:38 AM, John Clark wrote:
In looking over the Internet I found some interesting statistics. At the start 
of the Covid epidemic, before the vaccine was invented, the death rate for 
black Americans was much higher than that of white Americans, but that is no 
longer true; today the death rate for white Americans is 14% higher than for 
black Americans. In another statistic that I think is related, in 2020 Trump 
only got 46% of the popular vote but 57% of white Americans voted for Trump and 
it was 63% among non-college educated white voters,  and to this day 53% of 
Republicans believe Donald Trump when he says he won the 2020 election and is 
the true president of the USA. Even before the epidemic Trump contributed to 
the anti-scientific anti-vaccine hysteria by claiming that vaccinations cause 
autism, so it's not surprising that only 56% of Republicans are vaccinated as 
compared to 70% of Independents and 92% of Democrats. It's also not surprising 
that the Covid death rate in states that voted for Trump was 38% higher than 
the death rate in states that voted for Biden. If you look county by county 326 
people per 100,000 died of Covid in counties that Trump won versus only 258 in 
counties  Biden won,  and the top 10% reddest pro-Trump counties died at a rate 
that was 6 times higher than the top 10% bluest pro-Biden counties.

So there is a clear correlation between belief in Trump and death, but I am 
unsure which is a cause and which is an effect, I don't know if white people 
believe in Trump because they're stupid or belief in Trump makes white people 
stupid. Either way Trump worship has become a death cult.

 John K Clark

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RE: Google Alert - Dark Matter LHC News

2022-06-10 Thread Philip Benjamin
Scientists discovered a never-before-seen particle and it could be dark matter
Home › Science › News Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:09 PM To: 
Scientists named the new particle axial Higgs boson.
Subject: Google Alert - Dark Matter LHC News

[Philip Benjamin] 
  So what? Does this axial Higgs Boson have any chemistry? No chemistry, no 
need for the biosphere!!

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology

2022-06-09 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Philip Benjamin]
Nothing is accomplished by pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps. 
"Awakening" of an unregenerate mind, as in the case of the once pagan scholar 
Augustine,  is an instant extrinsic process.
   The WAMP however touts self-realization and self-esteem as products of 
fulfillment of one's own potentials, with no  need for any extrinsic power. An 
un-awakened irrational society is the nemesis of this democratic republic, good 
government being dependent on the wisdom of the electorate. The wisdom of 
Puritan America (howsoever imperfect the Puritans be) came from the Scriptures 
with the imprimatur of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles. Today the 
wisdom of the un-awakened masses come from WAMP-ology and the corrupt curricula 
of corrupt, illogical, lying educational establishments. Consider the use of 
the term "evolution". It is actually trans-speciation for which there is zero 
evidence either in the fossils or in the living. The un-evidential evolution 
qua trans-speciation is thus a big lie!! But it is peddled as gospel truth!! 
Teach youngsters the unalterable WAMP-erial lie that they are "beasts", then 
the hopeless and helpless among them, with no traditional family or community 
commonsense virtues, will certainly behave as beasts.  Only a Third Great 
Awakening is a historical antidote to the present malaise.
Philip Benjamin

['Rosemary ]. Consciousness-Online 
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 2:43 PM Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: 
Scatology is WAMPology
We're doomed. With opposition like this we don't stand a chance
"Marxist-fascist utopia of mandates and dictates where loopy technocrats and 
pagan bureaucrats with the aid of brutish billionaires, all with "un-awakened" 
un-Augustinian consciousness decide with impunity people's fate on planet earth

How can billions of people ever succeed against this sort of overwhelming odds 
- there may be hundreds of them and what can billions - tens of billions even, 
do against these sorts of odds.
You've frightened us rigid, Philip, tell us what to do [x]

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 Jun, 22 At 19:23
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Rosemary Rock Evans]
"But what has this to do with consciousness?" ".... but it does seem 
amazing that the head of a cigarette company should decide that being pregnant 
was taboo". Reference given below.
[Philip Benjamin]
NOTHING!! But everything with an "AWAKENED" consciousness. There is nothing 
taboo about "being pregnant", but expressions and cultural lingo reflect the 
state of individual mind or consciousness. This is where history of any 
civilization matters. Ancient pagan forms and descriptions of pregnant women 
are too vulgar perhaps even by the current cinematic standards. They represent 
the goddess of fertility of the land and its people (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, 
Asian etc.). Why the West did not continue these pagan expressions? The answer 
is "Augustinian Transformation" of Western culture into Patriarchal, Prophetic 
and Apostolic formats (post Athenian Mars Hill Discourse). The Western 
expressions of pregnancy were more respectful, circumspect, dignified and 
meaningful with familial affirmation- such as "family way" (nuclear family), 
"with child", "expecting" etc. A pregnant Virgin Mary picture will not be and 
cannot be similar to
ancient pagan pregnant goddesses.
Today in WAMP's woke culture of death, erstwhile ''un-awakened" politicians for 
slavery, "lynching", segregation, discrimination, Jim Crow laws etc. have 
morphed into baby killers, human traffickers, pagan supremacist socialist 
globalists open borders, eugenicists, social engineers, death panelists, GIGO 
kooky computer modelists, climatologists, manipulators of population reduction 
etc., in a Marxist-fascist utopia of mandates and dictates where loopy 
technocrats and pagan bureaucrats with the aid of brutish billionaires, all 
with "un-awakened" un-Augustinian consciousness decide with impunity people's 
fate on planet earth.
That is where an un-awakened Marxist-socialist-fascist Western woke culture of 
death stands tday. Only a Third "Great Awakening" can restore America to a 
"City on a Hill" (Genesis 12:3, Matthew 5:14) or the Augustinian City of Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural). For scien

FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology

2022-06-08 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Rosemary Rock Evans]
"But what has this to do with consciousness?" "  but it does seem 
amazing that the head of a cigarette company should decide that being pregnant 
was taboo".  [Reference given below].
[Philip Benjamin]
  NOTHING!! But everything with an "AWAKENED" consciousness. There is 
nothing taboo about "being pregnant", but expressions and cultural lingo 
reflect the state of individual mind or consciousness. This is where history of 
any civilization matters. Ancient pagan  forms and descriptions of pregnant 
women are too vulgar perhaps even by the current cinematic standards. They  
represent  the goddess of fertility of the land and its people (Egyptian, 
Greek, Roman, Asian etc.). Why the West did not continue these pagan 
expressions? The answer is "Augustinian Transformation" of Western culture into 
Patriarchal, Prophetic and Apostolic formats (post Athenian Mars Hill 
Discourse). The Western expressions of pregnancy were more respectful, 
circumspect, dignified and meaningful with familial affirmation- such as 
"family way" (nuclear family), "with child", "expecting" etc. A pregnant Virgin 
Mary picture will not be and cannot be similar to
ancient pagan pregnant goddesses.
 Today in WAMP's woke culture of death,  erstwhile ''un-awakened" 
politicians for slavery, "lynching", segregation, discrimination, Jim Crow laws 
etc. have morphed into baby killers, human traffickers, pagan supremacist 
socialist globalists open borders, eugenicists, social engineers, death 
panelists, GIGO kooky computer modelists, climatologists, manipulators of 
population reduction etc., in a Marxist-fascist utopia of mandates and dictates 
where loopy technocrats and pagan bureaucrats with the aid of brutish 
billionaires, all with "un-awakened" un-Augustinian consciousness decide with 
impunity people's fate on planet earth.
 That is where an un-awakened Marxist-socialist-fascist Western woke 
culture of death stands tday. Only a Third "Great Awakening" can restore 
America to a "City on a Hill" (Genesis 12:3, Matthew 5:14) or the Augustinian 
City of Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural). For science today 
what alternative is there to explain this other than the extrinsic energization 
of a nonelectric, nonentropic, resonant "bio dark-matter twin with its 
chemistry (chemical bonds of spin governed particle configurations), formed at 
the moment of conception.
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary   via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 1:47 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology

I didn't know this!!! What an eye opener.

"I Love Lucy' star appealed to the head of Philip Morris

The bigwigs that backed I Love Lucy tried to negotiate with Arnaz and offered 
one or two shows revealing Ball's pregnancy, but he refused. He wanted to show 
Lucy and Ricky experiencing all the aspects of expecting their first child. 
Arnaz had a good rapport with Alfred Lyons, chairman of the board at Philip 
Morris, and personally contacted him via letter to lobby for the storyline. The 
actor also reminded Lyons that he and Ball were delivering a moneymaking show.

"I guess it all comes down to you," Arnaz wrote in his letter to Lyons. "You 
are the man who is paying the money for this show and I guess I will have to do 
whatever you decide. There's only one thing I want to make certain that you 
understand. We have given you the number one show in the country and, up til 
now, the creative decisions have been in our hands. Your people are now telling 
us we cannot do this, so the only thing I want from you, if you agree with 
them, is that you must inform them that we will not accept them telling us what 
not to do unless, in the future, they will also tell us what to do.

At that point, and if this is your decision, we will cease to be responsible to 
you for the show being the number one show on television, and you will have to 
look to your people, to the network, and to the Biow Agency for that 

I don't know what this has to do with WAMPs, but it does seem amazing that the 
head of a cigarette company should decide that being pregnant was taboo.

