[FRIAM] The Blunders that lead to the catastrophe - Humpty Dumpty's modeling school

2008-10-15 Thread peter

The main article 
( : ( : pete

The blunders that led to the banking crisis

   25 September 2008
   From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe
and get 4 free issues. 
  Rob Jameson

the quickest way to kill a bank? As recent events in the financial
world have shown, the answer is to deny them access to ready cash. Over
the past year, a string of banking institutions have found themselves
in such a "liquidity crisis": unable to convince the market they can
honour their promises to pay back money they owe. The result has been a
series of high-profile failures, from Northern Rock in the UK last year
to Lehman Brothers last week.
crisis did not come without warning. Ten years ago this month, a giant
hedge fund called Long-Term Capital Management collapsed when it too
suffered a liquidity crisis. Yet banks and regulators seem not to have
heeded the lessons from this wake-up call by improving the mathematical
models that they use to manage their risk.
raises two key questions. How did the risk modellers get it so wrong?
And what can they do to prevent similar crises in future?
are vulnerable to liquidity crises because they borrow money that may
have to be repaid in the short term, and use it to back up more
lucrative longer-term investments. If depositors withdraw their money
and other lenders refuse to lend the bank the funds they need to
replace it, the bank ends up in trouble because it can't easily turn
its long-term assets into cash to make up the shortfall.
pay enormous sums to lure researchers away from other areas of science
and set them to work building complex statistical models that
supposedly tell the bankers about the risks they are running. So why
didn't they see what was coming?
answer lies partly in the nature of liquidity crises. "By definition
they are rare, extreme events, so all the models you rely on in normal
times don't work any more," says Michel Crouhy head of research and
development at the French investment bank Natixis, and author of a
standard text on financial risk management. What's more, each liquidity
crisis is inevitably different from its predecessors, not least because
major crises provoke changes in the shape of markets, regulations and
the behaviour of players.
“Liquidity crises are rare,
extreme events, so all the models you rely on in normal times don't
work any more”
top of this, banks wrongly assumed that two areas of vulnerability
could be treated in isolation, each with its own risk model. When the
two areas began to affect each other and drive up banks' liquidity risk
there was no unifying framework to predict what would happen, explains
William Perraudin, director of the Risk Management Laboratory at
Imperial College London.
False assumption
first set of models covers the bank's day-to-day trading. These models
typically assume that market prices will continue to behave much as
they have in the past, and that they are reasonably predictable.
Unfortunately, while this assumption may hold for straightforward
financial instruments such as shares and bonds, it doesn't apply to the
complicated financial instruments which bundle up different kinds of
assets such as high-risk mortgages. What's more, information about the
market prices of these products usually goes back only a few years, if
it is available at all. "Statistical models based on short time series
of data are a terrible way to understand [these kinds of] risks," says
models also assumed that the bank would be able to sell "problematic"
assets, such as high-risk sub-prime mortgages, and this too turned out
not to be true. "It's the combination of poor price risk modelling and
being unable to sell out of the position that has produced the
nightmare scenario," Perraudin says.
second set of risk models is intended to estimate the risk from
borrowers failing to repay money they owe the bank. Because it's harder
to sell off loans than bonds or stock, these models assume that the
banks may have to bear the risks for longer. Such models were often
regarded as the cutting edge of risk modelling, using sophisticated
mathematics to predict how different debtors might be affected by
economic conditions.
Perraudin says these models mostly overlook how bad news can affect
banks' ability to raise funds. "The real risk," he says, "turns out to
be a cycle of drops." It plays out like this: word gets around that
banks have got something on their hands that has dramatically lost
value; this makes other institutions reluctant to lend them money to
help them out, which in turn makes the value of their assets shrink
further. The overall effect is to suck liquidity out of the market.
is working on a model for a hedge fund that takes account of this
feedback, but he says it's a fiendishly difficult problem, partly
because the models have to include a factor that captures the
relationship between a bank's 

[FRIAM] Blinded By Science - When models FAIL taking all the humans with them

2008-10-15 Thread peter

best piece in this entire article ( Posted in full because its
subscribers only ) is "
could so many smart people have got it so wrong? One reason is that
their faith in their models' predictive powers led them to ignore what
was happening in the real world."

