Re: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread rebecca officer
Could you present your release notes in tables? That lets you use FM's
sort function to split the bugs into resolved and not. You just have to
have a column called something like "status" and then sort according to

Then immediately before release, you can split the table up to make your
3 sections and delete the status column. And I guess you could convert
to text if you can't use table layout in the final docs.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "Lin Surasky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/19/07 5:43 AM >>>
Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my middle and
paddle around in unstructured FM?
Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at structured FM with
no real goal in mind except to see if it might benefit us down the road.
For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and structured FM isn't
yet necessary for our regular user guides and manuals. So I have a
general idea of what we'd need, but I don't have the full picture yet...
I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each customer gets
their own version of the product with their own customized release
notes. When you all have stopped screaming, I'll continue... The release
notes are very simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer
Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're aware of that
have not yet been fixed). Please don't start screaming again; I really
need your advice! The gist of the situation is that on release day, I
have to go into our bug reporting system, and check all the Known Issues
to make sure they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to
the Bug Fixes section.
So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in that I could
somehow create element tags for Fixes and Issues, and then just change
the element tag for the Issues that have been fixed and somehow
regenerate the documents (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain
this in a spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the
correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each section has
a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh yeah, and can they be
re-sorted by section into numerical order?
This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
-- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's a better
way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd be great too. The
cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!

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XML - graphics - import

2007-05-18 Thread Allen, Richard (Raytheon)

I have been trying to open up a XML document in FrameMaker 7.2 which
contains graphic entities.  I am at a los as to what I am missing.  The
graphics are declared at the top of the XML document instance.  The
structure of the XML document instance is valid.

Anyone have a hint as to what I might look at to resolve this?



This message contains information that may be confidential and
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RE: change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread Steve Cavanaugh
I had one like that here a while back.  The previous TW had ignored the
built in change bar capability, and created a special "changed"
paragraph tag that included a graphic on the reference page for the
change bar.  Took a while to find that one... 

Steve Cavanaugh

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of nancy carpenter
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:04 AM
Subject: change bars -- how to turn off

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing
in a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change
bars on this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few
months ago and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at
the Format / Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not
checked.  I also tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change
Bars, but it has no effect.

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Rick Quatro
No Child Left Behind did nothing but expand the federal educational 
bureaucracy. The only way to reform education is to break the public 
education monopoly.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing

> "don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave  any 
> child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually  mean, 
> anyway?

FW: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Ann Zdunczyk
It is interesting that I have been hearing about paperless offices for years
but have yet to see one. Its like the people that say books are going away
and being replaced by electronic media. I, as a reader, plan to continue
reading PAPER books. I do not plan to read on a screen, I do that all day.
It is much easier to read a book at the beach, in the tub, in bed etc rather
that a laptop, PDF, etc. I do not listen to books on tape, I READ. I love
the SMELL of a book. I love the feel of a book. 

I like FrameMaker. I know FrameMaker. I plan to use it until it no longer
works on ANY of the machines I have. I still use FrameMaker on my MAC. I
have been using FrameMaker since 3.0 back in the early 90's (when it was
Frame Technologies). I use it as it is. Even though I use most of the other
publishing software also, I prefer FrameMaker. I have to use the other
software because my customers do. When I get a FrameMaker project it feels
like I am putting on my favorite and most comfortable outfit, usually sweats
and warm slippers (I work at home so I can!!). 

I give my two cents to Adobe reps when I see them. I try to give them ideas
like most of you to continue the development of FrameMaker. I HOPE that
Adobe continues updating FrameMaker. I push FrameMaker to my customers. 

In the work that I do I am surprised at the software that some customers use
to create the manuals. I am surprised how little the document designers know
about the software that they use. 

OK my two cents for a Friday. 

Have a GREAT weekend everyone.


Ann Zdunczyk
a2z Publishing, Inc.
Language Layout & Translation Consulting
Phone: (336)922-1271
Fax:   (336)922-4980
Cell:  (336)456-4493

-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 4:54 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re: Adobe CEO interview

On 18/05/2007, at 7:24 PM, Graeme R Forbes wrote:

> From the interview ( 
> articleid=1741) with the Adobe CEO:
> *
> We will continue to extend the capabilities of the core product in 
> each of those segments with some of the features that are available in 
> the other products. But, yes, it is our goal to continue to make sure 
> that we don't leave any customer behind. For a number of customers who 
> have adopted a product like FrameMaker, we will continue to invest in 
> it.
> *
> A number that's a log way short of 100%. But the middle sentence does 
> show a sense of humor.

One issue that concerns me is that Adobe seems to be betting the farm on Web
2.0 while reducing the importance of print based and other forms of output
media. Perhaps that has something to do with Narayen's failed attempt at
Pictra. He feels he needs to succeed in that area, to prove his machismo or
what ever.

"don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave any
child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually mean,


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Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Art Campbell
I think it means that the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's idiot
several years back...


On 5/18/07, Alan Litchfield  wrote:

> "don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave
> any child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually
> mean, anyway?
> Alan

Art Campbell art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

PDF Content reuse with Frame + DITA?

2007-05-18 Thread Gyanesh Talwar
Hello Framers,

(Frame 7.2b144)

For my product, I have 2 guides with similar content across different
chapters. Can I publish two different PDFs from the same source (with
selective content obviously).

-> How will this be done? Using topic IDs?
-> Is Show/hide a better option for this than Structured Frame?
-> Is it viable to use DITA for this? Some other EDD ...or custome made?


RE: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Lin Surasky
Yeah, the multiple customer/multiple product thing is easily managed
with conditional text already; it's more about the last-minute changes
to the content context, and the sheer quantity of changes that need to
be managed in a short period of time. Sorry if I wasn't clear -- my
brain is on overload right now!


> -Original Message-
> From: Gillian Flato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:55 AM
> To: Lin Surasky;
> Subject: RE: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?
> I create similar release notes. I just use conditional text 
> for the different customers, (and yes, I have a Known Issues 
> section as well).
> -Gillian
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Lin Surasky
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?
> Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my 
> middle and paddle around in unstructured FM?
> Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at 
> structured FM with no real goal in mind except to see if it 
> might benefit us down the road.
> For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and 
> structured FM isn't yet necessary for our regular user guides 
> and manuals. So I have a general idea of what we'd need, but 
> I don't have the full picture yet...
> I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each 
> customer gets their own version of the product with their own 
> customized release notes. When you all have stopped 
> screaming, I'll continue... The release notes are very 
> simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer 
> Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're 
> aware of that have not yet been fixed). Please don't start 
> screaming again; I really need your advice! The gist of the 
> situation is that on release day, I have to go into our bug 
> reporting system, and check all the Known Issues to make sure 
> they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to the 
> Bug Fixes section.
> So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in 
> that I could somehow create element tags for Fixes and 
> Issues, and then just change the element tag for the Issues 
> that have been fixed and somehow regenerate the documents 
> (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain this in a 
> spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the 
> correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each 
> section has a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh 
> yeah, and can they be re-sorted by section into numerical order?
> This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
> -- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's 
> a better way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd 
> be great too. The cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!
> Thanks!
> Lin
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> or visit
> .com
> Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Visit for more resources and info.