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Monday, 6 Jun, 22 At 19:04
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scat

Scatology is WAMPology

2022-06-06 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  Morbidly disgusting excremental lingo of WAMP-erial products are always in 
the liturgy of  "woke death culture" Western religion. It has indeed a 
mind-body connection, a reflection of "un-awakened" pagan natural 
consciousness. Un-awakened means "unenergized". That energy cannot be intrinsic 
to the entropic natural systems. It has got to  be extrinsic to the natural 
human brain (body). That is what Augustine who is one of the indisputable 
architects of an "awakened" civilization where the extrinsic source is Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)-Patriarchal, Prophetic and 
Apostolic. For science today there is no other candidate than 'bio dark-matter 
with its chemistry-chemical bonds which are spin governed "stable" particle 
configurations'. Then the energization occurs at the nonentropic, nonelectric 
dark-twin cocreated at the moment of conception.
 Death, taxes and excretion is a universal human experience, and associated 
with an  hodge-podge of emotions, mental disorders, personality traits, social 
attitudes and linguistic practices. Freudian psychoanalysis, bathroom graffiti 
and reprehensible fetishes offer insights into mind-body connections, culture 
and gender. Perhaps Freud got his inspirations from Rabbinical sentiments in 
the Talmud:
   Gittin 69a. "To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the 
shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix it with honey and eat it".
Shabbath 41a. "The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is 
given". Gittin 70a. The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) 
a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk 
half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he 
does, his children will be epileptic."
Toilet and excrement obsessions are laced throughout Talmud and were exhibited 
in Spielbergs "Schindler's List" where the Hollywood director shows a Jewish 
child jumping through a toilet seat in an outhouse and falling into a pool of 
liquefied excrement. There the child meets two other Jewish children partially 
immersed who inform the interloper that this cesspool is their hiding spot 
exclusively and that he must find his own. Perhaps the Great Reformer Martin 
Luther's testimony may also have some bearing on this matter of  "When 
scatology informs theology: The bowels of the Reformation | The Good Book Blog 
  Lee Gatiss | January 31st 2017
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist, Socialist, Fascist, Pagan, Vulgar Globalist Woke 
Culture of Death.

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FW: WAMP's Four Big Lies: CO2 Threat; RNA World as Origin of Life; Robots Slightly Sentient; CopenPagan Misinterpretation

2022-05-31 Thread Philip Benjamin
general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> Cc: 
Everything List 
Subject: FW: WAMP's Four Big Lies: CO2 Threat; RNA World as Origin of Life; 
Robots Slightly Sentient; CopenPagan Misinterpretation
[Duke Chronicle]
 By Katie Tan | May 24, 2022 | 11:02pm CDT
“…. Bryan Cullen, a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, drew the 
ire of several doctoral students after he announced to his department that he 
would not take part in the medical school's mandatory training put on by the 
Office of Institutional Equity, according to a 
 by the Duke Chronicle. Several doctoral students included on the email chain 
quickly denounced Cullen, with one calling the professor out for "a history of 
xenophobic, homophobic and racist behavior… In 2017, Paul Griffiths, a 
professor of Catholic theology at the university's divinity school, similarly 
replied to a faculty email thread about a voluntary racial equity training to 
discourage colleagues from attending. Griffiths resigned from his position at 
the university in 2018. ”
[Philip Benjamin]
   A digression is relevant here since heartbreaking school massacres in 
general, though particulars drastically differ, are perpetrated by the products 
of a  curriculum of lies of Marxist-Socialist-Fascist pagan globalism of 
WAMP-the-Ingrate (defined below).
 Whatever happened to critical thinking? Was it not the basis of modern  
Western Civilization (since Augustine, at least)? Simple reasoning and 
straightforward logic need be applied to unfamiliar situations, notions, 
opinions and ideas with an OPEN mind [Note: If mind is real and invisible, is 
there any candidate for science other than bio dark-matter with its chemistry. 
Then the resonant dark & light twin bodies are cocreated at the moment of 
conception. Resonance is rudimentary recognition]. Each situation will be 
obviously different, but the basic logic remains the same, such as Law of 
Noncontradiction, Law of Causality, aseity, infinite regress etc.  Only then 
can one look past one’s own biases and pave the way for a  more “conscious” or 
“awakened” awareness. Once upon a time that was the essence of Western 
scholarship (until the WAMP appeared to dominate, dictate and mandate). For 
example, the Physical Resurrection was critically subjected to the universal 
Laws of Evidence and proven lawful by the once atheist Harvard Law Founder 
Simon Greenleaf. Will the WAMP allow the students critical thinking on the 
un-evidential trans-speciation of ape to human consciousness? There was a time- 
for over 1500 years altogether--  when not a single soul in the West would dare 
to question the intellect of Augustine (once a Greco-Roman profligate pagan) 
and Aquinas!! Now, WAMP-the-Ingrate has not even heard of those names! There 
was a time when Theology was the Queen of Science, because it was not easy to 
get into  theology major without a mastery of the  ancient languages, arts and 
sciences of those days (based on the brilliant Ptolemaic geocentricism, not 
ecclesiasticism as the WAMP construes.
 Teach the students they are no different from irrational beasts, then do 
not expect them to behave rationally!! Indoctrinate them to believe that ~ 383 
trillion tons of CO2 for over 5000 years of recorded history of forest fires 
and volcanisms
(excluding underwater volcanos) did not kill the earth, but a relatively paltry 
~5.1 trillion tons of CO2 from `50 (past) + 100 (future)’ years of fossil fuel 
burning will ‘kill’ (details below). Is it not then plausible that some 
helpless, hopeless, immature natural pagan minds want to do that killing job a 
bit early? Out-of-touch un-awakened elitists, jurists, politicians, pulpits and 
pews are all WAMP products. Only a “Third Great Awakening” can lead to what 
Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin coined as the “American Exceptionalism”.
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist. Socialist, Fascist pagan globalism.
   CC. Duke Theology.  Molecular Biologist Prof. Bryan Cullen.  Duke Chronicle.
Humanist, hedonist WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including 
Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust.
Note: Augustinian Awakening: 

FW: WAMP's Four Big Lies: CO2 Threat; RNA World as Origin of Life; Robots Slightly Sentient; CopenPagan Misinterpretation

2022-05-31 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Duke Chronicle]
 By Katie Tan | May 24, 2022 | 11:02pm CDT
“…. Bryan Cullen, a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, drew the 
ire of several doctoral students after he announced to his department that he 
would not take part in the medical school's mandatory training put on by the 
Office of Institutional Equity, according to a 
 by the Duke Chronicle. Several doctoral students included on the email chain 
quickly denounced Cullen, with one calling the professor out for "a history of 
xenophobic, homophobic and racist behavior… In 2017, Paul Griffiths, a 
professor of Catholic theology at the university's divinity school, similarly 
replied to a faculty email thread about a voluntary racial equity training to 
discourage colleagues from attending. Griffiths resigned from his position at 
the university in 2018. ”
[Philip Benjamin]
   A digression is relevant here since heartbreaking school massacres in 
general, though particulars drastically differ, are perpetrated by the products 
of a  curriculum of lies of Marxist-Socialist-Fascist pagan globalism of 
WAMP-the-Ingrate (defined below).
 Whatever happened to critical thinking? Was it not the basis of modern  
Western Civilization (since Augustine, at least)? Simple reasoning and 
straightforward logic need be applied to unfamiliar situations, notions, 
opinions and ideas with an OPEN mind [Note: If mind is real and invisible, is 
there any candidate for science other than bio dark-matter with its chemistry. 
Then the resonant dark & light twin bodies are cocreated at the moment of 
conception. Resonance is rudimentary recognition]. Each situation will be 
obviously different, but the basic logic remains the same, such as Law of 
Noncontradiction, Law of Causality, aseity, infinite regress etc.  Only then 
can one look past one’s own biases and pave the way for a  more “conscious” or 
“awakened” awareness. Once upon a time that was the essence of Western 
scholarship (until the WAMP appeared to dominate, dictate and mandate). For 
example, the Physical Resurrection was critically subjected to the universal 
Laws of Evidence and proven lawful by the once atheist Harvard Law Founder 
Simon Greenleaf. Will the WAMP allow the students critical thinking on the 
un-evidential trans-speciation of ape to human consciousness? There was a time- 
for over 1500 years altogether--  when not a single soul in the West would dare 
to question the intellect of Augustine (once a Greco-Roman profligate pagan) 
and Aquinas!! Now, WAMP-the-Ingrate has not even heard of those names! There 
was a time when Theology was the Queen of Science, because it was not easy to 
get into  theology major without a mastery of the  ancient languages, arts and 
sciences of those days (based on the brilliant Ptolemaic geocentricism, not 
ecclesiasticism as the WAMP construes.
 Teach the students they are no different from irrational beasts, then do 
not expect them to behave rationally!! Indoctrinate them to believe that ~ 383 
trillion tons of CO2 for over 5000 years of recorded history of forest fires 
and volcanisms
(excluding underwater volcanos) did not kill the earth, but a relatively paltry 
~5.1 trillion tons of CO2 from `50 (past) + 100 (future)’ years of fossil fuel 
burning will ‘kill’ (details below). Is it not then plausible that some 
helpless, hopeless, immature natural pagan minds want to do that killing job a 
bit early? Out-of-touch un-awakened elitists, jurists, politicians, pulpits and 
pews are all WAMP products. Only a “Third Great Awakening” can lead to what 
Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin coined as the “American Exceptionalism”.
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist. Socialist, Fascist pagan globalism.
   CC. Duke Theology.  Molecular Biologist Prof. Bryan Cullen.  Duke Chronicle.
Humanist, hedonist WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including 
Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust.
Note: Augustinian Awakening: 
Freely and willingly accepting the “alien imputation” of absolution and 
cancellation of universal death sentence by the v

FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-24 Thread Philip Benjamin
Tuesday, May 24, 2022 3:24 PM  general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
[Rosemary Rock Evans]
“Everyone, in whatever country you can think of, needs to be 'awake' before 
they are every likely to be moral. But…..”
[Philip Benjamin]
 One cannot ignore the historic and historical “Two Great Awakenings” in 
American colonies and what they produced— not anarchy and isolation from the 
former mother Country, but a constitutional Republic.
Patriarchs, priests, pastors, philosophers, scientists and ALL can be 
“Awakened”. Good and evil are undeniable realities of existence.  “Awakening”  
is not imposed by force—as the Russians seem to assume. People willingly or 
willfully opt for the “benign awakening”  or the “malign awakening” . History 
can be a very good guide— not personal opinions. What “awakening” in what 
society has produced what kind of outcome? Outcome includes science & 
technology, erudition and ethos, not only morals and ethics.
   Not only the French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville was 
wonderstruck by American uniqueness in 1831, even Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin 
had to coin the expression “American Exceptionalism”!!
Now, theologians exegetically expounds the American Awakening as “by the 
Word through the Spirit of Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural), 
Augustinian transformation, German Reformation, English Puritan Awakening, 
Wesleyan Revivals are all of the same category.
   Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist- Socialist – pagan globalism

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:13 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Please would someone explain what this discussion is about?