What does that say about our entire approach to modeling especially
when our clients believe in the model, thinking it reflects the real
world as most of these poor ( pun ) bankers and financial geniuses did

Ill post the master text from the main article " The
Blunders that lead to the catastrophe " - How the
brightest and the best mathematical modelers fail at their task of
keeping disaster at bay in the next post   To be fair the main
quant defense is we didn't have enough related data but when the result
is a financial loss to the financial world equal to all the sums made
in the systems lifetime that excuse frankly sucks

( :: ( : pete




Editorial: When the numbers don't add up
Blinded by science - Financial regulators have allowed
themselves to be bamboozled
( Ably assisted by quants and techies
on huge bonuses - my insert ( : ( : pete ) 

   24 September 2008
   From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe
and get 4 free issues. 

of the most alarming things about the crisis in the global financial
system is that the warning signs have been out there for some time, yet
no one heeded them. Exactly 10 years ago a hedge fund called Long-Term Capital Management
failed to convince investors that it could repay its debts, thereby
bringing the world to the brink of a similar "liquidity crisis" to the
one we now see. Disaster was averted then only because regulators
managed to put together a multibillion-dollar bailout package.
collapse was particularly notable because its founders had set great
store by their use of statistical models designed to keep tabs on the
risks inherent in their investments. Its fall should have been a
wake-up call to banks and their regulatory supervisors that the models
were not working as well as hoped - in particular that they were
ignoring the risks of extreme events and the connections that send such
events reverberating around the financial system. Instead, they carried
on using them.
that disaster has struck again, some financial risk modellers - the
"quants" who have wielded so much influence over modern banking - are
saying they know where the gaps in their knowledge are and are
promising to fill them (see
"How the risk models failed the world's banks"). Should we trust
track record does not inspire confidence. Statistical models have
proved almost useless at predicting the killer risks for individual
banks, and worse than useless when it comes to risks to the financial
system as a whole. The models encouraged bankers to think they were
playing a high-stakes card game, when what they were actually doing was
more akin to lining up a row of dominoes.
could so many smart people have got it so wrong? One reason is that
their faith in their models' predictive powers led them to ignore what
was happening in the real world. Finance offers enormous scope for
dissembling: almost any failure can be explained away by a judicious
choice of language and data. When investors don't behave like the
self-interested Homo economicus that economists suppose them to
be, they are described as being "irrationally exuberant" or blinded by
panic. An alternative view - that investors are reacting logically in
the face of uncertainty - is rarely considered. Similarly, extreme
events are described as happening only "once in a century" - even
though there is insufficient data on which to base such an assessment.
“Bankers' faith in their
models' predictive powers led them to ignore what was happening in the
real world”
quants' models might successfully predict the movement of markets most
of the time, but the bankers who rely on them have failed to realise
that the occasions on which the markets deviate from normality are much
more important than those when they comply. The events of the past year
have driven this home in spectacular fashion: by some estimates, the
banking industry has lost more money in the current crisis than it has
made in its entire history.
Can modellers do better? There are alternatives to the standard
approach: models based on people's real-world behaviour (New
Scientist, 30 August, p 16) and on "virtual agents" (New
Scientist, 19 July, p 32)
have shown promise, though these are still fringe fields in economics.
Most quants, while acknowledging the shortcomings of their models, tend
to argue that approximations are necessary, given the difficulty of
modelling extreme events, which are in any case rare.
may be true, but it is dangerous to assume that the approximations are
sound. Sometimes even small modelling deficiencies can have huge
consequences. Nassim Taleb,
an expert on chance and co-director of the Decision Rese

[FRIAM] Fwd: sfx Events: Occam's Razor, Saturday, October 18, 4:00 pm

2008-10-15 Thread Don Begley

Stop by this Saturday--this looks like a stunning show.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Don Begley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 15, 2008 10:30:17 AM MDT
Subject: sfx Events: Occam's Razor, Saturday, October 18, 4:00 pm

Simple but No Simpler:

Occam's Razor
Opens This Week

Saturday, October 18 at 4:00 pm

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."
William Oakham, 14th century

"Things should be made as simple as possible,
but not simpler."
Albert Einstein, 20th century

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walking distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza  
downtown. We're housed in two facilities, the project space at 624  
Agua Fria and the work space at 632 Agua Fria.

The conference area contains meeting rooms and facilities for short- 
term use associated with on-going sfComplex projects. The project  
space houses the great room, where we hold events and offer Internet  
access, working facilities, a coffee lounge and work carrels for  
laptop users.

While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot  
is more conveniently located for the 632 facility. Romero St. is an  
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it until it opens up to two lanes and turn hard right into the parking  
lot for 632.

Here's a map to our location. For more information, call Don Begley at  

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

Re: [FRIAM] The Evolutionary Basis of Depression

2008-10-15 Thread Douglas Roberts
I found it to be an interesting read, but the ending left me kind of sad.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Jochen Fromm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a new book from Paul Keedwell named "How Sadness Survived: The
> Evolutionary Basis of Depression". The thesis is that depression has evolved
> to avoid the pursuit of unachievable goals. What do you think of it? See
> http://blog.cas-group.net/2008/10/depression-as-adaptation/
> -J.
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

[FRIAM] The Evolutionary Basis of Depression

2008-10-15 Thread Jochen Fromm
There is a new book from Paul Keedwell named 
"How Sadness Survived: The Evolutionary Basis of 
Depression". The thesis is that depression has evolved 
to avoid the pursuit of unachievable goals. What 
do you think of it? See



FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

Re: [FRIAM] Selection, Reproductive rate, and Karrying Kapacity.