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Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Lin Surasky
Yeah, the multiple customer/multiple product thing is easily managed
with conditional text already; it's more about the last-minute changes
to the content context, and the sheer quantity of changes that need to
be managed in a short period of time. Sorry if I wasn't clear -- my
brain is on overload right now!


> -Original Message-
> From: Gillian Flato [mailto:gflato at] 
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:55 AM
> To: Lin Surasky; framers at
> Subject: RE: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?
> I create similar release notes. I just use conditional text 
> for the different customers, (and yes, I have a Known Issues 
> section as well).
> -Gillian
> -Original Message-
> From: at
> [ at lists.frameuser] On Behalf Of Lin Surasky
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:44 AM
> To: framers at
> Subject: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?
> Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my 
> middle and paddle around in unstructured FM?
> Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at 
> structured FM with no real goal in mind except to see if it 
> might benefit us down the road.
> For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and 
> structured FM isn't yet necessary for our regular user guides 
> and manuals. So I have a general idea of what we'd need, but 
> I don't have the full picture yet...
> I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each 
> customer gets their own version of the product with their own 
> customized release notes. When you all have stopped 
> screaming, I'll continue... The release notes are very 
> simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer 
> Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're 
> aware of that have not yet been fixed). Please don't start 
> screaming again; I really need your advice! The gist of the 
> situation is that on release day, I have to go into our bug 
> reporting system, and check all the Known Issues to make sure 
> they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to the 
> Bug Fixes section.
> So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in 
> that I could somehow create element tags for Fixes and 
> Issues, and then just change the element tag for the Issues 
> that have been fixed and somehow regenerate the documents 
> (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain this in a 
> spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the 
> correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each 
> section has a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh 
> yeah, and can they be re-sorted by section into numerical order?
> This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
> -- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's 
> a better way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd 
> be great too. The cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!
> Thanks!
> Lin
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as gflato at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> .com
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at 
> Visit for more resources and info.

Re: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Rick Quatro
No Child Left Behind did nothing but expand the federal educational 
bureaucracy. The only way to reform education is to break the public 
education monopoly.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing

"don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave  any 
child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually  mean, 


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FW: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Ann Zdunczyk
It is interesting that I have been hearing about paperless offices for years
but have yet to see one. Its like the people that say books are going away
and being replaced by electronic media. I, as a reader, plan to continue
reading PAPER books. I do not plan to read on a screen, I do that all day.
It is much easier to read a book at the beach, in the tub, in bed etc rather
that a laptop, PDF, etc. I do not listen to books on tape, I READ. I love
the SMELL of a book. I love the feel of a book. 

I like FrameMaker. I know FrameMaker. I plan to use it until it no longer
works on ANY of the machines I have. I still use FrameMaker on my MAC. I
have been using FrameMaker since 3.0 back in the early 90's (when it was
Frame Technologies). I use it as it is. Even though I use most of the other
publishing software also, I prefer FrameMaker. I have to use the other
software because my customers do. When I get a FrameMaker project it feels
like I am putting on my favorite and most comfortable outfit, usually sweats
and warm slippers (I work at home so I can!!). 

I give my two cents to Adobe reps when I see them. I try to give them ideas
like most of you to continue the development of FrameMaker. I HOPE that
Adobe continues updating FrameMaker. I push FrameMaker to my customers. 

In the work that I do I am surprised at the software that some customers use
to create the manuals. I am surprised how little the document designers know
about the software that they use. 

OK my two cents for a Friday. 

Have a GREAT weekend everyone.


Ann Zdunczyk
a2z Publishing, Inc.
Language Layout & Translation Consulting
Phone: (336)922-1271
Fax:   (336)922-4980
Cell:  (336)456-4493

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Adobe CEO interview

On 18/05/2007, at 7:24 PM, Graeme R Forbes wrote:

> From the interview ( 
> articleid=1741) with the Adobe CEO:
> *
> We will continue to extend the capabilities of the core product in 
> each of those segments with some of the features that are available in 
> the other products. But, yes, it is our goal to continue to make sure 
> that we don't leave any customer behind. For a number of customers who 
> have adopted a product like FrameMaker, we will continue to invest in 
> it.
> *
> A number that's a log way short of 100%. But the middle sentence does 
> show a sense of humor.

One issue that concerns me is that Adobe seems to be betting the farm on Web
2.0 while reducing the importance of print based and other forms of output
media. Perhaps that has something to do with Narayen's failed attempt at
Pictra. He feels he needs to succeed in that area, to prove his machismo or
what ever.

"don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave any
child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually mean,


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RE: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
I dispute. Don't you mean, the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's
chief idiot
several years back. I will bet my paycheck that Crawford, Texas has
multiple idiots!


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Art Campbell
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 2:17 PM
To: Alan Litchfield
Subject: Re: Adobe CEO interview

I think it means that the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's idiot
several years back...


On 5/18/07, Alan Litchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave
> any child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually
> mean, anyway?
> Alan

Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

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Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
I dispute. Don't you mean, the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's
chief idiot
several years back. I will bet my paycheck that Crawford, Texas has
multiple idiots!


-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Art Campbell
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 2:17 PM
To: Alan Litchfield
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Adobe CEO interview

I think it means that the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's idiot
several years back...


On 5/18/07, Alan Litchfield  wrote:

> "don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave
> any child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually
> mean, anyway?
> Alan

Art Campbell
art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

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Re: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Art Campbell

I think it means that the village of Crawford, Texas, lost it's idiot
several years back...


On 5/18/07, Alan Litchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave
any child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually
mean, anyway?


 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
  and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
No disclaimers apply.
DoD 358

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XML - graphics - import

2007-05-18 Thread Allen, Richard (Raytheon)

I have been trying to open up a XML document in FrameMaker 7.2 which
contains graphic entities.  I am at a los as to what I am missing.  The
graphics are declared at the top of the XML document instance.  The
structure of the XML document instance is valid.