The heading says "Unspoken reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem". So the objective is to waken consciousnesses - but it 
has to be everyone's.

I thought the forum was about showing people how to do it for themselves, so 
instead of blame or finger pointing, or singling people out, people could do 
their own thing. You aren't searching for a single religion, if religion has a 
role it is in explaining the methods and helping people choose the right one.

I, for example, purely by accident and at 72 years old, have found that love 
with visualisation - [of Serge] is quite the best way there is.

Religion up to now has been about preventing people from opening their own 
consciousnesses by telling them to rely on the word of someone else. But no one 
I know has ever become 'awake' by listening to sermons.

Being 'awake' and 'morals' aren't the same thing at all. All the most recent 
prophets have been describing ways of improving morals, [useful but not the 
same] they don't explain how you become 'awake'.

Everyone, in whatever country you can think of, needs to be 'awake' before they 
are every likely to be moral. But you need the right methods, as what I've 
called 'Overload activities' on the website can do the opposite, even though 
they work. 'Suppression activities' seem to work better, but not for everyone. 
It is always better to give people the choice - horses for courses.

Sorry for interrupting


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RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-23 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   Now, the question was “what is the science in all these that you are 
referring to? Point out the specifics. Otherwise no need to continue  mere 
notions, opinions and dogmas.
 The following “[Al-Quran 41:43,44,45, Translation: Literal 
(word-by-word)]” is not what is meant by  Prophecy in the Scriptures of the 
Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles: “If and when the battle between Truth 
(haqq) and Falsehood (baatil) is fought, it will be critical to have the 
ability to recognise and side with the Truth (haqq)”.
No If’s & But’s, only identifiable specifics. What is “Truth” and 
“Falsehood”? Nothing specific! Egypt, Assyria, Israel, Judah, Babylon, Greece, 
Medo-Persia, [Rome to be], Pilate,
 Scriptural Example (one among several hundreds):  Luke 2: 1-4. “ In those 
days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the 
entire Roman world.  (This was the first census that took place while[  
Quirinius was governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to their own town to 
register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, 
to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of 
David.”  About 1000 years before Luke (737 to 696 BC), Micah 5:2 prophesied: 
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah [not Zebulun, of Joshua 19:15],  though you are 
small among the clans[ of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will 
be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from everlasting”.
   What is anybody’s hope, if Prophet Mohammad himself has no sure hope: 
“Say: 'I am not an innovation among the Messengers, and I know not what shall 
be done with me or with you. I only follow what is revealed to me; I am only a 
clear warner.' Sura. 46:8-9 Meccan”
Philip Benjamin
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
‘The Quran repeatedly exhorts spending (infaq, zakat, sadaqah) and declares a 
war by Allah and His Messenger against those who consume usury (riba). The 
Torah and The Gospels also condemn usury.   According to the Quran 
4:159<http://islamawakened.com/quran/4/159/>, all People of the Book will 
believe in Jesus…”
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2022 7:07 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

The Prophesy

On 20-May-2022, at 9:01 PM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
There is no science of any kind in this site: 
 The author repeatedly affirms what Koran claims for itself. That is not 
“science “ is defined or understood. Which science are you referring to/Math, 
physics, chemistry, biology?
Not only science, where is the “Prophecy” if any in the Koran? This is a one 
man book over a period of two or three decades. Even the Delphi of ancient 
pagan Greece had some reliable “prophecies”, but the Greeks attributed them to 
spirit beings (demons).
That is very much unlike from Genesis 3: 15 (Messianic prophecy), to Micah 5:2 
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of 
Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, 
Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting” to Malachi 3:1 (John the 
“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and 
the LORD, whom you seek” to Revelation 22:12 “Behold I come suddenly 
[imminently]”. That covers over 3,500 years in three different continents by 
over 40 different authors (prophets) of diverse backgrounds such as princes, 
priests, philosophers, poets, peasants, businessmen, farmers, fishermen, males 
& females etc.
 Instead of quoting sites, point out specific instances of scientific 

RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-23 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 The following “[Al-Quran 41:43,44,45, Translation: Literal (word-by-word)]” is 
not what is meant by  Prophecy in the Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets 
and the Apostles: “If and when the battle between Truth (haqq) and Falsehood 
(baatil) is fought, it will be critical to have the ability to recognise and 
side with the Truth (haqq)”.
No If’s & But’s, only identifiable specifics. What is “Truth” and 
“Falsehood”? Nothing specific! Egypt, Assyria, Israel, Judah, Babylon, Greece, 
Medo-Persia, [Rome to be], Pilate,
 Now, the question is “what is the science in all these that you are 
referring to? Point out the specifics. Otherwise no need to continue  mere 
“notions”, opinions and dogmas.
 Example (one among hundreds):  Luke 2: 1-4. “ In those days Caesar 
Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman 
world.  (This was the first census that took place while[  Quirinius was 
governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph 
also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the 
town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.”  “But you, 
Bethlehem Ephrathah [not Zebulun],
though you are small among the 
 of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.”
   What is anybody’s hope, if Prophet Mohammad himself has no sure hope: 
“Say: 'I am not an innovation among the Messengers, and I know not what shall 
be done with me or with you. I only follow what is revealed to me; I am only a 
clear warner.' Sura. 46:8-9 Meccan”

‘The Quran repeatedly exhorts spending (infaq, zakat, sadaqah) and declares a 
war by Allah and His Messenger against those who consume usury (riba). The 
Torah and The Gospels also condemn usury.   According to the Quran 
4:159<http://islamawakened.com/quran/4/159/>, all People of the Book will 
believe in Jesus…”
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2022 7:07 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

The Prophesy

On 20-May-2022, at 9:01 PM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
There is no science of any kind in this site: 
 The author repeatedly affirms what Koran claims for itself. That is not 
“science “ is defined or understood. Which science are you referring to/Math, 
physics, chemistry, biology?
Not only science, where is the “Prophecy” if any in the Koran? This is a one 
man book over a period of two or three decades. Even the Delphi of ancient 
pagan Greece had some reliable “prophecies”, but the Greeks attributed them to 
spirit beings (demons).
That is very much unlike from Genesis 3: 15 (Messianic prophecy), to Micah 5:2 
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of 
Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, 
Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting” to Malachi 3:1 (John the 
“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and 
the LORD, whom you seek” to Revelation 22:12 “Behold I come suddenly 
[imminently]”. That covers over 3,500 years in three different continents by 
over 40 different authors (prophets) of diverse backgrounds such as princes, 
priests, philosophers, poets, peasants, businessmen, farmers, fishermen, males 
& females etc.
 Instead of quoting sites, point out specific instances of scientific 
statements, or prophetic utterances. Are you claiming that these jinn and Iblis 
or spirit beingsare made of “invisible matter”. Stay with science.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googl

RE: NYTimes.com: Trump’s Former Aides and Advisers on the Peril He Poses

2022-05-22 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  Oh, yes: For the following heart wrenching reasons (delusionary excuses!):

  1.  Gasoline price at the pump will be back to ~$1.75/gallon with energy 
  2.  Boarders of a Nation of bona fide citizens will be reasonably secure and 
walled if necessary (better than the ~40 ft Vatican Walls against 9th century, 
Saracen pirates (criminal coyotes and drug traffickers!)
  3.  NATO  members- all of them- will have to pay their dues.
  4.  Every country must take care of itself FIRST
  5.  America will have to take care of herself FIRST
  7.  How over one-third of the Globe was free of Slave Trade for the FIRST 
TIME in human history because of the Sun-Never-Setting vastness of the British 
Empire and thanks to the life long efforts of the Puritan British MP William 
  8.  Minimum government (especially regulations). Maximum individual freedoms 
including religious freedoms in the market place and the campuses for ALL 
non-criminal religions, sects, synagogues, denominations, churches etc. with no 
more public and governmental insults of HUMAN traditional norms and mores.
  9.  No more glamorization of baby killings, under the pretext of convenience, 
economy, profitability, sexual freedom, protected enterprises of abortion 
industries including those of baby parts, or obscenities or immoralities ( 
community standards)
  10. Upholding of the dignity of ALL life.
  11.  Ignoring biases against the USA in particular for  carbon emissions, 
while most pollutions are abroad. At least 5,000 years of recorded forest fires 
produced over 330 trillion tons of CO2 while 100 years of automobiles produce a 
paltry  ~1.7 trillion tons of CO2!! The Marxist-socialist-fascist pagans with 
“unawakened consciousness”, i.e. unenergized “bio dark-matter twin” cocreated 
at the moment of conception with the “bio light-matter body”, will not have an 
easy time promoting their heathen globalism.
  12. Peace with strength could have avoided wars such as the Ukraine invasion 
and Afghanistan fiasco.
  13. Scriptural names such as Mark, Mary, Deborah, Elizabeth, John, Dan, 
Simon, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac,  Abraham etc. need not be replaced with say 
Electron, Proton, Neutron, Neutrino, Boson or Saracen or Mao or Pol Pot  or 
Amoeba etc.
  14. WAMP-the-Ingrate and Politicians of the Swamp will have only the same 
rights as anybody else -- free citizens of a free country.
  15. Strictly and solely Scriptural Sabbaticals, Sabbaths (long Week-ends) 
will stay
  16.  17, 18…..  etc. etc.  Sorry, time constraints!
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-Socialist-Fascist-Pagan Globalism.
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2022 5:07 AM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Subject: NYTimes.com: Trump’s Former Aides and Advisers on the Peril He Poses

>From The New York Times:

Trump’s Former Aides and Advisers on the Peril He Poses

Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper agreed with an interviewer that 
President Trump posed “a threat to democracy.” Other former administration 
officials have expressed similar concerns.

