Re: gEDA-user: New gnucap development snapshot

2006-12-09 Thread al davis
On Saturday 09 December 2006 05:23, Colin Hall wrote:
> Downloaded, untarred, configured, compiled and linked without
> error. The user manual built just fine. Commands were:
> [iMacG4:~] cgh%
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% tar -xf ~/Desktop/gnucap-2006-12-04.tar
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% ./configure --prefix=$HOME
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% make install
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% rehash
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% which gnucap
> /Users/cgh/bin/gnucap
> I tried to run it:
> [iMacG4:~] cgh% gnucap
> incorrect link order
> Abort
> [iMacG4:~] cgh%
> Looks like the Mac OSX loader failed. I thought I would send
> this before investigating the load error any further.

No.  It has to do with the new "dispatcher" which supports 
plugins.  It is experimental code.  The "incorrect link order" 
message says that gnucap tried to install a "plugin" but the 
dispatcher is not ready to receive it yet. 

All models, devices, and behavioral functions can be plugins, 
even simple things like resistors, and the "behavioral 
functions" like the spice style "sin" or "pwl" sources.  In a 
near future version, all of the commands will be set up as 
plugins too, making the core very small.

In this snapshot, all the modules that could be plugins are 
linked in, so you still have a single executable.

To get a working simulator, the easiest thing to do for now is 
to use the stable "0.35" release instead of the development 

To help me .. Tell more about what you have, in particular:

1. The compiler version "g++ --version" if you are using the gnu 
compiler, otherwise what are you using?

2. The actual text spew you get from "configure" and 
from "make", especially the link stage, which is probably the 
last "g++" command, the one that lists all the files.

Thanks for the report.

> My first port of call would be to take Fink off the path,
> re-configure and re-build.

Fink has nothing to do with it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: Wishes, bugs and misunderstandings (21-25)

2006-12-09 Thread Ales Hvezda
>> 23) Non-Feature: It is possible to launch the create attribute dialog if
>> an attribute is selected. On ok the action just does nothing. Please
>> launch an error popup instead.

Interestingly enough, I don't see this behavior. 

1) Select an attribute that is attached to something already
2) Execute Add/Attribute...
3) Type name and value of the attribute
4) Press OK
5) The new attribute is placed 

What steps am I missing here?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CVS gnetlist & gsch2pcb problems

2006-12-09 Thread Ales Hvezda
>He has other syntax changes to report for the various .scm
>files.. I'll let him do that.

Yes, I will be checking in some fixes for guile-1.8.1 once I 
have finished testing them.  


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Dave N6NZ

DJ Delorie wrote:

The advantage of going pcb->dxf and not gerber->dxf is that you only
have to worry about supporting the data we have, which is
significantly simpler than trying to support a generic gerber file.

Oh yes, I hear that.  What's easy and what's most generally useful 
seldom overlap.

I wish I knew of a good rule checker tool for .dxf file portability... 
writing a file that looks similar to .dxf is a lot easier than writing 
.dxf that any tool can read, unfortunately.  I don't have enough 
experience with .dxf to be confident that I could write a well formed file.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: IEEE Spectrum Letter

2006-12-09 Thread Ales Hvezda
>Congrats to Stuart Brorson in getting his letter to the editor in IEEE 
>Spectrum about gEDA!

Yes indeed.  I found it in print last Tuesday. :)  For those
who are not IEEE memebers you can read the blurb here:

Look for "Software Radio"


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: practical pcb layout-fu

2006-12-09 Thread Harry Eaton

John Griessen wrote:

So. with those ideas in mind, a GUI or hotkey set of commands to
switch between different weightings of costs for different signal paths
would be good.  Different rules for RF and short med speed digital paths,
and audio and heat dissipating power zones.

switch easily between rule sets.

In point of fact, the existing auto-router has a set of cost functions, 
iteration counts etc that really should be available for adjustment at 
the user interface.

Recently I've been making improvements to the autorouter; it produces 
much more "normal" looking tracks and generally is performing better. 
With that said I think that most people have unrealisitic expectation of 
what an auto router should be able to do, or how simple they are to 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: practical pcb layout-fu (was: router theory)

2006-12-09 Thread Stefan Salewski
John Griessen wrote:
>switch easily between rule sets

I fully agree.
No autorouter can guess which cost factors are more important than others, and 
human aid will often be necessary.

Some years ago I did a pcb with the autorouter of Eagle, and after finetuning 
all parameters I got an usable result.

A nice GUI for tuning parameters will be necessary. But a nice algorithm is 
needed too. I prefer a basically simple one (Lee's and ants is simple).