Anyone have a hint as to what I might look at to resolve this?



This message contains information that may be confidential and
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Re: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Alan Litchfield

On 18/05/2007, at 7:24 PM, Graeme R Forbes wrote:

From the interview ( 
articleid=1741) with the Adobe CEO:


We will continue to extend the capabilities of the core product in  
each of those segments with some of the features that are available  
in the other products. But, yes, it is our goal to continue to make  
sure that we don't leave any customer behind. For a number of  
customers who have adopted a product like FrameMaker, we will  
continue to invest in it.


A number that's a log way short of 100%. But the middle sentence  
does show a sense of humor.

One issue that concerns me is that Adobe seems to be betting the farm  
on Web 2.0 while reducing the importance of print based and other  
forms of output media. Perhaps that has something to do with  
Narayen's failed attempt at Pictra. He feels he needs to succeed in  
that area, to prove his machismo or what ever.

"don't leave any customer behind" reminds me of the US "don't leave  
any child behind" education system. Umm, but what does that actually  
mean, anyway?


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Reality Check: ODF vs. OpenXML [InfoWorld]

2007-05-18 Thread Grant Hogarth
Snagged out of the XML Daily Newslink for Tuesday, 15 May 2007  

Reality Check: ODF vs. OpenXML
Ephraim Schwartz, InfoWorld

At the highest level, ODF (Open Document Format) vs. OpenXML is a battle
between two business competitors, IBM and Microsoft, each of which views
itself as threatened by the other. IBM and Microsoft have been in a
battle for supremacy ever since they parted ways in 1991 over OS/2 and
Windows. As unlikely as it sounds, the current battle is over an open
file format for saving files, ODF or OpenXML, especially for word
processing, spreadsheet, and presentation documents but not limited to
those. To see whether I could sort out the differences between these
formats, I gave both companies a call. Supported by Big Blue and many
other high-tech companies, ODF is a standard both of the ISO and OASIS,
which has about 300 members. OpenXML is supported by a smaller European
standards group, ECMA International, which has 21 members, 20 of which
voted to make it a standard, with only IBM voting no. OpenXML has also
been proposed to the ISO and will be voted on in September. If OpenXML
adoption is preferred, it closes the door on the opportunity for IBM to
create a path to a myriad of IBM/Lotus on-premises and Web 2.0 products
for such things as collaboration, unified communications, productivity
software ,and even its WebSphere middleware platform. If on the other
hand, ODF adoption, especially with government entities, grows over time
it could have a viral effect and threaten Microsoft's largest revenue
producing product, Office, and help IBM regain market share it lost to
Outlook and Exchange Server as well... IBM's Sutor says that, although
Microsoft has published all the specs for OpenXML, those specs total
6,000 page (12 reams of paper), which makes it almost impossible for
anyone but Microsoft to incorporate the specs in a new productivity
suite, thereby crowning Microsoft Office effectually the de facto
standard, according to Sutor...

Microsoft's Robertson and Jean Paoli, general manager for
interoperability and XML architecture at Microsoft, see it quite
differently. Robertson says that despite 6,000 pages of documentation
there is already an implementation from DataViz for Palm OS, one by a
company called Numeric for spreadsheets, that Novell has an
implementation of OpenXML for OpenOffice on Suse Linux, and that Corel
has announced an implementation for WordPerfect.

Grant Hogarth
Senior Technical Writer
Equis International - A Reuters Company

+1 801 270 3180 (t) | +1 801 815 8353 (m) | +1 801 265 3999 (f) 

Email: grant.hogarth at 
Reuters Messaging: at
URL:    TZ: Mountain (GMT +7) 

Reuters news and information reaches one billion people every day. Get
the latest news at   

change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread nancy carpenter

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing in
a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change bars on
this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few months ago
and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at the Format /
Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not checked.  I also
tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change Bars, but it has no

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238

Reality Check: ODF vs. OpenXML [InfoWorld]

2007-05-18 Thread Grant Hogarth
Snagged out of the XML Daily Newslink for Tuesday, 15 May 2007  

Reality Check: ODF vs. OpenXML
Ephraim Schwartz, InfoWorld

At the highest level, ODF (Open Document Format) vs. OpenXML is a battle
between two business competitors, IBM and Microsoft, each of which views
itself as threatened by the other. IBM and Microsoft have been in a
battle for supremacy ever since they parted ways in 1991 over OS/2 and
Windows. As unlikely as it sounds, the current battle is over an open
file format for saving files, ODF or OpenXML, especially for word
processing, spreadsheet, and presentation documents but not limited to
those. To see whether I could sort out the differences between these
formats, I gave both companies a call. Supported by Big Blue and many
other high-tech companies, ODF is a standard both of the ISO and OASIS,
which has about 300 members. OpenXML is supported by a smaller European
standards group, ECMA International, which has 21 members, 20 of which
voted to make it a standard, with only IBM voting no. OpenXML has also
been proposed to the ISO and will be voted on in September. If OpenXML
adoption is preferred, it closes the door on the opportunity for IBM to
create a path to a myriad of IBM/Lotus on-premises and Web 2.0 products
for such things as collaboration, unified communications, productivity
software ,and even its WebSphere middleware platform. If on the other
hand, ODF adoption, especially with government entities, grows over time
it could have a viral effect and threaten Microsoft's largest revenue
producing product, Office, and help IBM regain market share it lost to
Outlook and Exchange Server as well... IBM's Sutor says that, although
Microsoft has published all the specs for OpenXML, those specs total
6,000 page (12 reams of paper), which makes it almost impossible for
anyone but Microsoft to incorporate the specs in a new productivity
suite, thereby crowning Microsoft Office effectually the de facto
standard, according to Sutor...

Microsoft's Robertson and Jean Paoli, general manager for
interoperability and XML architecture at Microsoft, see it quite
differently. Robertson says that despite 6,000 pages of documentation
there is already an implementation from DataViz for Palm OS, one by a
company called Numeric for spreadsheets, that Novell has an
implementation of OpenXML for OpenOffice on Suse Linux, and that Corel
has announced an implementation for WordPerfect.