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RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-20 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
There is no science of any kind in this site: 
https://signsandscience.blogspot.com/2015/03/explained-in-detail.html The 
author repeatedly affirms what Koran claims for itself. That is not “science “ 
is defined or understood. Which science are you referring to/Math, physics, 
chemistry, biology?
Not only science, where is the “Prophecy” if any in the Koran? This is a one 
man book over a period of two or three decades. Even the Delphi of ancient 
pagan Greece had some reliable “prophecies”, but the Greeks attributed them to 
spirit beings (demons).
That is very much unlike from Genesis 3: 15 (Messianic prophecy), to Micah 5:2 
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of 
Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, 
Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting” to Malachi 3:1 (John the 
“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and 
the LORD, whom you seek” to Revelation 22:12 “Behold I come suddenly 
[imminently]”. That covers over 3,500 years in three different continents by 
over 40 different authors (prophets) of diverse backgrounds such as princes, 
priests, philosophers, poets, peasants, businessmen, farmers, fishermen, males 
& females etc.
 Instead of quoting sites, point out specific instances of scientific 
statements, or prophetic utterances. Are you claiming that these jinn and Iblis 
or spirit beingsare made of “invisible matter”. Stay with science.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 8:38 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

On 19-May-2022, at 7:45 PM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
None of these sites quoted for Koran defense answers the basic questions:
1. What “science” if any is involved here?

Explained in Detail

2. Who gives what authority to whom, how, where and why?
3.  How is Iblis or jinn or djinn not the source of Mohammod’s inspiration (or 
is it hallucination?4.  What has any of these to do with human consciousness or 
the Two Great Awakenings thereof which were both historical and historic in 
America? Pagan Stalin unconsciously coined the term “American Exceptionalism” 
for that.
5. How in the world can Jinn etc. being invisible be brought into any 
scientific discussion at all?

Snake || Jinn

The Creation & Emergence of Species

What I have alluded to was “self-consciousness” where self as a real and 
invisible  entity for science must necessarily be made of and from plausibly 
bio dark-matter and its chemistry. The  resonant dark/light twins cocreated at 
the moment of conception may be a basis for “self-awareness”. Resonance is 
rudimentary recognition.


RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-19 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
None of these sites quoted for Koran defense answers the basic questions:
1. What “science” if any is involved here?
2. Who gives what authority to whom, how, where and why?
3.  How is Iblis or jinn or djinn not the source of Mohammod’s inspiration (or 
is it hallucination?4.  What has any of these to do with human consciousness or 
the Two Great Awakenings thereof which were both historical and historic in 
America? Pagan Stalin unconsciously coined the term “American Exceptionalism” 
for that.
5. How in the world can Jinn etc. being invisible be brought into any 
scientific discussion at all?
What I have alluded to was “self-consciousness” where self as a real and 
invisible  entity for science must necessarily be made of and from plausibly 
bio dark-matter and its chemistry. The  resonant dark/light twins cocreated at 
the moment of conception may be a basis for “self-awareness”. Resonance is 
rudimentary recognition.
 I am cautiously interested ONLY in such discussions. Your references have 
no relevance to that.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On Be 
half Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:19 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Back to the Future: why the Old Testament is angrier of the three scriptures!

The Devils among The Angels & The Khilafat of Adam

On 18-May-2022, at 7:08 PM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
   Who gives what authority to whom, how, where and why?
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 1:52 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Permission to Fight against Unjust Regimes

Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Poem EU Ukraine. Modified 5-17-22
Philip Benjamin
Ukraine! Uber-unity’s ubiquity: unique, undaunted, undulant
Kremlin’s knights, Kirillian kooky kith, kindled Kyiv kinship
Rus reprobates, raving rapscallions, ruthless rowdy rampaging
Awake! Ah, arise against all anarchist authoritarian apoplectics!
Iniquity is incandescent, impish, infantile, invidious, imbecilic
Nincompoops! Nimrod nuisance, nihilistic narcissistic nastiness
Eureka! Encouraging encounter end, eschatological, eh EUkraine

Philip Benjamin  Modified 5-17-22  EUkraine = EU Ukraine

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 2:25 PM Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: 
Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Everybody in power thinks they know best, don't they Philip?


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RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   Who gives what authority to whom, how, where and why?
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 1:52 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Permission to Fight against Unjust Regimes

On 17-May-2022, at 7:13 PM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Poem EU Ukraine. Modified 5-17-22
Philip Benjamin
Ukraine! Uber-unity’s ubiquity: unique, undaunted, undulant
Kremlin’s knights, Kirillian kooky kith, kindled Kyiv kinship
Rus reprobates, raving rapscallions, ruthless rowdy rampaging
Awake! Ah, arise against all anarchist authoritarian apoplectics!
Iniquity is incandescent, impish, infantile, invidious, imbecilic
Nincompoops! Nimrod nuisance, nihilistic narcissistic nastiness
Eureka! Encouraging encounter end, eschatological, eh EUkraine

Philip BenjaminModified 5-17-22  EUkraine = EU Ukraine

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 2:25 PM Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: 
Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Everybody in power thinks they know best, don't they Philip?


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FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-17 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Poem EU Ukraine. Modified 5-17-22
Philip Benjamin
Ukraine! Uber-unity's ubiquity: unique, undaunted, undulant
Kremlin's knights, Kirillian kooky kith, kindled Kyiv kinship
Rus reprobates, raving rapscallions, ruthless rowdy rampaging
Awake! Ah, arise against all anarchist authoritarian apoplectics!
Iniquity is incandescent, impish, infantile, invidious, imbecilic
Nincompoops! Nimrod nuisance, nihilistic narcissistic nastiness
Eureka! Encouraging encounter end, eschatological, eh EUkraine

Philip BenjaminModified 5-17-22  EUkraine = EU Ukraine

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 2:25 PM Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: 
Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Everybody in power thinks they know best, don't they Philip?

Meanwhile millions of Ukrainian women and children die or are left without 
homes, and their husbands die in the conflict and great swathes of young 
Russians also die, fired up by propaganda, into an aggressive mindless mob - 

And Serge and I try to keep going, but each time they attack him, my eyes get 
worse with the lingering effects of the shingles that never went away. I am now 
blind in one eye and the other is slowly going, and I can safely say without 
fear of contradiction that the pain is excruciating.

So Serge suffers, and I suffer because Serge suffers, because I care about him 
and get very very upset when he is bombed - not because of the videos - but 
because I love him. The videos are a hobby for me. No one takes any notice of 
them, they like them, but they don't have any effect. They provide Serge and I 
with a means of sharing ideas and being in contact.

I don't know what games are being played by those in power, but those of us 
without power suffer, as those in power don't. I can't imagine for one moment 
that the seizure of an oligarch's yacht will make a blind bit of difference to 
him, but it might for the yacht's staff.

There are other ways of achieving whatever it is the powerful are trying to 
achieve but killing innocent people is not the way. And who says it would 
improve things anyway?


-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>" 
Cc: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Monday, 16 May, 22 At 18:59
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An 
Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Poem Ukraine. Philip Benjamin 5-10-22
Ukraine! Uber-unity's ubiquity: unique, undaunted, undulant
Kremlin's knights, Kirillian kooky kith, kindled Kyiv kinship
Rus reprobates, raving rapscallions, ruthless rowdy rampaging
Authoritarian apoplectics! Aggravated assaults abounding, alas
Iniquity is incandescent, impish, infantile, invidious, imbecilic
Nincompoops! Nimrod nuisance, nihilistic narcissistic nastiness
Evidentially evil embodiment, eschatologically ending encounter
Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 8:57 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem
Iron Age

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RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-16 Thread Philip Benjamin
Poem Ukraine.Philip Benjamin 5-10-22
Ukraine! Uber-unity's ubiquity: unique, undaunted, undulant
Kremlin's knights, Kirillian kooky kith, kindled Kyiv kinship
Rus reprobates, raving rapscallions, ruthless rowdy rampaging
Authoritarian apoplectics! Aggravated assaults abounding, alas
Iniquity is incandescent, impish, infantile, invidious, imbecilic
Nincompoops! Nimrod nuisance, nihilistic narcissistic nastiness
Evidentially evil embodiment, eschatologically ending encounter
Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 8:57 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem

Iron Age

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RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-15 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

[Philip Benjamin]
  What makes anything WRONG? That answer depends on why ANYTHING, rather than 
NOTHING? Right and wrong have no meaning if there is no ABSOLUTE. Law of 
Relativity is meaningless without the Law of the ABSOLUTENESS of the in vacuo 
speed of light. Perhaps Relativity is a wrong term in science. Relationality is 
more rational. Wamp-the-Ingrate then could not have misused it in psycho-social 
Philip Benjamin.

