Re: [FRIAM] Great Free Math Book

2012-04-06 Thread Alfredo Covaleda
Muy chévere.


2012/4/6 Owen Densmore 

> A couple of friends from Silicon Valley are taking the Stanford Algorithms
> course with me.  One of the "readings" for the class is:
> Mathematics for Computer Science
> Eric Lehman and Tom Leighton
> 2004
> ... which is a surprisingly complete survey of most of your
> basic undergraduate math, done very well.
>-- Owen
> Here is the table of contents:
> Contents
> 1 What is a Proof? 15
> 1.1 Propositions. 15
> 1.2 Axioms 19
> 1.3 LogicalDeductions . 20
> 1.4 ExamplesofProofs . 20
> 1.4.1 ATautology. 21
> 1.4.2 AProofbyContradiction . 22
> 2 Induction I 23
> 2.1 AWarmupPuzzle.. 23
> 2.2 Induction... 24
> 2.3 UsingInduction... 25
> 2.4 ADivisibilityTheorem... 28
> 2.5 AFaultyInductionProof.. 30
> 2.6 CourtyardTiling... 31
> 2.7 AnotherFaultyProof 33
> 3 Induction II 35
> 3.1 GoodProofsandBadProofs 35
> 3.2 APuzzle... 36
> 3.3 Unstacking.. 40
> 3.3.1 StrongInduction .. 40
> 3.3.2 AnalyzingtheGame  41
> 4 Number Theory I 45
> 4.1 ATheoryoftheIntegers .. 46
> 4.2 Divisibility.. 46
> 4.2.1 Turing’sCode(Version1.0)  47
> 4.2.2 TheDivisionAlgorithm .. 50
> 4.2.3 BreakingTuring’sCode .. 51
> 4.3 ModularArithmetic. 51
> 4.3.1 CongruenceandRemainders... 51
> 4.3.2 Factsaboutremandmod. 52
> 4.3.3 Turing’sCode(Version2.0) 54
> 4.3.4 CancellationModuloaPrime... 55
> 4.3.5 MultiplicativeInverses... 56
> 4.3.6 Fermat’sTheorem. 57
> 4.3.7 FindingInverseswithFermat’sTheorem 58
> 4.3.8 BreakingTuring’sCode—Again. 58
> 5 Number Theory II 61
> 5.1 DieHard... 61
> 5.1.1 DeathbyInduction. 62
> 5.1.2 AGeneralTheorem. 63
> 5.1.3 TheGreatestCommonDivisor.. 64
> 5.1.4 PropertiesoftheGreatestCommonDivisor... 65
> 5.2 TheFundamentalTheoremofArithemtic  67
> 5.3 ArithmeticwithanArbitraryModulus.. 68
> 5.3.1 RelativePrimalityandPhi. 68
> 5.3.2 GeneralizingtoanArbitraryModulus.. 70
> 5.3.3 Euler’sTheorem .. 71
> 6 Graph Theory 73
> 6.1 Introduction. 73
> 6.1.1 Definitions.. 74
> 6.1.2 SexinAmerica ... 74
> 6.1.3 GraphVariations .. 76
> 6.1.4 ApplicationsofGraphs .. 77
> 6.1.5 SomeCommonGraphs .. 77
> 6.1.6 Isomorphism  79
> 6.2 Connectivity. 80
> 6.2.1 ASimpleConnectivityTheorem . 80
> 6.2.2 DistanceandDiameter... 81
> 6.2.3 Walks. 83
> 6.3 AdjacencyMatrices. 83
> 6.4 Trees . 84
> 6.4.1 SpanningTrees ... 86
> 6.4.2 TreeVariations ... 87
> 7 Graph Theory II 89
> 7.1 ColoringGraphs... 89
> 7.1.1 k-Coloring.. 90
> 7.1.2 BipartiteGraphs .. 90
> 7.2 PlanarGraphs 91
> 7.2.1 Euler’sFormula... 93
> 7.2.2 ClassifyingPolyhedra ... 94
> 7.3 Hall’sMarriageTheorem.. 95
> 7.3.1 AFormalStatement  97
> 8 Communication Networks 99
> 8.1 CompleteBinaryTree 99
> 8.1.1 LatencyandDiameter ...100
> 8.1.2 SwitchSize .101
> 8.1.3 SwitchCount 101
> 8.1.4 Congestion .101
> 8.2 2-DArray ..103
> 8.3 Butterfly ...104
> 8.4 Benes ̆Network ...106
> 9 Relations 111
> 9.0.1 RelationsonO

[FRIAM] Great Free Math Book

2012-04-06 Thread Owen Densmore
A couple of friends from Silicon Valley are taking the Stanford Algorithms
course with me.  One of the "readings" for the class is:

Mathematics for Computer Science
Eric Lehman and Tom Leighton

... which is a surprisingly complete survey of most of your
basic undergraduate math, done very well.