Grant Hogarth
Senior Technical Writer
Equis International - A Reuters Company

+1 801 270 3180 (t) | +1 801 815 8353 (m) | +1 801 265 3999 (f) 

Reuters Messaging: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold
Hi, Jim:

I forgot one important thing:

Sometimes the Fill > None method doesn't seem to enable 
transparency on screen in FrameMaker, but it does enable it in 
printing to paper, or converting to PDF by Save As, or 
printing to a PostScript file and distilling it. If you 
haven't tried these output steps, there's still a chance.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Pinkham, Jim wrote:
> I checked and had Fill defaulted to None. Thanks for the suggestion,
> though. It was well worth trying. 
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Gold [mailto:knowhowpro at] 
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:27 AM
> To: Stuart Rogers
> Cc: Pinkham, Jim; framers at
> Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid
> Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and then in
> Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this enables
> transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let us know how it
> works for you.
> Regards,

Cross Reference in Structured FrameMaker

2007-05-18 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
One easy thing to do is just to define the xref as having a character format 
attached in the template. Basically create the xref so that instead of:


It uses:


Where the  corresponds to a tag that is only set to add blue.

Hope that helps.


Bernard Aschwanden
Director of Technology and Publishing Architecture
Bright Path Solutions

bernard at 

-Original Message-
From: at 
[] On 
Behalf Of Danny G Green
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 4:24 PM
To: FrameList
Subject: Cross Reference in Structured FrameMaker

This is probably very simple, but can someone tell me how to write my 
XRef element so that all of cross reference are blue in my document?

Danny Green

Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
I checked and had Fill defaulted to None. Thanks for the suggestion,
though. It was well worth trying. 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Gold [] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:27 AM
To: Stuart Rogers
Cc: Pinkham, Jim; framers at
Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and then in
Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this enables
transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let us know how it
works for you.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Stuart Rogers wrote:
> Pinkham, Jim wrote:
>> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there 
>> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of

>> an imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the 
>> problem of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy 
>> problem/feature or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be 
>> to take advantage of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I 
>> suspect I'm missing something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>>  Any suggestions as 
>> to what to do?
> It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
> support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
> find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid 
> spacing to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts 
> will snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines 
> behind the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap 
> feature and turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered

> view.)
> HTH,

OT: RE: surreptitious mountains

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold
Diane Gaskill wrote:
> Reminds me of the job posting on the list a while back that said somthing
> about working with your piers.

Are you sure that this wasn't a sails position?

> The rest is available on request.

All these pun-ishing responses are exhausting. I'd like to 
request that rest, now.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold
Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and 
then in Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this 
enables transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let 
us know how it works for you.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Stuart Rogers wrote:
> Pinkham, Jim wrote:
>> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
>> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
>> imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
>> of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
>> or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
>> of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
>> something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>>  Any suggestions as to
>> what to do?
> It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
> support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
> find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing 
> to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will 
> snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind 
> the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and 
> turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)
> HTH,

RE: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
I create similar release notes. I just use conditional text for the
different customers, (and yes, I have a Known Issues section as well).


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Lin Surasky
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:44 AM
Subject: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my middle and
paddle around in unstructured FM?
Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at structured FM with
no real goal in mind except to see if it might benefit us down the road.
For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and structured FM isn't
yet necessary for our regular user guides and manuals. So I have a
general idea of what we'd need, but I don't have the full picture yet...
I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each customer gets
their own version of the product with their own customized release
notes. When you all have stopped screaming, I'll continue... The release
notes are very simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer
Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're aware of that
have not yet been fixed). Please don't start screaming again; I really
need your advice! The gist of the situation is that on release day, I
have to go into our bug reporting system, and check all the Known Issues
to make sure they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to
the Bug Fixes section.
So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in that I could
somehow create element tags for Fixes and Issues, and then just change
the element tag for the Issues that have been fixed and somehow
regenerate the documents (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain
this in a spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the
correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each section has
a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh yeah, and can they be
re-sorted by section into numerical order?
This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
-- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's a better
way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd be great too. The
cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!

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Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
I create similar release notes. I just use conditional text for the
different customers, (and yes, I have a Known Issues section as well).


-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Lin Surasky
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:44 AM
To: framers at
Subject: Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my middle and
paddle around in unstructured FM?

Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at structured FM with
no real goal in mind except to see if it might benefit us down the road.
For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and structured FM isn't
yet necessary for our regular user guides and manuals. So I have a
general idea of what we'd need, but I don't have the full picture yet...

I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each customer gets
their own version of the product with their own customized release
notes. When you all have stopped screaming, I'll continue... The release
notes are very simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer
Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're aware of that
have not yet been fixed). Please don't start screaming again; I really
need your advice! The gist of the situation is that on release day, I
have to go into our bug reporting system, and check all the Known Issues
to make sure they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to
the Bug Fixes section.

So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in that I could
somehow create element tags for Fixes and Issues, and then just change
the element tag for the Issues that have been fixed and somehow
regenerate the documents (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain
this in a spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the
correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each section has
a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh yeah, and can they be
re-sorted by section into numerical order?

This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
-- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's a better
way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd be great too. The
cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!


You are currently subscribed to Framers as gflato at

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Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Lin Surasky
Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my middle and
paddle around in unstructured FM?
Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at structured FM with
no real goal in mind except to see if it might benefit us down the road.
For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and structured FM isn't
yet necessary for our regular user guides and manuals. So I have a
general idea of what we'd need, but I don't have the full picture yet...
I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each customer gets
their own version of the product with their own customized release
notes. When you all have stopped screaming, I'll continue... The release
notes are very simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer
Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're aware of that
have not yet been fixed). Please don't start screaming again; I really
need your advice! The gist of the situation is that on release day, I
have to go into our bug reporting system, and check all the Known Issues
to make sure they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to
the Bug Fixes section.
So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in that I could
somehow create element tags for Fixes and Issues, and then just change
the element tag for the Issues that have been fixed and somehow
regenerate the documents (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain
this in a spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the
correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each section has
a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh yeah, and can they be
re-sorted by section into numerical order?
This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
-- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's a better
way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd be great too. The
cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!

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Do I need to jump into the Structured FM pool?

2007-05-18 Thread Lin Surasky
Or can I keep my inflatable ducky hiked firmly around my middle and
paddle around in unstructured FM?

Over the past year or so, I've been poking around at structured FM with
no real goal in mind except to see if it might benefit us down the road.
For the most part, our process is pretty linear, and structured FM isn't
yet necessary for our regular user guides and manuals. So I have a
general idea of what we'd need, but I don't have the full picture yet...