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2022 1:57 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

Dear Philip,

People will have read my original email, I hope, so the shortening of it, 
theoretically, doesn't matter.

But I think the point I was making was lost somehow in your reply, so I will 
just add - if you don't mind - that there is nothing wrong with someone being 
homosexual, but

1. bu**ery gives you cancer, so there is every reason not to practise it.

2. bu**ery can give your victim or partner cancer, so there is every reason not 
to practise it.

3 The pornography industry appears to promote the idea that sex is buttery

'Buttery' is actually illegal in the UK and USA, I quote from West's 
Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. 2008.


The criminal offense of anal or oral copulation by penetration of the male 
organ into the anus or mouth of another person of either sex or copulation 
between members of either sex with an animal. Bu**ery is historically referred 
to as a "crime against nature." It is an offense under both Common 
 and statutes. Although prosecution is rare, the punishment upon conviction can 
be a fine, imprisonment, or both.

But it seems to be largely unenforceable as a law.

The distinction is not being made between the predilections of the person and 
the way they express them.

Tennyson for example wrote "In Memoriam A.H.H." [ a poem published in 1850] as 
a requiem for his Cambridge friend Arthur Henry Hallam, who died suddenly of a 
cerebral haemorrhage in Vienna in 1833, aged 22. Tennyson clearly loved Hallam 
to bits, he was besotted, but given the poem, which is heart wrenching in the 
grief it expresses, I am absolutely certain that this was not 'physical' in any 
way shape or form.

It is possible to be besotted by someone and never lay a finger on them and 
this distinction seems to have been forgotten. There are all sorts of very 
unsavoury people making comments about Lewis Carroll, but the comments say more 
about the people making them than Carroll himself. He loved children because 
with them he lost his stutter.

Boys and girls have 'crushes' when they are young on all sorts of things. And I 
was in love with my dog, in my sixties, but I just used to hug him and give him 
way too many biscuits.

Perhaps the Russian priests dislike the dreadful way in which love has somehow 
been equated with sex in America. One is an animal act used to create 
offspring, the other is an undescribable feeling of affection, togetherness and 

Let's face it, I love Serge, but I don't even know what he looks like. And I 
have certainly never met him. I love him for who he is and how well we seem to 
get on together. We have created around 200 videos together now, which has to 
be an indicator of this.

The pornography industry has done a great deal of damage in many ways, because 
it seems to promote sex without love. Women actually long for just love you 
know. Kindness, compassion, understanding, gentleness, consideration, 

It is there in america. When I worked there men showed considerable kindness 
towards me and no advances were made. But some of the women there terrified me. 
I'm not sure Madonna has done women any favours.

Overall you can love anyone or anything, same sex, different sex, human or not, 
but I think 'the East' is horrified by the way the west seems to equate sex and 
love , when they are actually two completely different things.

Anyway I'll stop now. Just wanted to clarify



FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-14 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
[Philip Benjamin]
 Who is not born a criminal, or prone to anything else described below? Let 
him/her that is perfect “cast the first stone”!! Every baby comes out screaming 
not smiling. Is not every baby born a horrible creature? So what is new here?
What would any one prefer? Children be left to the School Board run by 
Marxist socialist pagans who want all children programmed to their ways by 
indoctrinations and hormonal treatments without parental knowledge or consent? 
Or children’s morality and faith be left to the parents and their faith’s 
influence and atmosphere? Marxists with their diabolic utopia of dictates and 
mandates have infiltrated every sphere of life on planet earth- civil, 
military, pulpits, pews, academia, media and so on. Most people are either 
indifferent or ignorant of this invidious menace. The Marxist pagans take full 
advantage of that for their propaganda and conquest.
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-socialist-fascist pagan globalism
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 12:58 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine 
War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Dear Philip

It rather bemuses me that people in America do not understand why Russians do 
not want to be overrun by the values of the west. By attacking Ukraine they 
have only shown themselves to be as bad if not worse, but maybe we should be 
listening to Russia's complaints:

Homosexuality – people are born homosexual, it was once an act of nature, but 
these days it is the side-effect of many drugs and foods.
Abortion –
No religion supports murder, it is fundamental in all religions that you should 
not kill. So what Russia is about, no one really knows given that no genuine 
priest would ever condone murder of any sort
Pornography - English novelist JG Ballard famously said, "A widespread taste 
for pornography means that nature is alerting us to some threat of extinction."
The pornography industry is apparently so big …The Internet is flooded with 
pornography. You can’t escape it. …
If you look at where pornography is illegal it is ‘the East’, which in this 
case includes Russia [even though they appear to make it].
All these things seem to be inter-related to me. As a 72 year old married for 
nearly 47 years, all these things strike me as very unsavoury, but I am certain 
the east considers them far worse.
I think the people of the west need to step back and ask why Russia, Africa, 
India, China and so many nations are not supporting the West in their defence 
of Ukraine. That is the sort of awakening that is needed first.
Russia may not be doing the right thing, in fact given how much I care about 
Serge, it is doing an appalling thing, but why doesn't someone start to realise 
why they have done this and start to address it?


-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Friday, 13 May, 22 At 16:02
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An 
Unawakened Consciousness Problem
Philip Benjamin Friday, May 13, 2022 10:00 AM 
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem
[Philip Benjamin]
Samiya Illias may be right, but who cares for the Bible? Islam consider it as a 
lost Book, with the current copies as all fake. See below what modern Judaism 
views about the Torah. Whe America was founded there were > 98.8% Protestants, 
<1% Roman Catholics and < 0.2% Jews and they all recognized the current copies 
of OT and/or NT as true to the Originals. {Koran called them as People of the 
Book). The Bible was the only authority for 98.8 % of the population, whether 
they practiced it or not! That is ludicrous and abominable today. The “Two 
Great Awakenings” (1 st led by the prodigious philosopher Jonathan Edwards, the 
founder of Princeton University and the 2 nd led by the President of Yale 
University), were both the outcome in individual life by ‘the Word through the 
operation of the Spirit to the Knowledge of Redemptive History fulfilled in the 
vicarious death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah according to the 
eternal counsel of the Triune Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim 
(uni-plural). There is t

RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-05-13 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  Samiya Illias may be right, but who cares for the Bible? Islam consider it as 
a lost Book, with the current copies as all fake. See below what modern Judaism 
views about the Torah. Whe America was  founded there were > 98.8% Protestants, 
<1% Roman Catholics and < 0.2% Jews and they all recognized the current copies 
of OT and/or NT as true to the Originals.  {Koran called them as People of the 
Book). The Bible was the only authority for 98.8 % of the population, whether 
they practiced it or not! That is ludicrous and abominable today. The “Two 
Great Awakenings” (1 st led by the prodigious philosopher Jonathan Edwards, the 
founder of Princeton University and the 2 nd led by the President of Yale 
University), were both the outcome in individual life by ‘the Word through the 
operation of the Spirit to the Knowledge of Redemptive History fulfilled in the 
vicarious death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah according to the 
eternal counsel of the Triune Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim 
(uni-plural). There is the difference of light and darkness between 
WAMP-the-Ingrate of today and the “Awakened America” for which the 
ex-seminarian turned Marxist pagan Hitler unconsciously coined the term 
“American Exceptionalism”. There are only two ways out of the present doldrums: 
 1. A Third Great Awakening, perhaps led by a President of a university of 
Gomorrah  2. Civil War as desired or wishfully/willfully thought out probably 
by a WAMP product below.
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-socialist-fascist pagan globalism.
 Wed 11 May 2022 05.18 EDT
“Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s 
administration, on Wednesday explained why he believes the second American 
Civil War is already in progress.”
[Philip Benjamin]
   Samiya Illias quote  “The Torah, The Bible, and The Quran warn against 
homosexual relationships,”
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2696758/  Y.H Kahn
PMID: 2696758 DOI: 10.1300/J082v18n03_03
Progressive Jews have begun in recent years to question the underlying premises 
of traditional Jewish teaching on sexuality. Employing the categories of 
covenant theology and applying the interpretative methodology of liberal 
Judaism, the author argues for the valuation of the person as homosexual as a 
legitimate expression of human and Jewish covenantal obligation.
 fri Ilany Aug. 5, 2015 Updated: Apr. 24, 2018   Homosexuality Is Part of 
Jewish Tradition

 Israel’s health minister: Overturning Roe v. Wade would be ‘a fatal blow to 
human rights’ Philissa Cramer Posted May 4, 2022
  Jewish organizations say restricting abortion access would violate their 
religious freedoms…..  Jewish communities react to the possible overturning of 
Roe v. Wade, which could violate their First Amendment rights Katie Balevic and 
Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 5:02 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem

As in the Days of Lot

On 19-Apr-2022, at 1:32 AM, Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]   References given at the bottom.
  NYTimes.com: "Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. " The WAMP defined 
below knows that the unspoken reason for the Russo-Ukraine war is moral not 
political- an unenergized bio dark-matter twin body problem.
" Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades." Says the Orthodox Patriarch of Russia. "Ukraine's LGBTQ is 
forced to confront this as a threat to its own community" reports NY Times. 
Russia was frightened by the decrepit Western cultural onslaught on their 
traditional institutions especially the school systems

FW: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: RE: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life 
[Philip Benjamin] How much more precisely can PHYSICAL be defined? There are 
five fundamental questions pertaining to any observation: what, why, how, when, 
where?  The ultimate meaning of what of anything remains unknown to science or 
philosophy!! What is a photon? Electron? Etc. That is true of why also? Why 
something rather than nothing? Can any science or philosophy tell that? Science 
is about observations. Observations are primarily about when, where, how. The 
ultimate or final 'who' and 'what' are not within the purview of science or any 
finite minds. The questions of aseity and infinite regress have to be settled 
for that.  WAMP-the-Ingrate can only PRETEND to know everything!! They are the 
most dangerous specimens of mankind today. They did not and could not exist 
during the dominance of the sphere of influence of Augustinian or Thomist 
thoughts and experiential facts.
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 2:24 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life 

But a definition of terms would help enormously.