Does someone know which algorithm pcb autorouter is currently using? 

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: practical pcb layout-fu (was: router theory)

2006-12-09 Thread John Griessen

Stefan Salewski wrote:

What do you think about a combination of Lee's and ants algorithm?
Lee's algorithm finds a set of (overlapping) paths between two points, which 
includes the shortest and best path. And ants algorithm seems to be good to 
optimize these path, which is to select the best from this overlapping set.

Just an idea.

I think the most important thing is that those algorithms are about one path, 
and a layout is about many, so setting the initial conditions is a big deal for 
success.  Initial conditions like:

How many paths to attempt "on auto" before a human looks at it again
What is in the way? parts,
paths previously approved by a human,
barriers/keep out zones put there by a human,
What layers are available
all visible
a subset of visible
does a layer have a preferred run length direction?
Is a via expensive?
Is more area expensive?

So. with those ideas in mind, a GUI or hotkey set of commands to
switch between different weightings of costs for different signal paths
would be good.  Different rules for RF and short med speed digital paths,
and audio and heat dissipating power zones.

switch easily between rule sets.

John G

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Free papers about pcb router theory

2006-12-09 Thread Stefan Salewski
Bob Paddock wrote:
> "Autorouting with the A* algorithm", 
> by Randall Nevin , in
>Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools,
>Volume 14, Number 9, September, 1989.


Thanks for the link, I will read it soon.

What do you think about a combination of Lee's and ants algorithm?
Lee's algorithm finds a set of (overlapping) paths between two points, which 
includes the shortest and best path. And ants algorithm seems to be good to 
optimize these path, which is to select the best from this overlapping set.

Just an idea.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread DJ Delorie

The advantage of going pcb->dxf and not gerber->dxf is that you only
have to worry about supporting the data we have, which is
significantly simpler than trying to support a generic gerber file.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: IEEE Spectrum Letter

2006-12-09 Thread KURT PETERS
Congrats to Stuart Brorson in getting his letter to the editor in IEEE 
Spectrum about gEDA!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Dan McMahill

Dave N6NZ wrote:

John Griessen wrote:

There are a couple of python cad programs with open source to look at
that do some .ps and .dxf output, and no importing.  Pythoncad and cadvas
source code might be helpful in learning curve to get PCB to write out 

 From an overall work flow perspective, it might make sense to start 
with gerber previewer and add .dxf output to that.  That way, all pcb 
layout programs are enabled, not just PCB.  (Just thinking of my 
compatriots in the Homebrew Robotics Club -- quite a few different pcb 
layout programs are represented.)

that would be useful.  My guess is once someone were to acquire some 
dxf-fu that a dxf exporter for pcb would not be that hard.

The entirety of the gerber exporter for pcb (including comment and blank 
lines) is 990.  Of that, a fairly good bit could probably be reused 
(i.e. you need many/most of the same functions, just the internals need 
to change).

I actually started such a thing a long time ago but looks like I didn't 
get very far.  I think I got stalled in the "learn about how dxf works" 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Dave N6NZ

John Griessen wrote:

There are a couple of python cad programs with open source to look at
that do some .ps and .dxf output, and no importing.  Pythoncad and cadvas
source code might be helpful in learning curve to get PCB to write out 

From an overall work flow perspective, it might make sense to start 
with gerber previewer and add .dxf output to that.  That way, all pcb 
layout programs are enabled, not just PCB.  (Just thinking of my 
compatriots in the Homebrew Robotics Club -- quite a few different pcb 
layout programs are represented.)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Griessen wrote:


PCB is free, and it'll export .eps.  It's not a dxf but perhaps your 
cad application can import it.  You'll have to give it a scale

So, did this keep the stroked vectors nature of the data, or rasterize 
it finely?

Keep it vector, and either import at a scale if you know what it should 
be (say for the second or third iteration of the exact same PCB output) 
 or import it, and scale it.

I remember measurements being off on the order of 0.001" ... which could 
just as much be a result of the limitations of the scale tool (in cad) 
as my computation of the scale coefficient (in the HP).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread DJ Delorie

> Gerber is just few types of output shapes in the PCB case we use,
> since the only apertures used are circles and squares.  Lines, arcs,
> and aperture sizes, aperture round or square are all that is needed
> to draw a PCB in .gbr or .ps or .dxf.

We also use flashes, polygons, and anti-drawn layers.

Hey Harry, can we use the clipper code to create a set of polygons
that reflects all the not-copper parts of the board?  We could use
that set to drive a CNC mill directly.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread DJ Delorie

> So, did this keep the stroked vectors nature of the data, or rasterize it 
> finely?