I'm working on a new product with a new team, and each customer gets
their own version of the product with their own customized release
notes. When you all have stopped screaming, I'll continue... The release
notes are very simple. There are three main chapters: Requested Customer
Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues (bugs that we're aware of that
have not yet been fixed). Please don't start screaming again; I really
need your advice! The gist of the situation is that on release day, I
have to go into our bug reporting system, and check all the Known Issues
to make sure they're still issues. If they've been fixed, they move to
the Bug Fixes section.

So I'm thinking that structured FM must be able to help, in that I could
somehow create element tags for Fixes and Issues, and then just change
the element tag for the Issues that have been fixed and somehow
regenerate the documents (how, I don't know -- do I need to maintain
this in a spreadsheet or database?) so that the content is moved to the
correct section along with its cross-referenced bullet (each section has
a bulleted list to make navigation easier). Oh yeah, and can they be
re-sorted by section into numerical order?

This sounds like it should be so simple, but I'm lost on the mechanics
-- any recommendations for how to set this up? Or if there's a better
way to manage this even in unstructured FM, that'd be great too. The
cutting and pasting is REALLY not my idea of fun!


Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Stuart Rogers
Pinkham, Jim wrote:
> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
> imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
> of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
> or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
> of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
> something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>  Any suggestions as to
> what to do?

It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing 
to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will 
snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind 
the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and 
turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

I'll stop saying Microsoft is arrogant when
Windows stops saying "Welcome" and instead says "May I?"

change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread Matt Sullivan
Try the Format/Document/Change Bars dialog & check the Clear All Change Bars

-Matt Sullivan

GRAFIX Training, Inc.

An Adobe Authorized Training Center

888 882-2819 

-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of nancy carpenter
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:04 AM
To: framers at
Subject: change bars -- how to turn off

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing in
a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change bars on
this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few months ago
and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at the Format /
Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not checked.  I also
tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change Bars, but it has no

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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RE: change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread Matt Sullivan
Try the Format/Document/Change Bars dialog & check the Clear All Change Bars


-Matt Sullivan


GRAFIX Training, Inc.

An Adobe Authorized Training Center

888 882-2819 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of nancy carpenter
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:04 AM
Subject: change bars -- how to turn off

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing in
a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change bars on
this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few months ago
and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at the Format /
Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not checked.  I also
tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change Bars, but it has no

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
Thanks, Stuart. I'm working with this, and I think it will prove


P.S. -- It would be great if Frame *did* support transparency. 

-Original Message-
From: Stuart Rogers [] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Pinkham, Jim
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

Pinkham, Jim wrote:
> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there 
> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of 
> an imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the 
> problem of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy 
> problem/feature or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be 
> to take advantage of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I 
> suspect I'm missing something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>  Any suggestions as to

> what to do?

It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't
support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll
find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing
to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will
snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind
the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and
turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

I'll stop saying Microsoft is arrogant when
Windows stops saying "Welcome" and instead says "May I?"

change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread Steve Cavanaugh
I had one like that here a while back.  The previous TW had ignored the
built in change bar capability, and created a special "changed"
paragraph tag that included a graphic on the reference page for the
change bar.  Took a while to find that one... 

Steve Cavanaugh

-Original Message-
[ at]
On Behalf Of nancy carpenter
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:04 AM
To: framers at
Subject: change bars -- how to turn off

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing
in a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change
bars on this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few
months ago and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at
the Format / Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not
checked.  I also tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change
Bars, but it has no effect.

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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2007-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 15:50 -0700 17/5/07, Chris Borokowski wrote:

>I was excited by the "social networking" package that
>is rumored to be part of In addition
>to translating output into PDF and XML, the new
>version will also automatically post it to your blog
>or Myspace.

This is for real, Chris, or just a leg-pull? ;-)

FrameMaker would seem to be to be orthogonal to the world of blogging, but 
then, I get surprised by something almost every day - if I'm not careful.


2007-05-18 Thread Keith Soltys
Diane Gaskill wrote:
> My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I cannot imagine 
> needing more than 10 conditions, even when you create PDF for both computer 
> screens and handhelds, and also help, as well as have 3 or 4 models of a 
> product described in the same set of files.  How in heck to you keep track of 
> 80 tags, Carla?
> Diane
> ==
> -Original Message-
>> From: Charles Beck 
>> Sent: May 17, 2007 3:36 PM
>> To: framers at
>> Subject: RE:
>> 80+ conditional tags?!?!?  WOW 

It's very easy. Earlier this year I worked on online help for a product 
that had three different versions, depending on role (user, user 
administrator, system adminsitrator). I had to produce both online help 
and a printed manual. I ended up with 14 conditions to handle all the 
variations. 80 conditions is a bit extreme, but I can easily imagine a 
scenario where you'd need them - though I'd be looking for alternatives 


Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold

Hi, Jim:

I forgot one important thing:

Sometimes the Fill > None method doesn't seem to enable 
transparency on screen in FrameMaker, but it does enable it in 
printing to paper, or converting to PDF by Save As, or 
printing to a PostScript file and distilling it. If you 
haven't tried these output steps, there's still a chance.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Pinkham, Jim wrote:

I checked and had Fill defaulted to None. Thanks for the suggestion,
though. It was well worth trying. 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Gold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:27 AM

To: Stuart Rogers
Cc: Pinkham, Jim;
Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and then in
Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this enables
transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let us know how it
works for you.




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change bars -- how to turn off

2007-05-18 Thread nancy carpenter

Help!  Does anyone know how to turn off change bars?  They are appearing in
a document that I am editing today.  A few years ago, I used change bars on
this file and removed all the bars.  I edited this file a few months ago
and they did not appear.  Today, they appear.  I looked at the Format /
Change Bars dialog box, and Automatic Change Bars is not checked.  I also
tried removing the bar using Format / Style / Change Bars, but it has no

Nancy Carpenter
Lead Technical Writer
GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
100 Papercraft Park
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238___

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2007-05-18 Thread Martinek, Carla
Oh, yeah... two more things I remembered from the demos:

1 - you can embed a 3D image in Frame, and the user can manipulate it in
Acro Reader 8.  They can change the lighting, rotate the object, change
it to wireframe, among other things.

2 - you can embed a Flash object directly in Frame.  The static picture
will be whatever the first frame of the Flash file is.

I can already think of uses for these, such as embedding demos for
procedures on our product.  