Supernatural is just parts of Nature 'unexplained'. It is all natural.

And when James Randi tried his best to weed out the deluded, I know from my own 
experience, they exist. But he also weeded out people who were genuine, people 
he regarded as dangerous, because they didn't realise what their powers really 
were, or how they worked and as a consequence were a potential risk. If I can 
bend metal from a distance I can down planes. I become a weapon.

But I was with Bill, our neighbour's border collie, the other night and though 
he looks at me directly eye for eye, with great soulful brown eyes , 
occasionally, he follows heaven knows what around the room.

There are numerous things hovering over me if his eyes are any indicator and, 
just like Muffin, he seems to take orders from entities unseen. It may be dark 
matter or dark energy, but things outside my perception system exist. And 
animals can 'see' [perceive] them - especially border collies.

This realm of other worlds - caused by the fact we seem to be 'interleaved' 
with many other things - each of which may be perceiving things differently, 
simply isn't being taken into account.

Dark matter is matter [let us leave it at that] that humans cannot perceive and 
other animals often can, and these animals offer us a far better opportunity to 
explore it [as long as they are treated with kindness of course] than shooting 
at atoms in very expensive colliders, for all they tell you is that if you 
shoot something valuable enough times, some of the pieces may appear similar, 
but you are simply destroying something precious, without actually realising 
the effects could be catastrophic.

I hope you can see the point I am making. All these Higgs bosoms [joke] and 
leptons and so on are simply the effects of matter we cannot perceive doing 
things. The effects aren't the matter, they are only effects, because we don't 
have the equipment or perception systems to ever realise they are there.

And we never will, unless we use other species to help us, and humans who, by 
some fluke of nature get glimpses of other realms and can report back.

Long again, sorry, but I am genuinely very worried by the approach many 
'scientists' are taking. There is the potential in what you are all doing, to 
produce absolutely catastrophic results and don't seem to realise how dangerous 
what you are doing is.


-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May, 22 At 19:34
Subject: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
[Philip Benjamin]
There are many flippant notions of "spirituality" thoughtlessly promoted by 
WAMP-the-Ingrate; but physical, metaphysical, mental, 'spiritual' etc. must be 
reevaluated as ordinary materialism of ordinary light matter with its chemistry 
and extraordinary materialism of extraordinary matter with its chemistry. 
Physical originally meant natural and was used for medicinal lingo of the 
ancient Greeks. The difference between physical and spiritual then in many 
instances become very tenuous.
Philip Benjamin
From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> O

FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online]: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-10 Thread Philip Benjamin
Subject: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
[Philip Benjamin]
There are many flippant notions of "spirituality" thoughtlessly promoted by 
WAMP-the-Ingrate; but physical, metaphysical, mental, 'spiritual' etc. must be 
reevaluated as ordinary materialism of ordinary light matter with its chemistry 
and extraordinary materialism of extraordinary matter with its chemistry. 
Physical originally meant natural and was used for medicinal lingo of the 
ancient Greeks. The difference between physical and spiritual then in many 
instances become very tenuous.
Philip Benjamin

From: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Philip Benjamin
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:13 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: FW: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

PHYSICAL meaning:
"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen 
with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched-this we 
proclaim concerning the Word of life." 1John 1:1

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:57 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

I know Philip.

But there again your reply was full of the word physical - with no definition 
as to what 'physical' was. As such I can choose whatever meaning I like

""When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means 
just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many 
different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master-that's all."

-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May, 22 At 15:30
Subject: FW: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
This quoted website has nothing to do with the scientific question "physical". 
My reply was anything physically measurable is physical, sense perceptions 
including gravity and optical effects come into that category. Dark-matter or 
"missing matter" is no exception. The very word dark or missing has to do, in 
effect, with sense perception.
Philip Benjamin

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RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-09 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip benjamin].
"Was" is okay. Abraham "WAS" a pagan. Augustine "WAS" a Greco-Roman- Phoenician 
pagan. Pagan means  Pan-Gaia-n, earth-worshippers, modern environmental 
fanatic. An "unawakened consciousness" is a natural product. "Awakening" has to 
be by an extrinsic source. Athenian Mars Hill discourse (Acts 17) gives the 
clue. Augustinian "transformation" is an example. The historic and historical 
"Two Great Awakenings" in the American Colonies are other examples. In these 
instances Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) was the external 
Source. Those events shaped the Western Civilization. Yoga, TM, Jungian 
sorceries, occultism, Psycho-Therapy etc. also may eventually lead to a 
completely different external source, with a completely different outcome. 
Politicians of all stripes are mostly inclined to the latter pagan techniques.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 3:15 PM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Subject: Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 3:52 PM Philip Benjamin 
mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

> Socialist Hitler was a Nordic PAGAN with

Ah, your favorite word yet again. Tell me Phillip, is there anybody or anything 
that was not a PAGAN?

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  


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RE: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-09 Thread Philip Benjamin
Socialist Hitler was a Nordic PAGAN with the Aryan Swastika. He was also 
reported to be an astrology fanatic and occultist, probably a Satanist. PAGANS 
have infiltrated everywhere from the Whitehouse to the outhouse, in the pulpits 
and pews, vivil and military, almost entirely the Western academia and media.
Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Brent Meeker
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 2:44 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

On 5/9/2022 7:15 AM, Philip Benjamin wrote:
Philip Benjamin  Monday, May 9, 2022 9:13 AM 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

[Philip Benjamin]
As for Wikipedia, there is no contradiction here! As far as chemistry is 
concerned an atom is the smallest unit of matter for any chemical bonds. No 
atom, no chemistry. As for the British Encyclopedia, "without the release of 
electrically charged particles" (i.e. before division into constituent 
fundamental particles) is the keynote. It is high time that the sciences think 
in terms of Dark atoms and their Dark chemistries.
Brilliant Niels Bohr and his ardent followers did not think in terms of 
chemistry. There are physicists who still think of Socialist PAGAN Hitler

Whatever else he was, Hitler was a Christian...of a vengeful variety.

"Christ was the greatest early fighter in the battle against the
world enemy -- the Jews. The work that Christ started but did not
finish, I, Adolf Hitler, will conclude."
   --- "The Book of Political Quotes," London: Angus & Robertson
Publishers, 1982, p. 195)

"The party as such represents the point of view of a positive
Christianity without binding itself to any one particular
  Adolf Hitler, in the Nazi manifesto:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have 
therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not 
merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
---Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity in fact 
our movement is Christian."
---Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928, Bundesarchiv 
Berlin-Zehlendorf, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall¹s The Holy Reich]

"God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable 
faith, that he was sent to us by God to save Germany."
--- Hermann Goering, speaking of Adolf Hitler

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-09 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
  Hi Rosie, They are PHYSICAL matter particles. Chemistry means  PHYSICAL 
chemical bonds which are PHYSICAL duets and octets of PHYSICAL particles 
(electrons). Dark matter is PHYSICAL, gravitationally and optically measurable. 
 Spin is amathematical derivative and PHYSICAL. There is no  PHYSICAL need to 
bring metaphysics or mysticism or occultism or the breaking of basic Laws of 
Logic into any REAL science.
Philip Benjamin
PS. Glad to know that Serge is alive and well in Ukraine, as a real patriotic 
citizen against fascist PAGAN tyranny.
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 9:29 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

so atoms are matter [material] but they are formed from particles.

These particles must have a very fundamental set of functions in order to bond 
- the laws of attraction and repulsion for example - and form an atom. Do they 
literally spin or only figuratively spin?

Are they material or non material ? Atums [with a u, o 'objects' maybe ?]


-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Monday, 9 May, 22 At 15:12
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
[Philip Benjamin]
As for Wikipedia, there is no contradiction here! As far as chemistry is 
concerned an atom is the smallest unit of matter for any chemical bonds. No 
atom, no chemistry. As for the British Encyclopedia, "without the release of 
electrically charged particles" (i.e. before division into constituent 
fundamental particles) is the keynote. It is high time that the sciences think 
in terms of Dark atoms and their Dark chemistries.
Brilliant Niels Bohr and his ardent followers did not think in terms of 
chemistry. There are physicists who still think of Socialist PAGAN Hitler and 
Marxist PAGAN Stalin and Fascist PAGAN Mussolini or appeaser-occultist PAGAN 
Neville Chamberlain still carrying out their activities in the Many Worlds!! 
Absurdly, they have no need of a Many World chemistry!! There are eminent 
physicists who follow the late brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking in proposing 
"self-creation" of the Universe (Many Worlds?), without being aware of the 
basic logical Law of Noncontradiction" and the basic laws of chemistry.
Philip Benjamin  (Nonconformist to anarchist Marxist pagan globalism of 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-09 Thread Philip Benjamin
Philip Benjamin  Monday, May 9, 2022 9:13 AM 'general_the...@googlegroups.com' 

Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

[Philip Benjamin]
As for Wikipedia, there is no contradiction here! As far as chemistry is 
concerned an atom is the smallest unit of matter for any chemical bonds. No 
atom, no chemistry. As for the British Encyclopedia, "without the release of 
electrically charged particles" (i.e. before division into constituent 
fundamental particles) is the keynote. It is high time that the sciences think 
in terms of Dark atoms and their Dark chemistries.
Brilliant Niels Bohr and his ardent followers did not think in terms of 
chemistry. There are physicists who still think of Socialist PAGAN Hitler and 
Marxist PAGAN Stalin and Fascist PAGAN Mussolini or appeaser-occultist PAGAN 
Neville  Chamberlain still carrying out their activities in the Many Worlds!!  
Absurdly, they have no need of a Many World chemistry!!  There are eminent 
physicists who follow the late brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking in proposing 
"self-creation" of the Universe (Many Worlds?), without being aware of the 
basic logical Law of Noncontradiction" and the basic laws of chemistry.
Philip Benjamin
(Nonconformist to anarchist Marxist pagan globalism of WAMP-the-Ingrate)

From: 'Rosemary   via Consciousness-Online  
Sent: Sunday, May 8, 2022 3:02 PM Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is 
Artificial Life Conscious?