   -- Owen

Here is the table of contents:

1 What is a Proof? 15
1.1 Propositions. 15
1.2 Axioms 19
1.3 LogicalDeductions . 20
1.4 ExamplesofProofs . 20
1.4.1 ATautology. 21
1.4.2 AProofbyContradiction . 22
2 Induction I 23
2.1 AWarmupPuzzle.. 23
2.2 Induction... 24
2.3 UsingInduction... 25
2.4 ADivisibilityTheorem... 28
2.5 AFaultyInductionProof.. 30
2.6 CourtyardTiling... 31
2.7 AnotherFaultyProof 33
3 Induction II 35
3.1 GoodProofsandBadProofs 35
3.2 APuzzle... 36
3.3 Unstacking.. 40
3.3.1 StrongInduction .. 40
3.3.2 AnalyzingtheGame  41
4 Number Theory I 45
4.1 ATheoryoftheIntegers .. 46
4.2 Divisibility.. 46
4.2.1 Turing’sCode(Version1.0)  47
4.2.2 TheDivisionAlgorithm .. 50
4.2.3 BreakingTuring’sCode .. 51
4.3 ModularArithmetic. 51
4.3.1 CongruenceandRemainders... 51
4.3.2 Factsaboutremandmod. 52
4.3.3 Turing’sCode(Version2.0) 54
4.3.4 CancellationModuloaPrime... 55
4.3.5 MultiplicativeInverses... 56
4.3.6 Fermat’sTheorem. 57
4.3.7 FindingInverseswithFermat’sTheorem 58
4.3.8 BreakingTuring’sCode—Again. 58
5 Number Theory II 61
5.1 DieHard... 61
5.1.1 DeathbyInduction. 62
5.1.2 AGeneralTheorem. 63
5.1.3 TheGreatestCommonDivisor.. 64
5.1.4 PropertiesoftheGreatestCommonDivisor... 65
5.2 TheFundamentalTheoremofArithemtic  67
5.3 ArithmeticwithanArbitraryModulus.. 68
5.3.1 RelativePrimalityandPhi. 68
5.3.2 GeneralizingtoanArbitraryModulus.. 70
5.3.3 Euler’sTheorem .. 71
6 Graph Theory 73
6.1 Introduction. 73
6.1.1 Definitions.. 74
6.1.2 SexinAmerica ... 74
6.1.3 GraphVariations .. 76
6.1.4 ApplicationsofGraphs .. 77
6.1.5 SomeCommonGraphs .. 77
6.1.6 Isomorphism  79
6.2 Connectivity. 80
6.2.1 ASimpleConnectivityTheorem . 80
6.2.2 DistanceandDiameter... 81
6.2.3 Walks. 83
6.3 AdjacencyMatrices. 83
6.4 Trees . 84
6.4.1 SpanningTrees ... 86
6.4.2 TreeVariations ... 87
7 Graph Theory II 89
7.1 ColoringGraphs... 89
7.1.1 k-Coloring.. 90
7.1.2 BipartiteGraphs .. 90
7.2 PlanarGraphs 91
7.2.1 Euler’sFormula... 93
7.2.2 ClassifyingPolyhedra ... 94
7.3 Hall’sMarriageTheorem.. 95
7.3.1 AFormalStatement  97
8 Communication Networks 99
8.1 CompleteBinaryTree 99
8.1.1 LatencyandDiameter ...100
8.1.2 SwitchSize .101
8.1.3 SwitchCount 101
8.1.4 Congestion .101
8.2 2-DArray ..103
8.3 Butterfly ...104
8.4 Benes ̆Network ...106
9 Relations 111
9.0.1 RelationsonOneSet111
9.0.2 RelationsandDirectedGraphs ..112
9.1 PropertiesofRelations ...112
9.2 EquivalenceRelations ...113
9.2.1 Partitions ..