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RE: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
I checked and had Fill defaulted to None. Thanks for the suggestion,
though. It was well worth trying. 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Gold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:27 AM
To: Stuart Rogers
Cc: Pinkham, Jim;
Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and then in
Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this enables
transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let us know how it
works for you.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Stuart Rogers wrote:
> Pinkham, Jim wrote:
>> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there 
>> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of

>> an imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the 
>> problem of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy 
>> problem/feature or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be 
>> to take advantage of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I 
>> suspect I'm missing something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>>  Any suggestions as 
>> to what to do?
> It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
> support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
> find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid 
> spacing to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts 
> will snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines 
> behind the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap 
> feature and turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered

> view.)
> HTH,


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Re: OT: RE: surreptitious mountains

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold

Diane Gaskill wrote:

Reminds me of the job posting on the list a while back that said somthing
about working with your piers.

Are you sure that this wasn't a sails position?

The rest is available on request.

All these pun-ishing responses are exhausting. I'd like to 
request that rest, now.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices


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Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Gold
Jim, have you tried selecting the graphic in FrameMaker, and 
then in Graphics > Tools, choosing Fill > None? Sometimes this 
enables transparency in an imported graphic. Worth a try. Let 
us know how it works for you.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Stuart Rogers wrote:

Pinkham, Jim wrote:

I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
something obvious. What I see today is shown at:  Any suggestions as to
what to do?

It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing 
to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will 
snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind 
the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and 
turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)



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PDF Content reuse with Frame + DITA?

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Prentice
Hi Gyanesh...

If your main goal is to publish two different sets of content from the 
same FM source files, I'd think that your best bet is to just use 
conditional text (show/hide) in unstructured FM files. There are 
probably benefits you could gain by moving to structure and/or DITA (and 
it can certainly be done with structure/DITA), but for what you're 
talking about, conditional text is really all you need. Just create two 
conditional tags and apply those tags to the content that is only for 
one product or the other (just don't overlap conditions) .. anything 
that is common to both would be left untagged. Use the conditional text 
show/hide settings to show one and hide the other, then generate your PDF.



Gyanesh Talwar wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> (Frame 7.2b144)
> For my product, I have 2 guides with similar content across different
> chapters. Can I publish two different PDFs from the same source (with
> selective content obviously).
> -> How will this be done? Using topic IDs?
> -> Is Show/hide a better option for this than Structured Frame?
> -> Is it viable to use DITA for this? Some other EDD ...or custome made?
> TIA,
> Gyanesh

Re: PDF Content reuse with Frame + DITA?

2007-05-18 Thread Scott Prentice

Hi Gyanesh...

If your main goal is to publish two different sets of content from the 
same FM source files, I'd think that your best bet is to just use 
conditional text (show/hide) in unstructured FM files. There are 
probably benefits you could gain by moving to structure and/or DITA (and 
it can certainly be done with structure/DITA), but for what you're 
talking about, conditional text is really all you need. Just create two 
conditional tags and apply those tags to the content that is only for 
one product or the other (just don't overlap conditions) .. anything 
that is common to both would be left untagged. Use the conditional text 
show/hide settings to show one and hide the other, then generate your PDF.



Gyanesh Talwar wrote:

Hello Framers,

(Frame 7.2b144)

For my product, I have 2 guides with similar content across different
chapters. Can I publish two different PDFs from the same source (with
selective content obviously).

-> How will this be done? Using topic IDs?
-> Is Show/hide a better option for this than Structured Frame?
-> Is it viable to use DITA for this? Some other EDD ...or custome made?



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2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
>> I've been sorely tempted to write a free plugin to do that,
where you could have boolean logic that included more
than "OR".  Perhaps this is a feature in the next FM.
I don't know, myself, but I'd love to see it. 

That would ROCK! Please create that plugin


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jeremy H. Griffith
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:38 PM
Subject: Re:

On Thu, 17 May 2007 20:08:17 -0700 (GMT-07:00), Diane Gaskill 

>My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I 
>cannot imagine needing more than 10 conditions, even when 
>you create PDF for both computer screens and handhelds, and 
>also help, as well as have 3 or 4 models of a product 
>described in the same set of files.  

I can imagine it quite easily... think "combinatorial
explosion".  With the present system, when you have 
more than one axis, like say "product" and "country",
each with two or more values, say pot/pan and UK/US,
you have a problem with unwanted intersections.  If
you say to include pot and US, and exclude pan and UK,
you'll be surprised to see that pan/US and pot/UK are
both present.  This is because when categories overlap
and one is in and one is out, the combination is in.

To prevent that, in the situation above, you need
tags for pot (not US/UK), pan (not US/UK), US (not
pot/pan), UK (not pot/pan), pot-US, pot-UK, pan-US,
and pan-UK.  That's the simplest case, and it needs
eight tags.  Add another axis, like user/admin, and
see what happens...  Hint: it's *more* than 16.  ;-)

>How in heck to you keep track of 80 tags, Carla?

That's the problem, all right.  Managing it all.  I've
been sorely tempted to write a free plugin to do that,
where you could have boolean logic that included more
than "OR".  Perhaps this is a feature in the next FM.
I don't know, myself, but I'd love to see it.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

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2007-05-18 Thread Gillian Flato
>> I've been sorely tempted to write a free plugin to do that,
where you could have boolean logic that included more
than "OR".  Perhaps this is a feature in the next FM.
I don't know, myself, but I'd love to see it. 

That would ROCK! Please create that plugin


-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Jeremy H. Griffith
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:38 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re:

On Thu, 17 May 2007 20:08:17 -0700 (GMT-07:00), Diane Gaskill 

>My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I 
>cannot imagine needing more than 10 conditions, even when 
>you create PDF for both computer screens and handhelds, and 
>also help, as well as have 3 or 4 models of a product 
>described in the same set of files.  

I can imagine it quite easily... think "combinatorial
explosion".  With the present system, when you have 
more than one axis, like say "product" and "country",
each with two or more values, say pot/pan and UK/US,
you have a problem with unwanted intersections.  If
you say to include pot and US, and exclude pan and UK,
you'll be surprised to see that pan/US and pot/UK are
both present.  This is because when categories overlap
and one is in and one is out, the combination is in.

To prevent that, in the situation above, you need
tags for pot (not US/UK), pan (not US/UK), US (not
pot/pan), UK (not pot/pan), pot-US, pot-UK, pan-US,
and pan-UK.  That's the simplest case, and it needs
eight tags.  Add another axis, like user/admin, and
see what happens...  Hint: it's *more* than 16.  ;-)

>How in heck to you keep track of 80 tags, Carla?