Dear Philip,

Definition from Encyclopaedia Britannica
An atom, is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the 
release of electrically charged particles. It is also the smallest unit of 
matter that has the 
 properties of a chemical 
 As such, the atom is the basic building block of 

Definition according to Wikipedia
An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary 
 that forms a chemical 

FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-07 Thread Philip Benjamin
Saturday, May 7, 2022 3:53 PM 'general_the...@googlegroups.com' 
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

[Rosemary Rock Evans]
"And although I do not disagree with your idea of the immortal soul being dark 
energy,  The brain alone does nothing. The emotion is by far the most 
important factor and all of it is metaphysical."
[Philip Benjamin]
   No, I never equated dark energy with soul/spirit, because in all ancient 
languages soul/spirit have their roots in breath/breeze. When the last breath 
was gone, the ancients discerned that life is over. Thus 'life principle' was 
equated with something similar to  wind! If they had any understanding of 
"invisible matter" they might have equated 'life principle' with that--  
"matter" nevertheless.
 Dark matter PARTICLES- not dark energy - as any other matter will have 
chemistries i.e. spin governed particle configurations called chemical bonds. A 
resonant dark twin made of PARTICLES is cocreated at the moment of conception. 
Resonance is rudimentary recognition. That is plausibly the basis of 
self-awareness, if " self" is real and invisible. Self-talk, self-respect etc. 
cannot be dark-energy talk and dark-energy self-respect. None talks to dark 
Dark energy is an invention to save the Big Bang speculation and the 
mathematics associated with it. Dark-matter was more accurately termed "missing 
matter" by Fritz Zwicky, because there was a real measurable mass difference of 
distant rotating hot bodies calculated optically and gravitationally. Vera 
Rubin confirmed that. Astrophysical hot bodies are composed of H, He and 
perhaps innumerable particles of the corresponding dark-matter. Biosphere 
consists of 92 + ordinary 'light matter' and possibly corresponding 
dark-matter. There is nothing outlandish about that.
Philip Benjamin

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 10:19 AM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

I can understand why the young man who commented , said what he did. There is a 
great emphasis on AI and robotics at the moment in many universities. He 
mentionned neural nets, for example, and these are used for finger print 
recognition in the police.

But it is as if we are trying to make things which are artificial have some 
degree of 'soul' because we want them to be humane - kind. Can we program 
kindness, empathy, self awareness, etc into a machine?

It is very laudible, because whoever is doing this, wants machines to be 
'humane'. It would be wonderful if we could - do not hurt - but machines should 
be under our control, so that they don't hurt, because only things which have a 
soul can be hurt - whether physically or emotionally.

Memory, learning ability - are just functions - that in many ways can be 
replicated - but love, hurt, hate, joy, desire, grief, etc - the emotions? Our 
soul experiences them.

And maybe by this simple statement I have defined what 'life' is and 
consciousness. It is the ability to be hurt and to love and be loved. To 
experience emotions. And I would hope that a convincing enough number of 
youtube videos show that animals do both - and that is why we are all 'animals' 
- we have applied this definition without even thinking about it.

And although I do not disagree with your idea of the immortal soul being dark 
energy, it is the immortal soul that counts as the ultimate test of whether one 
is conscious. A person can have a brain and die of grief or loneliness or fear. 
The brain alone does nothing. The emotion is by far the most important factor 
and all of it is metaphysical.

Self consciousness is, I think, something else. A child and a dog do not really 
experience self consciousness, although they are clearly conscious.

I think we need to start valuing the things that make us [and living things] 
'human', without attempting to replicate them - be 'God'. I may be given a self 
driving car, but only David can point out the beauty of the cloud formations 
and talk about the clarity of the light. A machine does not know beauty.

It is the separation of the 'feminine' emotional, perceptive side from the 
symbolically unemotional, memory driven so called scientific side that has got 
us into the mess we are in - in Ukraine for example.

The 'masculine' has entirely taken over, where personal desires and objectives, 
avoidance of all unfiltered perceptions of reality, and an ability to devise a 
strategy that meets objectives, but loses all sense of humanity, produces 


FW: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-05 Thread Philip Benjamin
Philip Benjamin Thursday, May 5, 2022 9:19 AM  general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
Hi, Rosie:
Doesn't that depend on how you define life itself? If life is defined as energy 
then almost everything is energy and life!! Then the question is what is 
energy? Nobody knows. A good beginning will be to define self-consciousness, 
i.e. to be conscious of "self". Then if self is not real, consciousness is also 
unreal and does not belong to the realm of science. If self is real and 
invisible the only candidate for that is bio dark-matter body "twin" cocreated 
with its own chemistry (computational) at the moment of conception, made of 
dark particles of negligible mass with respect to electron. Resonance between 
the twins will be a basis for self-consciousness. Resonance is rudimentary 
From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 12:54 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

Dear Philip,

1. To be conscious does something have to have a brain?

2. To be conscious does it have to be capable of reproducing?


-- Original Message --
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com>" 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 May, 22 At 18:43
Subject: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

Subject: RE: Is Artificial Life Conscious?
[Philip Benjamin]
The question: "If simple creatures like worms or insects are conscious, 
(because they have brains, and evolved), then wouldn't these artificial life 
forms be conscious for the same reasons? " is irrelevant. Simple creatures 
reproduce. Will robots reproduce? Baby robots? Do they have a desire for and 
grow on the pablum of metal powder and vaseline? Simple creatures 
trans-speciated from what ? Worms evolve into worms? The oldest fossils found 
are algae and bacteria. Still the same type of bacteria and algae today!!
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-Socialist pagan globalism of the WAMP.
-Original Message-
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>>  .

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FW: WAMP's Four Big Lies: CO2 , Threat, RNA World as Origin of Life, Robots Slightly Sentient, CpenPagan Misinerpretation

2022-05-04 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
As the quotes below clearly reveal, why is the WAMP petrified over " free 
speech"?  An "unawakened consciousness" is the answer. Only an external source 
of POWER can energize and renew a morbid body of consciousness (The twin bio 
dark-matter body from the moment of conception).
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist Socialist fascist pagan globalism

   " Elon Musk's move threatens to bring Trump back to the White House"
Opinion by Jill Filipovic Published 4:05 PM EDT, Tue April 26, 2022. "Trump 
being back on Twitter is terrible for the country but really good news for 
Democrats," said Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut."
   Newsweek. Ewan Palmer - Tuesday April 26, 2022
"Musk, the world's richest man and frequent user of Twitter, spoke about his 
desire for the platform to become a "digital town square" where free speech is 
not restricted in a statement confirming the takeover. There have been concerns 
about whether this means that Musk will cut back on content moderation policies 
currently in place on Twitter and turn the site into a more controversial "free 
speech" social media platform like Parler or Gab-and that fewer restrictions 
could pave a way for those who have been banned from Twitter to return"
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist Socialist fascist pagan globalism
Humanist, hedonist WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including 
Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust.
Note: Augustinian Awakening: Freely and willingly accepting the "alien 
imputation" of absolution and cancellation of universal death sentence by the 
vicarious death, burial and resurrection of the Sentencer [of and from Adonai 
(plural)YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural)].
UC = Un-awakened or Un-Augustinian Consciousness
AC = Awakened or Augustinian Consciousness
  Vacuous Leadership
 Philip Benjamin 3-22-2022
Nature abhors vacuum anywhere always
And hates humanistic hedonistic paganism
Tyrants sneak up as leadership gets vacuous
Unawakened refined pagan minds are clueless
    Rascality when unchecked limitlessly expands
Evoke ever the curative Two Great Awakenings
[Philip Benjamin]
   An estimated 1,050 wildfires cause Global carbon emissions to reach 76 
billion tons in  ..
C .  Robots Slightly Sentient-like slightly pregnant?
MIT researcher Tamay Besiroglu should know that there is no such thing as " 
slight consciousness", any more than slight pregnancy. All sentience or 
consciousness is "limited", i.e. finite. Self-awareness is an important 
component of all awareness (consciousness). No robot is self-aware.
 Where matter exists, chemistry exists. Dark-matter cannot be an exception. 
For science today the only candidate matter available for an invisible but REAL 
intelligent physical body, is bio dark-matter with its computational bio 
dark-matter chemistries (i.e. spin governed configurational chemical bonds). 
Refer also to Amrit Sorli's experiments on "Additional Mass Of Life" of growing 
organisms in hermetically sealed tubes. 