EPS and PS output from PCB is always vectors.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB problem - bug?

2006-12-09 Thread DJ Delorie

Most likely, you haven't set up the layer groups correctly.  That's
what tells pcb which layers are "top" and which are "bottom".

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread John Griessen

 As I
understand it, dxf is open.  I don't really know if there are gnu or 
open code modules for creating and working with them

There are a couple of python cad programs with open source to look at
that do some .ps and .dxf output, and no importing.  Pythoncad and cadvas
source code might be helpful in learning curve to get PCB to write out .dxf.

Gerber is just few types of output shapes in the PCB case we use, since  the 
only apertures used are circles and squares.  Lines, arcs, and aperture sizes, 
aperture round or square are all that is needed to draw a PCB in .gbr or .ps or 

John G

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread John Griessen


PCB is free, and it'll export .eps.  It's not a dxf but perhaps your cad 
application can import it.  You'll have to give it a scale

So, did this keep the stroked vectors nature of the data, or rasterize it 

John G

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB fab supplies -- drills

2006-12-09 Thread John Griessen

Once I broke all the best sizes from this
set, I went to high speed.  I drill everything wet to keep the dust down 
and have been happy with steel.
The recommendation to use dental burrs for prototyping has some merit.  The 
burrs are short compared to the pcb fab drills, so they won't break easily.
Some carbide ones are for sale now on ebay -- 15 lots...unknown sizes.  I'm 
getting some to try out since Gary K8IZ says they work well.  I'll just mic them 
ans sort out into sizes to use.

John G

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CVS gnetlist & gsch2pcb problems

2006-12-09 Thread Jeff Mallatt

At 2006-12-08 12:24, Stuart Brorson wrote:

On Fri, 8 Dec 2006, Peter TB Brett wrote:

On Friday 08 December 2006 16:04, Stuart Brorson wrote:

What version of guile do you have?

The latest guile, 1.8.1 which comes on some of the latest distros
seems to have broken a lot of things.  Ales is working on a fix.

1.8.0 here.  I dunno, it does *look* like Guile breakage.  It's a bit of a
shame, because I really *needed* BOM generation yesterday afternoon -- I
ended up having to do it by hand.  Not fun AT ALL. :(

Your best bet is to backrev to the last working guile, 1.6.7.  Let us
know if it works; if so, then we have some work to do on guile
compatibility for the newest version.

When 1.8.1 hasn't worked for me, backing up to 1.6.7 or 1.6.8 has 
fixed the problem.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB problem - bug?

2006-12-09 Thread Harold D. Skank

I'm using the PCB package from the 20060907 gEDA disk release (thanks to
Stuart Brorson).

In the course of my current design effort, I elected to move some bypass
capacitors to the back side (solder) of the board.  No problem so far.

When I routed the board I found that router was attempting to connect to
the bypass caps as though they were on the front (component) side of the
board.  While I can correct these problems manually, even the DRC
checker thinks the pads are on the component side of the board, and
complains accordingly.

Now, is this a bug (possibly already corrected) or am I seeing some kind
of installation problem?  If it's an already corrected bug (I seem to
remember a host of complaints following this release) where can I
download the updated pcb files?

Harold Skank

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New gnucap development snapshot

2006-12-09 Thread Dan McMahill

Colin Hall wrote:

Hi Al,

System: Apple iMac
Processor:  PowerPC G4
OS: Mac OS X 10.3.9
Other:  Fink is installed.

Downloaded, untarred, configured, compiled and linked without error. The 
user manual built just fine. Commands were:

[iMacG4:~] cgh%
[iMacG4:~] cgh% tar -xf ~/Desktop/gnucap-2006-12-04.tar
[iMacG4:~] cgh% ./configure --prefix=$HOME
[iMacG4:~] cgh% make install
[iMacG4:~] cgh% rehash
[iMacG4:~] cgh% which gnucap

I tried to run it:

[iMacG4:~] cgh% gnucap
incorrect link order
[iMacG4:~] cgh%

Looks like the Mac OSX loader failed. I thought I would send this before 
investigating the load error any further.

could you send the part of the 'make' output where gnucap is linked?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New gnucap development snapshot

2006-12-09 Thread Colin Hall

Hi Al,

System: Apple iMac
Processor:  PowerPC G4
OS: Mac OS X 10.3.9
Other:  Fink is installed.