That's the problem, all right.  Managing it all.  I've
been sorely tempted to write a free plugin to do that,
where you could have boolean logic that included more
than "OR".  Perhaps this is a feature in the next FM.
I don't know, myself, but I'd love to see it.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

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OT: RE: surreptitious mountains

2007-05-18 Thread Diane Gaskill
Reminds me of the job posting on the list a while back that said somthing
about working with your piers.

No question.  English is a strange language and it's no wonder why it is
hard for people from other countries to learn it.  A lot of it just doesn't
make sense.  Read on to see what I mean.

Exerpt from "This Crazy Language" by Kim Lo.

 English is the most widely used language in the history of our
planet.  One in every seven humans can speak it.  More than half the
world's books and three quarters of international mail is in English.
Of all the languages, it has the largest vocabulary - perhaps as many
as two MILLION words.  Nonetheless, let's face it - English is a crazy

 We take English for granted.  But if we explore its paradoxes, we
find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, and a
guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

The rest is available on request.  Too long to post.


-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of Stuart Rogers
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:12 PM
Cc: Framers List; framers at
Subject: surreptitious mountains

OK, this is really getting to be fingernails on a chalkboard -- at least
5 occurrences from at least 3 contributors, of "sneak peaks".

Unless we're talking stealthy hilltops here, it's peeks, not peaks, please!!

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com


OT: RE: surreptitious mountains

2007-05-18 Thread Diane Gaskill
Reminds me of the job posting on the list a while back that said somthing
about working with your piers.

No question.  English is a strange language and it's no wonder why it is
hard for people from other countries to learn it.  A lot of it just doesn't
make sense.  Read on to see what I mean.

Exerpt from "This Crazy Language" by Kim Lo.

 English is the most widely used language in the history of our
planet.  One in every seven humans can speak it.  More than half the
world's books and three quarters of international mail is in English.
Of all the languages, it has the largest vocabulary - perhaps as many
as two MILLION words.  Nonetheless, let's face it - English is a crazy

 We take English for granted.  But if we explore its paradoxes, we
find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, and a
guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

The rest is available on request.  Too long to post.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Stuart Rogers
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:12 PM
Cc: Framers List;
Subject: surreptitious mountains

OK, this is really getting to be fingernails on a chalkboard -- at least
5 occurrences from at least 3 contributors, of "sneak peaks".

Unless we're talking stealthy hilltops here, it's peeks, not peaks, please!!

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com



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RE: Cross Reference in Structured FrameMaker

2007-05-18 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
One easy thing to do is just to define the xref as having a character format 
attached in the template. Basically create the xref so that instead of:


It uses:


Where the  corresponds to a tag that is only set to add blue.

Hope that helps.


Bernard Aschwanden
Director of Technology and Publishing Architecture
Bright Path Solutions


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Danny G Green
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 4:24 PM
To: FrameList
Subject: Cross Reference in Structured FrameMaker

This is probably very simple, but can someone tell me how to write my 
XRef element so that all of cross reference are blue in my document?

Danny Green


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Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
something obvious. What I see today is shown at:  Any suggestions as to
what to do?


RE: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
Thanks, Stuart. I'm working with this, and I think it will prove


P.S. -- It would be great if Frame *did* support transparency. 

-Original Message-
From: Stuart Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Pinkham, Jim
Subject: Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

Pinkham, Jim wrote:
> I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there 
> should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of 
> an imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the 
> problem of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy 
> problem/feature or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be 
> to take advantage of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I 
> suspect I'm missing something obvious. What I see today is shown at:
>  Any suggestions as to

> what to do?

It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't
support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll
find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing
to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will
snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind
the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and
turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

I'll stop saying Microsoft is arrogant when
Windows stops saying "Welcome" and instead says "May I?"


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How to keep track of 80 conditional text tags... (was RE:

2007-05-18 Thread Martinek, Carla
-Original Message-
From: Diane Gaskill

My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I cannot
imagine needing more than 10 conditions, even when you create PDF for
both computer screens and handhelds, and also help, as well as have 3 or
4 models of a product described in the same set of files.  How in heck
to you keep track of 80 tags, Carla?



Good question!

First, to set it up, we have at least 7 different product lines, and
then many of those printers have special versions (Customs) for specific
customers. Some printers are OEM'ed and need to be rebranded, and may
have special programming on them or special hardware features that are
different from our standard line.  Depending on the printer, it could be
rebranded for 1-3 different OEM vendors, there are 5 or more programming
guides for different programming languages that work on our printers,
and there are 2-3 hardware pieces that attach to the printers, and they
have their own guides.

To manage all of this, we create a matrix table, showing all the
conditions and the various types of docs.  Down the left side is each
product/product line.  A product gets a specific color assigned to it.
Across the top are the types of guides -- Programming Guide (PG) User
Guides (UG), Quick Ref Guide (QRG), Maintenance Manual (MM) and
Maintenance Kits (Kit).  Variations on the conditional text style
indicate the guide type (plain, overline, underline, strikethrough,

Naming for conditional text is logical:

UG Product1
UG Product2
UG Product3
QRG Product1
QRG Product2
QRG Product3
PG ProgLang1
PG ProgLang2
MM Product1
...and so on...

We discussed it as a group, and felt it was more logical to group by
guide type than by product name with our stuff.  YMMV, and in your
situation you may find it easier to group by product name.

This table is part of an "import from" document that writers are
supposed to use to define the user variables and set the conditional
tags to show for a particular document.  Because content is shared,
conditional tag and variables for a particular topic could be set to
anything when you go to generate your book file, so you would use the
"import from" file to set these items.  A writer would know just by
looking at the table which conditional tags are showing (if conditional
text is hidden, then no text appears in the corresponding table cell).

Oh, and when you're working in a situation like this, the most important
thing is that conditions need to be ADDITIVE.  NEVER create a
conditional tag that is "not this" or "not that," -- you're only setting
yourself up for trouble (been there, done that).  If a piece of text
needs to have 40 conditions applied to it, then that's what it needs.
This also puts the conditions in a format that can be managed when we go
to XML.

This conditional text structure required some forethought and planning
to accommodate all of our needs, but now its easily expandable as we add
more products and printer lines.

I'd be happy to send an example to anyone who'd like to see it.


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2007-05-18 Thread Martinek, Carla
Oh, yeah... two more things I remembered from the demos:

1 - you can embed a 3D image in Frame, and the user can manipulate it in
Acro Reader 8.  They can change the lighting, rotate the object, change
it to wireframe, among other things.