RE: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

2022-05-03 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
 The question: "If simple creatures like worms or insects are conscious, 
(because they 
 have brains, and evolved), then wouldn't these artificial life forms be 
conscious for the same reasons? " is irrelevant. Simple creatures reproduce. 
Will robots reproduce? Baby robots? Do they have a desire for and grow on the 
pablum of metal powder and vaseline? Simple creatures trans-speciated from what 
? Worms evolve into worms? The oldest fossils found are algae and bacteria.  
Still the same type of bacteria and algae today!! 
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-Socialist pagan globalism of the WAMP.  
-Original Message-
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Russell Standish
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 4:30 AM
To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 09:38:40PM -0500, Jason Resch wrote:
> Artificial Life such as these organisms: 
> Have neural networks that evolved through natural selection, can adapt 
> to a changing environment, and can learn to distinguish between "food" and 
> "poison"
> in their environment.
> If simple creatures like worms or insects are conscious, (because they 
> have brains, and evolved), then wouldn't these artificial life forms 
> be conscious for the same reasons?
> Why or why not?

Most insects can't be consious (see my paper "Ants are not conscious"). Most 
ALife forms created to date are simpler than insects, and probably even worms, 
so are unlikely to be consious either.


Dr Russell StandishPhone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders hpco...@hpcoders.com.au

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WAMP's Four Big Lies: CO2 , Threat, RNA World as Origin of Life, Robots Slightly Sentient, CpenPagan Misinerpretation

2022-04-28 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   According to City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Imperial College 
London “Revolutionizing solar power” through Perovskite (calcium titanium oxide 
CaTiO3) and ferrocenes (C20H20Fe2) is excellent. However, neither this nor wind 
panes will or can replace the petrochemical industry of over 6000 chemicals, 
the very foundation of possibly every known modern industry from perfumes to 
vitamin capsules and fertilizers. This will be misused for the propaganda of 
the Marxist-socialist-fascist pagan worldview of the WAMP (defined elsewhere 
below), defending the unfalsifiable long term (over 100-years) catastrophic 
effect of the alleged anthropogenic climate change derived from GIGO computer 
models - notwithstanding the abiotic origin of petroleum advocated in the 19 
-th Century by the eminent French chemist Marcellin Berthelot and the great 
Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev as well as in the 1950’s by Russian and 
Ukrainian scientists.
   From an estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide, global carbon emissions 
reaches to 76 billion tons in 2021. Greenhouse gas emissions from global road 
trave: is about 33 billion tons, reports the World Bank as annual emission from 
burning fossil fuels. (References given below). There are at least 5000 years 
of recorded history, i.e 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 trillion 
tons for the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below). Compare this to 
33 billion tons per year from fossil fuels multiplied by about 50 years of 
fossil fuel use equaling  a paltry ~ 1.7 trillion tons of CO2.  The pan-Gaia-ns 
(earth worshipping pagan maniacs) through their GIGO computer models 
(pseudoscience based on false assumptions) are giving only 100 more years 
before climate catastrophe strikes!  The global Marxist-socialist pagan 
climatology pundits with UC do not and cannot determine how much CO2 will be 
needed to make the well-known benign and useful “greenhouse effect” dangerous 
and catastrophic.
 Only a Third “Great Awakening” (for which Marxist pagan Stalin 
unconsciously  coined the malapropos term “American Exceptionalism”) can effect 
a “transformation of consciousness” (Augustinian) in order to redeem the West 
from the tyranny of Marxist paganism.
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist paganism

   Petroleum is made from aquatic phytoplankton and zooplankton, and 
because petroleum is created by biomass, plastic also is a form of biomass. 
Clare Goldsberry | Apr 16, 2019. 
 Geoffrey Widdison<https://www.quora.com/profile/Geoffrey-Widdison>, Engineer, 
on Quora<http://www.quora.com/>
Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria, and 
https://rense.com/general67/oils.htm Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer.
“In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian scientists, cut off from 
the Western World's oil supply, applied their keen minds to the problem and, by 
the 1960s, had thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is it 
any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading producers and 
exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War forced Russia to dig deeper, 
literally, to find oil deeper in the earth in some places, and to look in other 
places where no one had thought to look to reveal more. This while America 
feels incumbent upon itself, since it claims oil production and discovery has 
peaked and will fade to nothing in several decades, that America's feels it 
must make war to take other people's oil: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the Caspian 
Basin, Sudan, etcetera.
  by Peter J. Morgan. July 14, 2008
French chemist Marcellin Berthelot and the great Russian chemist Dmitri 
Mendeleev examined and rejected Lomonosov’s hypothesis of a biological origin 
for petroleum.

City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Imperial College London made the 
discovery that Perovskite which  is calcium titanium oxide mineral composed of 
calcium titanate (chemical formula CaTiO3). by making use of a metal-containing 
material called ferrocenes, which they added as an interface betewen the 
light-absorbing layer of the solar cell and the layer that transports electrons.
Zeev Valy Vardeny, a Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of 
Utah. Professor Nicholas Long from Imperial College’s Department of Chemistry. 
Dr Zhu Zonglo

RE: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-04-21 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
   I cannot read Putin's mind!! I simply presented some news clips. I also 
restated what I have done so many times that the West in  general has lost her 
"Awakened" moorings to Marxist pagan-Socialist-Fascist globalists. Philip 

From: spudboy...@aol.com https://www.newsweek.com/russias-putin-says-he-always-liked-communist-socialist-ideas-419289

So, Vlad plays both ends against the middle as Genghis Khan always did. In 
2022, Putin plays Xi's China versus Modi's India, with hopes of obtaining 
economic and political advantage. Same with communist atheists, and foreign 
nationalists as well. Wait! Isn't this what the Devil is supposed to do too??!!

-----Original Message-
From: Philip Benjamin mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: Everything List 
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Mon, Apr 18, 2022 4:32 pm
Subject: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness 
[Philip Benjamin]  References given at the bottom.
  NYTimes.com: "Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. " The WAMP defined 
below knows that the unspoken reason for the Russo-Ukraine war is moral not 
political- an unenergized bio dark-matter twin body problem.
" Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades." Says the Orthodox Patriarch of Russia. "Ukraine's LGBTQ is 
forced to confront this as a threat to its own community" reports NY Times. 
Russia was frightened by the decrepit Western cultural onslaught on their 
traditional institutions especially the school systems. So they amend their 
Constitution to ban LGBTQ agenda. "Super Power" America & the West has long 
forgotten their 
Puritan-"Great Awakening" roots which have now become largely  a terra 
incognita (verisimilar to Judges 2:10). Instead they conformed to 
Marxist-Socialist-pagan globalism which Russia has rejected. The cowardice of 
unawakened consciousness created a leadership vacuum which Russia now 
presumably decided to fill.
Philip Benjamin
(Nonconformist to Marxist pagan globalism)

NY Times. 
 "But the war that started when Russia invaded on Feb. 24 has forced Ukraine's 
L.G.B.T.Q. movement to confront a threat not only to national sovereignty, but 
also to its own community. A pro-Russian puppet government, they say, would be 
less supportive of the L.G.B.T.Q. agenda."
 Russian Orthodox bishop Kirill, the official Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, 
came out with a rather wild claim about "the West" during a sermon, saying that 
Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades. No, really.
"In a sermon held on Sunday, Russian Church leader, Kirill jus

Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness Problem

2022-04-18 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]   References given at the bottom.
   NYTimes.com: "Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. " The WAMP defined 
below knows that the unspoken reason for the Russo-Ukraine war is moral not 
political- an unenergized bio dark-matter twin body problem.
" Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades." Says the Orthodox Patriarch of Russia. "Ukraine's LGBTQ is 
forced to confront this as a threat to its own community" reports NY Times. 
Russia was frightened by the decrepit Western cultural onslaught on their 
traditional institutions especially the school systems. So they amend their 
Constitution to ban LGBTQ agenda. "Super Power" America & the West has long 
forgotten their 
Puritan-"Great Awakening" roots which have now become largely  a terra 
incognita (verisimilar to Judges 2:10). Instead they conformed to 
Marxist-Socialist-pagan globalism which Russia has rejected. The cowardice of 
unawakened consciousness created a leadership vacuum which Russia now 
presumably decided to fill.
Philip Benjamin 
(Nonconformist to Marxist pagan globalism)

 NY Times. 
"But the war that started when Russia invaded on Feb. 24 has forced Ukraine's 
L.G.B.T.Q. movement to confront a threat not only to national sovereignty, but 
also to its own community. A pro-Russian puppet government, they say, would be 
less supportive of the L.G.B.T.Q. agenda." 
https://god.dailydot.com/russian-bishop-gay-pride/  Russian Orthodox bishop 
Kirill, the official Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, came out with a rather wild 
claim about "the West" during a sermon, saying that Western nations commit 
genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay pride parades. No, really.
"In a sermon held on Sunday, Russian Church leader, Kirill justified Ukraine's 
invasion & blamed gay pride parades for Russia's invasion of the war-hit 
Ukraine". Written By Ajay Sharma
March 8, 2022. "Russian Orthodox Church alleges gay pride parades were part of 
the reason for Ukraine war   From CNNs Delia Gallagher in Rome... Patriarch 
Kirill of Moscow, a long-time ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on 
Sunday that the conflict in Donbas is about "a fundamental rejection of the 
so-called values that are offered today by those who claim world power." The 
"test" of which side you are on, said Kirill, is whether your country is 
willing to hold gay pride parades. "In order to enter the club of those 
countries, it is necessary to hold a gay pride parade. Not to make a political 
statement, 'we are with you,' not to sign any agreements, but to hold a gay 
parade. And we know how people resist these demands and how this resistance is 
suppressed by force," Kirill said during a sermon in Moscow. " 
Russia bans same sex marriages. Russian President Vladimir Putin has 
submitted a slew of proposed amendments to the country's constitution that 
include a mention of God and describe marriage as a heterosexual union.By 

To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. "Come in 
Telmo! America to Telmo!!" Monday, April 18, 2022 9:42 AM

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