Downloaded, untarred, configured, compiled and linked without error. 
The user manual built just fine. Commands were:

[iMacG4:~] cgh%
[iMacG4:~] cgh% tar -xf ~/Desktop/gnucap-2006-12-04.tar
[iMacG4:~] cgh% ./configure --prefix=$HOME
[iMacG4:~] cgh% make install
[iMacG4:~] cgh% rehash
[iMacG4:~] cgh% which gnucap

I tried to run it:

[iMacG4:~] cgh% gnucap
incorrect link order
[iMacG4:~] cgh%

Looks like the Mac OSX loader failed. I thought I would send this 
before investigating the load error any further.

My first port of call would be to take Fink off the path, re-configure 
and re-build.


On 5 Dec 2006, at 1:28 am, al davis wrote:

There is a new development snapshot of gnucap available.

There's a package at:

This snapshot keeps the new way devices and models are
dispatched, and adds two user commands "attach" and "detach".
These commands allow the user to add and remove plugins at run

The 2006-11-snapshot added the capability to add something  just
by linking it, with no other changes required.  This version
adds the ability to do it manually at run time.

Work on Verilog-AMS is going well.  This is part of it.  Near
future enhancements include the ability to add commands in this
manner. A wrapper to allow Spice models (C code) to be used as
plugins has been designed, and is in process of being coded.

As usual, I am asking for feedback, particularly on non-Linux
and non-GNU systems.

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: making gnetlist calm down

2006-12-09 Thread David Kuehling

thanks for your answer.

> Ales Hvezda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [snip]
>> Found duplicate net name, renaming [+3.3V] to [BS1] WARNING: Trying
>> to rename something twice: +3.3V and +3.3V are both a src and dest
>> name This warning is okay if you have multiple levels of hierarchy!

>   This warning shows up when you have named a net twice, usually
> once with netname= and then again by attaching a power symbol.  If
> this is okay to you, then you can ignore these messages.  Keep in mind
> that gnetlist will pick one of the net names and run with it.  If it
> isn't the one you wanted, then you need to change your schematic (to
> only name a net once).

That makes sense.  I guess, this naming change is coherent for all the
schematics prosessed in one run, and won't rip nets apart?  Than that's
really not a problem.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Mark Rages

On 12/8/06, Dave N6NZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any free (as in speech) software that will convert gerber to .dxf?

Reason: I have access to a laser cutter through the TechShop and am
trying to work out a path to cut el-cheapo solder paste screens in
acetate sheet or similar material.  I tried the path of creating a
PostScript check plot and running the .ps through pstoedit, which looks
promising, although I haven't tried to cut the resulting file yet.
But... seems like a direct path from the gerber would be better instead
of relying on the check plot and the inherent precision limitations of
PostScript.  Or perhaps I underestimate the check plots?


I'm suprised the cutter doesn't take gerber directly, since that's the
standard for CNC machines.

You think that it is a secret, but it never has been one.
 - fortune cookie

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Dave N6NZ
hhmmm... QCAD only opens .dxf, pstoedit only opens PS, not EPS. But I 
guess if I don't do 'fill page' I should be OK.


DJ Delorie wrote:

PCB is free, and it'll export .eps.

Oh, right.  EPS, not PS output.  Both are Postscript, and thus
rasterized, but the PS output may be scaled to fit on the page.  If
you don't select the "fill page" option it may still work (with an
offset or rotation) but the EPS is a better choice.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber to .dxf converter

2006-12-09 Thread Dave N6NZ

DJ Delorie wrote:

It's common to want to move PCB layouts into cad for chassis layout
work.  What would be involved in giving PCB this feature?

Write an export HID.  It's the same way we export gerber and

.dxf would be very cool... but having been fooling with .dxf lately, i'd 
say it has plenty of gotchas.  bear in mind, i had never looked inside a 
.dxf file as of three weeks ago, so YMMV.  in the mean time, i have 
written a program to extract an interesting subset of a .dxf file and 
convert it to instructions to drive an Epilog laser cutter. (enough to 
cut table top robot chassis from 3mm acrylic)

the problem is that .dxf has a pretty ad-hoc structure.  pulling out 
pieces that you are interested in is not too hard.  reading the whole 
thing and making sense of it is hard.  writing a .dxf file that lots of 
different .dxf readers will interpret correctly is hard.

QCAD has a GPL'ed dxf i/o library for C++.  i'll probably end up 
re-writing my laser cutter convert to use that library. (another library 
choice is DIME.) even with the library, writing a correctly structured 
.dxf file is hard.

don't let me discourage you... i'd love to have .dxf export :) just 
don't expect to complete it in a weekend.

for my purposes, it sounds like running off the eps sounds sufficient.


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