2 - you can embed a Flash object directly in Frame.  The static picture
will be whatever the first frame of the Flash file is.

I can already think of uses for these, such as embedding demos for
procedures on our product.  

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Re: Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Stuart Rogers

Pinkham, Jim wrote:

I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
something obvious. What I see today is shown at:  Any suggestions as to
what to do?

It's not an Illustrator 'feature' -- it's just that Frame doesn't 
support transparency.  But read the Help entry on Using Grids. You'll 
find that if you set the visible grid lines and the (snap) grid spacing 
to the same value, and turn on Graphics > Snap, your callouts will 
snap-align to the grid even though you can't see the grid lines behind 
the white background.  (In fact, you can just use the snap feature and 
turn off the visible grid lines, for a much less cluttered view.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

I'll stop saying Microsoft is arrogant when
Windows stops saying "Welcome" and instead says "May I?"


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2007-05-18 Thread Keith Soltys

Diane Gaskill wrote:

My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I cannot imagine 
needing more than 10 conditions, even when you create PDF for both computer 
screens and handhelds, and also help, as well as have 3 or 4 models of a 
product described in the same set of files.  How in heck to you keep track of 
80 tags, Carla?



-Original Message-

From: Charles Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: May 17, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: RE:

80+ conditional tags?!?!?  WOW 

It's very easy. Earlier this year I worked on online help for a product 
that had three different versions, depending on role (user, user 
administrator, system adminsitrator). I had to produce both online help 
and a printed manual. I ended up with 14 conditions to handle all the 
variations. 80 conditions is a bit extreme, but I can easily imagine a 
scenario where you'd need them - though I'd be looking for alternatives 


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Aligning Imported Graphics and Callouts Against the Grid

2007-05-18 Thread Pinkham, Jim
I'm using FM 7.1p116 and Illustrator 9.0.  It would seem that there
should be a way to get beyond/behind the standard white background of an
imported Illy file to show only the image. I'm not sure if the problem
of the white canvas obscuring the gridlines is an Illy problem/feature
or on the Frame side. In any case, the goal would be to take advantage
of the gridlines to position and align callouts. I suspect I'm missing
something obvious. What I see today is shown at:  Any suggestions as to
what to do?

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How to keep track of 80 conditional text tags... (was RE:

2007-05-18 Thread Martinek, Carla
-Original Message-
From: Diane Gaskill

My question is Why??  I suppose this is a little OT, but I cannot
imagine needing more than 10 conditions, even when you create PDF for
both computer screens and handhelds, and also help, as well as have 3 or
4 models of a product described in the same set of files.  How in heck
to you keep track of 80 tags, Carla?



Good question!

First, to set it up, we have at least 7 different product lines, and
then many of those printers have special versions (Customs) for specific
customers. Some printers are OEM'ed and need to be rebranded, and may
have special programming on them or special hardware features that are
different from our standard line.  Depending on the printer, it could be
rebranded for 1-3 different OEM vendors, there are 5 or more programming
guides for different programming languages that work on our printers,
and there are 2-3 hardware pieces that attach to the printers, and they
have their own guides.

To manage all of this, we create a matrix table, showing all the
conditions and the various types of docs.  Down the left side is each
product/product line.  A product gets a specific color assigned to it.
Across the top are the types of guides -- Programming Guide (PG) User
Guides (UG), Quick Ref Guide (QRG), Maintenance Manual (MM) and
Maintenance Kits (Kit).  Variations on the conditional text style
indicate the guide type (plain, overline, underline, strikethrough,

Naming for conditional text is logical:

UG Product1
UG Product2
UG Product3
QRG Product1
QRG Product2
QRG Product3
PG ProgLang1
PG ProgLang2
MM Product1
...and so on...

We discussed it as a group, and felt it was more logical to group by
guide type than by product name with our stuff.  YMMV, and in your
situation you may find it easier to group by product name.

This table is part of an "import from" document that writers are
supposed to use to define the user variables and set the conditional
tags to show for a particular document.  Because content is shared,
conditional tag and variables for a particular topic could be set to
anything when you go to generate your book file, so you would use the
"import from" file to set these items.  A writer would know just by
looking at the table which conditional tags are showing (if conditional
text is hidden, then no text appears in the corresponding table cell).

Oh, and when you're working in a situation like this, the most important
thing is that conditions need to be ADDITIVE.  NEVER create a
conditional tag that is "not this" or "not that," -- you're only setting
yourself up for trouble (been there, done that).  If a piece of text
needs to have 40 conditions applied to it, then that's what it needs.
This also puts the conditions in a format that can be managed when we go
to XML.

This conditional text structure required some forethought and planning
to accommodate all of our needs, but now its easily expandable as we add
more products and printer lines.

I'd be happy to send an example to anyone who'd like to see it.

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PDF Content reuse with Frame + DITA?

2007-05-18 Thread Gyanesh Talwar

Hello Framers,

(Frame 7.2b144)

For my product, I have 2 guides with similar content across different
chapters. Can I publish two different PDFs from the same source (with
selective content obviously).

-> How will this be done? Using topic IDs?
-> Is Show/hide a better option for this than Structured Frame?
-> Is it viable to use DITA for this? Some other EDD ...or custome made?


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2007-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 15:50 -0700 17/5/07, Chris Borokowski wrote:

>I was excited by the "social networking" package that
>is rumored to be part of In addition
>to translating output into PDF and XML, the new
>version will also automatically post it to your blog
>or Myspace.

This is for real, Chris, or just a leg-pull? ;-)

FrameMaker would seem to be to be orthogonal to the world of blogging, but 
then, I get surprised by something almost every day - if I'm not careful.


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Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Graeme R Forbes
 From the interview 
( with 
the Adobe CEO:


We will continue to extend the capabilities of the core product in 
each of those segments with some of the features that are available 
in the other products. But, yes, it is our goal to continue to make 
sure that we don't leave any customer behind. For a number of 
customers who have adopted a product like FrameMaker, we will 
continue to invest in it.


A number that's a log way short of 100%. But the middle sentence does 
show a sense of humor.

Graeme Forbes

Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-18 Thread Graeme R Forbes
From the interview 
( with 
the Adobe CEO:


We will continue to extend the capabilities of the core product in 
each of those segments with some of the features that are available 
in the other products. But, yes, it is our goal to continue to make 
sure that we don't leave any customer behind. For a number of 
customers who have adopted a product like FrameMaker, we will 
continue to invest in it.


A number that's a log way short of 100%. But the middle sentence does 
show a sense of humor.

Graeme Forbes

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