2008-10-15 Thread Phil Henshaw
Russ & Nick,
Regarding multilevel selection, aren't there multi-level systems involved?
Certainly a change in cell behavior affects the organism, and the local
pack, and larger population, and the local ecology too.  But you also have
reverse effects in that the larger scale orders greatly alter what each
lower order differences will make a difference.  Then there's the
interesting aspect that some kinds of complex systems overlap in lots of
ways, like complexly varied ecosystems with many intersecting levels, and so
a simple hierarchy is not what is operating either.   

What can, if you follow it through, straighten all that out is considering
systems as individual exploratory networks.  Then you can still have
independent ones that overlap and they still work fine, and all of them can
have a role in mediating selection for all the others.

Phil Henshaw      .·´ ¯ `·.
680 Ft. Washington Ave NY NY 10040   
tel: 212-795-4844   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]explorations:
"it's not finding what people say interesting, but finding the interest in
what they say" 

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

Re: [FRIAM] Selection, Reproductive rate, and Karrying Kapacity.

2008-10-15 Thread Phil Henshaw


That's a good example about the difference between breeding for the best
bird vs. the best bird environment, but they don't immediately seem to
address whether variation is developmental or random. It's tricky to
find the hard evidence, but I don't know of anyone saying they could show
statistically that random variation would be constructive either. My
hint is that the organizational processes we can observe the workings of
generally do exhibit developmental variation, like we use in any programming
or other design process.   


Once you think of the first part in the design, the process that seems to
work better for people is adding a second related part, *if the first seemed
to work*, and that way extending variations from prior variations
experimentally, rather than randomly.It takes some effort to imagine how
genetic variation could be 'tree like' instead of helter skelter.  but there
a number of ways.  What you need is for competitive advantage to multiply
related variations.


In any case individual organism growth and development is clearly a
branching process, and speciation seems to clearly be an extension of a
prior branching process.   Maybe speciation occurs by a branching process
too.In speciation the form of the organism appears to extend its
developmental trees as whole, all at once, something that a tree like
variation process could do and a random variation process very likely not.
So that's what I think would be sensible to look for. 


Besides, tree-like development could do one thing that random variation
can't, produce developmental step changes that begin and end.  That's what
is apparently displayed by my little plankton.  I'd really love to have the
$'s to do a photo animation of how the smooth to then bulgy shapes on it's
shell changed through the dips and turns of it's dramatic changes in size
from one to another stable form.




Of Russ Abbott
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 5:15 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Selection, Reproductive rate, and Karrying Kapacity.


One of my favorite books of the year is David Sloan Wilson's Evolution for
Everyone. Wilson has been arguing for multi-level selection for quite a
while -- and as far as I'm concerned he makes very good points. 

The fundamental insight is that everything is both a group and an
individual.  And hence virtually anything can evolve at the individual level
-- even if it's a group. 

Wilson likes talking about religions (or religious groups united by
religious practices) as an example of a group that competes evolutionarily.
He argues that religious that promote hard work, support of fellow members
of one's religious community, etc. tend to succeed. 

He also tells the story of the experient in which groups of hens were
allowed to evolve. It was done in two ways.

1. Start with (say) a dozen cages, each with a certain number of hens. At
the end of a given time, the best egg-layer in each cage were bred to create
a second generaation of cages.  Continue for a certain number of

2. Start the same way, but after each generation, breed the best cage,
regardless of how its individual members performed.  Continue for a certain
number of generations.

The result: breeding cages was much more successful than breeding
individuals. In this case it turns out that breeding individuals produced
macho hens who pecked each other to death. Breeding cages produced
cooperative hens who lived happily with each other and produced lots of

The larger lesson is that groups often embody structures that support the
group's success. To enable those structures the group needs members who play
various roles. Simply selecting the most productive members of a group and
rewarding them breaks down the group structure. 

-- Russ 

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Nicholas Thompson



Here are some comments on various comments.   I succumb, reluctantly, to the
community norm about caps. 


[grumble, grumble]


Glen Said >


The idea of expansion and contraction is

interesting: rapid expansion of populations 

(when selection is relaxed) vs. rapid contraction 

of populations (when selection is intensified).


The human population went indeed through a 

phase of rapid expansion in the last decades while

natural selection was released through cultural 

and technological progress.


Seed Magazine has an article about human 

evolution and relaxed selection, too

http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/2008/10/how_we_evolve_1.php <===


Nick Replies ===>


I think this is a confusion between carrying capacity and selection.  When,
for some reason, carrying capacity is increased, the whole population can
expand, but this does not stop selection.  It may change the nature of
selection from tracking how well individu